Viewer Blitz Tournament

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turn my turn my turn them into viewers viewers viewers wait this is really close how about this how about I make a viewer tournament and we'll compromise let's make a viewer tournaments I haven't done one of these in a long long time how do I even make a tournament tournament create new tournaments we'll make it like five plus zero I guess it's like quick enough but not absurdly like long and we can get out get in enough games so initial thought time five minutes duration I'll make it an hour two minutes to join I think this is good enough I'll share the link in the chat to make things easier for people Oh toilet leg in said three Oh too late can i play stockfish 10 I could but not now its bits from coward calling thanks for the bits have I tried the other strategy games like Japanese chess or shogi or wait is that just one game Japanese chess show you is that separate or the same thing I tried learning shogi once I was I was with a friend a grandmaster Yuri Shulman who went through like a shogi phase and he was trying to teach me but I didn't get very far because I couldn't distinguish the pieces because all the pieces are just like Japanese characters and they're just like all these squiggly lines and I was just too difficult to keep track of everything but it seemed like an interesting concept like seems very comparable to like crazy house you like take a piece and you put it back on the board other games that I'm into are Scrabble and boggle I like word games and more recently this game Settlers of Catan which I was playing with other chess players and there's an app for it but nothing has really stuck to much I have considered streaming Scrabble though because there are like some internet Scrabble club sites oh this training starts very soon I share the link I figured if I shared the link I'll share it one more time how many players are there who's 37 players already okay looks like I'm gonna play a Palo six first round what's berserk no mercy this time I'll be aggressive because it's blitz see what he wants to do ok playing the stafford gambits this is like by far oh and my favorite blitz openings cuz there's so many traps and bitter b2 is probably the best move I have to remember what to do I think we need you 6 so far he's playing pretty much correctly like ensuring that I can't play my g4 but we'll see if he can keep it up ah maybe I should have played Queen d4 I forgot to play Queen d4 ooh I can still play Queen d4 because earlier at fish of e3 I could take on b2 but here it's almost just as good yes to make some concession there's only one move for light the problem is I don't really have that much I'm low on time because I desert wow so we have a hundred eighty-one subs which is far more than just an hour ago I played Bishop b6 Queen D it's kind of depressing do I have to do that probably I played there should be six so d4 doesn't attack my bishop that way if he plays d4 I just win the plum so he's up upon but still a little bit underdeveloped and he can't castle so arguably there's still some compensation there's a really cool move I want to play here which I think I'll play it violates some principles mainly leaving and I can attacked by a pond but we'll see if he sees a threat I want to play ninety three and fork let's do it I was also threatening Queen h4 with force mates so Knight f3 defend against sad at least but now I have a bishop in his territory which is actually kind of hard to remove this Bishop has no legal moves and my bishop prevents stuff will probably prevent black or from prevent light from castling later let's put the Queen here or d6 maybe d6 I'll just keep making threats and hope he misses amor just gets tired from defending them I think there's only one move here for White's you wonder that I see because this is a monster threat maybe there's a few moves yeah that was the one who that I saw I'm gonna put the coin in each six now I'm threatening just to win the pawn back these pawns look strong but I think they're a little bit overextended I also have the idea of playing queen up for just trying to find my way to f2 concrete chess is that when the chess pieces are made out of concrete as opposed to wood chess so you depends upon so I'm just gonna keep making threats this is what we call initiative where every move you just make a threat and you keep the opponent on the defense if you somehow defends g3 and then I'll probably play c5 keeping the initiative I also couldn't maybe just take the knight and win the pond I'm also threatening g2 so he plays Bishop f3 but that allows Queen g3 Keeney two's force and I can take this and now the scheme can not get off the e-file they can move back but doesn't really help I'm threatening a large number of discovery checks oh there is a move here for a white bishop me for that's the best move now my bishop is undefended I could just take the knight yeah and I'll do it and now somehow I'm up a pawn with a decent position I can still castle either side and b-2s attached so I'm keeping initiative even more Queen b3 could move Castle kingside I think I'll castle or I'll play Bishop g7 first I'm trying to bait him into taking the pawn if he takes a pawn I'll be happy because the open file is more valuable than the pawn so Queen takes b7 I just Castle kingside and if not I probably Castle queenside so I'm finally up on time I counselled queenside because I want Brooke here in here as quickly as possible you might have some attack though to be a little bit careful Brooke before I probably have to play b6 if he attacks a pawn I might have to play a 5:14 b7 it should be safe though and I have enough time perpetual check me already has four points and I have yet to score any tournament points wait is my mic bad hopefully it's not too bad apologies if it was too bad I'm gonna attack the rook I'm not threatening to take the rook all right am i I am The Queen okay he's gonna flag hopefully I'll trade Queens and now I have a pawn diamonds I was nice I like this formation okay back to tournaments those interesting kind of hard-fought game Stafford yam it's all about initiative yeah all you issues persist let me know I'm next to an airports so I feel like there could be like frequencies in the air or something we have a scandi let's play before I didn't say this beforehand but I might try and play gambits every every game in this trenchant but he declines again it's but gives me some leading developments b5 is gonna come again I think it's all about initiative like my next several moves should be attacking black slowing down development while improving position like 94 probably coming next for those of you who just joined if you want to play in this tournament I'm doing kind of a surprise viewer tournament I'm leaving a link in the chat you'll have a chance to play me I don't know how many players there are when it started there were 37 ok so the Queen's attacked now he's attacking my rook let's defend and he's attacking the pawn too so let's play this may be preparing this f5 would be interesting I fight probably d4 so attacking the Queen and developing if he takes on v5 I take on a six of nine bishop yeah there's a airplane coming overhead I'm very curious if people can hear it I feel like the mic should do a good enough job not allowing background noise to come through Oh 73 players playing now nice my bishops are immaculate he's these are like the Danish gambit bishops but I'm not downing material I'm ready to castle life is so good and he's not developed but he's about to be developed so how do i punish him maybe f4 f5 I just keep attacking the Queen if Queen here then d4 and I want to open up the center files before he can castle so at some point I'll play one of these pawn Drake's I think f5 makes the most sense I want to open up the files were my major pieces sits like it's moved 17 and still black only has the Queen developed it's like nothing has changed since move to okay Bishop d6 oh he wants to castle but let's take the pawn if Bishop takes I play d5 oh I can't play d5 because it's pinned oops let's play c4 threatening this more bits from sarony Leo thanks for the bits every time I stream it seems like serenella was cheering 500 bits I was watching one of my like old YouTube like archived streams other day and I think it was a video like the very first time Sarah nelio cheered because I was trying to pronounce his name but now it's just second nature let's play this like the queen is almost trapped the Queen has to move here and then at the very least I can win the pawn at the very most I'm winning everything bishop c6 check and then d5 probably whoa he's sacking let's mmm do I want to take life choices let's take because it's material I'll play King h1 I want to play d5 but I didn't want to allow Bishop takes e5 with check now d5 he just takes it but then Queen e5 so tactics I think it works if he doesn't take it then d6 might come Kiyomi wants to join the tournament but your food won't burn are you torturing your food you could join the tournament and like hire a butler maybe ooh mate it was easier to see the bishop attacked than the battery long distance okay back to tournaments hey I'm in lead first place out of 87 players are we gonna hit 100 players for this tournament for those watching you can join by clicking the link in the chat but people are close behind Daniel Moreno Dan omarina was like maybe one of the first-ever viewers to my stream definitely within the first like fifty maybe first twenty okay so waiting for a game only 14 minutes in lot more chests to be played playing chess 11 good luck I'm gonna play the same opening I played the first game or the yeah the first game if he takes I play 96 usually good sign when white starts thinking here I have to assume that everyone playing me is also watching the stream so this time he doesn't take the Knights which allows me to win back the pawn and now I have Knights in the center I've had games recently where players play Queen e2 or then I would have to play Queen e7 and break the pin and it leads to maybe some slightly better position for black because black has already had like slightly ahead in development mmm I'm tempted to take on f2 just going completely insane but let's not there's an opening called the costume gambit where a white sacks a piece like this against the petrov but in the costume gambit white has two Center pawns speaking of center funds if you plays d4 it's complete completely symmetrical but he doesn't okay that's good now I'm threatening pawn d4 and again I want a castle and / maybe try and prevent light from castling if I got a rook to eat what is fork Knights you tell me is it for tonight if the knight is doing the forking or if the night is getting forts not entirely sure okay now Rick Ian is actually a move but he takes some precautions I think I'll play Queen d6 this is a multi-purpose move first of all I get out of the pen secondly I want to play Knight me for at some point and leave the bishop awkward because I'm also preventing Bishop f4 now the question is do I play 94 immediately or do I take first let's take first conceding the bishop pair that this Knight is now very powerful and it's kind of working stuff oh I forgot to Mazurek this game so I have time that's nice I'm pretty sure my stream like category is still playing chess and not playing fortnight I wonder if ice if I switched it to fortnight's but was still playing chess if I would get more viewers that way probably not so I mean the bishop could move back to d2 but that looks very very passive between d3 Bishop f5 is the first move that comes to mind no need to calculate just align the bishop with the Queen if the Queen moves to e3 I line align my rook with the Queen it's always a good thing at least like middle game strategy wise to align your lesser valuable pieces with your opponent's more valuable pieces it's like bishops and rooks aligned with your pawns kings and queens can lead to tactics in this case I'm threatening some Knight g3 move with a fork Knights prefer regular openings maybe next game I'll play a regular opening what opening do you prefer maybe I'll take some recommendations night g3 wouldn't run into Queen Dix g3 so let's just win upon bishops also not defended them I know my bishop is also not defended so I win the pawn first and now I'm defending my bishop I was writing to win White's bishop I'm also threatening moves like Knight takes f2 with discovery this looks nice he 45 well that was this game me 45 I play the kind of obscure opening emerging from a 45 London is - Queens gambit but what does a fettuccini this is a free Bishop and I keep initiative and the Queen is tied down to defending this Bishop if Queen e3 I probably just trade Queens can you play the URIs off gambit I actually don't know too much about the URIs off gambits it's one of these open things I should like take some take like a day to study but yeah I only know like the first few moves but I haven't dug too deeply into the the variations yet England gambits I guess it depends what my opponent plays or who I play and then okay what we're a SPOC just asking caro-kann French is that c6 combined with e6 let's just play French French is fun sometimes when you win and French is an opening that I've actually played a couple times in tournament play as a surprise weapon and actually both turned in games I had went into this line like this 92 line so this is still preparation and I know a little bit about this variation I like to play a side line here involving B 6 and then our C 5 and then B six simple positional idea of trading off my worst piece for whites best piece so that's what I would do there's a lot of these types of lines in the French you can play bit more off beats like off main line it's preserving the bishop just interesting but now my bishop is just so happy along this diagonal if Queen a4 forking I probably play Queen C eights defending and there's some annoying pressure on upon which she takes care of I don't think I want to castle though castling would be risky so what did you like b5 actually was teaching the other day and I was showing a student very similar position I was telling them the plan with b5 so I guess I'll go for this like b5 before trying to undermine White's pawn chain uh Eddie 1 139 I know exactly what you're talking about with the fettuccine like Alejandra Ramirez teaching little kids openings and one of the kids said fettuccine when they meant to say fianchetto and then Alejandro couldn't stop laughing that was an old video - okay before let's do it my bishop is happy again and wants to play Knight h5 and induce some weaknesses so now I think I'll play g6 it's very common for black to leave the King in the center in these types of structures because the center is closed and usually white tries to attack on the Kings side meanwhile black wants to attack on the Queen side or at least play positionally sometimes h5 is included too to discourage g4 but h5 might invite like some sacrifice on g6 I think for now I can just wow 92 didn't he just plain I left four so he's just losing time like I just got a bunch of Freeman's I got this and this and this and he just did this and ice that's hard true for white to actually figure out what to do here because it's not easy to develop the Queen side if he moves a bishop it might have invited like the Queen coming to be - it's another reason why I like this line because if I don't Castle kingside then white doesn't have it clear like attacking plan maybe I'll play Bishop h6 but we'll see Bishop e3 okay so takes takes and Queen B - you probably moves the bishop - C - I'm just going to leave all the tension plateless like when in doubt when pawns are attacking each other it's not a bad idea to just leave them be if he ever takes it probably benefits me somehow he takes this way there's less defense here h4 so you wants to play h5 thinking about this maneuver get the Knight to c4 but do I play h5 first probably not he's h5 I mean what's the threat if he takes I take back I feel like is Knight should've stay on f4 what do i play against Knight c3 when I play the French it's an interesting question because usually when I if I play the French and the tournaments I'll only play French against players who play Knight d2 because I don't want to mess with the 93 lines if I had to prepare something I'd probably prepare either Fort Knox it was just solid if you know what you're doing which is essentially Rubinstein French with Bishop d7 Bishop c6 or I would prepare some of like one of these weird and win over sidelines like where you play what is it Bishop b4 against Knight c3 and then when they play e5 play and move like Queen d7 some deeper positional ideas want to take but I also want to play Knight c4 let's play Knight c4 first if h5i might consider a g5 and then if not three I would have a fork Knights Queen c2 really applying pressure to g6 but g6 is still pretty solid I'm now gonna take because if we trade Queens I feel like more of the focus will be on the Queen side and maybe I can make further progress there's also some idea Bishop takes h4 and Knight takes h4 and g5 again without fork Knights there how many times I can say fork knight in this stream well he's about to lose on time so that's also nice congratulations pearline for winning a game den c-121 is a new chess player let me focus for a moment attacking this any sevens undefended but his rook is hanging so probably Bishop b5 there should be five Queens XA seven Queen takes a one might have my rook whose Bishop takes g6 with discovery then I probably take the rook and then take this bishop so I lost a queen but I got a rook another rook and the bishop for it he got Queen and pawn so technically won some material let's retreat the bishop hey bro tech hosting with six viewers is out of the chest stream it doesn't something familiar thanks for tuck or is it per talk okay let's plug this guy Bishop e7 and bishops e8 is that trapping the Queen where does the Queen move free Queen you get to move to c6 I think this is almost a queen trap Queen c6 Knight a5 Queen c7 Bishop here wait I think this is actually trapping the Queen and it's it's funny because a lot of these moves are retreating looks like starting with Bishop d7 the only safe Queen move is Queen c6 when I play Knight a5 for treating the only safe Queen move here is Queen c7 then I retreat again Bishop's d8 the only safe Queen move is Queen d6 and then rip b6 chops of Queen that would have been nice but okay it's good enough back to tournaments oh I was passed by maybe Scott G okay it's getting competitive and Daniel Moreno tied for first also doing some biz irking all right there is a question from den see I'm a very neutral and I play e45 as white and black I respond to d4 with the Kings Indian okay I like positions where I get black as Kings India and are there openings I can play I mean you could play the Kings Indian attack you're asking if there's openings you can play to get a similar structure as whites just look up Kings Indian attack type into Google Kings Indian attack chess games and you should get a list of games from a website chess games calm and you'll see how White's attacks with the Kings Indian attack it's a nice opening if you like that structure so there's a hundred twenty four people playing this tournament maybe you should do more tournaments like this speaking ok let's play the Kings Indian attack if I'm talking about that opening also thanks for the bits heart lies in riddle all he's showing up oh I forgot to busy so essentially this is over wrist Kings Indian but the plans usually stay the same with eventually playing E for provoking d4 and then going for eventual f4 f5 so I play 91 to prepare this and he's not castling which may be not a bad strategy if he castles King side them and I just attack on the Kings side castling queenside makes things interesting because I'm in shape to attack on the Kings side but now he's trying to attack on the Kings side what's going on I think I can take this and have a fork it's a little bit complicated though yes up from and a tenuous life thanks for the sub okay he's thinking he's realizing the danger probably I know what I would do here if I were black but I'm not gonna say it because I don't want to give him any clues what do I think about the woodpecker method I actually don't know what that is I've heard it mentioned Knight takes d4 is the best move unfortunately for me yeah maybe I'm not winning material sadly that's a good move takes try and just keep initiative though oh he could take the Queen you could also just like leave my knight pinned so no maybe you forgot five or Queenie - yeah the position isn't actually that's like attractive for lights you can also take and play King each one which doesn't look attractive you'll play Queenie - getting my queen off the file is empty for maybe rook c1 OC sevens of targets he's playing very very fast Knight g4 maybe work out fine we've got five takes thinking I could take with Queen and he know that he can take this is scary if I take my king doesn't want to be on g1 okay try and play it as safe as I can now I'm feeling a little bit more comfortable as if h4g for as long as the H file doesn't open should be okay he might win a pawn and b2 but oops I just turned off the lights Queen f7 singing that's an unexpected gift now see you sevens attacks Wow things are gonna get complex I think I'm gonna take here I don't think taking works if he takes end it'll be two rooks for Queen and some pawns you know take on each for first how many pawns do I have I have three pawns and a queen for the two rooks so it should be better as long as the rooks can't coordinate - well there's some tactic like if takes h4 f Queen g3 with a fork rook therefore Queen Queen Fork what tournament is this this is a the I am Eric Rosen Arena you can join if you want just click the link in the chat I can take on a seven maybe let's take a seven another free pawn if he takes on d3 I fork again so the great thing about a queen in an open position there's so many potential Forks if pieces are left undefended time situation not too bad taking me 5 min Roxy six it's two let's do this first mmm maybe this and that'll be five next and he can't actually save both rooks cuz it's a skewer like normally the rooks could defend each other somehow but e5 also covers f6 and he counter-attacks anyway like rook f1 just King G - okay that was nice maybe not the best demonstration of the Kings Indian attack but at least I got to show like the Mesa opening setup at some point my position was not so preferable but somehow it worked out so Daniel Moreno meeting the tournament buzzer King more than die more than me well I get to play him he's playing right now would actually prefer black in that position I'll see what happens let's beserk I'll play aggressively well we have a Budapest please play c4 yeah that's a problem with the pests can't play anything it's 9 f3 so I'll play a q GD III let's play a semi Slav c5 c5 is usually a positional mistake because of a 5 I learned this idea back when I was like 7 or 800 rated in fact when I was I think 8 years old my first chess coach taught me this and I was so happy to like learn it as it shows the beauty of like pawn structure II being destroyed in this pot I don't think can be defended how about grubs I don't play the grub most of the time okay let's take I feel like there's a decent chance he's gonna run into some like queen a5 tactic like if Queen b3 I take and play maybe I can't do it here maybe I can play 94 first if he takes on g7 I don't know what's going on we need four maybe I shouldn't allow that that's okay I still have initiative I'm threatening to take here I've threats of 25 material is equal my Center's decent more bits from the Damian thanks for the bits so Queen a5 still an idea that and the goal is just to prevent light from castling if 92 I take and play 94 again some night spins I don't have too much time to think takes takes I won't play rook b8 but I don't think that bricks car alarms going off I don't know I'm gonna play f5 idea of some real ifs maybe not the best move trying to do something move three nights rook t1 would have been probably best for whites like over defending and then preparing to castle expecting ooh I was not expecting that forgot about that move I think I'm okay like there's no checks to the king if you talk to c6 I have liked this move oh there's that check oh my gosh I might be losing this way I can't that's not even legal I have to run oh this is very unpleasant completely forgot about Queen g7 at least I'm not like completely dead yet I think Bishop d7 keeps me alive whether it's the pollen count pawn count is equal so I'm just down the exchange a knight is centralized could be much worse could be better - like given the opening bits from the damien don't distract me this is a pressure situation he's attacking this what do I even do how do I defend night this is so unpleasant I don't see how to defend any queens three and then Rock d8 of 19 seconds left and this is rated - no oh maybe I play I'm gonna play Knight c5 at least I have a night's nights are tricky so down upon down to pons and the exchange and I'm losing h7 please take it Queen trade well I have two connected passers like despite being down to pawns I have passed pawns maybe makes life better oh I'm only down one pawn because I can't count good pre move this but I only have 15 seconds that's the worst part nice it's not too difficult to push pawns quickly are we gonna see another Fork night it's possible I want to put the knight in d3 bring the king in I don't know allow him to sack though so my knight is actually as powerful as a rook in this type of position maybe I'll put the knot on b3 put the King on c5 and play d4 he's getting lower in time which I like to see 13 seconds it's not much but should be enough pre-move d4 maybe I shouldn't have cream of d4 block is triple pawns mmm those Kings gonna help out but my pawns are still trolling well let's take but they work on a seven nine seconds left he's running low too yeah I think I'm gonna flag him but he played well I might be winning on the board too but I don't know it's so complex I was probably losing in the final position good game though a nil Chon Duk like the opening was great for me and then I I lost you seven which is unnecessary and 94 was a little bit careless all right back to tournaments I know I'm chasing two people maybe scotch gee there's not much time to catch up there's only 13 minutes left 14 minutes left that's like maybe two more games so I pretty much have to dessert I'm probably gonna play Daniel Moreno yeah by bezerk I probably berserk if I want to win the tournament I'll play at London my score against him is good I've only lost one game I was the first game we've ever played look at that very first game we played that may have been in a Simon oh this wasn't a Syme Alya this game - oh you played well so I'm working against the number one ranked player I have to play fast I want to play one more game after this to queen bee 693 is usually the best way to me queen bee 694 defend our attacking and defending so we're gonna have some Kings Indian set up yeah be five double-edged move a four might come trying to undermine the structure let's play Queen c2 preparing me for also may be preparing b3 the bishop here you know probably b3 will come like similar type of ideas last game Bishop d5 probably queen bee too meanwhile I want to play rook up C 1 and C 4 if he takes on a four I play c4 immediately also attacking the pawn three times so let's take and when upon maybe he takes one C 3 we tray that 186 otherwise I'm winning b5 I'll take with the Queen Queen should not get chopped I was FD three or back to be one so I'm up upon c4 should still come and maybe even c5 because my bishop his effective time is almost equal OC 3 hyung forget about c3 yeah it's gonna be equal no advantage for white completely forgot the pawn was hanging maybe I should have played rook c1 first so we both have one pawn island but there is room to play for something we'll trade off take the bishop away maybe play Bishop f3 or Bishop g4 soon efore doesn't quite work let's play rook Oh No let's play G we're on f3 bishop f2 in g4 maybe even Bishop me one put the King on f2 looks weird but should be solid he wants a trade ok fine with trading my bishop will enter e6 maybe d5 at some points clicking back on e2 and I want to trade too much creating a lot of tension though Wow it's take and attack this jaw if you place King off six side this doesn't work let's take and maybe night see five active night's king f6f four or even ninety seven its playoff for first I think I'm winning upon threatening to fork the king and night fork nights I could fork Bishop well I could just fork and win the bishop and then win the pawns maybe I'm winning both bonds mmm this night stuck too let's go activate the King and win the bishop okay somehow it worked out I think he was the bishop on a just got way too passive wasn't useful Oh so this guy's leading he's unna youichi ha buzzer King and winning every game strong player 147 players in the tournament I don't think I'll get a chance to play him he's about to win another game or is he no he's not gonna win that and he's down upon I don't know what the time situation is oh he's buzzer key I'm buzzer 'king everyone's buzzer King oh yeah he's not gonna win that okay so I basically just need to win this game and then maybe I'll even have time for one more for both buzzer King and playing aggressively IG for so many people play this like d3 Knight c3 walk into Knight g4 Queen e2 allowing some Massacre this looks very nice when I tour g3 takes 42 not seeing the win but I could just take on me for you know just castle and maybe go for f5 you then this is just so nice you know I I can always consider winning the rook I just want to leave my knight here that slows down any development make this Queen box of Bishop blocks or if King has blocked let's play f5 just increased pressure maybe you get the rook into the game take and attack the queen Queens III probably be 56 talking upon also maybe see five ideas in 96 so he was going for the fork so I'm aligning my queen with his king also allowing my last piece to come into the game so now it's just a matter of winning quickly let's do this almost winning the Queen but not quite it's Queen III first I thought he'd disconnected so the Queen's are getting traded but the attack against the King will continue and whites gonna flag and he disconnected I'm not the best connection okay back to tournaments I'm in the lead and the guy behind me lost a game so bow but he's about to win this one so he'll get three points for winning right then I need to win one more game but there's only three minutes left in the tournament better start soon giant mouse no I'm gonna play him too I don't want to play him he just passed me well this will be difficult was irking okay through the past hey he's playing the Carlson variation not realizing that I played the Budapest put the knight year allowing Queen f6 whoa he's just blundering okay I thought this was gonna be a bit more difficult please just for Zion let's take the rook and do this maybe d4 coming given d3 I'll put my ruck under it this is still gonna be difficult to win moving the night if he takes one be seven maybe c6 Bishop is almost trapped well 95 and my queen is almost trapped I have to play Queenie aids in weird position the scheme is not going to finish before the tournament ends unfortunately but I'll at least try and win it just to get some cried let's play this try and trap the bishop attack the pawn may be preparing Queen a3 Bishop b4 doesn't look right let's just do this if Queen digs d3 I have c5 okay that does uh plunder upon hmm let's just be safe defending c6 as well now c5 and now the H punch and hang the tournment is ending no so yeah he officially won the tournament but I am hopefully going to officially win this game I play like Bishop h3 it's a cool move maybe not the most necessary move but it looks cool attacking and if this line and then if he takes a bishop I have some fun move back attacking the pawn but they work here I still want to take the pawn he takes my pond let's attack the bishop keep attacking after workout three rook c1 okay so I went undefeated someone trying to cheer like over a billion bits it doesn't quite work like that Eric probably needs to do a video about how to play the Budapest for black do you subscribe to me on youtube because I've done three videos this month actually at the being the beginning of the month like January 1st through the 3rd and they're all labeled like Budapest like cool tricks and traps and stuff so anyway 2nd place congratulations to my opponents as you know youichi ha no idea if i pronounced that correctly well that was fun hope you guys enjoyed that we had almost 150 players 149 so i'll probably do more of tournaments of so many people play
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 27,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, chess openings, chess tactics, chess lecture, chess tutorial, chess thought process, chess analysis, how to win at chess, attacking chess, how to play chess, international master, chess instruction, chess tricks, chess brilliancy, chess stream, twitch stream, twitch, chess traps, chess explained, chess commentary, blitz chess,, online chess tournament, stafford gambit, aggressive chess openings, blitz, e4, speed chess
Id: 2xrmdxRTJ08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 33sec (3933 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 21 2019
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