Very Protective Mother Raccoon Runs For Her Baby

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okay as i'm checking this out and quite he's like behind me here there's the whole letter of babies they're not making a peep and mom a little upset with me without overly she's back in the easy ride glowing literally right below the vent she's put her babies mom keeps coming back towards the hole which i thought was to come out what i didn't realize directly below here are the babies and they are all comfy cozy so close to the point of entry we have vermiculite insulation here which is not good because it can contain asbestos but limited exposure for us so before i reach in i'll put a mask on but just look at them just lay in there quite content i don't think their eyes are open yet but they're good size they're healthy one guy's covering his eyes doesn't want to see and then back here his mom somewhere but we might be able to lure her out i'll certainly give that a shot yeah the mother isn't overly afraid so he's gonna put a mask on because there is vermiculite insulation in there and unless they've had it tested we don't know whether it contains asbestos or not so we want to protect ourselves so this couldn't work out any better because the babies are just so close to the point of entry i don't have to cut in we want to move quick because the mum comes this way we don't want to get a baby and take it inside so make sure i can see what's going on here i think i see six there's one cute oh shh hey here get out of there get there get back oh i had to bump my mother on the nose because she it's coming round six [Music] [Music] we shall be coming up [Music] can you come help me over here it's not going back inside that's all mama [Music] that's going down her favorite spot under the fence as you she saw out of the hole which is great so you don't have to put one door on now got the baby i'll just close this up [Music] and put the baby box on the outside if we have to the six babies will probably just do that because it'll take quite a while to move six so that's good everything went according to plan and all the babies out of the nest um [Music] so we're going to secure this vent so the mother can't get back in put a box over top of it they're gonna have roofers come out and repair the damaged shingles so our goal right now is just to keep them from the mother from getting back in the vents need to be secured in the corners to make them tight you can hear the babies a couple growlers there it's funny we often come across aggressive mothers aggressive might not be the right word more protective and uh generally when that's the case you get one or two of the babies that are that way as well you could hear a couple of them when we pulled them out of the attic they were screaming quite loud so we'll just screw this cover down in a few spots and because they're having the roofers come out i won't uh i won't put any caulk on them to waterproof them that'll be up to the roofer to do that so okay so that's secure the mother will not get back into this attic through this vent and chances are she wouldn't want to live here anyways she's going to want to have the baby safe and this is obviously an unsafe den because it was attacked by a predator which was me um taking the babies out from the attic this house is for sale by the way and the homeowner wanted to clean up the problem before they passed it on to the new owners and rightfully so so now we're going to put the babies in the box and i'm going to put obviously put the boxes pretty much close to the point of entry as possible so she stumbles across it i'll just screw it to the roof the box stinks like raccoons so should be attracted to that smell as well so six in total i think these guys are pretty close to their eyes opening some real growlers in this box so they come up close so their eyes are starting to bulge a little bit they're probably about two weeks old maybe another five or seven days their eyes will open and they can't really hear now either they just have deaf and blind until about 21 days of age and all those sensory capabilities will come to them um you can see this the ears on this guy are a little bit unusual they're straight up and flat to the head you can see the striped tail has formed they've got excellent climbing feet both front and back front to grab and manipulate in the back to to hang on and climb so very cool age for these guys they they only get better as they get a little bit older but more of a challenge to remove them as they get older because they become mobile so this is a great age for us to do what we need to do that's one in the box hey buddy oh this guy's fat got one ear forward and one ear back see you guys nice and cozy as soon as i touch him down you'll see that you guys start to growl at them oh maybe not there's two more i keep an eye out for mom because she could be on her way back to come and get another guy oh so look at this they're exactly 21 days old this guy's got his left eye open actually both his eyes are open so this is the oldest baby babies that we've had this year none have had their eyes open but so yeah so they are around the three week old mark so our timing is perfect to come and get them they kind of climb all over each other and last but not least this little guy settled in here come on buddy come on [Applause] that's okay so only one of them has their eyes open the rest of them are still waiting it's always great to see them all laying back like this and here's the guy with his eyes open hey bud this guy's shaking a little bit what's going on bud it's got its mouth open but they've got lots of fur to keep them warm at this age okay so now we can close the bin fasten it so the lid won't come open close the door just to keep them protected until the mom comes back tonight and she'll simply reach in open the door have access to the babies and she'll take them the same way you saw her go with the baby off the roof onto the fence and then follow the fence down to the backyard that route is very good for her because she can avoid dogs even if the dogs are in the backyard they won't be able to get at her and she'll be safe so she has gone to a secondary density and raccoon squirrels and skunks all rely on a secondary density in case something like this happens where a predator um or human finds them where they're living and they need to get their babies to a safe place so they pre-establish these places so they're not going to cause a new problem they're going to going to go back to an existing problem so might go into a deck might go into a shed may even go into an attic like you did here but the homeowner that it moves into knew that they had a problem and failed to do anything about it so she's simply re-establishing an old site that she's opened up and had at the ready in case something like this happened so this job is complete everything went exactly according to plan she has one baby she'll come back for the other five tonight and we'll come by tomorrow just to pick up the box and job complete [Music] you
Channel: Gates Wildlife Control
Views: 1,782,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AAA, Gates, Wildlife, Control, Animal, Removal, Capture, Evict, Humane, Raccoons, Squirrels, Skunks, Birds, Bats
Id: 5XpmmOgdk3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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