Vegas Star Spotlight - Jesse!

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Alright, let's begin. What I'm going to have you guys do is begin by putting your feet flat on the ground. What was that? I can stand. I know. That's right. It's not that important. Alright. And your name? Jessie. Jessie, [who came with] Jessie tonight, make some noise. My family is gambling. Your family is gambling? You came here by yourself? Yeah. You're here with no friends? Who's friends with Jessie, make some noise. Alright. I'm glad you came to the show by yourself, Jessie. All of you on stage, you're going to realize on the count of three that the temperature in this space slowly beginning to rise 150 degrees. Help the person next to you. Help them cool down somehow. I don't know what that means. Temperatures beginning to drop. It's getting colder. And colder, and colder. 27 degrees, 24 degrees, 19 degrees, 15 degrees, 11 degrees, 6 degrees, 2 degrees, minus 3, minus 8. All of you on the count of three, pop those eyes open. One, two, eyes open, and three. Back to normal. It's going to be all backwards. Turn it around the other way. You must be late for work every goddamn day. It's going to be uncomfortable. Maybe just adjust that. [inaudible] right here. Sharing their personalities with you. Here we go, back them up, back them up, back them up. It's [inaudible] dancing time. Here we go. What do you do? I work [inaudible] Nationl Bank. National Bank, IT at the bank. And where are you from? Albuquerque, I have a daughter in Canada. You have a daughter in Canada. [inaudible] Really? Ontario. You have a daughter in Ontario. How old is she? Four. Four, excellent. What's that? She's as tall as me. She's as tall as you. Oh, congratulations AEIOU IEIO EIEIO Off to work we go. Oh, that's HiHo. That's the dwarfs. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Off to work we go. remember it just remember it Okay, alright. EIEIO You gave me a look that could kill. I heard Dwarf Yeah, I was talking about Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Okay. Isn't that what they're called? Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs? Fine. You go by little person, right? Yeah. Yeah. He's starting this shit cause it was the wrong song. What I'm going to do is I'm going to cast the voodoo spell on the doll. Whatever happens to doll happens to these individuals. You want to try something. Sommer is going to try something. She's been wanting to try something for quite some time Oh, my goodness! Oh, my good... Oh, man, oh, man. Stop it right there, Sommer Whoa! Wow! Who wants Sommer to try something else? Raise your hands. Oh, alright. Gabriella raised her hand. Alright, good for you. Don't worry. We can see your hand. We can see it. We've got your vote, Jessie. [Everything else] planned. [Something] the whole group might enjoy. Yeah, something good. Oh my! Oh, my goodness! Uh-oh. Yeah, that's going to leave a mark. That was two knuckles deep. That was two knuckles deep. Who wants Sommer to try something else? Raise your hand. This is real magic. Check it out. Now don't, don't. I'm going to pull him up. I'm going to pull him up. I'm trying top undo him you know I'm trying top undo him All right, off he comes. Off he comes. Jessie, you moved pretty quick. You're like a ninja. That was impressive. All of you on stage, you're going to realize on the count of three, you're all professional, exotic dancers. That's right. You're all professional, exotic dancers, auditioning for a strip club. Give it up for Jessie. Show them what you can do. Put your hands together. Oh, my goodness! Oh yeah. Oh, that's hot. Oh, my goodness! Oh yeah! Sexy, yeah! Nice, nice. Oh yeah! That's what he's got. Give it up for Jessie. Make some noise. Thanks for watching. I hope you enjoyed the video. Now if you're thinking about subscribing to my channel, You can do that by clicking here. If you're thinking about watching last week's video, you can do that by clicking here. Thanks, and we'll see you soon.
Channel: Marc Savard
Views: 88,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypnosis, mind control, hollywood, vegas, funny, weird, strippers, snake, magic, celebrity, spotlight, marc savard, trance, movie star, volunteer, girls, hot
Id: cp-gqsqtPyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 26sec (386 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2016
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