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my first guest kicked blasted gouged crushed kicks a mole smashed gouged punched his way to start them at the star of such films as above the law hard to kill and marked for death he has a new film coming out it opens April 12th it's called out for justice please welcome Steven Segal yes Oh what you know what I heard today that they just got a date for you to do Saturday Night Live to host it apparently are you gonna do that yeah have you ever done comedy yeah I'm I used to do stand-up stuff no I think you'll be fine cuz you usually do anything you set your mind to but you're just so intense I can't see you with the church lady in a dojo well I told them that they're gonna have to like come up with some real intention I have a sensor and a lawyer on the side they're like hey Steven can say it I think oh well let's talk about your life I was glad to see they responded so positively to you as I've seen people do in public when we were at the premiere because I've been worried it's been it's been get Steven a year or something let's start with the GQ article what did you think of it I intensely what mostly did you hate about it well I think that you know you get into situations where people who are trying to like make a shot somehow take a shot to like get somewhere you know at our expense do that all the time they've done it to you they've done it to every star I know and all I can say is you know this guy is like a 5 foot 2 fat little you know male and and and you know that's that's yeah you know that's his that's his shot at me that's how he can beat me up you know and you know he miscoded all my friends and and he was out to crucify me and he did but all I can say you know to that magazine is that if they keep doing that two stars eventually they'll have male models on their cover because all of us are getting tired of it you know yeah they called the article black belt white lies I resent that you know why because I mean you know I don't understand why this person would say something like that you know he misrepresented himself to all of us you know when we had to talk earlier you've had the same thing happen after I'm your fan man I love you man I want to do this good piece and you know I want to know what I lied about you know see I don't mind journalists saying things about me because they will I don't mind I just would like them to tell the truth and tell me about the things that he said what white lies did he tell well first of all you know all of the people that he quoted from Jerry Orbach titude you know everybody else in the article they're friends of mine who have a lot of really nice things to say about me who like me a lot and they were all really livid that they were misquoted and you know it's very very simple to put it you know the way I would or I would like to know we're all in a situation now where we have to get up there and climb that ladder to do the best we can to get the control that we want to do good films and everybody says it comes with the territory you know people people are gonna take shots I mean they're gonna take shots at you and you know sometimes we take them back and sometimes we don't I'm just trying to let it roll off my back now and do the best I can in my own business and make her movies you know yeah I know how you are about Kelly Kelly LeBrock is our wife I know how you get about her does it bother you even more when she's lied on or was she lied on because well first of all there was something they described something about in relationship to Kelly and the baby or something being there yeah I mean I asked you all what would a man refer to a baby crying as a baby squalling with the smelly diapers is that a man tube you understand what kind of person is that you know yeah yes yes that that's you know everybody who reads that and I just think about who's writing you know he also mentioned something about Kelly's first date with you st. I guess he quoted her as saying you were like an alien we're talking on his fingers you act like alien right now you know but no just chill just study him sheet music and you know did you say that or anything like that well what she said to me is similar to what everyone else that was quoted and that is that he took everything that she said out of context and that it's really hard to tell anymore because it isn't the way she said it you know yeah Kelly tried to say things obviously about me that were endearing and flattering and in reality when you have somebody that's out from Jump Street to crucify you you know they're gonna do it no matter what and that's what I say to all my friends that are hurt and concerned about this and and that is that I would rather not do any more interviews just just like you and just like all the rest of us we're all getting sick of it you know and then the fans really end up losing because they don't want if they see my picture on the cover magazine because they love me they don't want to pick it up and read that garbage about me and all these magazines think well listen man if we write all this dirty garbage about somebody it sells magazines I disagree but it does Stephen because the people in America by National Enquirer more than they buy time or Newsweek it's just like you said earlier man one of these days all the stars should get together you know yeah and and put together a list of a service journey and irresponsible ashes because I mean you can find enough about me to make people not like me just telling the truth just talking you know you don't have to make up nothing um they've also been printing a lot of publications that you and Kelly are breaking up you've read that I'm sure yeah what do you think I think it's funny he's looking at me like do you really when it gets to the Enquirer you know in magazines like that we generally think it's funny because we hope and pray that all of you don't believe that stuff when it gets to the more shiny magazines with the more expensive covers when they start acting like the cheaper tabloids it's a little more disturbing because we of course worried that nobody's you know gonna think that they would act as irresponsible is that you for tabloids you wouldn't even let Kelly travel in the rain another night you I mean you're so in love and protected you're such a wuss I mean you know let's take a commercial and come back and talk about the movie something easier okay okay we'll be right back with Steve you've done movies entitled above the law hard to kill marked for death when are you gonna do a forward movie well in this movie that that title wasn't a title that I was fond of and I can remember sort of trying to lobby my title with Warner Brothers and they felt that that title was better for them what was your title the price of our blood which is a sort of a more Mafia title yeah yeah cause I'm tired of these three words I am titles but you can at least call it out for justice man yeah I didn't win that but every night here okay tell me about the movie it's a picture that's about friendship you know which meant a lot to me it's a picture about the neighborhood it was a rural neighborhood things film primarily in Bensonhurst real Italian and a little bit in Sunset Park which is a lot of Latinos is support to the canyon and picture about friendship in the neighborhood it's about two guys that are born and raised together in Brooklyn and our best friends all through life and interestingly enough fate strange hand would have it that one becomes a mobster and one becomes a cop and crisis in the neighborhood comes up and they both end up working together both the mob and the cops are after somebody who killed my best friend and sort of a race between them and me to get this guy you know yeah what's in the clip that you brought I hope it's a martial art this is the first picture for me that I'm proud of you know it's a lot of character and even in the action scenes I think you'll see that there's a scene where I'm coming into a bar that the guy that has murdered my best friend owns and frequents and I'm kind of talking all the boys about would anybody like to tell me where he is and of course they get smart with me you know yeah well you were proud of above the law yeah yeah yeah but this is just your proudest moment yeah it's it's I think is the best work I've done do you know what you're gonna do next writing an environmental piece on toxic waste it's sort of a political thriller kind of a cross between believe it or not terms of endearment in three days of the Condor it's that kind of thing writing out with Jim care about shows who's a wonderful writer and we're gonna try to make that next but we'll see look at a couple other things will we ever see you on the silver screen where you don't hurt somebody I hope so really I hope so I mean I love very much to find you know Marathon Man or witness or something like that those are the wonderful projects that we're all looking for you know yeah since you've been here last four hard to kill we've had a lot of action-adventure stars popping out of the woodwork do you go watch the other guys what do you think of Jeff Speakman or Vaughn Dom you know do you know Vaughn Dom know you've heard of him let's start with him Stephen what do you think of his work as a martial artist first well I mean because like you guys go back to the martial arts world before you were movie stars right I mean he was like a champion somewhere and right I mean you well I mean I I just promised all my mentors that I was gonna be a good boy um I think that that's a matter of opinion that he was a champion anywhere yeah and I mean you know I'm not being caddy or anything I wish the guy all the best but there are an awful lot of people who say that that's not true how about Jeff Speakman nice guy huh I was very good friends with his teacher you know that Park was a good friend of mine and he seems like a real good a real good guy this kid I've never met him but he seems like a good kid yeah the guy that he studied under is dead now but he was apparently a really respected by American yeah he was at the premiere for mark with death with you and me he was we came down the stairs he was a big Hawaiian guy they came up and getting a big hug he's a good man yeah how's your neighbor he lives next door to Michael Jackson so when you jump his fence jump over his fence to the next yard and say hello to bubbles and Michael are they a lot of animals that stuff next door well I mean we all have a lot of animals up there that's why we go up there so we can you know sort of be with nature and ride horses and all that stuff yeah you ever look out your window see Michael in the yard no it's a I have a lot of acreage and so does he do you ever see him at all I'm seeing him this weekend or next weekend I'm having lunch with but you never like see him in his yard with the hose like squirting the can out you know trying to get the cans to the curb you know real far okay lots of acreage you know big places yeah good luck with this movie it opens what did I say earlier April 12th good luck man thank you Steven Seagal
Channel: MyTalkShowHeroes
Views: 1,303,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mytalkshowheroes, Steven Seagal (Martial Artist)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2015
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