Valheim - Complete Asksvin Taming & Breeding Guide!

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the newest biome to valheim the ashlands has given us a new tamed animal to keep us company in the 10th world the asvin in this video we'll be running through how to tame the Asin how to breed them and how these creatures will make your ashlin's adventure a much smoother ride giving you access to some of the best foods armor and weapons currently in the game you'll find the Asin on the landmass regions of the ashlands they don't seem to spawn too much along the coast so head in land if you're struggling to find some taming the aspin follows the same mechanics as taming boar wolf and locks and is made a heck of a lot easier by first capturing your target Asin are pretty powerful so if you want to make an enclosure for them you'd best opt for a heavy build material such as black marble iron cage or gron stone at least 4 M high but personally I think digging a steeply edged ditch or using a combination of both approaches is the better option as the Asin won't be able to escape no matter how hard they Ram the Bedrock you can then either bait the Asin into the enclosure or use the Abyssal Harpoon to drag it into your pit come on buddy okay we got one as you'll need two Asin to begin breeding them I recommend taming two at once but be careful they don't try to piggyback their way out their enclosure for The Taming process to begin and progress the following three conditions must be met the asvin must be within the active area can't be alerted and can't be hungry inside the active area just means that there's a player within 64 M of it so you'll need to stay relatively nearby if you want to tame the Asin fast you'll see if the Asin is alerted by the red exclamation mark above its head and its status which will change to frightened the Asin will become alerted if they take any d damage or detect the player nearby in these cases the Asin might try to break out of whatever enclosure you've put it in so make sure you're as sneaky as possible not to alert them as they tame while dwarves are normally a relief to find in the ashlands if any wander into your Camp they will try and kill your taming Asin and may have to be dealt with I'm going to have to kill you I'm going to have to kill you you left me no choice you left me no choice you can tell if the ask is hungry by looking at its status when you hover over it these guys are pretty fussy and only seem to eat vinebury clusters smoke puffs or fiddleheads all found within the ashlands one single food item will keep an animal fed for 10 minutes and since this taming process lasts at minimum half an hour you'll need to make sure that you have at least three food items per animal you want to tame but I would chuck in a stack of at least five per animal just to be safe if all three of these conditions are met the Asin status will change to a climatizing and yellow Hearts will start to appear above it signifying that taming is underway if at some point taming is interrupted either if the animal becomes hungry or it becomes alerted or the player moves too far away from the animal The Taming progress will pause but once all three conditions are met again taming will resume right where it left off taming will progress by 1% every 18 seconds so if you can manage to avoid any of these interruptions taming will be 100% complete in just 30 minutes once your Asin has finally been tamed you'll get a message pop up on the screen and little hearts will appear above the animal as with the other table animals in the game you'll be able to pet it and change its name your tamed Asin are now part of the players faction which means they'll now be enemies with the surrounding ashin mobs how are you doing buddy oh so if you haven't got a very secure base up and running I recommend covering your asin's enclosure to try and reduce the attacks from mobs at this point you could of course try to bring your new Asen home with you in the new ship although results May Vary but trust me as long as you have two successfully tamed Asin in the ashlands it will be so much easier to quickly breath them here and bring home the young instead you'll see what I mean for the most part brooding Works in a very similar way way to how the Asin were tamed but there are a couple more factors you'll need to take into consideration breeding is only possible if the Asin is within the active area not alerted and not hungry there will also need to be a suitable partner for the animal nearby which also needs to be tamed not hungry and not pregnant itself normally with breeding in valheim there is also a limit on the number of individuals that can be in the surrounding area but for Asin at least currently they don't seem to mind a bit of overcrowding even in my 20 M pen of 30 individuals the Asin continue to reproduce in every one of your fully grown tamed Asin these five conditions will be checked every 30 seconds if during one of these checks all five of the conditions for breeding are met there is a chance that that individual will gain a Love Point as indicated by the hearts above it once an Asin gets three love points that individual will become pregant and after 90 seconds out will pop an as an egg yeah these guys lay eggs big eggs you can of course hatch your baby Asin here in the ashlands but if you're anything like me I was straight through that portal eggs in hand back to the safety of my Meadow space wherever you choose to hatch your Asin egg you'll need to drop it not as a stack within range of a heat Source such as a campfire Hearth or hot tub different heat source SES have different ranges but you'll be able to tell whether a particular spot is in range if it has the fire effect in the top right corner as with chicken eggs in the game when the egg is within range of a heat sauce its status will change from too cold to warm once warm the egg will take 30 minutes to hatch however if something interrupts the egg's warmth like you pick it up or the fire goes out long enough for the egg to become cold again the 30 minutes of warmth will have to restart all over again after 30 minutes of uninterrupted warmth the Asin egg will hatch into an Asin calf no and after another 50 minutes this calf will grow up into a fully grown and tamed asvin I don't think the Asin eggs themselves have any other use currently than to be hatched unlike the chicken eggs which were also used in cooking but this may change in the future but it's always a good idea to keep some eggs aside somewhere safe just in case something happens to your main herd as with the other tamed animals in the game breeding gives you really easy access to some great drops Asin calves have a 20% chance of dropping either an Asin bladder hide and tail whereas the adults drop one Asin bladder two Asin hide two Asin tail and have a 20% chance of dropping a trophy these Asin drops are extremely useful and no matter what kind of character build you're going for you're likely going to need a ton of these materials Asin hides are a component of each of the three new armor sets both new capes and several new weapons the Asin tail can be cooked on its own but is better saved for The Cauldron being an ingredient in three of the nine new food recipes including the most healthrichmond bladder can be used to make Bassel bombs which allow you to create temporary Platforms in the lava and smoke bombs which extinguish fires with varying levels of success and lastly the Asin trophy is needed to craft the new Golder table upgrade Asin can also be found in the one and two star variety which means they'll drop significantly more materials when they die and also have much higher stats in life this Star level will be passed down to any offspring that individual gives birth to so it's definitely a good idea to prioritize breeding your stard dusin over your regular ones when you eventually want to cash in your t maskin for a new robe the butcher knife can be used to give your animal a quick death but the drops aren't the only reason you should consider taming some Asin they're pretty handy for defense and just like Glocks Asin can also be ridden using the Asin saddle which will make navigating the newest biome so much easier allowing you to cross the boiling Waters that surround the ashlands and the lava flows in its interior without taking any damage very handy for getting to those flame metal ORS and getting away safely from them once you've crafted the Asin saddle at the black Forge add it to one of your hot keys and equip it to your tamed asvin hover over the saddle and press e to use to head forward hit W and to stop hit s to run hold left shift which you'll see will start to deplete your Asin stamina bar to steer hold W and move the mouse in the direction that you want to go as so as you ride you'll also gain XP towards the riding skill which will reduce the stamina your locks or Asin use and allow them to run faster sadly you can't use your weapons while riding the Asin so if you get into any trouble it's probably best to make a run for it or get off the Asin and team up if it gets hurt you can always toss some food its way and it should begin to heal once you're done press left shift e to remove the saddle from your Asin thanks for watching and a massive thank you to my incredible patreons for their support if you enjoyed the video please give it a like and comment And subscribe if you want to see more Ashlin guides coming soon perhaps you'd even enjoy this other valheim guide I did but until the next one have a great day [Music]
Channel: Embr
Views: 41,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valhiem, asksin, askvin, asksvine, ashpigs, ashsvine, valheim, how to tame the asksvin, how to breed the asksvin, how to cross the lava in ashlands, lava, how to mine flametal in the ashlands, easy flametal in ashlands, easy flametal, how to get flametal
Id: azwYtt3oUow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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