Exhausted Senior On The Brink Of Collapse From Van Life & YouTube

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hello hello and welcome to another long-awaited episode of Glorious life on wheels I have been missing an action for a couple of weeks some of you may not have even noticed but I have and this video is really going to be a cautionary tale for type A personalities like myself so come on let's chat I'm here relaxing at the bay and that is going to be something I'm going to be doing more of but again come on and I'll explain a few weeks back actually maybe it's been a little longer than that now but I went to a big event um it was for the what's called narva National Association of African-American rvers it was a huge event in Hemet California now by the time I got there I was already pretty burned out just to let you know I had set some goals for myself this year one of them was to reach 70 000 subscribers at age 70. another is to reach a hundred thousand by by fourth year anniversary and get a plaque from YouTube but I had reached some of these goals but some of them I hadn't reached so I'm really a person who is I don't know people say that I just push push push grind grind and I do tend to do that and when I set goals I don't set goals that are oh you know just easy I can just accomplish like that I typically set goals that I really have to stretch to reach them I don't know why I do that as just my personality and I guess maybe I have a better sense of or a bigger sense of accomplishment if I reach something that's a little harder to accomplish but anyhow by the time I got to this conference I was already worn out I was tired just to let you know I had been working on sponsorship deals which I hadn't done in the past but I decided it was time to start doing that with some products that I really like I was looking at maybe doing a podcast reaching out on looking for property not to mention raising a special needs daughter that in itself is really a full-time job and there had been some challenges and then with everything with the channel striving and pushing by the time I got there I was really exhausted and I knew that I was tired but I really didn't realize I was on the verge of a collapse and I got there and I came in a couple days later it was supposed to be I was supposed to be there maybe seven or eight days but I came a day or so later because I had some loose ends to tie up so I did that plus I've been noting that the weather there was over a hundred degrees every single day and it was predicted to be 106 107. and I just realized you know what I'm just not up to doing a whole week of 107 degree temperatures I realized that before I left but I didn't realize it just exactly how grueling it would be until I got there and once I got there it was just non-stop action I mean they had a a program every single day that was packed filled now you could participate or you could not participate they had card tournaments they had a golf tournament they had um luncheons uh Banquets uh wine get-togethers uh flea more I mean you name it parades they just it was one of the most well put together and well organized events I've ever attended and then of course I had brought cuddles with me and I had to then make accommodations for him I thought that I was going to be able to bring him inside because the resort had said animals were allowed inside but when I got there the event really didn't want dogs because almost everyone had their dogs with him and most of the people there had these huge colossal class A's which had two and three probably even four air conditioners in them so they were able to safely leave their dogs inside their vehicles and check on them well I couldn't do that because I don't have an air conditioner in this van other than the one that comes with the van I don't have one in the back part so I couldn't leave him in this van at temperatures of 100 and 607 degrees so then I had to figure that out I had a a stand-up air conditioner I put in here and then I also got an extension cord at 30 amp and anyhow got that worked out but it was a lot and then I had to go back and forth constantly in the heat back and forth from wherever I was to check on him in the van so anyhow by about the second day I was really feeling the wear and tear but I persevered and there were a couple interviews I wanted to do one I actually didn't get to do the 80 year old couple just adorable couple that have been traveling in their RVs for years and but they left a couple of days early I didn't know they were going to leave early so I didn't get to do that interview but I do have another one coming up that I think is very interesting but anyhow um so I stayed through the entire thing and I was feeling more and more tired and more exhausted and I just chalked it up to you know hey I've just been working hard I need a rest but you know when you're 70 years old your body is a lot different from when you're 30. and sometimes it's hard to accept that and I'm going to address that in another video but by the time I got home I felt like a tire that all the air had been let out of and I like I couldn't even this tire could not even roll and I was so so exhausted and I just had to completely shut down everything I even canceled my live last week which I was planning on doing the celebration for the 70 at 70. I had to cancel that and we're going to do it next next Saturday but just to let you know how significant that is maybe to a lot of you you're thinking well what big deal but I think in three years since I've been doing lives I've only canceled two maybe three lives and so that's pretty significant I canceled the live I shut down all production canceled all interviews and I just rested I just and every day I'd say oh tomorrow I'll start tomorrow I'll start and each day I realize no I couldn't I really just couldn't so this is I guess a call out to my other fellow um a type personalities I I feel like I need to stand it but one of those meetings and say hey my name is a Carol I'm my name is Carol I'm a type A personality but I'm going to be making some changes not huge changes but Nuance changes that will allow me to really not ever get in this situation where I get to the point that I'm just depleted one of the things I'm going to be doing is I'm going to be taking breaks [Music] um periodically I'm going to take a week off and just relax and do nothing towards or for the channel and which is hard because even when I wasn't working my mind was still working and I had to kind of shut down my mind which is hard to do because I would see something I think oh that's a great idea oh that'll be a great video Oh that's oh I got to interview them but when you are a Creator and especially when you're hard driving like I am it's very difficult to turn off your mind even when you turn off your body but that's what I'm going to do at least a few times a year and I'm not going to do some of the things that I've done in the past like there are days I've done five or six interviews in one day one day yes and looking back I'm like I don't know how I did it and people will say to me I don't know how you keep going I don't know how you keep doing this but I have finally said I don't know how I did it and I need to make some changes so I am going to be doing more videos that are just me talking about different topics of course I'm still going to do interviews because at my heart I like hearing people's stories and I like sharing their stories and that is part of who I am and I also like giving you good content that is not only informative but helpful especially to people who are on the road and who are starting out new I get so many emails and comments from people who tell me I'm going to start out van life I don't know what to do I don't know what kind of vehicle to get I don't know what equipment I need so I'm going to continue to give content that I think is valuable and meaningful and will be helpful to you whether it's content about how to build a cardboard uh conversion if you're low on funds to how to do hacks for things more cheaply for necessities and I'm even going to do some more cooking videos so the tone of the channel which when I started this channel for those of you who weren't with me at the beginning I said my three goals were to number one honor God number two earn some income to help provide a financial Legacy for my child and to three help others and I think during the course of this channel I've accomplished all three of those and I want to continue to um do this channel in a meaningful way that will continue to strive for those goals but just in a more balanced pace so I am encouraging any of you who are type A's take some breaks don't wait until your body makes you take a break you have some control to take the break on your own because if you don't you won't have control your body will make you and then you know it might not be as pleasant as it would be otherwise but I just want to let you know that's one of the changes I'm going to be taking breaks also I have some great interviews coming up this week a lot of you have been asking for an update on AJ the teenager who was homeless and that me and the actually the whole Community rallied around including my Globes to help him and I have some wonderful news about him and he's going to share that with you himself next week I also have some other interviews and I have a really important video that I'm going to get out next week that's going to deal with some issues particularly for women who are on the road and I think it'll be very helpful and I'm going to share with you some of the things I've learned so lots of things coming up including a live today if you're watching today Saturday at 3 P.M I'm back in the saddle folks I'm back baby I'm back so come join us for the live and then next week which I think is going to be the um 19th I think uh anyhow whatever date Saturday is next Saturday I will be having a celebration with some great gifts I'm going to be giving away seven really nice gifts and um to celebrate 70 70 at 70. so I will see you May Journeys be filled with joy and blessing till next time I'll see you down the road
Channel: Glorious Life On Wheels
Views: 15,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: van life, rv living, 4vs, rv, camper, camping, boondocking, solo female van life, senior van life, diy, YouTube, Female YouTube creators, black female YouTube creators, black YouTube crrators, tiny house, tiny houses, nomads, nomad living, van city van life, Glorious life on wheels, living on social security, cheap rv living
Id: BbpDLzQqr1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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