Vet Reacts *Look Away, Rome Has Fallen* The Last Stand – The 1527 Sack of Rome – Sabaton History 044

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cheers and salutations welcome one and all to Americans learn my name is kit please be sure to like comment share and subscribe and hit that ring bell notification that way all of you are made aware when we upload new content Upon Our YouTube channel and today today today today today we have ourselves a fun video titled The Last Stand the 1527 sack of Rome Sabaton history number 44 so Sabaton history's been delivering and when I saw the sack of Rome oh my heart broke for a second I almost had flashbacks to an unbiased history which was a great Channel good stuff but I was saddened when they got to the fall of Rome and to think that Rome would be sacked again and again and again and again oh what a nightmare Caesar and Augustus and may He rest in peace for all eternity the world let you down orelien are rolling in their graves with shame that Rome would be sad act so look folks we hear at Americans learn uh want you to support the original content creators Sabaton history does great work the original link to the video and yes the music video are in the description box below so you know the rules first we get our learn on and then we play some music cuz that's how we roll so grab yourself a tasty snack and a tasty beverage and let's find out about the Last Stand the 1527 sack of Rome Sabaton history oh great aelan don't look don't look aelan don't [Music] look I'm Indie nidel and I'm p lionhart and I'm here to talk about the Crusades they were so exciting times and uh I can't imagine the Last Stand in the Crusader times it was like so damn cool to be a crusader at that time Crusaders they are the most important thing in sabbaton life Crusaders Crusades all of that Crusades Crusade you know what that's uh that's just putting some warmth in my belly for a good old Warhammer 40K Crusade I'll roll with the black Templar we got a crusade to do let's get to it Crusades and moread yesus we got more Crusades Crusades Crusades Crusade um look if you're a fan of this channel if you're a fan of Sabaton history just write one word Crusade that's it it's all that's all I'm going to ask you to do Crusade Crusade Crusade Crusade man come on Crusade Crusade hey did you know that the Knights of the Templar order might have founded Switzerland when Pope Clement V declared in the early 1300 unds that all Templar knights were Heretics and should be killed many of them fled France taking their huge treasury with them the Templars shrewd Bankers may have brought their treasure and their military expertise to a loose Confederation of poor Farmers just over the French border well okay that may actually be just a myth but what if it was true right I mean I mean look at the Swiss flag quite similar to the Templars cross if you swap the colors right H just saying anyhow I will get back back to factual history now over 200 years later too Rome November 1523 the whole Vatican seemed like like one big building site trying to reinvent itself with classical palaces and basilicas the city was quite Cosmopolitan where pilgrims and travelers mingled with people from all over Europe but the mood just now was tense hushed voices spoke of the ongoing deadlock within the conclave of cardinals trying to choose a new pope busy F feet shuffled under the ceiling of the cinee chapel where Michelangelo's new ceiling Fresco barely got any attention so focused was everyone on the decision at hand several seemingly suitable Cardinals were proposed but none could win and it looked like it would all come down to the two candidates supported by the two great powers in the European World okay for centuries Italy and the Vatican had been the real life chess board for the ambition of Kings by now a new crisis was developing between Francis the of France and Holy Roman Emperor Charles I Charles was pretty much the most powerful ruler in Europe since the days of Charlemagne 700 years earlier and that certainly went to his head he saw himself not only as divinely appointed ruler but as the one and only Christian ruler of Europe whose Duty it was to dominate France and then unite Christendom under his Banner Julio deedi was the papal candidate Charles supported and on November 16th he was elected and became Pope Clement iith everything seemed perfect but as it would soon turn out nothing is ever perfect nothing is ever over nothing is ever what it seems to be Clement II's papacy would actually be one of the worst in history and this is really saying something but it began by Clement trying to be a good Pope Pope Leo I 10th Clement's predecessor had been very popular in the Italian Peninsula and for a simple reason he behaved less like a pope and more like an old Roman Emperor he was a lavish spender and a Playboy who threw wild parties and extravagant Banquets unlike Leo Clement wanted to reign with Scholars and clerics with with fasts and actual religious obligations I can't help but remember that great show uh that was on Showtime the boras uh Jeremy Michael irons did a great job representing uh Pope Alexander and the head of the Borgia family great show only three seasons how can it end like that season one and two were great season three F little rush surprisingly this made him deeply unpopular with the clergy in Rome now now now this was a problem but but he still had the emperor on his side right I mean all he had to do was not agitate his Royal benefactor which he promptly did Charles was fighting a war against France in Northern Italy and rumors reached his ears that Clement had been secretly in contact with the cities of Venice and Milan to form a defensive pack with Rome in case things went bad for the Holy Roman Empire Charles was a bit irritated by that backdoor dealing but okay fair enough you know plans for the future right okay he understood but when secret peace negotiations between Clement and France were suddenly not so secret anymore Charles was Furious this this was outright treason fuming with anger he even proclaimed that this this Martin Luther guy in all the news actually might have had a point with his hatred for the papacy remember we are hey remember that Martin luer guy yeah yeah no no I think he was on to something man post this on my Facebook uh your majesty that that doesn't exist yet well then make it you [ __ ] invent it I don't think I'm the person that's supposed to invent it all right that's it everyone hang them hang hang this adviser of mine right at the beginning of the reformation and Luther had only been condemned as an Outlaw by Charles two years ago okay after the decisive Battle of Pavia in 1525 where the French received a complete mauling by the Imperial forces with Fran is even being captured Charles gave his commander in Italy Constable borbon another task with 5,000 Spanish troops he should go south and have a little chat with the Pope but gorg Von fresberg the famous German military commander would rather see Clement hanged for his treachery and he himself raised over 10 ,000 German Lans conecta out of his own pocket and while the Spaniards were relatively disciplined the Lans cona were emphatically not soldiers For Hire loyal only to their pay and many won over by Martin Luther's words they were all too eager to get their hands on the wealth of the Catholic church in ofly in the of Christianity the seed of power is in danger of a thousand Souls they' been abandoned by the Lord Grace will P their to the in early 1527 bourbon's 5,000 Spanish and fur's 10,000 Germans linked up with other mercenaries eager for loot but then fburg suffered a stroke and return North now bourbon stranded in Italy and trying to control both companies for which he didn't really have the money was left with only one option moved swiftly forward and loot Rome so by May the 5th around 20,000 Imperials were knocking on Rome's front door the spirito gate bourbon himself wearing a bright white cloak over his armor ordered his troops to build ladders and scale the walls but they were fired upon by arabas and light artillery and took heavy losses see fortified cities could not be easily stormed at the time not without heavy artillery and bourbon's army had none and while the Garrison of Rome defended its walls Pope Clement could still rely on the elite soldiers of the Italian black bands and his personal protectors the 189 man strong Swiss guard Swiss mercenaries were extraordinarily good soldiers and highly valued all across Europe but while the Defenders were busy pouring boiling liquid onto the mass of attackers a dense fog suddenly fell it became so thick that the men could barely see each other and the Defenders on the walls were were firing blindly realizing his chance bourbon ran forward holding one of the ladders himself and urging his troops onward but he was hit and killed instantly news of his death spread rapidly and the initial confusion in the ranks of the attackers turned into a Lust For revenge for killing their leader and more importantly their paymaster the imper our leader died dude he was paying us money man oh crap let's go kill these bastards Arial surged forward and their numbers overwhelmed The Defenders with the gates then thrown open for the rest of the Imperials the defense of Rome collapsed the Invaders swarmed look away ghost of aelian Look Away over the city and with bbon dead there was there was no authority to even try to restrain them if that was even possible by this point the black bands were routed while the Swiss guard gathered at the obelisk in front of St Peters readying themselves for a Last Stand near the tonic Cemetery it was their duty to fight and die for the pope safety and so they did armed with hell birds and swords in their hands and faith in their hearts they waited for the final battle on the steps of St peters's stand firm therefore having girded your loins with truth and having put on the breastplate of righteousness and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace in addition to all taking up the shield of faith not that much is known about the actual fighting heavily outnumbered they stood true to their vows and formed a defensive wall of Hell birds in front of St peters's in a fight they could not hope to win the men of the Swiss guard were gradually overwhelmed and slaughtered still their sacrifice gave the pope enough time to escape through a secret passage accompanied by 42 survivors of the 189 they ran across the petto de Borgo up to the Castel santangelo more and more of the Guard died along the way fending off the pursuing Imperials the last few Still Standing made it into the Castello with the Pope and then they could fire heavy artillery and falconets into the mass of attackers preventing the Castello from being overwhelmed the pope and those closest to him were safe thanks to the sacrifice of the Swiss guard 189 in the service of the [Music] holy but a horrible Massacre was unfolding down below as the Imperials The Mercenaries made their way through the city no one was spared their wrath not women not children not the clergy nor the holy sites monks and Priests were brutally killed nuns were raped on sacred altars people were cut beaten and branded their teeth and Nails pulled out for the information about their valuables sources speak of molten lead being poured down throats and severed testicles in the streets tombs were looted holy relics were carried away often by famous artists and noblemen who now served as Porters for the soldiers from high above Pope Clement was forced to look upon the destruction that he was unable to prevent he grew a beard as a sign of mourning it would take until February 1528 that the last of the barbaric Invaders had left Rome what they left behind was a city in Ruins with dead by the thousands floating in the river it would take decades for Rome to recover the City's population was reduced by some 80% and it is seen by many as the end of the Italian Renaissance but the sack of Rome affected more than just the city afterwards Clement was no longer able to oppose Charles's Ambitions and a religious power shift away from the pope and toward the emperor had lasting consequences for all of Europe for example the pope at Charles Direction refused to anull the marriage of Charles Aunt Katherine of Aragorn to England's Henry VII which kicked off the English Reformation the split in Continental Europe between Protestant and Catholic was made permanent by the sack and Martin Luther even pointed out Christ Reigns in such a way that the Emperor who persecutes Luther for the pope is forced to destroy the pope for Luther wow and while that's a bit General the power of the papacy was diminished afterwards even as the Inquisition grew under Charles's son Philip II the rift between Catholic and Protestant would culminate in the 30 Years War about which Sabaton wrote several songs on the carolus Rex album and as for their heroic fighting of the Swiss guard it would go down in history as one of the great last stands and left them with the Everlasting gratitude of the papacy and to this day the Swiss guard still in their traditional garb nearly 500 years later serves as the honor guard of the Pope for the might of the Lord for the home of the Holy for the F for the way of the s give the light so ho for the gra for the might of the Lord in the name of his glory for the F for again so I know a bunch of people are going to be wondering why we started this episode with Crusades Crusades Crusades Crusades but it's not about the Crusades no it's a meme it became a meme I guess somebody misunderstood the memes are delicious the song or too many people started misunderstanding the song so our lovely Sabaton fans instead of bashing them and you know trolling them on the Internet made memes about them instead now do you have a whole bunch of memes of yours yeah there's been a few over the years uh I think this one and well the wing to SS oh yeah but that's that's see I knew that one I didn't know this one though so it's even sometimes going only in in text form you don't even need a picture sometimes you are on Reddit reading about a totally different topic and then somebody El writes and then the wing to s arrived yeah we've seen that in our comments a lot over over the last what eight months or so we've been doing this show or more than that now um i' I've been fortunate enough fortunate enough to to have a couple of memes done about me more with the Great War because it was longer than World War II one and my favorite one and we're going to put a picture of it in here uh we were at the tank Museum bovington and David Willie the director of the tank Museum there very eloquent guy knows his stuff popular he's really good camera we know were doing interviews and stuff and somebody got this photo of it and they put this find someone who looks at you like David looks at Indie a now that's a crusade that I hope someday to be to have or someone to crusade to look look at me that way that's that is that is that is just beautiful back but um and what about what about the actual song itself beyond the memes beyond the memes was actually the first song written with the Chris uh one of the most popular from that album uh really nice vibe to it I don't know what it is it's really sabbaton if you listen to it you know it you don't even have to wait for the sort of the vocals to start you will know it's a Sabaton song Only from you mean from this part right here yes that's what I mean that's the part you mean yeah I think you pretty much got that so would could you say I mean not would you want to say but could you say if you had to say could you pick a single 10c thing of a Sabbath on song or they that's us and that that defines us or that too much I can no I can but it's not going to be this song it's going to be Victoria okay okay through the gates of hell as we make our way to heaven through the Nazi lines and then the choir Victoria we can hear that too see now you got man they get they get a bonus today they get all kinds of stuff oh yeah yeah you kid you know we're starting to spoil you guys yeah we're generous guys yeah generous it's not too long it's only a couple months away before this channel will be a year old oh yeah that's right I know we started our first episode came out February 7th H it feels much shorter than that I can tell you yeah but we've we've done dozens of episodes and we've got dozens more it's kind of cool yeah hopefully we'll be able to do one of every Sabbath I would I would like that very much and if you guys have anything special you'd like to see for our oneye anniversary when it comes we may as well start talking about that now they're going start asking for bloopers you know that oh well we don't have any bloopers do we no bloopers none we delete it all trust me delete it all damn dud my life is a blooper okay no we do have some great bloopers I mean none that involve him they only involve per exactly actually that'd be funny if we only released PA bloopers as our whole on you're thing ladies and gentlemen here's P oh that'd be brilliant uh okay well as long as we're getting off topic I suppose that is it for today for Sabbath on history yes it is I think yes all right well we'll see you next time rock and [Music] roll for the for the way of the come tell the story come [Music] the all right that's it for this week thank you for watching and hopefully you can help us out here now so we want to keep this going it's a lot of fun to do but it takes some doing so you need to click on notifications you got to subscribe and if you can we would love it if you would become a patreon and help us out great so hopefully until we meet again next week awesome awesome so you know what the rules are uh first pleas please please please the original link to this video is in the description box below it's the right thing to do it's the one thing to do but since you sat there and got your learn on time for a treat saaton The Last Stand let's learn about it let's hear it and you know the rules I'm going to play the song it's full entirety so let's get ready to enjoy it and check this video out in a three a two a one and I'll give my final thoughts at the [Music] end [Music] [Music] I'm [Music] in the heart of the Holy sea in the home of Christianity the seed of power is in danger there's a PO of a thousand swords they've been abandoned by the Lords From Grace will pay their path to the nation and the 189 in the service of Heaven they protecting the holy line 1527 right on the to Heaven th will be done for the gra for the might of the Lord for the home of the Holy for the FI for the way of the S give the light so holy for the gra for the might of Our Lord in the name of his glory for the F for the way of the sword come and tell the story again on the god of 42 how long mer see secet Avenue S tangelo is Wai let the god of the Holy SE let the gods of Christianity the through mystory is PA with salvation let the 189 in the service of Heaven they Pro in the Holy line was 1527 give the right on the step to Heaven they will be done for the grace for the might of the Lord for the home of the Holy for the fith for the way of the sword give the light so ho for the gra for the might of the Lord in the name of his glory for the fith for the way of the sword come and tell the story [Music] iation with dedication no capitulation anation iation reation is your destination foration with dedication no capitulation anation Commendation recation is your destination in the name of God for the grace for the might of the Lord for the home of the Holy for the gra for the way of the Soul give the right B for the graceful and might of the Lord in the name of his glory for the fith for the way of the souls come and tell the story give the light the story again Perfect song for Christmas why not uh first of all uh outstanding information and um I guess a breakdown of the 1527 sack of Rome now I've never knew about this sacka and unfortunately um you know hey there's there there's a lot of stuff that flies under my radar but this is uh captured much of my attention and I'm so curious now to learn more about the ramifications because this is what led up to the rise of protest to to the Protestant Faith uh faith faith not faith faith had a little study there I'm I'm I'm very sorry uh it also uh led to the papal SE losing its power and well I guess one action in time leads a leads to a huge ripple effect so there are always consequen quences and repercussions for actions and choices being made um it's brutal to hear about what happened to the citizens and the people who were unable to get protection or leave the city in time um that amount of Destruction completely unnecessary and those mercenaries behaved in the way mercenaries do um which again I have to agree with uh many points that are that is in the Fantastic book The prince the prince and there's also the subsequent follow book The discourses but in the prince um it describes the author describes how mercenaries should never be relied upon they're loyal to the coin and they're just overall bad news so that's the thing uh however uh knowing what the Holy Roman army was trying to do and as it tried to sack Rome the Swiss guard made their heroic stand their last stand and I am curious now about further information about about whether or not the Swiss guard can trace its roots and Origins to maybe to a handful of night Templar that possibly might have escaped to Switzerland and well their the Legacy they left behind was their Elite Training because for those who don't know the Knights Templar were in many ways the elite military force of the time until they were burnt and by the way final word Crusade Crusade Crusade Crusade Crusade Crusade listen we play the music video which again I have to say 10 out of 10 if that doesn't warrant in the comment section Crusade or if you didn't get your learn on type Crusade and go on a crusade for learning all right and if you're a Warhammer 40K fan in the name of the black Templar you have to go on a crusade make it happen make make it a spiritual Crusade an educational Crusade and since we are in the merry month of December the final year of 2023 may this year I want to forget 2023 so there we go I that's how I feel about it but let's push forward for a better world a better future and final note Crusade keep on crusading
Channel: AmericansLearn
Views: 3,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, chicago, family friendly, real estate, investment, watch, reaction, first time, blind, first time reaction, america, history, learning, food, drink
Id: xRmoAC6-5WA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 7sec (1687 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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