Van Tour: Most Beautifully Crafted Minivan Camper I've EVER Seen

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well hello hello and welcome to another episode of Glorious life on wheels you know I have shared tours of so many beautiful rigs on my channel and I have probably personally seen hundreds if not thousands of rigs on my own that I haven't shared on my channel today I am going to bring you a tour of a minivan that I would say is probably the most beautifully crafted minivan I have ever seen the woodwork alone is just spectacular you know I'm not going to go into details I'm going to let you see for yourself but if you haven't joined this Channel and become a globe hit that Bell get notifications and join the globe family and if you like this video give it a like will you and let me know in the comments what you think of this Minivan and if you think it's as spectacular as I do all right come on let's go check out this beautifully crafted little rig hello Peggy hello I am just so excited to do this tour of this miniature this is like a minivan and it is a minivan and what's what kind of minivan is it this is a 2002 Safari GMC Safari which is like an astro it's the same as an astro but it's so tiny it is but it has so many things inside of it and we're going to get to that in a minute but first a little bit about you okay so now Are You full time on the road I am I'm just starting out on the road I've been full time for really decades in an RV and but I didn't travel in that because I was working so you were stationary in a stationary and what were you what were you in it was a 2007 um navion oh Canadian so now is that your home base still that is home base yeah but I don't know when I might go back to it because I'm really enjoying myself out here so your home base is an RV and navion that's at a campsite yes and this is your traveling vehicle which you're now living in while you're on the road right so you go from one RV to another it sort of is odd isn't it but no it's like you have it's like you have a a house and this is your condo kind of this is my condo on the road I am looking around in here and it is just stunning you've got now what do you have are you using for your bed any is it foam is it foam or is it um it's rubber it's a rubber bed oh really so there's no um no problem about it molding or anything oh wow and how thick is it it's very thin I don't like squishy beds I like hard I would even sleep just on the wood oh wow I like it a hard bed okay and so I'm looking around and I see wow the back wall is just refinished I'll show you how these work okay blackout slides oh my goodness they slide in and it completely blacks out so I can have it really bright in here and nobody else I don't know so you have sliding cabinet door kind of things on your back back windows windows makes me very stealth now did you think of that or did your husband think of that the amazing talent of this man he just figured that out I want that I didn't even so I'm looking at you've got a frame and in the inside the frame okay so it has those are on a track and it looks like that's just some Thin board you might be able to see it a little bit easier this way okay oh and you've got thin board there so there's not a lot of weight no not at all so it provides insulation and protection from anyone peering in yeah oh my goodness then looking around oh you can tell that this was done by a Craftsman look at that cabinet there and then so why don't you show me all the features that you think are just spectacular well I was just putting this table back but this table will actually fold down it'll lift up and then this pushes in and then it folds down and clicks onto the back door and right it can ride without it being up but I use it so much that I just don't just leave it up yeah yeah and it's the dog kind of likes it being like a little cave for her and you even have space for your dog to have her little bed and crate yeah and then I'm looking over here he thought of everything he did look at how clever this is has a little light so in the night if I don't want it too bright I can just have the little under light you've got a fruit bowl now what do you have that attached to the counter with it's just um a velcro okay yeah and then look at how he did he bends that around so it's not two or three pieces it's just one piece oh my goodness been around so when you cook and you have a one burner is that propane it's propane and it's just he just used a camp stove and took it apart and put it in oh my goodness so that's like the top of a butane stuff and here's the switch oh my goodness it's just the stove that you oh and they're switching with oh my gosh and then over here what's that that's there so this is the um we boost oh okay and then it just plugs in right here and this is I don't use it out here I haven't had to but so you got the Wii boost and he's got to connect it into the wall so you don't have it all everywhere right and then you've got it connected there and then I'm looking over here you've got a little looks like a little bar sink you know it was a double sink and I just had part of it cut off so that I'm using the small part of the double sink wow and then up here I'm looking at the rack here your pot rack right Everything Is Right handy to where you will need it it is and I just sit right here and go back and forth and cut wash things and cook things and it's very easy and convenient there are two things I really want you to go over and tell us about one is this screen door isn't that great you know that is that allows me to camp in any kind of situation without having bugs come in even down in Florida where they're the size of birds you know what any place at all it's really really handy and the dog stays in too it's nice oh my goodness and I'm looking over here and it looks like it's on hinges it is on hinges and before I had the screen door I had I had vents put in on the floor and that's how I got the circulation with the with the roof fan and the vents on the floor but that's so much nicer screen right it's really very handy and that's in the doorway so your sink comes over about halfway and then you've got the door there now you were telling me something about this opening to the front of the cab yes there's this green um that it's just like a pull down shade oh my God that is in grooves so that it completely blocks out do you mind if I try it try it well do you know it's a little bit tricky so okay maybe I can let's let you pull it down for us it just pulls down like this oh wow and it goes all the way down oh my goodness and that keeps the temperature control better from here as well but it also keeps um I don't have to have window shades in the front so you've got that and then now do you have covers for these windows this window this window is the same as that it has the sliders okay so that one closes too too so this has a slider that blocks the light out as well so you can be in here with the side closed yeah the front shut down yeah and the back closed out so no one even knows you're in here and you have all the lights blaring that is exactly what I do wow that's exactly what I he should go in business but not before he does a few jobs for me I'll let him know okay okay no inquiring minds and my Globes are going to want to know how do you use the bathroom well I have so I all under the bed I have the set of drawers wow look at that one of the drawers is my bathroom oh my goodness so it is right here so there's your bathroom drawer here's my bathroom drawer and what do you use do you have a jug you okay I pee in this okay okay it's quite easy to use yeah um and then I have a peacock that I just empty the contents into okay and and for the other solids you go to a public restrooms we'll find a public restroom I mean if the if it's really a an emergency and there isn't a public okay I'm happy to dig a hole okay and I'm looking at when I saw you at the RTR I was looking at those Crystal knobs yeah and I was those are just really beautiful aren't they pretty they are they're really elegant and you know there's um there's there's a little a little lever underneath here so that they can't pull out what you can't pull them out unless you so you have a locking lever yeah it's done every time you say something you reveal more and more and then you I'm looking over here looks like you have a diesel heater I do you know I've camped at seven below zero oh my goodness seven below and I've been toasty warm because the I have a Webasto and it just keeps this place as toasty warm as convenient looks like you have more cabinets over here Yep this is a refrigerator and it's on a drawer I can't pull it out because okay the screen is closed but you have a drawer in there just pulls all the way out and then that's the refrigerator a little Pantry up here now what kind of um Power do you have do you know I just have a hundred amp amp hour battery and I have 100 Watts on top and what kind of refrigerator is that that maintains that um I don't know the brand well we'll have to see if we can't find out maybe later and maybe put it in the description but a hundred watt now is it a lithium battery or an AGM it's it's 255 amp hour so it's 110. okay it's a battery and they're in a battery box under under there do you know what can I just tell you one thing also that sure is kind of fun went during covet I'm a psychiatric nurse okay and during covid we didn't have anybody come to our office so this was really the nurse mobile really I used it as that oh my goodness and so I have these little drawers that I had people's injections and nurse nursery things oh my goodness they're really big this is like this is like it's like you know a box that unfolds in every single fold has another mystery um compartment in it I never thought of it like that it is right it's that is what it's like said earlier that there are two things I really wanted to share and the second thing is the stool that you are sitting on this is just the handiest thing do you know the bed is so distant from the counter that I can't really reach over and do anything so I requested to have a little stool on Wheels so that I can wheel back and forth oh my goodness sink the stove so it just wheels up and down yep it does and it has storage um storage too storage you have for a size the size of this vehicle you have more storage than many larger Vehicles it's a trip it's just really a trip I have I have enough I have enough storage this is unbelievable and I'm seeing this you were telling me this beautiful artwork is by another van life yes Marie Paul than something I wish I could say her less well if you ever think of it we'll put it in the description okay beautiful she does beautiful work Peggy I'm looking you've got hooks everywhere you've got the vent down there it's just I have a vent in the back also and it makes a three-way circulation of air using the fan he's brilliant he's just my idea oh okay well you're brilliant too I'm just being two brilliant people together oh my gosh he is brilliant wow and I'm looking at the I'm looking at the um the platform for the bed it's just wow I I am just so impressed thank you so much for sharing your beautiful Jewel box of a van with us and oh my goodness I can't wait to see what's next because you gave me a little hint but we're not going to share that hint we'll do it another time and but I will be back and I will be in contact okay all right Peggy thank you bye-bye bye
Channel: Glorious Life On Wheels
Views: 162,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rv, rv living, camping, van life, tiny house, tiny home, van conversion, minivan conversion, nomads, boondocking, stealth camping, off grid living, seniors, YouTube, solo female rvers, solo female travel, black you tube creators, budget living, budget travel, living on social security, suv living, cheap rv living
Id: 9lDa99oltL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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