VG Myths - Can You Beat Ratchet & Clank With Only The Wrench?

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Gamechamp has beaten the first 4 with a wrench. He used anything that wasn't that ratchet himself uses in deadlocked.

👍︎︎ 54 👤︎︎ u/E521V 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Yes but the bosses be a pain

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/ChiefBlox4000 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

A massive pain in the ass but it can be done.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/TheMagicalHuy 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Tbh I've never even tried it. I used to watch tealgamemaster on YT do it. He's done it for all the games except A4O, FFA and SAC.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/LombaxMaster 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

It's totally possible, and it's a ton of fun! Iirc I did up your arsenal as a wrench only run, ahh the glory days of being a kid with all the time in the world

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/unknown_lich 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2020 🗫︎ replies
good morning everybody and welcome to vg myths the online internet video game tv show where perseverance determination and laziness are equally rewarded in ratchet and clank you go on a quest across the galaxy to clean the clocks of everybody who looks at you funny with a ludicrously over-the-top arsenal of deadly weaponry but a real mechanic doesn't need to rely on all that fancy techno mumbo jumbo all you need to dismantle a war machine is a little elbow grease and a good toolbox can you beat ratchet and clank with only the wrench the rules are simple any inventory items classified as weapons are banned everything categorized as a gadget is allowed but good luck killing anyone with the hydro displacer additionally as a bonus challenge we're going to avoid using any external weaponry such as spaceship guns or turrets it won't be an explicit failure if we have to use one but the semantic police are knocking so we're gonna try our darndest to keep them happy the wrench being a melee weapon requires us to get up close and personal to take baddies out luckily they tend to refuse to hurt you unless you step within a certain distance of their spawn point so you can tiptoe in and take pot shots to grind their health down and when in doubt book it it's not actually required to murder anybody most of the time it's just more convenient if you've got a particularly deadly enemy in your way it might be in your best interest to run straight past them you're not expected to have much high power weaponry in the early game though so wrench only is a cakewalk for the first few worlds then we get to planet umbras these bomb turrets run on a cycle spitting bombs at you stopping for a moment then repeating there's no reliable way to avoid a bomb fired at you if you're already within its range and you can't hit them from outside the range with your wrench but as painful as this situation looks and feels there is a reliable strategy stand a bit to the side of the direction you plan on approaching from when the turrets are about to stop spitting bombs start moving towards them in an arc the time it takes for them to redirect their aim gives you a little bit more wiggle room and if timed absolutely perfectly you'll take them out before they start spinning bombs again repeat several times in a row tiptoe through the easy second half of the level and you're home free just watch out for the boss if you're not careful he'll hit you with a special attack which may not hurt you physically but it makes you lose all your ammo [Music] when playing as clank on orcs on we get into a sticky situation against this alien snapper the dev intended method is to order your gadgetbots to murder at pikmin style but for the bonus challenge gadgebot attacks are off limits clank's melee isn't the best substitute either even so if you can bait out an attack before making your assault you'll have just enough time to knock the snapper into the pit below it can still murder you if you're not careful but you've got enough room to squeeze by and continue the game on gaspar you're normally supposed to use a bunch of turrets to blow up a sequence of doors to get the pilot's helmet but for the sake of the bonus challenge we'll instead be seeing our first use of ratchet and clank's super pro secret game mechanic glitchy finicky broken level boundaries the pilot's helmet is right at the top of a cliff at the beginning of the level and while the cliff makes a good faith attempt to slide ratchet off when he jumps on it there are some spots where you can get in a high jump before falling scaling the wall and skipping the entire level but once again our bonus challenge comes under fire in poketarou blowing up these snake-style ships is unfortunately required to beat the game and spaceships don't have melee attacks meaning it's 100 impossible for us to blow them up luckily though the game only cares that the snakes get blown up it doesn't care who does the blowing enemy ships will occasionally strafe ahead firing at you and bullets tend not to care how much you like the person they collide with place yourself between a firing ship and a snake and they'll accidentally shoot it and complete your mission for you the main mission in hoven is to blow up this giant gunship which is required to continue the game and unfortunately the dev intended method of blowing up this ship is with a turret obviously that's not gonna stop me i spent a ton of time hanging out with this ship to figure out what we might be able to do it's scripted to float in the middle of the level then fly closer to the beginning of the level after the player reaches the turret before triggering it to move we can jump over to it and safely float on the missile it's carrying but after a few hundred wrench hyper strikes nothing seems to happen so i looked up a super fancy ludicrous awesome speedrunner infinite jump trick and made my way to the ship's later position and not only did hyper strikes still not seem to do anything ground pounds didn't either after some scrounging around and begging for help from the almighty gods at the ratchet and clank speedrunning discord i think i've got a good idea what's happening here the ship isn't necessarily incapable of taking damage from the wrench it's just completely invulnerable before the player enters the turret at which point its vulnerability to all weapons is switched on the only way to exit the turret after getting in normally is by reloading the last checkpoint making the ship invulnerable again there are a couple methods that have been found that allow you to exit the turret without reloading checkpoint but one requires use of the visibomb gun and others can only be done in new game plus which we can't even get to unless we've already beaten the game sorry everybody but unless we can find a fancy new super trickways strat to exit the turret our wrench only bonus challenge is mission failed no time to mourn the bonus challenge though the main challenge is in trouble too the level gimmick in gemlik base is that we need to blow up generators to turn off electric barriers blocking the path the first generator can be destroyed with ground pounds but the next generator is totally out of our reach we're gonna have to throw out all game design logic and resort to cheese using our tried and true finicky boundary climbing abilities we jump over the second fence then get on top of this building welcome to out of bounds jump across these beams walk to the far side and sneak in the gap in the fence you'll magically be near the end of the level past every electric barrier letting you calmly murder your way to the end of the stage for the captain quark boss fight though the bonus challenge may be dead i'm not interested in doing any overkill we're killing quark without firing a single shot that said i don't think there's any way to actually damage cork so we're gonna have to cheat this is a skip that's surprisingly easy and a lot of casual players have found on their own do a completely normal maximum height midair boost over to the opposite runway where you'd normally spawn after finishing the boss fight walk in the right spot and you'll trigger a new checkpoint jump into the abyss and the moment you respawn the game will come to the conclusion that you must have just finished the boss fight playing the post boss cutscene the path to get the hollow guys and gadgetron hq was a bit familiar asking us to shoot a switch in the air to turn off another electric barrier while i think this might potentially be possible to do with the wrench the easier method is the same as last time head to the beginning of the grind rail section and follow the wall for some ledges to go out of bounds ratchet is capable of walking on certain land up here which you can follow along to the end of the level drex fleet is mostly a stealth mini-game save for this little detour these turrets are laying down a barrage of bullets on the path forward and normally you're expected to blow them up in a spaceship section but why bother the bullets only kill you if you get hit so don't get hit duh the devs did their best to make the pathway untraversable but their best wasn't good enough with a very specific route you can weave between the bullets and reach the end completely unscathed there's just one roadblock left on your path to wrench supremacy the final level velden we're cranking the difficulty slider all the way to max and doing the ultimate wrench only obstacle course every area here is littered with dozens of heavily armed mercenaries and tanks but there's one strategy that will let us get the best of them run away like a little baby getting through without taking damage is out of the question but take the right route weaving between enemies and you should be able to tank enough hits to reach the next checkpoint also of note enemies are polite and will pretend you don't exist while you're in a trespasser puzzle plus trespasser puzzles are permanently completed even if you die after solving them meaning you've still made progress even if you immediately croak with about 1 ounce of skill and 15 pounds of luck you'll make it to the final boss drek the first phase is a cakewalk since we get to pilot giant clank who dishes out deliciously technically rule abiding giant robot mecha melee attacks but once we're back in ratchet's shoes the real battle starts drek is a ludicrously long multi-phase boss fight who adds on a new attack to his arsenal with every phase cycling between his available attacks at random and constantly running away from you at high speed but luckily one of his two starting attacks the shockwave bomb has him slow down just barely enough that we can reliably hit him stay on his tail dodging everything he throws until the shockwave bombs show up attacking him in the lulls between shockwaves and remember we're running on the limited supply of health so do not get hit every bit of nanotech counts you die and you're repeating the entire hour-long fight on the first two rocky platforms it's most reliable to hit direct with grounded swings but on the third platform we'll need to switch to hyper strikes it's super tight and finicky and ratchet will whiff if you aren't positioned at exactly the right angle but keep at it and drexel bar will slowly slowly slowly crawl down by the final phase you'll be waiting minutes at a time to get good enough rng to even have a chance at hitting drek making for a super stressful drain on your spirit but hold yourself together have patience and this hour-long endurance challenge is absolutely conquerable with drek obliterated into space dust the ratchet and clank wrench only run is mission complete before we sign off major special thanks to the folks in the ratchet and clank speedrunning discord for helping out with the hoven gun ship plus credit has to go to teal game master who did their own rent-only run of the game a couple years ago links in the description special thanks to all patreon backers including andrew cybert mrs sekman eric flynn leslam rb drock david 20 covers all in all mr harry wonka alexander bakken chris nate mason 2k salieri ross clark carrera onyou jazz robert b rauciere citrus lush zainabe king tom nook jd bcr main sound jj mcknight pokemon go to champ subscribe button joshua bradbury cool monkey 666 vincent hull bass singer 313 plasma phoenix adam m yellow alert and i'm going to unban julius zeno let me know how much this video sucks and how i can improve in the comments below foo fighters reference for watching and get out of my house
Channel: Gamechamp3000
Views: 1,736,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamechamp, gamechamp3000, gaming, video games, vg myths, ratchet and clank, ratchet & clank, wrench only, only the wrench, can you beat, challenge run, playstation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 10 2018
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