Vanilla Ice | Inside Arsenio Hall On VH1

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[Applause] in all fairness to my audience when you talk about vanilla ice i was mad at vanilla eyes before the interview started um at first i was a little skeptical about going on the show and whatnot you know i was like but i really didn't know what to you know what to expect or anything you um have been embroidering a lot of controversy the press has been really hard on you lately saying that uh you lie about your background i mean that's all old news i didn't lie about it but i haven't i haven't interviewed you so it's new news for my audience so let's get into it all right um i thought he was a little hard on me he was venomous i've heard uh stories about me lying about where i came from and everything and i never lied let me just tell you when the record company creates all this stuff bios around you and you know they have your own publicists and everything they create this image okay this image and it's easy to hate on that image because it's a novelty act image you know i was kind of thrown into this new kids with snot category you know but now i there were questions they didn't want me to ask and i said look there are certain questions i have to ask you know otherwise just perform and don't come to the couch and vanilla ice's way of avoiding all those questions and all those lies that we were dealing with all day was to come on and when we started to interview start introducing people i want to bring mine out here flavor flav what was the relationship between you know flavor flav and vanilla ice there was none and it's like it was annoying he probably thought flavor flavor would sit down next to him and help him out with the interview because our senior author would say oh come on why don't you join us but our cinema didn't want to hit any of that that night now do you mind waiting for us over there while we do this interview please and i think the specific thing that bothered me about the introduction of flavor flav as one of his boys was i talked to chuck d i invited flavor flav out there uh because he was just with me we had been partying the night before and i thought it would be great for arsenio and his show chuck d is uh the front man for public enemy chuck d said we don't hang with vanilla ice i mean ain't got nothing against vanilla ice but vanilla ice is not one of our boys you know and so i realized i was being tricked i was played and it was to avoid the interview hey just don't do the interview yeah he was pretty cold towards one another i one of the few times i saw him actually get into it with somebody they kind of sort of got into it they started going back and forth arsenio was feeling that you know what are you trying to prove are you bringing you know a black rap artist out to show that you're cool and hip even though you're white and he denied that is that why you brought him out just to show you have a black supporter and no i brought him out because he's a friend of mine and that was one of the few times i heard the crowd boost something arsenal said they don't like that man that don't bother me i'm not liked by a lot of people a lot of times but i say what i want to say i'm an american i have that right you know they boot him and i go wow you know they just booed you man on your own show and he goes that's okay i get booed by a lot of people it doesn't bother me and i'm like obviously it does bother you you wouldn't get us so excited you know when allies came off you know it was one of these kind of things so what you gonna do so what you gonna do so what you gonna do so what you gonna do yeah i i had asked him i said what's the deal man you know why why you know why do you want to come after me like that and he says well i'm just you know basically not a fan of it you know and uh basically what i got out of the whole thing i don't remember word for word because it's been a long time exactly what happened but one thing that embedded in my brain was that this guy is you know he's pretty racial yeah you ain't nothing between me and you but air and opportunity you know what you're gonna do uh arsenio hall show at first i was a fan you know what you gonna do and uh then i became definitely not a fan of the show especially after i did the show it wasn't serious it was stupid showbiz it was it was too rich guys not getting along which which uh america has no tolerance for today i can look back at it and just laugh at the whole thing and i really do man like arsenio hall people mention that to me i just bust out and laugh you know it was obvious that he didn't like vanilla eyes i don't apologize to herman the van whatever figure it out on your own you know it's a no-brainer the guy was out to get me wake up
Channel: Vanilla Ice
Views: 99,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vanilla ice, Arsenio Hall, vh1, cool as ice, interview, Inside Arsenio Hall
Id: 6pC1T6LHC0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 37sec (277 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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