Think Politics Is Corrupt? WATCH THIS!!!

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Is he wearing a dress or is that just a fucked collar?

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/MacaroniBandit214 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

I pictured Russell Brand pretty much being like the character he portrays in Get Him to the Greek…that being said he explained the collusion of big tech, Wall Street and the government with great clarity. Well done sir, well done.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/CUR715J0N35 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

I thought it’s legal for Congress to insider trade. Like not “legal because they’re rich and powerful and can get away with it”, but like they themselves passed a bill to make them exempt from the law.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/dog_model 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Something something big club you ain't in...

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/overpwrd_gaming 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/BajaIslander 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Why is this on this sub?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/nostbp1 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
has Nancy Pelosi been engaged in insider trading Nancy Pelosi democracy Crusader or inside Trader let's have a look at what's caused this question to be asked let's have a look house Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband cashed in on big Tech just as Congress was set to pounce the week before the house Judiciary Committee voted on reigning in big Tech speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband exercised a bet on Google parent alphabet in a timely transaction that netted him 5.3 million the antitrust bill was Advanced as a push by the government to curb the unregulated power of big Tech firms Google Amazon apple and Facebook however despite his intentions the market reaction to the Judiciary panel approving the legislation was muted shares in big tech companies in fact Rose after investors found the house proposal to be no real threat so even though it looked like this bill might have an impact on the profits of big Tech it didn't Paul Pelosi who bought 4 000 shares of alphabet on June the 18th made an initial 4.8 million gain from alphabet's rising share price and has since seen his gain grow to 5.3 million he bought the stock by exercising a call option which allows investors to speculate on stocks they do not own by entering into a contract that allows them to buy stock at a later date at a promised price Paul Pelosi also reported buying call options for Amazon and apple Nancy Pelosi's spokesperson said the speaker has no involvement or prior knowledge of these transactions so Nancy Pelosi Who's involved in the creation and passing of this bill has no conversations we're to assume with Paul Pelosi her husband who's investing in companies that benefit from the nature of that bill just like you with the person that you live with when you're going to bed with them you like just go well you've been doing at work today oh just constructing this build is not going to have any impact on the profits of big tech companies oh because a lot of people thought it might impact the profit of big tech companies yeah but it ain't really and what are you doing at your work oh nothing well you're not investing in big tech companies mind your own business you just count with being you you do you I'll be me over here over here on this pillow now I'm has conversations like that and if you think those conversations do happen you're some sort of I don't know fascist or communist or something extreme rather than a rational person looking at how human beings operate how politics functions and how big business and politics are continually in bed with each other in some cases literally the Republican Senators Richard Burr and Kelly luffler had inside knowledge of the impending covid-19 crisis when they sold shares in January 2020 Burr sold 1.7 Million worth of stock Holdings while the former Senator luffler wife of the New York Stock Exchange chairman Jeffrey sprecker and Rich's member of Congress at the time unloaded up to 3.1 Million worth of stock after getting closed door briefings on the covid-19 threat what to us might look like Scandal to them is just kind of normal business of course we've got no evidence for anything nefarious has happened that's not the kind of operation we're running here but it seems plausible to speculate that people that live with each other in a house might have conversations of about what they're doing at work particularly if their work might affect each other's outcomes and in the case of people that are sort of married or live with one another shared interest we've always known this about politics we've always known this about big business I suppose was particularly disheartening for people that you know Bang a Drum for the left or wave flags for the Democrats is to see The prominent politicians that are members of that party don't seem to be any different from those in bed with big business Wall Street lovers in the Republican Party put simply what difference does it make whether it's the Democrats or the Republicans in power same old corruption same old scandals same old never really been able to prove anything business as usual but the simple legal fact is it's illegal for congress members to trade based on non-public information gathered during their official duties but it is hard to charge members of congress with insider trading neither Burr or luffler faced any charges following inquiries so while we're talking about the Nancy Pelosi insider trading question it and the fact that it's not an uncommon thing and it's happened many times it's a very very difficult thing to prove Glenn Greenwald writes as House Republicans vocally denounce big Tech in media appearances many simultaneously use their power to impede legislative reform last June the house subcommittee overseeing antitrust law issued a comprehensive 450-page report that concluded that four Silicon Valley companies Facebook Amazon Google and apple are classic monopolies we know this it means that they're able to completely control the market they're so powerful it's impossible to impede their progress they buy up competitors they can completely control the marketplace this is something that we all know and understand they are collectively more powerful than Many Many Nations and when that much power is centralized then it's very difficult to regulate those companies particularly when they have government alliances if your interests are shared with people that govern and control legislation it's very very unlikely that any legislation will be passed that isn't just a mere fatic empty gesture such as the legislation that's recently been passed which it seems on the surface at least to some people that Paul Pelosi may have had knowledge of that he could potentially have got from Nancy Pelosi If This Were true that would mean that the Democratic party and it sort of heroic symbolic front-footed figures I ain't no better and nobody else well gee wouldn't that be a surprise if that proved to be true the report was widely praised by antitrust activists and Scholars I like this I have an antitrust scholar see my pipe yeah it highlighted a strange political phenomenon House Republicans have been flamboyantly waving the anti-bigtick banner with increasing passion and aggression often in response to Growing online censorship virtually every television appearance or industry rally by House Republicans entails righteous enunciations of Silicon Valley Monopoly power yet none of the Khmer Republicans were willing to sign on to or support the report in sum there was a huge gap between the rhetoric about the evils of big Tech and the actions of House Republicans which not only failed to follow through on their fiery language but oftentimes seem devoted to protecting the interests of the very Silicon Valley Giants they were publicly denouncing there were key members in both parties who seem loyally devoted to shielding Facebook Google and others from any meaningful reform well we know how lobbying Works don't we you Lobby one or both of those political parties likely both ensuring that no matter who is in power legislation and regulation is passed it is always favorable to your business interest the reason this story is interesting I suppose is because we have a figure from the Democrat Party that seems to be behaving in precisely the way you would expect if your belief was it doesn't matter which party is in power the relationships between Wall Street Big Tech and Washington are the same no different here in this country no different in whatever country you're in these kind of alliances and relationships exist perhaps not in such a comedic literally in the same bed fashion as seemed to be exhibited in this case but that is the way that the world runs and if you want the world run differently it's going to involve a lot more than voting for the other color in an election and you might think that the 5.3 million that Paul Pelosi made out of that deal is small fry and compared to some of the sums of money that are flying about in that world it is indeed but you've got to consider there is one rule for them and one rule for us imagine you were found culpable of insider trading not that anybody has been at this stage imagine you uh how that would affect your life one rule for them another rule for us don't matter who's in power same deal if you like this video please like subscribe turn on the notification Bell if you need to meditate now and God knows I do subscribe to my Awakening Channel too on YouTube also and if you want to see me having in-depth conversations about exactly these type of topics sign up for luminary where my podcast Under the Skin involves a deep conversation every week and I do a guided meditation every week and if you want my mailing list you want to be on it go over to and sign up for that too thank you okay
Channel: Russell Brand
Views: 1,842,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Russell Brand, Brand Russell, BrandThe, Russell Brand video, Russell Brand news, Russell Brand politics, News, Brand, politics, Russell, USA, UK, Nancy Pelosi, House Judiciary Committee, Google, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Big Tech, Congress, Alphabet, antitrust, antitrust bill, Paul Pelosi, Republican, democrat, Richard Burr, Kelly Loeffler, shares, Silicon Valley
Id: cFxgyZj8v2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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