Make Your First VFX to Next Level with Blender | Blender tutorial for beginners

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hey guys what's up Empire 3D here and welcome back to another excited visual effect tutorial this is not just a visual effect tutorial today you will learn how to make your first VFX into the next level and guys this is not a clickbait today we are not only going to learn how to track your scene how to composing 3D object into your scene we are going one step more further and we will add simulation and you know guys simulation takes a lot of time in caching and also rendering not rendering actually in making and casting so hit the like button subscribe our Channel and let's get started this tutorial but before that guys let me show you something more exciting so recently we launched our new course called modern VFX it's all about VFX so if you think you need to know more information about visual effect I will highly recommend go and check out our course it has total four different effect which we commonly seen on social media and it introduction chapter also included all the project file and also some three different types of tracking and this is this course is mainly designed for blender and we also included after effect for few parts so I will highly recommend go and check out if wanna learn more about visual effect let's get started this tutorial I will divide this tutorial in multiple Parts okay so why multiple Parts just because if you stuck anywhere in future you can come back on a particular part and you can you know see how we can fix that issues okay so first step always be how to prepare your footage so whenever you are going to do visual effect make sure you have a full test and guys if you wanna learn things I will highly recommend go and grab have your smartphone Suite by yourself so this is the clip which we are going to use today okay so here is a 360 environment so I'll put both the video and 360 environment download link in my video description and also guys if you're not download this project file it will be available on my patreon page so don't forget to check it okay drag and drop my footage here and just right click interpret filter Main and here is the frame rate 30 make sure to check so that you know what is our frame rate so just drag and drop it here and it will create a new composition and this is a perfect clip let's go to effect and preset panel and search 3D camera tracker and just drag and drop to this footage and it will apply the effect and it will start tracking so we have total here you can see we have totals 268 frames alright so we have something like we have some point on ground so basically I'm going to add our 3D stuff and simulation over here so I need point on ground my mouse will over here and just right click and choose set ground plane and origin and it will place the world origin over here and let's create great solid and camera so this is 3D solid and also our camera so I'll press s and scale it and I will apply another Effect called grid and let's drag and drop it here and let's play and see if it's yeah it's perfectly aligned onto the surface press W and adjust it little bit so now it look good to me I'll press Ctrl s to save this now I wanna share this both thing inside blender so for that I will use a add-on called ae2 blend so if you guys face any error because I got a lot of comment like our camera is not matching our scene is not you know a bit tracked properly but our scene is not working properly follow the way how I export this okay so first I need to open blender and by the way the add-on link will be in my video description guys so go and check it and let's drag and delete everything and here you can find all the keyboard shortcut which I am placing okay so by the way I already installed and enable this so I just need to transfer this data so first I will select our camera press U and it will reveal the keyframe just simply copy go to the blender and let's create camera and it will create the camera and guys remember we have two six eight frame right and here if I will go here you can see we have uh our CN start from zero so I'll just drag press a select drag one frame okay perfect now if I click on this camera I can you can see we have a camera and if I'll start playing we will see some movement going okay so first now we need our footage so I will click on this this camera transfer and select our camera and go to the camera properties enable background images and choose add image movie clip and open and just load our footage over here okay right now you can see it's a little bit transparent so I'll go down and increase the opacity to 1 and it will start playing you will see we have our footage and also our moving camera is not a line I think so for so I will try to import our plane so that we can see properly so I'll select Earth ground plane and go to the transform and select this for Anchor Point position scale and orientation Ctrl C to copy go to after effect go to the first frame and create plane and it will create a plane and if you will start playing here you can see we have some issues going on okay so first thing first I'll go to the project settings okay and here is a frame rate I'll just change this to 30 because we have 30 frames it will not fix basically whenever we tracked our scene and we try to create 3D camera the software create a similar to our real camera which we try to suit this clip so if I double tap on this camera here you will find this focal and just simply Ctrl C to copy and go to the blender and here on the circular camera camera properties and this is focal length set to 50. Let's click and just Ctrl V to paste and now I probably hope it's here you can see it's working perfect so part one has been complete control s to save our project now let's close after effect for now I wanna add a 3D model for that I will use this Dragon model which is free I will put the link you can go there and download it I downloaded this into the gltf format okay I will talk a little bit about the inspiration of where I got to make a such animation and such VFX okay so if I'll go to the Reddit here is a VFX posted CEO four years ago he posted this clip and you can see this looks really cool so I have one more clip over here you can see so these are really cool and uh I wanna create something like this okay so just go there and download this or if you have any other animal you can also download and use it I already downloaded this so I will just close this and go to the file import and this is the ltf simply Ctrl V and select our model and import gltf first I'll press M and move this into a new collection called dragon and you can see it's very large so either I can press s and scale it down until I am happy press z z and move it over here and I can press also RZ to rotate this and if you go to First frame and here you can see we have our Dragon but I wanna add more control so simply right click and select highlight and it will select everything and here you can see our animations finish uh stopped here because there are no more keyframes so I will select this bone okay and if I'll go to the pose mode and if I'll press a and it will select this keyframe I will simply press shift d and duplicate this and put it here and again just select every all keyframe press shift d and just move it over here and probably this is enough so let's play and see if it works so you can see it's continue flying and this is what exactly we want now I wanna add an empathy and parent everything with that amputee so that way we can control our Dragon anytime okay so I'll go to the object mode and I'll just simply select rsly and press and press less it will solo this shift a and create a new empty Cube and this is by the way here I'll press g z and move it here and scale it until it cover our Dragon properly like okay here and then I will simply double tap and make it Ctrl Dragon it's not possible to control Dragon but in 3D you can do you can easily do okay so right click select highlight and in the end press shift and select this empty and press Ctrl p and use keep transform so now this way I can let me drag and drop our control collection okay less slash and unsolo and now guys I can easily scale my dragon and do any stuff and let's play and everything is working perfectly let's play and I will make it little small yeah looking good looking good guys so our part 2 is completed now will move to the part 3 where we will add smoke simulation less Ctrl s to save our project and first I will select this object and guys here will see this flaps and his body is a separate mess and this upper part is a separate mess but for simulation I wanna combine both together so I will select both withholding shift and I'll press Ctrl J and it will join them together and now the both are a single mesh for explaining simulation I can start here but I want to create a new blender project I want to explain a little bit okay so if I'll go to the file new general so this is our new project so this is our Cube there are two option one we will take just a few just like two clicks and the other will take a few seconds to you know just create smoke simulation so first let me show you the second way so this is our Cube press g z and move it over here and let me make it small and apply scale I wanna add smoke here so for adding smoke we also have to decide a boundary otherwise it will take DK to calculate okay so let's suppose this is our emitter which will emit smoke okay and we want to add a boundary so we'll create another Cube and this will be our boundary so here let's make it smoke I will select the limit I press S2 scale z z and move it over here and now I will select this box go to the viewport display and here I will change this to the pound now I will select this and go to the physics properties and this is fluid select this and type choose flow and in the flow type I will choose smoke here are few like fire and smoke fire liquid but I'll choose smoke I will select this and limit and I'll go to the fluid and choose domain guys you will see things are working fine let's play and here you can see we are doing smoke simulation this is it I hope it's pretty uh you know simple to understand let's delete everything now I'm gonna do it in a two click so first I'll create by default Cube okay let me scale it down so let's suppose we want to emit smoke from this Cube okay I'll go to the object go to the quick effect and choose quick smoke and boom as you can see so this is what I will do so let's jump back to our project Next Level VFX and this is where we are okay let's uh let's create another view by click and drag over here and this will be our camera view okay and this will be our 3D viewport and let's close join this area okay so first here I will select our Dragon model okay go to the object quick effect and choose quick small and here you will see we have a boundary and also our dragon has some smoke okay so if I'll start playing here you can see I have to increase the boundary so that it will you know just calculate smoke more precisely I will select our smoke domain and I'll press s z and just add and maybe I can press SX s y where our smoke will visible for uh you know just Ctrl a and apply the scale for the domain let's start Play and let's see what's going on so here you can see things are not looking good and this is because we have to do few tweaks into our settings so for doing any setting mostly we will do in the domain so first select our domain go to the physics Tab and here are few options which we have to take care of first is domain type gas is pretty good reservation is the most if you want a good resolutions smoke you must have to increase it so for now I'm going to make it 64 and for the simulation we will put one to eight and the number if I will increase the number the more precise it will be like if I'll press 32 here you can see the smoke is not following the wing following the wing but it's not shaping like a wing but it will start increasing the revolution you can see start going near okay here you can see so for the simulation final simulation we will use one two eight but for now I'm going to use 64 and time scale leave these numbers let's increase the time step maximum 12 and let's make it 4 okay and adaptive domain is like this is the size of domain but if you enable this adaptive domain it will start little close where the smoke will and it will increase until it gets larger and larger so this is the another way to you know speed up your stimulations so make sure to enable adaptive domain and this is buoyancy density let me make it 0.5 and also down the heat because they don't have heat in our scene our TCT will add more turbulence or not turbulence exactly but it's light turbulence so let's make it point maybe one I just want a bit dissolve will dissolve is like if your smoke will rise till here less support let me explain over here let's suppose your smoke is rising from here and go all the way top to here so this time will make to dissolve like if you will increase the time or if I decrease the time the smoke will not go all the way here it will start reducing that so guys I'm not going to explain every single things otherwise our total will be more longer for more in-depth tutorial you can go and visit Crossman Studio they have excellent tutorial about the Manta flow so you can go there but I'm going to we have a lot of stiff left so I have to go quick I'll add enable noise and it will add more details and here I'll disable everything expect the average factor and don't need to change anything here is a cache here and I will just increase the end to six eight because I'm going to bake our simulation let's select our Dragon model and if we'll set our Dragon model the setting will little bit different so type flow is pretty good flow type smoke pretty good okay flow Behavior inflow is pretty good it will continue adding smoke otherwise you can also choose geometry and it will add smoke just one time okay sampling sub step you can increase it and initial temperature is good density maybe I can increase to two Okay and it will add more density in Smoke initial temperature May less at 0.5 initial velocity I will add 1 into the source so it will try to follow our source okay and this is good for here and let's bake our simulation I can also start playing and it will take some time to calculate here you can see but I want to bake this so I will select our domain and go down and this is our bake so just change the type from replay to all and let's bake all all right so I simulated uh you know 100 frames so let's play and see so here you can see the simulation [Music] oh man so I have to here you can see the smoke is rising all the way till here so if you wanna add you can definitely go start Play and let's see more and you can also see our domain how it's changing all the time looks really cool guys and if you want you can also just let me free all the bake okay let's go down so here I'll just make it like three for now and let's enable big baking this yes let's check it one more time so here you can see the smoke is disappearing a little fast and the movement is smoke movement is really good and it's also interacting with floor here you can see so things are looking pretty good the only thing which we have to take care of like the reservation so I have to increase the this for the final okay so either I can move to the next part of this tutorial or I can simply bake it first like one to add then I can move to the next part so what should I do this look really good let's bake it okay so I'm going to free all and maybe I'll bake only 150 okay frames like over here so this is good okay because it will take a lot of time for baking and here just come and just change this to the one to eight and you can also go to the 200 or 256 so I set to the one to it now let's click to the bake all and I will see you or baking done now let's play and see the smoke is really dense and it's more accurate I think here you can see right so let's find a frame let's move to the next part how to light up your scene okay so once you are done with making now we have to light up our scene in a way so we can render our things realistically okay so first I will switch this view into a rendered view I'll click here and click into the render settings and this is the result by the way default by EV let's click here and relay remove everything okay and go to the render settings and change the render engine from EV to cycle and also see beauty GPU perfect so first thing you will notice we are not able to see our background footage for that I have to go to render properties and go down and this is film and choose transparent so now you will quickly see our background okay now you will notice something that we our 3D scene like this Dragon Smoke and we don't have any light so either you can create any light for this particular scene we don't have any reflection on our CG stuff so that that's why we don't need accurately the same environment but if you are going to use a different environment map make sure to find a similar one like where the little bit like this red and the cloud is day and that will uh you know work fine but in this case we have our 360 so first I will load that here so I'll go to the environment tab here and go to the color and choose environment texture and go open and load our environment map open image so now you will see something start happening and this looks little believable here I will go to the strength and maybe I can make it three and it will add more boost here so this looks good the next thing you will notice we don't wanna see this white plane I'm gonna see our ground over here so first thing if I want if you'll notice our smoke is going further uh of this plane I will increase the length in X and Y but in this case it's not going I will share a pro tip over here okay so I created this plane just to catch Shadow catcher so if I'll select this and also see this smoke over here okay so here you can see uh in 3D in the light also bounce okay so if I'll select or plane go to the object data properties and if I'll go to the visibility and enable Shadow catcher things will look good like we don't have to see the white solid and it's looking good but it's not you know reflecting this red into our smoke that's why I have to add a texture which is similar to our ground so for that I will select this ground plane and let's change this view into the Shader editor and press n to hide this and click new and let's change this to the ground okay and here I will load our same footage just drag and drop it here and let's put this color into the color and also increase the frame to 1000 and cycle Auto refresh and change this repeat to clip but you will notice it's not like our ground so I'll simply select and press Ctrl T and here just only thing I have to change it from UV to window and plug this into vector and now we are good to go so here you will see we are bouncing some red okay here I can also increase the roughness and you can see our uh ground plane is more bright than original so because I'm going to use a set of Catcher so it will not gonna affect so I'm not gonna worry but yeah this is better than before now I wanna add some shading into our smoke so I'll select our smoke for selecting your smoke I have to select our domain because it's inside the domain and there is already a default material applied so density is 5 pretty good and if it's set to 1 it will you know down the smoke amount but 5 is pretty good and you can also increase it even more like 12 and it will add more smoke like density okay so it's up to you how much you want less add like 10 is pretty fine for now add a shift a and let's add a attribute note and here I will change this name to density because if you will start playing density here you can see we are playing with the smoke so let's uh add 10 here and also change the name density over here so let's density and plug this color into color and let's add a Effect called color Ram over here and plug it and let's increase the strength a bit whenever we are trying to add emission let's this is by default and whenever we are trying to add emission here you can see what is what it is doing but with attribute if I plug this color here it will work on the only density part okay and I think I have to make it density over here and now it will work okay so this way I can control the area and I can add something else like here if I select this white and maybe I can just add this so it will add fire so this is another thing which you can do guys here you can see but I want to just add a white so I'll just down the S and just make the strength for one just a bit or maybe if you are no very creative you're gonna add some different color you can control things let's choose the color and make it white and I'm going to remove this and just down the emission stance so this looks pretty good for me I don't want to extend anything else okay let's click here and let's make it timeline so this is pretty good let's make it five not 56 guys let's add five and it's really up to you what you want and you can also play with that things so this is pretty much it let's come back here and make it render reason okay next part is rendering how we will render and then we will talk about the compositing part okay so I hope this looks really cool and definitely you can come back anytime and you can play stuff okay so for the rendering I'll go to the render Tab and here just change the max sample to two fix two five six okay and also go to the light path and here is the volume let's add two so it will add some you know here you can see the light is going inside this this smoke and I I can also increase the diffuse and one more uh thing guys go to the volume and change this step render and viewport to file 5 and 5 and it will you know decrease your render time so this is all for the render settings and in last I can go to the output properties and here I'm going to only export to 150 frames yeah this is it and uh let's we have to define the path where I'm gonna export so I'll go to the let's hit one accept perfect let's down the comparison 8-bit is pretty fine RGB plus Alpha PNG and the only thing I have to press is render and render animation and it start rendering here you will see [Music] so I will see you once it will finish rendering okay and guys don't forget to check out our new course modern VFX go and check all the details right now it's available with 30 off so go and check out I will highly highly highly recommend if you want to learn visual effect all right guys so her render has been finished and now we are inside after effect so let me import our project yeah this one right let me double tap here and import our sequence let me set the first one and import and guys you know our composition setting is 30 frame okay so this is already 30 frame here you can see so let me simply drag and drop it here I have one more which I rendered only 150 frames this clip okay let me put on top and let me disable the first one so this is also a one you can see I did some multiple renders so here you can see it's already working perfectly what you can do more let me find a frame so I can simply let's apply a coarse effect on this render and maybe I can add some you know contrast and your footage Ctrl D to duplicate this footage now I wanna extract this saturation part so what I will do I will simply add a shift Channel effect and Alpha I wanna take Alpha from saturation so if I will solo this here you can see we have this Alpha where the situation is okay but I can do more to extract the alpha more clearly I can add a saturation effect and put it before the shift Channel and increase the saturation so here you can see we are getting somewhere I can also add a course effect and let's put it before or just after the human situation and just add a cursive effect to hide those let me unsolo so we have a copy here I don't like this thing here I can add a meta choker effect maybe that will work yeah that's perfectly fine let me make it two and let me play with the curse yeah and on top of this what I can do I can just simply add a optical glow and here I can make the size 1000 and make the amount maybe five that's it let me make this Alpha from extended and yeah this is pretty much it you can see OMG this looks a little weird whoa whoa whoa what is going on anyway so uh let me hide this and this is the default one okay and select this and maybe I can add brightness and contrast node in increase the brightness little bit and also the contrast let me make you start from here so on top of this maybe you can add a new adjustment layer and apply here you can see in our scene there is a blue tone and also here the blue tone so maybe I can just simply add Hue and saturation and maybe just down the saturation until it's little bit matching with this original color in our scene and by the way if you'll move your cursor and enable info you will see RGB and Alpha value here and here so this will help you to you know match things so looks good let's add a lumetri effect over here it's I'm doing color correction for everything like this render n also for this footage so maybe I'll just simply add a little bit of shadow add a contrast down the white a bit or just increase it go to the creative and increase the Vibrance in a saturation little bit okay I'll go to the curse here and things are looking pretty okay so maybe again this point out this green and [Music] all right so this is pretty much it about the tutorial [Music] I hope now you can make your visual effect one level up and please tag me whenever you make something and don't forget to check out our course modern visual effect and guys I will really appreciate if you will hit the like button and if you will share this tutorial to your circle and if you enjoy this please hit the Subscribe button so it will help me to grow a little bit fast so thanks a lot for watching this tutorial thanks for loving me I am mp3d and I will see you next time with amazing tutorial [Music] foreign
Channel: NPS 3D™
Views: 345,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender vfx tutorial, blender vfx, vfx, blender camera tracking, blender vfx breakdown, first vfx in blender, how to make vfx, blender 3d tracking tutorial, b3d, cgi, how to make vfx in blender, blender first vfx video, blender vfx basics, blender beginner tutorial, blender 3.3 tutorial, Blender and vfx, Best blender course, Blender vfx course, how to make visual effects, ae2blend, blender commercial ad vfx, CGI Ads Using VFX in Blender, blender cgi ad vfx
Id: o3kCQEg2SBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 15sec (1875 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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