Minimize your large pores - Dermatologist Tips

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what's up everyone dr maxfield dr shaw first of all shout out to my pimple over here that we extracted at the office yesterday if you want to see how that went you can go check out my tick tock because there's a whole video of that pimple extraction anyway i had i had to call that out in the video in the beginning because i knew it was going to pop up in the comments i just ate mile them today we're going to be talking about how to shrink your pores whoa can it be even done can it be even done and it can't you can't shrink your pores your pores are genetic but what we can do is many different techniques to help you minimize the appearance of your pores and i did this thing on tick tock live the other day where i kind of went down with an explanation of how you can do this and actually drew out like a diagram got a lot of positive feedback from people on how that was really helpful so i'm going to draw it out for you here today we're gonna put it up on youtube that way everyone can look at it and see what we mean by why these things would work potentially to minimize your pores alright so here we go here we go all right so i got a diagram here this over here is going to be the skin surface and a pore okay all right so this over here is your pore i'm going to draw a line to it this is the pore this is the opening that you all see on the surface of your skin so you notice here it's like a cup shape almost like it's more wide near the top right like a bowl almost okay so it's skinnier near the bottom more wide near the top this is gonna become important near the end all right so these blue lines over here this is something called the stratum corneum which is the very top layer of our skin and it's it can be more than one cell layer thick but these are just dead skin cells essentially dead corneocytes dead keratinocytes and they sit at the top layer of our skin and they can vary in in thickness all right so then then you have the rest of the epidermis here so this over here this whole area is called the epidermis and then you have underneath that something called the dermis okay so inside the dermis the dermis is made up of a lot of different things but some of the main things that it's made up of are collagen and glycosaminoglycans also uh the most abundant glycosaminoglycan is is hyaluronic acid so what you always hear about hyaluronic acid that's one of the most abundant substances in this dermis we're going to focus here on collagen and elastic vibrates or elastin which are going to play a big role in the appearance of your pores so i'm going to draw that with i'm going to draw this over here in yellow so this over here is your collagen and elastic fibers but what they do is create support structure for your skin and additionally they surround that sort of bottom part of the pore if you can imagine that your collagen is damaged by something like the sun so uva radiation has a long wavelength it gets through our glass windows it gets through our car windows and it can actually get destroyed by that and the elastic fibers can also get us destroyed by that and once you lose this collagen you can imagine that if you lose these support structures here that your pore will start to dilate outwards right because you're losing those support structures that kind of makes sense right if you wear sunscreen then you'll prevent this dilation of the pore that's occurring that makes sense right you lose those support structures your poor dilates so the first line of treatment to prevent your pores from looking larger or to actually just wear sunscreen it's also broad spectrum sunscreen it needs to cover both uva and uvb and there you go one step to minimizing your pores the reverse what if we were to build collagen okay so for to build collagen you could actually squeeze the pore right kind of dr maxwell's always looking for like an opportunity to flex on camera so i gave him this opportunity right now but so basically if you were to instead build your collagen up over here right so you're squeezing it around it you're building your collagen you could actually make your pore go the other direction so then that would squeeze the pore minimize your pores so what are some things that we can do to build collagen foundation vitamin a derivatives retin-a retinols retinol retinoid adaptolene trinomial tezeratine any of these ingredients are going to help build collagen over time so your first line of defense i think probably the most powerful and most studied form to build your collagen over time is going to be um your vitamin a derivatives another option vitamin c potentially niacinamide as well uh so some of these other ingredients um things like microneedling right where we we poke little holes into the skin um at a at a physician's office that sort of can build collagen through wound healing can build collagen over time as well and then a lot more complicated advanced techniques we do too like lasers like co2 laser things like that so many options to build collagen but you know it makes sense you build collagen you sort of squeeze the appearance of your pores okay now i gotta i gotta draw something else for you here so this over here that i'm drawing is something called what there it is the oil gland sebaceous gland sebaceous glands sebaceous lobules these things are the things that are producing your oil or sebum and they actually kind of release that sebum into the into the pore and that's why people can have variations in the oiliness of their skin uh overall but um if as if you can imagine if you fill this thing up with a ton of oil um it's gonna end up dilating your pore over time just because it's just so full of stuff so uh to get rid of this all you have to do is try to minimize your oil production or remove the oil that's building up in your pores a couple things that can decrease oil production so i guess we have to we have to start with the goat yeah greatest of all time to decrease oil production or what's been studied to decrease oil production yeah isotretinoin accutane it just is the best it's the bomb you drop on the oil glands exactly so so that obviously a lot of people don't have access to that or it's not appropriate for a lot of people but that would decrease your oil production and and thus minimize the appearance of your pores however if you want to look at some over-the-counter options the niacinamide has been studied uh particularly in the japanese population showed a benefit with decreasing oil production but in in some people it seems to normalize sebum or oil production decrease oil production can minimize the appearance of your pores uh additionally things like green tea extracts l-carnitine have been also shown to decrease oil production now the question of what of whether or not topical retinoids decrease oil production seems to be sort of not proven believe it or not so we actually don't know whether topical retinoids can decrease oil production and there actually haven't been any studies at this time that show that they do what if we wanted to remove oil from the glands instead so if you remove the oil then that could also minimize the appearance of the pores obviously you want to be using your alcohol-based astringents witch hazel um hydrogen peroxide uh cleaning solution i've used all these things works great okay but really so what if someone just like takes that clip from you and like post it everywhere it's that clip and it's like dr maxfield said i think there's a large group of people who would be like i knew it he knew it i'm gonna follow him now you probably would get like this sort of like alternate group of people that it's true like an influx from a whole new crowd the anti-medicine crowd is going to start following you yeah it'll be my thing so we're removing it right so we're going to do a gentle cleanser uh salicylic acid being that lipophilic one that concentrates in the oil glands to remove some of this oil well you disagree no i totally agree so so beta hydroxy acid salicylic acid very good at getting into those pores and getting rid of some of that oil so you can either have that as a cleanser or you can have that as a levon product as well so now we've decreased oil production or removed oil the last thing that you can do okay this one you know it's kind of have to get like very conceptual with this here um we're thinking about that strap back this stratum corneum layer right if it gets to be higher you know you're going to notice that that sort of cup shaped opening is going to be more obvious so if you can imagine that if we were to somehow sort of bring the skin level down a little bit right so if we were to somehow bring the skin level down such that we actually cut this layer in half then you would notice that you're bringing the pore closer to the base where it's skinnier near the base and therefore your pore is going to look less obvious so what are a couple things that we can do to sort of thin the stratum corneum layer or make it more compact and what for the third or fourth time we're back to retinoids exactly retinoids over time have been shown to sort of make that that layer more compact additionally you could do just your chemical exfoliants your salicylic acid lactic acid i love that so lactic acid is the one that i use um and then your glycolic acid other acids that help to flatten out that layer as well and exfoliate the skin and then other forms of mechanical exfoliation like dermabrasion dermaplaning microdermabrasion things like that where you are helping to sort of normalize that top layer of the skin so those are the three things you could do so let's just like put together a routine that over time so the key here right we have to we have to caveat this here is that um first of all this routine that we're going to give you is going to treat a lot of different things so not to just minimize your pores but ultimately these other these ingredients that we mentioned have so many other benefits right so ultimately you can stick to this routine and it will slowly minimize your course over months uh that you'll notice an improvement in that to give you that sort of like glass skin dewy skin appearance okay so i would say during the day i would do a gentle cleanser um any cleanser we'll put links down below of a good routine but something like this rv hydrating cleanser would be a good option uh pretty much any cleanser would work in this stage just gentle then i would follow it with vitamin c to try to build up that collagen squeeze the pore and then i would do a sunscreen that has niacinamide in it like the alta md uv clear which has niacinamide in it so that's also going to decrease oil production but also protect your collagen inelastic fibers protect those support structures okay so then at night i would go gentle cleanser again yeah um or you could do a cleanser with salicylic acid in it uh but gentle cleanser i i like to go the gentle cleanser out then i hit it with the retinoid five to six nights a week and then you can even layer that with niacinamide as well and then follow it with a gentle moisturizer and then uh the other one or two days a week i would use a chemical exfoliant a levon chemical exfoliant like the bha liquid exfoliant the lactic acid exfoliants a glycolic acid exfoliant now you do this over several months and you're going to see improvement in your skin so should i like quit my day job and like get into pretty much i already have thanks for tuning in thanks for tuning in please like comment and subscribe if you found this useful hit the subscribe button hit the notification button anything that you guys do to watch our videos really helps to support the channel and so we really appreciate all your support and thank you for everything that you do thank you guys [Music] you
Channel: Doctorly
Views: 434,535
Rating: 4.9710608 out of 5
Keywords: dermatologist, skincare, pores
Id: loUjg47Osoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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