Valheim Server and Modding Tutorial

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[Applause] how's it going everybody welcome back this is cuban cigar from against the world gaming and today i'm going to show you guys a little something that i had a really hard time finding the correct information online how to do it and a lot of people in my community felt that the content was needed because it's hard to find um and that is a couple of things first i'm going to show you guys how to make your very own valheim dedicated server on your computer just like i've shown in tutorials in the past for seven days to die dedicated servers and modding your dedicated servers and mischief maker and all those other tutorials i've done this is going to be very very similar we are going to make a uh valheim tutorial and then after that depending on how long the video goes i'm going to show you guys how to mod valheim not only your single player game but also how to mod your server if you decide to do so so the first thing we need to do is we need to download steamcmd i will put a link to the steam cmd page that i'm on in the video description so make sure you look down there you can go right to that link click download steam and you should be go good good to go so we're going to go ahead and download the steam zip come on chrome do your thing do your work um and we're going to get this going first and then i will show you guys all of the commands that are needed to make it work so what i like to do is i like to go onto my computer so this pc and i like to go into my c drive which is almost full oh my god i can't believe it um and i've got a bunch of stuff in here don't i okay so i'm just gonna make a new file new folder and we're gonna call it steam cm whoops that that didn't cmd okay um perfect and in there i think i've done this exactly the same way when i did seven days today we're going to throw the steamcmd.executable in there and now we can close that up and the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna run it it's going to update the steam files that are needed for steam command prompt to actually work steam cmd is steam command prompt um you're going to notice this is filling up with files from from this doing what it's got to do okay so that's step one download steamcmd stick it into a folder somewhere on your computer that you can remember where it was and then just double click it it'll take care of everything for you when it's done it'll say loading steam api okay you're good to go okay next thing you want to do is you want to you want to type log in anonymous if i could spell login anonymous okay now i am connected to steam anonymously you could log in with your steam credentials but it's totally not necessary this works just fine and then the next thing you want to type is app underscore update space 8 9 6 6 6 0. this is the app id for the valheim dedicated server files so hit enter and now it's going to create the all of the valheim information everything you need from valheim to run a server okay now the one thing that i didn't find much information on is with valheim the seed that you're playing on the seed that you're playing on doesn't get uh generated by the server the server just randomly generates a map and you don't have a whole lot of control over um putting a seed in like your map name none of that really matters or none of that actually it's taken into account the server software just randomly creates a seed for you and you have no idea what it is so in order to to change it you would have to generate a seed in your in your game so you would essentially like start a single player game generate the seed you want whatever world you want and then you're tell you will tell the server to use that that save file sort of you're just telling it to use that world so and i'll show you how to do this and i'm going to wait this is going to take a little bit um for steam update to finish so i will bring you guys back as soon as um as soon as this is done all right so it's literally i pushed a button to pause the recording and it was done right away of course so anyway this is done i can now just type in exit if i can spell exit and that will shut down steam id steamcmd so now what i want to do is i want to take a look at steam apps so you're still in your steam cmd wherever you put it wherever you executed it you go to steam apps and then you go to common and then there's your valheim dedicated server okay the place where you tell the server which map to use is in this start headless server batch file so if you right click and you open with something like notepad or notepad plus plus which is what i like to use this right here this valheim server line is your your information okay keep in mind if you want your friends to be able to join your server which i'm assuming if you're making a server you want them to be able to join you have to open these ports um in order for them to be able to join and these are uh i want to say these these are you know what let me look to be sure before i tell you after tcp or udp let me take a quick look i'll be right back okay yeah they are udp port so you wanna you wanna open the or port forward this range udp two five four two four oh my gosh two four five six through two four five eight you wanna make sure you port forward those um on your router and i've got another video with seven days to die on how to port forward every router is different so port forwarding videos can always be kind of a little bit tricky to do but this file here essentially is where you tell the server what the name of your server is going to be so let's say you want to call it uh you know joe's awesome you know if i could spell again valheim server right this is in the in the valheim um server list where you can search for servers this is where this is what people will see so you'd tell your friends hey go on go on to valheim search for joe's awesome valheim server and then they'll they'll find it okay i don't know who joe is just that's the name that popped in my head um this port is the port that your server is going to be connecting through um if you want to do like ip connections or direct ip connections there's a you would type in your ip address so you would go to and and get your ip address um and then it would be that ip address and then you would do um like a with that ip address you would do a colon and then the port number so if your ip address is you know not that this would be it but if your ip address is like you know one nine six eight four five one one you would then do colon two four five six and that would be your like direct connect ip address so if you don't know your ip address go to it will tell you what your public ip is and this is the port um this is where this is where you assign the world okay let's say you've loaded up valheim single player and you made a world called hyrule right because you're a legend of zelda fan and you love hyrule right the the server is going to look on your computer's save files from valheim and it's going to find a file called hyrule i know i have a file called hyrule so that's why i'm picking it and the password is going to be something like you know something secret so something secret whatever you wanna you know it doesn't really matter so i'm gonna just do one two three four five um for for whatever but you can obviously you wanna make the password something you can remember and you wanna tell your friends hey search for joe's al joe's awesome valheim server and the password is one two three four five whatever and then you wanna save this okay and just to kind of show you how this works if i were to go on steam and i go to my library and i go to valheim and i go to manage and i go to browse local files actually no i'm sorry sorry that is that is not accurate you want to go to your own files uh so your user files so you go to your c drive you go to users in my case it's cuban then you want to go to app data um i want to say it's roaming i'm trying to remember now it's been a while since i've looked this actually was local um where is valheim no there's valorent that's not that's not the one it is app data local local low oh that's right loco low that's the weird one and then iron gate sorry valheim and then worlds and as you can see i've got hyrule and i've got something else hyrule grind world and middle earth which is middle earth is our server um the these were generated in the valheim game so to show you how to do that we're gonna go into valheim now ignore this stuff because this is because i have a i've modded my copy of valheim which i will show you guys how to do um but if you want to generate your own world and it will be located in that folder i just showed you you'd open up valheim um game starting okay you hit start game you've got your character obviously i've got my character cuban and let's say i want to i want to generate a new world and i've got a seed for it okay i i've got a seed i'm gonna type it in here and it's gonna be some i don't know whatever uh odin uh i don't know odin is king and i know that's an actual seed i think and i'm gonna name the world uh server test world okay if i had done it's going to generate this world i don't want to generate this world but that's how you do it you hit done the game starts it it drops you into the world and the world has been generated then you just quit and and you're and you're good to go okay so that's that's essentially how you generate a world and then those world files like i showed before are going to be in your c drive users your user folder app data which is usually hidden local low iron gate valheim worlds and it will be here you really only need the name of it that's all you need whatever you name that world that is what you're going to put in the steam cmd folder or file that we did earlier in my steam cmd steam apps common valheim dedicated server start headless server no no no no i don't want to run it sorry start headless server and then so here it would be whatever you named the world not the seed not the seed but the actual name because the seed is one thing and the name is another and you would put that in here and then they would it would actually load that world so that's that's essentially it that is how you make a valheim dedicated server to run the server you simply double click this file so what i would do if i were you is i'd right click it okay i would hit send to and i would create a desktop shortcut and that will pop a shortcut right on your desktop and you can just double click this and it will start the server for you okay it's super simple once the server is up and running in order for you to close the server and it'll tell you that at the beginning it'll you'll want to hit control c um you probably have to hit it twice and then it'll say are you sure you want to shut down and then you say you type yes and y and then enter and then you're good to go so that's that's essentially how you create uh configure and start a valheim dedicated server okay so now let's get into modding i want to mod this server and then i'm going to show you guys how to mod the the single player game okay so if you go to oh what the heck is it recently closed no no don't no that's not it uh it is nexus yeah i'm gonna put a i'll put this in the description as well uh forward slash val on there are tons and tons and tons of mods on nexus mods okay the reason i needed to show this is because um they don't a lot of people didn't don't tell you that in when you're doing when you're modding valheim you absolutely have to have uh a specific like core which allows the game to be modded now if you install something like valheim plus which is like an overall quality of life mod and this is probably the most popular mod out there right now it allows you to to change a conf a config file that you can then make it so that you can travel through teleporters with or in your inventory among other things you can change stack sizes there's a ton of stuff you can do okay so you decide i want i want falhen plus the nice thing about valheim plus is it already comes with the core files that you need to then be able to install other mods okay if you don't want valheim plus and let's say you just want like a better ui or you just want a sorting mod or any of the other mods you see here the beauty is let's say you want the the the quick slots the equipment in quick slot mod this is a phenomenal mod because it actually takes your armor and separates it into a separate uh bucket and your quick slots go into like z you can assign the buttons for your quick slots so that those are not taking up room in your inventory it's a great mod okay and if you look down here it's going to tell you that it requires uh bipex bippin x okay bippin x is is your your core program that allows you to mod valheim so if you're not going to do uh valheim plus which already has bippin x it comes with it um then you should download bippin x now for the sake of what's popular i'm going to download valham plus okay and i am going to go ahead and download it so where is it um manual download sorry and you might have to create an account with nexus mods i think they they uh they would rather you you create an account so in our case i need both the server files so and i'm going to need the client files client files are your game and server files are the dedicated server that you plan to run for this we need both of these okay and any mod you install going forward you will have to also install on if you put it on the server it has to go on the client so if you have friends um and they want to be able to use the mods if they don't have them then they can still join your server but the mods won't they won't have the mods they'll be playing in vanilla so it's not a huge deal but i would highly recommend if you mod your server you have your friends modded also so we're going to go ahead and download the server one and yeah whatever go ahead do what you got to do so that's going to go ahead and download and then i can hit back and i'm going to download the client one as well so why don't you go ahead and then just for the sake of showing you guys a regular mod as well we are also going to download uh let's do the equipment quick slot whatever so but any of these other mods okay and they usually will tell you what they require so we're going to go ahead and see it tells you additional files required bip and x but again like i said if you've already installed valheim plus then you already have bip next so if you don't have it click this and you can download but i already have it and you probably already have it at this point because you have valheim plus so i'm going to go ahead and download that and then here you know this guy made it if you want to donate to him you can but it's not necessary i recommend you do i mean he put obviously some hard work into it so you know help the guy out so we can close this out now all right and i want to open my downloads and right here you will see uh the server let's start with the server files okay with the server files and in any of these any of these that you are going to extract do not extract them directly into your valheim game or server folders you want to extract them like maybe to your desktop and then extract them and then cut them into the into here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to grab all of these and i'm just going to drag them onto my desktop okay they're all on my desktop they've been extracted and then i can grab them again and drag them into the dedicated server and i'm going to say replace it will ask you this and yes you want to replace the files and as you can see the bip next is right there okay that's good to go so now my server has valheim plus installed on it it's ready to go and we'll have to make a few little changes um and i'll show you guys that actually why don't we go ahead and show you that now so you want to go into the bip next folder and you want to go to config and you want to configure valheim plus so right click this open it with no you know notepad or notepad plus plus and everything is in like categories okay so there's like an advanced building mode that you can mess with you can click this link and you can see what that's all about there's an advanced editing mode you can modify the way the beehive um works in the game if you enable this it then enables the other two so you can change it from you know producing honey every 1200 and 1200 seconds because that's 24 in-game hours let's say you want this thing to pop out honey twice a day so change this to 600 that'll be 12 in game hours and let's say you wanted to pop out 10 honey every time change the 4 to a 10 and now your beehive is going to pop out 10 honey twice a day you could do that that's up to you same um with building you can turn this on and then you would remove the invalid placement messages and things like that so you can kind of remove you know whether or not the weather damages like when the rain falls on your non-covered floors you can turn that off so it doesn't damage anymore um you can the maximum placement distance like you you can only place stuff five meters away from you you can increase this to place stuff 10 meters away from you so there's all sorts of stuff but the big one that i like to turn on is items i enable items so this first part enables the section so i change this to true and you're going to want to do this um you don't have to do this on your on your single players files unless you want these settings in your single player game whatever you do in the server whoever the people that join you that have this mod it will use these settings so they don't have to match you exactly okay and then enables you to teleport with ors and other un usually restricted objects so this is the one that i think everybody sets to true oops if i could spell true right um there are others if you want your you know everything to be lighter you can adjust the weight so i can do minus 50 and that will make everything 50 percent lighter the other one i like to change though is the stack multiplier i like to go times 200 that gives your stacks three times bigger so instead of carrying a stack of 50 stone you now carry a stack of 150 stone so that you're only bound by your weight not so much by your your your slots right so that's what i like to do you can obviously do this however you want again you can change the fermenter you can change the way food works you can change the way the furnace works so if you kind of read through all of this you'll see like different settings the next one that's super duper important is you want to go down to server and you want to do this on your server version and you're going to want to do this on your single player as well because this is a version check and this can be really annoying okay i turn off version check on my server and i also turn it off on my single player because version check what it does if someone who has vanilla and doesn't have any of the mods tries to join your server this will prevent them from joining okay which is not a big deal people can still play on your server and play it as if as it's vanilla it's okay but the big issue is if you want to join a vanilla server and you have this set to true you won't be able to join that vanilla server you can still play the game vanilla if you join a vanilla server with all of the mods installed as long as you set this to false so that this one is super important in the server section um in the server section make sure you set this line here to false and then save okay any anything else you want to mess with is totally up to you however you want to change the game okay and we'll probably go through the same file again when i do your single player so i save that we're good to go okay so my server my server is ready we can close this out now we're going to open up the client okay um so now i've got my client files if i go to steam i go to my library i right click valheim i go to manage and i hit browse local files here's my my version okay i've already copied all of this and pasted it in as you can see i have a bip next folder i have valheim data i have everything so you you simply extract all of this to your desktop and then move it all into your your your client copy of the game okay works the same way now with the quick slots okay now the quick slot one is uh let's close this the quick slot one is quite simple okay you're gonna wanna do this on both your server and your your local copy so you open the bip next and this is exactly the same on both okay so what i'm going to show you right now this is this is my local copy but we let's also pretend it's the server at the same exact time and you're going to do this to both you're going to open the bib and x folder you're going to open plugins and then you are going to drag the dl all of this crap this junk right here doesn't matter this doesn't matter this is the mod this is the equipment and quick slots mod you want to take this drag it to your desktop and then drag this up here now i already have it so i don't need to do that as you can see it's right there any mod you install this is where it goes it goes in the plugins folder in the bib and x folder and then plugins and it's the same with the server it's exactly the same so i'm going to delete that because i don't need it but that's how this works this better ui is the only one that's a little different when i extracted better ui this folder was this so to play it safe i moved the entire folder in there and then you can see that the mod is in the folder it still works i don't know if it'll work outside of the folder i didn't want to risk it so i put the folder so if you do the better ui mod just kind of keep that in mind and that's pretty much it that's how you install mods to your valheim server and remember like i said that config make sure you set the version check to false on both your server and your client files so that's and that's it so from there i can i can open up valheim and i'm actually going to join this right here this is bip next so you can see it says bipinx 5.4.50 it's loading up all of the mods and everything so that when you go to play um well that's not good okay there we go when you go to play every once in a while when you when you load your game and you see valheim plus then you know you did it right so if i go to start game i go to start i go to world now my world is called xawx gaming valheim server okay and it looks like someone's playing um so we're not going to go in there because someone's in there we're going to go to hyrule so the the map i made right we're going to go there let's go ahead let's go into hyrule and i'll show you guys what the uh the quick slots and all that stuff looks like so you can kind of get an idea but this is going to be a modded a modded world then you're going to notice that my stack sizes are different you're going to notice that i have a sort button in my inventory you're going to notice that the ui looks slightly different the durability on my weapons has a a green line instead of a uh instead of uh so if i tap you can see right here my my armor is off to the side it's not taking up slots in my inventory my food is down here now i can in the config i can change these letters to be whatever i want this is the default b v and z is the default you can make it whatever you want if you want to make it you know f1 f2 f3 you can do that it does as long as you don't do f5 f5 opens the console so don't do anything with f5 but and you can see here i have a sort button that'll sort my inventory okay um the other one i have is there's a mod that the workbenches will automatically use what's in the inventory nearby i also have that mod on here so tons of mods it's pretty cool you can see the green lines the stars instead of a number here normally for vanilla this is a number stars tell you like what level my weapons are in my armor and whatnot so that's pretty much it guys if you found this video helpful if this helped you out uh please make sure to hit the like button please make sure to subscribe to the channel as it helps us out big time and also leave any comments down below any questions you have or if you need any help the comments down below are a great place to get help or you can join the discord which the link for that will be in the description um i'm happy to help anybody who needs help i'm usually in my discord and i read all of my comments so if you ask me a question i will for sure answer also as a reminder guys i do stream over on twitch every tuesday thursday and saturday links for that will be down in the description i play valheim seven days to die space engineers tons of games and it's a great community they will welcome you with open arms you want to come hang out get advice give advice ask questions hang out with some super cool people that are just going to be very friendly and welcome you with open arms so anyways guys thank you so much for hanging out with me i hope this video was helpful for you and as always i'll catch you guys next time
Channel: xAWxGaming
Views: 28,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valheim, valheim game, valheim gameplay, valheim survival game, new survival game, survival island game, valheim gameplay part 1, gameplay, playthrough, walkthrough, survival, game of survival, game of survival gameplay, viking survival, viking survival game, base building, crafting, valheim trailer, commentary, let’s play, iron gate ab, coffee stain, xAWxGaming, xAWxCubancigaro, Valheim Server, valheim multiplayer, valheim mods, modding valheim, How to, valheim guide, valheim tips
Id: ceAn3Up2i3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 43sec (1783 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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