Carlsen Breaks Every Rule Then Wins In 28 Moves

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are you kidding me I'm looking for a draw he finds a way to get a victory there this game is special and it's especially good because Magnus Carlson's opponent playing with the white pieces is Yan naom Nashi this guy is a two-time World Chess Championship Challenger in the last three years he's been a top five player in the world for ages a blitz beast and yet when he goes E4 against Magnus Carlson Magnus the chess goat goes Knight F6 alak's defense Gooding that pawn forward Yan Julie pushes and then Magnus does not go Knight D5 the move played in about 28,000 games Magnus goes Knight back to G8 the so-called Brooklyn variation only seen in 240 games in the database here that's less than 1% why because it's horrendous Yan goes D4 he's fully occupied the center he's had one two three extra moves than Magnus Magnus has still got his entire Army on the starting squares and yet look what happens in this incredible game it's the speed Chess Championship played about 3 months ago the quarterfinals and it's chess gold so Magnus Carlson goes D6 trying to undermine that Center we now get Knight F3 played and still Magnus doesn't play in the most principled manner which would be taking then Knight recaptures best and you bring the Knight back out into the game no Magnus goes C6 he pushes another Pawn still not developing pieces we get Knight C3 from Yan and now Bishop G4 again not the top move here normally you're taught to develop Knights before Bishops they're short range pieces they're trying to jab so you got to get them into the game these Bishops they're long range snipers so Bishop E2 now played finally Magnus develops a knight off the starting Rank and doesn't Retreat it right we get takes on D6 now porry captures castles Knight gf6 and now Yan should go D5 here plant a Pawn on D E5 sit on this one's head keep this bishop a bit locked down but what he does is H3 it's a bit soft because Magnus can take here bishop recaptures and D5 suddenly he's getting a half playable position we get Rook E1 check Bishop E7 Bishop F4 and now a nice maneuver Magnus doesn't casually Castle he goes Knight f8 first and after Queen D3 he sits the Knight on this wonderful E6 Square kicks back the bishop or forward I should say castles the king and listen to this from Robert hes I wish I could put my knight to F6 and back to G8 on my first two moves and get a position like this I don't know how he does it how does Magnus do it the position's half playable we're almost back to level after 14 moves so kn2 now played spinning round to the king side wanting to attack and sometimes you unleash that c Pawn on the opponent Bishop D6 now from Magnus challenging this strong piece Yan carries on with his plan looking at this F5 square and Magnus now takes change the pawn structure this looks dangerous with this one spearheading the attack but Yan doesn't play in the best way centralizing this Rook was good preparing C4 that kind of thing but he charges forward with Knight F5 really logical idea of course you're looking here you're looking around the King this is bullet chest by the way but they do get a second back per move called increment clock 's on the left here but after G6 actually how would you make inroads into the black position because if you jump here which looks so juicy there's a tactical shot do pause if you want to look for it this is bread and butter for these guys Knight takes on E5 and if Rook R captures uh Queen takes the Knight here and equally you've no time to start taking here hitting the queen because your own Queen's Under Fire black comes out on top so because Yan can't yan yan that's a good way to say it uh Yan can't jump there he jumps here with check and now after King G7 although it looks dangerous he's getting driven back here now if you go for Queen D2 or queen E3 well then there's Queen G5 and still eventually the Knight gets forced back but in even better circumstances so Yan retreats voluntarily but now Pawn H5 Magnus thrusts that one forward kicks the Knight back further and coming to H2 is actually best miserable square but at least the Rook defends the pawn however Knight E3 play allows the pawn to drop but here's Yan's sneaky point he wants to kill magnus's Monarch and so he Springs forward with Knight to F5 check and this whole sequence from here is truly remarkable in a bullet game so Magnus is King Under Fire now if you take that Knight natural idea okay you shouldn't be allowed to jump there well white takes the Knight here this is the point and although whites are Pawn down these ones are terrible of course you're going to win that pawn back doing well so taking not so good say you step somewhere with the King well now white takes for free an entire piece up you have to take to restore material not good so what does Magnus do to the surprise of the commentators he goes King to F6 is there King F6 there no way how is this possible to bring the king out of the cubby hole in bullet chess so risky especially because Yan has got this move Rook takes on E5 now that is an awesome one dragging the king out further because Magnus takes here oh he goes for it he he he wins King of the Hill what a decision from mag look at it stranded in the center of the board and surely there's a way to kill this King now but it's not quite working you know killer blow because if you go Queen C3 check well the king can even take the Knight and it starts going back one way or another there isn't quite the blow so Rook E1 check played by Yan it's the top move now Magnus goes to run away with King to F6 how to continue the attack well Knight D4 nice move huge pressure here also tempting Magnus to take try and simplify he's under Fire but guess what you just blundered mate in three the king's got to go somewhere and this is one way to check mate they were different but that's why you cannot touch this Knight on D4 so instead we get Rook E8 played to cover the Knight on E6 and now here Yan goes Queen to C3 best move x-raying this King and the follow-up move from Magnus is truly stupendous so what would you play here you know you're on the black side of things and if you love these magnus games as much as I do wacky openings then smash subscribe because I've got so many more games just like this coming this month right so let's see what Magnus is going to do this looks like a nice little move by Yan I don't see how this king is getting out of here I don't either I think I would just swap Knights on D4 and try to make that draw if it is indeed a draw drop well done if you spotted the only winning move in this position it's Queen to B6 what an incredible resource oh Queen B Robert Knight C6 D4 Knight takes Rook takes E1 and then you take the Knight what a find that is a beautiful variation it looks impossible because if you take here which Yan didn't play opening a discovered check King can't take the Knight supported by The Rook well then there this phenomenal resource of Pawn to D4 hitting this queen so what do you do we say you take the pawn with check now you can swap the ladies Knight takes back but guess what your rook's now hanging since the queen left the C3 Square what an amazing geometry what a find you're a double exchange up it's lost so coming back here after takes D4 what if you don't take with the queen what if you take with the Knight well same problems swap the the Rooks now the Knight drops you're still an exchange up great position just amazing how good this D4 move is Queen B6 there are you kidding me I'm looking for a draw he finds a way to get a victory there there's nothing to do once that move comes on the board so Yan in desperation goes for Rook takes on E6 check now we see pawn recaptures queen E3 played Because by the way there's still no good discovery is you know you can try something like this but then you get things like this and The Rook activates again you're a double exchange down the attack's not breaking through Queen's covered from the checks and everything so here we see Queen E3 tried but now Pawn E5 and Yan resigns the game with barely a second left on his clock Magnus has got 30 why did he resign we'll say Knight B3 Queen captures Pawn captures you're dead in the water double exchange down what a game by Magnus Carlson and if you enjoyed this one and want to see another incredible Carlson game check out the video on screen and I hope to see you again soon cheers
Channel: Epic Chess
Views: 215,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epic chess, chess, epic, chess analysis, chess game, learn chess, win at chess, chess analyzed, chess teacher, positional chess, Carlsen Breaks Every Rule Then Wins In 21 Moves, Carlsen, Magnus, Magnus Carlsen, magnus carlsen, carlsen, magnus, Carlsen Titled Tuesday, titiled tuesday carlsen, magnus carlsen titled tuesday, carlson, carlsin
Id: o2FS1vQ5Pgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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