Vector Drawing Tutorial [Part 1]

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so what I want to show you today in this tutorial is how I bring illustrations into the computer turn them into vector format and make those into t-shirt graphics so I'm going to show you this example which is a pineapple and first I'll usually start out with a little sketch like this just pen and ink on any kind of paper and then I'll take a photo of that and then I'll open up procreate app and that's the pineapple I did that's part of the progress but let's let's make a new procreate document and we want to make a four thousand by four thousand pixel file and the other thing we want to do is let's go here and click on insert a photo and we can insert that pineapple and we can also scale it up a bit and if you look at my my layers there's background and that's just the the white background and there's the photo and what we want to do with the photo is let's turn down the opacity just so we can use it as a drawing guide and the other thing we want to do is make a new layer and typically the pen that I draw with or the brush that I draw with is the default Studio pen it's in the inking section of the brush library and that's default in procreate so we're just going to use that pen and I'm actually gonna make this brush size pretty big because this is not going to be a super detailed drawing so we're going to start out by just drawing some lines and we can twist our drawing canvas just to match kind of how your your arm flows when you're drawing and the other thing I want to do here is let's draw an ellipse for the outside of this pineapple and the nice thing about procreate is if you just hold at the end of drawing an ellipse it'll allow you to adjust things and it'll also smoothing alfe for you so the next thing I want to do is let's just erase a little bit of that area right there I think the rest of that's going to be okay and you'll see where I'm going here in a second let's just draw out the rest of these leaves and again we're not worrying about any of these overlapping areas and I'll show you why here in a second the next thing I want to do is I want to just fill all the outside of this part with black the one thing I haven't done right here is make this a watertight drawing so if I drag black it's gonna get in where where those gaps were so see how there's a gap right here I just fill that in maybe filling that right there now when I drag this black in it's just gonna fill kind of outside and it's gonna stop wherever those lines make it stop and with this method none of this stuff needs to be totally perfect because I'm gonna take it into Photoshop and apply a few effects that way so let's uh let's turn off the sketch here in the background it's starting to look pretty good and just kind of finish it off with maybe some little lines in the middle of the leaf there maybe one right here and if you get any little kinks just you can tap two fingers to undo and procreate and the only other area that's bothering me I could erase this or I could just draw in white so I'm just going to draw in white same difference for what we're doing so what I want to do is I want to share this to my desktop computer and bring it into Photoshop so we can click right here and click on the share tab and then I usually export it as a PSD file or a PNG a PNG is going to be a flattened file and with something like this it doesn't matter because it's just black and white if we drew a bunch of layers we would want to save it as a PSD but I'll just do a PNG here and I'll just airdrop that to my Mac and we'll open that up in Photoshop
Channel: TheVectorLab
Views: 11,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZOnPlmaOAj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 58sec (298 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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