VAULT Room on the CHEAP!

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hey guys in the bill chair today it's a ride-along with Matt I'm in the Texas Hill Country and my buddy Tyler Jared who works for voltaire builders I'm if you can see their sign right there has a really pretty house under construction out here in the hill country that he told me he is a couple of cool things he wanted me to see in particular he's got a gun room kind of home safe room that's a DIY version you know not a not a factory made one but actually one that he made so let's go check out Tom's jobsite today and see what we can learn and then I know this DIY safe is gonna be cool now first off I love going to job sites but it's always fun right from the beginning to be able to tell what kind of builder we're dealing with and I love seeing this jobsite mock-up right here Ty and his company voltaire builders I think it's just actually voltaire they're doing a mock up here so they can show the clients here's our rock here's our stucco Keller here's our eventual tile Keller it looks like a clay tile and the the homeowner gets a chance to react to those and say yes I like this or no I don't like that that's pretty awesome to see now Tyler tells me he has been watching the build show for a while so it would be curious to see if he's using any methods that he's learned from me on the jobsite and there he is right there I can see them what's up Tyler good man how are you today man this is a good-looking house Tyler all right so what are we looking at here Tyler the home here Oh actually got some liquid flash in his hands right now yeah I like seeing liquid flash where'd you get this plate so here's his concrete slab on grade foundation we're in the hill country so no basements here concrete's here framing starts here and Ty's using liquid flash tube on those two that that material is gonna bond the concrete to the wood and then he's used regular zip tape on the rest of the house that's a great detail ty I'm liking your your roof - looks like your roofs up on some ventilation right there if you can see that he's got his two by fours in the flat if you're not familiar with tile rubes that's your best practice for tile and we liked how rubes cuz now you've got this great ventilation under the tile the tile keeps the UV rays off the house they're gonna last for 100-plus years you do a good underlayment and then we can do conditioned attic underneath if we want looking good tie any of those details you want to point out outside here that we've missed we did you see stretch tape oh yeah that looks great at IANA I see a head flash up there - you don't typically see head flashing this window looks like a non flanged window is that right time is correct it does have a trim piece here that would cover any flange okay and so you actually cannot flash to the top of the window flashing yeah and it's hard to see on this camera because I only have a wide but you can see he's got his horseshoe shims there he's got head flashings going I really like your pretty soffit material to use that Doug Fir tails yes and then it looks like maybe some for Doug Fir as well and bigger yeah that looks nice looks like some copper flashing too and is that Doug four-seater on the fascia there too number one dope for number one Doug Fir that's pretty man looks good what so let's go in the house thigh yeah all right ty so we're at the front of the house walking into the garage here I love seeing steel beams those things are never gonna rot out on us absolutely not and these are for rot cones and by welders here they actually cut a slit in the bottom at the plate here yeah check that out it's a no any water condensation that forms there it's gonna be able to weep out yep that's great and then you get your brick log here or a stone log in this case he's got his liquid flush on there that looks great so he's got his insulation in and already what we got open cell foam it looks like and maybe a little platform for some storage up top to you that's cool I'll tie you know I love seeing what builders have on hand always fun to see what other builders stock on their job sites let's see what Ty's got in place here looks like a little extra rock wool hanging out down here some extra stretch tape from your window installs what kind of liquid flash are you using ty that's a new thing that kind of comes in the tube so he can just use a standard gun no sausage tubes needed right he's also got his roller on-site love seeing that you got a roll your stretch tape or apartment your zip tape really important you get his blower so you can blow it out on the job what's this what's this black two by six here for this is actually the fire retardant coating that we use under the gun room upstairs you don't have a way we could test this do you know I like to hear that let's let's set that up and we'll come back in a sec all right so here's the product that ty bought at just his local paint store flame control coatings it's an intimate intent water-based it's painted on here and this is a standard these are both SPF Ford's you know standard framing lumber so so ty show us what it looks like on now we're using map gas here so pretty hot flames just what it looks like on the standard board here now that catches pretty quick doesn't that's some serious heat notice the rockwool repelled it - all right now let's try it on this wow that's me nothing nothing now this intumescent paint my understanding is it kind of puffs up and it helps repel that heat from coming nothing caught nothing burned no smoke that's pretty cool tie it's good stuff already cool let's go see the rest of the house man it's hard for me even to get out of the garage you know I like this kind of stuff okay oh yeah okay here check this out what are we looking at ty so first off here's the common wall between the house and the garage so he's got spray foam here how did you get that spray foam to stay on so he's got his zip right there running all the way up to the roof deck and then he's got drywall on this side so now he can spray from the garage in and this is acting as a backer and that's his backer with a zip on the other side so now we've got a good air seal and we've got perfect insulation in that area that's really hard to install nice job ty cool house man look how beautiful and clean he took his fire extinguisher down a minute ago so we'd have it but that's where this fire extinguisher goes well you get some pink insulation in the in the walls here what's that doing for you so just sound control yep yep and then he's got his spray foam up to the attic line so what you're looking at here is some conditioned attic space up there and it looks like some storage space - you've got some storage trusses oh it's an HVAC platform okay we did pray from Oh sound yeah that makes sense so here's what's interesting though as I look around I'm not seeing the Dutch working yet but yet you're insulated now that is smart tie and and why is that what's the big reason to insulate first and then spray foam there's just more room for the that ductwork to get in there yeah yeah and then also your ductwork see me nice and clean and pretty you won't have any overspray on it yeah I like seeing that foggy door - check this out guys if you're not familiar we've got at least one or two local suppliers in Austin that will give us a pocket door frame already installed with the plywood it comes out l-shaped so his tracks installed here looks like he's got a not sure which track system that is what do you remember that's probably a Johnson that looks like Johnson pocket door yeah no yeah that's Johnson pocket door hardware and so the the local lumber yard is shipping all the info he needs our part me all the parts he needs the tracks in place and he's got 3/4 plywood here so then on this opening all he's got to do is bring the finish carpenters out and install this prior sheetrock going in check this out - he's got some cool frame in here looks like some kind of cool barrel vault in ax and a groin ceiling nice job by your framers on that that's also hard to insulate later with traditional insulation so getting the spray foam crew in early and doing that that's pretty smart good job man alright now let's walk back to this other area where I saw that black paint back here ty what's what's going on here why are we painted black in this area black from the leash that's the gotta gun room okay so he's got rockwool in up here and I'm seeing some kind of plywood in the walls let's go upstairs and check that out but before we do that I want to make a mention of this - check this out guys he's got an lvl over here with a angle iron what's the what's the story behind that you don't see that that detail very often ty you got a lot of weight bearing on that don't you think how many tons that clay tile is there that's a lot of weight and so you put that on there for deflection then right absolutely yeah that's pretty smart and that was after the fact that was you actually calling the engineer or did they spec that originally that was us calling that engineer yeah that's great there's a smart builder right there making a field modification when he sees something that doesn't look right he makes a call I'm seeing it this triple lvl here which is also carrying a lot of weight is also through bolt I don't know if you guys can see that on this video but check that out do you do that was that part of the process or did you that the fact as well yeah so the engineered is called to be nailed but did could you could you notice a difference in the deflection once you get that through bolted absolutely yeah yeah that's tight let's walk upstairs and check out the gun room Oh hold on check this out before we go up seeing that look at those LDLs looks like 12 inches deep maybe 14 inches deep but Ty's put in for the finish carpenter so his railings are gonna go in here the finish carpenters need some meat to screw into man that looks good nice job dude now did you do that automatic doors you have you trained your framers and now they do it for you that's great man and then once you train the framers once they usually know what you're looking for usually usually not always but usually okay now here's here's what we came for right here tickets a while to get here tied to many other interesting things I wanted to see but gosh we looked like a we look like a Huber commercial he's got an eighth Advantech on the floor and then in shape advantage with this uh-huh so this is this so this is just framed with the floor and the outside walls and then later he came in frame this as a partition wall basically correct and you've got inch in eighth Advantech on this wall and then you walk in looks like maybe to a closet and then boom you've got another door inside this closet right and so then you've got rock wall in the walls here it looks like he's got rock wall above the closet as well for additional fireproofing this is their safe and sound bats which have a great resistance to fire and then as we walk in this room this is the wall that has the inch 1/8 Advantech on the other side and then what's going on with these other walls ties 3/4 inch plywood those that are not accessible from inside of that that was yeah those are pretty safe at 3/4 blocks and then now check out this beefy he's got for the door hopefully the light will adjust so he's got it looks like a triple yeah triple two by 12 he's got two studs on either side for his jams if we can see that on this side he's got two studs for his jams on this side and then here's that triple and he's got two layers of half-inch sheathing in there Plus this inch and 1/8 Advantech now what are you doing for a door on this tie it is a security door it has six one-inch latch bolts on the aisle lacing a picture that so you guys can see what's coming on that and then basically you're gonna sheetrock this standard you know type X 5/8 rock and with that safe door on here tie this is gonna make a pretty sweet DIY safe room really not that much money right yeah I mean we're not talking about tons of money and our plan wasn't to go fireproof but we tried to get rid of as much fuel as possible yeah I mean it's not the same as buying a you know off-the-shelf browning safe that has a rating this is an ax rated assembly per se but what you're doing is making a really good one and you know we purposely didn't tell you where we were thank you for mr. homeowner for allowing me to to come out and shoot this but once you get your gun racks in like you could put the ones like I did on another video I'll put a link in the description below but ty impressive man I mean for for not much money you've given these clients a lot of value on this room absolutely pretty cool guys I'll put a link to Ty's social media feeds on there so you can follow him Instagram if you want and also the Builder here Voltaire I'll put a link to them in the description great job in this house ty really really impressive man thanks for giving us a tour and if you're not currently a subscriber hit that subscribe button we've got new content every Tuesday and every Friday otherwise we'll see you next time on the build show [Music]
Channel: Matt Risinger
Views: 851,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: safe room, security room, secure room, gun room, gun closet, fireproof room, safety room, intruder room, tornado room
Id: mm6CayNUAdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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