Eating Like Locals in Luang Prabang, LAOS 🇱🇦

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Good morning from Luang Prabang in Lao we've been here for a couple of days now  we're staying at this really cute guest house here   called Liberty Place it was such a good find today  is the first day that we're going to be actually   exploring Luang Prabang but today we're just going  to be exploring the sort of town center we have   actually rented a bike for the few days that we're  here in luang prabang but it seems a little bit   more expensive than what we're used to especially  in Thailand probably because we rented it from our   actual Hotel so we didn't have to go anywhere to  get it and also not that many people seem to have   them to run around here as much the town is 100%  walkable we don't actually need it to get around   the town the reason we got it was just to nip to  the gym and back which is about a 30 minute walk   otherwise a lot of the tuk-tuk drivers though keep  asking us to hop in their tuk-tuks and go a little   bit more towards the outskirts of town now this  is actually something that we're planning on doing   in one of the next few days but we might have a  bit of a fun mode of Transport it's really nice   here in Luang Prabang we're down by the river there  are slow boats here so I'm not sure why they made   us go and park the slow boats about five miles  down the road and they just pay to get a taxi   but that's fine it's really nice here the weather  has been perfect not a single drop of rain it's   been so sunny and so warm it's really nice really  nice there's a real sort of laid back feel here in   Luang Prabang even more so than Thailand really it's  Thailand's very chilled out we're here Luang Prabang   it feels like everything's just moves 10 times  slower you know I think first Port of Call for   today is probably not get hit by this Tuk Tuk and  then grab a coffee and some breakfast I think we   do get breakfast in the hotel we have been having  it over the last couple of days but today we   fancied something a little bit different a little  bit more Laos so yeah so hopefully we'll get it   right we definitely need some hot coffee with milk  which I think would be condensed milk everything is in laotian so I can't read that  but the language here is very similar to Thai   so I can kind of get along a little bit I'm  just trying the same Thai words without the   krap at the end and they seem to work or they  can also speak Thai that could be very much a   possibility yeah all right so we've  got some patongo I don't know how you're   actually meant to pronounce that word and some  Lao coffee these are always a favorite for us   and when we were in Thailand many people  were telling us to dip it in hot coffee   this one looks quite thick actually  so this one looks perfect to dip it in but not the sweet type of patongo that we used to since Dylan said now   that it's salty I can't I kind of  want to try it without dipping it in coffee I've seen people dipping in their noodles or in their rice porridge   so maybe you're not meant to be  eating them just on their own yeah oh yeah it's not salty but it's not oh actually  it is a bit salty let's sweeten it up a bit shall   we oh yeah that's good so we said sweet but we  kind of said it when he'd already walked off   so I'm not sure if it's going to be very sweet  coffee oh that's really nice that is sweet you   don't need much condensed milk to make it sweet  like we had one coffee the other day here and   they gave us like 50 50 condensed milk and coffee  wow we thought we'd had a very high tolerance to   sweets but that was too much so when we posted  that other coffee on our Tick Tock which by the   way if you don't follow us on TikTok loads of  people in the comments were saying that we should   have had it with ice so we should have asked for  extra ice and then poured the 50 50 condensed milk   and coffee on top of there to kind of thin it  out so next time we're gonna have to try that   after that coffee I think we're ready to explore  this town or city I'm not actually sure probably   a town it's pretty small so walking around Luang  prabang anyway I'm not sure about the rest of   Lao but there's not that many shops that being  said we're just walking past a little corner shop   right now but it's not the same as in Thailand  Malaysia where there's sort of 7-Elevens family   Marts everywhere here it's kind of more cafes and  restaurants Corner shops Corner shops sometimes   they'll have some stuff that's usually imported  it seems from Thailand so it's not as easy just   to pop in and get your food and your snacks so  we've been eating a lot more healthy because   we haven't been able to eat the snacks because we  haven't been able to bind any snacks so basically   I need something to carry my phone around if  she doesn't have any pocket yeah I don't have   any Pockets but all of the bags that we've seen so  far have looked super manly like this way you know   yeah not this time I need because I've got a  smaller frame than a large man those bags that   look normal on a man look like they cover my whole  front so and I only want to put my phone in there   I just need to find something to just put my phone  around my neck I've seen some people carrying them   in like cases that hang around your neck I kind  of want that but I haven't seen that anywhere so   I need to keep looking this is the first like  proper shop that we recognize so and mini so   I love it is it miniso or mini so we always  call it mini SO but here it looks like it's just   called miniso yeah I don't know we're probably  being really stupid calling it Minis of epic music well I don't have to carry that in my hand I  might as well just carry my phone then like this   every time we've been in the Town Center of  Luang Prabang recently we've seen this sort of pagoda   thing sticking out in the middle of town and we  looked it up on Google so we're gonna go up there   right now and it's called Phousi Hill and it's  meant to have insane views of all of Luang Prabang [Music] no exercise so does that mean if you don't do  exercise you can't come out here or don't do   exercise up here I think it's telling people not  to run up and down the steps can probably see why   yeah these steps look steep as anything if you  have a runner you probably want to be running up   here to get your Hill Sprints and fitness up but  probably not safe if you've got tourists like us   walking up and also probably not that respectful  this is a religious ground or at least at the top   it is and some of the temples down here are not  100 sure I haven't really read up on this place   but it's meant to have I'm already out of breath  I'm not even gonna have that many it's meant to   have the most beautiful view of luang prabang  this is a very popular place to come for sun set   and sunrise we've decided to come sort of in the  middle of the day to hopefully avoid most of the   masses we'll see so far so good I think we're  nearly at the top so it's okay already I think we can see another pagoda from here oh yeah  yeah the view is nice here I think we can go   higher I have to say as well I don't know if  you've been keeping up with our channel for a   while but I recently got glasses I've had  glasses for many years but I recently got   new glasses so I can actually see when I'm out  and about and this is like the first time that   I'm seeing hugely far away in a long time  my other glasses anyway it's a long story   I've got glasses now I can see this view  it's really beautiful the mountains are   sort of circling around this area and it's  just Greenery as far as the eye can see   oh it's pretty beautiful she can actually see  my face now as well so I don't know how long   this channel is gonna keep going on so just  watch all the videos now while you can yeah I could always see you I'm only  joking we are in love uh close up [Music] oh there's a cave please come to see the  cave is that what it says there's actually   way more down here than I thought hold on  look at this you'll see anything now whoa oh it's so nice and cool in here I  like it but I don't like kids they're quiet   in here it's very quiet let's go thank you  sign for lettings us know please come to see the cave two tickets Please should we get a water oh  yes it was 20 000 Kip to come in here which   is about a pound or just over a dollar the  money here has been not a challenge but it's   different you pay in let's say 50 000 and then  they give you so many notes because the notes   go all the way down to 500 so let's say you pay  50 000 and then you get change of let's say 37   000 you might get 13 notes of one thousand then  you have to count them there's been some instances   where I'm not sure whether I've counted wrong or  they've counted wrong or the Lost in Translation   or something like that I'm not sure what's  happening I've been letting it slide but I'm   not sure when we last took money out of an ATM we  ended up with such a big wad of bills we couldn't   even fold the wallet that's not to say that  it was a lot of money it wasn't really it's   just there's a lot of bills one of the things to  note if you are coming to Lao or if you're just   planning to be in this area for any reason try to  bring cash they do take dollars and Thai baht in   some places we struggled getting some money out  of ATMs some of the cards that we had it wasn't   accepting we ended up having to use one of our  old British cards which meant that it took a   huge percentage okay maybe not huge I think it was  about five percent either way it ends up adding up we were down there earlier having breakfast yeah our hotel is somewhere over  there oh yeah this is the Pagoda stupa that we   were looking at oh yeah the city is actually  I looked it up by the way it is a city not a   town it used to be the old Royal capital of Lao so  it is bigger than you think but also when you're   up here it looks so much bigger it looks really  really cool looks really really green lots of palm   trees everywhere very similar to Northern Thailand  I would say yeah really nice calm peaceful hot oh   my God it is absolutely scorching here now if you  head down yeah I've worked up quite the appetite   let's do it [Music] this city is a world UNESCO  heritage site since 1994. it's very similar to   hoi an one other thing is that there's no big sort  of billboards with lights you know outside the   hotel and stuff it's all just sort of brown wood  with uh the name of the hotel and it keeps that   traditional quaint nice Vibe yeah yeah definitely  going around trying to find restaurants it's a   little bit difficult if you want to find Lao  food it seems because most of them almost seem   catered towards Western food a lot of Thai food  not that many restaurants that are solely Lao   food so we're kind of trying to find something  that will give us a unique experience isn't this   LAo food menu It's the closest thing  we can find let's do it but let's try it this is nice this is really nice [Music] the real reveal sticky rice after  looking online and trying to figure   out some classic Lao dishes it was a little  bit difficult because many of them were meat   but what kept coming over and over and  over again was sticky rice oh [Music] everywhere we're saying that  they do really good sticky rice   I like sticky rice we need rice with our dish  so it was like a winner so I got a uh Luang Prabang beer I'd   never tried it before and it's made by bia lao  but it's got a picture of the place   that we were at today at the top there it tastes  a little bit different to bia lao but still   doesn't taste as strong I think it's because  it's only 4.6 4.5 and bia lao is five and for   my main meal I've gone for a pork stew and then  when I ordered it the the lady was like are you   sure you want to order that that's a really local  lao dish I mean that's the reason we came into a   restaurant looking for love it looks pretty nice  looks a little bit like in Thailand when you get   the rad na dish you know kind of gloopy soup that  makes sense she said all the skin and the fat of   the pork is still on this let's try it that is so  good so much flavor and that's insane if you know   the name of this dish let us know oh my God  nice delicious and obviously we have the um   sticky rice to go with it I don't know you meant  to just eat sticky rice kind of with everything that works well together I also ordered from  the Lao side of the menu I've got a Mekong   fish it was called and then she said that she  would prepare it with a little bit of coconut   so I'm not sure if this is necessarily  A Laotian way of preparing the food but   the fish sure is from here so it looks really  good it looks a lot milder than Dylan's food   wow wow it's got some lemongrass in  there that is actually really like   understated but kind of Punchy flavors  at the same time it's really delicious that is good sticky rice this whole dish  is good this restaurant is called bamboo   tree and since it's such a hot day what better  way to wash the food down than with some fresh   lime juice which I'm pretty sure sugar in here  [Music] so fresh delicious and if you have any   recommendations of any Lao dishes that we have  to try please let us know in the comments down   below because we're here for quite a while now  and we want to try pretty much as many as we can
Channel: 2Passports 1Dream
Views: 101,026
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Keywords: laos, luang prabang, now in lao, laos 2022, travel laos, vientiane laos, where to go in laos, lao lifestyle, vlogging laos, living in laos, lao travel vlogs, laos tourism, live in laos, laos visa, laos country, travel vlog laos, A New Journey Begins in LAOS, laos travel guide, luang prabang laos, what to do in luang prabang, luang prabang to do, luang prabang 2022, mekong river, visiting laos, things to do in laos, things to do in luang prabang, luang prabang 4k
Id: oWDfMr0PqLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 09 2022
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