How I Eat Over 10lbs of Vegetables a Week even though I Hate Them

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in front of me is over 10 pounds of vegetables that I will be eating this week it would be rude if you didn't call me king of the vegetables at this point even though they are still number four ranked on my most upto-date list of Rivals here's the deal I don't like vegetables but I know I need to eat them for Optimal Health for a number of weeks now I've been stocking up and prepping a variety of vegetables at the beginning of the week to keep in the fridge I need to make it as easy as possible for me to get them down the hatch let me show you the loop for my little shopping trip this week quick shout out to zwilling for sponsoring this week's video here's what I got I said I had over 10B of vegetables this week most of that is in these sweet potatoes now you can split hairs and say they're tubers and not real vegetables but guess what reality is whatever I want it to be and I say these are vegetables I'll usually gather a variety Japanese purple red whatever they have available next up I grab two heads of lettuce for my leafy greens for the week these are much easier to eat than spin andrias I grabb some carrots and a bunch of celery that I'll use for my mindless snacking a few beets that will only be consumed in liquid form because they're the most repugnant vegetable on Earth and then about a pound of mushrooms that I'll toss in my meal throughout the week one of the biggest keys for me is to get everything washed prepped and placed into the fridge this decreases the amount of friction around normal vegetable prep and increases the likelihood that I will eat them let's start with the lettuce I have a number of sensitivities and textural issues around certain foods and leafy greens happen to be one of those so my cleaning process is probably a bit more involved than it needs to be weird leaves discolorations or anything else I deem to be unacceptable have to be removed because if I accidentally eat one it will ruin lettuce for me forever and I'll never eat it again so I painstakingly inspect every single leaf front and back to try to find anything that makes me feel weird when I look at it like what in the hell is this I don't like that in fact I hate it that's a no no for me I don't want to see it get lost bye I'm also looking for any bugs and slugs and worms which in my experience are far more common than you would expect I found something crawly four times this year alone sometimes even after rinsing and spinning which is why I've started inspecting each individual Leaf my cleaning process starts with a rinse followed by a soak just to get anything loose to float in the water and off the leaves from here I send it through the first spin cycle to dry it off and check the water to see how dirty it is I'll rinse and spin the leaves as many times as needed until the water comes away clear these full heads of lettuce tend to have more dirt compared to the loose leaf stuff in the plastic tubs it's a bit hard to see here on camera but there is a decent amount of dirt at the bottom of this bowl so I'm going to wash this one more time spin it and then we'll see where we're at from there once I got all the lettuce cleaned I laid out some paper towels on the countertop dump the lettuce on top and spread it out so the leaves could dry the rest of the vegetables got rinsed off in the sink and then laid out on the counter to dry even for the mushrooms I do the same thing and just rinse them under the faucet with some water some people will tell you this is bad because mushrooms are like sponges and they soak up all the water and you're just supposed to clean the dirt off the exterior but listen I'm not about to sit here and pet a bunch of mushrooms with a damp paper towel I hammer down with the hose to get them clean and then I dry them on the countertop and I've never had a problem with storage or cooking and now that everything's clean we can move on to step two of our preparation let's cook the potatoes poke some holes on all sides of your sweet potatoes using a fork or a knife and then lay them out on a baking sheet I sprayed the tops lightly with some oil but you don't really have to do this step and then I throw them in the the oven at 400° F or 204° c for about 40 to 45 minutes next I chopped up the carrots and celery into snack siiz strips these are going to be paired with some hummus for me they are merely calorie friendly vehicles to get some sort of dip or sauce into my mouth this week that happened to be hummus I make a simple homemade hummus using the food processor or blender and then I toss it in the fridge with the veggies it makes for a good boredom snack when you just want to eat cuz you have nothing to do I made hummus in a recent video and that recipe is linked below to store these I grabbed two of my zing fresh and save glass containers and fill them up with the carrots and celery with these containers you can just toss on the lids remove the air and then put them into the fridge but I like to do with the carrots and the celery is cover them with water first the water provides even more of a barrier and the carrots and celery do fine being submerged every couple of days it might help to put some fresh water in if you're going to vacuum out all the air make sure the water level is not all the way up to the top so you don't vacuum up any water these will last a good amount of time in the fridge easily a week and possibly up to 2 or three just use your best judgment if you go for longer one of my least favorite kitchen tasks is peeling garlic my fat non- dextrous fingers were not made for fine motor manipulation because of this I've always leaned on the jar junk from the store but I'm trying to turn over a new leaf and use the fresh stuff more often someone told me last week that you can put garlic cloves in a jar shake it around and the cloes will peel themselves as you can see here it appears we have a liar and a fraud on our hands because that didn't work in the slightest so if you have a different tip or trick for me to do this faster and you're not going to betray me I'm all ears just kidding I have other body parts too like my dumb finger and once they were done peeling all this garlic I moved the clothes into a small fresh and safe container and took out the air so I could keep these in the fridge for the week once my lettuce had dried up a bit I used two of the fresh and saved fridge boxes to store it I laid a paper towel down on the bottom of each one just to help with any extra moisture on the lettuce that may still remain the lettuce got divided into both the containers Lids put on top Air sucked out and then it's ready to go in the fridge once these mushrooms were completely dry I was able to fit one pound of them in one of the large size containers and then repeated the process for removing the air last but not least is the sweet potatoes you want to make sure that these are cooled down to room temperature before you put them in the container otherwise they're going to build up condensation on the inside the grotten dish is the biggest of the containers so I put all my large sweet potatoes in there and then needed one more mediumsized dish to fit the remaining two and there we have a week's worth of vegetables packed away and ready to store in the fridge 10 lbs of them easy as that I'm going to have so many nutrients coursing through my veins by the end of this week I'm going to be able to see through walls the fridge is stocked and ready to rock also I didn't forget about the beets I just don't prepare those in advance because cutting them up and peeling them is super messy and they get everywhere so they just get tossed in the drawer cuz they don't deserve attention this week's video was sponsored by zwilling and they're running a sale until the end of 2023 on their 32 piece fresh and save essential set which includes many of the glass containers that I use today I use their fresh and save bags for everything in snack City and the glass containers have helped me increase my vegetable consumption by keeping my prepped vegetables fresh for longer in the fridge there is a link to the 32 piece essential set as well as the seven-piece starter set in the caption below now let me show you how I eat these plants starting off with the lettuce I've eaten a Caesar salad every day for weeks now because this Caesar dressing we're about to make has rocked my world I crave it daily to a blender add 6 tbspoon or 90 G of a light oil I'm using avocado oil cuz that's what I have on hand olive oil works great too then add 4 and 1/2 tblspoon or 58 G of red wine vinegar 1 teaspoon or 5 G of Dijon mustard four large garlic cloves or 15 to 20 g a half of a tube or 20 G of anchovy paste and then a couple of large pinches of black pepper call it 3 G worth if you want this to be creamier you can also add in an egg yolk I find that it doesn't need it so I just screw on the cap and toss it on the blender until it's smooth I give it a quick taste to make sure the flavors are where I want them to be at and if I need to adjust anything I'll add it this step and reblend it to store the dressing I transfer it over into a mason jar and keep it in the fridge it's mainly just vinegar and oil so this will keep well in the fridge for up to a couple of weeks now for the salad this has been part of my lunch or dinner every single day since Thanksgiving I can't stop myself from eating it when I film this particular segment of the video it was day four since my original prep date of the vegetables and my lettuce is still crisp and ready to go get out a big bowl add however much lettuce your heart desires tear it up into smaller pieces shake up that dressing and drizzle it over the top and then toss the salad around to make sure you get an even coating throughout another thing I'll keep in the fridge is some salt and peppered chicken breast that I can chop up really finely and add to the salad if I want to eat this as a full meal a couple big pinches of black pepper a healthy Shake of grated Parmesan cheese I wish I could eat croutons to add to this cuz they'd be a perfect addition but we've got ourselves a nice Caesar salad this Caesar dressing is so good that it's gotten me a known vegetable hater to eat a salad every day since Thanksgiving and moving right along another thing I've been eating a lot since Thanksgiving are baked sweet potatoes I forgot how good these were once you have them baked you can crack open your container pull one out and microwave it to reheat I'll cut it in half to open it up score the inside and then reheat it for about a minute to a minute and a half you can go either sweet or savory with these either way I'll take about a tablespoon of butter and slip it in between the cracks to allow it to begin to melt on this day I had just finished my regular lunch and I wanted something a bit sweeter to act as my dessert so I drizzle over some honey and just a little bit of salt to finish it off when I decide to go Savory on these I skip the honey and I just go flaky sea salt over the top of the butter and sweet potato baked and buttered sweet potatoes very underrated the mushrooms got used throughout the week in whatever random cooking I happen to be doing one day that was a chicken breast with some garlic butter mushrooms another day I used them in a stir fry after I got home from the gym and I just needed something quick to eat in addition to my fresh vegetable prep I also make sure to buy a couple of bags of frozen vegetables for extra variety this stir fry blend from Whole Foods has been my favorite as of late for this meal I browned up some turkey added the mushrooms stir fried in those vegetables and then I made some glass noodles with sesame oil soy sauce and honey and then I topped it with the meat and vegetable mixture the contents of the Walk got flavored with a Teriyaki style sauce I don't have a recipe for any of this I was freestyling with what was in the fridge in the freezer to get me a quick meal after I got home from the gym and last L the dreaded beets I only eat these in beat Shake form having to chew and swallow these to eat them would be a death sentence to me that's torturous I could never do it they are so disgustingly bad but their High concentration of nitrates is good for my blood pressure and heart and I've determined that to be a good enough reason for me to consume them anyway I said earlier that I don't peel or cut these in advance because they're a mess they stain everything in sight which is why I have a red cutting board to cut them on be warned that these will destroy anything porous that they come into contact with I try to eat about 100 g a day so to my blender I'll add 100 G of the chopped beets and then about a half of a cup or 120 g of diluted apple juice it's roughly a 50/50 mix of apple juice and water last to get added is 2 tbsp or 30 G of lime juice the bitterness helps to take away the dirt flavor from the beets I blend that all until it's smooth pour it into a glass I take a deep breath and contemplate the suffering I'm about to put myself through and throw it down the hatch all of this is how I became king of the vegetables I still don't like them but I'm trying to become better at forcing myself to eat them prepping every everything in advance to keep in the fridge has been the best strategy I have found in order to help me achieve my goals start small begin with one vegetable at a time and work up to where you want to be if you're looking for more help with meal prep check out these videos linked here
Channel: Josh Cortis
Views: 289,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vegetables, meal prep, healthy eating, weight loss
Id: ij_-6bu7xTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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