I Hate Reading

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Gotta justify my insecurities

👍︎︎ 164 👤︎︎ u/Soupybarracuda 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

I can smell the hatred for teachers from here.

👍︎︎ 148 👤︎︎ u/disappointedsun 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

The comment section is a goldmine though. Like check this one out:

I love reading. I read books at lunch time... I only read Stephen King books.... All my teachers are concerned exept for one who reads Stephen King books himself.

👍︎︎ 124 👤︎︎ u/TheC0l0rR3d 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

Imagine choosing to be ignorant

👍︎︎ 209 👤︎︎ u/TheLimpBizkitGuy 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

Damn, Jaiden really missed the mark on this one. She hasn't even tried it again after that school experience thing apparently.

She has 7 million kids watching that'll treat this as gospel, which really doesn't resonate well with me. I hope she makes a part 2 or something (without doubling down) and adresses the criticism that this video has recieved

👍︎︎ 82 👤︎︎ u/OrionShtrezi 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

do i even want to watch it?

👍︎︎ 53 👤︎︎ u/NoPersonalDetail 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

Saving you a view:

She used to love reading as a child, to the point where as a fifth grader she could finish a 300+ page book in two days. What killed this love was the school forcing her to read traditional American classics like Animal Farm and the Scarlet Letter, which she couldn't really easily understand without Cliff Notes and other copious amounts of outside assistance. This was further compounded by her having to read her textbooks for other classes as well, which made her see reading as stressful and boring.

Her parents also made her read. During summer vacation her mother would expect her and her brother to read each day. When they didn't read, the mother made them stop what they were doing and then locked them in a room so they would read. To get around this she would pretend to read and would just stare at the book instead of reading, which she found boring and further enforced her dislike. She briefly got back into reading, but being forced into reading made her associate reading with punishment.

She doesn't like listening to audiobooks since it makes her seem lonely somehow. She does sometimes really wish that she could enjoy reading, especially as she has friends who love to read and thinks it's good that other people read, but the aversion she feels makes her feel resistant.

👍︎︎ 46 👤︎︎ u/SquirrelGirlVA 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

Alright what's worse: this type of outlook, or the kind of person you see on r/books who fetishizes books but only reads cringey YA fantasy?

👍︎︎ 147 👤︎︎ u/soupspoontang 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

Ugh books are so elitist I cant believe that they would be complicated. Like, how am I meant to realise all the animals were communist?? Like how can and animal be communist and why do I have to read a whole desperate book just to find this tiny fact out? Its not like it matters anyway? Ugh. Can I add this video book to my Goodreads?

👍︎︎ 77 👤︎︎ u/clandestinepangolin 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2020 🗫︎ replies
reading books libraries it's all boring I don't know if that's an unpopular opinion or not when I was growing up it was pretty normal but now I always hear people gush about how great it is to bundle up in a warm blanket with quote a good book while the faint light of the fall evening peeks out of their cracked windows and hits their collection of plants perfectly they've got a warm cup of chamomile tea they've prepared with the cure egg they use daily and actually it's a funny story they were about to get one at Target because they were on sale but they received one as a gift instead what a coincidence huh and they have a cat I'm not saying that isn't a poetic life you've got going on over there but I still don't like reading and have a cat allergy it's kind of complicated the thought of reading sounds really nice to me it's supposed to be calming and good for your brain in some sort of way I don't know how exactly but people repeated all the time so it might be true but I think I've got some weird reading PTSD from school because the other part of my brain thinks about how boring and slow and too quiet it's gonna be and I feel like I have to take notes and memorize things and identify the plot points and know the names and symbolisms and To Kill a Mockingbird and oh god was I supposed to read after chapter 7 by Thursday or through it I used to love reading I still have the strong memory of going to my elementary school's library and being excited to check out the next Geronimo Stilton book because I love the pictures and fun text they had they always wrote the word cheese like this and being able to read books that had more than 10 words on the page was impressive to a six-year-old whenever I found a book I like touring up I would read it non-stop I was able to crush a 300 page in two days which I don't think is considered impressive anymore but it was in fifth grade and look that was the only South fourth I had all right but when school started making us read books by force did kinda took the fun away from me I don't like being told what to do with my free time especially if you're gonna make me read a book written in the 1940s that I need cliffnotes to decode just to realize that all the animals were communists also it's 20% of my grade I get it though what else are we gonna do in English class we can all understand each other right you were speak in English I that's gotta count for something right but the more I had to read really cryptic books in my spare time where the symbolism is in the color of the main characters curtains and I'm not even observant enough to realize they had curtains led me to not really having fun and also feeling like an idiot I like my subtlety like I like my coffee splash in my face how am I supposed to know what the a stands for adultery I don't know I could mean a woman for all I know asparagus and all that isn't anything new everyone complains about English assignments everyone hates reading The Scarlet Letter everyone thinks school should die however something that also locked in my disdain for reading was my mom hi mom of course as a parent you don't want your child to do nothing but play video games all day that obviously leads to undeniable life failure so what's the solution make them read more and on paper I don't think there's anything wrong with that honestly I'll probably use that parenting technique too when applicable I think my mom made the obvious good parenting decision but as the victim here I believe I fell in the small minority where it had the overall opposite effect during summer vacation my mom would always tell me that I needed to read at least two books so I don't forget how to read whenever my mom would walk in on my brother and I playing Mario Kart together in the living room she would ask if we've read yet today which we would respond no because readings for chumps and then she'd lock us in our rooms to be chumps I started hating reading so much I would rather do literally nothing than read a book there were a couple summers where I faked reading entire books because I just didn't want to read that much there is this one about dragons I think called the secret country and I still remember that just looking at the cover would put me in a bad mood because of hatred association screw your secret country when I was being forced to read I would sit angrily on my bed open the book move the bookmark of reasonable amount forward to make it look like I read and then just sit there for 30 minutes staring at it it was boring and I don't know what was wrong with me I could have had at least a decent time if I'd tried to read the dang book but I guess it turned into a dignity thing actually the ironic part is maybe a year or so later I decided to restart the same book and give it another shot on my own terms and I finished it in two days it was pretty good I did it again with another book called Molly moon and the morphing mystery it's like the fifth book in this Molly moon series it's been a while so I don't really remember this story but it's about this orphan who can hypnotize people and has a pug anyway it's funky because I actually read the first few books of the series on my own and remember really liking them I would read them any chance like God but as soon as I was forced to read this one I just decided I'd rather literally waste my time and sit alone rebelling against a reasonable parenting but this time I never went back to read it I I think that might have been the point of no return for me I think the association of reading is a necessity or some sort of punishment has deep rooted itself in me and now I just feel like reading isn't fun or I'm in trouble for something even though I live alone I've tried listening to audiobooks but honestly they make me feel really lonely I don't know why it might be the lack of visuals I like pictures you know so no one else is around it's the same with music I've never been a big music person so whenever I try to sit down and do something while listening to music it somehow enhances this feeling of being alone and like time is going by slower which makes me uncomfortable so I always have either youtube videos or more recently twitch streams in the background I'm still not super used to twitch yet but I like riu cars stuff he plays Mario maker sometimes I wish I read more it might be good for me to slow down instead of always consuming a fast paced content on the internet but on the other hand I think it's just a preference I have that's been cemented with bad association if you like reading I think that's really great I've got a lot of friends who like reading and it's cool that you've got a really nice hobby you can fall back on to de-stress or however you people feel while staring at words all day I was gonna say you should recommend a good book I should give a try but I took a second to think about if I would actually try to read any suggestions and being real with myself the answer is no so enjoy that chamomile tea hey hey how is everyone doing at home I suppose I'm lucky that I work from home and rarely leave the house so quarantine isn't hitting me too hard but to those of you who are outside people needing suggestions may I suggest watching all of my videos in an infinite loop until we can leave our houses or animal crossing I actually recommend that one more any Mutual's who are playing send me your friend code because I want to add you I've been doing this thing where before I open up the game I'll look at my friend list and see how many people online are playing Animal Crossing normally it's a hundred percent anyway however you're keeping yourself busy during quarantine I hope you're doing well and thanks for watching my video bye
Channel: Jaiden Animations
Views: 9,907,357
Rating: 4.9355202 out of 5
Keywords: jaiden, animations, jaidenanimation, jaidenanimations
Id: SxFvKdObTmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 16sec (436 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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