Vet Reacts *RESPECT FRANCIS NAME* A Ghost in the Trenches–Francis Pegahmagabow – Sabaton History 018

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cheers and salutations welcome one and all to Americans learn my name is kit welcome one and all to our channel uh as you might tell this is a Sabaton history special so uh first of all this is uh again a huge shout out to all of you lovely people because you all of you taught us told us about Sabaton history and since we are checking out Sabaton history uh please be sure to support their original content and the link to this video is in the description box below so please help help help out their work uh but also more importantly what I want all of you to know is that uh you know when we do Sabaton history first we get our learn on and then we check out the music video so this video's title a ghost in the trenches Francis pegam magabo I think that's how you say his name Francis pegam magabo Seaton history number 18 that's right I'm still following an order so let's find out who the ghosts in trenches is uh Francis pegam magabo seems like a name to respect it's a pretty impressive name Francis Peg magabo Francis P magabo let's find out his story a ghost in the trenches so has to deal with trench warfare Let's uh check it out and get ready to play it so grab yourself a tasty snack and tasty beverage please be sure to support Sabaton and Sabaton history all right as a favor for me please do that so since I'm in charge of the ones and twos let's get ready to play and a three two a one I'm Indian idell and I'm Yim from Sabaton and this is Sabaton history the modern sniper came from World War I and our song ghost in the trenches is about the greatest sniper of the Great War raid after raid men charge Straight Into the Fire laying their lives down for a few feet of ground it is a costly and destructive tactic some men have found out that a single shot can be more efficient than a hail of bullets when directed from a sniper's sight like ghosts they sweep across the trenches with deadly Precision the modern concept of the sniper like so many other concepts of modern so I don't mean to pause it here but uh look that first world war was beyond brutal Beyond Madness the war to end all wars hearing some of the harrowing stories and what some of these men went through I know I I I I would probably be if I was there like I'd probably be the first one dead Dead on Arrival Modern War was born during the Great War more or less from day one in 1914 now there had of course been soldiers tasked with skillfully taking out the enemy before that in fact the English term Sharpshooter dates back to the Napoleonic Wars and appears in print for the first time in an article in the Edinburgh Advertiser from 1801 that in turn seems to be a literal translation of the German shaut that dates back to at least 1781 you see the bavarians and austrians of the time are already deploying skilled Hunters to take out selected individuals in the enemy line given the range and quality of their front-loaded guns and the nature of War being mostly advancing formations over open ground they're still doing this pretty much in direct sight though it's the development of better guns and more importantly better Scopes that enables the terrifying sudden death from Far Far Away by a single shot and in 1914 the Germans Pioneer the improved tactic by again employing skilled Hunters but now equipped with strong binoculars and high Precision sights although their guns are at first of average quality ranging effectively roughly 300 M they are soon equipped with a Mouser g98 rifle with a 1 kilometer or about 3,000 ft effective range the Germans weren't screwing around my God as Hunters they are not only skilled shots though but also experts in patiently waiting out their enemy from a camouflaged position as the war bogs down into the trenches these killers soon become a feared and very effective Ive threat at the time an average German sniper racks up 40 kills before he is unlucky enough to have his position vely estimated so he can be eliminated by a barrage of artillery shells coming down on him and anything that happens to be anywhere near him with a 40 to1 kill rate it doesn't take long for the Allies to copy the well first of all damn doing 40 kills and then you get zeroed in and that's how you die bombarded with uh artillery shells you get no open casket funeral you just die in the cold cold mud I don't wish that on anybody oh what a way to die oh what a horrible way to die German tactic so that most units in the trenches on both sides are accompanied by one or several Sharpshooters with long- Range Guns Precision Scopes trained in the art of camouflage Lightning Fast visual analysis and extreme gun accuracy men that will have to leave the relative safety of the trenches crawl into no man's land or even sneak into or behind the Enemy Lines to deliver death and gather [Music] intelligence you need a special kind of man to do that kind of work to have even a remote chance of survival and Francis pegam magaba was exactly the right man for that job he was indeed remarkable in many ways to start with he was a Canadian aboriginal which meant that he was treated as a second class citizen in his own country or rather not a citizen at all as Canada at the time did not Grant citizenship to people of tribal native descent it's unclear on what exact date he was born but it was sometime around March 8th I also want to say hey I got his name right Francis peam magabo put some respect on the name and I got it right the first time Francis pegam magabo Francis pegam magabo 1889 on a reservation now known as shawanga First Nation the newborn Francis is discovered next to his dead mother who has apparently died giving birth to him he grows up in an adopted family who are part of the Parry Island band oh oh no that is horrible now the wasak sing First Nation eventually he makes his living working on the great lakes and as a musician in a band wall a sailor he's given a small Leather Pouch as a protective Talisman and The Story Goes that his belief in its protective Powers is what will soon Propel him to superhuman Feats on the battlefields of France but when you look at his whole life story and how he seems to have overcome extreme adversity from the very first day of his life it's more likely that the Talisman only reinforced a natural ability to face danger adventure and adversity with almost nonchalant resolve and then the war breaks out the recruiters of the Canadian Army are not really that Keen on enlisting men from the native tribes even you know they're going to be changing that attitude as the war drags on 1914 becomes 1915 1915 becomes 1916 1916 becomes 1917 and of course we go all the way up to 1918 and let's face it knowing trench warfare and the toll it takes it's the grinder it's the machine that chews up humans you're going to need bodies and knowing how the first world war was just going through people um it's horrifying to think that uh you know if you want to fight for your country you're deemed an unworthy or you're not even considered a real citizen that is just beyond pathetic that is just stupid so let's see what Francis Peg magabo does been Turning Away volunteers at time but Francis has his eyes firmly set on joining the war and enlists immediately by August 20th 1914 Francis pegam magabo is heading for valcartier Quebec the training base for Canadian soldiers Bound for Europe soon he's in England and in February 1915 arrives in France France to train trench war tactics in the Eep Salan immediately when deployed at the actual front 2 months later he's confronted with the first German gas attacks now arriving in the trenches one of which you see behind me was by any standard a shocking experience the the constant fear of death from artillery fire snipers mines bombardment from the sky and and then there was the allout hellish experience of going over the top to face the enemy's wall of gunfire most soldiers did what they had to do to survive and follow orders many soldiers broke down or were killed before they could even decide what to do and then there were a few men like Francis Pega magabo okay what did Francis do if he's I don't know maybe he was very heroic we'll see seemingly found themselves at home and went far beyond the Call of Duty at immense personal risk it turns out that Francis has an uncanny skill of being able to slip through and between the trenches unnoticed his eyesight is exceptional and his Marksmanship is excellent so he's assigned as the Battalion sniper now snipers in this war are also used to run messages between headquarters in divided trenches gather intelligence close to the enemy line and carry out other dangerous missions in no man's land but but Pega magabo seems to be seeking out immediate personal danger as a thrill at night he sneaks into the German trenches to stand silently beside the enemy watch posts just to slip away again unnoticed he even enters the sleeping quarters of the German soldiers to cut off pieces of the uniforms they're actually wearing as they sleep now let that sink in for a bit hold on wait a minute so this dude sneaking out of the trench is is going to the enemy side stand by the Watchtower then sliping back going inside the enemy barracks and taking pieces of their clothing what the hell I mean if he's able to pull that off British High command should say Hey listen Francis need you to take this rifle and kill Kaiser Wilhelm the second and I bet Francis could have pulled this thing off hey Francis I'm noticing you have a whole lot of clo of enemy uniforms what are you making I'm making a blanket okay Francis you just Francis Peg magabo just remember you you you and me are friends you and me are friends just just remember that to probably how a conversation probably win in the trenches like hey Francis how you doing remember I'm your buddy someone should make an alternate history Francis Peg magabo versus Kaiser Wilhelm II doing all that he probably could have pulled it off someone gave him the order the place he is in is possibly the closest to actual hell on Earth that you or anyone can imagine it's muddy dirty loud and lethal you're under constant threat from mortars machine guns patrols and defense works everywhere around you there is death and destruction if you do not succumb to the fighting chances are you will catch disease in the close unhygienic quarters and it is the smell of all of this that stays the longest in the memories of the men who suffered in the trenches it is the odor of thousands of men living at Close Quarters their feces and urine rotting food molding cloth and decaying wood the smell of sulfur carbon salt peter and other chemicals from the fighting and most that would drive anyone insane that would drive me insane I'd go crazy significantly the overpowering stench of Rotting Flesh from the thousands of dead that lay unburied in no man's land and in this apocalyptic world Francis navigates silently unseen and seemingly Untouchable he is truly a ghost in the trenches as 1915 passes into 1916 he continues to restlessly stalk his enemy his incredible service doesn't go unnoticed on August 26 1915 he is promoted to Lance corporal now shoot I promote him the sergeant that's just Lance corpal shoot promote him up promote him up through the goddamn ranks my God that's not an unremarkable thing considering his actions but it is a remarkable thing when you consider his Origins remember back home he's not even a Canadian citizen but the war is the great equalizer soldiers are raided by their peers and superiors on their courage Under Fire and their actions in battle Lance corporal Francis pegam magabo service is impeccable and in March 1916 he is recommended for the distinguished Conduct Medal he carried messages with great bravery and success during the whole of the action at Eep festu and gansi in all his work he has consistently shown a disregard for danger and his faithfulness to duty is highly commendable although he does not received this the second highest award for gallantry in the British army he is part of the first group of 78 Canadian soldiers awarded the military medal he I'd say just give him the Victorian Cross why not add that in there the amount of stuff that he's doing sneaking in and out and he's still alive the first year now obviously I did see the you know the original video photo where says he passed away in 1952 but my goodness that means he walked out of the first world war he walked out of those trenches doing all of that he himself believes that he is protected by the spirits and until the end of 1916 this seems to be true but eventually even Francis gets touched by reality it's a leg wound that will keep him out of action for many months well into 1917 most soldiers would welcome this opportunity to stay away from the war for a bit but Francis is not most soldiers and he wants back to the front at first they will not let him but he starts a campaign of letter writing to convince his superiors to return him to active duty and he's back in the front lines by May the ghost in the trenches continues haunting the German lines throughout the summer okay that says a lot about dedication even wanted to go back to that and remember Indie just described the smell of the place rotten human flesh sulfur human feces moldy food moldy clothing mold everywhere fungus dirt everything everything that smells bad all mixed into one and then mixed together again one more time and he goes back there 1917 and in the fall he fights at passion Dale here he is again commended for his exceptional work maintaining contact with units on the flanks and for guiding lost relief units earning him his second military medal but by now the war is starting to take a toll even on Francis try to imagine it by now his short stay in the hospital accepted he's been fighting more or less constantly for close to 3 years he has taken sight of hundreds of enemy soldiers through his scope enlarged enough so that he can see their facial features maybe even the last Light in their eyes just before he kills them with a shot to the Head surely he did what most soldiers do justify it to himself with the lives he saved on his own side most certainly he must have had a capacity to compartmentalize and objectify the enemy to cope with the killing probably he was able to overcome the stress by an unusual love for adrenaline kicks but for how long can you keep that up and how long can your body sustain this pressure the answer for Francis is 3 years at Christmas time doing that three years Jesus three years of going through that kind of hell and it would break anybody I don't care how strong you are I I know six not even six months probably a weekend I'd probably snap all that all that death and disease all that despair all that depression and Insanity no I I that would break me put respect on Francis Peg he is diagnosed with pneumonia and sent into convalescence until I had pneumonia once I was like bedridden for like two weeks lost about like 20 22 pounds I that was that was that was pain I I'll I never want to go through something like that again till May 1918 but he returns to service working through the summer of 1918 by now he is showing signs of what in 2019 would be called post-traumatic stress disorder he's becoming ins ordinate and gets cited for disciplinary problems but he continues service over the summer sniping and running messages at among others the Second Battle of Aras where he earns the second bar on his military medal this is his Commendation during the operations on August 30th 1918 at ori's trench near Upton wood when his company were almost out of ammunition and in danger of being surrounded this NCO went over the top under heavy Machine Gun and Rifle fire and brought back sufficient ammun amunition to enable the post to carry on and assist in repulsing heavy enemy counterattacks but Francis is now more of a ghost of himself than anything else and by early November he is sent to England suffering exhaustion psychosis when only days later the war ends he is discharged back to Canada [Music] wow theend the first world war as one of only 37 Canadian soldiers to receive two bars on his military medal again my goodness what what an incredible feat just to survive the first world war and to do what he did especially going all the way into the enemy territory by the Watchtower inside the enemy Barracks while they slept cutting off pieces of their clothing I mean this man is an un stoppable force of nature Francis has got my respect and I have to tip my hat to him he is a real one I never knew of this person's existence but now I do and you should too and if there's any books or any other stories that elaborate or go further into his story please type type type in the comment section below I need to know and is the most highly decorated Aboriginal soldier in Canadian history he is credited with 378 sniper kills more than anyone else from any country in the first world war and he captured over 300 prisoners numbers that make it easy to understand that like every so 378 kills and captured 300 prisoners how did he not get the Victorian Cross now hello man and woman who served at or near the front he returns changed forever but true to his nature Francis although changed is not broken he has experienced acceptance as an equal from men serving by his side in battle and then returns to Canada where he is everything but equal he begins a lifelong struggle for full citizenship and equal rights for Aboriginal Canadians he serves two ten years as chief of the Parry Island band and continues his involvement with the Armed Forces by joining the local militia regimen the 23rd Pioneers where he serves as company sergeant major from 1930 to 1936 Francis pegam magabo dies August 5th 1952 and is buried on the Wasing First Nation close to where he was born like many of the rest of his generation he took the suffering of war that he had endured and inflicted and turned it towards changing the world to the better born a non-desirable orphan he is today 100 years after his service recognized in Canada as an important part of Canadian military history with the third Canadian Ranger Patrol group named in honor of Corporal Francis Pega magabo to his allies he was a hero and at times a savior to his enemies he was Swift death to all of us he should be an example of how terribly personal war is and he's got my respect and he built himself up from nothing and then went through the most devastating War 378 kills 300 prisoners captured Francis Peg magabo he's a real one he's a real one you got my respect man TI put respect on his name Francis pegam magabo fire that Ro the batt move between the break and now over to our roving reporters Indie nidel and Yim from Sabaton at Verdon uh thanks Indie thanks Yim yes that's right we are here in the trenches in some actual World War I trenches Yim over to you well at the end of every album production when we're writing the lyrics and everything there's always one or two songs left that we we can't find the perfect story for for us it's really important that the you know the music and the lyrics match cool and this song really we couldn't find anything until you came to our Rescue Me Yes uh we were actually a bit desperate okay and we were scouring the internet we came across an amazing episode on the Great War about Francis pegam magabo a ghost in the trenches of course the he of ghost in the trenches yeah and if you don't know my first big YouTube series was the Great War you should go and check it hey by the way folks Indie nidel has a YouTube channel so you know what I'm going to say hey look please support the original videoos Sabaton Sabaton history the link is in the description box below but also support Indie Nell's YouTube channel as well because it's the right thing to do no debate no conversation it's the right thing to do get out so I well I'm glad I could be an inspiration to you guys yes it was lovely see we work together we compliment each other and now uh back to you Indie and yui thank you roving reporters Indie nidel and Y team from Sabaton and we are back in the [Applause] [Music] studio okay ghost in the trenches Francis Pega magabo it was one of the first songs to be written for the album actually the first one and the first one featuring Tommy as a songwriter so I wrote that with him wow and this one I actually started I don't remember it started with a Googling or something and that's when I knew this is a song because this is a sorry for the language what the [ __ ] moment how have I not heard about this and I got to say you did a great job on the research because what was available online at least when I tried to find some yeah there wasn't much and cool that Tommy that's that's a thing um about a lot of individuals who served in the various conflicts uh that have impacted Humanity um a lot of people's stories uh go unnoticed or there's not a lot of books or videos or interviews uh available for the public and so their stories fly under the radar it goes unnoticed and well I think in many ways in many ways it's our social responsibility to learn more about the people because their actions helped shape the world we are in right now you got the got a credit for that in Stu yeah I mean it's uh obviously he comes from uh you know bands where he's been the main songwriter and singer and keyboard player and guitarist at the same time so we already knew that you know he's perfectly capable of writing songs but we we didn't know if we were going to you know be able to write songs together because sometimes you know different songr writing styles don't really match but in this case I guess you'll be hearing more from me and Tommy and here's another bizarre little bonus when we were filming uh the stuff at Verdun uh I went down to the Hotel bar and Tom Tommy was just playing on the piano and stuff and there were a couple of journalists there and they asked us to play a song together and I don't know how it came up with this but one of the journalists recorded it so I guarantee we can put a piece of it here uh this is me and Tommy doing Frosty the Snowman completely completely unrehearsed exclusive on the saot on History yeah snowman it's a fairy tale they say he was made of snow but the children know how we came to life one day there must have been some magic in that old Silk hat they found cuz when they placed it on his head he to dance around all right everyone remember to support us on patreon because that's what makes this show happen actually and there's a playlist cool [ __ ] you want that and also don't forget to check out time GES in World War II and I hope to see you again very soon take care all right you know what the deal is so first of all y'all got a bonus story of uh or bonus song of Frosty Snowman but now since we got our learn on let's get our fun on uh I will give my full analysis of the of both videos but I'm going to play the song Sabaton a ghost in the trenches Francis pekam maau who is a hero um oh by the way there's a reason why Frosty Snowman ain't around anymore let's to say he was crossing the line and Santa wanted him to get regulated the reason why that hat flew off or was shot off Santa sent Francis to regulate on frosty I know it's about time you learn the truth what happened in Frosty he was starting to get a little bit in over his [Music] head [Music] [Music] from overseas a for landit the eager Cru and in theid among the men a soldier with the differ into battle the gas has then this Soldier the spirits of the Wind Fire goh that Ro the battlefield move between the ls a soldier [Music] break command and rifle of AR Scout revealed it way from trench to trench alone moving undetected and on the fields of pass a guing light for reinforcements finding the way the battle of the star bringo over no man's land and fire away wind the battle the gas and B invoke the spirits of the Wind fire Ro Battlefield move between the light Soldier break the the man rifle of makes his way from trench to trench alone moving undetected Francis p [Music] magabo [Music] [Applause] la [Music] Under Fire a ghost Under Fire a ghost that R the battlefield move between the L Soldier breaking up fire the man and rifle let Scout reveal makes this way from trench to trench alone moving unded throughout the [Music] wall Francis pegam magabo put some respect on his name put a lot of respect on his name but uh wow talk about uh talk about a Incredible Journey born in a time when he was deemed a second class citizen in his own country born as an orphan had to build himself up learn his own crafts and skills on his own and to serve in one of the most devastating Wars at the time the Great War trench warfare and then to have the courage and strength and the power not only to go through the trenches but go to the enemy Lines by the watchtowers inside the barracks 378 confirmed kills 300 prisoners captured I mean he had Lady Luck on his side or something on his side he was protected and the music video does him Justice the song does him so much Justice and more this is what I mean about again people who are flying who are again under our radar I mean we we focus on the big historic events and the leaders and the battles but you know there's other stories Millions upon millions of Untold Stories of the various people who served in and fought in many of the conflicts throughout human history and I think it's important that we give the due respect and again doe our own part our social responsibility to bring their stories to light I hope you enjoyed this uh definitely please support Sabaton Sabaton history the original link to the video is in the description box below so please please please please do the right thing support the original content creators support sabath on History come on what's wrong with you or you have to do 30 push-ups and drink water water but uh you know what one more bonus song One More bonus song because all of you deserve it right you got to stay frosty out there and the song is incredible stay frosty folks on the sabot on History yeah snowman it's a fairy tale they say he was made of snow but the children know how we came to life one day there must have been some magic in that old Silk hat they found cuz when they placed it on his head he to dance around all right everyone remember to support us all right folks all right please take good care of yourselves and each other drink water and yes the reason why Frosty isn't around is because let's say Francis had to shovel out Frosty okay stop asking questions s Frosty had it coming that's all you need to know
Channel: AmericansLearn
Views: 4,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, chicago, family friendly, real estate, investment, watch, reaction, first time, blind, first time reaction, america, history, learning, food, drink
Id: ETEilG2fW_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 32sec (2072 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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