Vaush Attacks Destiny's Community After Coalition Panel

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his subreddit is basically the like kiwi Farms I think I he knows what he's doing when he makes this comparison the reason why people don't like kiwi Farms is because of the narrative that was driven on the internet that kiwi Farms doxes people and makes people kill themselves I do not have any idea where he gets that comparison from or why well I don't know why he would think it's appropriate to make that comparison it's not at all that's insane that is an insane comparison to make especially when remember something I thought the United States did that built up a lot of credibility was declassifying or releasing a ton of info or Intel I should say Intelligence on Russia invading Ukraine prior to the actual Invasion uh and I thought this was good because I think it gave the United States a lot of credibility it showed we have a good intelligence apparatus um it showed that we had fourth knowledge of something was going to happen we made a prediction it came true um in my personal opinion from The Limited information I have about the leadup the the very the week or two leading up to the uh Ukrainian Russian war it seemed like a really good credibility building exercise for the United States to call some things out ahead of time so before I dive super deeply into the uh vosch stuff yeah I want to make people aware of like some stuff that he does that is very bothersome to me um just so that we're kind of on the same page some of this I've called out before in my uh some of this I've called out before in the big Manifesto that I did uh called the end of all things and I think I had a big section of him related to how he misrepresents me and some of these things are a little bit new yeah it's pretty rare that I'll call somebody out for manipulative or abusive Behavior because I generally just I it's so hard for me to buy that people that actually cognitively doing that I think it's pretty exceptional for it to happen but I think in vos's case I think Vos actually does explicitly plan out ahead of time exactly how he's going to talk about things how he's going to present things and then the potential responses he'll get and how he'll respond to the responses I think he's actually very intentional about this and he utilizes what what I would say is a strategy called crazy making where he'll do this thing where he he'll talk about me but he never obviously watches a clip or shows any of the original content he'll talk about me he'll say something either implicitly or explicitely about how I'm like crazy I'm low IQ I'm transphobic I'm whatever I'm a debate bro whatever he'll say something like that and then he'll go on and then when I predictably I'll respond about it on stream and predictably I'll be really upset because he's usually super misrepresenting what I'm saying and then when people bring up my response he'll go oh why is Destiny talking about me he's so obsessed with me like why does he even care why does he like I don't even know why we hate each other um and then I feel like a I feel like I'm insane because hold on you've made crazy accusations about my conduct you remember two weeks before uh two weeks before we went into this Coalition building thing he was on stream saying I should have Clips ready to go for this hold on just this was this is what he was saying on September 16th so I think this was two weeks before our meeting well I I would say that the uh the ultimate like incarnation of the problem with online debate is is actually Destiny Destiny is really smart Ian I don't think anyone can deny that um but I think that he he's kind of gone down a path where in many cases the satiation of his feeling of intellectual superiority takes precedence over anything material in a debate whether the satiation of his intellectual superiority takes precedence over what Integrity in a debate what a sentence Happ be what's actually true or um like I'll put it this way he's been known to do the thing where he doesn't believe something but will play Devil's Advocate because he's like I bet these stupid lefties don't even know how to debate against it I've never done this before in my life there are times where I've played Devil's Advocate but I'm being explicit about it I did in my conversation with uh Mr Gro I said well let me play devil's advocate for you know white supremacist arguments if you're going to talk to Fuentes or I I'll do it sometimes when loner bucks came in I'm not super sold on my Israeli arguments the one way or another about Palestinians but I'll say like yeah I don't know maybe I'll feel differently but like these are the arguments I've heard but I've never just I'm never randomly Playing devil's advocate and not saying it especially not to spite lefties I bet let me take this position yeah you have no chance against me and then afterwards he's like ah well I don't actually believe that but like they don't believe this they're not even grounded I I think these would be examples and it's funny that he does this because technically vosch utilizes this with somebody pointed out in chat when he has a thing called alden's Rule where when he's debating somebody he'll say like oh um have you ever heard about alden's rule to see if the other person FS information about it or knowledge about it and they'll say well I just made that up on the spot so you're an idiot you just you cop to knowing knowledge that you can't possibly know about so now I know you're making out right so he literally does these in debates okay of like sof history essentially right where where like truth and meaning and even um purpose kind of Tak second fiddle to using debate as a game to feel good um which it often is well I guess to an extent like everyone does this to an extent I do this to an extent too I think he does a lot worse though but um yeah it was really bad the by the way the if you want to like get anything knowledge based from that debate you're not going to get it that that there was nothing there that debate was an empty pit ironically they were calling you office Andrew chat the yeah because people use that as like a go-to insult but he just used it as a go-to and insult my debates are all public you can look up everything I do my research on stream I usually cite specific things I've got I release outlines about my uh debate prep it's not like I'm sneaking anything here you can see it pretty openly everything I do so I just want to make sure that people are aware of a couple things okay when vosch talks about me he never shows an original Source about what he talks about ever that's intentional okay um he never actually quotes me okay or if he does it's like half a sentence all right right obviously this goes without saying there's never any charitability for trying to figure out what I've said right um and then anytime I respond to something like him doing this he'll turn around and say why is dtin so obsessed with me when it almost feels like he's baiting a response by how insane he is um in in his characterizations of me so I just want to be very aware that I want to make everybody aware of this because there's a chance that after I do this video I think I think that his goal is too full I think there two he's trying to do is one he's trying to make me look obsessed and crazy when I have this talk because I'm going to have to and then I can't tell for this but I think I don't know if he either is not interested in the Progressive Victory thing or if he thinks it would look better if it died if I was the one that killed it I think Vos is riding on me pulling the plug on this whole thing and then he's going to try to blame me for being too confrontational or too Bridge burning um about it yeah so I think this I think these two things are are his goal for this so as I have this conversation I'm trying to be mindful of both of these because both of them are absurd and I don't want this conversation to be characterized that way but now at least if he does it now you're prepared you'll know Destiny said Vos was going to say these exact things at the outset of this and I can prove that both of these things are are obviously not true um people are saying you tested Rolo on fresh and fit if I did I don't remember but again that was a debate that I did I showed you guys I did research I did a lot of reading for that I took two days off stream prior to that debate to I did research I released an outline every claim I made was validated okay um yeah I did I did reading for it there's a reason why they didn't contradict anything I said on that debate even the marriage stuff which was surprising I want to talk about Progressive Victory um no let's go a little bit more macro okay I want to talk about me for a little bit okay I've been a bit on a uh on the ego Arc because I'm pretty humble for most of my life okay um there's a couple of unique ways that I've approached doing online content um that have come at Great cost to me but I think especially over the past year I think it's paid off in unbelievable ways in ways that I would have never imagined it paying off which um I'm yeah I'm super lucky about all of that uh partially because of me a lot because of you guys and how you respond so um for the most part I have my community engagement is very very very high I participate in my chats I used to participate Discord post and read the subreddit obviously uh um and I have like a very particular Community culture right um except for in YouTube and kick I don't really have moderators you guys Place yourselves pretty well oh speaking of that we've got new anti- misogyny rules coming up at the end of this talk too uh for the most part you guys do like a really good job you you tend to follow my lead a lot when I start using you guys use more when I start using gay a little bit more you guys use gay more now that I've stopped using that again you sto using it what do you mean no mods I mean no mods on my dgg chat I know I have mods in kicking in YouTube okay you guys do a great job I love you very much um I've conducted myself in in in a few ways uh that have been highly advantageous to us um one is I have a very very high level of community engagement so I can milk you guys for a lot especially the canvasing stuff and two I have um uh well as a result number one I have a very very highly engaged committee and two we've kind of walked this ideological Lone Wolf Sigma Mel route and that um obv VI L as I've traveled through the internet in both time uh and electronic space um we don't really have very many allies we don't really have very many friends we don't really have any political camps that we can fall back on for support and for a long history in this stream kind of being like a dggg has been a little bit rough because basically everybody hates me okay uh everybody hates me everybody on the right everybody on the left it's kind of rough and for the most part it's still kind of like that but we've actually grown to a size to where that's not a big deal anymore um my community and my reach have gotten far far far larger than I thought could have happened in this short period of time I'm being totally honest probably than I thought it could have ever gotten without me doing some crazy um some of this is influen I I take a lot off of anecdotes I'm not a perfect person so a lot of these things come off of like single conversations but I had a friend with I had a conversation with an old friend that I'd known I maybe talked to her like 5 years ago and talking to her was very interesting cuz she told me hey uh she said what you do is really important and I'm like okay thanks I guess it's funny and she's like no 5 years ago when I followed you uh nobody knew none of my real life friends nobody knew who were you were online like nobody really like you were you existed on Twitch you did political stuff that was cool but nowadays everybody has at least heard of you and a lot of people are talking about like a lot of the things that are peripheral to your topics which I thought was really interesting and then it seems like when I travel to places now yeah I get recognized in a lot of areas um by a surprising amount of people like um yeah so we've we've we've maintained this path where we're kind of like the sigma political opinions we don't really ideologically in with a party um we kind of do our own thing we've made a lot of enemies uh but for a couple reasons it's worked out really well I think one is because I think genuinely I do try to get things right as much as people might call me a sophist or whatever I do do a fair bit of research um personally I'm embarrassed by the amount of research I do because I know I can always do way more but as far as the space I probably do more than 99% of people in the space because most people here are not very intelligent and honestly don't really care about having the correct opinions they just care about aligning with their particular ideology right that's why even people that seemed really smart and I noticed this a lot damn that Dawson debate was so eye-opening people that seem really smart like Nick Fuentes or Ryan Dawson with the correct preparation will crumble it's not like you prepare to fight them like I thought when I would do research for Fuentes or Ryan Dawson I thought I Was preparing myself to get into a big fight with them but I was actually preparing myself for a massacre because the smallest amount of prep just causes their positions to completely collapse into whatever partisan entity they they believe in like that said is insane um yeah so our reach has grown we do really good as a community um we we we've we've obviously our tendrils have grown to a lot of different plac on the internet I'm very happy about all of that um because yeah I try to get things right I think I generally conduct myself in a really aboveboard way obviously despite Mr girl never anybody done anything weird with any women ever um I don't think I've ever scammed anybody like the worst thing I've ever been involved in was selling nfts which you guys are too to even understand I'm still right about that you U but for like for the most part and they weren't not that's when I say sell nfts it sounds even worse than it was okay but um for the most part there's never been and there never will be anything like leaked about me or weird about me or like Destiny over this person or blah blah blah like I'm pretty sure most of the time that uh most of the time stuff leaks about me it's either been like I'm being cumbrain or I've been like more generous than I probably should have with a particular person okay and I think um I think all of this has helped move this community in a in a good direction I'm genuinely I think I'm a pretty good role model for online conduct except for maybe I'm too aggressive or mean to people a few years ago I think I was um but I think I've generally gotten a lot better at that in terms of managing how hard I go on individuals on Twitter um that's obviously been toned down a lot and then my general welcoming this and conversations with most people has been pretty pretty pretty good yeah very very very high level all of that um okay are we done with the glaz and yeah so we yeah so even though it's been hard to walk the higher path and to not like like go crazy and there have been times where up the demon mom of Fortune thing even I don't think it was probably dumb the Hassan comment about the brothel even though that was true I guess I shouldn't have um the vosch comment about dying to his keloids I still stand by um yeah for the most part I've done a pretty good job at conducting myself now again I'm not perfect and again I want to stress it is very very very very very hard to be above board with these comments it is very hard to be above board um with like my conduct and there have been times where I've wanted to like block August or leave like groups I think I actually have left the the autism group chat I think I left once because I was so triggered by the comments in there and I came back obviously but um it's um yeah it's it's hard to have people correct me all the time because I have to conduct myself at such a higher level compared to these other people who can just lie and lie and lie and lie and lie and have no shame about it that's I think that's probably the thing that I'm I say I'm jealous of it but I'm glad that we've done the path day but I'm I'm so envious of people being able to just totally lie about a situation and nobody calls them out on her cares but that's because of the kinds of communities that they've built but I think that's capped a lot of their growth now I think I've hit a point where my behavior is starting to pay dividends in terms of uh my community size and growth and projection and their behavior is is kneecapped them um and capped their growth pretty substantially which I think is good that's good um ideally right the the karmic game is paying off um okay so that was on a macro broad level uh coming down a little bit more specifically um I'm a man of humble Origins to some extent my family kind of grew up I would say upper middle class uh because they had high disposable income but they were bad at managing debt so as soon as my mom quit her job um you know my childhood home we got foreclosed on in about 2 months uh we moved into another house we got kicked out of that then we moved to a slum Lord house or my dad tried to work with my uncle to repair the house we got kicked out of that house and then I live with my grandma from 16 to 18 and then I worked etc etc you've heard my life story all that a million times there's a million YouTube videos you can talk about if you want um but then from uh from from the start of my career onto now um oh I should have written a note for this I got into politics around 2016 uh and then I started to grow and do more things and maybe like three or four years into it um something that I noticed is that like there has to be a way that I can kind of give back or contribute a bit more so if you've talked to People by this point if you've talked to people online and offline uh that have talked to me or have seen me or been streamers in other contexts I am the exact same person online or offline I just that's just the type of person I am uh sneo mentioned that I people in real life I think far has mentioned it like everybody has yeah I I the things that I talk about online I feel very strongly about offline I don't fake anything for uh stream I don't have fake outrage I don't pretend there any uh if there's something that if there's something that I feel strongly about on the internet I'm I'm going to fight about it in real life whether it's a girl I'm trying to hook up with whether it's another streamer whether it's my mom or dad um I'm very very very genuine about all my positions another thing that I feel and I've given this speech a few times is that uh my my political positions kind of reversed from being super libertarian to more left leaning as I started to make more money because I I saw the difference in my life between when I had a of money and when I had no money and that having a lot of money makes your life significantly easier in ways that it shouldn't so for instance if you have more money you should have an extra cars okay I think that's like a reward you get for money that's fine I don't care about that but what I do care about is things like the legal system becomes far more navigatable navigable um you can get out of things like DUIs or speeding tickets not that I get have any DUIs or anything but like everything in life becomes far easier to manage like problems health issues parental issues stuff like that become far more easier to manage and then as I got more wealthy I basically noticed that like damn um life is so much easier if I could contribute more to make life easier for somebody else I'd be in favor of that so like for instance like I'm okay with paying like higher taxes okay but not in California because I don't know where that tax money goes that state right but that's like an example but something else that I noticed is I feel like if you believe strongly about certain political positions as you go forward especially if you've got certain gifts or talents there are ways that you are almost obligated to give back in the world I think the only reason I've gotten as far as I have or I exist is because you know some nerd you know figured out how to turn arpanet into the worldwide web uh you know people figure out how to make planes and and air travel possible people have figured out medications people have figured out how to deliver babies safely in hospitals like all of these kind of like cumulative achievements of mankind has allowed me to be where I am now right we all stand on the shoulders of giants where Giants are just the every human that came before us so when I look at political streamers or I'll say me specifically when you start to make way more money and you start to do stuff you like the obligations on you are higher right it's not enough for me to make like a million dollars and just sit in my house and talk about how important political causes are it feels it feels goofy to me right like I'm making more money now than some you know than some candidates like Ray in an election cycle and why would I just sit in my house and talk about politics when I can have some real world influence so a couple years ago I started thinking like okay well maybe we can bring people on and interview them right I'll bring on smaller politicians that are running for house races you have an eye booger in your right eye do I um you talking I have like a sty on my eye but that's like been there forever oh this thing that's just there it's a part of me okay so I started um so we started inviting politicians on we started inviting people running for house raises we had that one funny lady from I say funny lady not funny lady she was funny and that she was humorous but she was a really cool lady um that was running for I think school superintendent in Tampa um or skin tag whatever yeah not a sty a skin tag um yeah and and that was cool but those interviews didn't get very many views people weren't as engaged for local politics is hard whatever uh so then I think the next year I started thinking like oh what about canvasing you know I read that one book uh politics is for power um and canvasing seems to be a hard thing to get people on board with in real life so I like oh let's do canvasing then we started to do canvasing stuff and that turned out really well the because I have such a high Community engagement because we have such a commitment to political Effectiveness um and then because of the size I got into we could drive a whole bunch of caners out to areas in greater numbers than anybody really had ever thought uh I remember I did that first meeting in Atlanta in that Park and I think I did that shout out on Twitter and I think on YouTube and I was hoping to get was it like 10 or 20 people and I think we got like 150 plus I think to show up that day the numbers were phenomenal and then all of the canvasing fans or all of the canvasing events since then the numbers have been huge right we did that one call out to Georgia and I think we got over 300 canvers we're we're doing like compared to even the Democratic establishment we we are launching the largest canvasing oper a um in the entire State even compared to P of super facts that that have 10 or 20 or 100x the funding that we do um yeah which is good so I feel like I like the obligation because I feel like I have an obligation and I and I probably shouldn't beat myself up over it so much because I think I'm kind of hard on myself because I'm an amazing person um but I always think of like I I feel like I can always do more right like I see there are still times when I play video games or masturbate or whatever I'm like I probably there's like more time in my day where I can like contribute more so this is why I've like reached out I've got like other people working under me now I'm trying to like do more management um to kind of extend our influence in more areas okay so all of that past all of this okay is we have uh Progressive Victory with Brianna reached out to me I have a meeting with them tomorrow morning um I'm blowing up that meeting a little bit I love them very much we'll see how this goes um a little unprofessional me to talk about this before that meeting but I mean yeah um I had Progressive Victory reach out to me Brianna reached out to me or really Brianna reached out to me leaz on of them I actually don't know what that word means but I think I'm using correctly like a representative of a company organization alazon um she reached out to me about potentially working together to do to expand my canvasing operation sixfold more than that really for next year that we'd have six different canvasing houses that we would be funing them like crazy and that sounded really cool because one it gives me the ability to iterate well one is just cool I have six different houses that were working for long longterm campusing 6 months that's awesome um two it's giving people an opportunity to be really politically effective in the real world which is something that's like my dream right I want you guys to do more than just tweet or play video games or do whatever I want you guys to like be out in the world like making changes um there's a lot of people not a lot but there are several people I know of personally so probably a lot that went from they did one canvasing event in in my community and then they went into the real world and now they're like still politically engaged to this day they they were so inspired by doing those events that they wanted more political engagement so that's cool um it allows me to iterate on my canvasing projects with sgen right we can find out what works what doesn't work we work with campaigns um I truly believe that there aren't really effective canvasing operations in the United States it seems like ground that for as as effective as it can be it's not treaded on very often it's hard to find resources hard to find people to talk to about it um yeah I truly do believe that in like two election Cycles we can have some of the most effective canvasing I think in the country I really do believe that and I'm not so much talking up myself as I am talking down all the other canvasing stuff that exists because it truly does work off the backs of people that have a whole bunch of other motivators uh affecting them at the end of the day right I'm not here for clout I already have my clout I'm not here for money I already made my money I'm not here to get elected I would never get elected and I don't give a um and I'm not here for partisan politics I don't give a about the Democratic establishment I don't give a about progressives I don't give a about Republicans um I just care about the country their positions that I believe are correct and those positions right now basically have me on a vote blue no matter who ticket right I would never vote for a conservative in the United States right now um if you're like the party of Donald Trump right that's just where I'm at right now uh so Brianna reaches me uh reaches out to me to do that sort of project and of course I'm like yeah this is awesome um the idea that you could connect me to you know seven figures worth of money potentially from other funding sources to expand my canvasing projects I don't have to personally fund it I don't have to worry about money I don't have to go to my community to fund it that would be awesome okay okay that's cool so that's kind of where okay that's where I'm at my my mind is for that stuff so part of what Progressive Victory wants to do and they're pretty public all this I'm not exposing into this part of what they want to do is they think that having a coalition of people having a coalition of streamers working together can somehow insulate us from a criticism of a singular streamer meaning that if it was Progressive Victory plus Destiny Destiny now becomes a liability for any campaign that we want to work with and while I kind of agreed with that initially I don't know if I agree with that anymore because I don't know if one problematic streamer is necessarily worse than five problematic streamers um something that I will say uh about the White House stuff is I'm I don't want to expose my sneaky tactics but I think I'll say I think this I don't know I think all of us passed or I'm I think all of us failed the social media checks I think every YouTuber streamer did um I think I think but I don't actually know that I could just be totally making that up but I think everybody did okay which is fair because they're looking for very very very friendly stuff now that doesn't mean that some comments might not have red flagged them as much as other comments from other individuals um but yeah I'll just say that but that's not really relevant for anything um Progressive Victory wants a Coalition of streamers now I don't mind working with a coalition of streamers okay however okay there are a couple of realities that I'm bringing into these conversations that I'm going to be standing a little bit taller on okay this is a big self glazing Stream So if you don't like me self glazing I'm glazing a lot okay I bring more value to the canvasing space than probably every left leaning streamer combined on the internet right now that's just Bar None um I'm pretty sure that if I were to mobilize my audience for canvasing actually I'll make a stronger statement if I dropped out of doing canvasing the audience that I mobilized last election cycle will be bigger than every other left leaning streamer combined this next election cycle I put money on that I know that for a fact uh my audience is very engaged and more importantly than my audience being engaged or as important as I'm engaged okay if you want to make these canvasing events work you have to feel passionately about it it's not just a shout out that I do randomly and you have to go to the events okay I don't know how many people would go to my canvasing events if I wasn't there I think when I was in Omaha I think I was traveling once a week to go do those events um I don't know how many events I've done for both Georgia things uh but I'm I'm showing up at I think I showed up at every single major canvasing event somebody could be wrong um if you're correct me that but I'm pretty sure I showed up at every single canvasing event so yeah so there's two things going on here my value in this space is really high because I have the most engaged audience and my value in this space is very high because I am incredibly engaged the canvasing is very important to me it's probably one of the projects that I'm the most proud of for anything okay even when you were sick yeah true okay um okay so that being said I'm doing the skeleton of this combo on the fly so if I miss something I might go back and do something I've got a bunch of notes so I'll probably refer to these at the end of this see if I miss anything when this talk of working together started a lot of people in my community V Community got super triggered at me because initially I floated the idea publicly of demanding like a retraction or an apology from other streamers if they were going to work in this Coalition the reason I did that was for a couple reasons one is because I can't work with people who are actively sabotaging my political efforts um and I will include like me existing on the internet as part of that so um uh yeah so like one of the things that I'd written down for this is for example it can't be that vosch and these other people are labeling me transphobic or evil blah blah blah because what if we're in the middle of doing our canvasing stuff and some drama pops up I um one thing that's happened recently I hope this changes in my life soon but because of personal things in my life uh mainly my parents their finances my mom's health Molina her accounting stuff and her taxes and then my living situation and expanding my business I'm personally I'm stretched really hard right now I can still handle it but if canvasing issues become a thing and now I've also got to deal with all my personal stress and I've got to fight over some drama pops up related to canvasing and I have all these other communities working against me while I bring the most value while I'm the most engaged and while we're all sharing the credit and they're doing little to nothing to bolster the efforts and they're starting to actively tear it down I already know in advance I wouldn't be able to handle that I'll I'll I'll become unhinged and I will go unhinged and I'll start nuking houses kicking people out it will happen I I already know it I can see that into the future I won't be able to handle it um so if I'm going to do this type of canvasing thing with everybody else collaborating I need them to be coming into this with like Open Eyes Open Hearts and like huge drives to make this work and I definitely didn't see that from Emma I think she gave one minor shout out no actually she didn't I think they just mentioned me debating her I think one time on the majority report um and I see the minimum effort put in by vosch and the only reason why his effort translates to anything is because of our shared crossover like the Wisconsin thing and I've asked multiple people this Wisconsin thing was mostly my community but somehow vosch tries to take credit for it um and even his community tries to take credit for it um like for instance I've seen um like this tweet among many I saw somebody link this Destiny has recently been casually streaming with and platforming Nick Fuentes vos's Community has recently been canvasing in real life and now has a reliable system for organizing that will extended to the Future I'll never regret my choice to leave dgg so to be clear I was the one that started the canvasing of the streamers vos's contribution was they made a website where people could sign up and nothing happened okay just as a heads up on that okay um so I don't yeah I don't want this history Rewritten I know this is the person earlier yeah I don't want this history to be Rewritten where other people now are starting to share credit for something that I'm building while simultaneously trying to destroy me and and redact me from the internet uh I yeah unfortunately I've conducted myself a lot since about two years ago where I'm like oh I don't care what people think about me online I don't care if I get credit for you know a lot of things that I probably should get credit for but now actually uh as self-aggrandizing as it is I kind of need credit for things because now my credibility is important when it comes to managing these events and fundraising money right if I go to a person if I go to a Super PAC or if I've got a communicator with a Super Pac and they're like okay well I know that Destiny wants to raise money for this but like Vos and everybody helped too right let's bring them and that is not the conversation that I want to happen you know I saw that Rana uh whoever does the publicizing for him like posted on the website for instance that Rana Emma and vosch had a conversation and I wasn't even listed on the site now I think it's probably because they just copied the title from the YouTube video and those were the first CH list it but still okay and then I'm seeing like canvasing efforts are brought up by you know Destiny and V's community and it's like okay yeah I need to uh yeah if if I am going to share space with these people they have to be making a really high effort to come into this space and share these platforms with me I don't think it's unreasonable for me to ask that when I've made great time sacrifices again I flew out to every canvasing event I did I've made potential Community sacrifices because there's always drama and there's always weird that can arise I know nothing did but again imagine if one of those houses had like a sexual harassment Scandal or some guy did like the nword at like one of those houses right um even though things go well you never see liability until it happens right there is a lot of liability for me at all of these events um because things can always go wrong things can happen things can go crazy um and and I'm and I'm taking I did I say the first thing was time the second thing was liability and the third thing was money I I think I think so far I think I've spent collectively I think I've invested I'm pretty sure over $100,000 of my own money into buying hotels flying people out paying for food um I think in terms of just like personal spending I don't think my community has I think my community raised like 10 or 20,000 once but like my my own personal funds I've been to about $100,000 okay so the the credit thing I have to have that I have to have the reputation of being the one person that did that because when I talk to sponsors I say sponsors I'm sorry when I talk to super pack or Ps or people that want to fund these projects they have to know that it was just me okay I can't sure the stage people aren't willing to do anything yeah okay anyway um moving on from that so uh let's talk about the event so at the event I was a little bit nervous because I'm seeing people that I don't know how I feel about them I don't know what I want to do with them I don't know how I want to engage with them um I've got other people there cherry and aidite who are helping manage like conversations with people both of them are very good at connecting with people and doing everything and I was just kind of curious to how the other people what acted um I want to be clear I'm not naive even though I come off as very forgiving on stream it's usually because one is content and two is because I don't hold grudges against people if you if I seem like you're really making a change going forward I I'll give you another chance I'm pretty good or bad about that depending on how you see it uh K and any NN y the guy guy I don't know if they're trans or not I genuinely don't know if they identify they them I'll just say they them just to be safe I have no idea actually but any and TR um any and trans any was the one that was trying to vandalize my Wikipedia and Keel was the big argument obviously that everything happened they both came up to me and they seemed really apologetic about everything um to a level that almost made me uncomfortable like saying that like I made a lot of good arguments and they got sucked down some really bad Lefty etc etc etc so not only did they come up and have like a full conversation about that that I was like really grateful for uh their behavior has also reflected as much over the past few months as well where I notice the types of people that kevs are fighting with I think she burn the bridge with like Lance and Mike um I've seen her fighting against some of the crazies online and something that this is so small it's so small and it feels really dumb but the these things mean more to me than anything else is I think during one of the panels ke's audience was like on me pretty hard I think for being combative and she told somebody to like chill out in chat those little things like that go so much farther than a private apology or anything else because I see public commitment to changing actions and to try to change the way of of how your community is acting right so yeah that I was really I was surprised pleasantly for I think we might be doing a stream at twitchcon they talked about doing something so maybe we'll see how that works um vosch essentially conducted himself as though literally nothing had ever happened he got super wasted the first night he made a bunch of awkward comments and jokes um he like shook my hand and acted friendly um vosch was the epitome of you know how I say like people talk a lot of online and then in real life they're just like really friendly cuz they don't want to say anything yeah Vos was super friendly-ish like the entire time in real life which was kind of annoying cuz he didn't say anything about like I don't think he realizes that like him and ass son have been the two communities that have been the most in charge of like poisoning the well against me as I've conducted myself online again you only see the fights you lose you never see the fights that we win and the the scaling up this metaphorical mountain of poisoned Wells against me online has been a lot of fighting it's been a lot of fighting on my part yeah it's yeah like the people on Twitter the people spam repoting my accounts people that don't like me discords ET right there are so many people that I meet almost nobody in the internet has a neutral opinion of me there are so many Vash and Assan fans that reach out to me that's like oh like when did I cuz I asked I was like you watch Vos you watch me how the did you switch from one to the other and over and over and over again this happened so much even the past week that it was oh I watched one of your videos finally and like that was all it took to like shatter the illusion of oh he's not like a transpubic horrible evil piece of so yeah it's very very very frustrating and then also simultaneously and again I said that like me taking the high road has paid off but it's hard okay me defending vos's pedophile comments me defending the horse thing me saying like I don't think he's a pedophile I don't think he's done this online while I'm doing that online and making like the best faith charitable interpretations even on shows where people are trying to say isn't Vos the one guy that thinks I'm like noos probably while I'm simultaneously doing that for him to be going as back not backstabbing as front stabbing as hard as Con on his stream it's just like it's yeah it's been the the the sisifus the copian there's no way that's a real word climb um against these people but again I'm grateful not because I think it's paid off okay um yeah that's a lot so people talked about the oh sisian cian maybe it's C cfan my I had a lot of different strategies um I spent a lot of time laptop writing things out like how do I want to go in this conversation do I want to go full nuclear like you guys both need to apologize to me blah blah blah blah blah that obviously the Optics the rhetoric it looks crazy their fans aren't going to engage with that at all I'm going to seem insane um do I want to go like full bridge builder mode like oh I'm so glad you guys are here like this is cool that we're together blah blah I couldn't do that I can't do that I just I mapped out like too many Futures where I pretend that everything is cool and nothing has happened and there's just too many in every future like the cons dramatically outweigh the pros it damages my credibility to vouch for somebody that backstabs me again it damages my credibility to forgive somebody that didn't say anything publicly and then backstabs me again it damages my canvasing efforts if drama or something pops up and that Community is poised to hate me it damages my future ability to raise money or anything if I'm sharing the stage with all these people that aren't putting enough effort in it damages my standing with Progressive Victory because now we're coming as a coalition with equal voting rights when I don't think we should have equal say in everything going on because I'm contributing so like there's just like there are so many I don't have this list in front of me but I I listed out like pros and cons pros are that like I seem very uh magnanimous I think is the word um I seem very charitable like people from other communities might like me a little bit more but I don't know if that's the case because some people were saying I was trying to clout R Etc yeah um yeah the the pros were so small and the the cons were so great I don't think it I don't think there was any future I don't think there was any future where I could have just walked up on that stage and been like everything was cool so the middle ground I tried to walk I was like okay let me see if I can kind be as agreeable as I can while bringing up some of our problematic caricatures of people in the space right so like Jesse single is such a big easy one I've talked to Jesse a few times he he seems to be most trans stuff he has a beat talking about trans isues that was an easy one to bring up um Emma and I fought more I was hoping she'd be a little bit more chill I didn't know she'd Go full into the wall on that one but I think she looked silly but I didn't want to make her look bad that wasn't the goal I think I approached that as gently as I could have maybe I could have been a little bit more gentle but yeah she ate the bullets and stumbled through that one and it was really bad uh Emma's conduct during that entire panel was pretty shocking to me saying that like our voices don't matter the multiple snarky comments towards me I wish I had your confidence uh I don't think we're that important at all uh it was really hard not to go off hardcore and just like lay waste to that panel um vos's tepid agreement on all of us where Vos didn't uh take a stand on anything uh it seemed like vosch was very much there not to argue with me whatsoever I don't know if that's because he's been traumatized for our last few disagreements but the basically the panel was Emma would say something I would disagree wholeheartedly with everything and then Vos would come on and say I kind of agree with both sides and then Emma would agree with vosch so vosch kind of served as this it's really funny actually the same thing as what we felt like about the crypto Nazis a long time ago how the centrists would provide cover for the farri People by making them seem more sane that was essentially the role that vosch was playing in this entire conversation where he was basically giving Emma an out to not have a direct confrontation with me with every single thing he was incorrect on and then vosch ends up looking the best because yeah uh because he's just agreeing with all sides and being the biggest Coalition Builder but yeah the um the issue was what I was trying to bring up was we can't work together if we're going to write everybody off as a Nazi or a transphobe just for disagreeing with us it doesn't work that way and the again the issue is and it's hard because I'm coming as I view myself as the better person in these regards and I do view myself as a better person here so obviously that's a difficult position to be in I'm willing to work with anybody and put aside things but these are the other two that aren't right these are the guys that are generally more gatekeeping I think Emma somebody said Emma said in that conversation gatekeeping is based um Emma was arguing in favor of labeling people as transphobes she was saying crazy things like well the left does it because we have principles and the right doesn't um yeah they they they're the two that need to change their conduct so yeah um I I needed them to be aware of that and neither of them were aware of that that they needed to change their behavior Emma definitely wasn't vosch was in the middle um I don't know what Vos is I don't know what he was doing at all and then uh you know I to a lot of people personally I said because they were saying like well V seems like he's being really nice at this event he hasn't been mean to you at all blah blah blah and it's like okay we'll see what he says when he goes on stream and his response uh yesterday that was the reason why uh that was the reason why I haven't said anything yet or yesterday in the day before is because I was waiting for them to go on stream and give their take first because I know vosch is waiting to blow me up and say I'm the one that's unplugging the whole Progressive Victory thing I'm the reason why the Coalition is falling AP I'm the combative one I wanted him to give his take first to see if he would try to set me up for it and he tried to set me up for it but he's also making mistakes I think of his own that I can point out um yeah um going into vos's Behavior oh I think my biggest annoyance from everything and was it it felt like Emma was there for the Rana talk and photo op and she didn't give a about the actual like Coalition at all and then I think vosch was there to just improve his Public Image and doesn't care about the Coalition that much other than the credit that he can get from it I don't think Emma even wants the credit me she just doesn't care uh the frust frustrating thing about vosch is that vosch is literally like my antithesis of like his appearance is very good very clean his speaking is very good very clean he sounds very um he just comes out he's a very good public speaker he's very good when he talks to people um yeah he he did he can work a crowd decently well he was good in his conversations with everybody yeah watch it really well but he's like he's an actual like evil snake in the way that he conducts himself um and then meanwhile I kind of have this like frumpy grumpy uh Angry you know chip on his shoulder appearance to everybody and I feel like I'm the nicer better person here so it's very difficult to work through those because when Vos conducts himself in such a way I can't like I can't call him out right because I look unhinged it's very hard to work against that but when we talk about Coalition building cuz people are going to say that like I'm blowing up the Coalition or I'm um being unhinged or blah blah blah blah blah okay I just wanted to be clear all right I have been a Master socializer the past like probably 6 months to eight months of my career okay I have talk to so many people in so many different spaces people talk about me as being like a bridge builder and Etc I know that that kind of like carries forward as a meme but compared to vosch okay oh yeah the Ben Shapiro debate is coming up next month okay vosch is unironically a crazy Bridge Burner okay he comes off as very smooth talking very charismatic he carries himself well at events but but Vos has literally been stuck in a fortress arc on his stream for like a year he's burned all of his Bridges to Major content creators he doesn't work well with anybody at all the people that um the people that were around him are crazy right demon Mama um is President Sunday of was orbit I don't know but yeah demon Mama the mods in his community like all of these people are stuck in the worst part of like the Twitter Le toid sphere yeah that gay fesh guy um yeah and then also the only major growth I didn't bring this up on stage but this is like a this would have been a killer point but it would have been way too combative I was really close to doing it the only major growth that Vos has seen in the past year of his declining channel was last month and that was exclusively off of Hardcore on Anna from The Young Turks okay this is the only time this is the most viewership he's had in over over two years the only reason he got this was because he went hard I think he called her a for anak casparian um yeah it's the only time he's seen big Channel growth uh was to fight and then every other yeah he might not have called her he might have just called her a sorry uh but yeah like that's how is this how is this Coalition building um yeah it's not it's clearly not uh there's a reason why his growth is stagnated there's a reason why he doesn't talk to anybody or reach out there's a reason why even his community gets upset at that yeah yeah in terms of community disposition towards people this was another point that I want to talk about this should have been more structured but one thing that really triggered me was so Vos does a thing oh I should have asked this is where I should have asked my autism squad for Threads um vosch does this thing where when he references me remember he never shows links or sources he just goes off of what he wants to say and then that becomes the established reality something that really triggered me was two things that triggered me I got triggered both times one was after me and V it our performance my subreddit from what I saw and I check my sub pretty often my subreddit was massively favorable towards him they said so many nice things he was handsome he speaks well he's funny blah blah blah so many threads the friend ship Arc blah blah blah blah blah for the first day his thread was making friendship Arc jokes for the first day but after that even though we were on a panel together his whole subreddit even though we were on a panel together and Vos was agreeing with almost every point that I was bringing up his subreddit all they called me contrarian they said I was a fascist said I was a Nazi like horrible horrible horrible uh treatment of me and looking at both sides of this that my subredit could be so nice towards him when he's his roommate basically got my twitch partnership asked um and then his whole Community has always been like spam reporting my Vos came from Reddit says where he was trying to get me banned like 12 years ago from the internet right like all of his commun PO is hating me tearing me down spam reporting my calling me a fascist a Nazi poison well blah blah blah his community hated me and then my community was nice towards him and then my treatment towards vos's his whole website and existence on the internet one he came directly from my community being willing to platform him have a conversation with him talk to him promote his stream and then two his website is a ripoff of mine because I decided to open source my a long time ago because I thought it' be nice to get back to the community okay um yeah the dis disproportionate treatment triggered the out of me so the thing that bothers me the most is that vosch um vosch came in he called my subreddit kiwi farms and then he said that my subreddit changed my approach to the panel to to make me hate him when my sub was posting all nice and I think people in my sub I'd have to go back and find it but I think people in my sub were literally saying that like it's cringe that Destiny's going to try to force an apology that's bad Optics and for him to go in and say my sub was on him so it made me be mean to him and then for him to say my sub is kiwi Farms 2.0 I'm like bro he's just the problem isn't even like a mischaracterization it's that I think that I think it's more intentional than that I think he's like literally lying top post in the r Destiny versus top post in Ros the FR ship needs to stop our is praising Vash more than Destiny at this point what was this it was worth it V Steven oh this said a thousand up votes it's obvious not only my hands been cold my heart has been as well oh yeah people were making all these memes let's see for vos's said what was it um Vos what was your favorite part of the panel the part where one of the members was being unnecessarily contrarian and tried to compare the streamer Nations the left gets and the institutional funding the right gets yeah I turn the stream off after that and the part where he used the panel to be a contrarian and explain that we should listen to Jesse single um yeah like his sub was me so hard and he was trying to pretend that um yeah he was trying to pretend that my sub was the one that was doing it but also um yeah uh the majority report obviously I watch their subreddit they hate me too but that's but Emma doesn't even seem bought into this he said you were on your Nintendo switch playing a Blox game yeah when we were at the bar no when did I play my switch I think I only played my switch when we were on stage leading up to the talk because they said that there was no um oh I played it at dinner afterwards cuz I was irritated at how everything went but I was already kind of unplugged at that point honestly I should have been more nice at dinner just to give was a bigger chance to up but um he still managed to up all on his own so yeah but um I was pretty PL unplugged from everything that happened cuz I felt like I felt like I'd been taken for a ride on all of this like again I don't want to and py can always correct me if I'm wrong if PV wants to come out and say Destiny is overestimating his influence here that's fine I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure like this rokana stuff and everything probably only happened because of my level of influence and it feels like basically Vos and Emma took advantage of that to join this event writing off of what's largely been my work to get photo ops and conversations with Rana and then to continue to have their communities hate me and that's like like me dude why would I even be involved in that that drives meing crazy um in terms of like the Coalition building thing because people are again I'm just getting ahead of this people are going say I unpluged this okay here is a a question let's say that Vos wants to make this Coalition thing work but he doesn't want to um but let's say Vos doesn't want to like repair the bridge with me or be nice or apologize or whatever which is fine why would he just not say anything why would he go on a stream and talk about how like my community is kiwi Farm 2.0 and talk about how like I was autistic during blah why would he go on stream and why would he say anything bad at all why would he just not say anything like I feel like even if asking for an apologies too much which I don't think it is why would he say anything at all why not just not say anything um yeah why not just have like a community ceasefire and just say like okay also keep in mind as we go to this event and we're working on this Coalition I'm pretty sure I'm a banned name if not in his chat I know I'm banned in his subreddit you can't even talk about me on his subreddit uh Andy's got me blocked on Twitter so like this is the Coalition that we're building where I'm blocked you can't even talk about me to sub without getting banned and you're still making up lies about my community the day after like that's insane to me do you think they would be open to that moving forward well so here's what I here's what I'm probably going to go into my meeting tomorrow with Progressive Victory on um we'll see but from now on I don't think that I want to work with other streamers as just like a let's try it and see if it works I need them to come to me and make a show of good faith first if I mean like depending on our history obviously like if loner box or if iri were to like come like hey I want to work there I don't need like obviously these guys are cool I trust these people they haven't said anything anything weird but like if I don't think Emma cares I don't think she's going to do anything but if like um if like Vos or whatever wants to come and work with me it can't be like the default assumption is we're working together and we'll just see how it goes it has to be like okay I need you to make some major announcements to community and I need you to try to make some Community changes uh it can't be that we're going to start off with your whole Community think I'm a transic Nazi and then we're going to you know go from there and see how goes it there needs to be a show of good faith otherwise I don't think um I don't think I want anything to do with that sort of Coalition I'm not going to start on on Ground Zero assuming everybody's good faith when these people have been actively you know wish hunting and killing me uh you know for for I was going to say for months and months but for years does this include ke I think ke would be willing to make public statements we'll probably stream at twitch Cod and we'll talk about that more there uh so yeah I need like public commitments from people before moving forward I think that's a fair thing to talk about um I also I'm trying to think about how I want to navigate this in the future but uh I don't like my people working with vos's people for canvasing and it being called a vosch canvasing event now I have to be careful how I thread the needle on that because obviously people will just leave my community and go work with vosch and I'd rather have it be a joint thing than just that but I'm a little bit frustrated about the Wisconsin stuff for people saying like oh this is majority vos's Community or like this is vos's community Vos did all this blah blah not really okay um look at rule number five of the vosch subreddit wait what is rule number five posts need to be related to approved topics no Destiny post comments yeah um yeah I don't want to commit my audience um to their efforts when their commun is trying to destroy my community uh yeah I think it's important to remember and it sounds shitty but I think it's if watch had their way I wouldn't be I wouldn't even be a streamer right I would be banned off of everything that would be like their drive for me um I also think that there's I think that there is a lot of critiquing of vos's behavior that I don't no I do do this but other people could do as well right like I like the sexism for vosa is out of control the anakasparian the JK Rawling that made international news um his comments about that British girl o that was wild uh yeah that that that yeah I think that was a good reason for me to say like I don't want to be like directly associated with this because yeah I don't think and I don't even think he's I don't even think he's backed away from those statements right when V got criticized about the sexism stuff towards JK Rawling remember he released that video that said he might have changed the title retroactively but that video that came out said why sexism is a necessary against JK Rawling um yeah yeah his brigading count counter Contra points to make her feel bad enough to change her opinion that he said yeah uh um also just as a heads up I probably won't I don't know how I feel about this so this is just in the air but like if you're coming to me from other communities I don't think I'm going to take you as like a Vite you're coming as a fresh dgg um I just don't think as long as that Community boycotts me and witch hunts me and hates me so hard I don't think I'm going to want to like be collaborating with those communities I don't want to say you know DG gers and voses came together and did a campusing event it's just going to be my people and other people from other communities might join I don't want to have anybody else's name on that yeah let's see no more cross references blah blah blah if it was true and you were trying to Nuke the Coalition what would you do differently like what's the most effective way to Nuke the Coalition that you aren't taking oh it would just be on people in attacking them and going unhinged and being crazy and bl no well the nuke thing would just be me telling PV I don't want to work with any of these people at all which I think I would be within my right to do while now I am kind of moving that direction but um yeah uh vosch seems to be literally a completely different person in public nothing in common with how he behaves on stream yeah true yeah but okay um all right we're going to watch so apparently this was yesterday and this is what he had to say um related to our event this is what I was willing to start watching I haven't watched this in full yet so uh yeah with everything I just said in mind here we go um wait I thought the switch thing was a Photoshop no no yeah I'm sorry sorry hold on real quick if PV doesn't work out will you still continue down your typical pathway so I have um secondary plan that I've got sketched out if PV doesn't work with me we're still going to do canvasing because it's a cool project and we've gotten like so much like experience doing it that it would be I want to continue down that route um and I want to have some sort of real life commitment it's just going to be scaled down a lot we're not doing like six houses because like our Baseline budget for what we scheduled next year would be 500k with it extending up to 1 to 1 and a half mil depending on how many large scale canvasing events we do and I don't know if I can raise that much money from my community I don't know if I want to raise that much money and I don't know how much my personal funds I want to commit to it so I'd probably scale it down to like one or two houses and we'd be a lot more intelligent with how we spend in our campusing events but yeah I don't know yet 100% we'll see um it but it also depends on what Progressive Victory says we'll see again that reading is that meeting is tomorrow morning I acknowledge that it's a little bit unprofessional to kind of reveal my hand before that meeting I'm not trying to throw them under the bus uh I'll go back and I'll be clear all of my communications with PV have been really cool if anything I regret that I didn't talk to them as much um just cuz so much other stuff was going on that weekend but like the Sam guy from that was really cool Brianna is really cool all the people that work with Progressive Victory they seem to be really excited they seem to be really reasonable they seem to be awesome when it comes to working out events and everything all of them are super flexible with all the stuff they do like yeah I appreciate I appreciate all those people in that workc they all seem like really cool people like I I value them a lot um the DJ G it 521 Subs thanks the Friendship Believers but uh I oh no yeah I'm sorry to the Friendship Believers but uh I think all of the social interactions between him and I were from me I sat over across from him at the table in the first night that we got food together and in every success of interaction I think it was me just being near him or saying hi just some something just sort of circumstantial that is mostly true but again it feels very weird for me to go up and play friendly with a guy that has been trying to destroy like he again remember that clip about me being the biggest sophist in all online media um that was him 2 weeks ago why why would I be the one to approach that conversation now some people are saying you could take the initiative and go and repair that bridge um which I would agree with if he had any value to me but he doesn't his his community is not as engaged as mine uh there's huge liabilities working with him honestly past my Written House comments probably more than him than me because of all the sexist stuff that went so public um and his inability to build Bridges with any other community like there's just not enough value there for me to be the one to go to him and ask for forgiveness or whatever like yeah also keep in mind that the only reason he came the first night was because Cherry went to his table and literally told him like hey you should come talk to Destiny like Cherry was working really hard to make that communication happen it wasn't just him deciding to do it it was usually other people pushing him to do it uh just as a heads up there he's trying to present this as though he did in his own that's not true or or me oriented he was switch pilled man I don't know no that's that's crazy I wasn't playing my switch at all the first day that is absolutely not true the only day I played my switch was the last one at dinner and he didn't come up to me at all then so if he heard that he was either staring at me from across the room cuz there was literally a pillar between us or somebody else told him or actually he probably saw it on the subreddit and he just started repeating that without actually verifying on his own gameplay student thanks for giting 5 tier one Subs buddy genuinely he's probably a lot more used to doing inperson stuff though it's all routine to him did you try talking to him at all well I I sat across from him at that one meal but generally no for one he wasn't really radiating that energy for two I don't like I think it's insane how he can say things like that like he wasn't radiating that energy like do you know what our history is maybe to him like it's all kind of a joke or it's just like online like he streams and then he turns it off he doesn't care cuz he streams like three or four times a week maybe he doesn't actually care that much about any of this so it's easy for him to just like um maybe he just like turned it off but and he doesn't care but yeah for somebody that's had such a disperate impact on my online existence it's it's kind of interesting no it's not interesting it's insane that he would be like oh yeah I don't know why he just wasn't very warm yeah cuz me and KS had a plenty fine conversation you know okay uh you know I'm always happy to be civil in person that's code word for coward in person okay and the whole point of the event was like Civility and getting along and blahy blah the point of the event was Civility and getting along but it was also showing that we could work through disagreements without hating each other that was the bigger Point anybody can have civility in real life because you don't want to say anything mean into somebody's face I have no respect for that I don't like it when people do that justiny go back 10 seconds wait what he wasn't really rading that energy for two I don't like him uh you know I'm always happy to be civil in person and the whole point of the event was like Civility and getting along and blahy blah but um you know I'm certainly not going to like go out of my way or or whatever um yeah but like I think he should have to go out of his way given his treatment of me I think it's fair for me to say that I think that's super fair for me to think that oh he did pay for the second dinner we had which could not have been cheap so that was nice of him um I typically when I'm out with people that are normies I usually offer to pay meals I'm I'm surprised he brought that up at all congratulations I guess or maybe he brought that up so I couldn't and make him look bad the subreddit was shipping you guys you have to love him now yeah yeah I I see of course it's impossible not to the uh um uh persistent shipping that's cool at least yeah really pretty expensive dinner I assume um what is even the source the beef between you guys at this point yeah this is this is the problem with me and I guess like I guess the the problem is that like um his no not his community his subreddit is basically like kiwi Farms I think I he knows what he's doing when he makes this comparison the reason why people don't like kiwi Farms is because of the narrative that was driven on the internet that kiwi Farms doxes people and makes people kill themselves I do not have any idea where he gets that comparison from or why well I don't know why he would think it's appropriate to make that comparison it's not at all that's insane that's is an insane comparison to make especially when remember I should have links for this but remember it was vos's subreddit that got an admin warning for brigading other subs they got admins that warn them and admins that came to help our community because of how hard they were briging remember that to the how much did the dinner cost I think it was like 800 bucks I don't remember I don't want to misquote it but something something around there there was it was like a dinner for like 20 people or something I think that like if you bring someone up there it's like oh that person you mean the person who and then they have like the manifesto pre-saved to their clipboard you know like yes he's making the manifesto sound like a bad idea but that's the whole point of the manifesto is that when I say that you've done something bad when I say that you've done something bad when I make claims about people and it frustrates me because nobody bothers to like do any evidence um when I make claims about people I do a lot of work to like Source it uh as well as I can because I don't want um yeah I don't want people to make things up so it's frustrating that he somehow tries to like make that a bad thing right like oh they've got the Manifest already yeah because I've sourced like these are all of the nice things that I've done for vosch okay and I did a lot of nice things for vosch I went out of my way to be nice towards him okay I was willing to mute my stream and have convos with him when he was banned from twitch I always show the full context of what he's talking about I deleted the poppy sexual allegation video from my channel so that his early YouTube career wouldn't be besched by the sexual harassment allegation um I've defended and advertised him multiple times on my channel um I was the one remember when remember when vosch went on the show where he was debating against bastia and bastia was my friend and I had I was casted the deciding vote for the winner I thought that Vos did a better job even when he hated me I was the one that cast the vote for that um I took vos's side in the argument against him and rgr um or against when when do was debating with r even though AR is my friend um I give I give him credit when he needs to I side with him when I can like yeah like even my community sides with vosch when he makes good arguments uh yeah but I've done like a lot and then when he talks about me uh yeah it's insane but anyway I'm sorry I just we're not going to reread this whole thing but like I give a lot of examples of how Vos totally misrepresents me about how I do my best to be good faith him but yeah him writing that off was like making fun of it I think it demonstrates the weakness of his position because again every time he talks about me he never sources or CES anything he just says a thing that there's a lie about me and then his community propagates that lie on the on the Winds of their sales constantly and it's so annoying you mean the person who and then they have like the manifesto pre-saved to their clipboard you know like all of them simultaneously every time like all the time ready they're at like the 7-Eleven checkout and they're like can I pay you in this and they like type it yeah like it's so I I think like they have a very good memory for this I would have to like invest more energy than I care to to remember every problem I have with him though hold on I don't I reject this argument not beating the he lives rentree in DG's heads allegations with the Reddit manifestos though no I disagree with that that's like such an easy way to avoid all culpability or responsibility of a comment like oh I just totally lied about you wait hold on well look at that here here here here here like you're you are lying about me and they're like H rent free bro rent free bro why are you writing about me bro rent free source rent free bro no I rent free is when like there's some random Twitter purse that you're obsessed over or if you're like making I guess like mountains of content off somebody that doesn't interact anymore that's fine but to say that like I want to account for all of the lies that arguably one of the most damaging people against my career has told about me online that that's like rent free no that's not rent free okay that's me okay cashing this dude's checks that I mean it's a long list um you know it would it would take some time to draft but it doesn't really matter you know wa what did he just say hold on problem I have with them though I would have to like invest more energy than I care to to remember every problem I have with them though I I mean it's a long list notice that there is such a long list that he doesn't even have time or want to make it about all the PRS he has me why not just say like one or two things then why don't I just say a couple um you know it would it would take some time to draft but it doesn't really matter you know um but it doesn't matter because like the fact of the is never relevant to any of this stuff like that's the that's like the energy black hole that I've warned about um where it's like debate is good and all but there is like a a a Vortex kind of where if you overcommit to certain elements of the um persistent like online like Ultra online like here's how everyone is wronged me this that the other uh it basically turns into like your whole life I have have trouble remembering why I'm angry with people who have only done a couple of things wrong so I I just don't care to it just it doesn't um it's it's not usually like material you and this line of talking doesn't make sense it's not material to know why I hate the largest member of the canvasing Coalition that you claim to care so much about like what are you saying here if you care about making the canvasing stuff work if you care about Progressive Victory right now the largest and most engaged and contributing member on the board the only reason this whole project probably exists you have me blocked on Twitter and you have me banned to be referenced in your community don't you think it's worth digging into like what if I was a serial rapist maybe you don't want to work with me or what if you actually have some issues and they're all just goofy things maybe you should apologize the idea that he can like at the same time say that he's really invested in all the canvasing stuff but then like make statements offand like this and is actively slandering me in my community like yeah why are you doing this this if you actually care about it you know I think it's I don't know I mean I guess the extent to which people are willing to let that rule their lives is like very much um a personal decision but I went there completely uninterested in arguing so there's no like I don't you know yeah of course you went in there uninterested in arguing arguing you had everything to gain and nothing to lose you had committed all the foul play going into this and you would everything to apologize for so of course you went in there without any intention of doing anything that's like that's like somebody cheating on somebody and then going to like listen I have no intention of being unhinge this debate let's all be calm and chill and don't be mad at anyway like yeah no if you're the one that committed the foul no and if you have everything to gain from the combination or I'm sorry from the U from the conversations and the collaborations like yeah yeah you let him pay is he richer than you Destiny is definitely richer than I am um yeah I have to assume so yeah probably I noticed in the videos he seemed very unwilling to look in your direction oh I don't know well he was looking at the switch obviously the my direction isn't the switch screen so you know the only time I was on my switch was the last night we were at dinner that was all off stream so like that's a non-starter so anyway we did the thing with Rana and that was a lot of fun we got food after and I got to walk around DC and guys guys is that it is that the end of this DC is amazing for those of you who are smug about it you know um you can you can enjoy your moment DC is incredibly nice it's it's unbelievably nice to walk around uh the the cool thing about like hold on oh there's another Link in The A Team chat oh he stops and then starts again hold on maybe one day how' you feel about Destiny trying to instigate the VidCon panel yeah I did think it was pretty funny that it was ostensibly a panel about unity and he took like four or five opportunities to start arguing how leftists are bad cuz they can't do Unity well because it was a yeah the whole point was to stop that behavior he said arguing with the leftists on the yeah it's like saying like guys we need to stop fighting with each other so much and then he's like well aren't you fighting with us about fighting with us too to much like yeah that's not an argument you know I feel like it's like an influence thing I guess I don't know if it was like he was fine to begin with and then like it's like you you he interacts with me like positively with the Rana thing and then he checks his sub and the sub is full of like how could you let him get away with the 78 trillion things he's done wrong you you like this never happened I checked my sub after the rokana thing everybody was glazing him where are these threads that he and again notice how he never links a thread never refers to a particular thing never shows anything on stream what is he talking about and then like the next time it's like oh well I have to be more aggressive or antagonistic or whatever that's he makes this whole narrative up in his head so Destiny does the Rana thing and then obviously I'm not fighting in front of a sitting Congressman that would be crazy and then he makes up that I go see threads that don't exist and then when I'm more aggressive on the panel it can't possibly be that I have a good point it can't possibly be that I have a legitimate argument it can't possi that we have legitimate disagreements where I could even be wrong but no it's all driven he has the spite driven Narrative of oh Destiny just went to got mad about me and that's why he was mad that's why he was upset on the panel like it's so insane that's why I don't listen to you guys okay I saw the entire time that I was in um DC and Baltimore and there were people and I don't I didn't even know what it was about saying like hey you know thing about Destiny you know thing about Briana woo I like and and he tries to pass off as him being no it's not Noble when your community is attacking other figures and you IGN it I like how he says that like it's a brag like yeah you guys are trying to character assassinate B wo based on like President Sunday yeah you guys are trying to but like I just ignore that because I don't want to be influenced by you guys that's not you being influenced by anybody that's you being or or avoiding being influenc that's you being a coward and being unwilling to hold your community accountable like why how would you present this as like a positive and I've only like barely caught up now with some of that drama or whatever but I tend to be pretty good about not listening to you people I don't really know how much of it is like hate born in heart or like an influence thing or whatever but yeah he was um it was being so antagonistic during the VidCon panel and again it leads him to say really stupid like I like how my community was not where are these threads Vos I'm pretty sure after the rokana thing it was a whole page and I know this cuz I check myself very often it was a whole page of friendship memes and Bridge Building memes and like AI art of me and vosch like shaking hands where are these threads I this is what I was talking about at the very beginning of my talk today how I get so frustrated that people like him can just completely completely make stuff up um this was one of the most popular posts on my subreddit this month and that means a lot because my sub is one of the fastest growing Subs on this site and it's a very very active subreddit this is one of the fastest this is one of the largest of 3,220 upvotes AI generated art of me and V being friends why are you where are all of these comments of my sub hating you I know these memes are reaching a s but I swear I've literally I've laughed out loud at every single one never sto doing what you're doing Banna stole your friendship idea and made it her own how do you feel about that friendship deniers coping hard 41 points up voted it's so weird how many haters showed up so fast stop being so serious you losers have fun this is awesome like this was the subreddit four days ago I'm pretty sure this was right after our Rana talk he's trying to say this is the subreddit that was on him it's just like it it's so infuriating because it's such an obvious lot and the frustrating part is like vos's Community is impenetrable right because they don't actually watch or consume any of my stuff so now he says this and then now they just walk on oh yeah Destiny destiny. that's kiwi froms 2.0 right it's like that's just like an insane it's so insane it's so insane ah it was being so antagonistic during the VidCon panel and again it leads him to say really stupid like when I was pointing out that there's a lot more artificial Unity on the right because a lot of them tend to get financial backing from like a centralized source and he was like ah well leftists make money from their donos I like what the does that have to do with what I said I don't understand how people don't understand this point Okay the reason why you don't like it when people take money from like corporate interests or whatever or the reason you don't like it is because you worry about audience capture impacting a person's point of view and then them not representing like honest or good arguments in my opinion that's the big thing I guess you could argue about them representing corporate interests but like I feel like audience capture can happen on the left and also lead you to similarly bad places not only on the left on the right as well right Steven Crowder is probably larg self-funded by the mug Club the daily wire is probably largely self-funded by daily wire subscriptions I don't know how packs and super packs are funding alternative right leaning media but they run into the same issues that you can when you get funded by corporate sponsors is that like you're no longer representing your own points of view you're too worried about maintaining your money Source now you can argue for instance that like well Destiny at the very least you're be holding to your donors and the people that are donating to you rather than some like esoteric corporate interest that's an argument you could have that's fine we can argue out you know the pros and cons on both sides of that but like to just like handwave of my argument like oh well that's ridiculous like bro can't you even engage with what I'm saying honestly of course and he was like ah well left this make money from their donos I like what the does that have to do with what I said hold on someone kick shot a say his point was about incentives being centralized versus broadened across a population though I don't know why this so hard to parse first of all I just gave that argument so I understand it perfectly secondly you said broaden across a population I'm sorry but leftest donations are not broaden across the population nobody's donations are your donations come from a very specific type of audience that wants to see very specific type of content there's a reason why audience capture is a very real thing even when money's not involved it's a very big problem and it's a huge problem in online media as well like he wanted to fight back against the idea that the left was like Plucky and had no money or something even though that wasn't the point being made stupid asinine low IQ beneath him but that's what being angry does to you anyway uh all things aside I think it was and like so notice like he never he doesn't actually present my argument he has the false Narrative of um like he's this is like the full simulacra thing like look at how much fantasy like look at we've built a whole narrative here on on Pure Fantasy so first we create the LIE of the of the subreddit Okay negative subreddit post this is a lie and then Destiny reads the negative subreddit post and I get upset that's a lie and then I go on stage because of these two things and then I start making stupid arguments that he's not even really representing like and then this is also a lie say da for Destiny arguments like this entire and now people have this whole thing like oh Destiny that's a spite driven dude he thinks it like he thinks that individual donations are the same as pack money and his subreddit is kiwi Farms 2.0 I think Destiny literally hated vaj because his subreddit on him because they're basically kiwi Farms right this entire self-contained little Similac this whole thing is all built on lies and Fabrication right it's insane this is insane and then his whole response to this if he hasn't done it already his whole resp response to this is oh Destiny is rentree in my head or I'm rentree in his head and he's obsessed with me that's his whole response to this and then he'll say like oh Destiny nuke the Coalition because he's not Coalition building it's like bro great panel um I'm always willing to uh put aside differences for something wait he did wait what is this 105 is that today oh that is today I don't know what this 14042 means Vos might want to tune it thaty whoa what is he is he talking about me that's well hold on that's you're right that's pretty rare that's worth giving attention to he's talking about me that's crazy Vos pay walls now said to a yeah okay yeah this is so okay I'm so glad I call this out okay so I don't feel crazy I'm so glad I called this out several hours ago before he said this okay go compare the time stamps I call this out before he said this this is exactly what he does okay is he will he'll make a statement he'll say some unhinged about me which he's done now right lie lie lie lie lie and then I respond and then anytime I respond he does this thing where it's like oh he's obsessed oh I can't believe he's talking about me again yeah okay this literally happened as you were saying it live the timing is unbelievable okay okay I'm glad that I could show you that Arc happening in literally in real time okay that this is what he does um we'll finish watching the comments here and then I think I'll wrap this thing up yeah he's nominally constructive did you get to talk to Joe yeah but I can't tell you about that cough Dro my mouth the entire time as I said are we done here maybe he was trying to point out ways that leftist her attempts Unity as things to avoid oh sure oh good yeah nice true I wonder who said that in his chat and I don't disagree with any of that I mean I mean people who watch my content you know am I like averse to pointing out problems with the left with regards to Unity no God talk about this all the time um it's valid and worth talking about um of course it's one of those like proportional engagement things right where uh you you have to like try to strike a fine line with the whole I think there's a lot more audience overlap than either of you want to admit I don't know where you get that idea that I won't admit it of course it's a decent amount of audience overlap me and voses I think demeanor and temperament are pretty similar but deeper than that we function quite differently if you like somebody that kind of has like snarky sarcastic humor quasi autistic demeanor um deba argues points and more a little bit into the weeds like there's a lot of overlap that me and vosch have in terms of that type of stuff so I can understand people uh consuming both of our content if they're consuming it for like the the outward appearance but in terms of like what actually drives our political beliefs the way that we engage with other people the amount of research were willing to do like the Integrity of our arguments versus partisanship um I think that we're world's apart there but I think he's done now can't do Unity because the left is X and then like actually doing Unity right I think a good example from my perspective or like where I try to draw a line or drawline would be I think that um people like Shawn Contra wronged me whatever um but still watch their videos great videos and learn a lot from that you know I try to it's always like getting along with me is not like the dividing line between political expediency and nihilistic do nothing leftism it's often an indicator like you know there's a there's a correlative element I don't deny that but it's not like the line right so you know if you can acknowledge that I think you can build Bridges or at least encourage your audience to build Bridges that's the whole point of progressive Victory right Destiny and I are never going to get get along at least I have no idea what would have to happen to make that possible what there's what do you mean you'd have no idea what would have to happen just say like hey Community um maybe like don't hate Destiny maybe we don't ban mentions of him maybe I don't lie about him over and over again on my stream maybe I treat him in good faith maybe like I like how he follows this up at the end here of like oh um I don't know what would have to happen for us like it's so out of his reach like are you serious um so at least I have no idea what would have to happen to make that possible um so that one's off the table but the audiences every fan of Destiny every person who gets called an Orbiter of his whatever that I met while I was over there super nice talk with all them people and all the fans you say hi shake hands everyone great you know I I hear from my fans they go and they canvas they meet Destiny fans Des fans meet my fans do they get along yes yes really yes they do because in reality you know it's this is like a parasocial thing right you can't extrapolate these um it doesn't like transfer over to every single it absolutely transfers I hate it when people do this people on the far right do it people on the far left do it people say that they have no control over their audiences okay I'm like plugged in more than most in terms of like obsessive monitoring of my socials and my chats and everything but as soon as my opinion or idea changes on something my community like follows in line so hard you can tell even with the slurs that I choose to use or not like bringing back or gay or whatever getting rid of slurs and the way that we treat like it is like the behavior flows immediately from influencer to influence why we get paid money for sponsorships and everything that him saying this is just especially when earlier he admitted like oh I don't police my community at all like it's so wild the reason why my community okay I guess if you don't understand this just connect it the reason why my community was willing to do friendship arcs and make all the funny memes and not be as brutal towards vosch is because I am relentlessly good faith when it comes to dealing with vosch I'm pretty sure the last Twitter thread I made on him was somebody made a huge tweet thread not Twitter thread somebody made that huge tweet thread saying vosch is probably a pedophile it might even still be up and I'm pretty sure I tweeted in I think I quote tweeted I said there's no evidence that Vos is a pedophile this is like a ridiculous thing I don't know if somebody has a link to that tweet I'm pretty sure that tweet might even still be up um but like that's the reason why my community is willing to him better than how he treats me and you've seen how he's treated me now we've gotten a full Arc thank God we saw the whole Similac the whole reference to it the lie about it the narrative construction we saw him I predicted at the beginning of the stream that he would say why is he obsessed with me the crazy making and everything right he's so and and the thing is too he's so intentional about how he conducts himself does everything that yeah for him to at the end of the day just like oh I can't do anything about my audience I don't know and walk away is like oh my God person so the broader project of get getting along well enough to at least get the audiences to to to do something productive uh very much in line very much impact so how can you possibly think the communities will work together when you're demeaning the leader of another Community like what like why do you think that would ever work like you know it wouldn't it's just it's all of this is just useless platitudes because he doesn't actually care about any of the canvasing stuff which is also makes me feel like a loser cuz it's like this is stuff that I'm like very passionate about and it's a really big deal for me to hand over the re at all it's been a lot of my back and forth with PV is I want a lot of control over the canvasing stuff we do it's very important to me we've already done some of the trials we've already like got uh under our belt a lot of experience like I want my staffers in those houses there's like minimum numbers of dcg that I want in those houses like I like this is a project that I feel really passionate about and for him to just like go back to a stream and just all over everything and then say that my community of kiwi Farmers led by me the bad faith fascist antagonist to to say all that and be like oh well I don't know like it should be easy to work together like that's nice you know yeah it's more of a subreddit thing from dead ass you know cultivated thing I heard there was supposed to be an event at the White House and it got canceled also heard that Hassan was somehow involved oh man I'm like actually angry about this one okay um there were I did get to meet with some White House staffers uh outside of the White House and that was pretty fun but um there was a White House Event that was planned where we were going to go and get an influencer tour and meet with staffers in the white house and apparently I don't know this for sure but apparently one of the people who was supposed to be there was H and the whole thing got canel because your part is over okay all of this is speculation and even I don't know 100% what happened who knows I've heard a lot of different things about that but PCO says I don't disagree with what you're saying Destiny I just think there has to be a way to move forward takes it too high to let this hamper us I agree on this on him but I believe there's a path forward um yeah I mean it's all on him though to do it um um but yeah I think that um I'll probably talk to PV tomorrow and say I don't think I want to work with vosch on this unless Vos is and I can lay out he says I don't know what we could possibly do I can tell you exactly what needs to happen um vosch needs to admit that he's poisoned the well on me a lot okay uh he needs to stop calling me like the biggest sophist on the internet and admit that he is those characterizations are not accurate um and he needs to actively work to change his community's perception of me it's not enough for him to just come on like oh okay I just want to talk anymore no that like that those would be like my qualifiers for working with him um also on other YF he can do his thing and I'll go do my thing and we'll see at the end of the day you know whose uh efforts are are more fruitful I guess but this was the Tweet oh somebody made a huge collection of V Clips basically trying to out him as a pedophile or say there's a pedophile 5,000 plus likes which is good and my quotee tweets I don't have to do this at all by the way I don't get anything for defending Vos right never trust anyone who attacks against someone or a collection of 5 to 15sec video clips remember there's always a reason why things are cut this short and it's generally not in service to the truth right there's no I don't have to defend Vos on any of this right but I like I you know Integrity some lame but okay um yeah I think um I think I'm done with all that I was going to take a if his chat was open I was going to take question from his Chatters because I as silly as it is it's not really hard to turn fost Chatters in my favor usually they just need a little bit of exposure to me and then they're like oh he lied about literally everything he said but I guess um yeah Destiny you went way harder on vosch way before he ever did on you though that is not true I don't know where you heard it but that is absolutely not true go read my Manifesto I account for all of the treatments between and the difference between how we treat each other and if you think that my Manifesto is bias or fair then ask somebody else for better sources because nobody sources their writing on community related stuff related to me better than I do but if you disagree with it then go find other stuff to prove your point maybe I'm wrong but um after interacting with Emma what is the current opinion of the whole majority report crew I I don't know I think some people's some people's like place in life is just talking about politics online um and I think that's largely where they fit in and I'm fine with that I don't care I don't have like any ill will against them I I think I think Emma was like a little bit rude but I don't I don't care that much I I don't think she cares that much I really don't um it's just whatever they can do their thing it's yeah I'm not like upset or angry at her I just don't care that much and I guess she doesn't care that much at the end of the day we're just it's a b a race to the bottom of the barrel of who cares the least about the other oh this was another huge thread I've never watched Destiny is this the hegelian dialectic or is he just a contrarian in general you know how tankies virtue signal to their Audience by being anti-america on every position Destiny does the same virtue signal when speaking with leftists he has to be antagonistic to Signal the differences to his audience what to the enumeral ders who kept asking me what I think Destiny was antagonistic on he said it himself I disagree with almost everything you said that make me antagon Just Disagree it's fine to disagree but he seem to always want to bring up Lefty online drama that affected him and nothing really constru first of all Jesse single doesn't affect me and BLM didn't affect me this isn't even true Lefty online drama these people VA because Vos doesn't show my Clips these guys I really was like two years ago fighting with a lot of lefties I haven't fought with lefties in over like a year I've been on my red pill Arc but because these guys have been locked in time right they're like in a literal like a time a temporal Fortress they think that I'm still fighting with lefties um they think I'm still fighting with lefties all the time and I'm just not it's fine to disagree but he seemed to always want to bring up Lefty online drama that affected him and nothing really constructive to address anything he mentioned I did bring up constructive things we need to stop demonizing people or saying people are transphobic just because they disagree with us we need to be we need to have better policies I literally brought up an actual example it's crazy how much they mischaracterize me I said BLM didn't work because we had no policy Focus 8 can't wait was a policy Focus people in BLM made fun of it I literally gave a problem a protest a lack of Direction an example of a good Direction and how that got derided by the left like one comparing the audience capture of more decentralized left decentralized is not a good word for audience donations because decentralization implies some level of evil U of even skewing around among the uh population like a representative sample basically um for instance if I showed you a far right or it step Crowder and the daily wire are probably if I had to guess I I would probably guess that Steven wire and I'm sorry St St Crow and the daily wi are probably majority funded by um subscribers I think because Steven Crowder has a lot of mug Club subscribers and the daily wire sold a lot of subscriptions um after that what is a woman documentary they probably most of their money comes from Their audience but like would you say they're decentralized no of course not they're all conservatives like to the systemic structure of the right-wing media apparatus is just regarded I'm sorry this systemic structure what are you talking about do you think like lawmakers in Congress are pushing like corporate media to to like fund like Tim P like I'm sorry but like Ben Shapiro and Tim p and um Ben Shapiro Temple and stepen Crowder these guys in a lot of ways stand in opposition to corporate like Fox news media and corporate um yeah that's true Ben said that most of their funing comes from Subs on his iced coffee hour interview oh wait for thought you're not going to believe who copied your BLM take oh was this vos's tweet later on oh yeah no I'm not reading all of this Jesus Christ leftist meme. IMG of course there is incentives for streamers and Crea to only make content Their audience agrees with but it is incomparable in both dirting and stifling conversations and I'm not sure what we would do to correct for that really is it incomparable are you sure cuz left leaning like councel culture and all of the BLM was pretty big and a lot of that was driven by online leftist media like BLM riots I've heard Destiny push back on framing BL protest as riots when he debates people so I'm not sure why he's framing it this way here cuz I don't have a problem with the BLM Pro maybe I could have been more clearer but I don't have a problem with the BLM protest I do have a problem with the riots and the BLM riots were the largest riots that have ever occurred in US history the BLM protest were the largest protest as well maybe I could have differentiated better there but my point still stands like give me an ounce of charitability unless I missed it I don't know what constructive criticism he offered or how he thinks we should cover the rights maybe did I bring up I don't think I brought up written housee cuz I was trying to avoid that with Emma on stage I don't remember if I brought up Jacob Blake or not but I brought out that there were no clear policy directions that was a huge problem I literally said that how did he miss me saying that I don't know the audio was bad so maybe I missed it um Jesse single and the trans law is changing in Western Europe and the UK Jesse single give me Jordan Peterson type Vibes to be honest it's the whole fake objectively while pushing in a very clear ideological Direction with a very Niche topic bro journalists have a beat they write about certain topics like trans issues right now are not a niche topic they kind of are but they're also like our national International conversations for the past like year or two I don't know if people are calling Destiny transphobic and if so for what but I don't believe he is transphobic he seems to fight strongly for Trans rights even we disre oh that's nice at least do I think Destin is a fascist racist trans Etc no I don't I think Destiny generally PR oh that's nice at least do I think un need between a bad idea no why do I keep getting comments seem otherwise because I use the tanky comparison you do realize call but yeah Jesus but okay h a
Channel: Destiny
Views: 330,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steven bonnell, destiny, destiny streamer, destiny debates, destiny twitch, destiny vods, politics, news, livestreamfail, lsf
Id: 9zZuEGf1m6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 53sec (5813 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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