Answering YOUR Retinol Questions

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I love their channel

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the chemistry of retinoids has nothing on the chemistry between you two all right today we're going to be responding to comments that we got last week on our retinoid video we got a lot of amazing comments from you guys and we love the engagement we try to respond to as many comments as we can but if you have a question and we keep seeing that question over and over again we realized that we didn't properly address it in the video so when that happens we'll try to create a follow-up video with a q a format answering your questions we'll show the comment and then we'll respond to those comments all right so responding to your retinoid questions here we go all right here we go almond angel asked at what age do you recommend to start a retinoid and we get this question all the time as a matter of fact i actually made a video about it on tick tock because i was getting so many questions about this i don't really know where the myth started there was this whole thing going on around on social media that you couldn't start using retinoids until you were in your 30s okay if you wait until you're 30 to start a retinoid that would be a disaster you'd be missing a huge window to be using something that's going to help a lot of different things yeah especially for acne and hyperpigmentation and acne scars so my answer to that question is when should you start a retinoid it really depends on you and what you're using it for the prescription forms of tretinoin some of the newer formulations are approved in ages nine and older so that's really the age that you can start using a retinoid safely and we do have data on that so if you have acne i recommend using your retinoid in your teenage years if you have hyperpigmentation that forms after acne you can start using that in your teenage years if you have texture issues where you just notice that your skin tone is not even your skin texture is not even you can also start using it at pretty much any age the question is at what age do you want to start using it for just anti-aging you have no other skin problems for that i would recommend using that in your mid-20s we start to use loose collagen we start to lose elastic fibers at that age we really want to start thinking about anti-aging definitely focusing on sunscreen for sure but retinoids can help increase that cell turnover which starts to slow as we age and so i think mid-20s for anti-aging would be the perfect age to start it again the caveat you don't want to use it if you're pregnant so this is a nice segue another question we got asked a lot this one is from tuba adenan this is what are the anti-aging ingredients to use when pregnant or breastfeeding all right this is really a difficult question it's actually probably a disappointing answer because a lot of things have not been studied in pregnancy and one of the things we do know is that using systemic vitamin a during pregnancy is horrible so because of that you cannot use a retinoid topically during pregnancy just in case you absorb some of it it's not like it affects your skin in a deleterious way but it's just maybe you absorb it now we have to look at the ingredients that we can use in pregnancy and thankfully there's one that's like pretty nice and that's azoleic acid i know dr shaw's talked a lot about that before on his tick tock and it's a product actually i personally love as well but azelaic acid is good for acne it's good for hyperpigmentation it's good to prevent post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and this is something that is widely recommended during pregnancy i think the biggest downside is that if you have really like very inflammatory scarring nodular cystic acne um it's not going to be enough we just don't have anything that targets that directly during pregnancy i completely agree i absolutely love azoleic acid it's the main ingredient not just for acne but also for hyperpigmentation that forms after acne because of its effects on tyrosinase which is an enzyme involved in melanin production now azelaic acid actually has level one or grade a evidence so that's the highest level of evidence you can have to treat acne and they're actually not a lot of ingredients that have that level one evidence retinoids is one of them but as like acid is another ingredient that has level one evidence and so as like acid safe in pregnancy it's considered category b the rest of the ingredients like salicylic acid cleansers category c most people consider it to be safe um but you know it's still on the fence the only thing really that is really safe is is the azolic acid that we know of but things that are kind of wash off products or your hydroxy acids are generally considered safe by most people but i would still recommend avoiding retinoids for sure but i think pregnancy skin care is such a big topic from things like stretch marks to acne to anti-aging that occurs during pregnancy that we just have to dedicate a full video to this so we definitely are going to do a follow-up video on pregnancy skin care all right and lindsweep does retinol help when i use it once a week i love this comment it's one of my favorite ones i love the thought behind it and the answer is yes and so when you're using these medications especially for anti-aging purposes or anything else you're hoping to reach some sort of like steady phase or a maintenance phase where you've kind of treated the active problem um things are under control and then you can start backing off for using it less frequently and so some of these medications like the retinoids they're studied over a period of weeks to years and they see how people do and i think i even sent a comment with the study uh that did show that people who use this once three times a week were able to keep getting that same benefit from it yeah i agree i think especially for anti-aging definitely once a week i think would be appropriate if you get irritation from it i think for acne probably just because of how quickly those acne bumps are coming up you probably need to use it a little bit more frequently for acne but i think for anti-aging um retinol definitely can be used less often so sheridan ford asked did you say not to use a retinoid when you have rosacea could you clarify please you said it so you got to clarify all right again i 100 said that um so we actually have a lot to say about rosacea it's actually one of the biggest topics we've probably tackled so far and we're gonna have something coming out shortly about this uh there are different types of rosacea some respond to retinoids really well retinoids can work for it but people with rosacea especially like the erythrotylenedratic erythromatolagitic people of this form especially have very sensitive skin the type that's just basically redness in the cheeks where you tend to be very sensitive of things yeah these people basically consider yourselves with sensitive skin and so retinoids in this group of people really just very irritating and it kind of can exacerbate that but we will do like a deep dive on this whole thing and break it down and show you where you can use retinoids and rosacea and what a whole spectrum of rosacea is absolutely video coming soon on this so it's not an absolute contraindication like i would say don't use in pregnancy and breastfeeding but you can use it in rosacea it really actually is going to come down to you and your tolerance levels you'd actually have to try it to find out whether or not you can tolerate it it does have so many benefits to the skin because it does have anti-inflammatory properties so if you can tolerate it with rosacea i would actually recommend using it but some people just can't tolerate it because they do have that increased sensitivity lily corey said do not get your eyebrows waxed when using a retinoid so this is actually something we probably should have mentioned in the video here so because it's increasing that cell turnover it will actually pull off the stratum corneum layer which is not like the deeper layers of the skin but it's that very top superficial layer of the skin it can actually pull it off if you wax uh while you're using a retinoid and so a lot of people get their eyebrows waxed no one told them they started a retinoid and then they basically pull that skin off and get very irritated and sometimes that can actually lead to hyperpigmentation if if that happens and so definitely stop your retinoid for at least five days three to five days before getting your eyebrows waxed um it can definitely cause a lot of problems if you don't what about eyelid threading same rule apply i would say no you know um so if you guys were wondering uh i got my eyebrows threaded so that's that's where the eyebrow situation comes from i would say the eyebrows are natural but they're not um i started getting my eyebrows threaded when i was like 15 so many many years ago and with my retinoid doesn't seem to cause any problems and most people that i've spoken to doesn't seem to cause any problems because you're not really lifting the skin off you're targeting each individual hair and kind of pulling it out with that threading process but with the waxing it definitely lifts the skin off so all right good just clarifying actually another thing just a little caveat about waxing a lot of people will notice that they have hyperpigmentation and almost the mustache distribution oftentimes that comes from waxing so if you're noticing that you have that and you wax your mustache i would say that you should probably hold off doing that because you're getting post inflammatory hyperpigmentation for your waxing a little tidbit good thing pearl nina mr said i want to look dewy oh yeah that's stupid this is a reaction to what we did in our last video um and these they said hit that subscribe button hit that subscribe button uh with that level of friendship and so in the last video i said i want to look dude he said oh yeah that's stupid that's kind of weird i would think you know he's like he's stupid not dewy stupid it's true i want to look dewy i'm sorry oh this is a great question stahlmannin said you are incredibly sweet guys also remember to use sunscreen during the daytime and use the retinol during the nighttime take care this is a great question two things happened here and this happened a lot of other questions as well the use of sunscreen while you're using retinoid and whether or not you can use a retinol during the day so first some forms of retinol are deactivated by the sun and you cannot use them in sunlight things like adaptiline are sun stable so you can use them during the day but i still really don't recommend using retinols during the day just because i believe it fits best in a night skin scare routine so you can use some retinols during the day i do recommend using them at night but as a general rule some are deactivated by the sun and cannot even be used in sunlight the the second part of that is just the idea that the retinoids make you more sense sensitive um yeah that's actually a commonly held myth by most dermatologists as a matter of fact and actually something that i believed for a long time was that retinoids increase your sun sensitivity when used topically there's a great study that was done that actually showed that topical retinoids don't decrease your med or minimal erythema dose so the ability to get a sunburn doesn't seem to change when you're using your topical retinoids and so it doesn't actually increase your sun's sensitivity based on that study uh commonly held belief but i still believe that if you're not using a sunscreen and you're using a retinoid at night uh you're really just erasing you're basically taking one step forward and one step back so of course use sunscreen that's the number one recommended tip that we can give you period but uh it doesn't actually seem to increase your sun sensitivity when you're using a retinoid paula pedroza said are retinoids safe for skin of color think skin that tans easily thank you great question uh yes so retinoids are safe in skin of color it's been used in skin of color for many years i would consider us to have a little bit type of skin that is prone to hyperpigmentation and so we're very cautious about this you know i'm south asian and so hyperpigmentation is one of the things that we worry about all the time so retinoids are very useful for treating hyperpigmentation but it's very very safe to use and skin of color of course you know of course use things cautiously you can always patch test if you're concerned about it but retinoids are completely safe and skin of color and the top comment comes from ziral patan he said i always get distracted by the way that dr maxfield looks at dr shaw look i'm just paying attention it's just to get i don't know i think it's a little bit much listen guys we've been friends for a long time you know we're very comfortable with each other we see each other like literally every day um except for maybe like sundays yeah right because we record on saturdays we work together monday through friday so we see each other everything we're so comfortable with each other we're just enjoying it we're making the videos so listen you may look at me i don't look at him the same way you know maybe he loves me what's that is he like are you paying attention to me at all you're just like zoning out okay but all right here look do you even pay attention to it okay hold on so let me just give you an example so i mean is it is it really that much it's just [Music] totally normal totally normal you feel validated because i'm agreeing i'm like man see dr maxfield was just like smoldering thing from time to time and you know i've caught him not the only one he does this thing where he goes like okay for any of you who know both of us like okay drop a comment because who smolders more like you could you could do a smolder counter on this guy throughout the day and it would be off the chain i never a thousand smolders per day never do that i know that you just never flick i smile all the time that's my thing i smile people always say oh smiley whatever you used to call me smiley when i was younger smile all the time i'm happy all the time this guy's the smolderer okay he's trying to melt people with his eyes over here i'm over here just trying to deliver good information all right everyone thank you so much for your questions if you have questions please leave them below and thank you guys all so much for your support welcome to everyone that's new here we really appreciate all of you and all the trust that you have in us thank you so much for the comments it's actually a lot of fun going through a lot of these um i feel like someone's paying attention to me and that what i'm saying is being heard but no we really appreciate you guys i just thank you so much it's a lot of fun going through this with you thank you for joining us on our journey see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Doctorly
Views: 341,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: retinol, retinoid, tretinoin, how to use retinol, doctorly, dermdoctor, dr muneeb shah, retinol review, skin care, skincare, hyram, cerave
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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