Video Guided Animation - ComfyUI & AnimateDiff-Evolved

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hello hopefully I'm live how's everybody doing today on this fine Wednesday afternoon let's take a minute here and let the stream settle all right well today I want to cover a lot of what we went over last night but uh maybe in a more streamlined format um last night we were working out with comfy UI and Anime diff evolved and we were going through various workflows we found on the Boko uh Discord uh one of which was the video to QR to video process and um it's very similar to the process that I have been using um but um I ended up going back to my own uh my own workflow uh just because um I just a better able to uh I don't really need to generate the QR code videos basically I can just make those in blender and and such but I mean so can you and we can work on that today um but today I want to go through that workflow the QR code workflow and I also want to go through the um like the the workflow for taking a a video that already exists of let's say somebody dancing and uh running it through open pose pre-processor to grab the frames of the dancer in open pose format and then use that uh open pose uh control net base to uh make the uh subject of the resulting video uh do what the person did in the video so um yeah we'll get started with uh QR code stuff that I've been doing with um mixo animations and then uh we'll move on to open pose all right let's get into it my workflow has gone through some changes since yesterday um I discovered get and set nodes and uh they make my brain a lot less tickly when I look at this now because we're able to set the variables into set things into variables and then get them from the variable space which means I don't have to have any cables running from section to section um and uh yeah because the comfy workflow is somewhat uh nonlinear um like the signal path isn't nonlinear but the the way you can arrange everything is so the fact that they're all going to variables and coming into the right spots means that we can move any of these anywhere for better Vision or better you know better usage whatever and uh if you want this workflow I will drop it in my Discord during the stream so you can go grab it in the resources channel the link to my Discord is on pers. XYZ which is linked in the bio below or in the description below and uh yeah hop in and uh you can get these and The Mask packs that I've been using um The Mask packs I made in blender I've been using for bass animations you can grab those too uh and if you like these videos and you want to support what I'm up to I have a patreon as well Pur um subscribers get uh access to a special uh uh category on my Discord with um supporters Channel and uh supporters hangout group so if you have questions and stuff and you want Priority Access to have me answer them um that's probably the way to go and if you just want to support me that's fantastic too um really appreciate it and I can't wait to get more stuff I will be building out a higher tier with more fun uh rewards and stuff I just don't know what those rewards are yet but we'll figure it out together find out what you guys want and uh make it happen all right all the ad stuff out of the way let's have fun all right we got our just to go through this real quick oh and also if you don't have kyui installed you want to install it and follow along with me just in the description below there's a link to a video with the whole setup process for setting up comfy UI animate diff and comfy manager which are the building blocks you'll need to build this workflow out so uh if you haven't done any of that and you want to follow along go do that and then come back to this video later when you have everything installed and you know what it does and then you can get into these workflows but jumping from you know just installing comfy UI to doing this stuff is you know probably a few days of of messing around around with comfy wi before it's all makes sense and it's comfortable so remember you don't need to start with animate diff and all this crazy stuff you can start with just a simple image generator and learn how the workflow works and comfy and uh that's where we all started I don't think anybody jumped out the door doing anime diff you know first so if it doesn't make sense if all this is confusing don't sweat it it will be less confusing after you use the program for like a day or two um and then it'll stay confusing but at least you'll know what to change to make things work uh just to go through this workflow load our checkpoint and our vae uh we send it through clip Skip and then we have our positive and negative prompts and that shoots out to the animate diff loader where we're loading our animate diff Laura or our animate diff motion model and uh we have the option for motion luras those are the pan down pan left pan right pan up rolling and zoom function funs um we determine the size of our latent space for the animation and then uh we go into control net we dissect the video we're doing if we need to we'll run it through a pre-processor we're not doing that here but I'll build out the open pose thing later you can see how that works uh then we set our seed uh we send everything through control net uh in this case I'm using one control net but you can stack multiple control Nets if you want uh and then we go through our first run for the sampler it does all the vids business and then it spits out a uh animate diff uh animation and then we interpolate it and grab several formats of it we get a 12 frame per second GIF 12 frame per second MP4 24 frame per second MP4 and a film interpolated 24 frame per second MP4 that is half the speed but the same smooth motion as a regular 24 frame per second GIF and if you set your quality on these to like 99 you'll save a lot of space uh okay so uh that's all that that's all that we have our walking animation uh that I made uh earlier uh made this on stream last night there's this one which is just a one woman [Music] walking and a silhouette uh and we're using that to um do animations and I made one this morning that has four bodies all walking in different directions so it makes for a pretty cool videos too and they Loop too which is cool all right so we'll go back to the one was just the one person walking cuz it's smaller and we'll render faster we place the folder into the load images thing and we tell it it's 133 frames cuz it is 133 frames um if we want to do short animations to test uh to test what it looks like without having to do all 133 frames I happen to know that the walk cycle is 33 frames long so just type in 33 frames and it'll generate a 33 frame animation that will loop at least the motion will um actually it's maybe it is yeah I don't know math is hard okay uh maybe it's not 33 might not be 33 it might be close to that though so for the clip uh the positive prompt I have ocean Sunset waves washing on sun-kissed shores I think I got that from the other workflow I was testing this with uh and let's just change this back to 512 by 512 for brevity and we hit Q prompt and it's going to work its way through the there we go we've previewed our we've got our input yeah looks like it loops and uh it's gone through all the stuff gave a seed uh went through control net and now it is uh animating yeah about a minute and a half for [Music] that see if I want a house nope maybe next time [Music] awesome so we've taken our control net animation and superimpose posed it onto this uh AI generated animation and because we got the temporal motion everything moves like it's supposed to and water Waters it's very cool here we go and now it's doing the interpolated version there I go yawning again every time I go on stream there so uh this is the 12 frame per second version the 24 frame second version and this is the 24 frame per second version that has been uh you know sort of slowed down half so interpolated uh two times so the motion of the water is pretty much real time yeah beautiful so if you have an animated logo if you have uh animated anything you can use this process to make uh yeah make anything think it's very cool right now it's just saving the PNG history uh do you have a program or way to use the metadata of the PNG images to organize or confront multiple images to see what parameters have changed between cues I don't think so uh might be possible to do that with cushy cushy it just came out um but I don't know how you would even start to do something like that but if you look up uh kushy comfyi yeah kushy studio um they've started building this um uh sort of like front end oops sorry I linked it twice um this sort of front end thing for comfy where you can uh make like uh action scripted workflows so so uh might be possible to make some kind of like uh xif info diff system with this but uh I wouldn't know where to start on that one how do you work when you try to change multiple parameters uh you learn what they do over time and you really only try to change one thing at a time if you're trying to figure out what it does uh the second you've changed two things and then you run a new one you don't know which one's affecting it more than the other ones so um best thing to do with with animate diff in my opinion is to do very short animations until you get exactly what you want and then do the long run U maybe even with the same seed or whatever um if you leave this seed system excuse me in fixed mode then you have to actually update the seed manually every run and uh what that'll do is make sure that you uh you can do that same run again so if I leave it on fixed or you know increment so I just know it's going up by one every time if I liked one I can just go back to it by just typing in that same seed and uh running it again but like making the batch size longer or whatever yeah uh another thing I wanted to do is try to build out this upscaling uh thing just a little bit uh just okay if if you're having trouble loading the workflow it might be because you're missing certain elements or some of the nodes readed is that the problem or it just won't load at [Music] all so if you go load and you go to the workflow. Json it doesn't work you may need to update uh comfy UI um I use comfy UI manager highly recommend that uh it'll let you update all of the uh add-ons and comfy and it'll let you access the add-on thing so I maybe install that first make sure comfy is up to date and then uh try it again uh it should work um let's find out let's see if discord's back there we are okay uh let's go save this one real quick resources the YouTube control that animate d. Json load downloads uh yeah it works yeah I would imagine there might be something broken with your comfy I would definitely try and uh get that manager installed update comfy update all the add-ons and then when it loads up if it loads up and then fails you can just uh install missing custom nodes and it'll fix fix anything like that oh oh that image is not a workflow that's why I know that some people do store their workflows in PNG files I don't that that's just a image of a workflow that would explain why it doesn't load at all um yeah I was just showing how the workflow Works uh I don't know if I even have that one [Music] anymore yeah I can see why that's confusing because a lot of the workflows you can just download the PNG I um my friend make it rad showed me uh how to to actually embed that stuff so um yeah I should try that for the next one so you can see at a glance what it is and it'll still load into the thing there's like a node for that that fixes that okay uh well I like the way this looks and what did I want to do though I wanted to look at something I [Music] saw I'm going to copy a workflow I saw for upscaling and see if it's better than mine probably is seems to be gone all right well uh I guess the idea I had was I just wanted to I'll play with it later basically I think my my upscaling process here is too long for not enough uh benefit um this is why it's unplugged right now but yeah I'll work on that later all right uh let's go back to this and let's try um uh generative art graffiti uh spray paint on concrete let's see what that looks like with a person walking in it now we know that walk cycle is 33 so maybe we do 66 frames and we get two walk Cycles [Music] will it Loop that looks pretty loopy lupulin upscaled our Laden and then right into the sampler but there might be what if we do like a simpler upscale and use the upscale model loader and then upscale and maybe we uh this workflow uh yeah I'll I'll put this one on the Discord just as soon as I finish messing with this upscale thing so for right now I just want to do a simple upscale I don't want to use the latent space we'll do that later so we get our latent and we're upscaling it into here we're decoding the image into this upscaler so this is just a dirty dirty upscaler with no um yeah that's confusing all right cool um so that should just create an upscaled version so upscaled up a path of the upscale and okay so that's just going to upscale it by let's go by two uh upscale model so we're up we've passing our model yeah I know this is confusing because of the wires um so we're loading our upscale model into the upscale image uh and then we're sending that upscaled image out to IM save um we're getting that upscaled image from the old one we're decoding the latent and upscaling it uh two times I think I think that's right we'll try it on the next run for this workflow you do have to do one annoying thing which is is install de uh what is it called de come on brain get set. JS uh let me get the link it's on the Discord the Boko Discord uh comfy workflows there it is [Music] uh I'll find it I'll find it here it is okay this file you need to put the file that I'm about to link in that location so you need to make go into your extensions folder make this diffuse diffuse 3 diffuse folder and add setg get. Js from here uh yep go to site um you want to just click on that and click download um right here download the file put it in your comfy folder um comfy and it goes in um goes in comfy web extensions diffuse and you just drop that file in there and then restart comfy and it will give you these uh get and set nodes which you need to use this workflow that I built ooh look at that kind of lost the person but looks cool and again these um these control net settings you can tweak them here um if you go like super super high with these they'll [Music] um it'll really try to impose that uh the the whatever's white in your uh mask footage this case the person so if I'm right this this run should be like very much just you know the person walking with stuff around them um right now it's sort of mixed in with the with the prompt a little more CU it's at 75% and we're letting a bit of the threshold off on the front of the end but I just removed all that and set it to1 or 01 for start and end percent and the strength at 0.9 so this next one after it's done doing the image save for the interpolated version which will be a little while 66 so 30 130 math 130 some odd frames onun frame 76 if comy if comfy is ever just sitting there and you don't know what doing or you're worried it might be crashed just open up the uh terminal window and it should tell you what it's up to um in this case the saving the PNG files just takes a while because um the compression is set to 99 so it's going in and compressing the file every time and that takes a little time but the resulting PNG files are much smaller uh even if they've only been compressed a little bit uh then just raw PNG fil but if you have miles and miles of hard drive space and you don't care and you have um uh yeah more hard drive space than than uh time you can set the quality to 100 and they actually save a lot faster all right so this should almost be done and then once this process is going I'll save this workflow and drop it on the Discord yeah okay I do just kind of want want to make sure that this upscaler does what it's supposed to before I uh put the workflow on my Discord but I'll drop it as soon as I know which will be after this run hey lots of new people on the Discord today welcome welcome welcome glad to see you there as always drop your stuff in AI animation you got questions drop them there we'll chat it up there I have to add a rules section for my Discord but um I'm trying to keep this pretty familyfriendly so please don't update any or don't post any NSFW stuff on my Discord it's just not the place for it um there's plenty of places for that kind of stuff uh I will make a rule about it so nobody's going to get banned or anything right away but uh definitely going forward uh I don't want any of that on the server just in case people under the age of 13 join and they're interested in this stuff you know keep it open to everybody I do my best not to swear in my streams but uh I am from northern Canada so it comes out every now and then I [Music] try busy busy I need to make a little scrolling ticker for the bottom of my screen here I feel like I'm wasting real estate down here is there an OBS ticker must be something scrolling text [Music] thing okay so about 15 seconds 8 seconds towards the end we'll see what it looks like in the thing so again this one the control net is very high very strong 90% uh 90% strength and uh just no Threshold at all just just absolute black and white so hopefully we'll get really yeah you can see the person is extremely noticeable because of the high strength that looks really cool oh you know what I think I forgot oh no this is all plugged in maybe it goes after I don't know where this is in the point of the the in the in the chain anymore hopefully it's right after film interpolation might be smart to just upscale the interpolated footage actually could just do that with topaz too save save sa save save uh what are you don't need the checkpoint do need the vae need to control net and we got our lat in first run I think the is going to run last I hope so so I'm noticing here it seems like the motion of the person is too to slow compared to the motion of the stuff around them I wonder if you sped up your input animation twice if it would be the same speed as the motion of the stuff around it because right now it looks like the person's walking in slow motion and the stuff around them kind of isn't so maybe we uh maybe if I go into blender and double up the speed of that uh walking animation uh we'll get better results here hard to say we can try it I can yeah you know what I can do that by uh I'll just grab a a new animation and do the workflow and you guys can see how you would take something in the blender and uh make an animation out of it and then uh use that animation to drive the control net uh what well I've already uh I mean you have to open them to do anything with them and I've colorcoded them to what they are I was just checking to see uh exactly what they are because I haven't done the upscaler functionality in a while so the like I know the purples are Laden and the reds are vaes and the yellows are uh Clips so like I got a pretty good idea of what they are um the thing is even if you rename them to that you've only got a tiny bit of space on the small thing so it's not really worth it plus you can't really interact with them when they're closed unless they have stuff sticking out of them and even then not really so you got to open them up to do anything with them anyway but it's cool all that stuff's labeled inside the um you know you can label the the variables so at least you don't go crazy when you're when you're plugging stuff in okay and oh what do we got what do we got did I plug this into upscale yep y yep yep okay it's upscaling so we're upscaling our input footage from the first one so I still have to interpolate it if I want but we could upscale footage and then interpolate that with film right and comfy that's kind of cool so my next thing I need to do is figure out how to make a switch so that I can just say turn the upscaler on and off and it'll just bypass it if it's off and uh run it if it's open and I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure there's something for that I just forget what it's called I think it would be the I think it would be the latent input switch and then we would like feed it late in a if it's on and nothing if it's not [Music] on and then have the switch here like this I think yeah zero would be on one would be off so maybe this so one would be on zero would be off have to try that on the next run feel like there's got to be a prettier way to do that because the vae has nothing to decode it's not going to run right and I don't think we want to be upscaling using this every single time looks very slow uh cables that's in um if you go to the settings this little gear in the Q box and then down here under um uh link render mode we got straight linear spline and hidden uh spline is how it starts with the curly brackets or curly ones linear is um like literal straight lines from place to place and straight does the like the the sort of hard cut lines if you don't see that you just have to update comfy and you can do that with the comfy UI manager update comfyi I believe it used to be in like a text file settings file but they've added it to the menu so I might have picked a bad upscale model for this it seems like a really slow one yeah me too been suffering with uh curly cables for ages I don't the curly cables but I really really like the way the straight ones look I got to stop yawning this coffee is not working at [Music] all I know it's so little interesting it wanted 13 gabyt of vram to upscale and apparently that was just unacceptable so you know what for now let's just turn you off I'm going to remove this Boolean logic and I'm going to disconnect this upscale latent from the uh decoder and that should leave it off for now so if you want to enable it you can play with it yourself just connect this late to the samples and it'll reconnect this one but for now I am going to save uh save this workflow as YouTube comy or as animate diff evolved with QR code troll net and I'm going to drop it on my Discord so you can just grab it and plug it in and play along but uh remember that you will need those get set nodes in the in the chat history up there for it to work and I don't think you can get them through comfy manager but I might be wrong about that if you just go to uh the um you know replace all missing nodes button it might it might work but probably won't okay uh where's my Discord Discord Discord Discord resources downloads here we are yeah so now the uh workflow that I'm working on right now is available on my Discord if you want to just grab it and try it out again you will need those get set nodes uh drop that there and the link is Yep this drop that in there as well yeah all right uh if you want to load a video instead of an image sequence you just connect these these nodes instead of this node so you connect the load video node and then open up your thing easy peasy um minor just image sequences to begin with so it's easy to use the image sequence loader all right let's uh let's start fresh we're going to go to mixim and let's get uh some kind of Animation that isn't walking maybe or maybe drunk walking have any drunk stuff drunk walk [Music] ooh that one might be cool I like how the character slides around a bit so if you click that little in place button on any of these mixo animations you can um otherwise they'll walk off into the into the you know distance if you put in place they'll kind of stay a drunk run forward maybe this would be funnier yeah drunk run is hilarious okay this is perfect so we have uh we want to download this animation uh as a fbx file and then load it into blender and make a threshold out of it so I'll just do all that from the from scratch so you can see what the process is like we're going to we're doing 24 Fram per second animations so I'm going to do the animation at 24 frames per second fpx is fine with skin is good key frame reduction you don't need to do that so download let it download the fvx takes a second to prepare pair get blender loading up in the meantime this launch blender however you like and there it is drunk run forward. fbx so we need to import that file in blender once it's up okay delete the default Cube open not open import uh fbx and downloads and drunk run forward all right here's our person they're doing their thing how long has this run 45 frame animation so we set our end 45 and we should have a perfect Loop yep so we know our run animation is 45 frames so uh we slip over to the graph editor because we're going to want more than 45 frames right so we click this little uh only show selected button and it's going to get rid of all the stuff so we can see all of the animation that mixim Mo's given us now all we want to do isrl c go to the the 45th frame contrl V 90th frame contrl V we're just copying and pasting this animation data a few times until we have a longer animation so our animation is now 178 frames so let's go back to our timeline change the end to 178 and then hit play and we should have a drunk Running Animation that's 178 frames long great and just remember we have a 45 frame walk Cycles so we can do 45 frame animations and they'll Loop all right how do I make them white so that they'll work as control net because right now they you know they're they've got materials on them and lighting and stuff um a couple ways to do this uh we can use um workbench in um uh workbench we go to Flat mode mode we go to object uh we turn off the Shadow and the cavity and the outline and then we have everything we need and then we go up here and we change it to the viewport and we change the viewport to Black and we change [Music] the yeah we change it a single and we make sure it is white white white white so right it's it starts like like kind of gray you want to make sure it's white so you click on the color Crank that up so now we have our white on black running uh control net person and we can just render this animation we just set up a camera point it at the at the area we want to render we can go 1024 x 1024 and let's make sure the camera is somewhat centered so we'll put it on zero everything and then we'll move it out out yes4 move it up a bit just get that just get it centered somewhat in the frame that's probably good and for our camera I'm going to use an orthographic camera and I'm going to zoom it in so that I basically want the runner to pretty much fill the entire thing with some room around so that's looking pretty good and then you can use the Zed axis to or the Y AIS to kind of Center them a bit I think that's good that's looking good and if you want you can Ro you can rotate the person you can do whatever you want because it's in 3D so if you want them running like a different way yep that works too this is better though because um it's actually generated and it's not so like uh you always get a better result from um going straight from 3D Source if you have the means uh because you get the actual lines versus processing something where you sort of get the lines I mean it'll work we're going to go through some open POS processing and some other types of pre-processing in a bit to show how that works as well there's also a suite of tools for blender by toy XYZ that uh allow you to generate control net frames from stuff that you've got in blender already so lots of ways to pull out control net data all right so this works this is fine let's make uh output is drunk Runner we want a PNG sequence and a render animation what did I do wrong uh render engine is workbench oh flat we have to redo all of our settings here in the render in the render settings so it was flat single none of this stuff and I think if we hit F12 no we need to change our background as well uh where is that in the world there we go is that right yeah and then the color is seems a little gray workbench flat single you're all the way up oh I bet I know why if if we go into our settings I bet you we are in filmic mode we don't want to be in filmic mode in color management we want to be in standard mode that should give us a white yes there we go okay that'll work now render animation yeah all right we got our drunk Runner we have our animation so now we can go back into comfy Y and replace our person walking comfortably with our person running drunkly select the folder paste it into here and our Run Cycle was 45 frames so we'll set that to 45 and we'll do a one run cycle [Music] that's good that's good that's good and then uh what should the drunk person be running through I think fireworks explosions smoke Flames uh Sparks and uh yeah that's good and Sparks so let's have them drunk running through uh Michael Bay movie all right uh I think that's everything and because we've disconnected our yeah we've disconnected the VA decode and the upscaler so that should yeah see how it's read we've now bypassed this upscaler function because we don't really need it yet all right we got our drunk running sequence looking good oh our my um control net settings are still very high so we're going to get a lot of the runner in this two minutes for 45 frame animation that's not too bad oh hi Nico right on yeah I don't even want to call it a transition because I still use automatic 1111 for all kinds of stuff you know it's just like um for for animate diff specifically I I just really comfies much better uh workflow for me um but yeah you know like if I just want to generate some images or do some of the or use deorum or any other things thato automatic 1111 is great at I'll just use automatic 1111 cuz you don't always need comfy nodes but that being said comfy UI can do everything automatic 1111 can do pretty much and with more versatility more modularity and more Style oh that's cool I really like that Loops really well Loops really well [Music] I kind of want to try this with um uh Lush Field of Flowers uh blooming uh blossoming budding uh growing flowers thank god'll be cool too cue that up [Music] should be 90 frames I think the more I think about it I don't think I need to be saving PNG sequences of the film interpolated stuff save some time because I have the I have the original frames so I can always just interpolate them in um uh topaz later yeah oh hey matis yeah this uh this one came out awesome uh eliminate connections uh if you scroll up a bit it's the get set nodes that I pasted in here um the workflow and the get set link to my get set no or the get set nodes is in my uh Discord in the resources folder or in the resources channel uh you can download this workflow and that stuff and yeah oh is in the manager that's awesome yeah I I uh I love it because basically you know you can uh set and get variables instead of having to run the cables across the length of the thing so you open up the get node it lets you pick whatever variable you set and then if you open up a set node you just name it something new it creates a new variable easy peasy um you can get and set from anywhere um in the same workflow so yeah we're just getting stuff and setting it and pulling it in where we need it and the other nice thing is if I need to rewire the way this works or something instead of having to plug the image into the control net thing which you know it's beside it right now but later on it could be you know way over here or something um I don't have to drag a cable from here all the way over there I just set it here and then pull it back in over here get my image out here easy peasy makes the workflow a lot EAS your read okay what's with the just have to get a I have to get a uh coffee IV drip I'll get it drip drip coffee that's cool it kind of was hoping it would put the person into the flowers more but I think we could do that with a little less sure that oh wait you're not what the you're not even connected anymore why are you working that's weird maybe I disconnected it after I ran this R run I think that's probably what happened all right uh got our drunk Runner got them run through the field I kind of want to run this one again uh with less uh less influence and see what it looks like so let's do that because I want to and this stream is all about [Music] me after this one I'm going to grab a video off pixels and show you how to uh extract the open pose um the open pose data and then use that to uh inform the animation of the person in the frame and hopefully we'll be able to make someone dance hopefully and I think that person is going to be zangie oh uh yeah the link to the Discord is just on my website ite pers. XYZ it's right at the top um uh there's a link in the bio below to the or in the link in the description below to my website and the Discord Link's right at the top there [Music] you ever get one little part from one song stuck in your head maybe it'll go away if I listen to it but probably not but let's try anyway if you're curious what song is running through my head it is uh what's it [Music] called yeah that that that little number there has been in my head for about a week now warning it's extremely catchy yeah see how the person's way less like insistent now in the frame it's almost like the echo of them or like they're a ghost that's CU I've set the strength to 65 and we've increased and decreased the edges of the threshold so like I said you you really really mess with the strength and mess with the the threshold to get different results from your control Nets you need to do a lot of testing with this stuff all right let's go to pixels and grab a video let's get somebody dancing we want to try to find something where the whole body's in the shot we also want to find one where they don't turn around because uh open pose in in control net whatever in general doesn't know what direction someone's facing most of the time so when they turn around like their head will pop up or their body or the on the back of their head and stuff their face it's creepy full body shot I'm pretty sure that's the one I used before maybe not let's try this one I think this will work all right we only need the 1280 x 720 version um we're just going to pull it into resolve do some video editing on it we don't need the entire frame we just need the the small one yeah that tune's been in my head hard downloads grab this okay there we go uh sure let's change the frame rate okay so it's wide we don't need it wide so let's make the project 720 by 1280 and then we're going to zoom in so we're filling up the space and move it up a bit so we got the bottom and if we do this right we can capture the whole person in the frame the whole time you slide it over just a bit maybe they move around too much for that okay well here's the nice part about um open pose because we actually only need the body it doesn't actually matter if the whole thing is um uh if the third sorry uh my brain's farting here if we don't have uh we we we just need the person uh the rest of the image is going to be black anyway so it doesn't matter if our videoos not filling the whole frame because all we need to make sure is that the person we're trying to track is in the frame the whole time and IDE as big as possible so what I might actually do is just track them so we got three here let's get it somewhat thing and then what I'm going to do is just follow them so once they start to move over a bit there so we'll start here and we'll set a key frame on the position we'll go over to where she's out of frame and just slide that over there try and keep her in frame same deal there add another key frame wait till we're back in position you get used to this kind of stuff when you start doing video editing more but basically just trying to keep her in frame where's my so probably by here I think we just want to slide her over a little bit so back towards Center that should do it try and keep her in frame the whole time uh lost a foot but I think it'll be okay yeah all right deliver we'll do a vacant lot dancer all right we've got our thingy and now uh so we want to pre-process our open pose yeah yeah use whatever editor like I used to use Premiere all the time but whatever whatever you like okay um let's expand this control net thing a bit give ourselves some room to work all right so right now I've already got my math calculated so I don't need to process it but if I do want to process it I need a pre-processor so we're going to use an open pose free processor scoo we got our open pose recognition uh I've made it a video so I'm going to I'm going to use the video I'm going to plug my frame count into my frame count there we go and this I actually need to go from here yeah yeah and we want to go out to here so hopefully this makes sense we are taking our video we're running it through open pose and we're going to preview it and we're also going to send it out to uh control net this is our control net images so we're taking our video we're running it through open pose we're generating an open pose image set we're going to use that open POS image set to uh to do the rest of it uh we're going to put no frame load cap we're just going to let it load all the frames it needs and we're going to select the video that we just made which is now in my videos full folder under vacant lot dancer I believe yeah okay frame rate's actually 25 frames per second I don't think it matters but whatever um one other thing you can do is uh so open pose calculation takes a little while so if we're going to make more than one animation with this uh with this set what I'm going to preview it the first time but I'm also going to save it as a PNG sequence and then we'll have it and then we can skip the the the the pre-processor next time we run it we can just plug uh the image sequence directly into the thing so just uh copy this structure from my other image sequence es and we'll call it open pose so now we're saving an open pose image set of our um whatever we make here so then we're going to use instead of QR code monster we're going to use open pose and we're going to maybe increase the value a bit let's get this back down to like 0.005 and like 09 95 yeah and let's change the height to 768 by 512 to make it like you know it's all um and we'll say uh it was really fun to make cops dance so let's do Miami Vice police officer dancing on the beach uh detective uh what else is funny uh yeah that's good let's try that Miami Vice police officer dancing on the beach detective uh it should be morphing between all those things I know this is kind of confusing While I Work It Out but uh you know it's way it is so open pose comes out there yeah let's try this uh oh okay it really wants it to be 24 frames per second yo screw it I think it's loading oh oh oh oh I see what I did wrong does anyone else see what I did wrong wrong let's disable the forced size hopefully that will hopefully that will load them in at the right uh oh is it going to fail does it want to do the entire thing before it crashes okay here's one thing you can do save your workflow you probably don't even have to do this but if you got something you can't interrupt you can't cancel you can just kill comfy and uh start it again um when it comes back up don't use the new window that it makes but go back to this window and just hit Q prompt again so it'll when it's done loading up it'll probably open up uh yeah we don't need this window because we're already running it so let's cue this again yeah this is a quick way to kill and restart comfy if if you don't want to wait for a process to finish before it'll cancel because the way the Q Works in comfy and automatic is it will stop the thing you're doing when you hit the stop button but it won't do it until it's done whatever step it's working on um most part most of the time if you're diffusing it'll just stop at the next step in the diffusion process but something like open pose it's going to go through the entire pre-processor sequence before it stops so we probably just saved like two minutes by just killing comfy and restarting [Music] it go away steam nobody likes you there you are so after we've generated this open pose stuff uh it'll be saved so then we can just load that open pose image sequence in next time we make an animation and we don't have to do this so we really don't have to do this open recognition once and also like I said there is a uh there's a plugin for blender for doing this stuff as well by toy XYZ and you can use that to [Music] um uh you can use that to [Music] um do it again instead of uh instead of regenerating it every single time [Music] d all right well this does the open pose I'm going to get up and stretch my legs suggest you do the same but I'm not your mom if you don't want to get up don't get up but uh yeah I'll be back in 5 minutes 12 minutes to render this that's not too bad I'm curious what it'll look like because is uh this open pose animation is actually pretty cool so many [Music] folders my poor computer too many files I need to clean this folder up it's getting nauseating but I don't see the oh maybe that's it nope that's not it I should have never gone in that [Music] folder I mean I just made it I got some real scary stuff in here the uh oh yeah I I dump this stuff off to my Nas all the time uh hot shot is hilarious I don't know if you guys have played with hot shot much yet but it is absolutely mental but I'm just looking for that control net sequence we just made but Windows is just dying right now if there's some kind of threshold I've hit it I don't know where I mean it should be saved is it not in an open pose folder um guess not I don't know where it saved it to yeah we need to clean this up this is brutal uh oh oh oh hey hello awesome yeah I mean we just motion captured that from a video you know what I mean like yeah once the think I need to put everything I just got to let it sit and hang for a while and do all of its business because I basically just want to make a folder and dump everything in it for now so that we can at least see our previews whilst working will maybe it'll take more than 12 minutes like it thought 16 minutes isn't bad though 15 minutes 16 all right uh blender okay you know what I'm I think I might install toy XYZ in blender Z control net and let's have a look at it and see see what it is uh Toy XYZ just trying to find the I think it's on Gum Road yes pixiv pixiv blender uh control net sequence to image character bones that look like open pose for blender oh that's cool oh I just realized I'm not sharing my screen um okay this this is very interesting so that means any rig any any model anything you get in blender uh you can uh load this up and it'll replace it with the bone structure that looks like open pose so that the open pose processor will just understand it as open pose intrinsically and then you can just uh generate stuff making your own fluid flid animations if you want that's very cool very cool I don't actually need that because I don't have any uh I have any models uh handy but um I know some 3D artists that have a lot of animations they could mine for this stuff okay so we have our thing so we no longer need to do the res [Music] recognition and and we're actually going to use this and AI comfy output control is it oh it was open pose I think that's the folder yeah and image load cap is I don't know just do4 frame see if it looks good start index at zero integer into the frame count and image into the image thingy image into the preview image and we'll just save this over here for when we need to do yeah so you go there you go there and we'll kind of just leave maybe we'll leave that and we'll leave dep Midas as well well no we'll do the Midas with the loader because it's better this could make a little pre-processing Gallery here [Music] just death open pose uh trying to think of what else I'll be using oh actually maybe the all-in one's a way to go yeah oh no this one's like not got enough options [Music] preprocessor it be good to have segments I think line art what else uh cany yes it'd be really cool because like all they really have to do is in the Laura I don't know my thing here this drop down they just have to add a option to have thumbnails or whatever on the side that would be enough you know all right so we got open pose depth kinds of depth cany line art segments and yeah head get the edge detection I think it's pretty much all you would need and then maybe we make you super tall over here now we can reroute processing spit it out into a folder yes snap to oh it's on all right open pose head cany line art segments depth and open pose I think that's pretty much all the ones I would [Music] need sweet well I don't think any of that stuff actually loads until you route through it so that's that's nice at least yeah right Bounty let's put out a code Bounty for that oh yeah GPU is starting to wiggle a bit oh [Music] no oh no my least favorite thing that comfy does happen all right okay H why why are you in this fun that makes no sense and we got our big ridiculous open pose or sorry our big ridiculous control net thing now actually yeah yeah let's do that [Music] [Music] yeah Ah that's better then we can just reroute over here if we want anything else uh okay so all this stuff happens at the beginning then it goes into the control net to the first run to the outputs to the interpolation think it just makes more sense as a line uh and then we load the loaders here basically at the same time yes yes and I put that right on top of my stuff oh I'm killing it tonight all right we got this clean clean clean clean and then this awful upscaler that needs love okay so we store our checkpoint and our animate diff we do our control net stuff up here we feed that into our prompt we feed our seed and our size and all that into control net control net does the run then control net after control net we do our sampler decodes it into the outputs and the interpolation that uh makes a hell of a lot more sense and then the upscaler I will fix that later I don't I'll also I'll repost this workflow when I'm done tonight so that you know you're not stuck with the last version there on my Discord but uh let's wait till we're done because I might do a bunch more stuff to it I mean you can just rearrange these groups however you like but it helps my brain to see it all in a line like that all right what did matis send me character oh same thing yeah nice yeah no I'm going to grab that for sure I just don't have any um thingies for it right now um animated models and stuff welcome welcome welcome five people have joined the Discord on this stream six people seven geez welcome pardon me I'm really excited to see what this one does um we kind of went in blind with it I like the animation I think it's fun oh The Bookmark oh thanks man oh yeah no for sure um that's an interesting question because um when I had a 370 and I only had 8 gigs of vram I found comfy was a lot faster now I think they're about the same speed for single Generations on my 3090 but um for sdxl sdxl was way faster in comfyi than uh than automatic 1111 on my uh 3070 um that might have been me might have been misconfigured automatic 11-11 not doing it right using the wrong you know collection of things but um yeah oh uh yeah somebody asked about the film [Music] node I don't know what node pack the film nodes from pardon me let me check pardon me uh vfi uh V1 ah there it is if you guys want to try out the um film and rif stuff in comfy that's the plugin for it [Music] oh we're decoding [Music] do now I'm wondering for open pose if we wanted uh okay that's kind of amazing look at him go yeah well I think it's safe to say open pose works pretty well yeah I I think uh I think for open pose I should just absolutely crank the uh control net yeah there's no reason to not and I'm going to literally like zero one yeah yeah there we go and then uh [Music] okay so we got that going there and then uh I've done all the work here but basically I've replaced what we did with the open pose with the images we generated so now it's just going to load the open pose thing and we're only going to load 48 of the images and then we're going to run the um uh run the animation and see what happens so this should be a lot shorter of a generation time I think it's still saving frames though yeah uh DW what's [Music] DW wonder how many frames this animation is oh cool I haven't seen that one DW pose sweet o ooh [Music] ooh we might have to try this one we might have to try this one does it work with the open pose um control net or do you need a special DW open pose control like giv it just better detection huh so I need the DW open pose control net model oh okay so it's just a pre-processor beautiful you just use it with regular open pose all right let's try that out uh I wonder if I should convert my no we're still filming so crazy there three 306 frames oh it's done nice yeah like the motion is the right speed but the dancing is not I feel like I need to double time the feel like I need to double time the animation let's see up scaler okay uh am I running another one oh yeah I guess I am three minutes that's much faster yeah I mean you really only have to pre-process it once so if it takes longer you know it takes longer but then you get way better input maybe it's worth it because again you can just load that image sequence again after you've saved it so no worries uh I can just save this and drop it uh let me just get that DW preor pre-processor close by yep and then save uh we'll do 2023 10 11 655 pm and I'll just drop that in the Discord you can grab it there resources here's the most uh upto-date version if you want to play along just rewire this stuff as you need it if you have questions just shout so then if I double [Music] the yeah if I double the speed of the person dancing it should fit with the motion model better okay let's try that we've got uh what's the not dumb way to do this let me think this through so all right I broke all these all right uh I want to kill all the key frames oh that's dumb well how do you just delete key frames in this okay yeah I think if we use the double speed with the DW also what if I only uh I think that'll do it let's try that so want oh what did I call it videos copy as path no I don't want the path uh videos I just want the name thank you where are you whoa what the oh God Windows your terminal it just sucks there I said it what a nightmare really [Music] okay frames that's probably fine I already have a frames directory yeah it's the other dance don't need you anymore make one called frames yeah okay hit it okay let's go into our videos [Music] frames yay all right oh are jpegs going to work maybe all right let's do an open pose but just from The First 48 frames that'll save us some trouble where are we I have too many windows open and none of them are comfy why where'd you go there you are all right uh all right we got our DW so let's load images from this folder we're going to grab the first 48 yeah we're going to preview I'm going to just expand this a bit move you over here move you over here and pull this in in because we want to preprocess our image sequence that we just made into a thing ofama jig and I don't think we need to preview it for now we're just going to also send it out to the thing I might regret this decision later but who cares all right there and hand Body Face 512 I think that's right uh let's see what it makes using DW got to download some models for it I didn't even know about DW all right I guess it's posing it's green yeah open pose at one is the move look how attached to it it is that's great so now we're just doing 48 frames of the uh the Double speed animation we just made and my hope is that the motion of the dancer will be lined up with motion of the background at this speed hard to say I don't know if it'll work but see cuz like if you see this uh this one in particular the motion in the background looks like you know aside from the clouds wiggling around the the water looks like it's pretty much real time maybe a little faster than real time but the dancing feels like it's about half speed so my hope is that if I have a double speedol troll net pose sequence the temporal model of animate diff and the animation of the dancer should more tightly align or it'll just look like crap who knows hard to tell we'll find out in two [Music] minutes as always put some tunes on you know get down I just don't play music because I like to let people pick their own music yeah weirdly I think that's better wait for this interpolation to finish but I think the animation better lines up with the speed of the temporal motion of the things in the background and that has been driving me nuts so it's cool that's cool that's cool what am I doing I am extracting uh open POS animation data from uh videos and uh imposing that on uh animated diff runs that are using it to make an AI animation using the [Music] uh the pose that we extracted from a video yeah that looks a lot better to me so in that case let's save this and do the whole shebang so I like the speed and we're just going to save this and then kill the run so that we have the the thing saved and then we're going to load that image sequence back in so we can work on it without having to worry about pre-processing the DW anymore uh difficult is relative it's all about you know understanding what it can do and what you want to do and limitations and and that sort of thing uh if you look in the description below I have a video of how to install comfy UI and this stuff and how to do your first run and all that kind of thing so you can go back to the beginning and mess around with it but remember you do need an Nvidia GPU with at least 8 gigabytes of vram probably more like 12 uh to do a lot of the stacking control net stuff and like uh animated diff but if you want to just get into regular image generation uh I would probably recommend like automatic 1111 or something like that that's a little uh less strenuous to learn just to like start with AI stuff so all depends on what you want to do with it if you want to make still images you don't need all this stuff this is more for like uh this new form of Animation called animate diff [Music] m this does take longer but I think it's worth it I mean look at these fies way better hand and face articulation this one might be cool I know he turns around a lot but might be all right just get a face on the back of the head every now and then no big deal I like the motion in it let's grab it let's do the same thing here start a new project don't save downloads that's fine stabilized zoom out a little bit more a bit all right uh let's double it up ah I should have done all the damn it yeah we do that after we speed it up the key frames are not relative o it's a little too little too fast interesting what if we try like 150 little bit faster not stupid fast okay let's try that and one move in a bit move up up a bit and then here let's try that it was so much better before all right uh no we can do this and as soon as it stops we get the back to foot level I think that's it oh not bad not great 37.5 frames per second uh yeah I think I'll just do the footage the way I had it at regular speed then just double it up later so let's zoom in pull up to about here we start our key frame [Music] here go to here try to get the foot in the same spot let's have a look put that should do it I think uh that's pretty good all right cool and render that all right yeah and then we just speed up the footage uh dancer Warehouse like that yeah nice all right deliver dancer Warehouse 2x right and then make directory frames [Music] 2 oops dancer Warehouse frames 2 hey all right let's see how our DW pose did oh we forgot to kill it after it was done how far long are we six minutes yeah screw it oh yeah that articulation is way better good call on the DW open pose that's crazy it's only 150 frames that's not too bad let it cook and what's the other thing oh yeah terminal got to remember to swap out the DP DW open post processor before the next run or else uh we'll be running all that run of data again yeah it's way better good call I'll be using that from now on I love that it's just a pre-processor too so you don't have to get another crazy model for it hey sloon not too bad we're just uh doing more open pose silliness making cops dance on the beach you know the usual it's that uh that's more open post stuff right there the skateboarder that was uh stable warp fusion this is just a sort of a folder of cool stuff I've made lately um this one here is open pose uh animate diff uh of a break dancer but as you can see when they spin around the face stays on the front so it's really weird uh actually I think it's sort of Ken now um it's my understanding that he's working on a comfyi node group thing for it but it is behind the patreon pay wall so yeah you have to pay for it to play with it basically it's cool though I've been a subscriber probably since it came out really um super powerful super complicated though not well yeah it's complicated it was really neat though yeah uh I know a few people who uh uh or in that boat cuz you got to like set up a a local uh python notebook like server thing and then run the notebook through collabs but then connect to your computer locally and stuff like there's a lot of steps but uh there is like an install. bat now so it's like it's easier to get going now you can just like like install it with the batch file and then uh just learn how to fire it up and talk to it but yeah I mean it's not for everybody all right what do we got 31 seconds yeah I know what you mean oh did I change my seed to fixed when I was talking okay no I'm good yeah I think speeding up the input F footage two times before you do the open pose is is the move I guess speeding up the open pose footage would work too d it's crazy to me how much you can do with this giant sequence of images before it's pushed out into PNG files like as a blob like the stuff you can do with it is so much faster than dealing with you know individual files I guess when it's still in its like VA decoded State and separating it out takes forever but like you can do all kinds of crazy stuff with it like these combines take like seconds I guess that's sort of how dxv works for like resum where it's like you're just dumping the frames into like something that the GPU can load as a blob so that it has like direct access to every frame at the same time explain why they're way bigger too ah good it's done so film yeah motion looks right same speed as the background stuff I love it very cool the it's a little blurry for me let's try uh go back to rev animated and try like uh zeni from Street Fighter dancing in a dirty alley uh probably half my stuff always says depreciated I try to forget about it dancing in a dirty alley uh Neon Lights puddles cinematic lighting try to make them not nude all right we have this so we don't need to process it we just loaded up from comfy output uh control no open pose and it's probably this one 714 yeah it's probably this one okay Y and we'll do the one we just made after let's see if we can get a very different uh oh yeah and then images go into here and here and and we don't need this yeah yeah I think that's good so we have our thing we have no cap CU there's only 160 frames but instead I want a 32 cap just so I can uh do a quick render and see see what we got let's see what Zangief looks like which animate diff model am I using yeah temporal diff [Music] m [Music] folder still loading good Lord close all these windows all right uh um oh that looks good where's that thing I downloaded he's so stylish kind of want to run that whole animation uh let's do do no frame No Cap No Cap my youth oh no okay I wish you could like pin them or lock them in place so you can't grab them and pull them everywhere when you misclick oh right on welcome nice to meet you I should log in Instagram every now and then oh this stuff got pulled around damn it comfy where's the rest of them well there's one back here there's one back here jeez is that all of them I think so wait open pose depth depth you you you and you oh and also wait screw this one that's what we want all right cool uh a group title processors actually this is better as a whole other system yeah so let's move all these over to the side and we'll make a pre-processor panel where you can just snap them in when you need them and then we got to load load images and load videos on the left yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we can make this better we can embedy this edicate all right so we got load images load video we got all our potential pre-processors all dialed in right settings is and we need after that to preview an image and then also save them save image image save or is yeah save that's the one yep uh whoa grabbing them I get this okay and then we're going to call you preprocess comi blah blah blah blah blah 99 and then rero cool and then uh can I plug two things into a REO no just one you go into know whichever and in do I need this now no this is for later so this is just for pre-processing just saves it nice nice yeah what model do I use a bunch of them uh I like rev animated I like uh realistic Vision dream shaper um I haven't played with the sdxl models enough yet to have any opinions on them uh mostly stick with 1.5 what else Photon uh reiber deliberate yeah okay so now we have a control net pre-processor Gallery thing we can plug in whatever pre-processor we want push it out into an image sequence when that's done then we can take that either one drop it in our control net control sequence so we don't have to do the pre-processing in here rebuild it that can be fed out to the actual places where it needs to go that way if this is disconnected it'll just ignore it load our checkpoint load our stuff load our other stuff push it all through control net in this case we're using open pose run it save it upscale it throw it down flip it and reverse it going to put the upscaler right here because I'm never going to use it yeah I'm looking forward to this whole dance sequence [Music] m try to get the whole body in the shot still that's too short I think [Music] spinning think I used this one I can't remember now might be cool when to speed up though dancer dancer dancer dancer wonder if open pose does two people guess I could just speed up if it's slow motion just start to stop immediately ignoring the slow motion ones oh that'll be cool let's try that I think that'll be interesting all right let's load that up new project I'm curious what the open pose looks like for that now all right uh was it good downloads this just drop the file let go thank you okay let's uh 720 1280 and I think can zoom in uh and then towards the end we can zoom out all right let's try that uh live dancer living room all right and then uh open videos dancer living room speed 200 yeah it's hard to tell that looks make it might not be quite fast enough but it's fast so let's try it 2x uh where am I looking is this done nice zenie is serving how many damn frames is it good Lord oh 159 okay it's not too bad oh yeah my Pur face Laura and animated diff is like so funny he seems just a little too slow in the interpolation but it's not bad I like it all right now we can try our pre-processor okay so we're pre-processing it we're grabbing it we're saving it but if I do nothing it'll just punch right through send it out render the entire thing but if I stop it then I'll be able to disconnect this load up the one I just made and uh skip this step nice so we're going to open pose process this uh animation and then save it and then play with it but I'm going to stop it after it's done the DW preprocessing uh open post reprocessing and then uh we'll change the prompt and stuff as much as I love watching zangi RPP in a dirty alley how do you have the ability to stop a running process you just hit cancel you just uh so you see this view Q button that's like minuscule you click that and then you can see your queue and then you can just kill the process at any point so like once it's done this I'm going to cancel it and it will will stop this process actually yeah it's too late now it's was plugged in but um yeah or just kill comfy and restart it that works too yeah there's a few hidden options in comfy I'm going to grab a drink I'll be right back all right still posing [Music] d holy pre-processors Batman tomorrow I'm going to do a video on Looking Glass and Holograms and stuff like that so that's going to be pretty fun probably around the same time five o'clock just waiting for a piece to arrive so I can set up a tripod to film my uh looking glass with my camera phone uh otherwise I can't point a camera at it to do the video section of it but uh yeah I'll figure all that out tomorrow and uh we'll do some cool stuff with depth maps fun with depth [Music] maps how many frames are in this oh 300 frames damn this may take a while longer than I thought but that's okay cuz we're going to save them all and we're going to have them and that'll be a thing oh I wonder if now would be a good time to go into my comfy directory can I make a directory yet or will it still fail oh I can so we'll call this 20123 October and refresh it open it again 2023 October all right and then we go into comfy AI comfy UI output and I'm I want to literally grab everything except 2023 October yep all this come on everything it won't let me select everything okay and then oh is this done oh of course it's done what awful timing to hit that paste button don't you love computers okay okay one to 256 how's it look oh hell yeah the articulation is insane on the fingers and the face come on oh it falls apart at the very end that's cool all right let's uh oh nice I broke it that's actually kind of perfect yeah yeah yeah so we don't need to get this this was an extra step I didn't need so I'm going to load images [Music] from comfy output from here yep and we're just going to load like 48 of them image into here image into here int into to here yeah yeah yeah yeah and then unplug this and unplug these guys right and what's down here oh the set yeah you're good all right let's just leave this stuff alone save that for later all right we're going to load 48 frames with the new thing we just made and let's try uh Shan Lee from Street Fighter dancing in a busy uh I'm trying to describe her level Chinese Marketplace Chinese village Marketplace uh I'm wondering if it like it'll remake her level or if it'll just do something weird uh we're all good here I bet this will work now yep loading them yep we got them so it's going to load this animation lol this should be much faster three minutes I may have to preview this one offline before I try it over in case the NSFW and nude don't do enough load [Music] load [Music] oh it's been 3 hours I should probably me mention that I have a patreon you can support me if you like these streams and you want them to keep going um right now uh subscribers get access to a special area of the Discord where they can hit me with questions or whatever they need if they got workflow problems whatever we can try and work it out uh I'm around a lot uh and uh I'll be trying to figure out some more cool stuff to give to subscribers um in the upcoming months fig figure out maybe more packs more I don't know whatever you need I'll make it you tell me what you want oh yeah purs all the links are on my website and the links in the bio that's cool that's sh Lee for sure the open pose is doing pretty good yeah I basically uh I post all the live streams that I do on the patreon so there's like a nice Archive of them there and uh any other in-depth stuff that I end up doing I'll make posts about and uh drop some uh as always the resources will be available on the Discord for nonsubscribers as well I don't uh I never want to put knowledge behind the pay wall but if you feel like you want to support me I really appreciate it that's about it that's enough ads for now so that worked oh yeah yeah it's a little slow motion's a little slow but not bad not bad Blanka from Street Fighter dancing in a Amazon rainforest in an Amazonian in the Amazon rainforest all right Blanca let's see it it's so crazy what we can do [Music] now oh thanks much appreciated I need to make a little ding Bell thing for when I get a patreon I got a lot to learn about OBS and streaming so when we find a cool run we like then we can uh let it run the entire length of the animation and get a whole instead of just 48 from the beginning that DW open pose is wild [Music] I hope Blanca looks hilarious to working maybe we should make Mr Bean twerk e of course it made Blanca a woman stable diffusion so horny these checkpoints are anyway try Photon and let's try uh Mr Bean dancing in a French Village uh that's probably fine Mr Bean and let's do like [Music] let's do all them no let's do a short one and see what Mr Bean looks like dancing obviously and then run a long one if it looks good I'm just follow my own advice I guess uh well you can make uh you can make open pose you can make open pose animations in blender using 3D Rigs and stuff so if you have characters in blender you can just do that sure oh yeah there's Mr Bean in a French Village I mean I think we might have to do this whole animation am I right yeah I think we do have to think we do have to do this whole animation oh wait it was like 300 frames right oh this is going to be amazing wonder how long it's going to take once that first step is [Music] completed what resolution is your input sequence of images M if it's like 1080p you know might be too big you could try making the images smaller first 20 2 minutes to render this that means we have time for vampire survivors I can play the game incorrectly and piss matis off all right let's get this up here get this up here so we can see it make it a little bigger there we go all right what do we have left to do where are the Kappa where do you get Kappa where do you kill Kappa where to kill Kappa vampire survivors near water on the new map they spawn near water on the new map I guess by the new map they mean the forest one by the water [Music] okay let's do we just need to kill stuff doesn't it to be crazy I like meang like foscari I'm going to assume is where they are or is it Mount Moon spell let's look for them here and I think we'll do yeah the healing one [Music] let's do the guns guns and birds garlic uh I really want to get that other gun the red gun and the tiramasu [Music] and what else do I need for the garlic I need what's Garlic's thingy again been a while the red heart what do we got will on up the wand I can't wait to see Mr Bean dance I might as well just go to the water start killing Fring Turtles I gotta go around the long way I guess I can go through here all right where's the turtles at I'm by the water I bet it's the other map we can just hang out here by the water and see I don't think they're on this level need the red heart the red gun what else the red heart levels up the one too so need that for I don't see any Turtles I also need to kill the worm things so maybe they'll come out where do the worms live we I go kill the worms nice there's one 5,999 to go halfway done our render I really just want that other [Music] gun I don't think I'm G to get a red gun that makes me sad nice oops I didn't even see which one I got there [Music] m 8 minutes left till we get to see Mr Bean dancing super cool not seeing any worms or Turtles [Music] good to sworn there was a big pile of worms somewhere for a minute hey all right what do we got a minute and 22 seconds left on the render let's do this one oh it's going we're twerking Mr [Music] Bean hello all right Mr Bean show us your moves all right here comes the long animation so this should be a 300 frame animation of Mr Bean dancing it's just rendering it out right now come on miss your bean his shorts got a lot shorter Giver bro it's pretty sweet saving the frames then we'll interpolate it and see how it looks but I like it love the short shorts four hours on the stream good lord well I've pretty much covered everything I want to cover we've done open pose we've done DW open pose which is much better uh we've done and QR code animations uh yeah animate diff evolved comfy UI all the business I feel like all the business has been achieved um so after this animation is done I believe I'm going to pop off and then I'll be back tomorrow if my I'll be back tomorrow anyway but uh if my tripod Pieces come then I'll be able to do the Looking Glass video and if not we'll have to put it off for another day it's all up to Amazon at this point but here we have Mr Bean dancing in a French Village roughly at the speed at which You Should Be Dancing maybe a little too slow what a great way to end the stream thanks everybody who came out we had a really good time uh if you like these videos and you want to support me hit up my patreon Pur and uh join the Discord and join the community and yeah if you have suggestions or stuff you want me to drill down on let me know on the Discord let me know on the patreon let's chat um
Channel: Purz
Views: 4,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gYsmLDthOMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 233min 0sec (13980 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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