Vientiane, Laos: Our First Impressions

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[Music] maybe the best foot massage look at that wow oh it's moving Philippines no it's not guys so we are in vienen Lao and we want to show you what it's like in the first 24 hours exploring the city the capital city of La so yesterday we took a flight from Hanoi to vnn it was actually a really comfortable flight um so we just arrived last night and So today we're going to be exploring and seeing what Lao is like so the first thing we're going to do I think we're just going to go have a meal to start our day off so this is my first time being in Lao and I have no idea what to expect so I'm really excited all right so we are actually staying in downtown BNN in like this foresty area of town we heard the first thing we know noticed as we're walking around is that there's not too many people out and it's a really really quiet feeling we're just on the hunt for a restaurant but we noticed a lot of restaurants are closed today but I think we're going to keep looking and trying to find a place we've been outside for like 2 minutes the sun here is hot we put on a lot of sunscreen I think I might pull out the umbrella I have a feeling since the day time it's really hot there isn't much activity going on in the streets I think like at night as the sun goes down Things Are going to get a little more exciting but I still think we'll be able to find a good local place for lunch hopefully so we found a restaurant we want to go to uh it has quite a few people in there so I think it'll be good thank [Music] you all right so we just sat down at a restaurant called three sisters it's right close to the river this is a local restaurant and it's packed and so I'm not sure what we're going to order but we're going to try a few different things are you hungry yeah appetizers you can see they all start up just a little over a dollar we're ordering 1 2 3 4 5 six seven things hi um could we have one YY soup it's a lot so yeah you can tell we hungry also I don't know I think food is the best introduction to a new place I'm not sure what it's going to taste like I've never had L food before they handed us these two plates just full of veggies there's a lot of fresh herbs and lettuce um lime and green beans we also have a a chili sauce here oh this is the final spread I'm pretty sure this could fit feed five people or One S andan I'm going to start with coffee since it's the morning time so this is iced milk black coffee so I'm pretty sure they have like kind of like a dark coffee concentrate and they put condensed milk in it I think it's going to be quite strong o yeah I think that condensed milk just adds such a nice like thickness and what did you get sink so this is mango shap I can tell they grounded the mango hole because the mango smoothie looks really thick it's really good it's just pure mango they ground up the mango real nice I I'll try the pork so this is soft boiled pork and the meat looks really tender there's a lot of herbs on top they gave us these lettuce wraps and then our waitress told me to dip it in this green sauce all right this is the bite the pork is nice and tender and soft this green sauce so fresh it looks like fried meatballs some cabbage and like a looks like what a sweet and sour sauce yeah oh that's a nice slightly spicy sweet vinegary sauce and the meatball is really tasty so I have here some Wy noodles um these are broth based noodles I see some meatballs and some beef and there are are scallions chop scallions and cilantro clear broth noodle soup this is the sticky rice and it came in this package that you can hold the sticky rice is inside so let's open it up it's sticky pretty chewy we waited to eat the rice so it's gotten a little hard I think it'll go well with the meat mhm so we ordered another type of noodles they called it La traditional noodle salad it has some chopped cherry tomatoes some peanuts I'm going to squeeze a little bit of lime juice and I have a big [Music] bite I'm sorry I think one bite is enough for me it's is very strong fishy flavor that I'm not really a big fan of it's not really my type of food since didn't like it we'll see how it tastes it's a little strong it's definitely not my favorite but it's okay um I don't know if I'll finish the whole plate but it's all right it's all right all right we're going to have a feast [Music] now out of our whole table I think this would be probably my least favorite I'll definitely think the bowl of Noodles and More my Ty's going to give it one more try take two with traditional noodles not for you not for me we ate about half but everything else was really tasty what was your favorite thing I really like the texture of the sticky rice and eating that with steamed pork it was really delicious but now we are totally stuck wow what a meal it was pretty cheap as well it was only a total for all the drinks and food that we had if you guys are in the NN come to this restaurant three sister restaurant you won't be disappointed cup CUPE po Poe so now that we're done with lunch I think we're going to go try to find a place to cool off for a bit so I heard that loud massages are really really special and they have a ton of massage places in this downtown area we going to go get a massage and relax I need to look up how to say soft I don't do well with like hard m massages so we made it to our massage place it was a 5minute walk but we already soaking in sweat yeah so this is called La po Thai I don't know if I'm pronouncing that correct we saw that they have a few options for traditional like La massages there's a price list is a la traditional body massage I think that's what I want to go for oh I might just do a foot massage yeah and look at the description stretching muscles with the use of hands and limbs they're definitely going to beat you up are you ready yes wish me luck all right so the massage parlor is full made a booking for 430 but for now I think we are going to make our way to one of the biggest kind of iconic sites in vnn so if you end up needing a ride from point A to point B in vnn or in Laos we recommend downloading an app called Oka uh this is the local ride sharing app kind of like grab in other Southeast Asian countries and it is fairly cheap we had a about 10 15 minute drive that cost us 40,000 keep which is around $2.50 I think we're going to take one of the local electric tricycles they're these vehicles you see around town to me they look like a mixture of like a Jeep me and like a a Tuk Tuk so it's kind of like a long tricycle we're not really sure how much they're supposed to cost we'll try we'll see what we can do yeah it's not too far compared to what we drove from the airport maybe 30 30,000 [Music] 40,000 100 it's it's okay that's way too much that's a lot more than what we paid from the airport to get here I think I might just use the lcut app that's a Tuk Tok we rode an actual car with AC with AC so another thing people sometimes do is rent their own cars or bikes around town but we're not sure if this is the case right now we heard there's a lot of bike scams that can happen like motorbike scams so that's why we didn't rent anything while we're here maybe we'll better look this time hello uh yes how much 120,000 see it in the light anyway huh how much uh uh it's okay it's okay 50 H 50 [Music] [Music] 50 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is a really cool way to get around town you'll see these on every corner they go pretty fast much faster than I thought they would just make sure you bargain for a price before you get in so you can get a good deal I got to be careful with my hat cuz it might fly off it's faster than I thought yeah you could fit at least like five six seven people in here for shance oh I think I think we're almost there oh I see it oo wow this area we're in is totally different than the down town area we were just at there's like all these fancy looking buildings here and flags I think this may be more a government area I think so too so we're a little bit away from the market the tourist area and oh there's the gate oh the gate looks real pretty wow decorations on the top this is actually a war monument and it was built in like the 1950s and early 60s to kind of commemorate the revolutionaries who fought against the French during their independence movement we've seen a few other gates in our travels and this is one of the most lavish so this is kind of like a centerpiece of BNN as I heard you can go up to the top of it I don't know if that's true anymore I couldn't find any new sources so we're going to see if we can go inside if not we'll take a look on the outside oh I see some vendors under the gate okay let's go let's go check it out and the architecture at the top is just beautiful all right so we're just walking up to the monument right now look at that wow all right so we are right now we're inside the base of the monument we see the stairs to go up inside the tower but they look closed off so I don't think you can actually go inside the monument anymore but inside is really cool as well it actually feels kind of nice under this Monument there's also a convenience store and a bunch of like souvenir shops underneath here I think a lot of visitors come to this place there's these beautiful gardens around so I think we're just going to take a look around and look at more views of the monument and then we're going to head to get our massage um yeah really awesome spot so we are right outside of the victory gate there's a bunch of like government buildings we see the UN on the side so I'm a little surprised for how big or how the tourist the Pai is supposed to be there weren't that many vendors or stalls there were a few right under the Patu side but other than that there's nothing much in the surrounding areas so they have bus stops around town so I think there's definitely a little bit of public transportation we are right here it looks like you can actually take a bus out to the airport too this area is the city center and then you can see some other of the major highlights around town but we're just going to take the app it says it's charging us 45,000 which is a little less than what we paid for getting to Pai here's our driver actually I think that's him right behind you yeah oh it's a really nice car air conditioned it's really good all right we made it back across town now we're going to go get our massage so all right so we just got in the shop and it's so cool in here I like that we sat down and they gave us ice cold water to start it's a good way to start the massage sing's going to look up how to ask to go a little softer cuz I think it's going to be a little intense I cannot pronounce it it's it's this so just showed them this picture it costs 100,000 to keep which is not bad see how we like it oh it's a nice scrub really good yeah so this is the chair just going to sit down now for my thup massage there's a pretty flower here so I got changed into this t-shirt and shorts they smell really nice and clean I think this is the massage clothes that you have to wear before you get the full body massage it's nice and quiet in here [Music] [Music] meanwhile [Music] my body massage is really good she had a really good thumb strength they use body weight on you they go really full force in getting your muscles relaxed and I didn't expect this but they also did head massage and your hand massage as well TI you should definitely come here if you come to allow that was maybe the best foot massage I've ever had that hour went by so fast I the only thing I wish is I got a longer massage so I felt bad in the beginning because I was really hot and she she was massaging my calves a little bit my legs are the first place that I get sweaty and this poor girl probably had to wipe her hands a little bit because it was just wet in the very beginning and for $6 that was awesome I was talking to some of the workers gave me so many tips for like wow oh yeah and like where it go so it was really cool so now we are going to walk back towards the Riverside sound good sound was good [Music] one thing I noticed is town is just filled with all of these gorgeous temples I mean just look behind me there's like an interesting blend of a few French style buildings but then there's these gorgeous temples and a lot of them have the reddish orange roof we've already walked by 3 today um we haven't actually gone into any of the temples and I think that's another popular thing to do in town but we won't have time today hi so we've noticed that um around town not too many people speak a lot of English but I love to kind of share and talk a little bit with you asking what do we think of La we tried to learn a little bit of like greetings like in every country we try to do that and I think it goes a long way you can tell they appreciate you when you try to speak their language I only know the word thank you sun has gone down a little bit and it has made a huge difference in the temperature and you can see people setting up tents for food and tables and such we found out there are these food stalls here on the other side of the market but we're not hungry right now but maybe in an hour we might come back to get some dinner coconut looks good we're going to have to come out tomorrow and try to find some sweet food and we are crossing the street over towards the Riverside there are so many motorbikes here this must be the place to hang out at night that's actually Thailand the NN is right on the border between LA and Thailand and you can see Thailand across the river I don't see many boats out but there are so many people out here at this like long walking path along the river and right behind sink is a nightm market and there's like a horse a horse rink right there cool we're just going to walk a little along the Waterfront here but this is the place to be I think there's so many families around and there's a lot going on right at the edge of the river there's so many motor bikes are there's like Carnival they have like intense dump St in the carnival I don't quite know why hey guys we're back and we want to show you the markets in vnn these are the markets that are real close up to the Mong River I don't think we're looking to buy any type of clothing but just want to look it is really crowded in here and there's so many stalls it seems to stretch really far along both sides we're right in front of the carnival where we were earlier I think they a lot of the similar stuff t-shirts sneakers accessories sunglasses and phone cases let's go have a look bab they have the Adidas hat that we lost in Lan no that's what we love I mean where was it um kot Kabal on too all right so we just walked through the market and now we are back at the side with all the food chicken feed I'm not a huge fan of chicken feed I've had it before but it's not my [Music] favorite seeing a lot of seafood aren't we a little far away from the ocean yeah I don't know I'm also seeing a lot of skewers it seems like skewered meat seem together I think every stall we just passed was mostly different types of skewers I think that's a popular thing to eat we're not really in the mood for like meat or cure so we're going to keep looking around I also saw Sushi I don't think I would trust Sushi from the street oh I'm smelling that exped smell hey come here would you get some dessert with me yeah I would totally eat dessert with you a mix uh banana black bean ice yes yes please uh how much uh 15,000 155 thank Youk you table over there all right this looks really good I picked the stuff that the lady in front of me picked so we got different jellies we got banana but they were Brown and we got uh black be and it put sugar and milk and syrup and other stuff in it oh my gosh oh yeah I love this it tastes like cereal milk I will say one thing that southeast Asia does really well is iced deserts I love them all this is so good I love the bananas the bananas don't taste sweet because you have a scoop full of syrup and other sweet jellies but it adds like a really nice texture really good it is yeah now I think that one Jello-O that we got is actually rice cake can I have this one thank you D look at my eggs got an egg oh man so if this is what I think it is this is a half grown duck egg it's not that hot it's kind of lukewarm oh all right juice came out I'll just open it like this I guess it's yeah it's it's an egg it's a half a half uh developed half developed egg oh are these like veins oh okay it sort of looks like an egg but the shells a little different it's starting to develop these veins oh it's moving Philippines no it's not in the Philippines this is called Ballo and we avoided it we didn't need it last time so I guess now you have your uh what what did you say this was called ballute that's that's a Philipino word oh half grown duck looks all right mean we eat duck we eat eggs why not eat half duck eggs I taste the beak really no just tastes like eggs but there are bits of chewy pieces that I think it's sort of meat but not quite you know how in regular eggs there's the yellow yolk part and the white part this one outside there are three types the White and the yolk and some organs kind of half ground organs but they don't taste fishy at all they just taste like regular eggs but a little bit of um chewy texture in the middle it might not have been the most visually appealing food but taste wise it tastes pretty good I actually saw this guy across from us eating it so it got me curious to try one and I'm glad I did because I was really curious and now we're going to go and I think we're going to call it a night go home huh in downtown the NN like of course now there's roosters and a saw so what's the plan now San plan is hi Kitty oh he didn't like me yeah we made friends with this cat the other day look at him sound as sleep we F in so much [Music] [Music] chicken that was so fast budy there's no fight
Channel: Two Between | Sarah and Seunghyun
Views: 80,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vientiane, laos, capital laos, vientiane food, laos food, first impressions laos, first impressions vientiane, sea travel, south east asia travel vlog, travel vlog, vientiane city tour, putaxai, vientiane landmarks, laos popular sites, laos travel vlog, vientiane travel vlog, mekong river views, laos food vlog, vietiane best sites, best things to do in laos, foreigner in laos, mekong, south east asia, backpacking, backpacking south east asia, couple travel, couple travel vlog
Id: RPSAE1vaL6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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