Entering The Grand Line | One Piece D&D Manga Style

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you got to be the last one standing are you mad enough gravy when the time comes your hands will get dirty but maybe for a last time don't get me wrong Ragnar seeing the eight Flames finally be extinguished has always been a dream of mine I'm just scared well other than Mrs shrub lady over there it seems if we want to find these people the best way is to go find your boss there William if we find him they'll come to us all right then Verona are you sure this is the entrance I don't know what else this would be guys I'm not going to lie this honestly looks physically impossible I love the grand L already I have never seen anything like this ever now this is also the appearance that a lot of people have seen right before they died so it does look rather agressive all right I guess we're going up what's going on don't survive this I just want to let you all know I love you all oh my Curry no everybody get to the other side we got to get down that one [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what a cute Whale by the way is everyone okay because I think I might have pissed my pants just now I mean I didn't we're all wet you couldn't tell anyway I'm just amazed we're alive after that that was can we do it again actually actually that brings up an interesting question I don't know how we get out of this place now well I can tell you right now if he jumps on the ship I'm shooting him in the leg I I'd say we approach very very carefully he it looks like he was less fortunate than we were huh but he's not responding Captain well maybe we should haul them up and see what's happening here all right I'll will grab him right don't don't go in the water Verona maybe you try that I'm not very adapted swimming I always forget I can't swim anymore awake sir hello who are you what is going on we are Travelers on an adventure Travelers I see I assume you have saved me oh M back it is in pain well I would call for a medic but we don't have one no h Great Scot oh glad that still works so you have a devil fruit huh ah we we uh you not know about devil fruits I assume being here in the grand line let me formally introduce myself I'm sorry for being so HUD uh the name is Lou L clock I am on the run as you can see and I am Shipwrecked as you can also see and I do in fact have a devil foot as you called it it is quite an interesting little thing lets me uh manipulate time but in small Pockets like I can reverse uh time so as you can see I reversed the time and it made it so the wound never happened and that is uh uh that is how do you say uh very useful yes that is how you say we and uh who are you lot Travelers we just said that we came down the Giant mountain did you have uh trouble with that it looks like your your ship wasn't as lucky as ours no no no no we I have not come from the reverse Mountain I have actually come come from the opposite direction ah with a with own moment thank the Lord no I was actually coming from Theo I was fleeing and I got into a bit of trouble with a whale it attacked more ship and unfortunately I cannot reverse the damage of a whole ship so I uh uh how do you say fellon conscious conscious yeah you got your ass knocked out yeah that's pretty much by a freaking whale whale what was that thing in your bag by the way ah it is we have this thing here called logos it points to the nearest Island and then you have to stay on that island for a little bit and then it will reset and then it would Point towards the nearest Island again oh man okay I wish I would have known about that before we it's a good thing you're here we would have been screwed is that the only way to travel around the line uh we we oh wellow we would have been we are lucky as H well we to our name yet again my God the the lucky one is me because you come and save me I do like your accent ah thank thank you what island do you H from sir I would not discuss my personal life details with Strang right the nearest island is where the rest of my crew should be and if we can go back to there I will should be able to um reconvene and I can be out of your air I think our air is fine see why you want to get out about here I guess we're going to need one of those things to get to an island period huh so we don't really have a choice we'll have to pick one up when we get there hold up let me check to see if anyone else survived the Shipwreck no looks like everyone else is dead I did not care for them much anyway they were just people that I Ed uh just so I could make the small chip but s you know well I guess it whatever that means I guess it'll be uh I guess it'll be nice to have someone that's at least traveled these waters before to get us to where we need to be while we're traveling you wouldn't mind showing me how to use that thing would you ah it is simple even an imbecile would know how to use it let's do it so what's the weather like in the grand line my man it is uh very difficult to say because it changes every so often there are different types of islands and they have different kinds of seasons and weathers so it is very difficult so every island has a different season like all the time uh sometimes I'm not so sure myself I've only been to a couple Islands I was born on an island here in the grandland I just travel around a a little bit I imagine travel would be pretty difficult in these Waters without a lock pause you are essentially uh how do you say ah yes um dead ah that is how you say so what's the limit with that power is it like only things on your body or can you repair other things as well as long as they're as long as it happened in the last couple minutes it's only in a small sort of location for example just eat our food whenever it looks like that does that make infinite food uh it is very useful for more you could live the rest of your life on a single coconut I guess all right let's go something about this guy's voice
Channel: King Geminios
Views: 224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FrYp4neHFqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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