Vegetable Korma; one of my favorite ways to eat lots of vegetables.

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if you want to eat more vegetables and actually look forward to eating them instead of like you know eight nights in a row of frozen and then steamed broccoli you've got to try vegetable korma simply put it's a sauce seasoned with indian spices and yogurt and coconut that you throw a ton of parboiled vegetables in to simmer it's great eating right away but is also one of my favorite dishes to eat as leftovers a massive 375 gram bowl of this clocks in at 291 calories and you can eat it as a main dish or side dish it's the perfect way to use up any vegetable you may have laying around so there are countless versions of you know a vegetable curry or vegetable korma all across southeast asia and india but i'm going to cover the version that i've kind of adapted for my home kitchen it's fairly traditional as it's based off the technique from madura jaffrey except i've kind of changed up some of these spices and ingredients for my taste preferences and what i actually have on hand but first let's break down the base components from at home with madura jaffrey she notes the base premise of this dish is parboiled vegetables dressed in a coconut and yogurt-based sauce further breaking it down though is the spice mixture used to season the sauce and this is what gives the dish its delicious appeal for the vegetables you can quite literally use anything carrots cauliflower peas and potatoes are all pretty classic but zucchini bell peppers onions eggplant sweet potato seriously anything can be thrown into this next is the coconut yogurt sauce traditionally this is a mix of freshly grated coconut plain yogurt and water or stock to thin it out for me though i prefer to use coconut cream and plain yogurt with the water the coconut cream gives the same coconut flavor and can be found at most grocery stores another option is to use coconut milk which is coconut boiled with water at a 1 to 1 ratio compared to 4 1 for coconut cream now you could also just skip the coconut altogether it will still taste great but i definitely think it's a worthwhile addition lastly are the spices which are infinitely variable depending on the taste and what you may have in your pantry madur jaffery uses cayenne mustard seeds a dried red chili and fresh curry leaves in hers but you'll see plenty of other recipes with over 10 different spices in them you can make it more or less complex depending on what you have but with that let's go through my at home version to start get out a pot of water and place it on the burner and meanwhile we can prep the vegetables so i've chosen potatoes carrots cauliflower and frozen peas as these are typical veggies i'll have on hand from the store and for this dish i'll cube up the potatoes and do a roll cut on the carrots but i like leaving some bigger chunks of cauliflower in there for some reason now separately i've minced up a green chili about a quarter of an onion and one tomato as this is kind of the aromatic base that is going to help create our sauce later i mean since i have the knife out now you may as well cut everything you need to when the water has boiled you're going to toss in a large pinch of salt and then add in the chopped vegetables we're just looking to kind of par cook them here for a couple minutes so they become tender and get some color you definitely don't want to be making mashed potatoes here meanwhile we can make the spice mixture add whole mustard seed and cumin seed to a mortar and pestle and grind them up once ground add two cloves of peeled garlic and a knob of ginger until a smooth paste forms now we'll get back to that in a bit but meanwhile drain the vegetables when they are done cooking and you can place a pan over medium heat and add a couple tablespoons or about 30 grams of oil once the oil is hot we're going to add the chili onion and tomato from earlier and saute for about one to two minutes until they become lightly brown and translucent then you're gonna follow that with the ginger garlic paste spices along with a hefty sprinkle of kashmiri chili powder and turmeric powder for color and some spice once cook for another one to two minutes you're gonna add the coconut cream and the plain yogurt stir them together and let the sauce cook to develop some flavor now it's time to add some water to thin out the sauce for this i go based on feel and i definitely added a little too much initially in this version i'll show you how to fix that in just a bit now add the steamed vegetables and we're going to let this cook for another probably 10 to 15 minutes to just let those flavors get to know each other and also don't forget the frozen peas like i nearly did now while this is cooking down for about 10 minutes you can easily get all the dirty dishes done and set to dry so at this point the sauce is definitely too thin for my liking so i'm just going to add an extra spoonful of yogurt to help thicken it you could definitely add more coconut cream as well also just letting the sauce cook longer will evaporate excess water and it will also thicken up as it cools so just keep an eye on it to kind of dial in that consistency that you want lastly and most important you need to taste it and add salt even though there are tons of spices and stuff in here it will taste bland if there is no salt added and as always we aren't adding salt to make it taste salty but instead to enhance what is already there and that's all there is to it it's vegetable korma spoon it out top it with some cilantro you could serve it with rice or a flatbread and you will be in vegetable heaven let's taste test right everybody taste test time i'm not even gonna bother like switching lenses to the normal shot i'm i'm just really hungry so we are going to dive into this it's just it's another one of those dishes that i can absolutely just crush kind of like the orzo salad like the textures of it and then the flavors are super super nice so traditionally well i guess just i should say the versions that i have typically aren't very spicy they're much more muted i like mine with a little bit more spice so that's why i added the green chilies the fresh green chilies and the cashmere chili powder because it's really nice paired with the creaminess of the coconut because you got the coconut up front and then you get the spice on the back which i am really addicted to it's such a nice flavor kind of profile to have in there but if you don't want spice just kind of disregard those two items i mean or whatever spice you throw at this your you guys are gonna like this it's it's such just a good meal to make especially if it is wintertime you know it's cold maybe where you are this is something that you can warm up you will crush a whole bowl of this i forgot i forgot to get out the rice like that's how much i like this it doesn't need anything else you know you could serve it as a main serve it as a side dish do whatever you want and seriously just throw in vegetables whatever you have it doesn't have to be this exact mix you're going to come up with something delicious so hopefully you guys have enjoyed the video be sure to drop me a like and subscribe if you had i'll catch y'all in the next one peace [Applause]
Channel: Ethan Chlebowski
Views: 690,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ethan Chlebowski, Vegetable korma, Vegetable kurma, mix vegetable curry, vegetable korma coconut milk, vegetable korma hyderabadi style, indian food, vegetable korma without coconut, veg kurma in telugu, indian food recipes, indian food asmr, vegetable kurma recipe, korma, korma recipe, korma vegetable, korma recipe pakistani, vegetable recipes, vegetarian, vegetables
Id: prwyoQj0IOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 51sec (471 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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