ComfyUI + AnimateDiff with MatisseTec!

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hopefully been having some connection problems all over the damn internet today um but yeah hopefully we're here hopefully we're live I'm just trying to get uh my little interface up so I can see if it's working but hopefully we are hi everybody how are you doing we're here on YouTube this is matis I'm pers and uh I'm going to give matis a minute to introduce himself cool yeah uh Hey I'm matis uh let's see I do some streaming over on Twitch uh generally I guess a lot of the stuff that I do is around uh like automating workflows making stuff just sort of like gamified and sort of making a Subway Surfer for my streamers to watch while I'm programming so that they don't get bored while I'm rendering uh so the whole goal of uh that stream stuff is just to make a bunch of little games and like websites that people can kind of play around on and uh some of the stuff that I watch pers do uh around like making these workflows and being able to get them out there are things that I actually have out on the website that uh we've learned how to like make it so that my computer is usable um in a network so that other people can then call into these comfy workflows I got an audio problem give me one sec sick okay that should fix it go ahead sorry sick so benefit of this means that we are all able to use these things without needing to worry about it downside is it means a lot of noobs are starting to ask questions no I'm just kidding uh but yeah dude it's great uh gets us to a point where a lot of people are able to use these resources without needing to understand it so that's sort of what I do I just sort of go and automate workflows and make it so that other people can use this stuff without really understanding it completely yeah blame JX as well yeah JX is here too he makes some plugins and all kinds of cool stuff yeah well welcome everyone uh tonight uh we're going to play with some new toys that just came out with for comfy uh one is marold depth uh thing I think we're going to try magic animate and uh yeah we'll just play with the new stuff and uh see what it do and uh we're going to do a walk through of some of the uh workflows and stuff that matis has weaponized for his sites so yeah it'll be fun we're going to mess around and uh make some stuff and I'm gonna keep drinking coffee yeah it's a good idea uh by the way if you do a Luma key I think the only thing you'll lose is my beard and nobody needs to see my beard all right comfy I think we're good all right this is marold depth as you can see um it's quite uh colorful uh it's flickery uh because I don't know how to use it yet but we'll get there uh Hey vix uh yeah um I think it's gonna be flickery I don't know if it's really for video yet um but uh basically it's a more it's a more um I don't know what the word is a more accurate depth map I guess than the than the older ones um and we also have the ability to add these um uh uh gradient color maps to it to give it uh even more depth so the depth checkpoint uh does recognize it that as black and white um and then you can do this for like human viewability but I don't think there a checkpoint yet that gives a crap about the spectral uh inputs um I tried running one of the spectral inputs through animate diff like uh the animate diff control net you know that g control net GIF control net it's like a new control net yeah it came out interesting but I I think uh it's looking at black and white too so yeah um but yeah let's um let's do some depth map stuff and I'll show you guys how to install that that's you go to manager install custom nodes and you search for maragold and it's right here maragold dep estimation and comy UI so uh you install it but then you'll notice it says here um uh in addition to the custom node you need the model and diffusers format format format format so like notes see details and repo one of the best things to always do when you install these nodes is to just click on this here like the the Blue Link on the left to the GitHub and just check the installation instructions cuz sometimes there's little things that need to do to get them to work and it saves you having to ask me on my channel why it doesn't work um but uh yeah I mean uh none of this stuff is straightforward and this is always uh you know we're all learning how to do this tone of us well some of us are data scientists but most of us are just uh artists making making cool stuff so yeah whatever um so yeah install uh maragold and then uh you need to uh download this this maragold old uh like diffuser model and put it in the folder or do what it says here run this command in this folder in command if you're comfortable with that um yeah it's actually a really fast one to do uh get it all set up and run restart comfy and then uh you just type in maragold hey Tony so p real quick I was thinking you know how um uh you have a mask there that's got uh green and red and blue and ins side of uh the what's it called um the IP adapter there's that mask uh input node where you can take the input of a red a green and a blue as separate masks and take those as different input spaces potentially you can use this input depth map as like a general um like mixture for another space like just a way to mix different spaces together uh yeah yeah well uh we actually have a better way of doing that called segmentation um oh yeah nice so like you could take input footage and say you know I want the person I want the you know the background I want the the trees and then they all come out as different colors then you can actually mask those in IP adapter and say for the trees I want this kind of tree for the person I want this kind of person for the background I want this kind of background and then it like it's called attention masking and it totally like uh I haven't played with it enough yet to like have a really good opinion on it but that that's how it works it's it can mask out stuff and and apply different IP adapters to different things that it sees and I as far as I know you can load batches now which means you can like IP adapter across an entire video as it happens which is like wild but yeah I have to I have to play with it more to see like how it actually works yeah this marold depth estimation node you just load it up marold you'll see it marold depth estimation it has a whole bunch of settings I think you can just pretty much leave them alone um they're kind of explained here but uh oh and now let me know if my mic is is still getting distorted I turned it down definitely is it's popping so often oh really I can hear it over on Discord as well so I can definitely vouch for that well that's a bummer sorry guys I have a whole new audio set up so it's probably what's going on is it uh still happening I words words words words words yep sounds good for the moment great all right well we'll keep going and let me know if it what is it doing exactly can you describe it uh it kind of sounds like if you have your plug not all the way in and like it's got this static kind of robotic uh like you're talking into a muffled uh microphone sound whoa now sounds like a room uh okay I'm G rewire my sound take over a little bit tell the people that holog awesome we just have uh our presenter here in a huge room back in the back of the room apparently so um yeah dude this is some cool stuff yeah one of the things that I was just talking about which was similar to the attention masking thing I think that pers just was saying there which is um I don't know that that was a thing that you could do where you can take out the different um uh like uh items and then like colorize them in that way I didn't like I I've heard of uh being able to do that before I've seen like the cfr1 database or data set that you can like choose the different items from but I've never actually seen that as like a thing that's like in a workflow so that's very cool to hear that that's like something that's possible um just do it that way for the rest of the time just like constantly in the back of the room just echoing like that that'd be very funny um but yeah dude it's kind of cool some of the stuff that uh we've kind of seen inside of here uh I don't think that you guys can actually see my screen so I I can't really show anything on that side of things but uh one of the things that I've found kind of interesting is um a lot of the workflows that pers have showed in the past like the ability to uh take in any set of these pictures and then take like multiple um output um like uh what are those called uh like frame rates or whatever that has been really helpful for learning that um I wonder if I can't hear pers on Discord though at some point in time if he'll be reconnected to OBS and not to hear that looks like that might have just happened all right there we go I hear him now on Discord too so that might be exactly what com down oh you sound great right now cool cool cool cool hello hello great it happened the other way around okay I think I'm back let's see think I am seeing Le I'm hearing you I'm not sure I think that'll do it hello words words sorry about the technical difficulties y'all it's no fun it's no fun yeah my audio interface has been uh pooping the bed lately so I tried to use my Mac as an audio interface but we're not going to do that uh yeah so just let me know if I turn into a robot again otherwise you know here we are so yeah um yeah one of the things that we've both been really nerding out about lately is like just the ability to generate depth maps for these animations that we're making and then use them on the Looking Glass the the 3D holographic screen that uh both of us are lucky enough to have on our desks and um yeah it is like way too much fun to make uh 3D AI animations on these things like I I I wish you could see them in real life like we can't oh yeah you can't even film it and show people what it looks like because you need two cameras like you need two eyes for the depth to work so like if there's motion and you look left to right even with a camera because it's one camera you can't tell what's going on the the image has to be still on the Looking Glass and you have to move the camera so um it's like this whole thing that we can't even show people unless we can show them in the real world you know so uh I'm hoping the best you can get is like going to that blocks glass site which like you can only get the static versions of them too it's not even the whole thing man it's so crazy yeah if you guys go to blocks. Glass Pur you can see a bunch of my uh I think it's let me check that URL before you guys go there yeah um these are all my holograms for looking glass and when you click on them and you have a Looking Glass you can actually cast them over to the looking glass with this button but yeah as you can see they're from they look in real life they're threedimensional because of the way the screen is um so if you can imagine what video looks like like this in real life it's pretty trippy and that's all possible with anime diff and um uh depth maps because anime diff is so smooth uh the depth maps that it generates especially the Zoey ones they're really smooth too and it makes for these really like captivating animations on these new devices so you are still popping in and out every so often there by the way it's not as bad sounding but it is still going to fuzz that is super annoying oh fun times man that's that's tech for you right I'll restart my interface one sec uh blocks Looking Glass as well which are just under uh matich um I've got a couple of those um and those ones are just like the same thing where it's like they're very cool looking you get some really nice outputs from them but unless you look at them at the looking on the Looking Glass itself it's it's not quite the same cuz I mean like while you can use use your phone and like you know rotate around and make it look cool it's not like it's not quite as cool as being able to like make it like it feels like you can touch the dang thing sometime like I I sometimes like hold up the screen and I'm like I I swear it's like right here it's a little trippy man but yeah put your finger in it you can like put your finger in the in the animation like it's crazy yeah yeah it's so trippy it's like I can kind of get my hand behind the object What's Happening Here Yeah uh so right now I'm going to just make a quick uh uh animate diff thing we're going to use control net uh def control net with the newer gold things that I made and see what they do nice who uh so we'll start with a k sampler that's the you know the thing that does the K sampling uh VI decode out of that into a video combin note uh same old same old output I've done this a thousand times on stream so those of you who have been here before know exactly what we're up to clip sorry a model from the K sampler out to a load checkpoint clip we want a clip texting code we want two of those that'll be our positive and our negative prompt and we need an empty latent image 16 frames uh in between our model we want an animate diff loader uh want to add a context options node into the context options slot and then we run the model through it into the case sampler so if you were to think of it this way it would go checkpoint animate diff K sampler um sort of oper order of operations wise uh and then uh the next thing we need to do is uh the clip um um control net exists on the clip so animate diff exists on the model and control net exists on the clip so we need to add control net control net apply Advanced we need the uh control net loader Advanced we're going to use depth all right we got the VHS node Suite we're going to load the uh VHS load video I'm going to upload one of those those videos I made today there we go I think that's 24 frames I can't remember but we can check uh is that file and downloads I believe yes and it is properties it is 1 second so this is 24 frames so that's fine we're only going to do 16 anyway OBS okay uh control net blah blah blah all right cool so this image goes into here and our frame count will go into our batch size so we need to convert batch size to an input and DJ plug that in okay so we don't need to convert this to a depth map because it already is a depth map so we don't need to use a pre-processor for this uh but if it wasn't a depth map this is where we would add the marold uh node and the in between the load video and the rest of the stuff so it would it would generate the depth Mass but I already made them so it saved us some time um Force frame rate of 24 frames per second I'm going to load 16 frames out of this video uh we're going to skip no frames at the beginning we're going to load every single frame frame count goes to batch size which means this controls how many frames we're generating uh we're using uh the depth on one uh with a uh with a control net from mirold uh depth depth bath from mirold so we'll put um I don't know uh bank robber escaping after a robbery holding a bag of cash uh let's add NSFW and nude to the negative prompts because here we are on YouTube color red and green so once this starts running I will clean up this node group and you can see oops what did I miss vae goes to VA there we go it's that easy oh no it's not uh I forgot to select the correct uh animate di I tried to use a sdxl animate diff with sd15 and as we know no that size difference thing that pops up when that happens is so annoying it's like it's very confusing it's very confusing it's like that that happens all the time with like images and models and stuff it's like oh it's a tensor size mismatch like I don't know what that means it's like I don't know what that means but I've seen it pop up enough times that I know I did something wrong with my models yeah it's a it's usually a mismatch something's mismatched between sd15 and uh sdxl um maybe it's your control net maybe it's your anime diff maybe it's one of your checkpoints your checkpoints sdxl but your anime diff is 1.5 that'll break it oh you know what happened here we didn't actually connect the control net so this is just prompt this is just straight prompt pretty much nailed it let's try to get this happening though so uh we have to actually pass the prompt through it I think my chat's asleep cuz normally one of of them would be like H hey idiot you missed this yeah shame on you that's help I've got a node that's going to help out what you just did there so much it makes that uh clip positive and clip negative a single node that you pass through and a single chat thing and it's going to make it's going to make your workflow look a little cleaner here well I'll get that out eventually speaking of which have you seen the portrait maker one the portrait maker one I have not okay let me run this and then um pull that up no this is not it number of workflows that come out daily is like Blowing Me Away dude I just I love this like people come up with the best things is it portrait Master yeah look at this what in the heck am I looking at here skin po what the heck is going on here so that node replaces replaces your prompt you just like feed the string into your prompt right as the as the prefix or suffix to your prompt and then okay this is awesome that has sliders and selectors for uh like a dynamic prompt so you can do like the Skyrim style thing you put your thing on like LCM or whatever and then uh Auto q and then hit Auto que and then you can go in and and just play with the sliders and in pretty much real time it keeps like updating it it's really cool this is really cool wait which what's the library for this one definitely want to see that the results are really cool like you see how it if this can go through like a turbo that would be great like just get faces like generated instantly yeah you could it's just literally just you can see it's it's it's a clip like a text uh you just encode it to a clip and and and use it as a prom that's all it is it's literally just a prompt maker but you can use it to to dial in someone's face it's pretty cool that's pretty cool so that's uh Flor stano I guess that's an interesting point there's nothing stopping you from generating strings in the first place hey it work I've seen things that modify the string but nothing that this really good actually oh yeah that's like the same pretty much okay let's um make it the right uh resolution or at least something close try that again CU we cut off her head unfortunately that's illegal nothing wrong with that it seems like exact same picture oh was my chat broken I thought I pasted a link maybe it didn't work dude the problem I have with uh YouTube chat is if you're watching a video as a VOD it doesn't like you can't click them oh here we go it it it uh oh really I didn't know that yeah because I've been trying to watch I missed so much chat guys sorry my thing was uh was bugged out there what's up norin what's up DJ what's up holy cow uh hey there I got a feeling his Pur is used comfy before yeah a couple times I've having a blast using sdxl turbo and ndi in a touch designer with comfy yeah hell yeah yeah hell yeah uh yeah they should make more some GPT integration or something to interpret the errors for noobs yeah absolutely an ugly maker and call it diala nice I like it actually uh Tao there's uh there's a GPT integration that somebody did to make your own C nodes um that they just fed it all the current custom node like that people have docs for that's true and the whole thing is to like make your own custom node generator which is pretty easy it's actually like one of the best ones I've seen so far it's really neat it's really sticking to the the depth yeah that looks pretty dang much exactly like I really actually I like the flickery background stuff too it's making crazy stuff in the skyline sometimes these errors are actually you know they're good you know so let's add maragold in um uh sort of um yeah let's just add it in the flow here and then we can uh try another clip pixels uh let's try um I don't know what be a cool clip uh Drone footage maybe when everybody wants an AI just because L JX it's because it helps people who doesn't who don't know how to write it in the first place though that's what I'm saying not that like it's needed but that like it means that then anybody can do it like that's that's the thing that's so cool about it because then you can show somebody else and be like hey here's what I've gotten so far and it doesn't have to be like just the idea it can be like somewhat written here finish my homework yeah pretty much the midi CC yeah oh dude Tao literally I was trying to make a um a osc input output literally I was trying to do that and I failed because I couldn't figure out how to get the server to not be blocking uh the UI um if you have that yes I want that like 100% yes I want that because I got my uh I got my keyboard that I wanted to use as live input give it to me give me them nodes I need this I'm reping touch designer I really like the idea of making um a touch osc interface for interacting with um Fusion like turbo because like if if your GPU is fast enough right you've got this little iPad or whatever and you can just like just or or even your MIDI controller and have everything on the slide like the prompt weights of certain things along the noob maybe you have maybe you have like a switch statement and you've got like 15 different possible prompts and you're just swapping between the prompts like dude be anything be so much fun I already have ideas that I want to implement like yeah I'm just looking for some Drone footage that's a little faster here a lot of these are like nice sweeping here we go I want to see how it does something like this oh yeah yeah that would be sick as a as a all right let's try it uh this is Stefano Ronaldo check out their stuff Stefano Ronaldo uh I always like to shout out the pexels people because they drop dope footage for us to use um yeah Stefano Ronaldo I've uh I've used their stuff before I've talked to them on Instagram a couple times very cool um they have awesome Drone footage on pixels if you want to just uh grab it you can play with it you can use it I use this one for a piece before um just Wicked just Wicked A lot of the stuff on pexels can be kind of mid but this this guy and a lot of the Drone f PV guys are just putting out awesome awesome stuff for free it's great yeah that's a hobby that I if I had like a couple you know what is it like $55,000 or whatever to burn on a on a drone that I would definitely think would be cool but nope I know and somewhere to do something cool like that like I'm in the city where am I gonna go um so let's add that footage VHS load video path heast in the path video hey duct tape the gang's all here all right let's only load 24 frames because maragold takes forever um Force rate 24 I was thinking about the flicker that you had on your other one can you potentially take an every other on it and then do a um a film interpolation between it to potentially decrease that flickering I don't think it'll decrease the flickering I think it'll just change where it happens because the where the flickering is yeah done by the depth thing but yeah I like that idea or I like the idea of actually interpolating the depth map later right yeah because I was trying to and it worked really well yeah because it chills out that flicker a bit I mean slows it down but that flicker is death on the Looking Glass like it just breaks the immersion immediately yeah yeah uh okay so we have our assembled images we're going to actually um we're going to put them into the depth thing but I think we're also going to save them to a video combin just so I only have to do them once because maragold does take forever so let's we'll save them as a maragold um a marold depth animation and that way after I pre-process one if we want to run it again I can just use the footage we just pre-processed this is a good workflow whenever you're pre-processing footage because like you only have to do it once right there's no reason do it 50 times if you're trying to you're trying to work on something absolutely um yeah uh video load the video do the thing save the output and you can also pass it through so you can just let it run through but you also have this output saved so next time if I go I didn't like that prompt I don't have to do this again because this step will take a while uh apparently increasing this increases the um increases the speed but I didn't find it to increase the speed much more but it increase us yeah and repeat batch size it loads more of it into the into the memory at once so I don't know yeah it's not much faster it just it just uses more vram I think it just gives it more room to to to play I I feel like if I understood the settings more I could make that work but even on the if you look on the uh thing this is great uh regularizer strength reduction method Max iter tolerance are settings for the ensembling process I don't fully know how to use them yet nice very nice it's like they were options so I exposed them have fun that's kind of like uh on the um the the guided imagery thing where it's like I made extra variables for you guys I don't actually know what the hell they do but I made you some variables you can try stuff if you want that's like the motion this one here the motion model settings uh one yeah like what is this yeah yeah nope no thanks don't know I I made a comparison video where I changed a bunch of these numbers and they were all just different in undiscernible ways like the grid looks hilarious it's just like nine different or whatever 12 different completely different animations and the like it's on an XY plot so like it makes no sense at all I was G to I was going to release it on Twitter as a [ __ ] post but I didn't didn't be like this is how this works yeah yeah H I screwed up the badge size so we're going to have to uh we're gonna have to use this combined one anyway so good thing we did this hey what happened there is I forgot to plug the frame count into the batch size so it's going to do this and then it's going to crap out when it hits the K sampler because it doesn't know how big of a batch to do um which is fine because once this craps out instead of loading this video I can bypass this node and just load the depth video into here and plug it into control net you see because we already made it so we don't have to make it again because you can see it's not fast it's only 24 frames you know what I mean this is a 3090 yeah yeah this is a 3090 this is not it I marold is not as far as I understand it's not really for video I think it's more for for Stills but maybe that's just because we can't we can't render it fast enough yet so I don't know maybe there's something down the road that's going to make it a lot faster but as you can see it's got a seed and a and a step count like this is a diff this is a diffusion this maragold thing it's not a it doesn't work like the other ones like there's some actual uh diffusion going on with this model it's definitely doing some sort of sampling because you can def output type yeah I mean this looks this looks different I'm excited I want to find this new node actually what I want to find which I'm not sure if it's going to be at all useful to say but what I want to find is how the heck do I find out that percentage that you have up in the top of your uh browser window I want to know like how I get that in the uh in the uh web socket I can't figure that out oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I don't know yeah I have no idea I need to report that on the website and I can't figure out where that number goes you mean this thing yeah yeah yeah exactly that uh the percent done yeah the tqdm barx the TQ DM bar thing the one at least that's what they call it over on the other one but not everybody uses it so I don't know what that General like where the general percentages of things are cuz if we could figure that out then we could make a much better output cuz like right now not everybody outputs their um the how completed their node is so a node graph sometimes will give you a percentage but usually it'll just be for like specific nodes so it would be good to be able to calculate it across all of them and give like a much more like hey this workflow will take this long generally should I remember how I had my stream sorry about this everybody there we go that comfy in there so y'all can see it one of these days I will learn how to stream I swe just keep doing that excuse It's better one of these days so yeah uh matis has a a whole arcade uh on his twitch Channel I don't think it's been active for a little while right but been into the machine learning stuff but at some point you should fire that thing back up and and and yeah you you guys got to see it it's really neat it's fully interactive uh is unity in touch designer and I mean you can explain it better than I can yeah yeah I mean it's that's pretty much exactly what's going on like it uses uh Unity it uses touch designer to render the um the the engine is Unity for the actual system that like renders the game touch designer is what renders all of the like um like color modifications to the actual final image that you guys are seeing actually use chatain to be able to take in my microphone and the audio so that I can basically uh have like a live uh like light show that can basically be shown um between these things that then allows for the output of that into an ndi output so if you guys are interested in some of the conversation that happened earlier where there was a conversation about using ndi and why I was like dude I just found out that there's an ndi node and comfy and why I'm specifically very excited about this is because I've been using touch designer as an ndi tool to basically take in and output a lot of these videos and resources from other computers and be able to modify them in an interesting way so in this case it's going to be hey now the thing that used to be a arcade that was just able to change the colors hey how about we run machine learning on the entire image and use it as an image to image like it's basically a video but each frame of it can be an input image into a machine learning call so we can actually have chat potentially modifying live Unity like views live worlds um so that's definitely the space that I'm trying to get into uh moving forward that world isn't gone completely yet but it will it'll be definitely changing a bit right on yeah it's like you should have Seasons or something you know like a like a Minecraft server or something where it's like you know this season we're doing this this season we're doing this like this time you guys can plant like uh like what are those called the snowman or whatever on the floor yeah I lik that thing you were doing too with the like the destructible ground like the the craftable areas and stuff is really cool man yeah that's actually one thing that I really miss about um that that is one piece of the stream that I actually kind of missed so I don't know if you guys have seen twitch streams that much or really this doesn't work on YouTube but like in General on Twitch streams you can't really like click the video it doesn't really like do anything but like there's nothing stopping you from clicking it so somebody wrote an extension which I'm not sure if you guys know much about uh twitch extensions but basically all they are is it just is basically a little bit of JavaScript that lives there that lets you do whatever you want and in this case it lets you capture where they clicked on your screen so we thought would be kind of fun on our stream uh it was a definitely it was a work of love with the chat coming up with a lot of the ideas along the way but basically what came up uh to the idea here was how about we make this world that has like this DJ stage on it take in the clicks from the chat and then we can do a ray cast just like you do in a video game where you're clicking on a screen and then you're like like where your clicking on the game in the video game can be put into the game on the screen can be put into the game so why don't we take that click on the uh the video and basically cast it into the game and we figured that math out which was a pain in the butt that was actually like five or six streams but was really sick about it was there's this tool that we found which let us literally like if you're clicking the ground you could click a tool up on the top and you can rise or lower the ground and it was this thing called Digger so like it was literally using this like really great like system that somebody else had built so like it was an advertisement for their awesome tool at the same time so they ended up giving it to us for free which was just like amazing it was just just like really great set of like people were excited to like put their tools into it I was like why wonderful I'm not blown away by this finished not blown away by this death map um oh wow that's actually kind of good I mean it's a great depth map like yeah it's it's yeah screw it let's see what it makes all right uh so uh that will be in my comfy output folder let me find that real quick there it is and we're going to copy as path and I'm going to paste that path in here I'm going to bypass the marold depth estimation we're going to just move those down a little bit uh we don't actually need to use it right now in fact let's just unplug all of it and just have it chill in over over here not doing nothing uh and we're going to load these 24 frames of the thing I just made into the animation uh width is 960 height is 512 so I think we are good to go and I should probably change the prompt to Drone footage over a mountain uh I don't 1970s Japan uh H yeah I mean it's probably not going to do any of that because it's 16 frames but YOLO you use uh the blit model that much because I feel like that might look really good with this one because it it knows what it's looking at there for what uh for finding out what's inside of it and extending your uh clip prompt no because I hate blip oh well never mind then it's not that I hate blip let me rephrase that blip is stupid yes blip is stupid I like I I love the idea I think it's amazing what they did it's super cool but every prompt I get out of blip is a man with a hand and a hand and a hand and a hand and a hand and a hand and it's like true I don't know what I'm supposed to do with that and I don't know if that's gonna like help or not but it is fun to play with and it is fun to see what it sees because like sometimes it's like a man holding a hand who has a hand with a fist and a hand in it it's just like how what how many how many hands does this dude have ex I swear that's why some of my animations are so trippy cuz like it'll start off with a real picture and then it'll just be like hands hands hands hands hands we decided to go recursive hands hand setion I swear it's actually to yeah it's actually rendering the the diffusion faster than it did the depth map [Music] I think it is a man with a mustard mustache wearing a shirt with a mustache mustache oh a man with a mustache mustache I read mustard mustache man with a mustard mustache I have mustard mustache all the time must must why is there a mustard mustache on your [Laughter] shirt mustache mustache mustache no that's funny once you said mustard I couldn't unread that as being mustard mustache it's really fun know it's because it's behind the it's behind the little hard icon on my thing so it looks like yeah there it goes it's like uh we have a butt spot over on my stream all the time where it'll just like say something random and instead of reading what the person actually says I always try to read what butts spot says it as and it's just like oh god what the hell did you just say to me your brain is just like shutting down while you're talking all right what are we going to get get oh whoa whoa that's very watery very trippy I mean good for making glitch I guess yeah I mean this workflow that I'm doing right now makes no sense we it doesn't like this is not something someone released and we're trying out here I'm literally just plugging uh something new into something old to see what it makes so like yeah uh I guess what my point I'm trying to make here is like you don't always have to follow everyone else's workflows you can just plug stuff into stuff and if you have an idea and think you know maybe that'll do something with something just try it it's not going to break anything and if it does Comey I'll tell you what's wrong and if you can't figure out what's wrong then screw it go to the next thing but then you bother Pur yeah yeah bug me um but yeah like right now I'm just trying to run the the new depth map through the old depth map control net uh but it is now occurring to me I wonder if there is a mirold depth oh you know what you're probably right like a specific one that's got different weighting or something like that because it probably doesn't use the same colorization one second let's try hugging face do we have any Mar gold control net no that's not a thingol so I guess it's just that that's fine all right cool where's the monocular yeah whoa why is this screen so bright white okay there we go oh I was like I seeing the YouTube version of it for a second I was like just getting blasted so just looking to see if there's a control that model here all sneaky weaky but I don't think there is hugging face model this is just I would assume you know how like in um uh what's it called when you're going from the depth map type of uh material designer into the one of blender how you have to like take the inverse of it I I would assume it's going to be something like that well uh my brain is farting right now out the the gradient thing that comes out is actually it needs to be uh inverted to be correct like it's when it comes out it's actually backwards so that might be something to do with that but I think that won't matter until we get a a maral depth control net yes maral maragal depth control net um if that's the case I'm curious what would happen if you used a negative strength for your current um uh uh control [Music] net I don't do negative clip on stream because what tends to happen you know that's actually really fair that's tends to make this the positive prompt right yeah no you know you know that's actually very fair but that's something I encourage you to play with in your own time or I might I might play with after stream yeah but uh I really try to avoid uh negative weights and clip on stream because uh what tends to happen is I get well so something that was happening with LCM was uh when you were going below one on the CFG or like two to one on the CFG the negative prompt was starting to like shine through in like a negative almost like relief so you'd be have like the you have Canyons but then it would just have like the silhouette of a naked lady over them but like but just like sort of like bass relief in the in the in the background it was yeah it's because I think it's because it was the negative weight was coming through because you know I NSFW nude in the negative so when you get the CFG that low it's actually just like it's looking at the negative prompts as well I don't know it's it was really weird that does make sense though because if it is is super low then the negative prompt isn't very negative so it's sort of the positive and the negative prompt are scaled super small so they're kind of similar to each other yeah that makes sense so yeah uh neat let's delete this let's delete uh let's leave that alone Let's uh Delete you you you and go back to prompt and I am going to try something because uh someone here uh Mike poretti just reminded me animate diff version 3 came out today yeah I heard I saw that um comment what uh when did that happen is that like a couple days ago today today yeah today 12 hours ago last night yeah last night oh my gosh all right so we're looking for the anime yeah there they are domain adapter motion module what in the hell is a sparse control controller I would assume sparse control means that it gets more like the prompt versus the other one is got like more probably like light versus um Plus on the IP adapter would be my [Music] guess download them I'm just guessing I know I'm slipping goes you're not using it yet T I mean like honestly that's exactly how I feel yeah dude like it's just like I don't know what to do haven't even seen it yet oh embarrassing slipping man no you know what was at work for eight of those hours what the hell man it's not even that the the pace of development of this stuff has accelerated so much that like uh I don't feel bad for not keeping up with it anymore because like oh what am I supposed to yeah what am I supposed to spend 18 hours a day testing stuff I mean like I need I need like a week with something before I even know if I'm going to put it in my workflows let alone like I want to see new stuff from pers I don't want to just see random new stuff that like is always coming out I want to see your new stuff too you know all right let's go where's this crap go uh I'm gonna is pretty retro now though I know right come for you I uh let's go over to banad Doo let's go over to banad Doo let us go to B Doo oh you know what is Discord back is alive where's vanard Doo I have too many Discord servers here we go Dan Doo uh updates I've watching it on YouTube I actually recognized that it was me almost instantly if I were on one of those football cameras I feel like I win anime diff version 3 motion model came out a couple hours ago and is now properly supported beIN anime diff evolved just pull the latest version and you're good to go we'll spend the remainder of the day looking into sparse control and noise customization C sinka dink is a goddamn champion all right uh let's let's update comfy live on stream and ruin our night all right let's do it uh update comfy oh yeah I gotta one sec I just gotta put you on over here it looks like my camera has become a uh view of your screen at the moment it's because of this uh where's our yours your server where are you you're with my 3D friends there you are there you are comfyi has been successfully updated are you not entertained uh okay I like it cuz I didn't actually see the video that I had been caught back up but I literally just re-watched it again on YouTube I like did that again within like 4 seconds of it I like this I I think I know what the lag is between the video your comments and like what all these things are doing I think we can have some fun with this my thing is still sharing on Discord though right like you can still see yeah yeah the only thing I can't see is the my overlay of the screen on top of it so like I'm just still trying to approximate that as all I hear yeah yeah yeah I don't know man I just I like to do I like I like to make it harder on myself and like always think about the live view guys I just updated so many nodes this is uh there's no way this is going to end well I know I I oh dude you're updating the JX one that means it's going to be on the other side instead of it being on the right hand side he's going to have the the art thing on the left side I'm actually not kidding in this case here we go D JX I know all these gry nodes are making me sad too I've been looking at mine for a while I I went over and I sent it onto um uh sora's computer and I set everything up with the colors and everything and I just loaded a workflow and it instantly was beautiful yeah I wish people were even remotely interested in this content on Twitch but they're not as far as my as far as my experiments have gone n dud you you definitely found the niche over here on YouTube that's for I would like to uh I would like to figure out how to get like Ram going if it's all possible to just stream on both places even if I don't save the twitch vods so that at least the you know you can just hang out live so I don't know how that works if you're allowed to have stuff saved everywhere I don't I got to check all the rules on all damn sites but basically yeah I would like to I would like to cross stream everywhere because like why not right like like I'd like to also stream on Twitter I think it'd be cool you'd be able to just jump in on Twitter when you're just browsing because I do see some people do that I thought that was just so that uh Elon could put play some uh Diablo maybe it is but thanks man appreciate it I don't even know what's mad right now but whatever let's go cross stream oh no everything's mad okay uh refresh does comfy work no all right wait wait wait you're getting uh you're not it's not not working yet just wait huh it's not it's uh recoloring everything you should wait for a second recoloring everything yeah yeah yeah the JX node which is something JX I wanted to tell you about your first time loading a workflow is expensive I I would like to work with you on making that [ __ ] go a little faster cuz that actually is directly related to each node needs to be checked against the list and recolored oh interesting okay well what's new in version 3 nobody knows oh yeah JX that's exactly what the problem is download every single Hey listen some people have 800 nodes all right you need to support people like me so instead of recoloring every node how maybe maybe instead of shaming me for having so many nodes we just make our stuff work properly H come on man come on stop shaming him come on I have all the notes though you do you literally I every time I see you right click and I see that menu it kind of gives me anxiety I don't go this I don't go here I search for everything I don't even I don't even want to know what's in here like I can't I I there's so many but I just like I just double click and type in the thing you know oh it's wonderful but somehow my house of cards is is St stable hey dude it works that's all that's important all right uh let's get version three kicking uh there's no way it's in the right place because I haven't put it there yet before let's put y'all in AI comfy models no uh that's not where it goes It goes in custom nodes you animate diff evolved models and then I think the little one and the sparse control stuff maybe they're are they Lura what are they where do those guys go I don't think they're being used yet so I'm just going to drop them in the Laura's folder for now refresh comfy right now so uh y'all see it I don't see it oh version three version three okay let's try this um this prom just just no uh no input just the prompt just the prompt yes yes yes all right K sampler we'll do this K sampler is purple empty lat image is green VA decoder is red and y'all are Yeller this will be [Music] blue you'll be brown and then everyone can stf you about the color of my nose all right dude I didn't know that you could recolor multiple at a time so I learned something right now that was kind of fun let uh convert batch size to widget and yeah 16 let's do a let's do a a version three also I found out after talking to you that not only does Undo work but undo works really well for like the type of case where you accidentally changed something and you really didn't want to and you want to see what it actually said yeah yeah it's great for API changes oh yeah I can't believe I didn't even know that existed for like two and a half weeks oh uh uh no uh matis didn't make comfy UI he's just a comfy UI developer and so's JX and so there I think there's a few more in the chat too um a lot of comfy y nerds here just comfy in um duct tape yes no background music I want you to play your own background music at the level you wanted at you don't have to listen to what what I'm listening to also I don't want to get copy stricken later because a lot of this stuff not tonight tonight's been a total [ __ ] show it's been fun but it's a it's been a [ __ ] show uh but sometimes I actually do stuff that people might want to come back and watch so um y you know it's sometimes it's good think that us well this is pretty consistent hey look at that yeah literally vix joins Me On guest star just to get out of my listening to my music right yeah yeah well that's not that's not it's not your music choice it's the fact that I don't like having to listen to the music because I like to put on my own music at like maybe a lower level so I can hear the person talking because yeah you never know if the music I don't know it's just I think it's just a sensory thing with me I like uh like to be either be able to just have silence or or you know you know whatever yeah it is his music choice you're right it's awful music yeah my music choice is chaos so it's definitely my music choice thanks for being polite but no it's definitely my music choice I don't know if you've noticed matis and I suffer from the same ailment just things got to be crazy they got to be fast or I might have to start thinking about my life and stuff nobody wants that oh no I'm really liking this motion model so far it's really you see this yeah this is looking great actually is there like control over what it's doing at all like can we ask it for anything yet I don't know um I know we can do control net and all that stuff but uh like AA dink said he's work looking into what sparse control does right now so I have a feeling tomorrow there'll be a push of uh anime diff evolve that has some more options so yeah yeah stay tuned on that because I I just don't think they're out yet I just don't think we we understand what sparse control is but I think as my very very uh rudimentary uh skim is that uh will either have some sort of controllable or prompt motion yo RGB hey RGB we are playing with the new version of the anime diff motion model in kyui we started with know this reminds me of was boring this reminds me of the first time I ever saw uh um the Pika Labs that's what this movement reminds me of the zoom forward and [Music] Pika cuz the foreground is moving but the background isn't so it's like makes it look big whoa dude what that is so cool what uh let's make sure the loop is closed it's not so we get even better Loop here turn Loop that's like literally make a make a make a animate like a make it Loop it will attempt to yeah it'll attempt to make the last context window somewhat match the first um so that it tries to Loop yeah I really like this Vibe though I'm going to do another one but I want to do an even longer one let's try 64 and I'll bring up the things so you guys can watch the I know people love watching progress bars on on YouTube that's just half my audience is here to watch the watch the bars go across so I get it I mean I swear that's what we do here uh that's what we do on my side so you guys can see all the stats up here if you want stator Where's My Graph make it bigger I don't see the graph excuse me can you make it bigger and wider where's the graph actually kidding but actually always oh no does it need to be wider for the graph I think maybe I actually don't remember there's like it's bigger in some way I don't remember how I think I can get the graph if I uh if I kill this uh exit come on go away I want to just close this tab oh that [Music] sucks I love how the uh other graph on the other side yeah this is just an absolute yeah just absolute mess oh this sucks Windows why you like this close tab can I can I close this this split probably not without stopping the animation all right whatever Let's uh CMD MV top we'll do a whole screen one with a can we get the graph now there we go look at that that graph look at this graph all right let's get you over here try and get this big ass graph up here where's the gra there's the graph oh look at that graph and after all that it's already finished anyway no not quite yeah I know I don't think graphs going to stay you know my favorite part about all this is a lot of what I end up doing um like a lot of the time is like making this kind of like like let's just figure out how to get this thing on here blah get through like 15 minutes of figuring out and be like delete all of that all right guys the video is done generating yeah I know I know I swear my content is just 99% Subway Surfers I know I sometimes I feel like putting a game in the corner like people can just watch like Mega Man speedruns or something while I'm talking yeah exactly I mean it'd be great oh it's done whoa is it possible to combine all the anime diff with deform in comfy somehow no not exactly but it it depends on what you mean by deform deform has like like a lot of different pieces there's like a workflow you can do that you can basically get the like the basic transformations of deform and you can make like animations but like if you're trying to do the uh guided imagery where you're doing that kind of stuff that's going to be difficult you're going to need to do a lot of the IP adapter stuff it's going to be kind of a pain in the butt but is it possible kind of yeah but you're going to have to go and do it in deform you can like deform doesn't exist exactly in comfy no there's yeah I mean there's a I hesitate to say abandoned but there is a there's AI nodes but they're yeah I gu I guess unfinished is maybe the word you know like they're just they're just not done and I get it because theorum is a beast um you know it's a valiant effort to get that working and and comy and honestly like automatic 11-11 is great like for deorum like just kind of you know kind of bangs it's like it does everything you needed to do all the things are there you know what I mean uh duck you don't know anything about deform guided imagery yeah no definitely doesn't know anything about deform guided imagery in case you're wondering matis here is the one who added guided images to De yeah what like a year year and a month ago now damn dude that's crazy uh haven't they changed they're selling no no they're not no they're just they're what they're selling is GPU time like any other startup um they're just offering a deorum service uh on their their their Ser on their servers so you can pay to just use it like uh like a very easy to use simplified version of deorum or you can still run it at home like there's no there's no limitation on on running it locally with all that fun stuff it's all good yeah I mean I think that's one of the things that I was really happy about the way they were setting up the uh deform AP or the API inside of like all of automatic but deform was also extending it where they were just like yeah know this isn't like us hiding anything we're making it as open as we can so other people can extend it but also it's like kind of [ __ ] I like it I I actually think it's really neat um yeah it's it's interesting but yeah I like the uh I mean the automatic 1111 in in the version of deorum and automatic 11 11 is fine does everything you need yeah I think it's the best web UI like aside from the old way of just editing a text file and running to Forum which is oh still possible but it sucks yeah yeah no before gradio or anything like that was in like added to it and it's just like a like a web UI or like a Pyon script or whatever I'm sure that's how that was yeah awful um just going to jump these settings real quick this is a video combined node it's on VHS nodes if you guys are wondering what the hell this is it's um video helper Suite video helper Suite uh if you're loading videos loading image sequences uh saving videos or have to do anything with like control net or IP adapter it's like a must have script for comfy uh video helper Suite uh it's very sick I use it every day and I highly recommend it but that's what these video combined nodes are and they uh you know they give you uh hey what's up no cap oh that looks pretty cool this is a gif still dude I just realized this is a freaking GIF this isn't even an mp4 I know I'm gonna run another one now uh someone asked how many models am I using one Photon I'm using an sd15 model that's it uh and the animate diff motion model no extra lauras no uh no control net none of that uh we're we're literally just uh checking out what uh version three of animate diff does animate diff motion models and so far it is banging D like I I actually need this like every movement looks like a real movement instead of the BS that I was getting where it's like everything looks like a like nothing right now no it's really cool it's uh and I really like that there's no shutter stock Watermark along the bottom yeah that really helps kind ni that's kind of nice what's up Miss Dr pants what that's awesome Dr pants I got some rocket League buddies just joined nice send when it said nodes yeah just send your nodes Aaron Dale had I think Aaron Dale had t-shirts it said send nodes yeah yeah yeah it sounds about right the right person that's definitely the right person for that we've been saying mden blender for years send nodes hello aruro yo aruro what shaking he's a mod Arturo's a mod I forgot I made him a mod that's like a wrench dude I know he's got a wrench look out damn dude bro got a wrench you gota be warned how's stable video compared to anime diff uh apples and Lamborghinis apples and Lamborghinis that would be the comparison more different than I heard that's great this guy's got a wrench yo the ban wrench ban wrench I went over I went over to my parents house and my dad does this uh wood turning stuff or whatever with like a lathe and uh there's the lathe is a humongous thing he has his wrench which is like the size of my entire arm and I'm like damn what's that for and he shows me it's like for this one nut on the one thing and he's like for de's nuts I'm like oh my god dad did you just do a Dez nuts joke to me like what is this 2016 like what is happening okay this is not as good but I did change the um checkpoint kind of cool it is cool but it's not I don't think it's as good uh but I did again change the checkpoint so let me go back to I was using deliberate so let's go back to deliberate uh and I'm just gonna rerun this out ofwhere is kind of sick yeah I'm not I'm not mad at this run but the other ones were better I think yeah absolutely absolutely I can't wait to see who's going to win the contest my dad should try stand up it's really funny you say that because I've been trying to take my dad to uh a lot of comedy shows recently cuz the place I live there's uh a comedy place like really close by and uh he's just like into it but like the last time we went together um we got roasted by the comedian like cuz we were sitting up near the front and it was it was really funny yeah yeah it was great it was great okay matis entertain the crowd I'm going to make a coffee while this one Burns uh I'm going to burn the Earth to make art but I'll be back sounds like a plan sick so let's see what are we looking at right now we are currently on P's screen of just generating the uh next one of these runs so yeah I guess one of the things that's uh kind of fun about all this I love sitting near the front and getting roasted literally rur that's um okay so I don't know how much I should really like say this like that it's like part of my dating profile but it's like literally part of my like dating profile where I'm like yo we're going to go on a date and we're going to sit near the front um and like I I definitely use that that as like a thing to find out how chill people are for like just getting roasted like real real roasted and I think it's really kind of funny because like at the end of the day if you're okay with it if you're okay with somebody like you know giving you a bunch of like crap but like it is for jest and it's in front of like a group and like it's kind of funny that's the best you know that's the kind of that's the that's the kind of hangout that you want to be in um uh some of your work run multiple models is there need to run multiple models for inferencing um duck so to answer the question do mine run multiple models yes so sometimes I'll run a 2.1 model or a turbo model as the generator to create the initial picture using the guiding prompt that somebody gives me and then I'll take that picture and I'll put that into a different workflow which might be a 1.5 workflow the 1.5 workflow might not be able to handle the 2.x or the turbo workflow cuz these are different images but the output image after you've uh vae decoded it you can absolutely do that you can you can go from one workflow type that takes like whatever input types whatever output types and then output it to a picture once you've outputed to a picture you can then go back into another workflow type um so that's why I do that a lot of the time uh the other types of times that I do this is um when you're loading multiple cuz I actually run these as threads I have multiple comfy like end points running on my machine so if you have multiple models loaded at the same time it's because potentially multiple model like workflows themselves are being loaded so it's sort of like a question in multiple spaces what are you looking to be able to handle there the fact that you want to be able to do that just for a single workflow or across multiple spaces um it's definitely going to be different there um had a chance to read uh over shared a few days back but uh it's two do uh oh yeah AO so basically uh tldr of what it is that I shared um we're going to go over it a little bit uh during stream today um basically I made a workflow uh on comfy that everybody has access to if you go over to my website you you can go to uh m./ hologram uh and that will take you to a generator that gives you a 2cond video that you can then put onto the Looking Glass and they look [ __ ] awesome and what we're looking at right now what pers is literally doing like right now um is going to be what I put on to that tonight because I'm using the V2 version of this model and there's a V3 version of this model that was released 12 hours ago so in the next couple of hours there's going to be an update that goes on to the basically Text Plus image to hologram model and that'll allow people to basically put it directly out to their Looking Glass as the RGB plus depth video that they can then put over to the uh system uh and I've tested this a whole bunch last night it worked really well I have something like 60 different animations on there now and I'm really excited about all of them I actually have a couple of changes I would like to make to the Looking Glass software but that's a whole other bag of worms we'll we'll talk about that kind of crap on the separate side of things I need to be able to have my videos looping and I want to programmatically or I want to set how many times they can Loop in that software on that thing I think that that needs to happen um but yeah so let's see figured that you would play with sage maker um date with a programmer and the other deep narration would take oh yeah yeah if you guys want to if you guys want to play with the website that's uh that's the one I can't post links so uh that's for anybody else wants to go there that's um basically you guys are more than welcome to play with that the only problem with that website is it's only running on the computer that I'm currently streaming my webcam to you guys from so if all of a sudden somebody starts using it and my webcam starts glitching that's why uh but yeah uh let's see what did you guys chat about uh went on a DAT with a programmer girl uh I know HTML how to meet ladies shirt that's actually kind of funny duck um uh so we figured playing stage maker yeah yeah um more one instance of comfy currently uh is there a way to run more than one uh instance of comfy currently Mike yes absolutely so the way that you do that is you change the port that it's going to be opening um on so basically right now it opens on Port I forgot what the name of the port is Local Host uh what is the port number that comfy opens on 7890 I believe uh I don't remember exactly what it is but you just change the number of the port that it's running on and if you change the number of the port that it's running on you can have as many of them open as you'd like and then those are all different API end points that you can call into um so yes absolutely that's something that you can do uh it's only useful if you're doing it programmatically and you know how much Headroom your computer has access to so if you have uh 8188 yeah yeah so if you have 24 gigs of RAM and uh vram on your uh you know 30 60 3090 or 4090 or whatever uh and you uh happen to uh go over that amount because you're running two workflows that both need like 13 gigs you're U I probably shouldn't swear uh you are out of luck you shouldn't do that you need to make sure that you have a router that understands that you have two different systems that could be running so if you're going to do this if you're going to have two different ports that run your different workflows make sure that you know how expensive each workflow that could be run on those ports are be careful pers I hear that you're potentially back I am back a nice this is a cool animation you got going after this last one really trippy it's really fast even after film you notice that it's like really fast yeah I wonder if that means that you could like downgrade that down to like like uh like maybe film with like three or four even in there well not well yeah yeah yes but also um I wonder what input footage does depth okay so let's add real quick let's add a whoops go over here yeah add a control net apply Advanced I'm going to just keep building this over and over again so you all guys get it in your head how to set it up uh apply control net control net uh loader Advanced uh we're going to select the uh depth I have a depth map that I created in blender it's a weird morphing ball um it's not a real depth map it's actually a fake depth map uh that's just shaders um but it makes cool stuff so we're going to use it uh VHS load images path this is an image sequence I want to load it as such paste the path in plug the image into image and you can also add a preview image if you want to see what you're loading sometimes it's good uh you can also use the load uh load video node to have a live preview of your video but this is not a video it's an image sequence so we got to use it that way we're going to load uh uh zero uh the image Lo cap will be zero that means load all the frames in the video it's only a 90 frame video so it won't it won't take super duper long in uh where does that go that's actually our frame count uh for this node so where does our frame count go it goes into batch size invert batch size to an input and plug in into batch size okay so that's good that's good we don't need the mask because we're not using the mask but you can use mask to generate masks and use masks with IP adapter so that's what that's for uh and other stuff there's other reasons to use masks if you don't know what masks are Google it because they're fraking sweet um conditioning goes through control net positive to positive negative to negativo all right so that's our control net up here this is our animate diff this is our prompt and this is our check point we actually this we're going to put down here just to make it extra confusing no yes words okay that's not too bad I'm going to make this yellow too uh load images path is an image loader so it's blue and you're an image thing so you're blue and you are you're blue too hey look at that all the nodes have colors and whatnot okay depth map thing same prompt it's like somebody's been asking you to color your nodes a bunch recently I know it's crazy I tell you I get no [Laughter] respect I love it am I clipping uh I'm not hearing it on my side but am I clipping am I clipping sorry all right people I am working with a new audio interface uh a new audio setup whatever it is let me know if it's still clippity whipping but hopefully that fixed it yeah it sounds great on Discord at least so hopefully it's not OBS or something direct I would assume it might be OBS if it's clipp I think it is I I have some more cheese on OBS and I think that might be yeah yeah yeah I do want to get it fixed though it is bothering me and driving me nuts get that set up if there's anything that uh a matis stream has ever been about it's about oh God something is broken let's go ahead and send like more hours than anybody expected fixing it I know I know all right so we got our balls if you guys want to see what the balls going to look like uh like this so this um oh that's actually sick what the heck am I looking at it's a vector display sphere with a M occlusion Shader on it um that's awesome you know what's really sick is in E next e next right e next you can do Vector displacement in Eevee and it's fast since when is that true is that like a paid one or is that like a new one yeah blend blender Pro yeah it costs 35 bucks a month uh it's worth oh no not really um here check this out oh wait it's not on this one sec 8188 yeah uh this here is the same mask oh okay I see it it's on your face yep you see it yeah so that's with the anime diff GIF control net beautiful actually really beautiful like legit Ely I am I am excited that that's as horrifying as that is and it's um that's my face Laura I trained the Laura on my face like 100 selfies so that's what oh nice yeah it's so creepy but yeah similar concept these are the same Vector display balls with um you know the anime diff control net and you like the BS balls man I'm all about balls sorry Tik Tok and uh YouTube shorts have killed my brain anytime anybody says balls I just see somebody being like like the aliens like but like with balls balls [Laughter] balls but this is an example of one of the masks right whoa whoa f for viewer problem I have this did you see me not check my notifications live on stream somebody give me a cookie that is a big deal for uh someone with instant gratification disease yeah dude that's that's what's up that's what's up just ignoring notifications like a superstar can't say I do that at all during mine listen I just hit 10K uh 10K uh followers on Twitter that's a big milestone for me I've been working hard for that so I haven't even announced it because I'm worried it's gonna dive as soon as I announce it people be like why am I following this guy so yeah talking about people people more people should be gone here dude that's why I made that short are you gonna post that short by the way no it looks like ass bro I love you but it looks so bad I'm gonna make it better I'm gonna make it better make it I mean yeah if we can figure out how to make the stuff look the right size absolutely I was thinking I was thinking just cutting out like the corner of my head and making it super small right and like then panning and scanning around the video I've done I've re-edited the first six seconds but it takes like two minutes to do six seconds it's it's like actually expensive of time I know that's the thing I suck at editing my own footage like it I hate watching myself I hate all of it it's the worst it's the worst oh dude I found it so fun I I just kept listening I was just like oh look he's talking about this part now whoa is there a notification on x1k congrats dude yeah by the way as chat is saying you [ __ ] you really deserve I really am trying my best not to actually say out the words my bad uh you really deserve it though oh no worries yeah we don't uh oh thanks appreciate it yeah yeah yeah uh so this is weird as hell um that's very very weird what if uh motion model is really holding the coherence together though it's like I mean it's kind of like a a mummy like rapping on a I don't even know man I don't even know what I'm looking at man it's super weird let me kill my uh let me kill my steam notifications some some racist [ __ ] comes online that I have from a rocket League friendship from 80 years ago Dam it's true though man some people have the most deranged names on Steam like what's wrong with you uh okay let's back the depth off a bit and get some dream in here because the foot the The Prompt is still Drone footage over a mountain so I think we lost a bit in the dep the 100% depth definitely that doesn't make any sense it's like it's trying to start drawing it but then no back to the depth map but again the the is at 100% so what do you expect so yeah uh if you guys are wondering what I'm doing I'm just um I'm I'm adjusting the strength of the depth control net that we're applying from this thing so we had it at 100% strength and now we're doing it at 50% strength so it should be 50% % this 50% dream so you know we'll see um Twitter Discord and uh Instagram all strip XF information as a security precaution so oh uh the chances of being able to rebu a workflow from a PNG posted on Twitter are not good um like it might work but I don't but Discord definitely strips them um uh Twitter I'm pretty sure strips them too but uh you know if you ever want one of my workflows they're on the Discord or you can just you know ping me or or just message me I've ripped all of his workflows low key I'm just kid I got them all a folder full I mean I I hesitate to say my workflows cuz like they're all just scaffolded from other people people's stuff right like that's the thing about this community is it's very very like reciprocal so everything we do is just built on something somebody else did so I like I really do hesitate to say my workflows because they're not right there there's stuff I saw other people doing that I also did so uh don't worry about any of that stuff if you're you're thinking that like everything is like you have to make unique stuff and whatever no you just try everybody else's workflow tweak some stuff plug some stuff in from another workflow and that's your workflow you know it's like relax nobody cares duck says I owe him a workflow what do I owe you yeah they're all just tricks that we all learning from each other it's all good legit though duck if you do want a workflow I have uh stolen most of mine from pers who has himself taken them from the overarching community as he was saying so we all are learning from each other specifically specifically banad Doo like if you're not on the banad doo server and you're interested in anime diff you are [ __ ] up yeah so if you if you guys need anything ask also know where to look yeah go to Boko I I'll I'll link the thing they their invites um expire every week so uh you know I always post an invite but it'll be it'll be expired by the time you go to use it if you're watching this later but uh yeah if you want on to banad Doo I don't know how to get a link like from the web or whatever because I think it's one of those servers where you just sort of have to be invited um or get the link but uh yeah whatever here's the link enjoy um that's Boko they're super chill the ad resources channel is the like yeah it's the motherload um go in there and play around around most of the stuff that I teach most of the stuff that I play with on here is from banad Doo and you know never made a secret of that that's go to banad Doo if yeah that's the link there answer your question there duck um that's actually a mixture of three different workflows the reason I haven't given you that is because I I'm doing that in multiple different ways so uh I I could like give you the mixture of them but like as you're watching like pers here basically if you like see the way that he just kind of like throws these things together that's basically how this stuff works right so like there is the workflow of creating images there's the workflow of creating the like animation off of it then the workflow of like removing the background so if you guys are interested in that kind of stuff there's also now a node that is available to generate from a set of background remove nodes um a gif which is one that I have on my uh workflow but uh yeah I mean it's these are all these are all things that you can do directly through uh just watching the like actually last like maybe six streams of Pur actually all of them I think you go through how to do those things yeah okay this is insane yeah whoo actually whoo why look frog head or something it looks like a Pepe yeah kind of actually yeah that's pretty sick so that's at 50% that's 50% control net strength it's really trippy Filman AI fundamentals course yo pers if you're going to uh New York to film this course can I join you no dang you think we get anything done you actually think we'd get no absolutely not that's the point kind of need you guys to focus stop stop messing around start focusing wait wait what are we focusing on again I totally forgot what we were trying to work on okay let's try 25% uh I this is cool I don't know what it is but it's cool um it's crazy how it's making a face out of not a face not a face at all legitimately out it legitimately looks like a face it's really weird teach me how to dougy teach me teach me how to douge oh P do you want to help me out create a workflow that I think would be really really really beneficial for the overall Community you want to do this while you're doing this thing no I don't want to help at all I don't want to help the community mind never mind mind even a little bit the community has done nothing for me gross all right so here's the thing I think that it would be sick if we could help the community by downloading uh mixo animations and pulling out bones uh well toy XYZ already has that workflow really wait does that work yeah toy XYZ has how that works instead of instead of of me asking no no no please no because it's a rigging it's a it's a rigging thing uh so I don't know how to do all that yeah I don't know how to do rigging either uh this is one where uh we get uh get um Drees to help I think but basically uh Toy XYZ released a skeleton an open pose like skeleton like a like a model with a rig in in blender and then you can just attach it to a mixim rig but then you can just attach it to a miimo rig doing the thing and hide the miimo rig and then your then your open pose rig is in 3D doing the doing the thing so you like because the problem is when you're capturing the when you're capturing the um when you're capturing the open pose sometimes you just get a bum frame like it happens a lot right yeah yeah yeah absolutely yeah so like when you have like proper when you have that in blender right the open poses are perfect yeah they're like the the results are perfect so yeah there's a whole workflow for that I just haven't dive dived into dove into it far enough yet I did try it and I got scared and and ran away I'm excited to hear this and teao exactly I want to convert um Bones from miimo or Maximo or however you pronounce that site into uh usable resources for comfy so that in the long term I can have a workflow that basically just calls in a list and then you select the different animation from Maximo and you're like use this one and then all of a sudden you have that animation on your character because I think that would be the most [ __ ] I'm sorry I think that would be one of the coolest nodes out there and I don't think anybody has really done that yet but I think that that could be very very sick because the database is out there the information is available and we have the accessibility to be able to pull them at any point in time so if you search them or if you know what their IDs are you should be able to do this we call them fbxs well okay so JX no I'm saying as a node that you can do inside of comfy I understand that we can do this workflow ourself automatic like non automatically I like I I get it but I want it to be automated is what I was suggesting more automated please more automation we've got the crew here we've got the artists who will use the beautiful stuff and tell us how wrong we are and we've got the uh programmers who will tell me who uh how badly I'm doing and uh it'll be great this is wonderful you want a UI that isn't automation um well okay that's fair uh I want to UI to allow the automation to happen within a subset of parameters that are easily selectable so it I don't want it to be fully automated that is absolutely [Laughter] correct [Laughter] No 9 it's not even it's not even the weekend you shouldn't do that on the Thursday that's the worst day to do that that's how you screw up your entire weekend bro snorting y on YouTube don't do that I just love I just love being awake just love I love being on YouTube oh man couple ader all snooters keep it going snooters I've never heard that term that's hilarious Addie snooters Noah that's cool see that's at 25% so it's just sort of implying the the you can kind of see it's in the middle yeah it shows up like the eyes kind of show up for like a second w a little fast I think you're right let's do another film where it's a little uh maybe like a four like a film like a a four yeah yeah yeah dop dop if you're wondering how I make them magically appear I'm just control C control Ving the nodes that's why they're like copy paste that's why they're just appearing out of nowhere in case you're wondering why uh nodes are just appearing when I think about them that's why I don't have like a neural yeah I don't have a neural interface come on man won't be long won't be long yeah I mean like I I I installed the thing can't you see the wires right here yeah I got it it's for Elon Musk right that's I got it from there it's that's it was 900 bucks I I'm scared to say about like it's from that one Tik Tok that we saw right where like he tells you to go to this one website and any mind not worth it any the AI Elon Musk lying to you on exactly YouTube exactly [Laughter] the it's a good joke only if you understand the lore of all the YouTube and you know streaming stuff going on we can uh we can try that duct tape uh I have some QR code masks that work um yeah good question I I don't know yet we're just playing with depth right now this so Q monster like uh it wants um it wants black and white no gradients um this uh well could you could throw that through a threshold I don't even need to I have a ton of masks that we can use no worries no worries I am kind of curious though I know it's been like 90 or like you know over an hour at this point in time but uh what if you do a uh Lumi key on my source other than my beard do we lose anything well a lot of your signal is your like your beard is black I'm I have a feeling it'll be like but I mean like I think it might be funny if I uh had a invisible beard no I'm just kidding that's fine that's there let's try it filters I feel like I my beard is a little bit red so maybe we'll get away with it I won't be able to see this until like 12 seconds after it happens so at all it's not too bad already decided you're just floating above me yeah your beard is gone like you have a hole in your neck but that's okay yeah you know that's fine that's how I normally look though like in real life ma won't use Nvidia broadcast cuz he's too much of aus no I am using Nvidia broadcast I can't send it to him with a signal that looks like that's literally what I'm using how do I how do I send you a signal that you can use that gives you like a green background or something uh just do a background placement not a green background like uh on on video backcast Yeah in Nvidia broadcast there's a background replacement there's a background blur and there's a background removal um removal actually gives you an alpha um I don't know if that works video noise I see even yet I don't see one that says replacement oh oh you can't do removal and oh yeah you can only do one yeah you can only do one I see oh you can just put a green yeah you could just put a green image there just make a a green image I don't have like a green image that's awful that's you know that's that's you can literally go to photo and generate like a 512 x 512 like image that's just painted green and actually on there or ask stable diffusion for a green background please just give this to me you know what I'm going to do I'm going to do even sillier I'm going to go to OBS and I'm going to ask for a green uh color blot and then I'm going to uh use that as a uh color uh what's the the all Fs in this one RGB so those are fs and those are zeros z00 FF z00 is green yep trying to remember the order making sure I don't screw it all right sick uh I will give you a green background in like 10 seconds there's just a Luma tear out of the background that you have right now just like a just ripped a hole in it hey you know that's what's up that's what's up just just just shred that [ __ ] up sorry the joke is before you did the background removal the the Luma thing was fine that's actually hilarious okay now it's green I can do a green thingy one sec let's try that this is what the people I know we're like 90 minutes in we definely probably should like in the first 10 seconds but whatever this is what the people are here for this is why this is why people love this content right chroma key green removal doed look at that also be wearing my bright green t-shirt right now yeah all this green makeup yeah like I'm wearing green n nylons on my arms right now this is awful man I actually do have green nylons because of a uh uh stream a um video I was trying to create um where I had to have invisible leg things that was really fun I think the four times is going to take a while does it I don't think it takes that much longer here here's one thing you can do just take the output from the two times and use that as a two times again instead of doing the four times from the original cuz that's the same thing right I don't know is it conceptually yes it's it's similar it is the same thing cuz that second frame has been interpolated so you're going to get extra right so that's the question is the midpoint ass the whoa that is legitimately actually beautiful yeah whoa who whoa who wow this feels more like a Drone footage hello Simone pixel damn that feels way more like a Drone footage mhm oh wait am I looking to the left when I look to the right okay I see so I should look this way oh I need to put you on that monitor uh oh you have me real orientation what the heck oh yeah you know what I can actually probably now that you're like this I can put you down here and then it's like we're just like chilling yeah yeah we can be like next to each other instead yeah here we go chilling down here yeah this is cool um this is neat so this is the version three motion module for anime diff if anyone wonders what the hell we're doing uh we're trying it out with just raw prompts and a bit just a maybe 25% of control net with this mask here so uh yeah if you're just joining us that's what's up um had a couple requests to try human human human people people so let's try let's try a let's try a human person uh very accurately uh rendered human person like a real human not a robot definitely not a Rob unre engine uncanny valley extras uh let's do uh Houdini octane render 8K why would you add unreal you should probably do uh The Uncanny Valley on the uh clip negative right no that's I actually little add a little bit to that there we go you wanted un Candy okay yeah I do I do yeah there so a very accurately rendered human person totally not a robot Unreal Engine uncanny value at a weight of 1.4 octane render 4K so I think we got it I think we got it oh I forgot trending on Art station but we'll do that next time trying to think of all the cringey prompts build a pers te build up hey if you want to do that I have a a workflow called um Parallax if you take a bigger version of one of our faces and use that as the outer and then the smaller version of the other face use that as the inner you could definitely do that [Music] wait on YouTube can you create your own custom emotes or is that only a twitch thing [Music] uh that's a good question I don't actually know I don't think you can that's too bad yes okay yeah I like YouTube's a little behind twitch on some of these uh some of these features you know it's like uh it would be nice to to have a few of these things especially um for whatever reason the shoutouts you know when people like pay to do a shout out or whatever it just feels more fun on Twitch for I think it's also the stream integration I don't know if you can do the stream integration with YouTube but I always want like some crazy stuff to happen on my stream when that happens you know so it's like doesn't go on knowledge like even if I miss it I i' like I'd like some uh little like a notification yeah splashy thing I I don't know maybe I could set that up locally to watch the chat or something yeah yeah yeah no I mean that's definitely interesting I that gives me an interesting idea as to how to break into uh I don't know if you know but lwig has this beautiful streaming tool to make it so that um uh uh stuff from twitch brings itself over to YouTube If it we we say it as cleanly as possible um and it's just very interesting cuz it's just like uh it seems like that's one of the things that could have been added to that so I wonder if that's one way to break into their program because it is open [Music] source what is this that you're sending this is cool I'm just checking uh to see if um uh noreman wondered if um anime diff version 3 r with sdxl but it looks like it's sd15 only so oh I guess there'll be an sdxl one coming eventually I haven't had much luck with the sdxl uh version 2 Beta model either so uh yeah I don't know still having fun with sd15 hey aaria stream's popping tonight yeah dude you got all sorts of people coming up it's dope we really out here nerding just figured you said that so I thought that would be a funny dance to do right after hopefully you didn't watch that was there an issue with post SD xl's availability to the market uh no I don't think so um I think the the biggest problem is training at that size right training a motion model I'm going to guess is a herlean effort in compute like I I have a feeling it's like training a image model is hard imagine training Clips I like I have no idea I'm just talking directly out of my butt but uh I like I have a feeling it's a lot more involved than uh like training like image lauras and and stuff like that so um my guess is that training in sdxl motion Laura is computationally uh LOL uh which is why we haven't seen any except for the you know the the official yeah I mean same thing inside of like the llms where there's just a couple of small groups of people who are able to create these things and like dude wow actually what is this whoa what robot what is happening that's actually the 2x might be perfect that's crazy looking that Forex Takes a Minute eh yeah I think run to Fusion is about 50 cents an hour to to use a 390 or something for uh theorum and comfy so if you don't have a 3090 and you like want to make this stuff and I get it they're fraking expensive 50 cents an hour is pretty sweet yeah that's not bad at all this is really neat yo speaking of Lawnmower Man Vibes let's add IP adapter to the mix uh I want a IP adapter what is it embed Ed loading beds IP IP adapter uh what's the one that makes all the IP adapting encoder I did it I smarted okay so embeds go into imply encoded okay IP adapter is a thing that looks at the thing and then does the thing so it looks at oh hey thanks Simone that's huge really appreciate that thank you awesome um okay well IP adapter looks at what you give it and with an AI eye and then uh it adds it to your prompt in machine language like it doesn't like ever touch English it's just like it's kind of esoteric but it's sick did you just say an AI I that was so awesome I love that so much that is such a great way to describe it wait the only thing I would like to add to what you're saying here is the aii that is using this description depending on the IP adapter type that you add in if it's like a plus versus like a light versus a regular has two versus four versus eight tokens to talk what it saw [Music] mhm that is a great way to put it dude clip Vision uh IP adapter plus IP adapter apply okay so what we're doing here is we're applying the IP adapter we're embedding the IP adapter we are loading IP adapter models so uh if you need these models you need this crap uh it's all in uh manager uh install models and you just type IP adapter um you can get all this stuff here and you will also need clip models you will need the ones that say they are for IP adapter you grab those you grab the IP adapter stuff and you install the IP adapter plus this one here install that and youve got it all and this is the whole node setup essentially uh the only thing we need is a prep image for clip Vision node which lets us crop into the image Center and it gets it ready for uh processing I saw this really cool trick using clip vision and I'm going to show you guys all right left make four of them all right this is really weird but it's very interesting left right and it was oh [ __ ] you're going to clip each one of them uh I believe Center and Pad okay they all come in at 0.15 sharpening and this way no matter what aspect ratio you feed into the um IP adapter it's going to look at the whole image not just the middle of it dude this is a great idea holy crap I I did not come up with this this was someone else's workflow of this is such a great idea oh my God so yes it seems crazy and annoying but this is it this is how it works Left Right Center pad okay uh um add a bit of sharpening to each of them so the IP adapter can get a really good good really really good look at what it's looking at set all the weights to one and then set your final IP adapter weight to 0.8 you kind of don't want to exceed 0.8 or you're going to get like deep fried memes deep fried meme [ __ ] um yeah okay so uh then you can just collapse all these and then yeah essentially yes uh you just uh you one image one reroute node I think will work work yep and you just plug all those into this yep easy peasy okay so we can collapse these and they can just kind of go here we have this reroute and what do we plug into the reroute uh very easily just a load image node load image spoop all right cool so yes what is that a picture of danger Dave uh it is Commander Keen actually oh that's the same amazing yeah this um this prepare image for clip Vision does resize the uh resolution for uh to 224 by 224 uh for each of these clips for clip Vision that's why we use it that's yeah so it's very cool uh let's try adding um I mean do we do it do we do it I think we do it we always do it oh oh Mr Bean we're GNA bean and we're just going to say Mr Bean and might you even say we're about to bean dip we might bean I might that you might Bean right about that Commander Bean okay IP adapter stuff these two loaders I'm gonna make um Brown I always make a loaders Brown you can make them whatever the hell color you want I don't give a crap uh I make the apply IP after stuff cyan the stuff is all image related so blue and the redirect I guess will'll make it blue because it's redirecting an image source and the image thing is blue and blue and blue and we got blue and this blue and we got blue over here now that you're currently doing a rerouting I think that my camera is gone for some reason I don't know what happened there hey you're back I probably control Apple deed or something okay okay oh I always get control DED that's so happens so let us do this add group for selected nodes IP adapters checko uh we'll do clip uh control net Scooby uh that's probably enough group so we don't go insane animate diff group diffusion group outputs group okay oh wow the difference between the three of those is pretty crazy though this is actually starting to look like a workflow yeah this looks great yo wait a second JX you know how your setup can recolor like nodes that exist 4K no l the groups that exist Within what if you have a set of nodes like a bunch of nodes of one color what if they they colorize the the group itself like an automatic coloring of the group node just throwing that out there would it be the majority of nodes of that color in the the average of the colors colors hey man it should be [ __ ] Brown every time Mike Mike uh as far as I understand uh subgraphs are currently under development uh subgraphs ideally will give us the yeah okay so the the current subgraph system is a little funky with that yeah uh don't use it don't use it it's bad the thing but is my understanding that they're working on a proper subgraph which will give us like actual group nodes um if that's the case like that'll be sick because like I tried the nested nodes and uh I couldn't get it to work for what I was doing it was like wigging out always yeah yeah but yeah uh if we can get good sub uh if we can get good subgraphs these workflows right like this workflow could be two nodes right it doesn't need to be this I need to I need to input the image I need a couple of this stuff a couple of these uh just a few of these exposed right and then I have a this flow node just bom yeah exactly here's here's my problem as far as the API is concerned there are subgraphs already you just call different workflows at different times so I'm like I agree with you it would be great if the a if the UI had it but also like we it it's there if you are willing to program I'm sorry but that's just the thing so that's why I'm like hey yo we gota we got to make this web page available to everybody because it's not easy City three nodes done no done indeed yeah we'll get simulation solvers in comf youi soon I'm sure I need to do a fluid simulation to use a control net that would be sick I mean that would be so mean it's not impossible if we can get a like a glsl Shader situation no I'm here I hear what you're saying I I 100% hear what you're saying but like wow wow wow complex cuz like right now it's all done on the nodes themselves right so that would have to be like something that computes that within a set of nodes it would have to be like its own like space JX has GLS all working dude JX can we like you know look at that like right now have a good one thanks for hanging out BR thanks for swinging your wrench bro dud yeah that that apprciate you coming out swinging that wrench around yeah glsl shaders for everything whoa why is Mr Bean staring at me like this I hate it now I do have the strength of 25 for the the oh his eyes are the eyes of that thing that's even worse than I expected it to be that's so much worse than I expected it to be why is it so much worse oh my God just watch y create cool sh that's nice yo uh pers I'll be right back one second I'm going grab some water okay turn my camera off when we do this 4X because I think it's just pounding my [Music] GPU Mr Bean looks totally normal right yeah yeah he's chill he's chill this is what he looks like in real life isn't it oh my God the 4x1 is an actual nightmare oh I spill Rick Moranis playing Mr Bean sounds normal what a [Music] nightmare okay um so uh I mean there's a reason there's a reason why I use Mr Bean all the time because he's so strong in every model I I don't understand why everybody trained on Mr Bean images I'm not mad at it but he's all over the he's all over every model so you can really get like you can find out what the model is doing same thing why you see Guyer in all of your yeah use guy fur a lot because you can even put you know you can even put the mayor of flavor town and it knows who that is it's so I did that once and it was Guy Fier like with like a a mayor sash like in a parade down like the street with like a with like a cane and stuff it was it was great I feel like he probably like poisoned the data set like he put a bunch of that picture in there cuz he's like hey I want them to have this picture if they ever like do this okay like wait a second before anybody says that that's not what happened let me just like suspend your disbelief for a second how funny would it be if there were like a group of people who knew that these models were coming out and they literally generated ated like a huge number of fake images of themsel to create this narrative how like how fun would that have been as like now we have to move forward with this reality like what do you do like you can't you can't clean that it's there forever it's in the the the mother data set it's so good it would be so funny or just like mislabel something all the time like cat is dog always oh yeah this is the guy upside down absolutely he's all it's upside down like always represents it that way or whatever I've got a [ __ ] plan I don't know if you guys have seen the um YouTube short uh of um The Waffle House has a new host but I feel like that's basically what we just talked [Music] about I don't know that dude you don't okay wait a second I'm gonna I'm going to tell you something 98% of the YouTube and twitch content content that you tell me about I have never ever ever heard of in my entire life it is always the most weirdest unhinge stuff I've never heard of okay wait a second I can't send this so I'm gonna send it to you how do I send this to you I guess I can send it to you on my like my chat on the you can just message it to me I'll just uh here I'll send it to you directly on Discord yeah yeah yeah there we go uh I'll watch it later so I don't get monetized yeah this is this guy who basically what he did was he told his big old crew to go to a bunch of other channels and just like post a really funny thing and the funny thing they posted was uh The Waffle House has found its new host as like just a comment for no reason but I feel like it's like basically what we were just talking about like it's just like it's the same it's the same mentality there if you guys haven't seen this before you got to check that one out it's very fun nice just Google what I said said you or you you'll find exactly what I'm looking for or what I'm saying it's like 60 seconds is GitHub where all the gits hang out you know that's why the original guy made it because he was just like you [ __ ] you dummies you don't know how uh code like like adding together works you gets cuz there were other repository Styles before that but they were all awful this 4X one is like terrifying Forex one is just like if you wanted to take like an hour to watch it I know it's long cheps dude you're getting really into his face I don't know how I feel about this I'm just like I'm watching but I'm like oh my God I'm kind of taking a step back everything's fine what's the problem y yep yep this is fine this is fine I'm gonna have nightmares about Mr Bean tonight I think yeah yeah I'm pretty sure me too I I like I mean they're right inside of my psyche that got really deep in there it was pretty good uh suddenly the biggest monitor I have is just all his face it's just [Laughter] like that was great 56 seconds and I put it at this one at 50% so this is going to be truly unhinged this this last one's at 25% here uh control net and this one will be at 50 so oh God it'll be more like the ball very excited yo do you remember that workflow I sent you that you can test anime diff early yeah have you tried that before uh no but because what I usually do is just do a 16 frame run until I'm happy that's fair you know what that's absolutely fair and then you just keep that seed that's a really good way to yeah yeah exactly yeah exactly that's like legit itely a much better way to do it than what I was doing which for anybody who is curious I found a way to basically sample animate diff um early using the case sampler Advanced it's just sort of a pain in the butt you have to look at something that oh my God can you just burn it can you oh my God can you just like that on fire oh my God oh my God it's so awful slowmo is bad but it's going to be even slower in a minute man I know the eyes oh no make it stop it's so gross hey but as an emote that would be the funniest freaking emote ever oh oh my goodness wa I posted that one of I posted that one of me like this on uh Twitter and one of my friends was like uh hey man you didn't wave to me at the festival me at the festival that was Donnie he's hilarious hey man if you send this to me I want to use that as an emote over on Twitch that's so gross this funny the the 2x I think because I think the 4X has two many frames but God it's so creepy that's so funny the eyes when the eyes like rapidly move like when it jumps context it's so creepy yeah oh yeah that's awful I can mix it with my uh I could do this with my face Laura too but I'm not going to okay let's try a different mask this one's terrifying yeah yeah stop that one please that one's kind of boring what's this one similar ah this one will be cool Noy frames let's pop that into the here pop that into the here 90 frames let's back this off quick shout out because I'm just steal some time while pers is looking at stuff yeah go for it um for anybody who is wondering how to get this stuff to work for yourself but you don't want to slash don't have a computer that you can run this by yourself I have a way that you can run some of P's workflows I I can't promise you can customize him the same way that he does but I can try to break out some of that stuff in like an advanced workflow but like essentially I'm trying to steal like most of these things and give you guys access to my 4090 um and then I got like one of my Bros he's given me his 4090 I've got my own 3060 and 20 whatever tldr I got a lot of gpus people are giving them to me that I can then like compute on this stuff I've got somebody who's giving me like hard Ware space so that we can then like render this stuff out to you guys if you would like to be able to do this but you don't have the ability to render it yourself I've got a little spot that you guys can play with on this all um I don't want to shout it out quite yet although it is my name do matich dodev but uh you know basically all I'm saying is uh if you think that these are cool but you don't have access to running this yourself because you don't have like you know the compute you don't have whatever it is I'm learning how to make these things available to the internet my my choice is to give you guys free access to my tools because I bought these things so I can learn this so while these things are available please take advantage of it it's available whenever I'm alive alive that's awful I'm always alive awake awake is what I meant to say I meant to say as long as my heart is beating you can access it it's fine when my heart's beating you can access it but like actually meant to like like live cuz like while I'm streaming matis yo Sinister how you going how you doing dude uh anyway uh if you guys are if you guys are interested in using some of these workflows but you don't have your own GPU um for free you can utilize my system to do some of what Pur has here and if pers has done something that I don't have just shout it out and I'll watch his video and I will steal it and then I'll have it on my website too I do mean that though legitimately because I want everybody to be able to do these things cuz it's like it's a learning exercise for me it's it's really fun and uh if anybody wants any of these things I want to be able to make it so that we can all work together doing the things that is that are here anyway I see uh your camera is back so how you doing oh I'm fine I was here I was just listening um yeah yeah I mean you got to play with n Stuff but be respectful don't make weird [ __ ] on his server he's offering it for free be be a a human you know if you do it's got your name on it so yeah exactly a human person you know make a fake account if you're going to make it weird no wait wait don't do that and then just let me know in DM so I can check it out later yeah hey here's who I got to send it to my 1080 TI fan has failed I'm unemployed since Co love to access small software Deb and good scription nice yeah I mean yeah play with mti's tools cuz uh that's what they're there for make some stuff you [Music] know yes actually Norman there is one it's called um stable horde you guys know about stable horde dude stable horde is the best yeah they're very cool AI horde now it's crowdsourced um so basically people who are willing to donate their GPU time to the service can log in and turn on AI horde and then it gets their GPU gets added to the network and they distribute rendering across the the AI horde Cloud so it's just people that are willing to provide their GPU for you who might not have GPU um very very very cool people um if you uh if you're interested in using it they're they have a Discord and all this stuff um they have a patreon too uh and they are super awesome um yeah you know like one of the big uh one of the big uh barriers to this stuff is the cost of gpus like it's you know having your own system yeah it's too much uh and I get that you know if you don't have the gear you don't have the gear it's like the other thing is you're only doing this this one thing cuz like gaming you don't you don't need a 3090 for gaming you know you need like a you know you can you can use anything for that it's just this one this one thing we all like to do with AI needs fraking Nvidia and lots of vram right um so any way you can offset that is good yeah any way you can offset it is always good fetch Ai No I haven't AI prompt doesn't yell at me if I enter in Biden said is really slow last time I tried it set it up with in [ __ ] uh what slow oh hard oh bummer okay it seems I've made more nightmares actually I think he's actually eating the ice cream Mr Bean having ice cream he's eating it look at him eat that ice well okay he's puking it up never mind maybe if I reverse the clip it'll be okay dude what's the name of that thing when you take two pictures that are close to one another and you do oh never mind wait it's called Optical flow that's the name of the thing that's what film does look at this Mr Beans vomiting up ice cream yeah more like a Mr Bean blob of yeah well uh I'm glad I'm bringing this stuff into the world yeah I mean kind [Laughter] of it's It's art and I'm giving birth to it hey you know what I want to see it so that's all that's [Laughter] important well um Jesus Christ all right next thing thanks please let's do literally anything but Mr Bean uh let's try a I wonder what this mask kill it with fire I don't mind I wonder what this what a good fireworks with dogs on water slides or anything else does anyone want to try dropping a prompt in the chat for this uh this depth map fireworks dogs with as you can see it made a totally normal safe corporate art a tribute to Rowan Atkinson truly all right well I heard dog going down water slide [Music] so it's GNA be dog going down water slide in three two all right doggo time to go down a water slide Dog go going down a water slide uh um exactly what you're thinking it's exactly that problem uh we talk work Tex oh yeah well you might not set a problem but it's exactly that thing dog on water slide a dog going down water slide having the time of his life you know I'm happy about that all right guys well you can just watch Mr Bean like uh you know vomit up ice cream for the next uh you know you know do what he does for the next four minutes while we render this next Pro just everyday things just normal stuff normal stuff normal normal normal stuff oh I'm going to eat some chips I need something to to stop watching the is vomiting contact make sure you eat them backwards anime diff had 16 you're now running 90 why no more hype oh no um the anime diff evolved has a sliding context window so we've been able to do this for I don't know four months now three or four months how long is animate out maybe longer um if evolved rather yeah at least one month Beyond when the original came out yeah so yeah um yeah doing more than 16 frames is nothing new um it's just very very uh GPU intensive well rather vram intensive it's uh this workflow we're doing now at 512 x 512 is currently using 9 and a half gigs of vram so um yeah you could do this on a 12 gig or a 10 gig but maybe not an 8 gig maybe an eight gig if you're not freaking sharing your stream on Discord and and uh streaming live to YouTube um what do you that might be using a little bit of what makes me think that that uses anything yeah right may be using just a just a bit come on man that was nothing Luma keying uh green screen out of mati's camera like it ain't nothing yeah um can you like not zoom in can you zoom in more yeah actually more to the like left face I like that left one it's fast enough the fast one yeah faster faster can you speed it up you do twice the number of frames per second on that one 48 I did one like I had accidentally swung it to 160 once and then did a render and it was like like it was like looping really fast fast makes me want to render some 144 frame videos and just make like crazy fast Loops for my 144 monitor how long 1 minute 15 seconds I think I saw am I sharing my screen which is is your screen which is sharing my screen that's hilarious you I can I can bring your screen up if you want to do something don't don't do it it's your screen it will just make a infinity right I just realized I was sharing your [Laughter] screen inch and ever closer to being fin finished 45 seconds 29 seconds let's go yeah one thing that's interesting about the website that I'm building is you know how pers is now waiting for uh this finish in this batch we've got five computers that you can you know use they all happen to be in my house so um please don't warm up my house too much so the power bill is outrageous it is good thing um it's actually with a lot of solar panels um but um just saying the uh anybody the dogs have arrived oh oh oh oh my oh my I don't like he's dividing is that dog wearing a helmet what I don't he's on a water slide he's got to be safe I mean I get it there we go never mind that makes sense I was like why never mind yep yes actually yes gotta be safe anything un comfy like wave to lip I don't know actually uh I do know I think you can install wave to lip with Pinocchio uh oh wait a second I got to mute my mic I got to cough that one out do I have Pinocchio I do I think there's a wave to lip install with Pinocchio okay okay okay I think I'm back I think I'm back I'm not laughing too hard anymore that was awesome though that was lit they have to be safe like like oh my God you're right H sorry I could have sworn there was but I guess there isn't yeah I don't know what people do for lip uh wave to lip really um there's somebody on Twitter you can follow eclectic method uh he does amazing uh lip sync voice stuff I don't even know how he does it uh I I never asked but uh he might answer if you ask him on on Twitter wave to lip HQ is so old now yeah yeah yeah this is uh the slow one sucks like I hate this yeah I know that's bad that's real bad like the tongue looks like the bisected tongue no thanks yeah I hate everything about everything yeah it's like a snake I'm out what's crazy is Mr Bean was the input image for that I forgot that it was the it was the IP adapters were on thought it was dogs was the input or something like that like what the hell so like it's it's also trying to draw M Mr Bean I guess I guess maybe like I mean like legitimately maybe I squint my eyes enough and I pretend like no okay let me see what else do I got I must have something tiger bouncing we could try Tron dude Wallace and grommet that could be pretty good that's pretty cool no I I can't do that one anymore uh oh um did you get some NSFW wall please don't tell that Jesus it's because his his fur is um nope please please don't describe it I already understand too well yeah it's cuz his f is that color so it just makes that's going to be so awful naked it's not good yeah it's not good oh almost did that on stream I'm very glad I didn't I'm now very conscious of color very conscious of color when I uh yeah when I render things that's legitimately wow yeah yeah Pro tip do not use Wallace and grommet as your input Pro tip good call their do or d d I don't know how to say your name there it's like all right guys I gotta go yeah uh um uh uh uh this is weird BRB though anyway I gotta go unrelated I gotta leave right now uh yep I like that I'm not the only one who said BRB CU like chat said it brown the same time I did because they haven't heard me say it by the time they're writing it now that means they haven't heard me say it yet not helping The Stereotype that AI is full of dirty perverts hey man I'm not trying that's not my fight not my dog not my fight no I'm just saying I'm not the one who's trying to oh yeah exactly that's what I mean that's what I [Laughter] mean I just tried Tron 80s with that image we'll see what we get if anyone wants to see the input image it's just a Ste from Tron one of the damn coolest movies ever made Tron 80s the yeah that was a good one yeah that was a good one but this is going to be some weird ass because of this mask it's going to be some weird ass unhinged stuff thank everyone for hanging out and watching us make weird stuff all night this is great uh hey you know you know it's great you know if you uh you want more you come by the Discord we do stuff there all the links are on pers. XYZ and if you like what you see and you enjoy it and you want to support us um on patreon you can hit me up Pur and uh yeah subscribers get access to a special channel on my Discord and I'm going to be an exclusive mask pack for everyone so uh don't feel like you need to stay subscribed to get that mask back everybody who's subscribed is going to get it uh I'll find your emails in the thing so uh yeah I'm going to put together literally all the masks I've been making and and that goes out to all the supporters so uh thank you to everyone who has been supporting and thank you to any future supporters and uh don't please don't feel the need to leave that subscription active uh uh you know once it's once is fine I I love a good drop in the tip jar it means a lot it means the world me so uh thank you everybody thanks for hanging out we're not leaving or anything I'm just uh doing the uh the admin stuff um put that put that shout out make sure everybody understands sh H hit that subscribe button you gotta love your crew here look look at this Pur this guy is like probably one of my favorite guy like you guys if you don't know if you're part of the community who uh heard my shout out uh earlier on and you're you're part of my crew hey you guys look at this like this guy is like this is the guy I always shout out who makes our things even work come on man we got to we got to we got to we got to live give this guy some love yeah love you guys this is great I'm just glad people like to hang out and do this because i' just be doing this otherwise it's nice it's nice to have people chilling with you it's that second stream man it's that second monitor crew you know it's up there it's happening and we're able to like every so often you say something hey hey wait I got I got to ask that that that one question somebody will pop in they'll be like hey I got an answer to that and it'll be somebody who's on that second screen it's great the fact that you've got such a large second screen uh crew man you you I'm very jelly I'm I'm gonna be honest with you I'm very jelly it's all love it's all Community but yeah I mean um these guest spots are not onetime things you know we we keep doing this it's fun I got a lot of friends that make a lot of dope stuff so uh you know I think the streams are more fun when I have somebody to bounce off too otherwise it's just me yelling at yelling at comfy for three hours yeah why does work I'll scream at comfy all day every day but it's not always something that somebody else should watch yeah whoa wow actually that is really SI oh my God wait a second wow I'm so excited to see this I'm really loving this motion model yeah yes yes yes this this two slower version is better the 4X is going to be awful but yeah the 2x is actually better yeah it's really cool um legit though you could probably make the 2x a really great emote on Twitch yeah yeah the motion model I think mixed with the because it's the depth map that's giving the motion the coherence the the the um yeah that makes sense like the the uh H composition it's it's providing the composition for the motion so you can see it I'll bring this down closer and try and run it in the same time oh it doesn't go above okay fine you can see it actually propagate throughout the animation yeah yeah absolutely abolutely you can um and that's at what 50% 35% so that's at 35% or 35 strength so 35% uh control net um and that's just depth we can uh somebody wanted to see uh QR code so let's let's pop a let me grab one of my um let me grab one of my uh masks [Music] you got masks for days dude you got all sorts of different versions I make so AJ's it's like a VJ folder or something I'm trying to find this is why I want to okay all right this is also why I'm releasing a mask P mask mask pack for all the Subs because like holy crap right I gotta share this stuff um but I'm trying to find a specific one I'm just trying to remember what it looks like I think it's this one oh that looks sick yeah I think that'll be interesting let's do that one so copy as path this one is a uh video it's an mp4 so we can't actually use this load images path node we're going to have to use a different one is VHS uh load video path node it's like basically the same node but it loads MP4 orov instead of um uh image sequences pngs PNG sequences so yeah 24 frames per second four size uh 512 x 512 because that's what we're rendering at so we don't need to load it any larger than that uh image image and then uh what do we do with the frame count goes into the batch size same as before uh we're going to do all the frames at 90 and just run it shun it and make sure we change our uh control net uh model to Q QR code Monster uh okay so once I run actually I like that prompt I like this I'm just going to run this again this it looks dope um you guys can see what this mask will oh wait hold on this is going to be 240 frames these masks are longer 280 frames so what I did with these masks uh is they are 280 frames and they Loop twice so they actually loop at 140 frames but if you double the speed by selecting every other frame they loop at 70 frames because that's a quarter of 280 so we can actually do loops at 70 frames with these masks because they Loop twice over the course of the animation that was an intentional uh decision so I could do shorter runs that are full Loops to see what they look like um and then you know just let the whole thing run later so it'll do this so it'll be twice as fast but it'll be a perfect Loop and that's probably enough nerd [ __ ] all right uh 70 Z2 24 frames per second Point uh uh uh I'm not sure to say your second part of your name there point though um if you're trying to figure out how to do that I would say grab your video and load it in and then put it through a um resize node a resize node would probably handle the issue that you're handl that you're having right there where you're just taking your video and then resizing it immediately no this one doesn't loop at 70 because I'm dumb uh let me think oh this one might only Loop once so that doesn't matter it'll be fine um normally my masks Loop twice so whatever all that stuff I said is not valid for this for this animation uh whenever I put large videos it says video is too large says the video is too large when you put them in that's weird I've never seen that but I've also I think I I try to max out my my my video size at 1280 x 720 like it sucks at um sucks at like 1080 4K and stuff like that so if you have great big videos that might be why um because even Ze hey sorry about that no worries zebra car what's up it's another one of the crew nice so the biggest problem with loading long is not necessarily loading the video it's doing that many frames cuz even my 3090 once you get over about 350 400 frames the the vae decoder struggles with that kind of batch size like it starts you know washing into my system RAM and stuff so um uh what you can do is fix the seed and use these uh use these VHS loader nodes see this skip first frames if you have a fixed seed and you have like a 70 you like you you can only do 70 frames at a time you can do 70 and then skip the first 70 for the next run and then hit Q prompt and then and then hit 70 plus 70 140 Q prompt plus 70 Q prompt and it'll do batches of 70 frames one after the other with the same seed so it'll it'll be like one long continuous animation and then you can uh just cut those together and resolve just literally staple them all together and it'll it'll work it'll work fine um so yeah don't worry about batch size and all that crap because you can do longer runs it's just uh you got to break them up into smaller chunks that's all because like once the stuff hits the once this stuff hits the the vae decoder your vram is just like help because it's trying to decode you know hundreds of images at once you wait uh sorry uh real quick doc absolutely never correct yourself into saying Devon instead of matis gross just as like if anybody was reading [Laughter] chat these are awesome though honestly like the amount of like changes between the uh different speeds here it's like they're actually quite beautiful Robert nope [Music] whoa we we don't talk about that this looks cool this looks cool this looks looks cool this looks cool so the QR code one's even even better with the with the masks you get like some really intentional movement that's sick matis is over on Twitch you want to get him on Twitch yeah you can find me on YouTube if you want but uh yeah oh yeah that's right I forgot yeah you got a YouTube too yeah you should you should link your YouTube and your Twitch in the in the chat I mean I think I Tech on let's see we'll link them anyway so that people can click BR let them click I can't though because you don't have fine I'll do it Jesus because if I do it in your chat I get I get banned from it or whatever lazy ass I'll just write the name no it's okay I got it uh htbs right and uh just [Music] is are you guys are interested there's a lot of programming that happens on these areas um sometimes uh it's great other times it's hilarious how do you get to your thing ma oh it's at mati Tech I think instead of oh you're right yeah it's at matis now yeah yeah that's my bad this one work you YouTube forced an at in front of all of them or whatever like a we like a month ago they they changed that yeah they just it's some [ __ ] that they just changed it's some weird stuff it's like because we all went to usernames or whatever yeah you know like we're all kind of used to that kind of thing but it's like why did you just do that randomly out of the blue like that's very weird but whatever listen I for one would like to thank my YouTube overlords and I love you guys you know what you know what you're right you know what look I like YouTube man I think they're great you are the right you are in the correct here yeah if you guys want to watch a lot of really weird uh uh content where basically we're basically stealing what pers has been able to do on his stream and then repurposing it into shorts that's what I have on my [Laughter] YouTubes it's real bad that's how it is it's how it should be I am trying to find my there we go I want to try remind you of Tron from Space Balls yeah dude that does remind me of a barf Tron that is right that is I want to try this one I like this one I think it's cool I want to try this one literal Jam Space Balls I think it was my favorite movie when I was a kid and it's funny I didn't understand half the jokes at my age you know what I mean but oh yeah that's the best now you watch it now when you're older it's it's so funny yeah why that so much funnier when you're older right it's like oh my God why did I think it was funny when I was younger cuz this is so much better you know when the you know when the guys are combing the desert with the and then they show uh the dude with the afro pick oh yeah that guy is I a got I ain't found nothing yeah we a found [ __ ] that guy that's tuac from uh Star Trek Voyager that actor wait yeah wait yeah you can look it up it's the same dude yeah yeah it's himit uh his name is uh Russ something Russ something Russ oh I forget but yeah it's the same dude yeah it's tuac the Vulcan from uh Voyager isn't that crazy yeah cuz like I did not realize that in the slightest what we ain't found [ __ ] we a found [ __ ] and vaults Hey yo uh thank you for uh hanging out over on those types of things in the future you know what the only thing I want to S shout out is um it's going to be a little bit different from here we're going to be doing a little bit more you know uh whack ass stuff if you think that what we've done from P's normal streams into what I have created this stream to be is okay then uh all right cool you you chose the right one to subscribe to but just warning you my streams are a little different than what pers [Laughter] does it's good though you know it's a whole it's a whole lot of bag words it's a Vibe yo use the Schwartz use the shortz I hit strawberry girls not wearing tops yo yo P do you know what they're talking about I yes I heard I'm I'm I'm I'm fine with that I think that's that's fine I'm fine with that yeah all right so for anybody who doesn't know what's going on right now um you're not allowed to actually be nude the news was wrong please do not actually like draw anything that you're not supposed to do like three days ago two days ago don't do what you think you're allowed to do tldr uh it's just sort to you're allowed to accidentally flash stuff and it's not going to be whoops so like whoops you can so like P you know how like you were like oh no like I could accidentally with sdxl like turbo like flash like you know nudity if the the CFG is too low don't worry about it I will worry about it no no no on Twitch I'm not talking I'm not on Twitch I'm like legitimately not telling you to not worry about it sorry I did that's the words I used I'm Gonna Keep about it you you scratch that but don't worry about it on Twitch yeah how drunk is Robert no I do think that uh that that change is probably fine uh you know for the long run it's all good um just as long as it's some kind of age wall right where the kids can't have access to uh streams that might have potential nudity but I mean it's 2023 you know whatever yeah no that's absolutely exactly what the whole thing is like because I mean like every single website you you know you know it is how it is so it's just going to be different ones doing what they do talk about nity you miss something that's what I'm talking that's what I'm saying that's actually funny all right [Music] um yeah uh I could send a link to you if you want to send the link to everybody if that if that will make this conversation make more sense this is cool I really like twit nudity it'll probably bring you right to it or actually you know what would be even funnier if you guys Google you know what I shouldn't never mind yeah I don't even think that's a good thing to I was gonna tell you the wrong way to get to exactly where we are yeah I'm going to remove the four times ones but I really like uh I really like what the QR code is doing to these uh v3s the only thing I am noticing is that the quality seems pretty doy you know how that that stable diffusion spaghetti yeah definitely uh that's kind of unsettling uh so what I'd like to do is a 16 frame animation uh that is 768 by 768 and see if that mitigates it a bit or if absolute nonsense do you think the speed between each one of the frames of your input um animation that you're doing over there for the uh uh uh I whatever the black and white uh one is you think that that is uh essentially creating why each one of the different ones of these like the speed of that one is why the different frame rates of the other ones are good or bad because potentially we could do a um like a difference between the frames and then tell if you should do just the 12 a 24 a 48 or like a 36 like frames um interpolation type of a thing what okay uh Fair um yeah try that again uh I didn't follow not necessarily you have if you have a bunch of different frames that move a lot they need interpolation between them more than frames that don't move a lot if yeah no that's not going to help you know what I don't know how to say what I was trying to say in a good way uh we'll get we we we we we'll get we'll get back there offline it'll happen you never know probably most likely not yeah yeah never it might both getting there at the same time yet never whoa yeah actually though this looks great that's like a cinemagraph okay well what does this look like at like full full full bore uh full bore QR code because we've been doing it at 35% so like the what does it do at 100 wait so like are you trying to QR code it or what are you doing like what I'm using this with the QR code control net and I want to see what happens cuz what normally happens is it diffuses two different things where the black and where the white is so usually you get some insane results so I'm I'm we'll see what we get it might just be white white like light and dark but it might also not it might yeah no no that makes sense it makes sense it's like one and one and zero it's like two different like a boo I like how um the comment of putting NSFW into the negative helps is actually like a comment on your stream that's very funny oh I've been putting it in the positive oh my me too like I want this for my stream like come on guys you know what else is a really awesome node have you seen this one which one the color match I have not what can you do with that one well well I'm glad you asked yeah and let's pop one of these there we go this is what I wanted we're getting a full run of this yes yes we are yes we are all right uh this is going to be totally unhinged I love it okay color match is g to take this output I'm going to do I'm going to do the film 2x output y we're going to take the original input image as as the input and this is going to color match the output to the input okay it is sick and completely overpowered and really cool I'll show you I'll show yeah I think that is everything yes film color match yes cute out that's awesome yeah Corey uh blender uh like my stream last night uh you know or not last night my last stream uh making masks making uh uh any you can make shaders that look like death Maps but they're not and then you can use those for control net for moving motion you know it's blender plus AI is just incredibly powerful yeah it's that's the way to go always like I always talk about this and people are probably sick of hearing me say but AI is not a replacement for workflows it's an augmentation for workflows so yeah one day yeah maybe it will replace workflows but right now the most powerful thing we can do with AI is use it to do the stuff we suck at or the stuff that takes forever or the stuff that you just don't want to do like just I'm putting my hand up real Qui integrated into your control or into your control integrated into your workflow if you want right it doesn't have to replace any part of your workflow you don't want it to if you want to draw better then just draw and then use AI to finish drawing like have fun use stuff play with it you know do it do it it's crazier that stuff gets even crazier when you think about it because like on the other side like we end up being able to use those like oh what if you just play with this what if you just do this thing what if this this ends up doing this thing for new workflows that we can then do moving forward man I don't know I I I see all these different things that you guys are doing what you guys are like building and I'm just like man as like a person on the outside as as a person who's not building these things but just like using other person's workflows that have been built it's great to understand like how these things are even like possible it is very very very cool um Corey there's actually a whole rig now for comfy where you can deep bump materials right in comfy and generate like so you can generate tille textures and then you can deep bump them and give yourself the roughness and all the other Maps then you can just make a python script and blender that uh like will pull them in and name everything and put them in the right places so you could just do a pipeline of generating Textures in in comfy and literally just you know uh plopping them into blender uh I'm hoping someone releases like a you know a python workflow for that so that the rest of us don't have to go through chat GPT to do it but yeah so fun even if you have to go through chat GPT that means there's an API on point so it will be possible to do what you're asking yeah well I mean you got Python and you've got files that have file names so I'm pretty sure you can get there right it's so funny it looks like I'm just like attacking your neck when I'm drinking water drinking water yeah yep yep cloudy cloudy water yeah that's some very cloudy ass [Laughter] water just when I thought I was out no no need no need they pull me back in [Music] so yeah the only thing that I want to shout out for anybody who's interested in this type of stuff but doesn't have the uh compute to be able to do it is just that like I steal all these workflows from purs every time I watch him do these things I think these are awesome and I got a 4090 so if you want to run them I got a computer that you can run them on so you know you see his workflow it's likely something that I've already replicated because I mean end of the day I seal fast I'm good at that that's something I've harvested a lot of knowledge into sounds like I need ban ma from my streams that's what's up he's got to ban me before that's going to happen so I'll just evade it yeah if you all wanna if you want to be able to use the things that he's not gonna oh and I'm gone I used to have a I used to have a guest tonight but he disappeared I don't know where he went yeah I don't know what happened to that I don't even remember his name ELR though if you guys want to be able to use these things but you don't have the compute please do hit up my compute because um I bought it and I feel like [ __ ] I need to make it so that I don't feel bad that I bought these things because why did I pay so much money for something that I could have just you know six S8 $1 like total so far on like AI online so please use my computer so that I don't feel bad that's what I'm asking that's that's the that's the end point that I'm looking for just use the Man's computer yeah it's my 49 you're going to wake up tomorrow your house gonna be so hot D you have no idea how hot it is in the mornings my bedroom gets so crazy warm from that uh computer it's ridiculous yeah my office is in the summer especially LOL I was streaming in the summer just dripping buckets on Twitch because it was like yeah like no no no it's fine it's fine it's fine that was that was with the 3070 too most of the time and now I got the 3090 it gets way hotter way hotter yeah yeah yeah it does I'm just gonna kill my video because uh hitting the v80 coder at 768 is going to definitely Chun my vrm cool cool cool co co I'm still here I didn't go anywhere you just can't see my pretty face all right nobody believe him he is just an AI voice I am playing him from my side yeah matis developed me in the 90s I'm just an AI B that 4090 with the the city selin Sidelines oh man skyl thing Sky good that'll be fun yeah Corey I don't think we're far off from that because the real time the real time component I think is the uh the Lynch pin to all of that um once we can like uh sort of actively literally surf through these Laden spaces things are going to change um the interactivity is going to go crazy imagine like you know synthesizers and stuff with a visual component right like it's it's really exciting is really exciting stuff like I can't wait for the first like analog video syns that use AI you know yeah that's why when DJ T was coming in here and saying that um they figured out how to get the OBC in here I'm like dude you don't know how excited I am about that idea yeah like I have so many plans for why I want that yeah because osc talks to literally anything anything with a heart you can you can by the way do you know who DJ is no oh my God her did they come here because of okay one second let me just give myself a little um excited like you know I got to dance a little bit that's Mak me very excited all right dude J is a crew is a buddy that's one of the guys who if you don't know him you will love this dude you know how like I like to do program and like make things like automated to like do certain stuff I'm saying this in a very general terms yeah so like that's that guy's job for like 25 years before I was born nice I you have so much fun with this guy awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome what are these nodes that you're looking up right now I'm trying to get that link for make Bel TV here ni oh yeah see it makes um seamless um diffused textures that you can pull into blender and then just apply them to things you know with depth and normals and all that awesome awesome awesome stuff height and displacement and fun oh hell yes this is viby as hell dude this 4X and actually 2x are so good yeah so this is the color matched one you see how it's color match to the original image I okay I see what you're saying yeah yeah it helps like retain the the the vibe of the input image this one's not as severe as it usually is because this was actually pretty close but yeah normally it's you know sick you look so good synced up it does that really looks great this is awesome I'm GNA back it off a little bit I'm gonna say like Point uh 75 uh and I'm I think I'm actually G to go back to 512 CU that took fraking forever but uh it seems to have helped with a bit of it but it's still still got that spaghetti that the AI spaghetti look everywhere oh I see what you're saying yeah yeah I've also heard bag of spaghetti is a fantastic negative prompt just the word spaghetti no bag of spaghetti specifically bag of spaghetti okay sure I don't I know let's let's try it have that random head in the corner is awesome hey guys I'm here too third wheel Vibes oh wow that's pretty trippy yeah MTB is the best that no pack is incredibly handy damn MTP gave 7 many tips render render render render render render render three minutes that's better all right it's like 7:30 had to eat some chips got very hungry is it only 11:30 there oh all right all right all right all right all right I see how it is I thought it was late I thought you were further away thought you were in another time zone no I'm PST you're EST yeah so yeah I'm uh three hours other direction it's going it's seven yeah it's 10:30 here yeah I'm vibing on this this uh this method though I love QR codes but this new um anime diff model is sick longer context length would need new um uh animate diff motion models uh yeah I don't know I don't know who's training those uh I don't know who to talk to about that I don't know how to at least you know that there are people to talk to though yeah uh oh that's cool there's a rocket launch visible from La in 1 hour and 40 minutes didn't who just hit 200k [Music] yeah animate diff context length Contex length is the amount of frames that the input videos are trained on for the temporal model for animate diff so someone trains a 32 frame model then we'll have a 32 frame context window um but as far as I know nobody has trained that model yet or if they have they work at Pika or or a Runway or or somewhere with a black box right true though yeah it's like if it exists it's probably not public that's all and it probably took a metric uh buttload of vram to train does that just iterate based on trading on trade camera showing up oh yeah my room was Smokey yep 390 throwing smoke if you know what I mean holy crap it's done yeah backing it off a bit some of these workflows just like it takes up all of your uh you know camera yeah this is sick this this is this is yeah 80% is or 75% is good you still get the mask but it's people and things that you prompted okay that's awesome these look great these actually look great I'm G get off the Tron train we can try these totally insane wrestlers actually that's probably going to make something I don't want to make let's try the girl from The Ring let's try the girl from The Ring yeah let's try the girl from The Ring let's see what that makes uh the ring '90s horror movie uh woman climbing out of a TV yeah I don't think the bag of spaghetti helped at all but that's okay all right that run we are coming up on the 4H hour markish so uh if you haven't yet uh stand up and stretch your fraking legs uh if you you don't want to that's fine I'm not your mom but I'm going to watch matis he's dancing yeah watch ma watch matis Dance and I I'll stand up and stretch my legs the whole time I've actually been standing so you all been doing this you should do this too I actually got a new mic stand so I can actually just stand here but uh I kind of did it so I could just stand here well diffusing because diffusing is long [Music] stretch legs or don't legit though my back hurts we're going into do a sting desk yeah you can't stand all the time I stand about 90% of the time my scream that's pretty good my camera is too low I think yeah I need a new camera too always need new stuff with streaming man you get something you think it's good and then you watch it and it's like oh man you have a pixel phone by any chance no I have an iPhone too bad I was gonna say you have pixel phone from the last three maybe four years you can use that as a regular uh webcam I do all I have no I have a pixel 3 it's pretty old I guess H well I mean that's not that maybe that would work but I mean I have a decent webcam it's just uh I yeah I can't you can't look at me when I'm standing up that's all I have to like Crouch down is this the way it is but I am liking this new mic stand because it's spring activated or whatever so you can grab it and reset it and stuff yeah yeah yeah my old one was like a kick mic stand on my desk jamming me in the face whoa that's what I asked for I asked for the ring girl coming out of a TV and I got it I mean I don't hate it I just I mean I hate it I hate it but I don't yeah it's a great result I like when she gets squished look oh my that's crazy uh Unk they haven't released or at least uh because as far as when I first started this cuz incad dink hasn't hooked up the stuff we need for the um what are they called the two checkpoint ones that came with it the scribble and the something else so once he hooks that stuff up I think then we can we can try that stuff out but as far as I know we don't have access to that stuff right yet uh we just have access to the V3 three motion model which we're just kind of exploring right now with IP adapter and QR code control net and we're making some pretty great stuff with it already pretty stoked on it yeah it looks great comfortable sorry if there's a lot of popping around I'm going to get my mic all better soon I promise uh all right and Boop there we are hello again yeah it sounds a lot better than at the beginning if that helps oh that's good I was worried okay this is wild uh this mask looks good uh I do want to maybe try another one uh did I really on youring downloads I recognize that guy dude let's let's use that let's use that downloads there's also this guy can't forget about this guy that's um that's awesomely scary yeah it's totally normal and everything's cool uh but where did a desktop there you are it's that guy I'm gonna put um uh uh twitch streamer um got him what got him twitch I thought you want I thought you wanted me to add bottom my bad no no no no no got him bottom I mean if you wanna it's up to you uh NSFW nude bag of spaghetti let's just put that in the that's good that's good good uh twitch streamer uh what else uh Discord moderator and uh uh what's another one oh Linux uh software engineer there we go you know what it'll be interesting is we'll test the bias of the model yeah take out some of them be like Lin oh God we'll see if it hates Twitch streaming Discord moderating Linux software Engineers or not I'm assuming it hates Linux people fair I should have put neck beard yeah exactly NE so hey I resemble that comment like hey you guys come on our battle station yeah basically oh she just keeps getting squished by that elevator there I was about to ask where are we in this node like What's Happening Here uh we're rendering uh you as a twitch streamer oh my I don't mind yeah the prompt yeah that's the prompt me all night long if you so we should be good we should be good oh I forgot to change the mask though so it'll be this mask let's get some more options on the on the table here movies blender PNG this one's cool this one usually makes cool uh this one usually makes cooline good because I just ate a uh 2.5 uh times the amount of sodium I should be eating let's have something spicier 280 for rate we're g to do 70 frames 7 280 * 2 140 divided by 270 yes that is well I said the ring but yeah it looks like The Grudge of it too it was a picture from the ring too where she was climbing out of the TV and the IP adapters um you know I mean it's going to be awful this is gonna be great and then but this one is um this one's just a picture of matis and uh uh twitch streamer SL comma Discord moderator comma Linux software engineer so we'll see if it makes him a neck beard or not yeah I know I'm I'm excited SL horrified it was about to happen too should use your face Laura too hey you know what I have a model for you if you want to use mine too did you see the did you see the stream with me in tenia I uh yeah oh you know yes yes we were mixing our face models together at one point right yeah yeah yeah pancakes yeah yeah we were fixing smashing oh pancakes yeah yeah there we go smashing our our face models together that's so funny it was it was really funny oh thanks for hanging out Corey yeah we're uh you know I'll be here I I've try to stream like twice a week three times a week uh but uh yeah try not to go too as heavy as I was going but yeah I'm trying to stick around and have fun when you do it make it a hangout yeah so yeah thanks for hanging out and we'll see you soon if you like the chaos of uh the matis I just realized I just realized the the the title of this video is creative exploration minus comfi plus animated yeah [ __ ] minus comy youi oh look at this look at this whoa wait what wow wait wow I got my face wait what from the pi sure wait that's so good that's so good it's like a guy for like let me show my face in the camera I love how they all have black t-shirts on like the white T-shirt just Fades to Black and then all the other ones have a black just just black T-shirt like that's uh that's it software engineer but always has a black T-shirt that's so good that so good it's really neat uh now I'm actually curious uh latent upscale by 1.5 is a story [Music] of latent here latent goes to a k sampler uh positive and negative from here is fine we'll add a little more control on that on this run normally what you would do is run out another control net uh run out variables pass these to the other control net and then use that control net on the upscaler so that you're not doubling your control net because right now it's just going to use this at 75 twice so what you would do is set up a second control net where it's using it like 35 or something using the same inputs and then it so you can control how much more control net it does on the other run otherwise it does double too much control um but we're gonna do that anyway because I I think I think it'll be cool um so what I'm going to do is upscale I'm going to do an upscaler run on one of these it's only 70 frames and I just want to see if we can mitigate some of this dot dottiness oh my God it's bad right it's yeah yeah that's real bad so I'm just curious uh if this helps or if it's like built it's kind of baked into uh this V3 thing because I think there will be fine tunes of this checkpoint very soon uh just like there were temporal diff and the stabilized one and the uh temporal 3d motion model one and the improved human motion model you know I mean so uh there's more than one way to skin a cat as they say uh so uh that disgusting metaphor aside uh that's not a metaphor what is that wow just a gross thing to say model model comes from animate animate th Laten out to another VA decoder and then we need one of these what are you trying to build here uh upscaler so upscale I don't know how upscaler work great so we're upscaling the latent before it ever turns to RGB again by 1.5 so that changes our 512 x 512 animation to oh my screen is full screen that's really confusing um to uh 768 by 768 right don't yeah never use that metaphor as PRT exactly uh was I doing yeah so yeah so this gonna upscale the latent then we're going to diffuse that latent so it dreams new details at that resolution using the input latent image of the uh upscaled uh latent yes many words to say one thing which is uh you're upscaling this is what you're saying make make pixels 1.5 times dream year yeah 1.5x yeah but the other thing is we don't need to do it a lot actually we can set it to like 0 point uh 5 five den noising and do like eight steps on the refiner uh it doesn't need to go hamily wham we're just streaming interesting uh vae to vae yeah that's gonna sham it so yeah it's going to run again uh if I fixed the seed it would have actually just upscaled this one which I probably should have done but Yello um so yeah this will run and then it's going to run this but it's going to run at uh 75 and7 five so it's going to be Masky as hell very masculine but it's going to be this mask so that'll be cool no it makes sense I mean it should be I don't know why it wasn't last time whatever okay so k sampler's purple upscale aen is is purple to VA decoder is red and video combine is blue uh we're going to call you the upscaler blon no no no add group for selected nodes right right so you set up each one as node I see what you're saying that's just the upscale output there Title First Run title upscaler group title outputs group title prompt group title control net group title and aate diff group title IP adapters and that's just the checkpoint loader doesn't really need a group all right yes sir little crazy family of nodes the happy little tree happy little trees of nodes I'm like the Bob Ross of nodes honestly I love your hair it's very [Laughter] similar yeah Dune sandworm would be cool collab so yeah uh uh uh purple uh purple control net is like clippy so I'll make it yellow anime diff I know it's model stuff but I think of it as kind of clippy too so I always make it yellow anime different control that are kind of working together um prompts I usually make green anything with settings and stuff I make green IP adapters I usually make uh what's that color C come on come on qu being weird color cyan yeah and then yeah that's fine and yeah outp put like images and stuff more than one image in this workflow how would you mess that as it who's a what now what if I want to use more than one image in this workflow more than one image uh well you would just stop doing this and use all four of these because this uh encode IP adapter image has four inputs right we're doing the prepare image for clip vision four times to look all over the image but you don't need to do that you can just use four different images and weight them here oh interesting hey look at this guy that's pretty cool look at that look at that M what is that Ma doing dancing all right upscaler run is running three and a half minutes we'll let it do its thing I was gonna say me too matis I was also dancing double dancing the system system down the system is down down down down down oh boy this is I'm sorry I would ask but I already already know Strong Bad and Home Star Runner of course hey pixel what's up I got notes and different work matis are you familiar with pixel Pusher uh the node yeah no this this person this person right here in our chat uh no no should I be I I do this on almost every stream because uh oh yeah others others I'm gonna show off some of I'm gonna show off some be friends hi Hi friend one second let me look you up while Purge is doing it because I think I can oh psh all right psh there you are look at this oh wait I think you beat me to it never mind everybody should follow pixel Pusher follow pixel Pusher don't not follow pixel Pusher I mean come on look at this let me look at this look at this do you see do you see you see the things I am showing you oh wow legitimately though wow I know these eyeballs are follow follow pixel pusher it's an honor to have pixel buer here that's some py P pity pity action there PYT y I would love to um hang out with you in person for other reasons crazy stuff no um also on YouTube uh what's your uh what's your YouTube that's beautiful yeah you're on YouTube too yeah there he is that is reminiscent and beautiful yeah like And subscribe I think we're still upscaling my uh camera will turn back on it a second I am definitely not doing uh you know a lot of offscreen stuff you know you know be GPU makes the room Smokey it's fine oh oh how do you I don't know how to turn off the camera for real I can turn off your camera no no I just [ __ ] phone pull thing [Music] ding okay here we go upscale is happening the AED code is done I really like this this is like a really good picture it look it's got my face in it I really like this it I think it helped I think it helped with the dottiness but the edges are very like the edges are very like Edge dety though you know what I'm saying you know like you that's the same thing that uh um you know like I I have a lot of pimples on my face so like you know same thing exactly I I agree the same thing [Laughter] I was really trying to remember what that would be called and I was just like how do you save this in such a way that doesn't make me feel like [ __ ] and I'm like you know what honestly just like just like own it it's fine let's try a different mask I like this one too this will be a cool one copy asth and put it in here and I'm goingon to do one of my favorite uh no no no no no put that #away I'm going to do one of my favorite prompts uh with this stuff which is um uh tropical coral reef uh undersea life um tropical fish uh you can't see my face wow that's actually so much funnier I'm not going to show you my face see Utopia P your workflows are so much more complex than I swear like we see 90% out of the time no there's some real real bangers on Bano stuff that makes me quiver yeah Fair very fair very fair but yeah I mean it's all relative right like uh it only has to be as complicated as you need like this is actually not too bad um all things considered all the things we're doing we got IP adapters we got animate diff we got control net we got a double run uh double run K sampler with a bunch of different outputs like this is pretty um you know I would say this is intermediate and then you know the expert level stuff is where you need to reconnect the nodes you're not using every time you know like and that's some some workflows I have are like you need to understand the workflow because it won't do anything for you if you don't reconnect everything you need properly or don't understand what the pre-processor you know the pre-processor Bay is for you know like it's almost impossible to do like a turnkey workflow for any of these um things you want to do with AI so uh once you get into the like the next layer of stuff that's just that's you got to learn how to build your own workflows because you're constantly rebuilding the workflow as you go right like you're you're you're disconnecting things and reconnecting and changing models and you have to understand how that stuff all works or you're just like fumbling around in the dark so yeah I think mine are a good like Middle Ground where you can like they're pretty uh they're pretty interchangeable and simple and modular so like you can see where everything's connected if you wanted to reconnect stuff you can just do it um but they have um set and get nodes um there's a bunch of different ones and those are really good for setting and getting variables across your thing you see how all my nodes are like the all the cables are running from from thing to thing you can fix that with getting set nodes by like setting values and getting them so I can set the values here get them here where I need them get them here where I need them so you can keep all the nodes and the cables inside each group too and make your node node process completely modular but that gets confusing if you don't understand the order of operations of how diffusion works so like all this stuff kind of requires you fumbling around with this kind of workflow for a while before you start making these modular like uh switching logic workflows right or you just switch it to spaghetti noodles and just say YOLO you try your best just go to uh or is it yeah straight make those uh splines and then just uh there we go yeah good luck wow this gives me so much anxiety the the the curly nudes the curly nudes I I they're they're cool I'm GNA be honest with you I like them but like yeah I feel it I would have to rebuild the workflow to to to deal with these things but yeah I like the um like a circuit board myself no not reot spline straight that's what I like Boop give me some straight cables all right uh is this running or am I just sitting here talking and not doing anything yes it's not running I needed an image uh let's try uh do you RGB to uh um uh RGB or image RGB is uh the picture I give you is uh rgba and uh generally you should never assume that the user will give you a good picture I don't think it mattered because it figured outs it figured out exactly who you were exactly who you were I'm just Kidd look real I'm gonna drop this coral reef image no I'm not because it's a freaking aif AVI files are the curse the bane of my existence all right here we go with the burs look at that little guy he's just chilling turtle all right we're just using this as IP adapter so the AI is going to look at this and then uh we're not actually using this as an input image in any capacity uh and I'm actually going to switch the uh this thing the mask um let's try the bubble flower no that one will be all gross I don't like the circles that much do drw drunk Runner drunk Runner is pretty cool won't work well might work with the coral reef yeah let's do this one how many frames is that 178 uh [Music] 178 let's do it at twice the speed and we'll do all the frames that'll just take a little longer won't be a video it'll be be a image sequence uh VHS uh load images path yeah paste that yeah uh select every second image int will go to frame count as always uh patch size image goes here and image goes here and you turn blue all right cor reif kif cor cor cor all right let's do it so this should be a person running in but it'll be a COR coral reef right maybe I want 65 no I'll leave it at 75 it'll be fine so yeah it'll be this this animation oh it's fast it's G to be fast it's so fast so fast uh well maybe the 2x will be cool I don't know I think it's just going to be fast one thing I saw one workflow do was it would resale only some of the control Nets yeah the soft skill control net stuff is uh actually for weights I think uh not um not for the size yeah rescaling the control net uh input images is good if your images are big because the control net pre-processors only really need 512 by whatever or whatever by 512 they're all trained at that anyway so all right all right I think said three and a half minutes yeah I think we'll let the first run finish of this and we'll check it out and then uh yeah I'll probably call it a night because we've been at this for about four hours for almost four and a half hours and that's a good amount of time that's a crazy thing right you know that's the thing that always blows me away right where it's like how much time have I been doing this machine learning I know it's crazy but yeah it's uh you know you get so many fun returns while you're doing it so it's I don't know yeah it's use matis use Ma's GP use matis GP if you don't have one let me let me let me let me shout out the system that I got going on here you guys I I have like too many computers these these are things that have happened because I I meant to basically learn how to stream and it was people like pers who taught me that there were cool things that I could put out there um basically I want to make it so that the computers that I bought hey you guys can use them too that's cool that's that's basically my shout out like I mean all I want to do yeah please please use my computer so I don't feel like I'm like wasting compute because like at the end Day always be using compute to make it worth I I feel like I kind of [ __ ] up like I bought too much and I can't use it all like I need your help so use my computer you heard the man get in there and that's at M.D right yeah it's ma. Dev nice very very easy you just you find me you find me where uh my stuff is you see the and Ma has a Discord too if you're into this stuff you should go check out his Discord there's a lot of smart people in there too yeah there's people who know not only what I know but also stuff that you know pers has taught us and uh just across the board everybody knows stuff that like you know it's one of those things where there's just a lot of people who know what this going on it's it's a lot of fun so if you're one of those people who want to try to interact with with like a group of people who are programmers or like groupies of this whole thing you'll probably be right you'll be right there with the crowd it'll be great right at home yeah everyone's really chill same with my Discord everyone's really chill there come by and hang out I I usually announce my streams there a couple hours before I go on so if you're having trouble getting notifications you don't see the streams on Twitter until after and stuff uh Discord is a place to get all the announc ments um or you can just mute mute those announcements and hang out for the free resources and smarty pants is in there I got a mask packs um animate diff and control net workflows and some to Forum workflows in there uh for hybrid video stuff if you're into that uh yeah come on bye hang out we're all chilly all Chilly Willy nobody's going to yell at you well they might but I doubt it yeah that's how that's how it works hey look at that person running in the background a little bit oh like running so fast actually though they're like very very very fast hopefully the 24 frames like the 2x fine yeah I'm going to rerun this and do a long one without the upscaler one but yeah uh this was really fun thanks for doing it with me ma it was really awesome and uh thanks everybody who hung out and uh yeah matis Tech uh on all the socials uh matis tech .ev for the uh machine learning stuff uh go to Twitch go to Discord uh go to my Discord go to my patreon go to my website pers. XYZ all that stuff love you all thanks for hanging out and uh I'll be back on uh what's tonight Friday I'll be back on Sunday I think uh Sunday or uh Monday um but yeah real fast I steal this because look at this we're going to swoop this for our own uh uh our own uh Clips yo look at this awesome like clip Channel look at this guy this guy has managed to create all of these beautiful views we're going to be able to look at all of these different things that are above our head here you you've seen like all the things over here to the left you seen all the things over here to the right this guy has managed to create all of these different things and they are different things that you guys can learn how to create on your own channels look B is definitely one of those guys that you should you guys should watch all right I'm just stealing that so that uh you know people watch that in the future yeah [ __ ] everybody for not understanding why that happened right back at right back at you buddy hell yeah all right guys um thanks for hanging out and uh I know there's 21 of you here and I hate to leave but uh you know what I'm tired I'm tired you know what I'm tired love you all thank you for chilling you yeah grab anime div 3 the link I think is in the description if it's not I'm going to update all that crap because I think might just have Mar golden there but I'm going to update the description also to talk the the fact that we play with animate div 3 tonight instead of uh marold stuff so yeah follow M Tech on Twitch yeah do that all right love you all take it easy see you soon love you bye bye bye
Channel: Purz
Views: 1,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Hgk8LybSKFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 229min 40sec (13780 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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