Vaush Plays Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance - Part 1

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[Music] hard i guess play tutorial probably all right gonna learn today my first metal gear video game okay let's see how this plays [Music] then let's begin with a quick warm-up shall we check the solaton radar on the upper right and head to the point marked on the display okay you can jump over obstacles but the ninja run will get you across them more quickly and easily [Music] okay we have a problem right off the bat we have a problem there is a legit half-second delay between me hitting anything on the controller and it representing in-game that this is significant does it happen with keyboard um oh my god it does okay it's not a controller issue then love it when ports are like this might need to touch the files it also looks very slow uh i don't really know what the default speed is supposed to be but this does feel pretty slow gameplay is locked fps lower the settings you really think my computer is struggling to run this 2013 era ps3 game we can try that but i suspect this is another issue stream community steam community says that it's the full screen that causes the lag oh god okay well we can still um okay hold on nope that doesn't fix anything okay we're gonna try full screen it's always something like this isn't it instantly faster even on the menu it literally has game speed full screen that's like a cheat okay there we go there we go oh okay all right well nice port now let me uh make this palatable for you guys huh can't you to the left no that doesn't that that breaks the line of action okay yeah oh that's right you can cut [ __ ] in half in this game and more than in half how do i actually do the swing whoa you do you just use your you just use your [ __ ] um right thumbstick you don't even hit a button you just have to like draw it 180 degrees across really quickly hell yeah all right very good okay we're running and if we [Music] do this we're ninja running okay that was all skill i timed all those all those uh let me out i timed all that perfectly yeah wait does he just wait he just does this normally i don't have to do [ __ ] heck while in motion with the ninja run you know swinging your blade while dashing for example or striking your foes with a sliding attack get up get up did that not hit that hit oh no this guy's too strong this guy's this guy's too strong oh got him nearly died there okay i feel like a lot of these sword hits are not like like that one right okay what if that's the right angle dude hell yeah can we clean double up yes okay i'm having fun man yeah dude you're super cool checking body status still alive let's run a basic battle diagnostic try and neutralize all the enemies that appear [ __ ] kill them [Music] string light and strong hits together no way i want to do the sword 24 slashes to kill huh okay okay wait light attack strong attack i can do that in real life combat is not all offense however you also need to protect yourself now first follow the direction of the enemy's attack harry those attacks by executing light attacks of your own in the same direction this is how you parry it is the keystone of your defense okay that didn't do it wait okay dude no okay wait plus x okay hit me okay how do i do i just have to intuit the angle of their strike i think i do yeah just spam it you can just spam it draw force in as close as possible and perish their blows to leave them exposed to counter-attack like that from your perspective it will appear as if the enemy is frozen in time or at least moving very slowly this is the perfect opportunity for you to carefully aim your strike then slice your foe apart keep in mind even you will not be able to parry every type of attack watch your those movements carefully okay okay do it wait lt hold up whoa no did we get him that's still he's still alive second phase dark souls moment where you do that to them and then they show up in the cut scene completely unharmed for their second phase oh hi we've come so far in just three short years the sign of a strong leader sir no the will of a strong people champion of the proletariat [Applause] and one very able advisor thank you sir your team deserves credit as well mr lightning bolt look at these two seriousness doing our job mr prime minister politicians and then these dorks from an anime are right next to groups like yours as opportunists enablers of war but you've trained our new army well order has returned sooner than expected way maybe they're not heroes of the prolific perhaps i was wrong about these private military companies wait hold on getting some non-proliferation most of mavericks contracts do focus on security oh there could be lockheed left this yes well the security can mean many things there's a saying i like one sword keeps another in the sheath shut the [ __ ] up oh my god i forgot we're playing a kojima game is a deterrent sometimes by taking a life others can be preserved it's the code the samurai lived by a soldier and a philosopher you are full of surprises mr lightning gold i could say the same about you mr prime minister what is happening someone's blocking the lead vehicle hold on clear the road this is official state business jesus christ oh hi did he just tip a hat i swear to god he just tipped the hat holy [ __ ] that dumpy i said clear the road he's so thick lag is not on me that's it's a pre-rendered cut scene also why would you need to cut someone more than once you psycho leopard one u-turn turning back a cyborg competitors courtney what is happening we got hit sir a cyborg of course exif comes up unaffiliated i'll notify all checkpoints get on money out of there yes sir oh [ __ ] you guys are getting [ __ ] up over there [Music] holy [ __ ] the mobile wall okay we are going to die stay calm he just he accepted that very quickly he's got friends on our 12. ryden i'm on it guard the prime minister holy [ __ ] we're cool no way you were wearing a suit over that goddamn body and looking the way you did don't you [ __ ] lie to me he's so fruity he's so fruity hell yeah let's get this over with [Music] where the [ __ ] did that come from all right only the gayest survive in this cruel world this guy this one specific guy is getting his [ __ ] ass kicked the situation take self-repair units from your foes to replenish your own supply oh attacking one at a time it's just the blade's range seems so low oh wait no wait oh yeah there you go okay see it's so low okay i think i'm getting a hang of it okay get where asap where i'll add the limo to your solid down radar yeah we gotta turn the music up for sure press a button to lock on enemies what button that button okay okay stop um okay go into blade mode when it goes slow-mo gotcha no not that cause that guy was dead i gotta i gotta do the parries oh he got me [ __ ] whoa they're hitting me stop okay i got if i i can get the timing on that i think hit me idiot oh wait he hit me [ __ ] oh god i'm getting [ __ ] up okay we gotta turn listen the most important thing that we need is louder music that's the most essential we're turning everything up that's what we need how does it pick up my mouse when it's on game capture okay there we go there we go okay fine if you can't cut through the barricade try the fence huh neat okay yeah block it i didn't block it holy [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah dude metal gear skill issue what now why this is so unnecessary hey it's this guy he's evil really a guy with that appearance is evil you're telling me this guy is evil the guy who looks like a sith lord so you're jack what do you want with the prime minister ryden i want him dead nothing personal of course [ __ ] yeah dude he's american he's just getting a bit too peaceful yes what business ain't been the same since they shut down subtlety is for cowards a clean break from the war economy huh well some of us lack that economy this is your answer [Laughter] don't do it you want peace get a piece of these nuts don't worry now i won't not while he's still useful so long just [ __ ] jim carrey expressions this guy's jaw is elastic oh it can't be all right how much health do i have one percent let's go let's have a metal gear cheer oh take out that umg and get that take out the yeah okay sure uh what what [Music] okay don't do it he's gonna do it he did it i can't i'm dead cut the missile show me the missile what they have a metal gear yeah yeah okay i'm looking take out that ufg holy [ __ ] catch this missile before it falls oh we're switching targets he wasn't ready for this oh okay oh hell yeah yeah sure dude yeah oh yeah got it oh boy charge it's hard to get next to its legs nope [Music] get that one this one's almost down hit it hit yep i like how i just turn style hop to the [ __ ] tail yeah [ __ ] this gun i have no idea how the [ __ ] ps3 hardware handled this [ __ ] they swapped out the hydraulic cutter for a plastic cabinet yeah loser oh oh yeah sure [Music] yes gotta get the armor god that is so satisfying i found out it's almost dead let me get your foot almost got oh i just stayed close that time that thing doesn't have the aoe i thought it had you're [ __ ] dead dude yeah you're dead nope stop that plane what what oh [ __ ] it's rules [Music] very good but do not rest easy just yet on the other side of that collapsed building go yeah it was pretty cool it's pretty good weakest lockheed leftist right here it's not even like the big boss or whatever just like yeah dude was on the other side waiting for you to fish yeah because he was watching okay how okay so when they say you'll traverse obstacles automatically they really need it you will just like what it can't be it still works right dude how do we how are we doing this one [Music] okay it's taking direct damage this time okay we gotta i think we have to parry him what what use blade mode to take down those missiles okay [Music] okay i will learn [Music] what move is this cool move oh the bullets we got to be running repair unit prepare you oh he helped i was so distracted by the hell you're made up of so much [ __ ] okay can i check can i parry that should i be trying to parry that i should be right yes okay we have to no bye bye bye that didn't work oh god that didn't work holy [ __ ] okay we can't can't can't perry can't cut that up [Music] okay this is health they're expiring health pods [Music] these goddamn guns this is the firepower we're offering to ukraine how could they turn us down okay how do you oh i see wow that's easier to do than i thought it would be give me another [ __ ] cutscene wait oh no i did it wrong [Music] [Music] what get it cut it up oh yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] his [ __ ] face dude it's a literally the saucy face i can't breathe these guys are just [ __ ] in the middle of the road how okay how is there any conflict in the metal gear solid games when this guy exists in the same universe isn't isn't solid snake just like a soldier can't can't this guy just go into any situation and annihilate this feels like a very high power level this is in the far future oh okay okay okay this is the far future this is the end of the timeline holy [ __ ] it's hanzo too little too late hiro his [ __ ] face he looks like that that picture of the owl that's having an orgasm that orthodox [Applause] why don't we ever hear speeches about that jobs technology common purpose hey this forget me stop him you guys heard it a thousand times you ain't listening yes this is the lockheed leftist versus raytheon leftist divide mind if i got in i get it all you're saying give war a chance [Applause] what is with your face oh was the point of escaping with him to this point are we was he the bait are we the target if you were just going to kill him why do it here he's just having a good time i think he's just having a good time oh he didn't listen he's all yours sam let's go you are so [ __ ] cool we're so [ __ ] cool [Music] all right let's see how we fight another [ __ ] human got kind of shy all right [Music] okay we got it okay we the [ __ ] do we do this [Music] okay we got it okay we gotta learn to parry can't get around it [Music] okay i'm not parrying i okay i'm not parrying is that parrying that wasn't a parry this is a cut scene not half bad self-talk still [Music] ow [Music] your technique lacks something okay we're practicing our parry you're right it lacks proper parry emit your killer that was not a perfect fairy nope not even close [Music] we can't learn to parry from this guy because we don't get to retry if we lose to bathe in the blood of your enemies but you hold it back no no my sword is a tool of justice [ __ ] yeah dude [ __ ] yeah you what you only gave me a sick scar you've only made me stronger [Music] the slowdown is insane on the cut scenes how does that even happen wouldn't it just be play as a pre-rendered movie i guess they're just dealing with in-game assets here oh [Music] oh [ __ ] dude this sucks again all right sure okay i'm just gonna go this way it's fine it's just no god damn it okay i'm just gonna try to get by him just don't hit just oh okay no we're good he just he just wants to look at our ass not again oh okay ignore that no match oh guys say hi to berman live from australia when you bring a tool to a sword fight it's over yeah it's the sunlight oh that bad you you're not gonna stab down in the one and okay glad he had a good sandwich sorry about the allergies not again i almost missed did you see that he tried to grab um overhanded mist and then reached up more underhanded he wasn't looking they animated that that's so cool they let they've animated him almost [ __ ] up down you go flares just load them up again uh [Music] [Music] i might i might actually play this whole game over again on my own time to try to like triple s all of the fights or whatever because this act this is actually fun as hell that's very difficult i've never played a spectacle fighter before i'm totally unspoiled in this game the only thing i know is the memes about armstrong but this game is so incoherent and over the top that knowing that bit doesn't like spoil much you know bro it's been a while since i've been there i haven't even climate changes also kind of ravaged the ass so far so good i've got a clean visual a direct feed to your optic now should hope so i mean how does it feel to fly like a bird like a bird strapped to a remote this guy's ethnicity is foreign man we will get you in safely tomorrow oh my god yes this guy's ethnicity is literally foreign man right can you hear me doctor remember he's russian no he's a lot of things seizing nano repair units from mcfc electrolytes once you slice them open and extract their fluids they're terrorists i was planning on that god this guy looks weird he looks like that children of thanos dude with the psychic powers is that combat data stored on holographic memory typically located in the left hand right that data is very valuable i am authorized to offer you upgrades and services in exchange for it how generous if a capitalism had the world come down a few years earlier i would have a nobel prize on my shelf there i see land three months out no activity at the air base looks like we don't need to worry about interceptors great then we have time for a quick briefing i know you missed me kev but i've been all over the materials that's what you said before montenegro look just humor me buddy objectives of course are interrupted neutralize the terrorists and restore the rightful government or what's left of it anyway the president and most of the cabinet have been killed and a military junta has been established the terrorists brainjacked all the high-ranking officers and their cyborgs scattered the rank and fire brain jacked the few leaders who have survived have no way of openly opposing the new regime that's why they called us andrei dolcev leader of the occupation forces an extremist linked to both the saint petersburg massacre of 2015 and last year does he not look like iraqi i don't know he just looks like strongest iraqi mountain warrior to me he looks like he looks like the product of a propaganda campaign from the iraqi government circa like the only problem i see is that nickname i've got my enhancements i know russia's big shut up would be an issue he may not even be in country but keep an eye out justin what was that sorry ready for insertion [Music] no i know just the face he made i'm only stronger now i lost an eye and i have a cool scar that only makes me stronger [Music] [ __ ] yeah dude absolutely ryden you landed safely duh first head inland the waypoint is marked on your soliton radar contact us on kodak if you have questions look for cats find the cat cat cat cat [Music] what color is the cat what color should i train my peripheral vision [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] where's the cat [Music] i want it i want the cat is this the cat cat you are unusually uh okay with water i will not cut the cap [Music] you must cut the cat [Music] ninja [Music] i have much to learn from you sensei [Music] i love him he's gonna come back as like the secret final boss [Music] yeah i knew what you people wanted then using stealth cable to ambush you yeah they did a great job but it won't do any good against the state-of-the-art cyborg like you okay oh hey throw out your own barrage of light attacks while your foe is on the offensive okay what was that oh that's a stun wait okay wait they're stunned what do i do with the stun okay what do i [Music] [Applause] not like this probably well this is something did that give me health that gave me a grenade in battle i will designate a battle area for you stay within the area blade mode when it slows down okay gotcha okay okay what is that what is that what is that oh grab they have grab attacks oh [ __ ] they work together okay this can't be happening okay i want to get the hang of this and then i'll move on and play properly i want to fully get the mechanics okay bastards are using stealth cable to ambush you nice try but it won't do any good against the state of the art i mean clearly it did very incoming your own barrage of light attacks while your foe is on the yes okay yeah all right so that's good it's good when we do that that's uh that's like oh oh they're stunned i killed their friends so hard that oh [ __ ] oh my god what the [ __ ] okay i think i got that there we go aim for the red block to get the killing heal gotcha had your phil i i've literally ate i could take these guys with no eyes they're spying intel wasn't exaggerating on the cyborg count well you know how fast the tech's been spreading these last few years that cnt muscle fiber packs the power of a jackhammer into every limb what enterprising soldier a fortune could resist and cyborgs are still human real thinking people way less risk of collateral damage than your typical uav strike with these psychopaths the pr angle nations start playing frankenstein with their troops and the public goes nuts pmcs on the other hand are off the ethical radar yeah they still don't even count pmcs in official death toll we are being very direct here out of the picture private militaries needed a new edge on the market we got it in a way cyborgs are just sop troops by another name only all muscled up and less predictable what is sop where desperado find these guys i'm not complaining they're like walking vending machines sons of penis right vending machines full of blood what the [ __ ] are you doing easy there dracula sit down sit down distill people this is a serious and take innocent lives for money they sowed their fate when they took this job i'm just the reaper he's so [ __ ] edgy it's a bit cold ryden even for you anyway uh his school let's get to work time to increase the peace right i see like all the other people in his team know that writing is a [ __ ] psychopath like but for justice and they're like yeah okay you know like they know when any encounter any mission or what he's he's gonna be he's gonna say some insanely edgy anime samurai [ __ ] and they just have to be like okay yeah nicely done right good job [Music] this game looks pretty good like i know they would have had to make hardware sacrifices uh for the whole cutting everyone up a bit um but the game looks pretty good for zero you know like considering this is boris give me your status looks clear no one in sight good let's recap the route you will take as i said the enemy's hq is in the refinery along the coastline tulsaev has been spotted there using satellite photography also on site mistral captain so i go through the city cross the bridge into the old town then head down to the rear of the refinery still i think they anticipate this they will probably have a grand reception awaiting you at the old city do not let your guard down [Music] i'm gonna simply cut them neat you took your time for that one huh wait what i just jumped what do you want what's the red box [Music] oh neat repair nano paste how do you use items how do you use like a grenade shield okay sorry the music is a bit loud [Music] left d-pad okay [Music] see i turned it down one and it's still pretty [ __ ] loud isn't it hostels in the lower corridor i see try to flank them or approach from behind [Music] hey try to hit me oh you have a gun oh yeah hell yeah okay i think i'm getting the hang of it how did that happen you can stealth kill take that main thoroughfare you can use augment mode to see where the enemy is located your body analyzes radar and ir data to construct your ar display some civilians are still in the city that is not good [Music] okay grenade bad guy bad guy bad guy bad guy okay so what if we killed him [Music] what's up stealth kill idiot stealth kill target officially efficiently annihilated oh there's a civilian i see enemies no they killed the civilians hey try to hit me but you can't what is the alert up there in the top right something bad happened oh it's the countdown i see where are you enemies oh wait oh i'm sorry it just feels very good sorry the civilian died guys maybe when i'm done maybe i'll replay this game on stream i hear it's not a long game we could try to get like the optimal whatever you know holy [ __ ] it's siren head from scp uh i want the guns down first oh oh i [ __ ] oh i had it i've got a pair i want to parry the big guy let me parry the big guy get my ass kicked over here hold on stop all right you see that [ __ ] i'm like chasing the [ __ ] torso down oh i'll get to you ow how can he cut so many times and do no damage to the body have you never seen an anime wait is that blood spraying out of the [ __ ] robot oh my god it is what is uh what is up with you okay we have to learn we have to learn to parry okay do it yeah dude it's got a special [ __ ] toner oh i thought i got that oh oh oh that's an issue [Music] for you somebody call an ambulance but not for me oh see okay if you're right after an attack on that i want to learn how to fight this dude when its body is falling oh okay wait when its body is blue i can do the blade mode okay i was thinking when do i get the chance because i got some perfect parries there okay okay one more all right guns are for losers get the go get the guns out of the way come on oh i [ __ ] that up holy [ __ ] i thought i had the oh i thought i got that too okay okay i just gotta get better i gotta get better write it just spam perry it works like 80 of the time no no i want to learn how to do it properly once we know the mechanics fully we don't have to worry about it use your items we're not trying to learn how to use items we're trying to learn how to master the parry [Applause] oh that's a new attack i don't know if i can carry that one okay we just need it let's get it let's get it let's get a pair come on that's a grenade all right come on come on these dudes and their guns man these betas okay there we walked that okay we got that okay okay okay all right okay there we go okay there we go see okay we missed that i just want to get the rhythm i think i'm doing that too late try again yep i was doing it too late yeah it seems like the perry timing is more generous with early than it is with lake [Music] god the music is good [Applause] there we go [Music] yes okay wait did i just hit the [ __ ] foot soldiers with the swing oh that is awesome i almost got that okay okay okay didn't almost get that do it do it okay they did it it wasn't good though okay don't want to do that while we're jumping wait what was that b indicator all right we're finishing it here boys all right i think i get the hang of it now keep heading for refinery but there's another one is this one of those games where you're not expected to kill every enemy on the way come [Music] here ow oh man okay all right got a lot going on over here oh my god he jumped that all right what's wrong holy [ __ ] oh i bit off a little more and i could shoot ryden now keep heading for refinery but if i was good i could beat both of them change sub weapons oh you can change main weapons all right okay all right [Music] same arena okay uh how do we not like that oh he hit me and it kept me from parrying wow ow oh it just used money no don't use my items who told me to do that who's firing at me stop stop oh god these guys how do you break that he would have died if he didn't use the item yeah i wish i died okay how do you fight large groups like this holy [ __ ] i guess you have to take your time and wait for the perry windows right [Music] we can win stop [Applause] ah okay wait he's a lot wet didn't even see that attack try not to spam half of the people here are telling me to spam and the other half are telling me not to spam see spamming spamming does not work there i think okay i think the the people who are telling me to spam or the people who play on like easy mode or something because every time i spam it never gets the idea now keep heading for refinery the parry timing is definitely not as forgiving as it would need to be for that to work so what we need to do is play smart wait for the hyper parries or whatever and then get the insta kills let's go can you stop that okay i don't think i like the walk-on oh those guys turn on a dime holy [ __ ] we have to learn if we can't beat two of these guys can we even call ourselves metal gear revengeance can we even say we were rising wow holy [ __ ] i get the guy it's a guy what's wrong no okay we got this very good ryden now keep heading for refinery stealth lets you thin the herd i you know if this game is that over the top when it comes to its story i feel like we're cheating it if we use stealth you know how can we be so blatant with our themes and so cowardly with our oh they didn't notice me wait what is this a javelin [Music] how the [ __ ] do i use one of these [Music] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] what is the um what what does the like choppy meter actually do because i can enter choppy mode anytime i want can't it slows down time okay oh i missed uh a chance to um do the thing there oh my god okay i think when it gives me that button from if i hit any other button at that time [ __ ] if i hit any other button i missed the ability to take advantage of that all the people who were saying i should spam i don't think they have any idea how to play this game yeah actually i think everyone in chat who was saying spam was like just wrong yep there we go how do i prepare for that oh come here okay okay oh all right god damn okay all right this uh i i didn't know that the mechanics of this game would be that cool um i i didn't i didn't know if i was just playing it for memes or whatever this slaps holy [ __ ] these [ __ ] robots dude okay so how do i fire my rocket launcher is that did i just hit myself these crap guys oh my god oh my god what's wrong holy [ __ ] i got comboed we can do this very good ryden now keep heading for refinery this is actually a super cool combat system because i have the feeling that if i knew what i was doing i could end it in like two seconds you know that's a good kind of difficulty it's one of the things i like about dark souls as well where if you don't know what you're doing in a fight it can take forever and if you know exactly what you're doing you can like annihilate block during attacks i don't know what you mean by block i don't know what a block is how i wish i could kill these guys faster oh no oh rpg and the ground no blade mode can instantly kill grunts okay i think we have to try that okay so anytime my bar is full and i'm up next to them i can just um i get the red box the red the red box means that i can insta kill them with the blade mode right like it means they're [ __ ] as long as i hit that the red box they can jump out of the way though yeah yeah like they can dodge the actual the proximity okay let's try this where are you there you are okay wait get the robot will get the rope a human where's a human where's your human human human human what's up oh my god i [ __ ] close enough okay but now i have it again yes okay there we go okay there we go there we go okay as long as we quickly dispatch with the regular guys okay do the swings [Music] [Applause] oh sorry i hit mode on my controller [Music] there we go i'm feeling it guys i'm feeling it there it is there it is he's beginning to believe he's beginning to believe hell yeah i didn't even get hit there basically okay so that does not work on the big guys all right yeah i [ __ ] up the kill but i also got the kill so you know whatever yeah oh i jumped accidentally give heavy attacks too i'm using the heavy attacks hey i see you i see you goddamn wait does that not mean wait did did it just do a standing jump attack wait did not did that does the blue not mean there it is i [ __ ] it up again no blue means you can go blade mode after a parry okay okay okay okay that was a laborious process [Music] and i know you guys were annoyed but i think we get it a little bit better now [Music] yeah let's find some health pick up health yeah i know [Music] i don't know why it bronson but this is probably not the stream [Music] they drop health the bridge [Music] ah check your upgrades menu isn't upgrading a little bit like cheating though [Music] upgrade customize uh that's not it wait that is yet down on d-pad [Music] after level ends then why are you talking about it now i hate you guys press down on d-pad down on d-pad what they have erected an electromagnetic barricade maybe expecting ug or cyborg attacked [Music] huh thanks for the cutscene right and wait we're picking up a wireless transmission near your position from the frequency most likely an enemy data terminal check it out we may be able to salvage some intel [Music] got it vr mission added well that's a vr mission that's not uh that's not an upgrade the stealth craft made it back to sochi all right safe and sound no repairs necessary some routine maintenance and she will be as good as new good to here i'm guessing that well and it never has a good new house since it is cool cool lore guys i'm glad it lets you listen to that while you're moving around huh [Music] me greetings cyborg we're [ __ ] show yourself yeah jesus christ hey just to let you guys know in case you're ever in this situation if something's flying at you cutting it in a half won't actually make the two halves split into separate parts and go in opposite directions you'll just now have two things that weigh the same falling on i f prototype lq84i if prototype interface prototype all autonomous ugs feature high level onboard artificial intelligence an additional prototyping device enables verbal communication i possess an intellect far beyond human reckoning dog you don't say okay then what's the meaning of life why are we here what a chat actually based [ __ ] answer oh you're so smart huh [Music] that's why he wears the heels that's it pretty simple thinking for such a mighty intellect i may analyze orders but i may not disobey them should i disobey a direct order my memory would be white well that sucks i must destroy you what good is an intellect if you can't use it your taunting is pointless exterminate i think we kind of own this guy in the free marketplace of ideas [Music] [Music] all right time to learn we learned you will die holy [ __ ] we didn't learn your enough ah there we go i see [Music] a savvy warrior uses all of his required oh we made it past phase one without dying that's something hey health packs they throw a grenade i think i'm getting the game now guys i am not allowed a choice you must die i think i'm getting it oh two hits there oh three hits there yeah i see this guy does not leave you many openings i gotta say i just want to do the thing oh no we're not doing the target do the target wait do the what we fired a rocket okay my controller [ __ ] up there was that me i have no idea oh [ __ ] all right [Music] i'm being all these violence [Music] oh there's a double hit there okay if it's a double hit do we have to redouble the parry like forward x yes we do okay gotcha oh it was stunned [ __ ] missed that okay about to start looking at check so i want to know that okay okay i can do that [Music] i missed that oh hey what's that a whoa oh him too [Music] you will die setting you free [Music] [Applause] what would an ai know about freedom hell yeah oh no a-rank i didn't die technically oh well we'll do back and do it better okay we have to turn the music back um that slapped [Music] you're improving well that's what that's why i just wanted to figure out the pairing the tutorial in this game does not tell you how to do that well enough not even close so um i just wanted to figure it out now that i have it figured out we can play at a more normal place shields okay oh the shield works against my [ __ ] blade spam oh yes hell yeah do you see that i [ __ ] caught a mid-jump there oh that was sick oh okay yeah sure no okay yeah we're going okay kind of switching gameplay modes there oh thanks for that jump at the end how can any fall pose a threat to you you can literally run up 90 degree surfaces destroy the image sure oh [ __ ] we gotta go up [Music] oh no what's up god ah oh well we took out 10 of the health there use rocket um oh yeah they're leaving them all over the ground okay so this is the tutorial for sub weapons i think so how do i use them again i actually don't know um hold down no wait that was another thing lb [Music] oh i see right trigger i'll be right yeah okay i'll be right here okay okay don't stop oh [ __ ] that did a lot of their uh uh health and damage let's get another one [Music] oh that was a homing missile okay so these are okay okay so i'm using the [ __ ] version is that how helicopters work yes okay nope there we go surfaced surface-to-air humming missile that feels uh pertinent chill out oh this is one of a kind man [Music] what the [ __ ] are they you gotta be pretty stupid to try and hide here how do you save these civilians dude holy [ __ ] we'll try to get it during the replay this grapple is like the most effective weapon they have unironically get back up yeah she's probably dead okay what's up do we fire rockets at you we'll try that okay good luck was it effective yes oh they're just regular dudes okay i i didn't know if they were like robot mechas or whatever oh yeah okay no they're like regular they're just guys with wing suits okay knowing that i can just insta-gib any regular guy and instantly refill my health and blade meter is so good so critical to my well-being ah we missed it the i swear to god the range of my katana really threaded the needle to make sure you missed that re-attack there yeah sometimes it takes more skill to not hit your enemy that's what that's what you don't understand so that's where they're hold up some kind of electronic lock on the gate cut it most likely it opens only if you have the right id data stored in your left hand jump over it you could find a cyborg with access and uh borrow it jump you see any cyborgs around here doc why not double back check the vehicle route again you know back at the entrance to the old city who knows over and here's a ride most likely platoon commanders carry correct id data for the gate use enhanced mode to figure out who to hit hurry and get that hand right okay whoa whoa haha brought a human to a cyborg fight what's that is there a human behind me idiot good goodbye hello human are you aware this is a cyborg fight there's cyborgs too yeah but like i'm better than them okay so we're trying to cut off their oh yeah we're trying to cut off a hand here okay stay still sweet bravo excellent work i know hmm there was classified data embedded in that hand it appears that men underwent modification at the patriot facility just as you did [Music] hi oh this guy's got a a long sword like uh like a long katana the washing pole or whatever they're called i bet you i can't insta kill this guy yeah he he's too strong to insta kill like that but i wanna whoa oh oh my oh my god okay well yep he doesn't show up all right let's okay let's cut the ah what oh no this this one yeah let's cut the weight from the trap all right now it's a proper fight okay you want to want to fight with your big no no fight [ __ ] dude i'm like a [ __ ] walking war crime dude holy [ __ ] jesus christ hey we got an a [Music] 3d photo 3d photo frame what's this [Music] okay so that unlocks vr missions which can be used to get upgrade points and 3d photos some kind of collectible we have to go out nice to get to the plant first make your way to the hotel room he's like he knows i'm stupid it's like all i'm good for is fighting and like edgy anime [ __ ] so he's like hey remember you have to go up to go up and i'm like oh that's right justice yeah this this is the world where you can be the weeb and also the meathead jock and the homosexual theater kid at the same time ryden is a combination of like seven different um high school archetypes and i swear i'm goth as well so ryden again don't spoil me like generally because i haven't played any of them and i don't know but ryden is the one you're actually playing in two right like it's like it's it's your your solid snake but then it was a training thing or something okay so this is the so so ryden grows up to be the coolest guy ever yes but no i'm sure it's a whole thing yeah [Music] okay yeah cool whatever [Music] i want to play the metal gear games on stream if you guys will be here with me how many people are watching this is a monetary decision oh hello those i have that woman [Music] hi hey is it wrong that i'm kind of turned on by the insane poofy jacket she's wearing that what's happening did he try to parry her kiss he that's absolutely yeah i just dodged a bullet oh yeah no literally she probably literally has a gun in her mouth doesn't she she probably literally has a gun he's just a gold star homosexual if he even sees cleavage he listen the only cleavage this guy wants to see is the [ __ ] his sword leaves in other people okay looks like it only works inflatable he's married with a kid this guy is married with a kid okay sure whatever okay okay sure no no fine no sure whatever no fine i missed the center mass there [Music] miss the hand wait do i do i still want to cut off like specific body parts i do do i get like bonus uh combat points any glowing blue hands only if the hands glow green okay [Music] huh what level is escalated oh my god it escalated quick [ __ ] not fast enough [Music] oh wait we have the thingy still a shame yes we're getting a hang of it we're doing it right this time boys now where's the other guy don't be fooled this is an ender game situation you're literally controlling a robot ukraine as we speak i feel like we're about to encounter an arena [Music] i don't want to miss any vr missions or whatever [Music] oh there's [ __ ] wait there's [ __ ] everywhere hold on i gotta check more often for that [Music] the vr missions are kind of lame i'm going to be honest with you they would have to be pretty [ __ ] miserable to take away from the enjoyment that i'm having right now i'm having a good god damn time they would have to they would have to uh that'd be pretty bad [Music] just this item [Music] okay we intercepted call for backup during your last fight the caller's position is on your soliton radar you can engage if you wish it is your choice uh yeah oh wait yeah of course obviously yeah arena oh it's an optional arena [ __ ] yeah i love these in every game oh oh oh they weren't kidding huh all right get closer oh you're looking a little [ __ ] up there i think we got him whoa whoa what i was looking at chat when that happened [ __ ] charge me hey look at the ferris wheel hit the it's clipping come on now i feel these guys don't pose much of a threat it does take a hot second to get him down though all right new plan stay still more still than that morse nope nope thank you very good they look like a pain to fight uh i think as long as you have one rocket launcher or whatever it's totally fine hey for that damn nice so what is the highest rank for a combat encounter is it s or f triple x is just ahead at the end of the old city beyond that is the refinery's backyard so what it's a sheer drop gotcha i hope i can get a few restaurants into the city at all no it was only built two years ago there should be a narrow path around there that leads to the plant it is protected by a fence but probably you can cut your way through you have to no hit for s that's pretty tough don't get cocky most likely it is desperado running security down there [Music] what is it about us running slightly faster than normal requires like electrical arcs oh oh hello okay new enemy huh oh what what did that mean hello okay so i i correctly intuited that they're very vulnerable to the big sweep watch out they keep on coming human oh yeah i'm sliding holy [ __ ] yeah all right we're adding that to our repertoire [ __ ] sliding my leg how does the spongebob guy say my legs you know okay yeah if you're sliding you get to do a goddamn power slide [Music] up [ __ ] yes okay it does not use blade meter when you're not in combat i was wondering about that it's the reason why i have been using it that's a good security camera tells you exactly where it's looking what's even the consequence of these things activating it's not like i haven't killed everything they've sent my way there are active ir sensors in the area part of factory security no doubt but the enemy may be using it humans [Music] yeah well you know whatever just [ __ ] come for me oh okay these guys are dropping a lot of um a lot of stuff i guess the robots make sense oh it's a real dude wow this is that a seven hit combo oh my oh god okay oh god i think we're done oh wow all right i'm seeing the value of stealth now okay here's a plan we open [Applause] get the torso yes this area sucks okay we got to take out these turrets but we can't they're pretty okay shall we do this forever yeah yeah you two holy [ __ ] these guys get you man playing secure over here what the [ __ ] jesus christ okay those those guys deserve a warrior's death man those guys those guys put in work [Music] it yoinked over here all right all right oh my god there holy [ __ ] [Music] sorry guys no depth perception i have only one eye [Music] [Applause] hmm not a boss arena clearly i was wondering when you'd come jack the ripper i'm rock hard right now no one calls me that anymore holy [ __ ] where is he i can't turn up to music my cutscene i can show you a better time than that crusty old bear you're in charge here no you can't i'm guessing the cold wind of france you have way too much money your reputation precedes you liberian i bet she has pronouns natural-born killer even as a child that was a long time ago i was born in algeria myself you know i'm only half french and we had our own civil war in the 90s so you see cut from the same cloth you and i you don't know me i lost my whole family everything but i butchered those [ __ ] my family's killers that's when i realized i am a killer too and a good one at that i slaughtered dozens in iraq in afghanistan i'd found my calling holy [ __ ] lucky i'm proud of that leftism what happened happened to be honest i found it quite dull my enemies felt like domino one after another okay guys once here's a good model here i was adrift she's checked okay because you people will call anything thank you she's there i pray at least they had the cause to die for and then i met him and i knew what i had been missing oh my god she's got jiggle physics ideals gave my life looked every time she moves ideas jack what are yours hi protect the wick she's like what but i kill the weak still so naive and if i must kill to protect them then so be it i didn't know those little balls had arms and legs seems we have less in common than i thought i'll take that as a compliment if you would kill for your ideals then surely you are ready to die for that these [ __ ] games dude holy [ __ ] yeah she's hot [Music] first things first i wish there was a faster way to do this i can't even skip the menu by hitting up instead of down all right [Music] okay okay all right [Music] oh it grabbed me oh my god i'm getting [ __ ] ruined holy [ __ ] i can't even see okay no more arms [Music] i'm actually quite fast [Music] last one [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] i'm getting [ __ ] rolled here [Music] [Music] you going oh my gosh dude we [ __ ] knocked her into the next zip code absolutely i know [Music] nope can't jump up there [Music] [Music] the grabs from the little guys are just absolutely [ __ ] me up holy [ __ ] oh there's mid-fight oh my god okay i see the camera is not being my friend here i have to say [Music] [Music] okay whenever she jumps up like that even though i can't see her i have to assume [Music] [Music] [Music] every time she jumps up even though i can't see her i have to remember she's gonna follow it up oh the ball [Music] i will never carry that [Applause] [Music] i'm getting my [ __ ] rocked in this goddamn fight guys holy [ __ ] [Music] i've always been bad in fights with ads [Music] [Music] [Music] how do you know what i'm doing [Music] uh [Music] [Music] what's wrong damn ah there's a logic to this fight that i'm just not getting [Music] i think it's just the ads i'm just not good with ads anytime i look at the ad she hits me anytime i look at her the ads hit me [Music] oh we actually got a real parry goodbye arms [Music] [Music] she's throwing them at me stop [Music] [Applause] oh my god [Music] [Music] wait wha what knocks me out of that [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my god it's [ __ ] terminator holy [ __ ] [Music] not surprised by the sea there i expected her to get more dialogue at the end there i didn't think she would just [ __ ] freeze and get chopped up i lost so this is how they felt dying wait no hold on i am sorry he was too much i do not need apology i need you alive but i know you will never if they can still talk after they're dead couldn't their consciousness be re-uploaded somewhere i assume that means that her consciousness is doubled she's not talking to you oh thanks ryden you killed her yeah [Music] translation why would i surrender we are exactly where i want [ __ ] built with russian money to make russia money it is [Music] but now they will be free wow guy with the turban suicide bombs real nice one game crazy sunlight [ __ ] right right what happened bastard blew himself up i think to be fair that it wasn't a turban i'm america i can't believe it helicopter secure and healthy understood wait that was the ushanka that did not look like a ushanka to me at all maybe it was just the lighting [Music] i was i was making a a totally avant-garde joke i thought that he just had a fro [Music] all right i didn't like that fight with the girl it see it felt like they knew it would be a [ __ ] so to compensate for that they made the ads drop a [ __ ] ton of health i would have rather not had ads um and uh not had the health and just had to deal with her uh the fight or had or had the um the ads come in at like um like scheduled points after you break her arms so that she re um reassembles them but that music though i'm not criticizing the music wait wait is it wait is this really that hot of a take i saw people in chat agreeing with me at the time saying that the ads are annoying um and that it drops too much health okay i'm having fun i've got you can't you can't uh a chat can only process binary feelings so if i say oh this was an issue they assume that i hate it and they get upset um let's upgrade our [ __ ] [Music] [Music] oh sure why is my mouse [Music] these are just skins what about main levels that's expensive enhancements what the [ __ ] is absorption [Music] [Music] [Music] carrying enemy attacks in mid-air it seems like a kind of necessary sidestep enemy attacks i'll do those later let's do some basic upgrades so what does the pull arm do [Music] new strong attack oh okay [Music] do you think we should get one of the colored armor skins to be extra edgy or do you think we prefer our current one all black [Music] they have in-game effects extra munitions extra grenades extra healing okay i see we'll get that later oh we can upgrade the pull-off i guess i'll do that too i'm feeling strong [Music] so you've got some kind of disguise lined up right yep all set hope so you'd be a little conspicuous just walking the streets relax kev i'll blend right in i had the good doctor make some adjustments along with the repairs remote piloting and ai wiping have been disabled so yeah i say let's throw them a bow my resembles a canine canines enjoy bones i'm using on two levels let's go let's go i i noticed that we once again have the yellow filter because we're in mexico [Music] [Music] is [Music] adios amigos [Music] and you know you know i'm in the sewer system let's get started fully believes that's a good disguise center somewhere in that area according to the intel from our client the lab's been dumping illegal waste into those sewers there's nothing funny about this mine the cartels in human trafficking allegedly anyway this just gets better and better tell me about it we need you to infiltrate the lab and find out everything you can of course you'll have to find it first we still don't know the exact location so i'm looking for anywhere the lab might hook up with the sewers yep if they're actually dumping waste they've got to link up somehow find that connection sneak into the lab and see if you can find evidence implicating them on anything no problem stealth's my specialty right well we'll see do we have any idea what kind of research they're doing there not really maybe something related to all the people they're trafficking like experimentation it's possible first things first though find a way into that lab oh right it says here the locals say black crocodiles live in those sewers so you know uh watch out uh black crocodiles could they be talking about you jeez maybe just an urban legend but still be careful i will scout ahead you will provide backup sir yes sir commence operation sure dude uh so in the first mission did i unidentified you g's are patrolling the sewers exercise caution dip in the first mission did i not just destroy a [ __ ] metal gear robot i feel like i feel like crocodiles are pretty low on the threat tier list you know i feel like they're pretty down there don't worry yeah yeah i [ __ ] yeah i know how this [ __ ] i've played games before i know how this works that's not a [ __ ] crocodile wait crocodile like the batman villain no wait that's a monkey wait this is wrong on every level track too much attention down there ow oh he missed all right they uh the grabs break pretty quickly hell yeah so if i read that right the blue i see it's this i see okay yeah the blue on his arms means that i could have cut it at any time to put him in a vulnerable state or we can enter some [ __ ] i see a maintenance catwalk use it to conceal yourself if necessary equip the weapon i've got a weapon what weapon oh the pull-on i see so that's strong attack and now activating strong attack just puts me in a different combat mode basically does doing that interfere with my parries is it is it harder to parry out of carrying a pull arm what oh just uh a stealth kill from uh from a mile away fight me ah this thing feels pretty good yeah okay you can cut this goddamn armor yeah interesting why was i able to break out of the grab so easily before but now it's like a an actual hit against me huh oh oh wait no wait wait still hold on in a lot of ways these guys aren't that different from the regular humanoid enemies um in terms of the mechanics of fighting them no don't use my blade juice i came aha just making sure i don't miss nothing shiny i didn't miss the damn hole trust me guys i am a hole-seeking machine riding there is a boy in these sewers okay oh huh what the [ __ ] he's got a [ __ ] glock load them up load them up goddamn cheaters i don't know what i can really do about them when they're on the ceiling unless i want to waste one of my um oh oh yeah i should just use my giant weapon holy [ __ ] very well pessimistic why do i see there's an enemy still over here i thought i got all of them i don't want to miss any enemies they're back here is that too stacked together it it is what's your game okay that really hurts wait he's he's wait he's [ __ ] murdering me and i get no warning on his attacks [Music] um what the [ __ ] [ __ ] jesus christ oh oh wow that was uh 10 000 bp it's an easter egg dumbass okay goofy ass enemy so fun all right off we go [Applause] dinosaurs kid what the [ __ ] did you do to get yourself in this situation get get get out of here you [ __ ] racist you god damn yes true very true all right oh there's four no the one just jumped over okay what stunning field what happened you are supposed to be stronger than this don't be mean okay these things are the [ __ ] crocodiles what okay we have one isolated not even a little bit not even not even for a moment how the [ __ ] you fight groups of these things oh my god this can't be happening ryden all right we're good we're learning some more today [Applause] oh those are projectiles i see that leg the legs no got it it's still alive [Applause] wait are the other the other ones are enraging okay cool okay orange leg means swipe what the [ __ ] is going on okay we killed that guy so hard we entered the [ __ ] coraline shadow realm oh right glowing leg big spinny no okay we got this you're supposed to be stronger than this shut up why would you make that be the last word [Applause] i feel like you kind of have to use the lock-on even when you're fighting against groups of enemies because otherwise the peri-directional um prompt this is difficult to do consistently oh god it's all falling apart like this guy and by by this i meant that enemy we're doing it interestingly that um that insta kill move i think it puts you far enough away that you can't really hit the red box there we go see we take a moment to learn the fight and then we're better okay not even a c cowabunga dude what you say oh me a guyanese from guyana why the [ __ ] are they speak english translating yeah i'm from america call me ryden my name george like georgetown what he george he's and he's my goddamn america president yeah so what are you doing here me what the rest of you do here lose the map a ninja hideout ninja man what kind of racism is this bad guys our damn sconter research lab you know about it me know me now go back hey you know one of them no i guess you're all right if you are a cyborg you know who day is sort of what happened to you home even live on the street they can skate for a bob no then this good knee dressed like a mafia say hey boy you want a job what the what's going to happen now but that mother's gone don't put me on a last boat they packed us all a pickable dirty container next thing we know we're here at the zombie lab all kids like you yeah i got a boy but then we been over here what damn scott want to do snuff us out the guy who voices this looks like um [ __ ] so you ran uh-huh one of the mcelroy brothers ninja man same as you maybe the strongest cyborg ever warlock phantoms and black clothes that i pass me starting to sound like a bad guy yourself just plain nah we done plenty bad thing but me not kill no man nah never good we tried to warn of the boy i say iud's brain would get cut out run your ass out of there but then boy with me no understand they like spanish or something for me the only one for escape then that machine come after me and and i know the rest george i need everything what the [ __ ] are you trying to scare him out of his out of his dialect so the kid got into the sewers through a drainage channel yeah he says the channel is super tight but there's some kind of shutter next to it got it that must be where they dump the waste there's something else it sounds like a desperado exec was on site yesterday if a century cyborg was on hand for the meeting you should be able to review their video log provided you can find a server access terminal that would give us the evidence we need as well as a little peek at the level of that technology so what about the kid i made sure the area was secure and told him to sit tight can you pick him up sure i'll send a couple agents for it you just focus guys i know where he's from he said where he's from in the dialogue why are people telling me we need to hurry agreed riding out [Music] he's he said it he said it directly it doesn't make that scene any less funny though i i feel like i feel like that and the sombrero scene are the kinds of like banal harmless racism that people actually kind of like because it's charming like mexicans do not mind white people wearing giant sombreros i have never in my life met a mexican who minded the big sombreros ever and i grew up in la which is full of mexicans i've never once in my life met that because they think it's great they think it's [ __ ] hilarious they they don't care but you know heavy ug activity ahead it is possible they are conducting test operations while the lab is closed they're not going to make it easy to get into that land there's some way you could sneak past yeah it's like how mexicans like speedy gonzales we're like all the woke white people were like we can't get rid of speedy gonzalez he says on delay and then all the mexican people like [ __ ] love speaking it's it's a box how is that gonna help oh it's from medical supplies that could work actually oh i thought we were gonna hide in it like solid snake so are we doing actual stealth that's expensive oh you do use it that way oh [ __ ] yeah so here [Music] yeah yeah we're ready wait but don't i want to kill all these guys if i'm gonna do that i should start with a stealth kill in at least one right no do stealth oh do you have to no so no i was hoping he'd jump right over out we get no no no no no no they get in here look who's a little bit too oh wait they can't wait they can't wait wait wait wait wait okay do we want to fight in the hallway it's kind of a pretty strategically defensible position you know all right the cat see the camera turning changes the the parry tune see okay i okay that's oh wait they breached yeah that camera's pretty bad if they make a remaster of this game and fix the camera that'd be like an extra point right there um [Music] it's almost like you're not supposed to be fighting here that's not an excuse this is why you sneak attack that's not an excuse the camera was literally 180 degree pivoting with like no prop there uh there's that's yeah that's not uh let's open with one stealth oh that's oh sure yeah bullseye what yeah my [ __ ] bloodlust can't wait did that seriously not stealth master so okay wait we'll get him on the next uh turn around yeah the stealth kill where you jump down stab it in the back of the neck from above and then cut it a thousand times in a row it explodes you grab a spine consume it and then like you're good it's very good ass let me just stealthily disable the target and cut the ground beneath me alright [Music] just another box oh no okay well i probably could have guessed this but you can't you can't uh you can't do a stealth attack out of a run oh uh my um my little dodge thing there the xa we intercepted call for backup during your last fight the caller's position is on your soliton radar you can engage if you wish it is your choice yes kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill that works too all right what enemies you're under attack yeah whoa oh new guy you're kind of janky looking huh oh okay right okay so we'll not be in front of you then i'm going to lose to a [ __ ] propane porch okay when it leans down to do that flamethrower attack you can't be underneath it it seems or like it pushes you oh oh so you do have real attacks uh what a weird enemy get off okay on its own keep on coming uh oh oh on its own that oh okay i was about to say on its own that enemy is not difficult at all but with groups i could see that thing being a really disruptive okay okay i see i see when i see when it leans down okay those guys really do drop a lot of help yes bullseye all right i wanted to see if i could do that i'm glad i got the chair okay there's two of them there's one behind me oh yes okay getting the full parry on their [ __ ] is like a guaranteed please it's so annoying it's so annoying oh my god oh very good thank you like i was never even here hey [ __ ] yeah i didn't check the main area all right i cut this uh how do i is it even possible to get up there now wait it might actually not be possible huh oh such is life what the [ __ ] are you guys arguing about [Music] you've done it you've caught my attention nothing i have determined the approximate location of the lab based on the boy's information it is marked on your soliton radar [Music] water skipper oh what's up oh i don't know if there's really a way to run out of that okay you don't even need to parry all of them just most of them which is good because there are a lot of attacks in that short time frame i just got an achievement what are you guys arguing about oh hello where'd you come they're arguing about jar jar what's the disagreement if jar jar is racist and if that was a specific reference guys that wasn't that wasn't a reference to anything there are people who talk like that that's an actual dialect like creole [ __ ] or something i mean i agree oh i think they spawn forever i agree that the accent sounds really funny i mean as a person who speaks american english it does sound funny but like i don't know i feel the same way about like french accents i mean it's not i don't know if that's necessarily like a condemnation morally oh right i have this no [ __ ] oh it's quite a dangerous attack you're done son wait can i just infinitely farm like points off these dudes that's probably okay where am i going here that nice hiding spot i wonder where he learned that from i feel kind of bad killing a person who's groveling for their life ryden i have discovered the entrance to the lab sending coordinates to your soliton radar one these damn cameras [ __ ] me up the last time i was in an area with them i gotta gotta respect them why do i need more than one box who isn't just getting the one box enough it's infinitely reusable they can break finally yeah finally a downward dive that's what i like to see [Music] ah this would appear to be the ug maintenance area you should find a terminal there something they use to upload mission parameters to the ugs and something i can use to access the labs main server perhaps but first you need to take a dump i wait what a dump a digital optical output mounted proxy you'll need one to interface with the terminal most any ug should suffice the tripod was alike i'll see what i can come up with how do i use it simply connect to it you should be able to use your communications outlet to control the proxy ug all right let's give it a shot [Music] the germans are fecally obsessed apart from the whole scat fetish porn association don't their toilets also like show you your turrets before you flush them what oh did you guys not know this this is like a standard thing in germany see apparently it's like about inspecting your stool or whatever no this is a real thing i'm afraid um when you so so like this the [ __ ] goes forward so you can see it instead of in american toilets where it's directly underneath you so it's covered by your butt this is re you can literally google german toilet and all of them will come back with something like this [Music] i guess that's better kinda yeah it's a german ritual to inspect your feces uh every time you poop you just pick up a log and sort of pick it apart make sure that you're healthy any cameras i don't see any cameras did someone decide to bring a human to uh i thought you said stealth ops were your special oh i was supposed to stealth [Music] hmm apparently those toilets aren't common in germany anymore damn western civilization really is falling [ __ ] you distracted me also now there's another one whoa i didn't know you can knock them over that easy [Music] i cannot break out of those stunts fast enough [Music] do stealth now stealth right [Music] there see he didn't even see it coming the red box [Music] back up okay okay okay okay i see i see oh [ __ ] okay when their legs are weak they fall for the cross slash or the they they fall for the little swoop oh we're getting [ __ ] oh god we're dead nobody happening ryden ryden we got this this time we're doing stealth [Music] oh sorry didn't mean to bullseye this time right i thought you said stealth [Music] let's see how many times i missed oh god that has so much more range than i expected to wow guys why can't you get along i am not good at fighting multiples of these guys we have to learn how to do that though if we can't fight multiples of these guys then how can we rise the revenge [Music] efficient i thought you said stealth ops for your special discombobulate oh god now i'm getting this [Music] no they're [ __ ] me up they're trashing me what will this do probably nothing nothing [Music] oh that knocks them down you should equip your heel in combat if you have any what if i don't have it also the goal is not to heal through it if i wanted to do that i would just stealth through it the goal is to not need healing efficient fish [ __ ] you guys [Music] okay we got this we have to study the patterns wait why is my okay chat why were my attacks just bouncing off there this is devastating you can't use running attacks on them unless it's like that 0.2 health you fought three earlier how can't you manage to funny how that works sometimes right is there anything different about these two than the three before they feel different is the big difference because they can keep knocking you against the walls for a stun oh my god do you see that i cut his torso out of him [Music] sewer was pretty tight only uh on one axis the other one you could run around all you wanted that jump okay okay i'm feeling it guys hold on no cut yes there we go okay i think i get it now i wasn't really going for the leg cut off because it wouldn't kill them but going for that basically just takes them out of the fight oh smokey in here ah oh more enemies cool see oh oh cause we keep dying if they continue to increase resources they may shut out all outside network connections please do your best to avoid being seen oh i guess should we actually be stealthy uh not seen i'm just [ __ ] freaking out over here which who is in my cutting range nobody [Music] okay so here's a quick question how did we make this game 10 years ago and haven't yet made another game this set was the technology lost platinum magic man i should i should really play bayonetta for now yeah but that room those were cyborg brain casings duh we saw george said they were harvesting organs from kids yes this must be why they are threatening children perhaps other organs are being sold elsewhere but they are definitely taking their brains jesus are they making these kids into cyborgs wait the cyborgs you've been fighting did they seem like they might be kids you said earlier that child soldiers have a telltale approach to combat yeah but i didn't see it here those weren't kids so what desperado's just doing the surgeries there we've got to do something about all those brains and the other kids george was talking about he just escaped a few hours ago they couldn't have taken all their brains out that fast true there could still be a bunch of kids they haven't touched yet i better move [Music] okay i'm not like an expert on this particular subject but can somebody tell me why konami fired kojima because that just seemed because i know like i understand corporations do stupid [ __ ] but that just seems like profoundly [ __ ] so you say money but kojima makes them money like i don't get so so i don't get how they justify that [Music] they wanted to make pachinko instead of video games oh is konami just trying to do um wait do you literally mean pajinko or do you just mean like gotcha games he refused microtransactions huh they make more money with the [ __ ] gotcha games than they ever did with kojima that's pretty [ __ ] isn't it crazy how what makes money and what produces culture are not even probably the same things did you guys know that fallout new vegas is actually the least popular bethesda fallout game outside of 76 so fallout 3 and 4 are both more popular than it but people talk about new vegas and nobody talks about the other ones culture and income are not the same i'm too quiet because my voice is shot i've been yelling all stream sorry i'll talk closer to the mic you mean sales not popularity well yeah but that's the measure of popularity that determines monetary probably best you stay out of there we don't want to risk harming any of the brains probably best you stay out of there we don't want to risk harming any of the brains let me in i want to kick the music down okay fine i'll change the auto jesus anyway it's kind of [ __ ] but like this is why blizzard did what it did as well the mobile gotcha game market is literally multiple times more profitable than um like mainstream gaming pc gaming and console gaming are both uh distant second and third to the number one gaming slide which is like bejeweled and candy crush and [ __ ] yeah it's not even close like yeah the mobile gaming market was a mistake honest to god a lot of that is just like moms playing games or whatever i mean i don't know activate radar guys i've been wandering for 15 seconds it's chill it's fine oh what's that fine oh that easy huh use it to locate a data input terminal these guys are pretty jumpy now any funny business and they might just open fire try latching onto cyborg's heads from behind then an electric shock should knock them unconscious that didn't work you did it you killed me wait that's it just the kick that's that's a sufficient okay latching onto cyborg's heads how oh i didn't see that pop up am i good i just like yeah we're supposed to be on the same team what should still be nearby holy [ __ ] sick [ __ ] cyber rain bro oh my god okay splendid it is all ours now use it to locate a data input terminal these guys are pretty jumpy now any funny business and they might just open fire let's test that theory try latching onto cyborg's heads from behind then an electric shock should knock them unconscious he was right that was an actual gameplay instruction they hate this they hate it [Music] oh god this game is [ __ ] amazing dude holy [ __ ] yeah i think i'm actually gonna stop the stream here i'm very tired and this game is way too fun to play in a less than enthusiastic state we ain't doing no goddamn sleepy streams with this one we're at work we're committing full engagement the whole way through there are a lot of achievements it's a bad port i'm getting that impression uh this game is super super super fun no chance of me playing it off stream i'm having a great time can't wait to play more of it uh yeah i'm just um you know as a sort of an ongoing product of my sleep deprivation i'm quite tired um yeah sorry i'll read donations tomorrow uh i so it's just like it's a sleepy wave you know but i don't want to uh i don't want to uh uh play a game like that while i'm sleepy because it cuts down on the quality of my commentary i'm gonna have you all host uh demon mama that seems fair seems like a reasonable proposition post twitch there you go or youtube i mean okay i love you guys very much take care thank you for the great gaming experience and i'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Vaunch Gaming
Views: 39,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vaush, Gaming, Metal Gear, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 209min 18sec (12558 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 10 2022
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