Goldeneye (1995) Reaction | First Time Watching

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[Music] thank you hey everyone welcome back to flicks2s thank you so much for joining us hi guys uh we're back with James Bond today this is Goldeneye first one with Pierce Brosnan how many does he do do you know at least three or four oh wow yeah okay yeah last last one was was really really good I enjoyed it a lot very good yeah check out Timothy Dalton only two but yeah I wish he had done more but but like both of his films were pretty great top-notch yeah sure he sort of made an impact and whatnot he will be he will be missed you know he's a contender from my favorite Bond actor right now yeah but uh no I've heard a lot of good things about Pierce Brosnan and this movie will be in particular I I think I I just keep seeing it then like like the among the top like best Bond films ever oh or like people's favorites at least yeah oh good uh I'm sorry no Pierce Brosnan isn't it obviously I don't know kind of what anyone else like I don't know the Bond girl do you know any sort of song named GoldenEye or not not with not called Golden Eye I don't think maybe I hear it maybe this will say and whatnot but I mean no I mean like the last one was 1989 so I want to say this is like we're starting in the 90s probably so we're getting a little bit more modern and modern but uh no last one was really good I hope the fierce person can kind of bring it the same way Timothy Dalton could yeah and uh yeah I'm just kind of excited to see what uh the New Horizon offers that's right so yeah without further Ado let's check it out there he is oh yeah there's that handsome devil a Dapper figure here Just For the Love of Odin don't let him sing yeah repel down the dam here oh that'd be cool kind of looked like Tom Cruise for a second yeah now him I would expect to actually repel down the Hoover Dam oh no oh could never in a million years ever you could pay me a million dollars I couldn't do it my body wouldn't let me whoa that's an amazing stunt yes it's kind of like that one Roger Moore one when like the he was on skis and whoever like the stun person was like jumped off the cliff yeah we followed them for like a long way down oh oh no he's got it but like just the sure amount of time we saw them doing it like just impressive oh okay I didn't well it's funny where then like the USSR and like depending on when this movie came out in only like a year maybe less than that the Soviet Union will collapse oh yeah right so I'm alone or I'm here a Sunbeam look how young just up in the Box yeah ready to save the world again oh after you double o six another double oh that's cool well if his history is anything you'll be dead soon I like how in the last say like seven or eight movies uh we've been seeing more of the Double O's yes true because for like the first like wow because they killed them well they just like I said mentioned them yeah it was like oh there's there's people besides Bond yeah that's true yeah yeah how come he's seven what are the other six yeah set time is six minutes six minutes check shoot in there I don't think oh shut the door Alec there's a draft no Alec already I didn't see anything though either he's dead or he ditched him it's not a double is he move out throw down your weapon and walk towards me slowly finish the job James blow them all to Hell you'll have 10 seconds nine three two for England James oh no what the hell yeah so I'm being presented like for three minutes I hope he was paid well for the day of filming you can't win [Music] holy crap and it's gonna blow in like a minute yeah you better get out of there oh look at this WOW right off the end yeah I'm aircraft carrier oh oh no ouchy oh [Music] a glorious 90 CG [Music] oh [Music] yep the classic Trope yeah flip their place and took their plane just fly back over for you oh Fancy Johnson oh Famke Jensen Lenore oh Joe Don Baker again oh whoa we call train Hagrid that sounds oh wow Maria did you know that M changed to a woman uh I think so yeah even though it's Tina Turner here we go written by Bono oh wow all the Hammers and sickles and Lenin I mean Russia is going to be more Focus again yeah oh there she is who's that the next goal [Music] yeah what's her name Kate Johnson oh is it yeah oopsie [Music] oh actually she had lots of open space for that um toast your evaluation shall we a very thorough evaluation [Music] particular passes evaluation I was going to say he's being you know he's under a microscope so best perform as best he can get Bluff for no six Madam loses might as well be watching Quidditch but I understand Quidditch his name's bone James Bond s on the top on the top oh okay throw that in there today Ivana Ivana that's probably where they got there yeah and I've on the toilet might have solid gold but it's not in the car now is it good night James I trust you'll stay on a top of things [Applause] oh speaking of really into this Admiral I I guess so yeah oh God she's gonna eat him or something Jesus like an animal yeah huh I can't breathe oh she's killing it [ __ ] yeah she's oh her her legs squeezing the life out of them Canadian did you see that oh [ __ ] don't be killing our Canadians no are you a [ __ ] laughs uh uniquely maneuverable the tiger not only uses stealth technology oh here we go it is the only helicopter to be hardened against all forms of electronic interference radio jamming and electromagnetic radiation oh and she used to be a fighter pilot so we're another yeah [Applause] has a certain sway to his hips now foreign coming up space weapons wow I'm gonna Rush ahead any supposed to be flag broke by this point yeah is that one coming oh [ __ ] I saw the name and I was like can't be him but it is him it's floop yeah I thought I'd post it on the internet no what's the password yeah the internet is a thing now yeah it's so funny U.S Department of Justice do you know what will happen if our first Studio at a hacker in a Bond movie right yep oh is that the tiger yeah oh that like colonel from the beginning yeah this is an unscheduled test of the sevenire facility major wall simulation we're going to test fire GoldenEye report your status oh so golden eyes like a weapon okay good thank you oh okay [Music] who's she working for then yeah like if this is like he's a Russian general yeah but I guess he's foreign yeah must have gotten independent or something that little gem thing makes me think of like a kyber crystal usually used in the Death Star e foreign we found a match you're missing tiger in the middle of Northern Russia seems your hunt was right 007 is too badly yes uh play it you had me isn't she no no I was just uh just good because if I want sarcasm Mr Tanner I'll talk to my children thank you very much it is nice to see a woman instead of a whole bunch of crusty old men with uh overgrown eyebrows yeah are these pictures live unlike the American government we prefer not to get our bad news from CNN oh nice one oh good girl oh oh that was clever this place yeah we don't know what the weapon does and the migs are coming in yeah right uh oh or maybe not oh it's like a like an EMP weapon electromagnetic pulse oh because they talked about the tiger being like sort of like secured against like Electro pulse or whatever right yes because like in the age of electronics and digital Warfare EMP is one of the most like devastating things you can use yeah oh God this poor woman yeah oh no oh she is having the worst day God yes she said for cup of tea and look what happened oh I guess Alan [ __ ] died too eh yeah they probably killed him first on the way in hey Sean Bean coming just a quick few minutes each yeah then what's she gonna do and she's out well you can't stay in there either well no but he's in like the middle of nowhere like Siberia yeah thank you James will be here in a minute to rescue her must be an accident no the helicopter if you wanted to steal the golden eye was the perfect getaway vehicle setting off the blast was the ideal way to wipe out any Trace okay maybe they took some sort of key component so they could ah because they said there were two GoldenEye satellites right they just fired one yeah the prime minister's talked to Moscow they're saying it was an accident during a routine training exercise governments change the lies stay the same isn't that the truth you don't like me Bond you don't like my methods you think I'm an accountant a bean counter more interested in my numbers in your instincts the thought had occurred to me good because I think you're a sexist misogynist dinosaur a relic of the Cold War whose boyish charms are wasted on me obviously appealed to that young woman I sent out to evaluate you if you think for one moment I don't have the balls send a Man Out To Die your instincts are dead wrong like her avenging Alec dravilion will not bring him back you didn't get him killed neither did you don't make it personal um well that's a neat way to kind of reference the last movie which is all about uh Revenge yeah okay new him making their presence felt good morning there he is about the leg skiing hunting well God damn he's still got it I'm so happy to see him yeah typical leather back I'm familiar with that device not one with a 75 foot repelling cord built into the bucket oh wow far and outshoots a pita followed by a high tensor wire designed it's like Batman's utility belt yeah it's tested for one doubles oh no someone should help that guy three clicks arms the four second fuse another three disarms it oh grow up don't lose him also the pen was mightier than the sword but thanks to me they were right [Music] don't say it the writing's on the wall s dude he's trying to turn some of this equipment in pristine order yeah I'm so happy he's stuck through these movies I wonder which one's this last one yeah I mean he looks pretty old here so right though yeah oh there he is Joe Don Baker okay is it gonna be like an ally this time well you know about Janice the best thing I can do is point you in the direction of his competition on xkg big guy gold uh percussive maintenance yeah you know him I gave him the limp oh loving these like spy movies when they sort of allude to like previous incidents or history like in red is like kronesky trained you yeah I traded kardesky yeah there he is oh how did he get out they must have taken him not sure if I trust him though yeah I don't know how did he get to where he's at oh there he is I thought he was wearing this yes hello oh [ __ ] he is with her yeah he was the inside man that they mentioned the market economies Walter PPK 7.65 millimeter only three men I know use such a gun I believe I've killed two of them uh it's okay to say rabbit Coltrane again yeah yeah Minnie Driver [Music] this is loaded with stars like just before you said that I'm like I swear I've seen her before it was random star Sean Bean yeah driver Robbie Coulter how long the winter lusts in this country remember uh I want you to set me up with the honest view stole a helicopter I have six three none that fly sculpting then that fly that's a pointer Giannis I never met a man but I know he's all young the end of the war the liens Cossacks surrender to the politician Australia believing they would join your government and wage war against the Communists but the British betrayed them sent them back to Stalin who promptly had them all [ __ ] that sounds about right actually yeah foreign that depends on your definition of safe sex [Laughter] ual James I possibly the first person in history with a libido stronger than him oh Jesus like thunder thigh is gonna crush him yeah there we go make her let go sorry so I'm like what can he do okay anything worse no no no [Music] no take me to Janice hello James Sean Bean no yes no he's a double agent oh Alec back from the dead no longer just an anonymous start on the memorial wall at MI6 damn did you ever ask why why we toppled all those dictators undermined all those regimes only to come home well done good job but sorry old boy everything you risked your life and lympho has changed how did the MI6 screening miss that your parents were Lance Cossacks um misplaced they knew we're both orphans James but where your parents had the luxury of dying in a climbing accident oh my father couldn't let himself or my mother live with the shame of it in my six figured I was too young to remember the son went to work for the government whose betrayal who was the father to kill himself and his wife and 007's loyalty was always to the mission to his friend this is really interesting last call oh yeah like a double o turning Trader yeah and it's so funny because this whole plot makes me think of the uh Buzz Lightyear movie oh really the same thing happened like partner dies in the beginning but then he turns out to be a villain then oh there she is I'm here oh are they in the tiger oh I think so [Music] why the coyote style yeah all right man there we go the whole thing goes nice little kind of ejector capsule are we um the things we do for a frequent flyer mileage you either take your chances with me or your fellow perfect chance on me I don't even know your name good morning Mr bone sin the minister right defense minister yeah General room of set off the weapon I saw him do it defense minister I must protest my investigation from what I'm hearing it is you who's out of order to you God there we go defense minister between Michigan Elder Barnes gun yeah God oh good job yeah oh it does look kind of bad though oh yeah and they did not scrimp on the bullet effects for this movie [Music] I'm Chris Boris here somewhere right yeah or no he's he would be at wherever the yeah oh cut the grenade can oh no oh crap [Music] [Music] I have to get her at another time then look at that smash their window not a mark on him that's right yeah through the wall there we go out yeah excuse me there it is yeah that's so cool oh how much did they wreck outside and it reminds me of something out of Uncharted oh really yeah and each of the games are sort of chased by something big like a truck or whatever and it's like you're usually the camera's facing this way you have to like Escape while it's like turned down talk about Sean beanie that was yeah well at the beginning I was going to say why does it say starring yeah there for like three minutes same without coming right he's doing it more yeah he's still alive [Music] Soviet Russia the traffic jams you [Music] know poor guys just for poor civilians here he is a product replacement yeah those are all empty yeah right there's no water anywhere oh no the cheese and sketches [Music] that's like when Austin Powers like drove his current and I love Godzilla statue and gold member yeah yeah oh no [Music] oh good timing oh cheers with her gorilla de Ville jacket yeah oh they talked about one of those armored trains for like the missiles like that's like where Janos has headquartered now James and I shared everything do you like it where we're going is he gonna he's got fire on the train yeah yeah he's right there oh there we go now that train is armored but yeah it was the bridge well done ah there he is hello old friend good boy and die you first a room off what is this cause I promised you you knew didn't you you said oh killer she means nothing to me um see you in hell James oh damn you missed them though yeah my bodies is online backing up his files uh his own trick she watched him yeah um yeah what do you say you sit on it but but you don't take it with you yeah board games it's what I sit on but I don't take it with me sure like I said oh thank you Havana no no Jason run away whoa do you destroy every vehicle you get into standard operating procedure boys with toys hmm it's beautiful that that girly yeah do you recognize her from anything else sure but it's very striking to look at mm-hmm send me are there any other standard operating procedures I should be aware of Commander in a near-death experience you know a good dose of adrenaline good to go in oh a little gift from all uh he's not a gym baller Jimmy the CIA is no knowledge no involvement absolutely nothing to do with your insertion into Cuba if you catch my drift yes I do perfectly reported a flame from a friend of mine the DEA it's a duplicate of silver Naya like your secret transmitter is in New Zealand I've never been in New Zealand American style that is Brendan colleague look at that's gorgeous beautiful they'd know all your moves right exactly because they were trained the same way and worked with you water right remember that one that other one was right there one like in a volcano kind of thing and then it opened up blofeld had one yeah [ __ ] well I guess that answers that question thank you wow that plane did not last long no you say you borrowed it from the DEA they're playing back oh guess who jeez [ __ ] again wait till we can kick her ass you should just kind of dressed like a character from Red Alert pleasure will be all mine what is up with these villains and their lacks of consent oh no there we go [Music] oh it's detached to the Rope there we go oh probably should move wow she's just knocked out I mean to deal with her again later impact like that might have broken her back like the amount of pressure a helicopter can exert yeah she's toast I think so she always did enjoy a good squeeze oh yeah that was nice she said that didn't I yeah [Music] all part of like a whole satellite it's kind of a similar setup to seti yeah Target coordinates Target is London oh then they're asking for like a ransom probably [Music] she's moving well she can do the computer oh [ __ ] [Music] that's gonna make a big mess yeah once again one of these bad guys has all of these people working for him so how is it with you oh that's his pen right do his usual tricks watch a new model still press here do I um turn it off I think so you broke into the bank of England via computer then transfer the money electronically just seconds before you set off the ah cover up any trays yeah in the end you're just a bank robber nothing more than a common Thief I'm an exceptional Thief Mrs McLean and also mad little Ali can settle a score with the world oh please James spare me the Freud I might as well ask you if all the Vodka martinis ever silenced the screams of all the men you've killed or if you find forgiveness in the arms of all those willing women for all the dead ones you fail to protect Natalia hit him there we go yeah beat the [ __ ] out of him he's Scrappy too she is yeah well after she's met her so much he's still spinning wrong PIN [Music] foreign doesn't even have access to the filing codes oh you were saying yeah okay take it out of alignment go ahead shoot him oh that's nothing to me I can do it two and let's do three didn't he yeah oh nice [Music] should be dead this time oh [ __ ] come on B now but once again we're destroying the giant facility that yeah bad guy spent years crazy have some trouble there are you my dudes the whole place is on fire yeah you'll need more extinguishers than that [Music] it's so interesting that the bad guy is one of their own yes that's so cool terrible shots out here though wow like a Cirque du Soleil move yeah [Music] [Laughter] that's not a backup plan yeah [Music] equal forces here [Music] small space too yeah fighting [Music] yeah it's a really claustrophobic yes yeah and they have to choreograph it in that small space eh yeah this is a really cool fight I just love like the intensity yeah and the fact that like they're equally trained yeah oh okay uh you know James I was always better wow I mean they land at the bottom though ouch oh that would hurt janglier skeleton there [Music] oh here it comes [Music] I like this music yeah [Music] he's getting this [ __ ] kicked out of him this time I love it when the villain is it someone able to go say like toe-to-toe with him in a fight yeah because like the the most of the villains are like thinking non-fighters who have like a minion to it exactly yeah they just paid sometimes to do it that can be cool but like we don't get this as much as much ah there we go oh oh why is he holding on to him yeah yeah he's too far gone yeah for England James no yeah oh oh that was good oh Jesus there goes uh Misha I think yeah how the hell did he survive that fall you'd be in little pieces he'd be peace yeah and all the Minions are out of a job oh there we go [Music] that was a little extra touchy oh yep Sean Bean does die in almost everything except for National Treasure and the Martian oh true yeah everything else yeah yes I am invincible was that like liquid nitrogen or something oh yeah there you go oh [Music] thank God Solid Ground yeah I suppose someone is watching satellite there's no more than 25 miles [Music] oh there he is son of a [ __ ] whoa It's like three helicopters ah there's the end yeah oh Isabella scrubs yeah she was really good it's funny money pennies actors her last name is Bond oh that's cool it was really good that was good it was very good there was no well there was no Ridiculousness in it or yeah okay so that was GoldenEye that was good that was very good that you know for being like a two-hour movie that really didn't feel like two hours ago it really it went by at a really good pace and yeah Pierce brosn like he I thought he was really good yeah like like the man just like oozes charm and Charisma like it's you know yeah so he's really really suited for the role that way no I I like the way the women worked out in this one that's a crazy psycho [ __ ] yes and one of them actually had you know some smarts right the computer stuff and the yeah yeah well and it's it's uh because like like uh zenya like you know was one of the more say like like in terms of like her gimmick of say like uh you know say like squeezing guys or whatever with her legs and it's like because most of the other like say villains or minions or have been like let's just say like assassins who happens like blonde or whatever it's like like I mean she's up there would say like odd job from Goldfinger in terms of like unique unique hit like Hitman or hit women yes that like are very just like they stand out in their profession yeah well and I love that he didn't end up sleeping with her right he I mean there was that there's like thing in the around the pool in the steam room or whatever there's like I wasn't trying to it was just there was like defense there was like sexual tension but it was very violent yes she seemed like she had a lot of fun in that role like absolutely like wild batshit insane they didn't really show us when the general died did they well uh Bond I think shot him in the train oh because remember he said you have time for one shot um he turned around shot him oh great to rescue her and then Alec and then you got away to get her right and then was that say like like you said with like the his sort of compound at the end and then they took oh every villain has all these people working for him so I I almost want to say like the general maybe probably facilitated a lot of that because he's like high-ranking like Soviet official so he may be like and those guys were all kind of speaking Russian yeah so it's like he sort of had the general kind of do this and Alex said like the main like backer or whatever type of thing yeah but uh no like I mean Sean Bean did really good is like as a villain surprising though right yeah and it was like oh okay he died wow kind of a cameo almost and then oh that guy well like I said just it reminds me so much of the Buzz Lightyear movie because that's exactly what happens like his his partner dies when they're fighting zerg's forces he is sort of heartbroken never takes another partner again and then but he's sort of forced too so they made some of the other Heroes yeah some of the other Heroes and then he finds out his partner is now like zerg's like right-hand man and he has to fight him and it's just so funny the similarities there yeah but uh yeah and it was just it was it's funny too because like all of his speeches of say like you know for being like let's say left behind him his parents were betrayed like all of his like you know Grand speeches on like betrayal or whatever it's just like you could tell it's it's just like a veneer like justifying yes greed and you know like he's just like a psychopath or whatever like when he's like with her saying it like oh you know she tastes like strawberries and all that stuff like he he's just out for himself yeah type of thing and it's like he and James you know they definitely have done questionable things for their governments I mean that's what like spies do yeah but it's like he was he was tired of say like not getting kind of like properly kind of paid for it or like his contribution to recognized yeah like on like a regular government salary he wanted more glory and stuff than what he was getting and he wanted like a happy retirement but and that was a good one-liner it's like okay for England it's like no for me like yeah that was a nice little call back there yes that was good no yeah I've been having like a double O be a villain was a really really cool idea yeah because I think in it was it was I can't remember the name of it but the one Roger Moore won with uh Julian Glover when like the the Greek one um like at first he would say like an ally but he turned out to be the villain yeah but I think like with the benefit of hindsight because that actor has done more so like villainous roles that wasn't as much of a shock to us yeah as it would have been for our audiences back in the 80s or whatever that one was but this one here was a lot more shocking where it's like he's dead but it turns out he faked it and he's you know it's a lot more kind of effective sort of double cross but uh no that was golden eye ladies and gentlemen that was that was a lot of fun we've entered a new year Pierce Brosnan yeah first yet we've entered a new era of computers and the internet and oh and that's gonna that's gonna change everything you know in terms of like well and um Alec even sort of alluded to that like all of that work we did all the people we killed and it's the world we sort of helped shape is now outdated and because of the digital age like changes everything that's in terms and like the way that say like Nations commit like not Espionage but like like subterfuge oh yeah whatever and like the game has changed yeah for sure so it's interesting to see and I I love how kind of M referenced that with like I think you're you're a sexist like relic of the Cold War I look like a bygone era like the sort of What bond is and what he represents yeah in a new age so the show the shift yeah that was a lot of fun but now yeah if you guys want to watch the full length of my reaction I'll put a link down to our patreon below check out this and all the other movies and shows that we do uh we've got I think at least three more of Pierce Brosnan and then Daniel Craig is like five so okay probably about eight or nine I think we have left um uh if you enjoyed please like And subscribe it really helps us really helps the channel grow and uh yeah that's all we have for you today thanks for joining us guys bye bye thank you
Channel: Flix2Us
Views: 7,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: B8kUGMspFX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 17sec (2717 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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