VDOM vs lit-html - HTTP203

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SURMA: But yeah, so probably something happened. It was really good. I recommend everyone to watch all the videos. It has good talks, and it's even supercharged. JAKE ARCHIBALD: There is a supercharged? SURMA: I do say so myself. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes. SURMA: You were involved. JAKE ARCHIBALD: I was-- SURMA: Monica was involved. JAKE ARCHIBALD: --involved. Yes. SURMA: Even I was involved. JAKE ARCHIBALD: You were? [LAUGHS] They let you on stage again? SURMA: Yes. JAKE ARCHIBALD: It was very good. I wanted to talk-- so I really liked [INAUDIBLE] was Justin's. SURMA: Yes. JAKE ARCHIBALD: And he was talking about lit-html. Like what sort a of-- SURMA: Yes. And that really spoke to me, because he wrote an alter-- like, he wrote basically a VDOM alternative, or a different take on VDOM. And I've been playing around with VDOM a lot, basically because of tasklets that we talked about in the last podcast, which hopefully everybody has listened to. [LAUGHS] JAKE ARCHIBALD: Do you want to do like an American TV show? Previously. (DEEP VOICE) Previously on-- SURMA: Oh, we do it like a proper announcer, though. Because my voice-- JAKE ARCHIBALD: [EXPLOSION NOISES] So it's just a-- SURMA (DEEP VOICE): Previously. JAKE ARCHIBALD: That was really good, actually. I liked that. SURMA: [LAUGHS] [MUSIC PLAYING] So I've been looking into VDOM. And it took-- I heard about VDOM a lot, and I knew basically what it did. That you had, like, an alternative in-memory representation of the DOM, and if you changed something, it would just create a completely new version and then find all the differences. But I never realized that is a solution to the data-binding problem. If you look at Polymer, usually like annotate, this attribute should always have the value of this variable that I have in my state. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Right. SURMA: And whenever it changes, there's some magic going on that it realizes, oh, this has changed. I should therefore also update this attribute in the DOM. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yeah. And I worry a little bit, especially when it's two-way data binding. I-- it's a lot of magic involved. SURMA: And you look at the implementation, and I just never understood it. It's like mutation observers, but also you create magic getters and setters so you can hook into the mutation of the variable. And if either of the sites change, you have to do all the piping. And it's not easy to implement a proper two-way binding thing. And then VDOM comes along and basically just says, don't worry about the two-way binding. We're just going to, like, re-render the entire tree as an object and figure out what changed for you. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Right. SURMA: And in terms of algorithm, that is simpler. If you want to do like a really good diffing algorithm, that's not easy, but in terms of how it works, it's easier to understand. And I never realized, OK. So VDOM is a solution to the two-way data-binding thing. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Right. It becomes very one way. SURMA: And then on the other hand, it would use events to bubble up changes back into your state. And that kind of makes sense. But then after I understood that, I thought about it more and more, and I was like, this is, once again, developer experience over user experience. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Right, because it is a great developer experience. Because like, that sort of way, you're re-declaring the world every time. It sorts out a lot of state bugs. SURMA: You put in a fairly small library. If you look at [? pre-app, ?] that's 3 kilobytes. That's tiny. And it does all these things, plus components and other stuff even. But also, it completely negates the fact that, if you have a decently sized document with, let's say, a couple of thousand DOM nodes-- JAKE ARCHIBALD: Right. SURMA: --there's a lot of diffing going on that is completely unnecessary, because you, as a developer, know that the big portion of your document is static and doesn't change. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Right. And you pay that cost per node, not per change. SURMA: Yeah. So I guess the VDOM update or render call scales with how big your document is. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yeah, to some degree. And there's also shouldComponentUpdate, which is your sort of get out of jail-- SURMA: Yeah. I guess. JAKE ARCHIBALD: If there's a large part of the tree that doesn't change, then you can, in this sort of React world, sort of avoid redoing the work there. So we've got this virtual DOM idea that React uses where you're paying the cost roughly per node that exists. Whereas lit-html and hyperHTML, which does a very similar thing. And I've been looking at hyperHTML. SURMA: I think Justin even called out hyperHTML as one of the inspirations for lit-html. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Oh, cool. Oh, excellent. So they use tagged templates, JavaScript, string, literals. [LAUGHTER] SURMA: Dot com. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Is that right? With some of those words, maybe not in that order, is the thing, right? SURMA: I think you're right, but I think I want to also have it as a shirt. [LAUGHTER] JAKE ARCHIBALD: So the benefit of using-- so you've got your HTML in that sort of string part of the template. SURMA: Which is a very common pattern to have. If you have a custom element, you want to have your shadow root markup, for example, or just some styles, or something in there as like an HTML string most of the time. Which is what JSX does in one way or the other. And this one is basically, without the JSX precompilation bit, and instead using the HTML tagged-- BOTH: --template string literal. [LAUGHS] JAKE ARCHIBALD: So, and one of the benefits of that is that it knows that the string parts of the template do not change. SURMA: No. Because what you use is-- the thing about tagged template string literals is that-- so these are the things, in case people don't know, the backticks, the new backtick strings in JavaScript, are template string literals. And you can tack them by putting a function name before that, and that means that the JavaScript [? pauser ?] will dissect the string into the string bits, and the bits where you-- JAKE ARCHIBALD: --interpolate it. SURMA: --dollar [INAUDIBLE] braces things to put values in there. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Right, exactly. SURMA: And then you don't have to put the [INAUDIBLE] directly. We can do some processing on that first. And what Justin does is that he generates a template tag, the actual HTML template tag, and it replaces your interpolation variables with a placeholder. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Right. SURMA: So he basically remembers in the template tag where values can mutate. And that means whenever you change a value, he doesn't have to diff the entire tree, but already knows where to jump and where to compare. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes. SURMA: And that makes a big difference. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes. And a hyperHTML by Andrea Giammarchi is implemented very similar. Like it's-- even if you've got that interpolation bit in the middle of a string, in the middle of a text node. I think what Andrea does is actually at compilation time inserts a comment in there that you can then go and pick out and then replace that node with whatever you actually wanted in there. I think Justin just does it with some text and goes-- SURMA: I think he just creates a separate text node. But I'm not 100% on that. But most of the time, you just have two operations. Either you set an attribute, or you replace a DOM node in the template. And it's the two operations. You can extend it. You have an extension API, a parts API, he calls it, where you can just have to ask if this is supposed to be a property or an event listener. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Right. Yes. SURMA: But at its basic level, there's only two parts, which is attribute modification and node replacement. JAKE ARCHIBALD: I've played a little bit with hyperHTML. You've played with lit. I think it's-- SURMA: It's an interesting pattern. I feel like it could be the next move of what is "the thing" on the web. It's a very nice middle ground because I always did the manual. I'd just write a custom element. I know what things I need to change and will just mutate them manually with [INAUDIBLE] selector and just setting the things. And this is getting mostly developer experience without paying as big of a performance cost as with a pure VDOM diffing approach. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Absolutely SURMA: And that is really, really nice. [MUSIC PLAYING] (DEEP VOICE) The almighty Jack. JAKE ARCHIBALD: The almighty Jack. That's a good wrestler name. I like that. [LAUGHTER] The almighty Jack walks into the ring and then just freezes while the other guy just walks around-- SURMA: Takes a chair from the side. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Just goes-- hits him. And he just falls over. It just doesn't-- SURMA: --turned into a cardboard cutout in the meantime. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yeah. [LAUGHS]
Channel: Google Chrome Developers
Views: 36,971
Rating: 4.8602848 out of 5
Keywords: Chrome, Developers, Google, Web, HTTP203, Surma, Jake Archibald, VDOM, lit-html, Chrome Dev, Offline, PWA, JS, Java Script, Dev experience, performance, perf matters, lit html, html, chrome developers, web developers, web developer, web development, product: web, fullname: Surma, Location: LON, Type: Interview, fullname: Jake Archibald, GDS: Yes;
Id: uCHZJy2n8Qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2017
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