Verona's Animation | One Piece D&D Manga Style

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I mean I guess just to you know see how it would work in this situation I'm going to take my offhand skar I'm going to give it it temporary life and I'm just going to send it toward the thing's legs two big eyes pop out of the simitar and it grows two arms and two legs and it plops down hello shim the shim oh my God this is hilarious master I am here to serve shim I need you to go attack the legs of that Beast Yes master and he runs and then Dives forward with his badeed head he charges it and stabs the wooden creature tiny am ofage something if it's going to hit anything hit the sword I'm never going to swim again for this this is so sad blooded her mangled unconscious body dripping down the timber Lord's body well I still have one arm hey I still have water free arm sword catch her sword it's right under I have an idea yeah a random Rock on the beach real quick The Rock grows legs and arms and looks up hello here you can take this guy with you he's very strong I'm very strong Cleo looks down he's built like a rock at the Rock and she looks up at Verona then looks down at the Rock what the [ __ ] is this oh it's clearly a wrong that is your new traveling comp a companion no kicks The Rock I want one of you listen I haven't introduced myself master I don't know if I can go on any longer me neither kid I always loved you as a who kicks a living Rock Bruce do you think you could show I'm going to run over to these barrels I'm going to immediately animate one you animate a barrel the barrel grows eyes and an arms and a leg and it comes out are you all right me Mr Barrel what's happening y hey Mr Barrel what do you got inside you let's take a look inside of me shall we hey Master it seems I'm full of dynamite hell yeah all right Mr bar I'm going to have to ask you to run at that big Lo over there and explode uh yeah can do Mister in a of all the people watching and P respect to a great man from our past he's still so focused on dur to animate another Barrel barel grows eyes and leg hey it's me let's end this with the B yeah let's do it let's do it it's Master you want me to blow him up I believe in you and he runs right a big Bozo yeah I'm on my way on my way to blow 3 2 1 Let's Bo and he exp go side and he starts to defl down what this [ __ ] the idea uh Verona you can maybe help me out with this the marine flag you know on top of the base we just blow that up that'll probably distract people a [Music] i hey hey hey hey hey hey I'm ready to blow I'm ready to go let's let's [ __ ] blow what what w what am I blowing up let's go let's go let's go we're going to blow little guy boom boom boom on the outside of the base for a flag hug it really hard and explode and explode yes and finally sweet salvation the explosion is what I live for or my entire existence is just to explode [Music] yes all right and as he's going we should be like getting close to the ship yeah let's okay let's make our move now okay leaving with Gren and all that whatever yeah let's let's move let's [Music] move yeah the flag [Music] explodes I have an idea yes Verona are you going to animate a [Music] hand hello oh God body parts are in EN good to know that's that's important to know [Music] yeah hi we need you to run around this place and look at everything but be discreet and hidden as best as possible please I will try my [Music] best oh how curious yeah this is a you have shown me your owner you yeah do all scientist here right got to take Prides in our work this is genius I need you on my personal stuff comes with me we go in and this this is oh grabs the lb and just how did you do this man oh it would be easy if this bloody thing could move by itself you're speaking my language just going to walk up you animate the L it is ey the lever I am the one that controls the gate bid me a command and I will lead you out into the vast ocean open the gate lover and I shall do as you command it's a no is all I was meant to do in my the second game reveal dice okay it seems like a dice game hey Verona blow on them for good luck hello it's me the dice and I am here to roll I am here to roll sixes or ones or twos or threes or fours or fives what do you want me to roll Vera whoa guys something's wrong with your dice what the hell's what the hell is this what is going on I I have no idea he turn it off turn it off turn it off shut the [ __ ] up why do you want me to shut the [ __ ] up I am waiting for your command I am waiting for your command master Verona you're the one who has summoned me what was that all right man oh my God these dice were so what are you trying to do hey you're trying to cheat US okay you gave us these dice that are acting weird man I don't want these dice hey don't you know the number one rule of this I kind of I am kind of hungry for a bacon sandwich now but whatever it's just okay hey it's me a little sneaky little coin you're going to be quiet until I tell you to speak okay Master Verona I will be quiet until you tell me to speak thanks am I going to be put into a slot machine I want to be put inside a slot machine so bad be quiet now we're going to go into this place and when I drop you on the floor you're going to go to the ventilation shaft that I point to and you're going to run around and you're going to look through the vents and you're G to find a diamond okay that sounds good I'd like to squeeze into some ventilation shafts there you go perfect now be quiet we're going in kind of on the kinky side there okay hey you know we all have some dark parts of ourselves I the uh the grenades were all hopped up on cocaine this one's just really I think also what we should do
Channel: King Geminios
Views: 337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UcclviFESmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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