Vegan Since 1978: Adama Alaji the Heraldess of The Establishment of the Eternal Order

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My name is Adama AlajI and I am the Heraldess  of The Eternal Order I’m also the owner and CEO   of Integrity Global Enterprises doing business  as Mother Earth's Blessing Holistic Life Center   here in Atlanta, Producer and Host of the  Meeting of the Inner Circle in its 22nd year   dealing talk radio 89.3 FM WRFG Atlanta dealing  specifically with the issues of our liberation   our salvation our deliverance and our being able  to respond correctly and directly to being under   a global initiative of depopulation and genocide  you went vegan 44 years ago what year was that   about 1978. what was the galvanizing  catalyzing thing was it health ethics   all of the above or just like something somebody  said I think it was all of the above but   really just being in a place where  I could not justify in my mind why   I would be hanging around on earth for the next  40 50 years working a job and watch everybody die   because the projection was is that  more and more people would be dying   regardless of how much education  they have how much money we have   and then the global 2000 initiative when I heard  about that what is that the global 2000 initiative   uh was an initiative to eliminate over three and a  half billion people from the face of the earth by   the year 2000. it sounds like a conspiracy theory  that is the reality in terms of why I really just   had to stop supporting what I refer to as the  death industry now how did you hear about this   I was at the university of Florida those ones  who took responsibility for trying to figure out   if east Indians keep having babies at the rate  that they're having babies and the Japanese keep   having babies at the rate and the Chinese keep  having babies at the rate that they're having   babies and Africans and through Africa are having  babies at the rate that they're having babies and   Americans and black Americans particularly having  babies at the rate that they're having babies   on the north American continent then central  and south America if these people keep having   babies at the rate that they're having babies  the world will be overcrowded by the year 2000   so we're going to eliminate over three and a  half billion people from the face of the earth   now who is this one now that we I don't  know where that came from but I know that   that we had always been told that  there was a world conquering rampage   that somebody some people were on as a psychology  major I became aware that there were smallpox   vaccinations and Fauci was behind all of this  then right smallpox vaccinations going into Africa   right and they were really vaccinating  women who were in sex workers prostitutions   prostitutes and they were finding that for  whatever they were giving them they weren't   coming down with anything their immune system  was so strong so they would go in and do another   series of vaccinations and this is in the 70s  this was in the 70s aids broke out in the same   proportion as those smallpox vaccinations so  in my mind those were not smallpox fascinations   I never knew that smallpox was a really  issue all of what I was being exposed to   as a psychology major with the sociology minor  and getting the statistics of the dysfunction   the disproportionate percentage of black people  who are affected by heart disease diabetes and all   of this disease plus the incarceration all of the  juvenile delinquency teenage pregnancies abortion   rate and quote unquote our illegitimate children  and this that's when I began to really question   how did you tie this into not eating animals I  tied that into really because I began to pray   and ask god to really show me what it is because  my professors were saying they didn't know why we   have such a disproportionate percentage of us who  are affected by these things of course it affects   everybody all right but for us to be 12 percent  of the population and then 60 to 70 percent of   us are affected by this this this this and this I  think and they no solution because of affirmative   action you're a double minority you're both black  and female you can get paid for doing the research   and of course we can show you how to slant your  study to prove whatever it is you're hypothesizing   and based upon the applicability of that research  to science or to medicine or to intelligence or   education or whatever you can continue to get paid  and that's what that was destroyed that broke the   camel's back and that's when I really started  praying and asking god to show me what it is   through prayer you came to the realization  that you need to get rid of eating animals   through prayer I decided that I do not want to  support those who whose businesses the meat the   dairy the eggs the chicken the alcohol tobacco  sugar it wasn't just animals it was all of the   things that I was realizing were foundational  in the disease state wow right and see all that   personal economic boycott I’m not giving you  money it's like just one day or was this like   it happened in uh relatively short period of time  because I I was able to really experience the   clarity of mind that put me in a position where I  didn't have to study I mean literally pour over my   books all the time I mean I could read the chapter  I could retain the information I could go to class   I could hear what the professor was saying and  then I could form critical questions for example   we do primate we do uh deprivation studies  where you take primates or other ones and   when they have babies you take the baby away from  its mother the longer the baby is away from its   mother the more dysfunctional it becomes  and if you leave it too long it will die   now if you've done those kind of studies  then why would you and you know that   then why would you have hospital nurseries the  way that you do where a woman will give birth   and then the baby is taken from the  mother and put over here in the nursery   if you know that if this is a study or  the other study when you overcrowd rats   the mother rat will eat her young so if the if  you're doing these studies and then you're making   some sort of analogy or comparison to  humanity or to humans why would you build   to really um create a sense of over crowdedness  and then see our abortion rate go up and so I was   able to make inferences that I would not have  really thought about previously the clarity of   mind allowed me to be able to ask those critical  questions and then because they had no answers   they cried with me I had a women's studies class  and this woman's husband was foundational in   establishing the NAACP out of Florida right  national advancement for colored people right   she's with the women's studies course it's like we  can do anything we can do everything that men do   but she's chained smoking and I’m saying you  all want to be equal to your man in his madness   that doesn't make any sense to me why would  we want to perpetuate the same thing that's   being perpetuated when you are giving  me the evidence of how much dysfunction   and degradation and deprivation and all  of these other things that are now a part   of our society and then you're educating  17 18 19 20 year olds we come into college   right but we've got a pub on campus we've got  24-hour visitation as freshmen all right so   we're forced into an adult situation 30 but 30 000  students 1500 black but the issue for me at that   time is that I really did not go to school with  the intention of getting a good job my intention   and motivation for going to school one is because  my mama made me I really didn't want to go right but I had to go but my orientation  was to come to a place where I could figure   out how to be the progression of us as a people  yeah as a as a as a African in American people   black people but also as a humanity of  people and you're not giving me any help here   no I get no support that's what I was going to  ask so you're doing something at how old were you   about like 20 I guess you said I was about 20 my  junior year did you have any support in isolating   yourself from all of these detrimental things well  I I began to it was a personal economic boycott   my spirit was on fire I was praying I was  praying I was asking I was knocking I did go   and get counsel from the counseling center and  I talked to them about what I was experiencing   and my advisor for my sorority I  spent some time and I talked with her   and otherwise you know people were  seeing that one I was losing waste   right I was slimming down I was getting clear  I was becoming more intense about everything I   got so intense as a matter of fact people start  running this way going that way oh hit your car   so they go this way that way but basically I  didn't have a lot of support but there were   um did you ever feel like you needed  more support or you just I just   roll with you I’d pretty much just roll with  it but there was a sister who was in the   law college Deborah David at that time and I  think she was vegetarian and another brother   by the name of Wesley Dean he was vegetarian and  so but I did not really talk to them about that   they didn't really counsel me with that this was  an internal process for all intents and purposes   now you mentioned your mom a couple times I guess  you had a really good relationship with your mom   I would say I always say that my  mother and I had a had a very deep   love she was my first love my mama  and uh and her commitments for my life   so so I’m sure that you were strong enough maybe  to endure whatever it would take to do whatever   you wanted well I tried I remember being at the  at the phone booth one night going through all of   this opening okay now because of how intensely  I was praying it's not just like okay I’m just   going to change my diet that's that wasn't it I’m  like I’m like at the at the threshold of not being   present because I don't want to live in this you  understand so it was an intensity that was with me   I go and I call my mother from the phone booth  one night and it's pouring down and I say mama she   said what is it I said I know she said what do you  know I said I know why it is they are trying to   keep us oppressed she said what are you talking  about I said this is oppression they intend   to make sure that we are not thinking who is  trying to make sure that you're not thinking   I was like they who were the meat industry  the tobacco industry the alcohol industry we   had access to all of this and what does it do it  makes us crazy it oppresses us it's a problem it's   diseasing us then she started talking about all of  the things that I needed to read all of the bible   and this and that and the other and I’m saying  mama you're telling me that if I had been born   blind deaf and dumb if I could not read the bible  if I could not hear the story of Jesus if I didn't   know about Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all  of these ones that I would have no way of knowing   who I am as a child of god I know we are the  children of god and we should not be dying here that conversation with my mother put us in a whole  different frequency because I just was I was I was   done I’m like this is this is nothing why am I  going to school here you are you're in your 20s   and you and you never like once you kind of got  to that point you never ate any more animals   after that at all no more milk eggs dairy nothing  I went from eating everything to having fresh   fruit in the morning and huge salads I wouldn't  do potato chips I wouldn't do sodas on the I   was like these people will not get another  freaking dime from me and you don't take any   medications or anything I haven't seen a doctor  since I was 19. what kind of supplements do you   take I do a liking it comes in a natural nature  somebody provides that as a supplement I do   mushrooms I do a lot of teas I do dulce and kelp  and bladderack and sea moss and I blend them with   my tea so I’m having the tea every day with uh  burdock yellow dog hits up oat straw um just   hydrangea root bugle weed bone sets so I’m getting  all the supplements through the teas wow so what's   a typical day like for you get up in the morning  and you start off with what water most days   sometimes I’ll do my stretching I’ll do some  jumping jacks sometimes I’ll do some squatting   I’ll come down and um put my clay on my face  right there's red clay so I put on my mask   and then I begin to get my distilled water prepare  the clay water for our enemas and I go around and   I pull all of my little glass candles and I put  my candles in place I light my candles and I’m   saying my prayers throughout the place what does  this felt like four in the morning I’m generally   going to bed about four in the morning so this is  like uh it just depends you know lately I’ve been   waking up at about eight going to bed two or  three or whatever it's a lot when you have a   business what time do you go to bed and wake up  I may go to bed around three and get up around   or wake up at about eight and sometimes I make  myself just lay there five hours you're talking   four hours of sleep five four five wow it's not  like I’m forcing myself I’m forcing myself to   stay down because I know I need more rest you talk  a lot about the cells you know and cellular health   things on a cellular level I’m sure you've heard  of melatonin you know there's all this science   about it and how we should have you know this  circadian rhythm that's in line with reality of   when the sun's setting and rising and all that but  it sounds like you're on a whole different wave   I am not never been on that frequency I don't  know I don't know nothing about that but no problem sleeping once you're ready you're done  I sleep well most times if I don't I’m praying   it's there's always something to do because your  radio show how late is that again my radio show   and I’m 22 years uh midnight to three oh that's  the reason why you're upset and then and then   I’m only on Thursday nights but I have in the  22 years I’ve done several different shifts   but the genre of radio is called night  watch right and night watch is really   talk radio that really is to highlight issues  that are concerned for Africans throughout the   diaspora all right and so I started this  in 1999 when I closed my restaurant is   this something people could tune into anywhere and they can go on the line you know   but then even before then I’ve had my jewelry  I’ve been I haven't had a job since 1992.   so from 88 to 92 I worked for a metaphysical book  distributor called new leaf distributing once I   and before then when I was pregnant with  my son I did my jewelry so a lot of times   I would get my production done at night and so  same thing once I had my store so and then you   know I had a reputation people would say you  know Adama you change people's sleep patterns I’m not proud of it but it's kind of like that's  how it happens because for those who really would   care to get to know me that's when they would  have to get to know me because otherwise during   the day people are working we're busy this and  that and the other I’m in production at night   and so a lot of times I have the time  for other ones and one of the reasons why   when I left my job at new leaf it was  during 1992 the decision in the Rodney   King beating case had taken place right and  everybody was like just we were just done   this was the only day in the five and a half  years that I worked for them that we closed   the phones down we closed the doors down we  stopped working the day of that decision of   those officers being acquitted after the beating  of Rodney King now you started your restaurant   what year again uh in 94 94. so this was this  was 92. all right but this was really the segway   because into my leaving the job I’ve been there  since 1988 I had never had a job for more than   four months and so when I interviewed for the job  I said well I’ll give you a year and I’ll be here   until I can't grow the metaphysics the holistic  health books the sidelines the incense the crystal   balls I mean I was in my element actually so  I worked that job like it was mine and enjoyed   it but when that Rodney King decision happened  it just everybody had to sit down and it was a   workplace of people of all cues and orientation  and preference and all of that and we were like   one family and it affected all of us and so but  at the same time one of my brother friends was   found hanging at a days inn or something in  Union City Georgia kind of outside of Atlanta   and this is around that same weekend right and  it's coming up because it's the end of May right   I used to sit with him he used to come to my  job when I would work in the evenings and he   was very dynamic he was a prolific writer but he  was angry and he was mad and he had been in the   military he had been he experienced incarceration  had done some teaching he was a martial artist   and he just could not figure how to live in this  and I was trying to really get him to understand   that we are not here to succumb to that because  that exists as a very small part of the order of   eternity that's a this is a very small part  all the degradation of violation of war and   all of this it only exists in this realm it  doesn't exist anywhere else like that right   and so basically I was consciously caring to  initiate him into cosmic citizenship conscious   immortality realizing that you get what you  asked for asked to be a blessing here yes   and so that was during the fall of the winter  we ended up drumming and dancing at a turn of   the year calendar frequency then in march  I called him and I said well what's going   on I’m thinking about you you're on my mind he  said well I’m just sitting here waiting to die   and then the end of may I’m sitting with his body  at the basement of cellar brothers funeral home in   the place where the formaldehyde is stored he's on  a gurney the dirt and stuff is still in his locks   and that changed me forever his brother-in-law was doing  some type of ritual over him   and then after they finished and I just sat  with his body I figured he couldn't be too far   and I couldn't I couldn't be business  as usual I went back to my office   under a full moon and I took off my shoes and I  cried and I cried because one I could not remember   the conversation that we had in march and I didn't  see him anymore and I was busy working and working   and paying my mortgage and this and that and  the other and I made a commitment at that time   that I would never be so busy  that I could not attend to people and I took my shoes off and I walked circles  and I prayed and I prayed and I made commitments   and I made commitments and I did not put  shoes back on for five and a half years at that time I was managing  the advertising department   and what's called the returns department and  I went to my supervisor Carol Victoria and I   just sat at her feet and I said I can't do this  I can't be business as usual this is not business   as usual and so they gave me like fourteen  hundred dollars and a leave of absence   and I got on the road picked my car up  and got on the road went to New York and and then I came back it was after catalog season  and they wanted to demote me and this and that   and I said you know you all could take this job  I don't I don't have to have it and I walked away   from it and that's when I started doing my jewelry  again I’d started doing jewelry prior to the job   and then I picked it up again and then I got on  the road for a couple of years doing the jewelry   until 94 when I got back and by this time my  mother passed and so I took money instead of   paying their reach off of my house I let my house  go into foreclosure and I opened up my business   Mother Earth's Adornments, Adornments for  the whole being body heart mind soul and more   strict vegetarian restaurant 14 item salad bar  and it took me it took us 10 months to get the   restaurant started but we went in with the jewelry  my sister friend Omeka Rich and I and we would go   while we were on the road for those two years  doing conferences and festivals we would carry   our cooler and we would have our salad and people  would look at our table right and we had jewelry   and we could do uh custom work on the spot so we  made money when very few people would make money   right and so anyway people kept saying where  did you get that looking at our salads where   did you get that I don't see that here I said  well we make this well could you make me one we   didn't have enough to be making people food there  and so the vibe was you know we need to do food   you know we need to do food and I had a  astrological reading done by uh brother   Carlos has what what's next astrology and he said  you know little five points is your area Adama   I say really she said that's your area and I said  but nothing's really vacant in little five points   but by the time we start looking uh restaurant  was closing and so I went into that restaurant   he I came from the southwest side of Atlanta  to little five points and he went on to the   south side and re-established his restaurant  but the 10 months of our working and working   and we had a five thousand dollar repair to  repair the subfloor and the floor of the kitchen   before we could get started but starting that  when we were able to open that restaurant   that was the most powerful moment of my life why  because I could serve people good nutritious meals   14 item salad bar if you had five dollars  you could get a full salad you could get a   nori roll that was this thick my son perfected  those nori rolls but the other aspect of it is   that if you didn't have money you could  work and generate money and still eat   what I realized at that point the health  and wellness and food industry health food   industry has turned what should be your right  into privilege everyone should have good food right and so when I could just give food  because my rent and stuff was paid by the   jewelry so I didn't have to really have my prices  so high because the food had to pay the rent the   rent and the utilities and whatnot were paid were  paid by the jewelry the custom adornments we did   fabrics we did candles we did oils we did African  drums so the food can be a service fast forward   it to here we are now and it looks like you got  a lot of that kind of stuff going on here you got   drums and I think you said you had a kitchen yeah  it's a it's a house with a commercial kitchen I   prayed for that and it showed up and I was able  to get in it I’m not a restaurant per se I do   provide meals for those who are on my protocols  and we generally do a Wednesday empowerment   circle where we have a practical application and  harmonization with the drums and the instruments   and then Sunday we have circle an empowerment  circle and it's an extension of my radio program   it's an invitation an open invitation for people  to come and sit because a lot of where we are now   a lot of our relationships and events create  a lot of superficiality you never know what   people are going through you never know what they  need but what we do know is that we all need love we all need healing we all need cleansing we  all need support and so that's what I provide   here in addition to being on the phone and  communicating and counseling and consulting   and producing the the products mailing and  whatnot so always something to do it's always   something to do and I’m grateful radio I  just got to a point with doing radio maybe   I started in 1999 after closing  my million dollar business   to do radio and I don't get paid for doing radio  is complete volunteerism wow but I did have   the time to regenerate and recreate myself and  that's when I started doing the consultations and   sitting with people and developing the product  and doing my own cleansing and getting into these   baths and sweating and praying and consecrating  I had the time to really see it for myself   and now I can offer it that kind of support I tell  people when I stop generating money doing business   to generate money then whatever money I get then  I’m going to invest it in in life currency so we   have our life currency we trade it for the paper  currency and then we buy stuff that undermines   our life currency that's why we're seeing so much  homeless and hopeless and all of that but I will   invest it in my herbs my clay my water my fruit  and my vegetation to keep me going because you'll   never we will never have anything greater than who  and what we already are but naked there's nothing   that can be given us that is greater than us  and all of the systems that are influencing us   would have been in a much better place for their  own continuation if they were properly oriented   in understanding the responsibility of what it is  to be in the exaltation of life itself my journey   is all about getting people to stop eating  animals and I think that's going to snowball   into these other problems that we're having  so with your history and psychology and your   vast experience do you think that eating animals  and they're you know commodifying animals do you   feel like that's the most quintessential issue  at the core of a lot of our societal problems   or is there something bigger I think that that  is foundational it's foundational it definitely   is because it charges the blood with violation  to feed off of the carcasses of violated beings   and people don't think about it because it's  just the way that we've been raised used to be   there were those who had little small farms  or whatever and then they would have their   own chickens and they would ring their necks and  whatnot and they weren't pumped up with a lot of   hormones and chemicals and all of that and even  still they weren't eating flesh three times a day   seven days a week right so this industrialization  of murder and who's doing the murdering so it's   like it's completely antithetical to what it is to  be as a being to be in the business of murdering   things and so it creates and very few people are  talking about it the kind of mental disturbance   that has these ones who are abusive to their  wives and their children you understand   as a psych major we're looking at the spiritual  the mental the physical the emotional the   financial it's all one thing when it comes down  to it now for those ones who've given up the flesh   and they're still doing processed foods or they're  doing things that make you think like feel like   you're eating meat this that and the other it  does not provide the body with the opportunity   to cleanse from it and this is what I’ve seen as  a problem with quote unquote vegan vegetarians who   have passed away with breast cancer uterine cancer  cervical cancer ovarian cancer prostate cancer   because nobody made a proper estimation  or estimation as to how much chemical   was still in our bodies that are not designed  to get out and the mucus holds them now when   al gore did his film the inconvenient truth he  wouldn't tell the truth he didn't tell the truth   that 90 of the global warming is by virtue  of animal animal uh death food industry   he took you to his farm with his family where he  grew up and his people were black angus beef and   tobacco razors you understand and this is  what I realized about old money in America   my African ancestors were the first commodity  sold on wall street everybody has become commodity   in this sickness illness disease and death because  the cancer the heart disease and diabetes and all   of that and then we run to the pharmaceuticals we  go to the doctors we're having our breasts removed   our wounds cut off and all of this it's not  just the consumption of flesh it is the lack   and the vacancy of love and the inability to  acknowledge the oneness of existence and the right   of all intelligences to have the right to their  lives and that their lives would have purpose   now very few people realize that there were  no cows and horses on the western hemisphere   before Christopher Columbus came  so all it is greenery everywhere   where England had already been the war with  Scotland and Ireland over pasture land and   whatnot they didn't really make the connection  that the whole uh western expansion when we were   growing up watching cowboys and Indians and the  settlers and all of that we really did not we   were only getting a very small view of what was  actually happening in terms of the establishment   of the cattle ranchers the saloons the whorehouses  and the church everywhere they put that cross   they had the alcohol they had the prostitution  gunsmoke miss kitty you understand I’m just saying   we we didn't make the connection the whole  railroad railroad system so that the grazing of   these cows across the country the murder and the  slaughter and the piling up of tens of thousands   millions of buffalo killing all of these  other creatures for the grazing of cows and   then sending those carcasses back to England  refrigeration wasn't even there before then   so the foundation of the beef industry is  really the foundation of the death industries   I feel like there's like so many things that we  could really be talking about but as radiant and   beautiful as you are I’m sure people are going to  be curious what on earth you've been eating the   last 44 years so has that changed a lot over the  years or have you been pretty consistent with that   it has changed it's refined when I had my  restaurant or even before the restaurant   when you just come into vegetarianism and you  go to your health food stores and you try to do   the soy and the tempeh and the miso and different  things and you're getting all of that so I did   all that it didn't work really well for me my  breasts would swell from soy so I immediately   kicked soy out of the thing out of my regimen  even like the whole edamame just the soybean   it's organic well in my in my experience with uh  gardening I met a metal brother at the health food   store European brother by the name of Hugh Lovel  who had uh union agricultural institute in north   Georgia we would really sow the beans as a way to  really fix nitrogen in the soil before we plant   but basically you know eating them right off the  plant we're eating them right off the vine was   the only way you talk about soybeans soybean right  or any of them right but the snow peas or whatever   at this particular point I don't really do beans   I don't do beans I’ve been off of I think over the  period so with my restaurant say 94. changed my   diet in 78. and so basically fruit never did the  soy soy milk almond milk off the shelf I never did   a lot of the things that people do fresh fruit  huge salads you know I would do um I had like a   fry a pan lasagna that I would do I never did the  vegan cheese I would make a cheesy kind of thing   with the nutritional yeast and tahini and oil and  herbs my veggie burgers I made them from scratch   never did any of the boca burgers or anything  look like meat tastes like me tofurkey any of   that if it looks I have no vibe for that fresh  fruit and vegetation I gave up brown rice peas   beans and things probably in around 2000 maybe  2002 2003 uh been off breads and in that kind of   thing because I realized the amount of mucus that  our bodies hold onto and in my mind my commitments   that I made at 20 let me live to make a  difference in this world or let me not live at all   but I realize that when a people take over  another people they never have the people's   optimum cellular functioning at heart right just  feed them [ __ ] and let them get back to work   so we eat in a hurry to get back to work most  people do I just got got to grab some I just   need something to eat I just need that's how  most people are regardless of you right and so I   really am more concerned about optimum  cellular functioning and regenerating   you know regenerating regenerating my being  a late night person has taken its own toll   with me so I’m trying to make sure that I do  what I need to do in order to keep myself going   to take my liver herbs and do my d3s and you  know to take care of myself because if I don't   take care of myself nobody will that's what I  know but the other aspect is that if you feed   on a bunch of stuff that has no real nutrition  it's just taking up space in your body   so my vibe is if you're going to eat eat that  which is going to provide you with some real   nourishment okay so give us some examples  like how what is the most satiating thing   because you know people want to be satiated I  think fresh fruit we do our herbs we do our tea   I started doing the tea it's got 40 50 60 herbs  in it brain formula eye formula liver formula   nutrients and whatnot so we have a nice cup of  the tea and I put molasses and I put coconut   oil in it I put some CBD oil in it I put my  turmeric and whatnot and I take it all down   all right if I don't eat for the rest of the day  I my cells are being nourished and I just drink   water sounds like ayurveda maybe I couldn't I  never studied it yeah but just to say that and   the herbs of the food herbs are real food you've  heard of Dr Sebi yeah, yeah all right so I’ve   interviewed Xavier I had a direct connect with  Sebi until 2004 when he was working with Michael   Jackson and I was working with Mrs. Coretta Scott  King and I would try to get in touch with Sadie   so I could get Sebi to talk to Mrs. king and  they were like sorry Adama, Sebi’s with Michael   so I didn't have a chance to connect them  to the two because I was trying to really   get her to understand Mrs. King it's not that  you need raw food because she was hiring me to   prepare raw food and I’m saying it's not  that you need raw food you need cleansing   we need cleansing and so this is what I do that  a lot of people did not know to do is a daily   internal cleansing doing that which is going to  help facilitate optimum oxygenation hydration   mineralization alkalization and opening up  channels of elimination so that the stuff   that's getting loosened up can get out now a lot  of people who just change their diet after a while   they have they think that they have to go back or  they have problems or whatever and then they go to   the doctor and the doctor tells them well you need  more protein they're having cleansing reactions   this is one of the questions I usually ask  people like why do you think people fail   because their bodies are cleansing and they do  not know to open up the channels of elimination so   the skin is the body's largest eliminative organ  all right so you've got to sweat the toxins out   and it's best to do it in a bath it's best to  do it in a bath a hot bath and people have had   Epsom salt baths and baking soda it alkalizes but  we use a strong bentonite which is magnetic so it   pulls so you sweat profusely with this to sweat  those toxins out they didn't know to do that they   didn't know to do enemas they a lot of times  they're eating a vegan form of the same stuff   that they grew up eating which means that it's  still mucusy instead of doing corn flakes and   all of that they're doing Kashi or they're doing  granola and granola in and of itself is a blend   where you have the seeds you've got the oats  you've got the dried fruit you've got a lot it's   a digestive nightmare people don't think about it  all of this excess mucus from all the pancakes the   waffles the breads of biscuits they don't stop  doing bread they just go to whole wheat bread   or they go to Ezekiel bread but they don't stop  bread so they're continually creating more mucus   that is binding the chemicals that are trying to  get loosened up and after a while the skin begins   to break out people get eczema rashes psoriasis  boils it you know it's all kinds of stuff that's   when they that's when I get calls so salads teas  fresh fruit and what might be in a salad my salads   when we had our compost put in rows here we had  all these wild greens where they called Walgreens   as well great so we had the wild greens we had  planting that grows up but basically it's the   power greens spinach dandelion plantain sometimes  I put cilantro and I’ve got this mix of herbs that   I use from my restaurant that I package and  have as a part of my package to give people   that has the oregano the chavo the basil  the marjoram the cumin onion powder parsley   chives all of that and zucchini yellow squash  red bell peppers lately we've been doing more   habanero peppers in addition to that okra  sun-dried tomatoes I use more sun-dried   tomatoes than the fresh tomatoes I don't do  a lot of tomatoes but I’ll do the sun-dried   tomatoes because it doesn't if you don't eat the  salad right away it doesn't really spoil the salad   like fresh tomatoes would I do a lot of mushrooms  oyster mushrooms maitake mushrooms king mushrooms   I love to do the mushroom blends and I’ll  sauté them with wakame I do a lot of seaweed   dolls kelp and so all of this is in the salad the  wakame is in the salad I may do some portobello   mushrooms in the salad lemon juice lime juice  tahini a little touch of maple syrup mix it all up   dress the salad are you when I had my restaurant  I used to make salad dressings I stopped making   salad dresses I just dressed the salad put it  all in there and kalamata olives artichoke hearts   you know and so we I eat pretty well sometimes  we do put the greens put pumpkin seeds   wakame in a blender and blend it and then  add hot water to it and then put the herbs   in there and then put the broccoli of course  I put broccoli in the salad broccoli flowers   you put the broccoli in there you put your red  bell pepper in there you put your zucchini or   yellow squash blend it all up put a little of  avocado in there your pepper your Himalayan pink   salt your dose your kelp and whatnot and have that  over or with your sauteed mushrooms we do that   we're doing that quite a bit usually I tell  people there's 10 things beans greens grains   fruits veggies mushrooms nuts seeds  herbs and spices but you're saying   skip the beans and the grains yeah because where  we are now mind you we're 40 years later we got   more cancer more heart disease more diabetes  more right so I’m saying in light of all of that   in order to create the most expeditious  cellular clearing cleansing purification   you need to do real super nutrients so if you're  going to call yourself something be a Nutritarian   Dr Furhman you ever heard of him yeah I’ve seen  some of you so that's his that's his term yeah   I think he's he may even have a trademark  yeah you want nutrients yeah you got to   have the nutrients you can but now but he's  all now he's and he's hardcore and he loves   his he calls them g-bombs grains beans onions  mushrooms berries and seeds this is g-bombs   I think this is a a part of the difference  between Europeans and Africans African Americans   those of us now Africans on the continent eat  a lot of starchy food they eat a lot of starch   more starch than is needed but it clogs up the  bronchioles and the lungs and this and that   okay now which starches uh whatever starches it's  like the breads uh they do food foods they do   a lot of flowers they do the cassava oh you mean  like processed starches yeah and so I’m looking at   getting as much fresh fruit so I might have  you, you're familiar with pomelos, pomelos are   like huge grapefruit okay they're sweeter than  grapefruit okay I might do a couple of those   one of those is like filling wow two or three  grapefruit couple of oranges a couple of   tangerines most people are not eating enough fruit  the doctors are telling them they don't need the   fruit sugar particularly my clients who've been  on dialysis they're telling them only have three   32 ounces of water and you keep having your  protein three times a day and the kidneys are   already jacked from all the uric acid carbonic  acid you understand all it is acid in them but   then 32 ounces of water and then don't get off  the meat and all of this stuff so I’m just saying   I’m really just trying to get us to be in a place  where we're understanding there's perfect and   divine design behind these bodies that man had  nothing to do with we're not designed by farmers   or pharmacists or physicists or any of them they  didn't design us and so on the on the beginning   the fresh fruit and vegetation whole grains  is much better than the processed stuff   but where we are now after 40 50 60 years of all  of this garbage we need just simple things cleanse   it now see I eat whole grains I don't eat rice  really because I think it's loaded with arsenic   but like I’ll eat grow oats and that's a whole oat  I think that's very healthy and there's a lot of   science to back that up yeah but the thing  is that people are having it for breakfast   it's not cleansing and I’m saying that what the  protocols that I’m advancing is about intensifying   the cleansing that the body is already trying  to do first thing in the day so even if you had   that it would not be your breakfast you break  fast with fresh fruit that gives you the water   the fiber and the nutrients it's easily digested  within 20 minutes all right so we get our energy   we get our energy going we generally have our tea  before we have our fruit wow all right now some   people say teas because they have tannins block  the absorption or remove certain nutrients don't   you I don't think we we're not talking about black  teas and okay what kind of that we're talking   about burdock root ginger root um uh hydrangea  root bugle weed hyssop wow you know padarco   yellow dock yarrow cascara sagrada center we're  talking about other herbs that are Medicinals but   the medicinal is the reality of the nutrient  they're more nutritious the ashwagandha the   astragalus the St John's-wort the you know the  blue-green algae I love that stuff I don't really   do a lot of uh spirulina no spirulina pretty much  more to algae but you know I’m just saying is that   we want more nutrients right now you understand  when people would want to think and this is why   I talk to people as opposed to just having  a website and they just pick their products   now let me talk to you my website cannot talk  to you and see where you are and what you've   been doing already what is your website again okay and so you have these   products on there because like I don't know how  you would even find half the things that you're   mentioning you know we want this to be accessible  what would be the most practical way to get in   in the right direction for the majority of people  to respect the body's cleansing need to cleanse   how they going to take that to the grocery store  your fresh fruit is your body's natural cleanser   so instead of starting your day with oatmeal and  grits and tofurkey and all these things faking   bacon and all of that stuff you start with fresh  fruit all right melons they should be eaten by   themselves do a do a quarter of a cantaloupe you  understand a whole cantaloupe you can eat as much   fresh fruit as you like you understand but the  thing is that the fruit is going to be filling   so it's not like you're going to od on the sugar  of it you get you it's filling all right and so   that's how we get started for those who don't want  to call me at 678-760-9299 and get life support   so you get some instruction as to what to  do really and then to really facilitate   the cleansing how often are the bowels moving all  right what's your weight so when I talk to people   how tall are you what's your weight how what's  the heaviest you've been what's the lightest   you've been how long ago was that what happened  have you ever been diagnosed have you had any   surgeries I mean I go through a whole system  of thought here so that I can begin to look at   what they're doing and what's created the issue  and then to give them instruction one the bowel   needs to be open what are you doing to open your  bowel that's what the fresh fruit helps you to do   you start your day with oats and grits and this  and that your bowels are going to be sluggish   and when you have changed your diet  then you've got to be aggressive about   opening up the channels of elimination so that's  going to be your sweating through the skin   and it's going to be the bowel otherwise the  toxins are going to come through the breath   they'll come through the skin or they have to  come out through the bowel and a lot of people   are afraid of enemas oh well they say you know  if you take an enema every day then you won't be   able to to to have a bowel movement on your own I  said but y'all don't have no bowel movement anyway   your bowels are sluggish you're going once  every other day once a day once every three   days I’m just saying it's well my bowels  are regular how irregular are they well I go   every like once every 48 hours that's not enough  when you're trying to reverse issues and it's not   healthy but that's because we're eating stuff that  has very little water your breads and all these   muffins and coffee all that some people drink  the coffee because the coffee and the cigarette   help the bowels to move their bowels are not  going to move otherwise cleanse internally   open up that vowel all right so that we and then  get into a mucusless dietary program fresh fruit   leafy greens vegetation the way that the health  food industry and those ones good intentioned   but I can say this none of them have been  committed to the liberation of Africans   throughout the diaspora who primarily are the  enslaved people around the world but those of   us who are here who are no longer enslaved but  we work for these people we drive to make sure   that the alcohol gets to the package stores in  the community you understand so I’m just saying   there's a whole mentality that we're wanting  to get this is not about being human eaters or   human theaters it's about being intelligences of  existence and being able to truly think because   thinking is the foundation of your creativity  or becoming vessels of the creator's activity   so our ingenuity our genius our talents our skills  our abilities this is what we come to come not   to the marketplace but this is what we come to  give to the to the world as our gift on behalf   of our lineages all of those cysts and tumors  can be dissolved naturally without surgeries   that's what the clay does that's with the  opening of the channels of elimination   that's what the moving and stimulating your  lymphatic system and whatnot and we just we   have so much access to everything that we  need right now so we're not human feeders   or human eater or useless eaters as some would  say we are intelligences of existence and we   I’m consciously caring to get us to acknowledge  that divinity of our being so that we are not   blocking the cleansing because that cleansing  when I see people that have all kinds of um   particularly now we're dealing with so many  ones who have all these tattoos all is ink and I’m saying where do you think that ink goes  okay so when they when they start cleansing   those they start cleansing everywhere though those  tattoos start busting out the skin starts busting   out so you have to be aggressive about opening  up the channels of elimination so it can get out   but you cannot guesstimate or estimate how much  toxicity the body is releasing on a daily basis   but you can know that if you're not doing meat  dairy eggs chicken fish flesh flour sugar all   of alcohol tobacco sugar and you've done it then  your body is definitely trying to release those   toxins couldn't you get to a point though where  you're clean everything's good and eat some beans   beans well we're water our bodies uh we're  80 water water is hydrogen and oxygen beans   are nitrogen so when you bring nitrogen into  the mix of the hydrogen and oxygen you get   the gas our bodies are digestion and metabolism  and what not is producing things so people   have gas and we're creating gaseous situations  indigestion but that's the bacteria now the thing   is that the further it gets down the colon the  more it ferments into the beneficial byproducts   now it depends on whose body you're talking  about and how well they're digesting and what   else they're eating with whatever they're having  I’m just saying at this particular point how do   we respond correctly and directly to being  under a global initiative of depopulation   and genocide where we become commodity in a  system of sickness illness disease and death   we do nothing to undermine ourselves but then in  order to allow the body to truly restore itself   then you have to get to the simplicity what about  sprouted beans like sprouts sprouted legumes   you know when um when the living  foods institute was established here   Brenda Cobb she had developed breast cancer  and she went to Hippocrates in Mexico   I already had my business in little five points  I had already been strict vegetarian for 20 years   all right so she comes and introduces herself so  I’m one I take her very first course all right so   this is Ann Wigmore so do all of that who in the  hell got that kind of time right I mean just to be   sprouting everything and rinsing and all of that  all of that is all well and good but the bottom   line is that for where we are in this particular  dispensation in disease reversal that that's what   I’m saying is that there's a difference between  just kind of eating and then reversing your issues   through nutrition particularly when I’m  dealing with people who need to lose 100 pounds   or women who are having fertility issues  do you ever follow McDougall no never   I probably have one of his books here he's like  the potato guy you know like everything potatoes   I guess that's a mucus thing  too it is yes even though like   the longest living population is like Okinawa  like they eat a lot of sweet potato even with   those ones who go all the way raw right and I’ve  even seen ones that they now they're doing raw   meat yeah yeah yeah okay I was vegetarian and I  was strictly vegan but then my body start breaking   down so now I’m having raw meat yeah okay they're  even doing roadkill I’m just saying crazy but so so so the issue the issue is  really just coming to this place   where we want to be in the simplicity  of it the carrot doesn't have a seed   now I used carrots for a while until I really  sat with Dr Sebi right my veggie burgers I   would juice the carrot right and I would use  the pulp in addition to the grated cabbage and   the grated everything and all of that but then  I let the juice sit in the cooler now I got a I   got a walk-in cooler right that's when I had my  restaurant let that juice sit that carrot juice   sat for a minute for I don't know how many days  when I poured it out it was thick orange phlegm   apple juice doesn't do that grape juice doesn't  do that you understand so it's actually starchy   have you heard of Halloween acres hallelujah  acres I’ve heard of it it's actually it's weird   it's like actually it was in Shelby where I live  okay they were predominantly carriage use right   but see the thing is and this is this is my point  I was starting to get to when you give up 90 or   100 of the [ __ ] that you was eating yeah then  you're going to get real results anyway yeah yeah   to think that oh one thing the one thing that  you did created your healing no it's the 99   of what you gave up that is going to create your  healing you understand perspective and perception   you understand it really matters and in the living  foods institute there was a brother there who   uh European brother who had brain cancer so he did  the regimen all right doing doing doing the enemas   enemas are part of it you have to facilitate  opening up the body's ability to get this stuff   out of the system all right so he was doing the  they were doing the fermenting and they're doing   the sprouting and all of that and as long as he  wasn't working he could do that and he did that   when he went back to work however and you don't  have the same orientation in terms of being based   in your kitchen because your whole life revolves  around your your mouth right he the cancer came   back and he passed away what we what we're having  to do is create consistency over time so how it is   that I have refined over the years so that giving  up the breads and the rice and all of that has   benefited because now I can fill my fill up with  more cellularly activating more alive exactly   and so I uh cause you got to cut I mean you got to  cook some beans unless you smell them unless you   sprout them like you said it's a lot of work and  I did do I did do sprouted hummus in my restaurant   I did do that I don't do that now every now  and again I can have it doesn't it doesn't   disagree with me but my vibe is once I get it  I want to utilize I don't want to have to wait   for a few days to for this to do or whatever  I’m going to deal with it right then and there   and the greens the seaweeds the sea vegetables  the sea moths the bladder rack the dulls the kelp   you know realizing that the plants under the water  do the same thing that the plants above water   do they oxygenate all right we require oxygen  and water and the more of that that we get the   chlorophyll people saying oh well I’m doing some  chlorophyll I said did you get it off the shelf   I said that's the blood of the plant okay now  what plant is it okay most of them are not able to   tell you I’m saying okay well that's barley grass  wheatgrass other grasses we're not cows you need   the greens that's coming from your watercress  your dandelion you need those greens what can   sit on shelves indefinitely is is not alive one  of the things I noticed that a lot of people in   the vegan movement aren't doing is eating a lot of  sea vegetables and I keep asking people about that   and you keep bringing it up and I haven't even  asked you about it yet and I asked Dr Neal Barnard   about it and you know with physicians committee  responsible medicine he said he wished more people   on our culture here would eat more of that you  know and I’m really glad you keep bringing that up   quote give me a quote that's kind of a favorite  of yours I don't know if it's a quote thou shalt   love thy mother father create a god thy lord with  your whole body heart mind with all of your might   that's the one that I’m really working with you  understand I left the church at 11 but then when   I heard as a child in church these things I do you  can do also and even greater things I’m like yay   that's me I want to do even greater things  two thousand years later we need to do   the greatest things we need to self-actualize  self-realize harmonize with the will of existence   and the truths of existence so we can be restored  as the children of god and for those who don't   believe in what they call god I’m saying whatever  that intelligence is that is beating your heart   breathing you has perfectly and divinely designed  you is blazing that son has the world spinning   that's what I’m referring to is the intelligence  of existence you don't have to believe it but you   did not create yourself you say let your food  be your medicine and your medicine be your food   okay but I’m saying okay food has been turned into  a tool of oppression and then you have the weapons   of mass destruction tobacco alcohol alcoholic  beverages sodas white sugar aspartame equal all   of this artificial colors these are the behavior  modifiers how do we know that our behavior has   been modified because we are no longer exalting  a full effort in our living we feel entitled   to do things that undermine ourselves we feel  entitled to do things that are truly detrimental   to ourselves that is behavior modification there  is nothing natural about that you know some people   call it free will I don't really feel like it  is free will that's not free will when you've   been under a program of capitalization let the  buyer be well you've been sitting in front of   this television and whatnot and you know we were  how did how old are you 49 okay so my son will be   40 in June right so I’m just saying when I was  a little girl all of our teachers were animals   right our teachers were animals right we had bull  winkle and rocky and tom and jerry we had the top   cat we had all of these ones that entertained us  and they gave us daily lessons and do you remember   I don't know what they I don't remember the show  that it was but there was a sheepdog and a wolf   right and they would go and they would clock in  every day Hi Harry Hi Charlie and they clock in   and then they get busy and the wolf would start  trying to get eat the sheep and the sheepdog   would be kicking the wolf's butt for trying and  trying to protect the sheep so I’m saying this   is how it is in in this country we have those who  are trying to mislead and create sheeple of the   people and then those who are trying to put the  band-aids on the cancer and wake the sheeple up   you know and it's what we do and we clock out  and then we get back to it the next day give me   a good success story where you've helped somebody  or you've seen somebody get helped or changed   well my Dr Mumbi here my Dr Mumbi I call her my  doctor Mumbi because we used to have empowerment   circles at another venue where she was friends  with the sister who had that space and she would   just pass by and one day she sat down and circled  with us and from that time forward she has been   with me ever since and she changed her diet got  on her protocols lost at least 60 some pounds   and she is with me working with me then  from the beginning that's a success story   how long ago was that again uh-huh so five  years ago wow right and what kind of doctor   the biologist okay like you got a PhD PhD in  biology wow that's awesome and so that's one of my   success stories another one of my success stories  I had a brother who started listening to my radio   show six years ago and he tried to get his wife on  point his wife wouldn't get on point by the time   he gets his wife to me probably march of 2020  she's ready and whatnot then she gets diagnosed   with uterine cancer cervical cancer ovarian cancer  one of them and so we try to get her get her going   she wouldn't get going and then by the  time they put the covet restrictions   in place where he couldn't go and see her once  she went to the hospital and she started taking   the chemo and then she came home battered and  bruised and whatnot she ended up passing away   the 29th of august all right and I was coaching  him during the time and I was trying to get him   to really do you do you do you that's going to  help her right she passed away a few months later   uh January 10. daughter passes away  the family's eating the same thing he's   309 pounds by the time the daughter is passing  right or before so he got on my protocols that   November the daughter passes in January and then  here a year later he's lost at least 100 pounds   and he is my right hand brother in terms  of my fixing things and building cabinets   and building my little brick wall out there  and whatnot and I’ve you know we've helped   him through the grieving process but he was able  to claim and reclaim the rights to his own life and the sacrifice we all have  sacrificed people sacrificed for us   and it seems as though it takes people to  die before other people get it you understand   how many people died from car accidents  before seat belts were a standard issue   you know how many people have have have  cancer the lung and it's in that before   the cigarette industry was brought to any kind of  uh responsibility you understand it seems like we   have to deal with somebody has to pass away  before we get a grip I’m trying to stop that I’ve   had other ones who've lost you know 20 pounds 30  pounds 40 pounds reversed the cancer you know one   elder brother diagnosed with cancer the prostate  he got on his cleansing and whatnot he get this   pep in his step he's feeling good he's taking his  nerves he's doing his thing and then by the time   he gets back to the doctor and does goes through  the MRI they don't want to give him his results   I’m confused I guess why don't you know and so  it's like well they can't find it and so then they   see that they can't find it then they think that  okay we it was a misdiagnosis or something I had a   condition a situation years ago when I had my  first business sister comes in and she has a   little the three-year-old sitting at the table  the restaurant was in the back she's looking   at the beads and we're talking I’m seeing him spit  up spit up and so I’m saying what's wrong with him   she said oh he just had his chemo treatment  I said chemo how old is he says he's three   I said well if he's intended to live a short  life do not allow them to rob him of his life   and so I told her what she needed to do  to help cleanse him and nourish him and   eight months ten months later he's got mucus  build up she didn't have any more chemo treatment   but she goes back to the hospital to the doctor  where he was being treated when he saw when they   saw that there was no leukemia they filed a court  injunction took the baby from the grandmother   commits to giving him chemo again and he died  within a couple of months that's not a real   health a hopeful story but the story is that  when she did everything that she needed to do   he didn't have the leukemia it was gone and  they were just feeling his own this this is real   it's a real deep thing where people feel as  though they're the gods of the universe and   you are supposed to be under them that you have no  rights to yourself or you have no rights to your   to yours that you have to be beholding unto their  system of things this is a problem it's a it's   a real problem but I’ve had many many uh very  good testimonials and I also have had so many   ones who fall off and they don't understand that  this is not something you do every now and again   it's a daily thing because we ate meat dairy  eggs chicken fish alcohol tobacco sugar candy   smoked all of this 365 days a year times  20 30 40 50 60 years so when they say well   how long should I be doing this cleansing I  say how long will you be brushing your teeth well how long is this package going to last me  I said did you ask how long your toilet paper is   going to last you do you do you ask how long your  tooth faith is going to last you do you ask how   long your deodorant is going to last you all right  you just go ahead and buy it okay that's all I’m   saying do the work because the point is not just  the disease reversal the point is liberating the   intelligence of your being so that you  are in harmony with the intelligence of   existence the will of existence the laws  of existence and that when it comes time   you graduate the class of earth  residency having mastered yourself   realized yourself actualized yourself and  walked in the knowing that self is god and you were able to get out the body as a  conscious immortal we should not be dying here   people who change their  diet still believe in death that's why I give the audiophiles that's  why I’m telling people keep me in your ear   we should not be dying we should be  leaving we should graduate the class   of earth residency we're in school we've  been given time on mother earth for the   purpose of self-realization self-actualization  harmonization with the laws that govern our being   and to be all that we were born to be is these  living loving intelligent potent and immortal   points of this absolute and supreme intelligence  that is beginningless endless infinite and eternal   and that's all of us don't matter where you are  people you are everybody is here to serve life   to exalt life nobody should be working on behalf  of the corporate deities of death that's what I’m   calling a boycott of the death industries how why  because we need to be exalting life we cannot be   a detriment to ourselves and our children and  survive and survive it how can we clone your   energy what might be the most advantageous thing  you could suggest to people for encouraging others   is to realize you get what you ask for some  people will say you can't change nobody   I said well I may not be able to change them  but I can inspire them I can encourage them you   understand I can love them what about like it what  about if it's somebody who's not wanting to hear   this you just move on and go to the low-hanging  well the thing is that you know I’m not out   promoting myself and you know with a bullhorn  I’ve got a radio show you could tune in or not   you know and I’ll tell people look I  don't even know why you're listening to me you understand hang up okay because you will be  held accountable and responsible for having heard   the truth you don't want to live the truth you  don't want to know the truth then don't listen   to me because that's all I got for you somebody  called me one day you say well sister you know   your name was given to me because  we're looking for storytellers,   I say well let me refer you to  somebody because I only tell the truth and so, we want we want we want women  and we want men to understand that real   manhood and womanhood is godhood and  goddess hood we're creating worlds all the time worlds of impoverishment   exploitation degradation violation  sex entrapment that's being created and those of us who care now we can recreate  because heaven on earth is destiny because   the earth is already in heaven the cleaner our  bloodstreams the greater our clarity the cleaner   the air the cleaner the water we have yet to  really make the connection between our connection   with mother earth people think that they're here  to save the earth to say no you're not really here   to save the earth you're really here to harmonize  so that you can be a blessing while you're on the   earth Dr Sailesh Rao he worked with Al Gore for a  minute but he's trying to create a vegan world and   he thinks we need to create new systems felt  like something you were saying there was   kind of going there exactly but the only  thing that is really guaranteed success   upon this planet is the establishment  of the kingdoms and queendoms of god   the body our bodies are the temples  of the spirit that we refer to as god   that I am that we each can say for ourselves I  am that I am we each can say that and there's   an integrity that is inherent with I am you  understand so as an intelligence of existence   realizing the real I seeing actualizing so that we  only see the aspects of the diversity of ourselves   it's a oneness but in order to create systems you  still have to have the clarity of mind to do it   because each family each home becomes  an institution in and of itself   our lives are not really shaped by what we  get in these boxes that they call schools   our lives are really shaped by the principles  the morals and the values of what we   lived and saw as children coming  up that's really school is home   now in order to really reestablish the integrity  of relationship and marriage so that we are   ensuring the progression of us as a people  then you cannot be a detriment to yourself   you cannot be divided within yourself and then  hook up with somebody else who's divided within   themselves and just because y'all got married and  even if you go to church or you go to mosque you   go to synagogue that don't mean you don't have  a happy marriage it don't mean that you can love   each other to life it doesn't mean that that your  children will be able to see love triumph through   situations circumstances money this that and the  other you got to love yourself before you can love   others really right and to know that the self is  god and everybody has it and see this is the issue   everybody is an intelligence of existence  the intelligence of existence is so beloving   so gracious so generous that it has gifted  itself to absolutely everything and everyone   everywhere nobody has to be nobody  else to take theirs everybody has it   but now you have governments and people warring  and killing and this and that and I’m saying that   is because of the defilement of the blood these  people are full of alcohol they're full of garbage   they're full of filth when I walk barefoot for  five and a half years and was up in Jamaica queens   walking on really relatively nothing but glass and  I had on my African fabrics and my jewelry and my   headpieces and barefoot and people are like sister  wear your shoes wear your shoes like I don't have   any and I was really understanding why they  were concerned I’m walking on all this garbage   but then I realized and I had the epiphany this  is the refuse this is chicken bones and hamburger   corners and Styrofoam and aluminum pop tops and  chewing gum and glass from alcohol and all of this   garbage from what I call the death industries  that's the refuse the real filth is in the   people and that's why since 1992 I’ve been sowing  these seeds to really create a global initiative   of exalting a full effort in our living to  respect the reality that we're divinely designed   and we are all here to serve life therefore  the death industries have to die we can't   keep fueling them we can't keep working for them  and those who work for them I’m encouraging you   to create new commitments for your life there's  a greater way to prosper than making sure that   children have access to poison when you say those  that work for them I think you're talking about   those who are buying their products I’m talking  about people who make sure that the products get   tattoos right but I also feel like it's  right and that's where the mothers and   fathers and grandmothers and aunties and whatnot  oh you're going to deny your baby a childhood yeah   like I asked somebody I asked somebody that  question recently do you feel like you know   raising children vegan is preventing them from joy  because a lot of times people think oh yeah like a   grandparent well give them some ice cream you know  give them whatever and oh like they're not going   to be happy unless you give them this garbage  but these children I’m telling you the children   are out thinking the parents yeah I was I was not  I’m telling you throwing my parents alcohol away   I was fussing at them why are you all not loving  each other y'all supposed to be loving each other   do you feel like we'll have a vegan world I  won't say vegan I’ll say the remnants of humanity   those who care to be oriented in the laws  that govern life that there will be a time   where people will not be killing to eat  that is destined there's a book that I   had to study in order to read in order  to study with my teacher called Oahspe o-a-h-s-p-e it's about a thousand pages and I  read it from cover to cover when I was pregnant   with my son in the first few pages of it says  that when man began to feed off of to kill and   feed off of the carcasses of that which had been  killed then there became a stone upon his soul   he could no longer hear the voice of god  or do the will of god it also said that   in the day of cosmic that's what it's called  and this is where we're moving in terms of   the global harmonization in the exaltation  of life right the carnivorous man   will have to put away the way of eating  flesh you cannot eat flesh and survive it   you understand so after a while in in in my  terminology those who are the perpetuators of   the death industries and those who are partaking  of the death industries and those products   if they do not shift and change and step out  of that then death will be their just reward   their fate their consequence do you think we can  get there though because a lot of people think   that we're going to probably destroy ourselves  before we get there I know but see that   that's them not understanding the law we're in  we're in the harvest we're in the justice period   all of the seeds that have been sown in sickness  illness disease and death through meat dairy eggs   chicken fish and all of this you've seen the  governments who have created and facilitated   the violation and the annihilation of our  aboriginal families our indigenous families   our African families all of the imperialism and  colonialism and the lie that is white supremacy   and all of this this can't continue to  go on there's no way to survive it and so   there and so regardless of how much is happening  do you know people are still having babies right and right now the global population  there are probably more youth   and so the old thought and that  old frequency it's got to die   and that's why I work I don't even say I work I  am in service to ensure that those who reach for   me those who hear me are receiving the support  that they need so that they are the insurance   of our progression as a humanity of people to  the glory of the lineages to whom they've come   and on behalf of mother earth mother nature all of  those creatures all the blood that has been spilt   and in harmony with the establishment of the  eternal order and the eternal government we   are already in the realm of eternity it is not  something that's coming it is the actuality and   the factuality of what is quantum physicists  will say that we're living in an ever expanding   universe galaxy is just no into this and where  there's a reaction and there's an observer   the observer changes the reaction we  have much more power than we think   and even in something as simple  as water the planet is 80   water I mean let's think about this we're on  a planet that is 80 percent water spinning   in space we've come from another realm of  eternity into this realm of materiality   physicality corporality temporality it's temporary  but we're still in the realm of eternity and we're   held by absolute law those of us who love the  law to love exalt enhance enrich cultivate   facilitate wholeness it isn’t about racism it  isn’t about any of that it's about the right   of all beings and all ones to have the right to  their living and to have right to food and water   and that which will facilitate optimum cellular  functioning because we all have our gifts to give   and those who are living on the planet now this is  how intelligent the intelligence of existence is   we're all complementary to each other we've  got complementary talent skills and abilities   yes we can accomplish this yes we can expedite  this process yes we can make commitments to walk   the face of this earth as some of the most dynamic  spirits in laying foundation for even more dynamic   spirits yes we can do this and we must because  there is not a freaking thing that we could do   that makes more sense than remembering and  consciously caring to cultivate the wealth   of ourselves the gifts that we've been given  through our DNA our inheritance our heritage   and to consciously live to be the difference  at this time so my son he was in an alternative   elementary school situation under a sister by the  name of sister woody who had gate city heritage   here in Atlanta and she had a piece of they  had to fill out this question and answer thing   and when it got down to who is your doctor he put  on their my mommy [Laughter] that when he had his   class and when he got his grades he got five a  pluses and two a's and I’m like wow man that is   I never seen a card like that I guess  you're going to have to bring them a's up and so but then when we get on the road and I know  he got a's of geography and then we're on the road   traveling and I’m trying to get him to tell  me what mountain ranges we're running to   or how to compute the mileage and so and that's  when I realized that school is only as applicable   as you can apply to knowledge and that the real  experience of being and living and traveling and   being present is what really is our real education  that stuff that we're getting has been kind of   detrimental because it puts us in a place where we  are now seeing in cultures that get educated that   they no longer respect the who the who they've  come through now they've got so much accolade   for those who are their teachers and they're  learning something that does not necessarily   uh enhance the value of our lineages the value  of the people that we've come through because we   are literally being educated to be cogs in a wheel  of capitalism and jobs and working but that's not   god that's not what we're here to do that's  another reason why there is so much issue in   illness is because people who are not living in  the light of themselves are really deteriorating   I can remember being at the bus stop to catch  a bus to go to school at 5 30 in the morning   at 11 years old I’m like there is no way in  hell we should be getting up going anywhere to do anything particularly as children at five  six o'clock in the morning that is insane but we   don't think about it and I’m saying okay I don't  open till one why so that I can do my protocols   I can take the time for my prayer I can get my  little do my pull-ups and do my jumping jacks   you know what I’m saying I do my stretching I got  one of those trapeze things on there I’ll get down   and hang you understand and then I do my prayer  work and I can get my enemas done and you know   and do me everybody's moving outside of themselves  [Music] when everybody is here to do them   to be centered to get the center to move  from center but if you never get centered   then this is what's creating so much stress and  you're eating on the fly you're eating on a run   you got all of this stuff and so I’m really in a  place where I’m encouraging us particularly women   not exclusively women but  the divine feminine that is   in every man I don't think that men really  develop into who they are if they don't know love   I don't think men really develop into who  they are if they don't know sacrifice for   those that they love I think that men become much  greater men when they have an orientation towards   righteousness and and high ethic and morality  and god godliness that that's what constitutes   real men the system that we're in that is  warring against us has kind of socialized men   or those who want to be considered as men to feel  like in order to be real men you need to be toxic   you need to smoke and drink and eat all kinds of  things and you know be into the gladiator sports   and you know into the sex sex this and all of  that and it's really difficult to have marriages   succeed when people don't care to be  in the light and the best of themselves   so what do you do about family members that are  maybe a little challenging because they're not   I’m not living the same way  I actually got away from them I actually did I had to leave you know and I  love my family and the commitments that I’ve made   is to be a glory and an honor to the lineages to  whom I’ve come that includes those who are with   me those who have come through those whose names  I can call and those whose names I’ll never know   when I show up at the family reunions  and whatnot everybody looks at me and   they're looking at me right and then and I’m looking at my uh cousins and this  and that and it's like we don't want to cleanse we   don't we really think that success is success in  capitalism success is success in business success   is success in setting goals and  achieving them and I’m looking at success   is being able to get off the planet without  having died I’m on a totally different frequency I love them they know that if they call  me I got them but otherwise I am not   trying to be amongst those who I don't even  hardly go out you know people say when you go   you should go out I say I really can't find a  lot of joy and happiness in seas of sick people   and other people would use that as an opportunity  for me to promote myself and promote what I do and   whatnot you know I prefer for people to come  to me and be aware of me in their timing yeah   some people uh when I ask how do you get started  they say find somebody who's successful it sounds   like you're kind of like doing that one of the  secrets to success is being with successful people   it sounds like you've mastered that well well  I’ve been I’ll say this because I’ve been in   the Atlanta community all of this time and I  have had the blessing of having been around   phenomenal one my teacher Josiah Suagu Hugh Lovel  who not only did the organics but the biodynamics   of food you know growing food 16 acre organic  farm I was president of the board of directors for   several years my son I would send him up there  you know and that's why he's still up in north   Georgia you know gave him that opportunity and  then to be around ones like Dr Sebi and my uh   I’ve been around phenomenal once you know but  I’ve taken it to a different place in the sense   that I’m really not encircled with a lot of wants  people come to circle with me because I’m standing   on our responsibility to understand that  integrity has to happen at the cellular level   and to be successful in the context of the  system you don't really have to have it   at the cellular level you can climb  the stairs and the echelons of whatever   successes the way that they celebrate  those who created the death industries   their names are everywhere Coca-Cola uh what's  his face and uh chick-fil-a what's his face   and all of this all of those ones they  think that they're successful and I’m saying they missed it those of us who really are  championing our rights to real light and real love   and real nutrition and real food and real purpose  and responsibility and being you know in the   exaltation and the continuation of life we're  the really ones that are guaranteed success   and we should feel good about being the ones  that we are and we should not be in a place where   we allow the system of things to depress us or  have us in a place where we don't feel like we can   we should have that I’m saying if you don't want  to be powerful right now you're going to miss   yourself you understand the power is not the power  to desecrate or defile a war against people or   mislead or any it's the power to discern and the  power to of decision and the power of commitment   and the power of care and the power of love  that makes us really wealthy see I think a lot   of that comes with community though and a healthy  community and you know people like me like I live   in Shelby and it's very small there's not a good  selection of people and so you know I think a lot   of people are in my position where you know it's  just we're pretty miserable and it's hard to be   positive and healthy because then you start  feeling good and it's like what am I going to   do with this you know and around all these  people that are trying to do everything   totally different they're you're immersed in it  I feel like an alien sometimes I go somewhere and   I’m watching all this I’m watching what other  people are buying and they're putting their   shopping carts what they're eating and they're at  the restaurants and here I am just all by myself   like almost all of the time I don't see how you  maintain it I but that's why I do this I create   circles I create the community you know and  I’ve been about it since I started doing radio   so I’m aware that for the tens of thousands of  people that I may have touched in these 40 years   I’ve been teaching the entire  time there are those who got it   and ran with it and their lives opened up and  we're kind of like trees I’m planted here they're   planted there we're oxygenating we're bringing  life you understand the community still exists   it's bigger than just the locale the  community of light bearers is bigger   and now we're just in a place where we  have the technology to touch the world   and to be part of the global family and so  we're having to uh have our vision expanded   for ourselves you know and so one reason why I’m  so grateful for you and to you for taking this   kind of time with me um because I’ve always  known that I should have a much greater reach   and the only way to do it is through media  now touching somebody and then taking it and   running with it is totally different thing so I’m  consistently knocking asking seeking and praying   praying for the ability to touch more but to touch  them in a way that it cuts through the foolishness   you understand that's why when you've been  under the powers of Satan the deceivers lucifer   the greedy ones and the devil the ones who  pumping the poison then your greatest power is   in god but everybody's not asking for godliness or  to be vehicles and vessels of the love of god the   light of god the truth of god the peace of god  the poise of god and that there are those who   are but then they still have to clean up they got  to clean themselves up and people say oh are you   making judgments I’m not making judgment I spend  my time helping people to clean up I’m in service   but at some point I would prefer to be amongst  those who care to create land-based community   we all live in communities but we haven't you  know we don't know these people [Laughter]   you understand but to be deliberately intentional  about creating land-based communities where   we grow food we have place for mature ones  we're providing healing for those who need   to be healed and we have uh all of the studio we  have whatever we need for our gifts our talents   our skills we're cultivating and we're able to  disseminate and send them and touch the world   I prefer it I see it I’m visioning I’m asking  everybody don't want the same thing everybody gets   what they want I’m just trying to create a new  value for what it is that we should want and ask   for in terms of the greatness of who  we are and the faith and confidence   and knowing that we can achieve whatever  it is we apply ourselves to but we cannot   be a detriment to ourselves and everything  and everyone else and be able to survive it   yeah I mean we do create what we want I mean  I’ve seen it happen all through my life you know   all through my life and I want this and  inevitably this self-fulfilling prophecy   it comes right it comes to fruition but  it even does at my own detriment when it's   immersed in people that don't want good things  and I don't I just don't understand why everybody   isn't on the same page with wanting good I don't  get that part and that's the behavior modification   that's the chemicals you know that's the  television I have had a prison ministry   in the uh federal penitentiary here in Atlanta  and so I set the brothers in circle and we talk   about brothers doing all kinds of time me and  the men and I say well what did you want to do   what were your thoughts when you were a little  boy and basically they wanted to be big ballers   they were being influenced by the godfather and  the cowboys and Indians and the cops and the   robbers and they wanted to have big bank and they  want to have big bang with girls and women and you   know what I’m saying and it got them right into  the position that they got into by hooker by crook   because the system is criminal and the intention  is to make sure that they're creating slaves   slavery was abolished except by virtue of the  13th amendment that said that you can continue   to be enslaved if you're convicted of a crime  industrial complex is modern-day slavery and   I don't participate in the voting and all of that  because nobody's consciously cared to change the   constitution to realize that that document is not  current for what is going to reverse these issues   you know and so we have to kind of  bypass the book the foolishness bypass it   and deal directly with the laws of life  in the laws of god when I went through my   transformation in college my administrators  were seeing how dynamic I was becoming they   say well that little sister's bad we're going to  get her into law school I say everyone, this isn’t   sending me anywhere because I just realized that  law men don't make law law is an inherent part of   existence just as justice is an inherent part of  existence and that's what we need to hold on to that nobody gets away with anything we  think they got away they didn't get away   you just don't know my dream is to one day to just  live off the land have a food forest be outdoors   more and just have these most simple things and  you know I had this epiphany one time when I was   working this regular job over and over and just  kind of miserable I was like this epiphany was   it seems like we're moving in this grotesque  deadly dumb destructive direction the only   fix is to go back in time to when we were just  living off the land but doing it with the most   maybe modern tools right would be awesome exactly  I love nothing more than getting my hands in the   dirt you know being in the sun it's so simple  right and we're just pulled from that simplicity   into this corporate garbage and all these  products like you said 90 of the stuff in the   store is just I mean it's all so much garbage  and but 90 of the people are supporting that   right and that's why you have to realize the  justice is in effect the harvest is in effect   people have to die yeah you know and I talked  to people why are you calling me [Music]   are you coming to me because you're afraid  to die and I’m saying I can't help you if   you're afraid to die because you've been  working real hard to get to this point okay   so yeah you got to not be afraid to die you  have to be willing to for to really live   and cleanse and recommit every atom and every cell  of your being to being completely cleared cleansed   purified renewed rebirth regenerated rejuvenated  revitalized revivified made whole and resurrected   so that you are a living testament and can give  the living testimony of the glory of the victory   of the triumph of god that's why you come to me  I’ve been through major open heart surgeries the   hospital floor caught fire when my chest was open  I went comatose my brain was starved of oxygen for   more than 20 minutes I was in an oxygen tent my  mother could see me five minutes of every hour she   made commitments for my life I promise you lord if  you let my baby live she will live to do your work and then 20 years later at 16 years later I  make commitments for myself let me live to   make a difference in this world don't let me not  live at all it's interesting when I was taking   psychology courses something came up where it was  like this was part of the therapy was part of the   dialogue was like one of the questions they would  ask why haven't you killed yourself yet oh no why why are you still alive and I thought that was like an inter you know very  interesting way of going about it like why why am   I right it's stuck with me for like 30 40 years  now and you made me think of that what is your   purpose and that's really what it ultimately ends  up bringing you to is what your purpose is exactly   and people will call me and they'll say well I’m  45 years old whatever I don't know what my purpose   is I say that's by design that's by design but  the issue is this there's only one real purpose   it's to be it's to exalt life right they  say well I don't know what I’m supposed to   be doing I said you're supposed to be loving  that which beats your heart and breathes you   with your whole body heart mind with all  of your might right you're supposed to be   consciously honoring your mother and father the  lineages that you represent you're supposed to   realize that everyone is your neighbor and  you need to love them like you love yourself   you're supposed to be loving yourself okay you're  supposed to be knocking and asking and seeking and   applying yourself you have questions they will  they'll come you've got to activate your faith   that's what you're supposed to be doing now once  you get to that you can do whatever you like you understand just say it's  boundless it's endless what   you could do I’m saying these bozos are  doing all these things that they doing   they aren’t considering well they're not going to  let us do that oh that's not the right thing today   doing what they want to do and I’m saying when  we have an orientation towards securing the right   of beings to have the right to their lives  and children to have the right to their future   anything that we do is fine just coming to a point  where we don't do wrong sister call me one night   and she says you know sister I’ve been seeing  you in the community and I’ve seen all of the   different phases and changes that  you've gone through and whatnot   you know you you used to dance at the parks  and on the stage at the jazz concerts and   you had your restaurant you made the  best food and you did custom jewelry   and now you're healing people and you're on  radio is there anything that you cannot do   I said I cannot do wrong and it just fell out  it was not even a thought I cannot do wrong   so when you can't do wrong anything you do will  be fine the issue is being we're not human doers we're human beings it's regaining the sanctity  and the sacredness and the divinity of our being   that is our doing that's why fruit vegetation  herbs water sunshine fresh air forgiveness   love enemas opening up the elimination  that's why because that's how we get to   the greatness of ourselves with all this  out this extra stuff [Laughter] [Music]   I interviewed this couple named Bob and Fran  and he had a book he wrote and I just said read   something out of your book he just opens it to a  random page and he reads about washing a potato   and he said if you're washing a potato and you  catch your mind trailing off in another direction   I can't do it justice but it was something  along the lines of getting back to the potato   being there at that moment exactly washing that  potato and it was just such a neat way of kind of   getting in the moment you know because they say if  you're in the past that's depressing if you're in   the future it's anxiety but it's all about being  now yeah that's good current currency presence
Channel: VeganLinked
Views: 328,439
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Keywords: Heraldess of The Establishment of the Eternal Order, Heraldess, prophesies, the prophesy, prophesying, Dr Sebi, Raw Vegan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 6sec (6666 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2022
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