Vectric V10 Tutorials | 3D Modeling | Extrude and Weave Guide

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in this tutorial we'll take a look at the functionality within the extrude and we tool we'll take a close look at all the options and the different results you can get from this very powerful tool now the example you see on the screen represents the second half of this presentation or we'll be taking a look at all the weave options but the first point that we're going to look at is all the extrude options so with that I'm going to go to file open and select the extrude example CRV 3d file and we will now be faced with a new fresh part which has a series of vectors displayed now the first thing we need to do is to go down and actually open this torso from the modeling menu with an aspire we have a series of creation tools at the top and third from the left is the create a shape by extruding along one or more centerline vectors so as they open that form now you can see there are a number of parameters that will need to be completed before we have a component the first of those options is the drive rail so with that I'm going to come across to my 2d view select this sort of curved entity at the top and you can see that's are now selected and I can come across to my drive rail selection and say use selection and on the 2d view you can see that is annotated in green we have the start point on the left-hand edge we have directional arrows moving from left to right and finishing on the far right hand side also the rest of my form now is highlighted so with this I'm just going to switch off the all the parameters so we can have it completely neutral and I'm going to pick my initial cross section I'm going to extrude which will be this semicircular shape so with that now I'm going to apply and we can see that that now has created something but until we actually look at that in 3d so now I've just tiled the screens here so we can see that shape that's been created so it's taken this semicircular shape and it's been extruded along this curve from start to finish ok so with that now if I actually give that a name in this case I'll call this extrude and if we actually apply and then close that form down we'll be able to see from our modeling menu that within our component tree we have level one and we created a new component called extrude now with that I can select it which as you can see is being selected in the 2d and the 3d view and of course I can't have other functions including delete so with this I'll delete the component which will remove that from both the 2d and 3d view so coming back to the tool now I'm actually going to select the vector ok but rather than coming and rather than actually coming down and picking the gist across section and hitting apply I'm actually going to just pick the entity and then click onto the end of the or the start point of the drive rail and you can clearly see here that it's showing the the positioning of that first cross section and it's perpendicular to the drive rail and you can see at the end also we have the same shape as being driven all the way along and with the same shape at the end once again the center is being placed directly over the drive rail so with that now I can apply so we'll see exactly the same as we saw before and clearly you can see that single so semicircular cross agent is being driven across the drive rail now we are using the same cross section at either and in this case okay so but I can of course change the cross section so we can see if I go down now and select one a different cross station in this case I'm using this sort of quite large rectangular shape I can come over now click onto my end cross section and clearly you can see that it's changed the shape of that cross section at the end but of course we've not actually action this into a change in the component and then I can just come down and press apply and you'll see that change where it's morphing basically from the semi circular shape through to the rectangular shape on the right-hand side now with that I can also move the vectors if I wanted to move this now I'm actually taking the cross section and moving in and then I can reapply so I've not used the full extent of the cross-section here I've just used a portion of that similarly I can come in now and add a new cross-section in so let's say for instance I wanted to take this so there's triangular cross-section and add that into the middle here I can do so you can see that's drawn the shape there but we've not actually actioned it there yet so as soon as I apply that now you can see that it's changed that shape and of course even now I can take that now and move it within so I'm just moving it along and I can reach Ange the shape and we'll see that change in the 3d so we've looked at a number of different ways of sort of adding cross-sections and moving cross-sections and of course if I need to I can also delete the cross-section this is using this right mouse key over the actual cross-section itself and I can say delete cross-section to remove that and then I can reapply and that's going to remove that triangular shape and just progress basically from the semi-circular shape through to the end rectangular shape now as well as being able to use the right mouse key over the cross sections we can also do it over the drive rail but before I do that I just want to reset this component now and we're going to take this triangular cross-section shape and just place that on the first one there and we're also going to place it on the end okay and we're just going to remove the existing cross-section here so we've got that progressing from left to right I'll now go down an action that so we can see this triangular shape moving from left to right and we can clearly see that the red point on the cross section is being mapped to the red points on each of the two cross sections when positioned on the drive rail so at this stage we can see we've taken this sort of triangular shape and extruded it all the way along and of course now potentially I might want to sort of reverse the drive rail and have it going in the other direction so with that I can go over the drive rail and say reverse rail so you can see that the arrows now that used to be going a left to right are now going from right to left but of course I do have to action that so if we have a look at the 3d view you'll see that the shape actually changes because it is also reversed the cross so rather than the far side being the long edge we've now got the long edge on the near side so seen a sort of reverse complete reverse of that component the next option we want to take a look at is the sweep between spans which is currently switched off now the best way for us to show this is actually to map another contour to the other end of the drive rail so with this I'm going to take these opposite of the triangular shape and map this to the far end so as I select that now you can see that the left-hand edge here as being mapped to the left-hand point there and now I'm going to apply that now to see these sort of initial progression so if we twiddle of the 3d view now you can see the way is progressing so we've got this sort of sharp shape with these have a long leading edge on the inside and that's being mapped across now if you take a look at the high point of the first cross section it's not actually being maps to the high point on the far end cross section it's just being mapped linearly along and then transitioning into sort of a about a quarter of the way up the long edge on the far right hand side if you have a look from the top you can see that you know linear progression across and once again from the high point on the right hand or far edge that's also being mapped back into it but a quarter of the way up on the leading edge on the first cross section so that's not really what I would like I would like really a a node to node match okay now the only way that that can be done is by having the same number of spans on each of the cross sections that are being hung or extruded along so you can see here we have our two cross sections they have three nodes and two spans so they'll be ideal for us to allow us to sweep between spans so that's what I'm gonna do now I'm gonna switch that on okay and now apply that and you'll see quite a radical change to the shape so rather than it being mapped linearly we are going to get this progressing from the high point on the left-hand cross section through to the high point on the right-hand cross station so I apply that now we'll see the change and you can see that quite significant flow so we've got a completely different shape now because the high point on the left-hand or the start cross section is being mapped to the high point on the far cross section okay then that is possible with sweep between spans but on the understanding that we both have the same number of spans on the cross sections being hump now if we add a cross section into the extrusion which has a lesser or greater number of spans then it will essentially nullify the sweep between spans even if it's switched on on the menu so let's do that now let's select this rectangular cross section which has three spans and not two and add that into the center of the extrusion clearly on the screen you can see that it's now annotated the three cross sections that were using two of which have two spans one of which has three spans so now as we apply that now we should see on the screen that that will change the model and if we have a look down on top of the job and zoom in we can see that we are no longer matching high point to high point or node to node we are simply linearly morphing between these three different cross sections so it's not using the sweep between spans it's just a linear progression between the three so the next stage is for us to take a look at how we can modify the extrusion mid command we currently have an extrusion selected on the screen we have also one of the cross sections here so what I'm going to do now is just click into the white space and then just hit n on the keyboard to take that cross section and move it into a node editing mode which we can see on the screen there and now I'm just going to move this node upwards okay so I've taken I've added in a node in the midpoint of that span and then just moved it up in Z and with that I can now obviously reapply this so I'm just going to click into the space hit escape to come out of node editing mode then come up to the extrude and we've under the drive rails to say reselect rails okay and now I'm just going to reapply that so we can see the change that we made by adding in the extra node and then moving it up in Z on that sort of sensor cross-section there okay so the next stage is for us to take a look at how we can maybe modify the drive rail so I'm just gonna click into the screen again and just hit scape and then come up and select my drive rail and just hit n on the keyboard to put it in a node editing mode and of course I can then change this shape move it around okay and I'm actually going to cause a bit of an issue here by having a big twist here so with this over i've massively changed the tangency through this point and i can now just basically click into the screen and then come up to the top menu and reselect the rails which we can see on-screen so sorry selected to drive rails and all the cross-sections and I can just reapply now so we're going to see quite a radical change to the 3d extrusion and we can see that there is sort of an overlap happening here we can see that if we zoom into this area here due to the nature of us having this radical change in direction and tangency okay so with that you may want to then make a modification so I can go in and then re modify but in this case what I'm going to do is just actually undo the Khmers so here I can go up to edit undo which is also control Z on the keyboard and I'm simply just going to go keep going control Z until I get back to the original specification so with that then I'm just going to close that form now and now we're going to take a look at taking a cross-section and using this with a closed dry rail okay so that's just a resize both of our views and get ready and come in and select the first of the clothes drive rail and move up to the extrude command at the top of the modeling menu so as we highlight this I'm just going to hit you selection to use the driver that we currently have selected and we can see here that the clothes profile is annotated we have these sort of start and white in the same position which is in the lower left hand corner and we're going in a sort of counterclockwise move and I now need to select my cross-section which I'm going to select just the semicircular shape here and notice from the menu that creates square corners is currently switched off so with that I'm now going to apply the command and we can see on the screen that we have driven the rounded profile round I'll close to drive rail to create the shape that we see on the screen and clearly we can see that we are getting rounded corners so if I actually want to move ahead and say I would like sharp corners if I come up to the menu now select that option create square corners and reapply we can now see that we have a nice sharp corners in all of our four regions okay so just like the open rail example we may wish to take another cross-section and add this into the component so at the moment we are just using the semicircular shape all the way around but let's say for instance I wanted to take the upper right hand corner and add in the triangular shape into this region but what I want to do is make sure I add in the control in the fact that I want rounded in the top left hand corner and rounded in the bottom right hand corner and only have the transition through the upper sort of right hand portion of the component so what I'm going to do now is just click in my lower left hand corner there which shows the mapping of the circular cross-section to that point and we can see that the red point matches at the red point on the cross ation and I'm going to right mouse key now over that cross such as they add to all rail nodes I can do this manually but if you've got many nodes you may wish to do it by just add all rail nodes from one so with this I know that I'm going to have a rounded shape in my top left a rounded shape in my lower left and around the shape in my lower right but what I want to do is change my upper right to be this triangular cross-section so with that I can just pick that up now and then click on the blue node which will then map that across we can see the yellow node on the cross-section matches the yellow node of the selected cross-section so we know the mapping there and now I can come across and just apply that to see the change even then I can come in and further modify that by essentially moving their cross section down and reapplying okay so it's very easy with a closed profile just the same as an open profile to be able to come in and modify and add at new sections the only thing that we cannot do is modify this start and end because that happens to be in the same location in which case we would need to sort of clear the rails and reselect a new cross section for that star point so with this now I'm just going to clear the rails now and move across and take a look at the rounded profile okay so let's go ahead and select our drive on and come up to the forum and say use selection we can clearly see that it's now annotated we're rotating in a counterclockwise position and our start and end point is at the top so with this now I'm going to select a vector that I want to use as the cross section and come straight in and apply so we're going to see that now appear in our 3d view okay so with that we can see the mapping now the mapping if I click on the top we can see the red point is being mapped to the red point on the selected cross section so we've got the vertical face on the inside and it's tapering towards the outside now it may be that I want to actually have that reversed so essentially we've got the large tapering edge on the inside well the easiest way for us to do that it's just to right mouse key and say reverse rail okay now with that I do need to reapply the command so as I reapply you'll see that shape change and we've got the vertical shape on the outside and sort of graduated longer lengths on the inside now another thing I may want to do is to add in extra cross sections maybe I would like to put some rounded cross sections in the middle region but of course one way I could do that is to right mouse key and say add to all rail nodes okay or I can manually add them by hovering over the node or in any other position so if I actually just focus on finding where you can see there is found a point there and if I just move around you'll see the cursor change and we found another cross section and there we've also found another so I'm adding those cross sections at the points that are currently already on that driver but of course I can in the CAD add any other cross sections at intermediate points so with that as I apply that there'll be no change because you've got the same profile being used on all four of those sort of cross section positions but now I may want to come in and add in the rounded cross section so I'm going to select that on the 2d view and come across and map this to the right-hand cross section and you can see it's matching yellow to yellow so we know the orientation although it doesn't matter of course with this sort of rounded shape and I'm gonna also add it on to the left hand side as well so what are we going to get here we've got a triangular shape at the top it's going to be transitioning to a rounded shape sort of the three o'clock position and then back to the triangular shape at the six o'clock position back to the rounded at the nine o'clock position and then back to the triangular section at sort of the midnight position so with that I can now apply and we can see that change and because there's really quite a unique shape and of course I can still then reverse the rail and reapply and we can explore another shape okay so we've taking a look at a lot of the control that we have over the extrusion component but one thing we've not explored yet is not just the ability to use a cross section shape for the extrusion component but actually to use a component so with this I'm going to clear the rails and we're going to look to now read in a component that we will then use to extrude along the drive rail so first we need to close the form and then come to the modeling menu and select the import a component or 3d model from our number of options here I'm gonna stat this grape leaf 3d clip file and that's going to be brought in we can sit in the lower left hand corner so I'm just going to use the alignment tools to bring it into the center and clearly this is very big so I'm going to reselect it now and just resize it so I'm going to say specify a height of just 1.5 link X Y on so the width scales in proportion that looks to be a nice size with that going to close the form select the drive rail now come up to the extrude command use selection we can see that it's going from left to right and we have a start point on the left and we're not going to use the vector cross sections but you use a component from our drop-down menu there is only one okay and we're gonna fill with multiple coffees with no overlaps as one ends the next one starts and we'll apply okay so that looks ok but I ideally want the base of my leaf to be centered around the middle of the drive rail so clearly the orientation of my sort of donut leaf is not correct so I'm just gonna clear those rails now and close that down take the leaf go into the rotation tool now and just apply a rotation of 90 close that down come back and select my drive rail and up into the form again use selection pick the component and now we should have once we've applied this the correct orientation okay so I'm happy with at the moment but it just looks a little bit odd with there being a sort of a small gap in between even though 0% is being specified ideally I'd like them overlapping so I'm gonna put an oval up there of 30% and apply and if we take a look we can see that everything is merging together so although we have ad set in our combined with other components set to hard the items themselves are merging together in the command so I kind of like what we're seeing there but really I want the sort of the first leaf here to be slightly higher at that sort of right-hand edge so it sits on top of the next leaf specific each leaf is sort of laid on top of the next so actually what I'm gonna do is just clear those rails now and we're gonna come back to the main view there so we can see our component close the form down select the component and we're just going to adjust it adjust its tilt angle so I'm going to come to the properties of the component and specify a tilt and that tilt I'm just going to if I the angle from this side to this side and we're going to specify that maybe at an angle of five okay we should see that if we tilt that round you can see that tilt being specified there so I'm happy with that now I can close the form down and then come back into the drive rail select the command and then pick up the component again and we'll keep the same 30 percent and apply so with that we can come in and see we can clearly see that the front edge of the leaf is overlapping the next edge so that looks kind of nice the way they're overlapping but what I'd also like to explore from the menu is this option of flip alternate copies okay so we can see here flip alternate current copies it's currently switched off if I switch that on and apply it won't really show that well here so basically it's flipping them left and right not back to front but left to right but it doesn't show well here because the leaf sort of looks roughly the same on the left and right edge but if we rotate the leaf then this will show a greater difference so with that I'm just going to clear the rails there now and then just close that out and quickly pick our leaf and just rotate it so that's our tip it's roughly around about half-past four or five o'clock okay maybe a little bit more and come back in now and select my drive rail into the command and then pick up the component we've got flip alternate copy switched on and apply and clearly you can see here that we're getting one leaf being flipped towards the top the next one down so sort of going sort of 45 degrees almost going left and right left and right along that driver and that's done by flip selecting the flip alternate copies from the menu okay so now what we're going to do is take a look at really taking a component and putting it around a closed profile so with this I'll just reset the model and we'll just close the form and just bring this back into the correct view ready to start taking a look at the next option so let's select our clothes profile and come back up to the extrude command and select that as our drive rail now we're going to come down and pick our component here but as soon as you can see we can have issues really with how that component sort of extrudes around that corner in the fact that we're going to have an area where there's gonna be quite a lot of overlap between the components so if I leave that maybe at a percent of just so maybe 20 percent overlap and now apply that okay you're seeing that we're getting some level of distortion in the corners so we're not really getting a particularly good representation in the corners by the nature of the way that it's routing around there ideally what we want is a sort of consistent profile where we know we're going to get consistent spacing and a consistent look and we'll get that with this oval here so what I'll do is I'll clear those rails and come across and select the oval now and use selection on that and just go straight ahead we're using the component and apply and you can see now that we're going to get a much better result from that so once that's displayed you can see that on the screen there and we're getting a nice consistent representation around there we if we don't want to flip copies of course we can switch total tool to note that off and then we're going to get just an the same orientation from each leaf okay so with that I'm sort of happy with using those components around that rounded profile but of course with the sharp edged a square profile we are getting distortion in the corners which wasn't giving us the kind of representation we needed so at this point we've explored all the different types of extrude options and now we're going to move across and take a look at our we've example okay so let's go and close down the form now and actually we are going to open a new part so I'm going to file open and we're going to pick up the weave example dot CRV 3d file and immediately will be presented once again with some crisscross vectors in the middle of the screen and some cross-sections at the top okay so let's go across and open up the extruded weave command and I'm gonna first pick on Drive rods we have multiple drive rails here I'll click use selection we can see that we have the two horizontal drive rails are running from left to right we can see our start points and we have our two vertical drive rails running from bottom to top as shown with the arrows so I'm going to come up to the top now and immediately select my cross section which is going to be the sort of box section shape and I'm gonna go straight away and actually not use the weave command just going to use the standard extrusion and I'm going to apply this now so I'm going to tile the window so we can see the 3d view and just rotate this so it can take a look at the result and essentially we've got where each of the sort of extrusions are merging into each other there's no concept of a weave it's just simply they are mating and running through each other and essentially we've got like almost a prison gate type look rather than a nice weave example so if we come back to our form now there is a section here called weave under over our crossings okay on the left hand side so I'm going to select that now and we're going to just use the scale shape command and I've specified here the under and over to be 100% of essentially I'm saying don't make a change so with this as I apply now you can see there is no change to that because we have not scaled either of the sort of extrusions in terms of they're under and over so let's come back to the form now and look at these separately so I'm gonna take the under now and just scale that from a hundred percent down to fifty so what is this going to mean it means that essentially the when passing over a crossing then the the the upper beam is not scaled in any way and it's only for that item going under that is then sort of compacted down to be 50% of his thickness so when I apply that now you'll see that effect so if we have a look on the 3d view you can see that the the actual height of the sort of top section here remains the same and as it comes across it then starts to dip down to about 50% as it passes under and then it starts to increase back up so essentially we are only modifying the piece these sections that are running underneath okay so these Zed under has been scaled to be 50% of what it originally was so we've halved it in these areas now as well as that if I actually put this back to 100% okay and you'll see that we're gonna get this back as it was before and now we're gonna look at the over so the over is going to be increased to 150 so essentially what we are doing there is increasing the region when it's passing over to be another 50% higher than what it was originally okay so we can see in this case here this is passing over this one here you know this is passing over this one here and we've got an increase in height there okay so there we are using just the Z over value but of course what we ideally want is to use a combination of these to get the true weave feel so I'm going to come over to the weave and just scale the Z under from 100 to 50 and apply and then you can start to see that we're getting a quite a nice effect there now this works okay with the sort of box action shape where we're using 50% here because it's a sort of a flat edged front to the weave so that looks okay but if I now come in and select for instance my rounded shape and apply with these same values and we have a look we can see that it's actually we're still getting some sort of level of sort of merging here and really are our sort of weave looks like it's having a little bit of material taken away from it now we don't want that we will really want the the the lateral and the verticals to be laying on top of each other and not sort of merging in so we need to look at the weave under and over at the crossings and make some changes so in order to initiate those changes I'm going to come back to the form and actually lower the Z under from 50 to 30 and raise the Z over from 150 to 170 okay so with that I'll apply now and you'll see that we've got a better of it really does feel like each of them are rolling over and there isn't really an intersection between the two now this only really works because of the shape that we're using the cross-section shape is rounded here so as we are using the scale shape under the weave option where we're massively scaling it both in terms of the Z Under and the Z over from 30 to 170 but it still looks okay visually in the 3d now as soon as I select a different shape this sort of rather curved shape here for the cross section and apply you'll see that the result when I look at it in 3d it's not really a good desired effect it's because we are massively distorting the shape itself in terms of scaling it in the Z over by 170 and sort of flattening it to 30% with the C under so where we've got more of a change in the shape than the scale shape command isn't actually the best option what we do want to do is maybe select the add base so with this now I'm gonna select add base and we've got Z under and over again but actually for the under I'm just going to leave that as 0 and we're gonna have the Z over at a hundred percent sir as I apply this now we're gonna see that we get a very much a different effect where we've protected the shape but we're still getting the nice weave command and all we've done is we've added a base to the over so we've increased that by essentially 100 percent as double its height but we've protected the shape by simply adding a base underneath so you can see here that the Z under has remained the same but the Z over has increased by 100 percent so it's essentially doubled in height so we now have the the under and over look that we were looking from that we couldn't get using this scale shape but we have with the add base although we're looking at the weave section of this function and we do have access to the same tools that we had with the extrude so what I'm going to do is map this sort of Ridge shape to the start and end point of all the driver L so we can see that there and if I reapply at this point of course there will be no change because we've not made any changes to those cross sections but what we're going to do is take these two vertical drive rails and map different cross sections to them so I'm going to come over and select the semicircular shape and just come and click now on the blue node at the top and bottom so you can see which point is being mapped to which a yellow to yellow and then I'm going to go across to the drive rail next to it and select the box cross section and just map that to top and bottom okay and then come across and apply so now we'll have quite a different effect we've got the two lateral drive rails that are using the ridge shape and then we've got one vertical with the rounded and one vertical with the box ation and we can even add in further cross sections at intermediate points so here I'm going to select the ridge shape come in now and set roughly around about halfway let's say and put a cross section in so the net effect will be that we will progress from the rounded shape through to the full ridge shape in the middle and then back to the rounded shape so when I apply now you can now see it on the screen and we've got a really quite a cool effect where we've changed these sort of we've in the middle and it's morphing out to the rounded shapes at either end at this point let's take a look at how we can control the way the different drive rails run over and under each other so with this I'm just going to close down the form and we can see that we have a component in our tree here I'm gonna select that right mouse key and delete and now we're going to come back in to the command but what I need to do first is actually to control which vector I select first as it will be that vector that we will reverse later in order to change the way he goes under and over okay so let's pick the first vector which will be our first vertical drive route and then shift and pick the other three now going to come back into the modeling form and pick the extruder option use selection to select those vectors and then come straight in and pick the cross-section and go straight to apply so we can see in the 3d view if we take a look at that first drive rail um it's going over at the start and then drops down to under as it progresses to the other end now I can change that so if we have a look here I can right mouse key over that driver Islands they reverse rail now we're not going to see a change in the 3d view till I apply but if you concentrate on the 3d view and I hit apply now you'll see quite a significant change when now it's going under the star and then over after if I reverse it again you'll see the change again and we're now going to change that to being over at the start and under the second so that first drive rail is sort of controlling what is happening all over the job okay so now what we're going to do is take a look at a more complex example using these for the same profile but using a completely different shape so I'm going to close out of this form and we're going to just delete the component that we've just created and then come back up to our layers and I'm gonna switch off the simple weave and switch on the circle weave and make that the active layer so now we have a series of drive rails all overlapping it was created by initially taking one circle and then mirroring that across and then mirroring it from top to bottom to create the bottom two so it's pretty simple now and of course I'm just gonna box pick to pick these four drive rails come back into the command now and use selection on those come straight in and pick the cross section leave everything the same and just apply so we can see that even though we've got quite a complex network of circles intertwining that it creates a really cool and desired effect and we're not needing to make a lot of modifications to get the shape we need so it's just shows a very powerful tool and the way it's succour donating all the intersections there so with that I'm just gonna close out that form now and once again delete that compose and come back up to my layers and switch off the circle weave and we're gonna switch on the stretch weave here okay so I'm gonna select that form and what we're gonna do here is actually read in a 3d component and then stretch it along the drive rail okay so let's go and import that 3d component now in this case is going to be this paintbrush but a clip art that we've got and that's currently located in the bottom left hand corner it's going to bring it into the view and I'm just going to rotate that now so I'm going to rotate it through just 90 degrees and apply and then we also need to change its size so we're gonna scale this up from five and a half roughly to eight adlink X Y so we get a change in height in proportion and I'm happy with that I'm just gonna just pick that up now and place that at the top so let's take a look at how we can take this sort of rather linear paintbrush and be able to map it along this curve drive rail so I'm going to come in now and just select that single of drive rail and up to the form and use selection so we can see it's going to go from the lower point up to the higher point and we're going to select the used component we've only got one option in the drop-down menu and rather the fill with multiple copies we're going to select the stretch to drive rail length so as I select that now I can come back in and apply so we can see both in the 2d in the 3d view just how it's taken that 8 inch linear paintbrush and stretched it over you know almost a 12 inch curved drive rail so that looks pretty cool but now we want to maybe combine it with another paintbrush running in the opposite direction on the other drive realm so what I'm going to do is just reset that now and just clear the drive rails come back in and just select those two and use those as the selection and we can come down now to look at how we're going to weave these together so we're using a component we're going to look at weave and I think we're going to use the scale shape command rather than add base and in this case we need to maybe look at really what those shapes should be so I think we're gonna go sort of 50 and 150 and we'll take a look at that first and just apply that and we can see that we have a good shape but at the moment just a little bit too much of a sort of a dipping in the under profile there so I might want to just increase that from 50 maybe up to 75 and apply and now we get a better effect there in the 3d view so you can see that there's a lot of power there within this extrude and we've command a lot of options to create some fantastic design ideas so it really is an extremely cool modeling tool as great scope to produce fantastic designs
Channel: Vectric Ltd
Views: 9,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vectric, CNCsoftware, CNCtutorial, VectricSoftware, CNCsoftwaretutorial, CNC, vcarve, toolpaths
Id: 8ebNnFYjEuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 39sec (2439 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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