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[Music] happy now is that you done is that you that's your position this is me absolutely done for the day it's nice to actually get away and Vince he hasn't got Many Adventures left in him no yes he has he he has and we haven't actually come far we' any driven for about an hour or less than an hour to the Los Al Corner car National Park which is one of the biggest cork forests in Europe if not the biggest and it also has a massive concentration of the Griffin vulture which we see flying over our village and all around this sort of area in southern andelo here so this is a little recreational area in the national park and we were just saying we're going to have to change things up in the new van because there's no way the new van can get down here you need high clearance and you need a small van it's just a little rickety track that comes down and then there's like various picnic benches dotted around like small car parking area it's really quite pretty there is a water to up there not sure if that's working but then you've just got all these little sections and boulders and there's some shade but you got to take the rough with this smooth as much as we love coming to these nature spots I hate the bugs I hate bugs we just got down there and you can hear the I don't know whe they're midges or mosquito and I'm not as bothered about the bugs as Nick is because they kind of leave me alone in comparison to him so let's hope that continues jinxed it now haven't you but I'm going to get I'm going to get bit to death [Music] [Music] [Music] what's going on here thank you should I grab this one don't pour it all over dizzy I'll just grab myself a store then shall I update on the whole van situation the new van and what's happening with our paperwork I messaged them on Friday they said next week I said well is it going to be like early next week or late next week and there were like Tuesday Wednesday he'll have all of the documents ready so today or tomorrow so then you know before next week's Vlog we should be legal which should be awesome which will be absolutely brilliant won't it give on then little one so there's a water fountain at the top here we're going to see if it's working cuz we've got loads of water in the van oh oh it's really nice and cold as well and there's various barbecues around as well it's a really nice little area so many picnic benches it's really quite nice [Music] so guys who you think had the most fun down here who's enjoyed theirselves the most laying in the dirt chewing on sticks bless him he has had a lovely day and this one he was swimming in the river earlier so do and I went for a walk down the river and um it's actually all right it's a little bit of a scramble little bit tight in places but it's totally doable and you could probably have a swim down there slightly stagnant in places where the river is getting a bit low but it's quite nice lovely for the dogs there lo little frogs and everything so he was jumping in looking for the frogs crossing the river barking the other side coming back Nick stayed here I was doing stuff on the laptops and hiding from the midies and stuff yeah there is there's been a lot of mijes today um I think they're mes anyway they're not mosquitoes I was like in the hammock for a bit and I was just getting on with some sewing doing the the cushions and they were just all over me yeah but she was in the hammock for quite a while and she's like oh I've got a couple of bites on my legs I've got seems to have quite a few all over my head he been in the van with a mosquito net on all day they get nicked so bad like I really feel for him is Marite good against mosquitoes and things I think it is because it's got B 12 not spreading it over not spreading it on the bites to make them go away that's not going to help you cuz we haven't got any Marmite I know we haven't any Marmite for ages so it's been an all right day apart from the bugs I think the bugs have died down though can you see any now there's no midges now but the mosquitoes might come out now yeah they take shifts shifts don't they but been nice to be in Vinnie we've had a lot of good times in Vinnie we've been to loads of countries 25 countries I think have you did the other day oh God the pressure 25 countries okay we've got jalta Spain Portugal Andora France go that way Luxembourg briefly just R through UK are you counting them Wales Denmark no hold on oh no you said UK and I counted one and then you said Wales yeah it's two countries you mean England England yeah UK is the whole lot yeah right start again start again take two take three actually he didn't press record and we just did another take so this is take three it's your last chance yeah but why was it take three because I was just describing the countries too much yeah don't describe just name the countries let's see if we get real quick here we go galta Spain Portugal Andora France England Wales Denmark Norway Sweden Finland Estonia lva Lithuania Poland Germany Czech Republic um Slovakia Slovenia Switzerland Austria Hungary Croatia Italy I got it wrong sorry oh failed failed there you go what is it lasagna fingers this this is obviously a lasagna it's a vegetable lasagna we prepared earlier is there any other way of heating up a meal other than this in a in a camper van I was trying to figure out how can you heat up like a lasagna if you didn't have one of these you need like an oven or a microwave or something like that struggling darling struggling with no surface space you know I'm not complaining we lived in this F for years and we managed just fine but I think we've just like evolved got a bit spoiled got older got older probably that's what it is so we used to have we haven't got the tray in here but you used to put a tray here or we did the washing up and then just put the to drain on that tray so you just basically dry the dishes as you go don't you wash it dry it do the next dish wash it dry it at the moment without a tray but you know what I think it's going to be very very interesting to see if um we are going to get on all right in the bigger van I'm not I'm not going to lie like the last couple of times have been away in Vinnie I've had a nice time but I do feel like we've struggled a little bit in this van nowadays don't you when we stayed at the coast it was like oh God how do we do this you know we're a bit sort of like struggling things annoyed us a lot more than what I remember they annoyed us when we were doing it sort of fulltime if that makes sense so hopefully more space and everything else and we're going to be fine and we're not just over van life I think it's partly just cuz we've got used to house life though cuz we've always said this you know you we've gone off on a big trip you get back to the house and it's nice to have the luxuries you know running water and limited power lots of space and then you go back to Van life and it takes like at least 3 days to get into it it's very true when we do go off in a bigger van with more space and the excitement of it all I think it's going to be I think it's going to be fine I think I'm worrying over nothing oh here we go ooh cheers love Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers all cheers huh wait don't start eating yet almost for got the crunchy onions could have ruined it could have ruined in everything the whole the whole little trip away ruined look they just finish off that salad beautiful and add a little crunch to your meal oh did you want some bread bread sticks bread we've got bread both yeah see how it go it's quite a lot isn't it you're right de let me get you some treats in a minute you can't have any of this little one lots of garlic it smells so good guys it smells so good I picked from the river earlier we're going to make a nice peppermint tea it's romantic isn't it darling very romantic and um I'm trying to get Nick to come for a little walk with me no way no way am I going for a walk after 8:00 coming up to dusk get bitten get attacked by what who knows what's out there oh I like the countryside I like nature I there's a handful of bugs I like dung beetles D beetles all right ladybirds butterflies dragon flies dragon flies love dragon flies um daddy long legs yeah they're they're funny aren't they they're like the jokers of the basically anything that bites you you will bite you and you always come up massively it's got like he's got like big lumps big lumps on his on his neck actually they're really bad like that one feels like a blinking golf ball feel there and we just turned that insect repellent thing off and we just noticed have come back anyone who wants to go camping where there's creatures about you can hire Nick take it with you and you don't get bit I'm sweet that's why as long as he's with you you're fine that's going to be a nice um is it digestant they call it nice drink digestive yeah do like a good cup of mint tea not going to lie it's probably my favorite tea actually these days do you like mint tea if not what's your favorite tea cheers darling cheers [Music] [Music] [Music] how did you sleep darling okay little bit chilly isn't it do you feel like I've got a couple of extra bites to what I had last night though that's for sure my neck and stuff but yeah slept well I've got a few bites he's got a few golf balls on his head few golf balls feel like a cling on definitely coffee time definitely coffee time go there darling let's go [Music] actually a little bit chilly enj yourself yeah just pushing up on me just pushing up on me Spanish um if you've been following you know that um I've had a few trips to the doctors recently the medical center and actually since we've been back here over the last 6 months can't believe it's been 6 months we both went to the dentist then I've been to the doctor's several times blood test this issue actually as I mentioned before had my stitches out the other day and today later on I've got appointment at the optician so while we've been back here we're just going to get everything soed so we're going to be perfector when we head off on the big adventure we just mention that Nick has had a clean bill of health all of his blood work and everything came back all good better than good actually wasn't it on your cholesterols and things like that so he is actually in really good health but he hasn't had his eyes tested yet this is the real test no I need I need some new glasses these ones from years ago and I've lost my the ones I had done last time which them are nice black ones I'm not sure about these little bit no I said to her F you should go to the Opticians to get your eyes tested but it's really just so we can replace those glasses cuz they are a bit embarrassing yeah and I can't believe that you didn't tell me that you've lost your other glasses misplace them misplaced them during the build I'm sure they're going to turn up a few other things we've anyway yeah full bill of health they said I had the body of a 21y old no they didn't say that I may have been Lost in Translation but anyway as I've had all these trips to the doctor and stuff like that I have been brushing up on my Spanish and to do that I have a little meet up with an old friend Rosie you don't know who Rosie is it's actually short for Rosetta Stone and we've been using Rosetta Stone for the last couple of years now if you don't know what Rosetta Stone is it's a language learning platform it kind of breaks away from the traditional method of learning it goes back to to how you learned it as a small child through immersion with audio visual symbols and keys so you learn through speaking through listening through sounds basically it's a delight for all your senses what's great about Rosetta Stone as well is it's got a thing called true accent which helps you practice your pronunciation let's face it all of us need help with our pronunciation Even in our own language bre for yourself Rosetta Stone is available across all devices and you can learn 25 different languages not all at the same time not all at the same time we'll just concentrate on English then Spanish if you're interested in Rosetta Stone they've got a great deal on the lifetime plans right now over 50% off lifetime 25 languages for life you have it for life or if you don't fany taken on 25 different languages you can choose the one language option so you have one language for life if you're interested in learning a new language click the link in our description and head on over to Rosetta Stone right anyway back to it back to it come on this what's this what's this what's this [Music] GA a look who's out there van quiet morning down at Camp it's actually it's actually quite cool out here so I put my hoodie on it's nice it's all right in the van now cuz the sun's on it but out here it's still a little bit cold not complaining it's actually quite nice cuz it's soon going to get hot let's face it nice hoodie darling where can I get one of those from oh well this is a limited edition Explorer special well it's not it's one of our anywhere as possible hoodies and um you can't buy this you have to make it so basically Al this is Nick's old hoodie he'd worn it to death he's had it for like a couple of years his blue one you probably seen him in the videos wearing it and um to give it a new lease of life it was a little bit kind of stained and Stu and he was thinking about you know getting rid of it and just getting a new one so I filled up a little bucket of cold water added some bleach and then I put the hoodie into the bucket kind of all scrunched up left it in there for maybe I don't know half an hour or something took it out rinsed it out popped it in the washing machine and this is what we've ended up with very cool isn't it very cool look at that I actually really yeah I actually really like it like I like the color and the right amount of sort of pink and blue you knew it was going to go pink didn't you you knew it no I didn't well I I knew it was going to do something but cuz I've done it with like black clothes and stuff and they kind of go like an orange color so this was like a sort of Navy well that looks more purple cuz it's got a bit purpley but it was like proper blue like our blue t-shirts we were the gray one went yellow and the black one goes orangey yeah so now I actually really like it so it's given this old um hoodie a new lease on life so go simple tie dyeing it's not the proper way to tie dye but it's how I tie dye um yeah so anyways talk about unique things no one else has got one of these you see um I've just been finishing off my little cushions as well well so you've probably seen these the ones that we've had in vinsta for years um and years and I've added a load more patches to these because again it was getting a bit um damaged and worn out so I just add these patches and now this is like really thick like it's like three times as thick as what it was when we originally got these originally from Indonesia weren't they really thin material Malia wasn't it or Malaysia maybe what all the Ever um and yeah so they've got so many patches on them now and I did most of with the sewing machine but to get to the hard to reach places I just had to hand stitch them so that's what I've been do are there any original patches I can't see any Originals there is original bits on that side um on this one I think this is the original this is the original so yeah and we're actually going to put these in Von um just so we can have some extra color and it's like a little part of Vinnie in valon cuz even though Von's mainly like blues and greens and things like that that we're going to slowly introduce more color so it's probably going to be like a total hippie Band by the time we finish with all of this sort of stuff he's good you put your PJs in there don't you yeah they're good for holding clothes and things like that that's what we can do we can have one each got our PJs in there so exciting but to that time of the day which is far too early for my liking that all the yeah the little midies are coming out now and a few armored flies which are the dogs Nemesis the ones that bite the bums yeah I think it's just that time of year isn't it you know I mean we had the repellent thing out last night when we had dinner and that seemed to work but as soon as we put that away they came back again so they are like day and night these midies um yeah but if anyone's got any more information about midges let us know cuz we haven't had much experience with them have we so as lovely as it is down here we are going to head off plus Nick's got his optician's appointment in like an hour and a half just over so we want to make sure we're back and not late for that and we're hoping to hear back from Valen see other company up the coast yes today so we didn't hear from them yesterday so they said Tuesday or Wednesday Today is Wednesday so it better happen today otherwise I'll be like what's going on where's our project right you coming then boys let's go go go go go in the van in the van in the van go go go go go go [Music] so this is why it's best to just be in a small van when you coming down these little areas it's a bit bump it's a bit uneven there's a few potholes and uh just generally quite offroy really [Music] yes this is me getting all of the shots by the way and I can run as fast a little that looks like a nice coffee just isn't it strong have a strong coffee don't we that one this morning just was not a enough and yeah so we've just made it in time we've just made it in time so we can have a real quick coffee and a quick breakfast before Nick has to go and get his eyes tested and here is our tostada so this is like a typical breakfast in suain you get like the tostada con and um tomat olive oil tomato Blended up like that and a little piece of garlic just rub it on type thing that's kind of like the simple breakfast isn't it bread from the countryside from a local vage bread that look at the size it's really good I bet you guys were thinking yeah a whole Vlog with no DIY forget about it we're always going to sneak a little bit in morning lovelies good morning got clinch teeth is [Laughter] you uh where did we last leave you oh having breakfast and Nick go for his um optician's appointment yesterday that was got have my eyes out and I both of them both of his eyes out completely out no is uh it all went well and he's getting some new glasses and was it an improvement of course it was an improvement sorry the glasses will be an improvement to his embarrassing glasses when he picks them up next week and his eyes are have stayed the same short dist long distance but got a B is it's about the same prescription but for reading and on the laptop too much staring at a laptop screen that's problem you need slightly stronger ones so he's getting B focals that's exciting Posh isn't it Posh you want to show him what youve done yeah crazy some little templates hav we for div very rough templates they're not templates they're the actual finished thing aren't they they are isn't that what we're using for the Finish thing so it just cuts around there around the GRS and we're thinking having another battern along the front and then the wood will just sit on that so you'll have a little shelf say this High we're just doing these little jobs now whilst we're still waiting so today is Thursday little bit annoyed because we were told that our project will be ready either Tuesday or Wednesday didn't hear anything yesterday so I messaged this morning and I'm hoping going to get a reply by the end of the day we don't want it to go on another week so we really really need this project now and get this van in inspected and signed off thing isn't it we do love living in this country Spain is a nice place to live it's very relaxed um lifestyle and um chilled out and laid back if you like but to get anything done sometimes it can be a little bit frustrating everything takes that little bit longer you know anything to do with paperwork or you know sort of things like that bureaucracy it's not the best place to live in the world but you got to take the rough with the smooth I always say I always say that as well you do always great like what do you think of this by the way guys oh yeah so this is little tie dye this I was talking about this yesterday with my with my hoodie on so that's what happens if you do the same with a black black material it goes kind of like the orange and black it's one of our Explorer's t-shirts and it was very very worn out Nick wears these t-shirts to death this one was again ready for the bin and I think that looks quite funky about you guys what do you think let us know in the comments oh Dusty so whilst Nick is just uh finishing off these dividers and getting a little bit frustrated I thought I would just show you guys the mosquito Nets and I found this green very green ribbon in our local store they didn't have any other color I thought oh that kind of looks quite cool um so yeah just bought plenty of ribbon um folded over ironed it and then added it with the sewing machine all the way around the mosquito net and I think they've worked out quite good I've attached these now very roughly with magnets and yeah we got two of these so the back whole back door when we can have the doors open and it completely covers this area got it got it got it got it we had this like really annoying vibration noise under the Bonnet and it's nothing to worry about yeah so it's basically been this has been loose and it vibrates like crazy because these are a bit you know knacked just managed to drill that one the loose one out of the hole and we're just going to quite simply put another bolt in tighten it all up and then that should stop this from moving around the air intake hose basically or or the little bracket thing holding the air intake hose got to look after our old boy we not just Nick oh yeah look at that good job that has been annoying us for ages at first we were like what is that that's that's doesn't sound good rattle put my cup down for a minute and Dizzy's all over it good job it's got no vodka in it time is ticking on folks um it is Thursday and we do need to get this lovely little video online for you I hope you've enjoyed the video today a little bit different good oldfashioned Adventure out in little old vinster we did have fun upon apart from them there's me saying that I don't get bit by flies and bugs as long as Nick's around not true I actually have some pretty nasty bites myself as well not as bad as Nick thanks all so much for watching you can follow us for daily updates on our other socials and please please please please make sure you subscribed to our YouTube channel tell all your friends to as well tell your friends free easy easy yeah let us you know when we put a new video out cuz we are going to actually put some extra videos out aren't we yeah and you won't know about it unless you ding our Bell and you're subscribed to our Channel we know what day it's com in oh and tune in next week to find out what glasses I got what fres and also the winners of the competition we haven't had chance to look through everything yet so the winners of the competition from last week will be named next week so I tell you what the answer was it was it was a bit of a tricky one to be fair the answer was actually 14 because I said two times before we started the minute if it was a minute it would have been one number but it was a bit longer and then I did that little waffled really quick ones they were included it was 14 if you have no idea what we're talking about you have to go and watch last week's video to find out I think only four people got it right out of all the guesses crazy so there you go thanks for watching everyone and we will see you all with some good news next Thursday take okay guys Enix Thursday Charlie don't eat it no Charlie no eating charie not e no boys don't eat [Music] it no no no
Channel: the exPAWers
Views: 39,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best campervan, building a van, europe by van, living in a campervan, living in a van, rv life, rv lifestyle, rv living, tiny home, tiny homes on wheels, tiny house, travel europe by van, travel tips, travelling on a budget, ultimate off grid campervan, van build series, van conversion, van life, van life build, van life uk, van living, van tour with shower, vanlife, los alcornocales national park, best national parks spain, wildlife in spain, van life stresses
Id: Yau5YuF6sD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 35sec (1835 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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