Best Way to Get Internet on the Road —Best Carrier and Fastest Device, Can I Get Unlimited Data?

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[Music] hi everyone welcome back to my next video uh one of the questions i get all the time is how do you get internet in the middle of nowhere and i have to admit that question kind of baffles me because how doesn't everyone know but when i think about it i guess most of us are so used to having an internet in our house through through a cable or a landline or something your phone that you just don't ever have to think about how you would get it somewhere else i got my first internet on the road in 2008 and it was fairly primitive then um but it's still nothing has changed and so you can get internet in the middle of nowhere i the nearest town from here is 35 miles away uh one direction and the other direction is probably 45. so there's no towns there's nothing anywhere near me so how am i getting internet well cell towers are everywhere and if you are on a major highway if that's a major highway in nearly every state with a with a fair amount of traffic there will be cell towers and so what we're going to do is get our internet from cell towers but before we get into that let me clear up some confusion there's two kinds of if you're away from your house there's two main ways you'll get internet one is through a wi-fi hotspot and the other is through cellular cell towers and i don't want you to mix those up so let's get that clear right from the beginning if you go to mcdonald's and uh you can plug in a mcdonald's and they'll give you a code it's often anymore it's just they just the business will put it up and nearly every business is giving away free free wi-fi anymore and you can just connect anywhere and that's really handy that's a wi-fi hotspot they have a can landline that goes into the mcdonald's restaurant or into the grocery store or starbucks and then they run that landline to a router the router broadcasts it as a wi-fi signal and then you get a code and you log in so that is the main way you probably think of getting wi-fi away from your house i am not getting uh internet by a wi-fi hotspot that's just not it doesn't exist here what does exist here is sell signal and like i said every major highway in america uh has has cell towers on it now you can get in between the cell towers and there will be a gap between the cell towers so i am not using a wi-fi hotspot there's no stores anywhere near me i am using internet by cell tower like i said most major highways across america that have a fair amount of traffic on them will have cell towers on them and if i'm in colorado boy there's going to be the most of the time in mountainous colorado won't have internet because it's mountainous and it's cell towers are line of sight as long as there's line of sight nearly all freeways have a sell signal along them and as long as there's line of sight most major roads across most states will have sell signal most of the way and so you have to understand that the cell signal carries two things it carries voice and it carries data and so on my cell phone on your cell phone on virtually every cell phone made in america anymore today you get both cell and data so i can make a phone call just by dialing a number i can make a cell phone call but if i go here and i click on uh google now i can do a a search on anything you have cell phone and voice and data on your cell phone uh most the problem is anymore most data on your cell phone is going to be pretty small 10 maybe 15 gigs on this at t phone i get 10 gigs of data so it gets data how am i going to connect to this thing with my laptop or with my ipad or with whatever i want to connect to it with well you can set this up as a wi-fi hotspot just like mcdonald's did so if i go into settings and i hit settings one of the settings will be wi-fi hotspot i go in there i turn it on and if my plan allows that then it will start sending out a wi-fi signal and just like i connected to mcdonald's or starbucks by wi-fi i can connect here same thing i'll have to have a password but it'll give me the password and i'll connect and so now my all my devices that connect by wi-fi can connect to my cell phone hotspot and so my cell phone can be both voice and data and now i can connect a laptop or an ipad or anything anything that will connect by a wi-fi signal i can connect but the it's very limited amount of data that they will give you um but my verizon plan gives 15 gigs and i've gone in and looked and there are no other cell phone plans to that will give me more than 15 gigs so that's not enough i need a lot of data because i'm running a business i'm running the youtube channel and and i have a lot of going on with how uh and i need a lot so the next way you can get it is you can add lines now you can add another cell phone and get another 10 or 15 gigs that way or you can add a jet pack so it says uh it comes on and it says mifi and then it will come on and it doesn't do voice this only does data but it will pick up a data signal and there you see it's logging on and you can see over here it says 4g lte this is going to give me 4g for lte just like my phone does and it's going to work exactly like it it's going to create a wi-fi hotspot and i can connect up to 10 devices onto this jetpack this one is battery operated it connects to a a usb port and then you can charge it on the usb port and use it on the battery these are very very handy this is 20 and this one on verizon gives me 15 gigs so that's a pretty good price per gig and you can just keep adding lines so you need a hundred gigs you could add five of these and that would cost you uh a hundred dollars and that would give you 150 gigs of data a month so basically uh if you buy your samsung if you buy your phone apple or samsung or android or whatever doesn't matter you can add on you can keep adding on to the plan but this gives me uh unlimited i think it's unlimited on the phone it gives me 10 gigs as a hotspot this gives me 15 gigs so i have 25 gigs out for the two and i believe this is about 100 and this is 20. so it's about 120 if i want to add another device i keep adding more of these or more cell phones now which which uh retailer should you go through which providers should you use cell provider verizon is best it's just that simple everywhere i've gone verizon has the most towers on the most remote places verizon has been the best however att is right behind them and there are places where i'll get a and t a t and i won't get verizon um and there are places where i'll get verizon and i won't get att and if you really have to have data if you're running a business you're a digital nomad then i would definitely get one of each phone and then start adding lines until you add enough uh and then between the two of them you'll always have um you'll almost always connect now there's also now sprint and t-mobile and they have combined they have now merged the government has allowed them to and they're a distant third uh you're not going to get nearly the connection out of t-mobile sprint than you are out of 18 and verizon if you're a person who absolutely has to have internet having all three will really do a a fantastic job something for you to think about now the plans change all the time i can't give you details on plans because they change so often their deals they're competing and now with uh sprint and t-mobile combined maybe they're going to be more competitive there'll be more deals so this has lte built in right here in the middle of nowhere this is on and i am connected to the internet and i got it and the reason i bought it was because it's unlimited and so i have unlimited on my 12.4 inch ipad so this is a pretty good productivity machine uh if i'm doing heavy production like word or excel i'm gonna i'm gonna get out a laptop and use it use a wi-fi internet but this does the vast majority of what i need and because it's unlimited on the ipad itself i'm not using a wi-fi hotspot i can watch unlimited youtube unlimited everything uh it's fantastic that's a good experience there i mean i don't mind watching youtube on that at all if you could find one of these deals and they are out there occasionally i really like that that's one to watch for okay this is a microsoft surface go you can buy this with lte and here's the here's the thing i can pull the sim card out of this and put it in this and now i have an unlimited surface ibm pc machine this is the full version of word that's small and i kind of like that that's why i chose it and they have bigger surface the bigger surface machines uh surface seven that are also lte all right so now we're going to talk about the next level of speed this is called a mofi and it uses a completely it uses cell technology just like any other 4g cell technology except that it is a whole step above when i do a live feed it is 100 of the time from this device um and because it's just simply better and faster than anything else here this does something called carrier aggregation i've got a video that i will that will come out on this device because it's important that you know about it it's expensive this was about 350 dollars and i don't regret that for one second i will do all my live feeds from this if i need speed it's on this device why the way carrier aggregation works is uh your cell signal your cell tower has different bands that it's sending out this device can only pick up one of those bands at a time it gets that band it sends out on that band nothing else this device can pick up and transmit on multiple bands at a time that's called carrier aggregation so this device will talk to the cell tower and says hey i do carry your aggregation let's talk and so the cell tower will then divide it will find the two fastest bands they'll talk back and forth but then they'll figure it out okay these are the two fastest bands i will split the signal between these two bands to you and it will travel back and forth on two different bands so it's doubling the transmission speed because it's traveling on two different bands and they talked and found the two fastest bands this being only one band can only transmit and receive half as much as this okay so that's the different ways you can get a signal and i know i gave you a lot of we covered a lot of material and i think i feel bad when i give you all this stuff but you'll now you know and if you'll endure getting through this i think you'll have much better knowledge i'll put a link to this so there we go folks that's how you can get uh internet on the road and i know i covered a lot of details but i figure if if you're so confused you're asking me how to get internet on the road i really wanted to walk you through it step by step and make it really simple and complete and uh so just slide your way through all this material and i hope you get it okay there you go i hope that helps and um if you got anything out of this video like us on youtube subscribe to the channel hit that thumbs up button and we'll talk to you later did you know that cheap rv living has a patreon page you'll find it at chief rv living you'll find behind the scenes photos and videos as well as some bloopers and also some short videos where you can learn more about bob there's also some in-depth interviews as well as a place to ask your questions before a live feed there's inspiration for your life on the road and there's some drone footage of some interesting camps and places so we hope that you'll join us at cheap rv living we appreciate your support and hope to see you down the road
Channel: CheapRVliving
Views: 210,368
Rating: 4.942821 out of 5
Keywords: live, living, car, van, RV, Full-time, nomad, gypsy, camper, camp, boondock, travel, snowbird, caravan, tiny, house, tribe, RTR, adventure
Id: O8AOAluCFlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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