Valheim Server Mods | uMod Complete Guide | Dedicated server setup

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what's up my name is technobe here for troubleshoot and today i've got hopefully a really quick crash course on installing umod for valheim now of course you'll need a dedicated server installed already or you can download it during this process which i'll show you if you'd like to know how to set up a vanilla valheim server check the description down below for a plethora of other videos as well so to begin let's go ahead and download the umod installer to install it to our server all we have to do is open up windows powershell which you can find by pressing start typing in powershell and clicking windows powershell you should run this as administrator once it's opened up simply look in the description down below for a line of text which you can also find on a link in the description down below which will take you across to the umod installation prerelease page of course i'll make an updated video to this when the full version comes out if i don't make sure to remind me down below anyways now that we've pasted this text inside of here what we have to do is hit enter and it will install on our computer it's pretty simple it'll connect it'll go ahead and download and install 5 sdk if it's not already installed now all we have to do is wait for this to complete loading now that u-mod is installed all we have to do is type in umod and you should see a response from umod itself this is the umod agent you can also run this from the command prompt window as such now that we know that it's installed we can go ahead and download and install a brand new valheim dedicated server of course if you have your own you should be able to add it to an existing one just by pointing it to the same path i have it installed on steam all that i have to do is open up steam then find my valheim server on the list which for me is over here i'll simply update it to the latest version but of course if you downloaded this with steam cmd steps should be rather similar just get across to where the actual files for the server are i'll right click manage browse and now i'm where the dedicated server files are you can see i also have steam cmd here regardless let's go ahead and do this all we have to do is click at the very top where this folder url is and type in cmd hit enter and a new command prompt window will open up inside of this folder over here then all you have to do is type in umod install valheim hyphen capital p hit enter and the dedicated server should start downloading and installing if nothing's already here as you can see it's validating all of the files that are already here inside of this folder so when it completes you should see valheim survey installed awesome so now we have installed our valham server and it boots us back to here where we can type it didn't download much it just verified that everything was up to date so what exactly do we need to do now well all we have to do is type in umod new launcher space hyphen capital p and hit enter by doing this we'll create the umont unity windows launcher and you should see a couple more files pop up in here if we sort by date modified you'll see a new launcher.txt file if we right-click and click edit you'll see this here you mod update game core apps extensions patch available strict validated prerelease this will go ahead and update and validate your server and then right below here we have the command to actually start the server if you have an existing server make sure to replace this line over here with settings from your existing start.bat or whatever you called it i called mine run me for i can open it up and copy the launch line over here then simply replace the existing one right over here let's just verify that things look about the same batch mode no graphics name port world password public cool i can get rid of the original one that was here and replace it with mine let's go ahead and save now everything should be ready to run the server simply close out of it and run the new launcher.bat inside of this folder you can close the old command prompt window where we installed u-mod from now the server is starting up and things should work just as normal however your server is currently still vanilla only you should notice a few more files pop up if they aren't already created but if we sort by name you'll see a new umod folder over here if we open it up we have apps config data lang logs and plugins inside of the plugins folder is where we'll drop plug-in files and the config folder is where the configs for different plugins are spat out so all you have to do is close your server now that it's actually running and wait for it to close completely then in the description down below you'll find a link to the umod plugins page with the category of valheim already selected just make sure it's selected at the top now currently there are only six mods at the time of making this but you can also use the universal umod plugins as well the most obvious plugin that i can think of is the server restarter over here we should definitely be able to tell if the plugin's working and adjust the config to download a plugin simply click the download button and you should be given either a zip or a dot cs file all you have to do is drop this cs file into the service folder umon plugins drag and drop it across and now the plugin should be installed on this page you'll find info about the config and the rest so let's head back to folders and launch up the actual server this way we should see if the config is generated inside the umod config folder over here and we should obviously be able to tell when the server restarts currently it's set to restart at midnight but i'll set it for say two minutes from now how do we change the plugins config well in a moment you should see a file appear in this umod config folder all you have to do is simply open it with something like notepad open with try and notepad after doing this let's go ahead and add a time here so it's currently 1501 i'll set it to 1503 for example i'll save it close it and all you have to do to reload the plugin is close your server then simply launch it up again usually you're able to type in something like you might reload into the console but of course the valheim console doesn't allow you to type i'm not too sure if you can use it while playing the game but maybe regardless now we should see the server restart within a certain amount of time when it eventually starts up so what i'll do is i'll also try and join the server just to see what happens in game it's currently still 1502 let's see if we can join just in time i seem to have just missed it it's 1503. but you can see over here fallback handler could not load library loaded plug-in server restarted by clouds so maybe this plugin would work otherwise let's quickly have a look to see if i missed anything but it doesn't seem to require anything so i would assume it should still work otherwise the plugin may just currently be broken either that or i had to already be on the server for it to work properly in that case i'll change the time a little bit oh there we go you can see a whole bunch of text in here i seem to have tabbed out at the wrong time but the server is now restarting restarting server waiting for five seconds press the key to continue that simply the server restarted 60 seconds after the time that i defined in the config so the plugin worked properly all right of course from here you can install any one of the currently six plugins from the umod page but of course more will appear here over time and you can use the universal plugins under the universal section so you can have chat groups clans skip night vote etc etc and hopefully these would all work as expected i'm not too sure if every one of these will work exactly as you expect but a large number of them probably will but anyways that's about it for this video hopefully you found something useful enough money's been taken over here for troubleshoot and if you need any help setting up a server or doing anything with a valheim make sure to check the description down below for a link to other videos on this topic i'll see you all next time ciao
Channel: TroubleChute
Views: 60,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: umod, valheim umod, umod guide, install, how to, tutorial, dedicated server, valheim, valheim server, valheim mods, valheim tutorial, valheim server host, valheim how to, valheim early access, setup valheim server, valheim new server, create valheim server, kick on valheim server, play on valheim server, admin on valheim server, how to get valheim server, valheim building, valheim beginners guide, ban players on valheim server, valheim nexus mods, valheim mod, valheim help
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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