VFX Inside Blender | Blender Tracking Explained! | Part 1

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hey guys what's up Infinity here and welcome back to another excited visual effect tutorial I will upload two videos for this particular topic so first video will be about how you will track your scene inside blender using blender in build tracking system in the second video will be about how you will place something inside blender yeah and I will highly recommend stick till the end because in the meanwhile I will share some Pro tip which will change your game so if you don't want to miss our amazing tutorials which I will post in future subscriber Channel hit the like button and let's go so here I am using blender 3.6 this is our footage I will also provide this footage so don't forget to check my video description if you want to track something inside blender and by the way I want to let you know guys this is highly demanded tutorial on my channel so I will try my best to explain everything so that you don't have to watch other videos to learn how blender's tracking system works go to this plus icon and go to the VFX and choose motion tracking because here I will try to track our motion so now you can click on this open button and it will ask you for the video but the easiest way which I follow simply drag and drop your footage over here and boom once you will import you will see we have something going on over here and this side and also here so I will assume like you are using blender tracking system first time and you don't know about all these settings so I will explain all by one and guys wait for the pro tip which will definitely change your game so uh if you will see over here by default blender end frame is 250 but our end frame is something else so just click here and it will automatically set the end frame click on this prefetch it will load your footage into the memory so if you will try to play it will play it almost real time the next thing is markers over here so markers is basically to add some you know tracking points into your scene so if you want to add manually let's suppose if you find a spot into ground like somewhere around over here and or this side and you want to track that and you want to create a custom tracking marker so press Ctrl and click anywhere so if you press Ctrl and hold and click anywhere it will add you know tracking markers into your scene I'm pressing Ctrl Z to undo and here is your option called detect features just like any other program it will automatically try to detect points onto your footage so before uh going to the detect feature I would like to also talk about the pattern size and search size so let's suppose if I press Ctrl and click here it will add a point okay here so this box if I zoom this box is called pattern size and if I press alt s this is the search size so it mean when let's suppose if I am going to track this point and in the next row frame this point will go from here to there so this search box will quickly analyze and this pattern size will quickly move to that point but let's suppose was if I mean the this marker okay I mean this black point will move into the next frame from here to somewhere around here so in that case this search size is small so it will not detect and it will not able to track that point so let's suppose if you have some crazy movement going on into your footage in that case you can increase the Titan size and also the search size so here are the settings which you can do so I'm not going to do for this scene because it's decent and it's good okay and the next thing is this motion model so this if you click on this location here are few more I will explain just in a basic manner like if in your scene there is not go much prospective rotation and scale going on in that case you can choose the location model and it will try to Loop track the location so let's suppose if I'll play my clip you can see I am moving forward so there are perspective going on so in this case our perspective or a fine model and also location rotation and scale can work over over here but I will choose perspective over here and the next thing is normalize normalize means let's suppose I have a decent footage like there are not much lighting changes going on into our ceiling but let's suppose if you are tracking a scene where you know there is some clouds going on into the sky and that creating Shadows on the ground so in that case this normalized option works pretty well okay so by default I am going to check it on if I go to tracking setting extra this is the next thing which I want to talk about the correlation it means suppose if I created a point over here and in the next frame this point go from here to there so in that case if blender will confirm that this is the point which goes from here to there only then it will track that point otherwise it will ignore because whenever we drag something in that case there are a lot a lots of object you know you can see moving and there are some prospective changes going on so that time our tracker can be used so in that scenario we will use this correlation so let's suppose if we'll make it to one it will track this point only if this tracker is 100 sure that this is the point which it track previously I hope it makes sense so I will keep it 0.85 which is pretty decent for me all the time sorry not the weight this correlation I will also talk about the bit in further tutorials and this is the last about the track very basic just like here are the tools which also available over here okay so let's uh delete this and now let's go into the first frame okay so if I'll go to the detect feature it will automatically add more tracking points like this is automated feature uh you know adding tracking markers into our scene and let's suppose if you think like there is some point there is some point which is not available this you will see some settings like margin threshold and distance if held down the threshold to point like 2 it will add more points and also I will down the distance to 100 so you can see we have much more tracking points available into our scene which looks decent to me so right now this much tracking markers are enough I think so so all done over here in case you click anywhere in your in your footage you will deselect all the all the tracking markers so we'll press a and it will select all the tacky markers and just click here and it will try to trick so if you see this graph this graph tells a lot more information just like here you can see we have a lot more tracking points started tracking this scene but when this goes further and further you can see there are many points which are stopped you know tracking this scene and also here you can see some uh movement going on and also and in case if you will see any weird stuff going on let's suppose if there are any tracking markers which are just like over here you can see we spotted uh you know very bad Tech like you can see it is totally bad so in that case let's suppose if I select this it will also highlight into the graph and guys I am trying to explain everything which will help you to build your tracking knowledge for this blender okay so we'll see this graph line represent that marker so this is bad tracker because we are tracking the 3D camera we are not tracking this individual objects and that can can ruin our you know I hope it I pronounciate it correctly so it can you know miss our tracking system or camera and all so for this kind of tracker we will delete it but how much time we will do it manually so there is also automated feature which I will talk about little later but first go all the way till the end so I will click here uh here and it will go all the way till the end and again on this Frame because this is different from the first one the first frame and the last one you can see totally different so I'll go to the very end and here I will click again detect features and it will add more tracking markers in our scene and now if you see we have only that marker selected which we just created for the end frame so after this click here and it will try to track all that markers till the first frame and now you can see we have uh you know a lot more contrast lines going on into our graph editor so this much data I think looks pretty decent but here I I want to add more onto the ground so let's go to almost like over here like 80 frames so in starting we started adding markers from the first then we moved the end and added few markers in the last frame and now I'm going to 80 frames and here I'll click detect feature once again but I'll change the view settings and let's see which will works fine so one four five okay I will click on this button it will take forward and also I will come back to 80 once again and track backwards perfect civil play we'll see we have much more data going on on the ground and that will definitely help me to create and solve it perfectly and let me save our project so this is part one track and let's talk about our Pro tip which I was saying in the beginning so let's suppose if you want to add points on the ground or anywhere in the scene but you are not able to detect the feature specifically on that position so let's suppose just like in the effect if you are familiar with after effect and if you want to track a specific location in that scenario we mask that area and we add points over there so what I will do I will go maybe like 140 frames here and I'll go to The annotation okay here and if you see we have a option called Draw I will click and I'll simply draw this area so that it can you know basically we created a selection and we are one for one frames okay I'll go to the track and once again I'll click deduct feature and it will add tracking markers all over the frame but I will reveal this feature and this is the placement I will change this to the inside and now we'll see we only adding points inside this in a note okay notation so here if I down the distance it will add more points I can also down the threshold so basically I have a control and I can definitely add more points over here so once you are satisfied just click here and it will track that I'll go back one four one once again and just take it backward and I will go to the inner notes over here and one for one frame almost over here and this is option called Erase and I will simply erase this perfect let's go back to your track control is to save it so now I I think we have enough tracking markers for our scene the next thing which I want to do is to add let's go to the solver panel over here and go to the first frame press a to select everything and there are also couple of new options appears over here so I will explain uh very quickly but before that let me make it solve the camera Motion in C over here we have solve error 3.50 which is not bad our goal is around make it under 0.5 pixels which will be very decent so in some scenario let's suppose if we tracked our scene and if I'll go to the track panel and this camera panel and lens panel we have the focal length 24 by default basically I use my smartphone which has some uh kind of ultrawide angle lens which is around 16 or 18 mm lens so I know the focal length so I can quickly add it and it will reduce the every zero but let's suppose if you don't know in that scenario you will check this focal length on and let's click solve camera motion once again and you can see just quickly we are from 3 to under 0.45 and this is very good guys we don't need even we don't have to you know tweak more and if you see the focal length we have 17.75 okay so it means I'm right so here is one more quick way I want to explain which can be uh you know uh helpful in some scenario when you will try to optimize and try to get the solver very less so if I'll go to the clip display and if I will enable info and if I press a it will select all the keyframe and now we are able to see the average error of the every single tracker so you can see 0.25 is pretty pretty good 0.04 is amazing but in some scenario we have bad tracker going on so here if you'll notice we have tracking marker which has every 0 is 2.48 which we don't want okay so I'll press delete and it will delete that track and we also have to find all that bad tracks and we will try to disable them or delete them so basically all the tracking markers average error combine and then it create another average error in which we will see over here the next thing which I want to do is clean up so cleanup helps a lot to reduce this number sometimes okay if we have bad text going on so I will just go here clip display and disable info and there is few options like clean tracks and the filter is actually interacts and if you choose clean tracks we have a option called reprojection error so let's go to clean tracks and choose two so it will select all the markers which has the almost you can see like a 2.23 2.94 2.25 and this 4.91 2.14 so you don't have to now check one in one it will you know quickly select all the markers which has the error about this and will simply press delete and it will delete all the marks see this number over here and click sort camera motion LSC so now we have 0.33 which is really amazing guys and I don't think we have to you know move more and here you can see this thinner Blue Line represent our camera motion and it's pretty smooth going on the last thing which I want to explain before moving forward is this keyframe 1 and B because it helps a lot in some scenarios so we have a very you know simple scene going on so if you clearly see this is our first frame which has a different kind of a perspective and if I'll go over here it has a totally different kind of a perspective so in that scenario we have to you know just change the number so let's suppose I'll choose 100 over here and maybe 140 over here and let's suppose uh let's see if it will you know down this number even more solar camera motion so not much but yeah it it works sometimes and here is your option called keyframe so if you enable this check this on it will blender will try to check all this Frame ultimately and give you the best one which can reduce the soil Builder but it can take a lot of time to calculate so I'm going to the default one like 130 or maybe 140 and let's see the next step is to create our scene because already be enough discussed about all the the basics and all the other things so if you go down we have the scene setup and this is the option called setup tracking scene and this is our 3D viewport so let's go here and click setup tracking C and you will see we have few things going on over here and few things going on over here and let's go to the layout and go to the camera and go to the first frame and let's play in check so we'll see it's not working the way we want so let me quickly show you how you will fix it so first we have to decide our world origin so I will try to select this maybe this one because this is almost in the middle of our frame and I'll click here in the orientation set origin so see we our 3D scene has changed quickly the next thing I want to orientate it like I want to decide where where the floor is because if you see clearly this one is floating almost so I'll select three point on the ground so let's suppose I'll select this one select maybe this one and almost like this one and click on this button called floor so you can see let's go to the layout mode and let me show you so you can see we have a good floor going on and everything seems pretty decent compared to the previous one go to the motion tracking and now I want to control the scale so in that scenario I will simply select two points so let's suppose I will select maybe see this one and this one and here on the scale by default set to one meter I'll click set scale and you can see our scene just change the scale so I'll make it maybe four and set scale and you can see it's small so let's go to the three and set scale which is uh pretty decent for me and everything is filled pretty good but let's suppose if I want to change the direction so let's go to the layout and this is X and this is y and also you can see middle uh Point like original has been changed so I will select this once again and set origin and it will come back in the middle and if you want to rotate this X and Y things you can ask just like that you can select two points like this one this one or maybe from the origin this one and you can decide either this is for the excess Axis or the y axis and it will change according so Ctrl s to save let's go to the layout and uh let's play and you can see we have uh perfect tracking going on make it job for here let's rotate it a bit select this one make it x-ray View and uh maybe I'll try to scale it down a bit and then let's play you can see we have a perfect tracking going on and if you zoom this you can see it's all the way stick over here is don't change its position so this is what we have to take care of okay so this is pretty decent and I like it and I think we can work it and this is the things which we also over here like in this okay collection so this is foreground this is background and if you go to the compositing we also see things over here so I will talk these things in the next chapter and I will also show you how you will add this beautiful you know nature world into this scene and yeah we'll talk about that into the next part of this video because this is already long and I hope you learn a lot of things about the blender tracking and I hope you can complete your first tracking inside blender so thanks for watching this video thanks for loving me I am interested and I will see you next time until then keep working keep smiling hit the like button subscribe our Channel and I'll see you very soon with the next part thank you
Channel: NPS 3D™
Views: 5,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vfx, blender, blender tutorial, blender motion tracking, blender camera tracking, motion tracking blender, blender tracking tutorial, how to use blender, blender vfx, blender vfx tutorial, vfx in blender, vfx blender, blender tutorial vfx, blender vfx tutorial for beginners, how to make vfx in blender, how to do vfx in blender, 3d tracking after effects, blender tutorial for beginners, nps3d, blender commercial ad vfx, CGI Ads Using VFX in Blender, blender cgi ad vfx
Id: XRuqi2dYNBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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