Vichy Mineral 89 - Dermatologist Product Review

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what's up everybody dr maxfield dr shaw today we have a product reviews v sheep mineral vichy vichy what is it something something french um so vichy vichy whatever it is this comes from the vichy laboratory from dexter exploratory yeah one of my favorite uh shows of all time i don't know why i hear laboratory i always think about that show now we know why deedee's skin looks so good she's totally porcelain she's glass like class fact cartoon characters is is what one should strive for [Laughter] vichy mineral 89 this is sort of their landmark product you know this is is one of their best sellers you know globally with this product was sent to us and so full disclosure on that but we are doing a review of the product but we went through all the different studies here and we're going to give you our breakdown of what we think of the product overall we're going to talk about what's in it does it make sense that it works and then we'll talk about also just how it worked for us we've used it for quite some time now and we'll talk about our experience first we're going to talk about the packaging then we're going to do a breakdown of the ingredients are they safe are they effective then we're going to talk about our experience with the product does it feel good did it work during the time that we used it for and then we're gonna make an overall recommendation on whether or not we think it's worth it or where it fits in your routine overall so here we go here we go okay so packaging let's talk about packaging because um first of all when i got into skincare i kind of was like i'm never gonna like care about packaging i don't care what comes in you know as long as it's environmentally sustainable and that works but sometimes the packaging on some products are just so good that you have to talk about them so yeah i know we open the boxes and just like oh it looks nice that looks really nice and then you pick it up you pick it up and you're like whoa this feels nice this is a substantially this is a heavy heavy product and as you can tell here glass heavy heavy glass well-made product shape of it makes it such that it's not going to tip over when it's on your counter looks nice on the counter beautiful packaging it has a pump top so you know you press it and a good amount comes out so worth noting here that a little bit is gonna go a long way you're gonna get a lot of product with a single pump uh you probably only need uh two pumps to get your whole face i would say oh yeah i agree face and neck probably with two pumps yeah okay so packaging i'm gonna give that a ten out of ten ten out of ten yeah made me feel fancy it made me feel elegant yeah it was like uh he's actually now using it as a paper weight so heavy product anyway all right so let's talk about the ingredients all right we got the box here and first thing i want to note here is my favorite oh okay yeah so look you have to be smarter than the box and you have to read the english side so if you don't speak spr yeah spanish french s sprench if you don't speak french then this product uh you need to kind of flip it over to read the english because there's a french side there's an english side makes sense number one tip number dermatology hacks coming at you all right so first thing about this is that i want to mention just 11 ingredients this product only has 11 ingredients why do i like that is because when the ingredient list is really long i kind of get overwhelmed like what's in this am i missing something potentially allergenic the shorter the ingredients list the less potential for irritation and allergy just because you have less ingredients on your face so 11 ingredients is a huge plus for me and we'll kind of be going through the different ingredients here but overall potentially polybutylene glycol allergen maybe not maybe uh overall there's nothing in here that is a very common allergen at all so um pretty it's pretty safe for sensitive skin actually i think the eczema society has endorsed this product or approved this product and and the exit of society um in the united states pretty strict about products and potential allergens than people that have eczema because people with eczema have an impaired skin barrier and so they're more likely to develop allergy to products and therefore for it to be approved by that means that it's generally going to be a very safe product so the safety check on ingredients for sure but let's talk about the actives and whether or not they're actually going to accomplish anything for your skin all right so number one active ingredient water boom done okay volcano water right so this is a volcanic water from france which has been bathed in drank not necessarily in that order distilled and uh distributed for a long time obviously it's easy to pick on kind of like the dermatologist with the melons that he sells at 4 a.m on the morning there's a dermatologist selling melons yeah okay so you don't wake up early enough for this there is a melon guy he like has found these amazing melons and he's probably captured all the melons in the world and is now distributing the melon extract melon juice but you'll know you'll know it if you see it volcano water is like the landmark ingredient of the whole entire vichy line but water being this sort of secret ingredient or mineral based water is being a secret ingredient in a skincare product is not unique to vichy so la roche-posay has this as well in their thermal waters and so does aveen so so we have more than one brand that that makes claims that their water is special so we kind of looked into this water situation dr maxwell i think spent about a week just studying waters yeah drinking waters tasting waters looking at waters evaluating waters and you know we've come up with a conclusion on the water situation so tell us what you've learned about water all right so water okay water amazing amazing product this water thing all right so look a lot of studies have really been done in my opinion well looking at the water and they basically are lumping all of these volcano waters thermal water spa waters into one category they're basically like mineral infused waters that were hot at some point like the effects on cellular damage antioxidant properties protective properties and really really in-depth studies and i actually like how they've been done whether that correlates clinically or whether these minerals can get through that top layer of the skin that's a barrier i'm not entirely sure but the evidence is definitely out there on a cellular level that water and or the minerals can help in a myriad of different ways okay then then we get to the conversation like is it actually not the water itself right is it really just the delivery the water is doing is it putting these electrolytes into the skin and i think that's probably where a lot of the benefits coming from and vichy has some really nice ones in there it has manganese which works an antioxidant it has calcium helps skin cells grow up it's moved towards the top of the skin it has sulfur which is a really great ingredient beneficial acne beneficial into rosacea sulfur highly underrated ingredient just in general we should probably be doing a whole video on on sulfur at some point and then it also has a slew of other ones including lithium so just caveat for anyone who like is on lithium maybe don't drink this because it has lithium that's a good point um so so it turns out that these um mineral waters do have some beneficial electrolytes in them that have actually been proven to have benefits in the skin so at first when we saw the water thing we were kind of like skeptical a little bit but we did do a deep dive on it and it turns out that there is some benefits to it the other thing is that uh you know vichy the laboratory has actually done a few studies to show the benefits of their water post procedurally so for example if we did a laser or chemical procedure on somebody using this water afterwards seems to help repair the skin barrier so things like that they've actually done their due diligence to try to show that it is safe and effective in doing what it says it does so highlight ingredient number one volcano water and then the next two ingredients that we want to talk about in addition to this water is going to be your hyaluronic acid or sodium hyaluronate and your glycerin so both of these ingredients happen to be humectants humectants meaning that they pull in water into them and they hold it with a high binding affinity so what does that do it can pull in moisture from the environment especially if you live in a more humid environment it can also pull in moisture from your other skin care ingredients and moisturizers you can also pull in water from lower level levels of the skin and kind of bring it up to the top to try to give an immediate plumping effect to the skin caveat here hyaluronic acid doesn't have a long-term benefit to the skin it especially when just applied topically is just going to give a temporary plumping effect to the skin as a matter of fact high molecular weight hyaluronic acid has been shown to be a very good moisturizer yeah okay and that's an interesting uh point so i mean when i was looking at this ingredient i first was like oh it's a moisturizer and then i'm like actually no it's kind of just like an active ingredient and this is kind of just an active ingredient that's playing like a moisturizer as a matter of fact as far as like how to apply this it can be actually applied in both ways so it turns out that it could be used as like a hyaluronic acid serum or it could be used as a moisturizer in and of itself so it could either be your treatment hyaluronic acid or your moisturizer so what you would do is after you cleanse you could just apply this product and then you could use your other ingredients over it so the key thing with when you're talking about humectants is you have to make sure you have a moisture on it so if the hyaluronic acid is going to lock in the moisture it's drying up then that's doing its job and then also what you're looking for moisturizers is protection and a lot of the minerals and the waters have been shown to be able to protect from extracellular known irritants on a cellular level so what kind of ingredients would you want like to basically lock in the moisture that hyaluronic acid has pulled into it well any oil based thing and so lotions creams and ointments all have oil in them kind of in that order any of those which we talk about a lot with like cerave or gentle moisturizers would be good to lock in all of the moisture that's being given from this all right so how to apply this thing um first i cleanse my face then i take two pumps of the mineral 89 product into my fingertips i tap it evenly over the skin of my face and then i tap it in gently smooth it in gently with little circular motions and then i personally apply my sunscreen over the top of it i have normal to combination skin if you have dry skin i would recommend applying a more occlusive moisturizer or something that is more likely to kind of lock in the moisture that the hyaluronic acid and glycerin is pulling into it and that's about it so we used it for about a week which i think is a fair amount of time to use it so let's talk about like how we felt about the product overall i'd probably say this a million times but if i put something on my skin and i can feel it on there like a little bit after i'm never gonna use it again i just i just don't like the feel of things on my skin and so when i put this on it's very refreshing i think you'll hear that a lot no matter who you watch they're like oh this feels pretty dang nice it feels cool refreshing and i think they actually say that it's not sticky somewhere in this product packaging but i actually felt like had a really really subtle initial like sticky film like sensation but ten five minutes ten minutes afterwards uh it's gone that sensation's totally gone so when you initially apply it just kind of have a have it hey feel to it and then um that resolves almost immediately and then you almost don't notice that you're wearing it at all so i know when i wear it i kind of forget that i have it on so just overall is pretty lightweight and feels good on the skin so does it have like any benefit would you say uh yeah i mean i think it does its job yeah i think it's a good moisturizer and i think it is a good um a good hyaluronic acid serum so if you want to have hyaluronic acid in your routine then i think it would be something that to consider so if you go to their website or even if you look at the packaging um you know the product itself isn't actually about just the hyaluronic acid or the water most of the things on the website actually talk about how people's skin looked how it toned it plumped it um i think one of the subjective things that i actually liked i think it gave the skin a nice healthy healthy glow this is dewy boy 101 he's glassy face mcgee and you know i put this out of that oh man you know it really does add a little bit of a subtle subtle shine it definitely has that appearance that a lot of hyaluronic acid products uh sort of accomplish overall so i so i think um overall it does what it says it's gonna do what do you think like how does this fit into your current skincare routine or is this something that you recommend first off yeah i would i would recommend it i think it's super nice and it does what it would do if you're looking for hyaluronic acid and then so we always go cleanse and then treat and then protect and so for the treatment phase like you said this can fit in there and then it can kind of double as a light protecting phase so active ingredient treatment phase with a touch of moisturizer so overall i think you know for the price point and the product um overall what it does and what it accomplishes i think that it's a great product i recommend the product overall because i think it's safe i think it's relatively fairly priced i think the bottle goes a long way for what you get with it because you only need a small amount so i think people would be very happy with this product overall um do i think it's a necessary product in your cleanse treat and protect routine probably not unless you want to use it as your moisturizer however like if you do you need a hyaluronic acid serum in your routine probably not overall unless your only goal is is hydration and plumping but if you want something treatment that is going to build collagen over time this is not going to be one of those types of active ingredients but it definitely does have benefits so i would say that i like it gotta have it need it no um somewhere right underneath that between gotta have it need it to want it yeah same place for me thank you for tuning in thanks for tuning in please like comment subscribe if you found this valuable at all um please leave a comment below subscribe support the channel in that way we will leave links to this product below so you know where to purchase it but as always look for the best price that you can find these are affiliate links that do help to support the channel but you know always always try to do the best to save as much money as possible skincare should not break the bank um thank you so much for your support and trust and love and we will continue to try to make good content [Music] today we have a product review so today we're going to be talking about vichy mineral 89 so uh okay so i was just like watching his movements right he's like okay which i love the energy dr shaw today we have a product review i don't think i did that move at all reviews definitely didn't happen um
Channel: Doctorly
Views: 420,336
Rating: 4.8961973 out of 5
Keywords: hyaluronic acid, vichy mineral 89
Id: lCXLDfIebjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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