Covid & Health: Why Can't We TALK ABOUT The Science?!!

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Because common sence doesn't lead to more profits

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Immediate_Inside_375 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

"The problem of coronavirus is small compared to the problem of the framework that we are discovering holds it, a framework of distain, contempt and conflict."

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2021 🗫︎ replies
are we ignoring the science around coronavirus and how to treat it with a ceo of a salad bar chain hitting the headlines because of his comments around healthy eating being interpreted as fat shaming let's have a look at the conversation around coronavirus and its treatments and whether or not we're being rational with regard to this peculiar issue from wherever you look at it on the spectrum of ideas this is one of those videos where it's necessary for me to declare that i'm not offering any advice or suggestions or even opinions around the treatment of covid just measuring and judging the conversation that takes place around it and whether or not it's helpful candid and transparent the ceo of salad chain sweet green is facing accusations of fat phobia after he claimed in a since deleted linkedin post that kovid is linked to obesity he said 78 of hospitalizations due to covid are obese and overweight people is there an underlying problem that perhaps we've not given enough attention to naaman wrote in the post saying no vaccine nor mask will save us and proposing taxes on processed food and refined sugar i mean i suppose it's a bit more cynical because he does run sweet green a pun based on the idea of vegetables and salads but also money so of course he's got skin in the game or no skin in the game if it's vegan or vegetarian but by making the observation that many people that have been hospitalized with coronavirus that that i think is factually accurate and furthermore i sometimes personally feel that we should have a more holistic attitude towards health that if we eat healthy and if we exercise it's likely that our health will improve in all sorts of areas not just with regard to this pandemic but across the board i'm minded of kip anderson's film fork over knives or one of the ones about become a vegan now otherwise i'm just gonna nag you into a grave and i am a vegan so leave me the hell alone but in one of those he talked about how the diabetes advisory committee the cardiovascular advisory committee the cancer advisory committee all accepted funding from processed food industries so you can see that the part of the problem around this pandemic is health in general that's not a criticism of any proposed measures to prevent curb or control covid it's simply a fact that we ought be healthy neither is it fat shaming people are allowed to have whatever kind of bodies they want to have whatever tastes people have whatever regard you know but what i suppose i am biased by my own experience with addiction and my own relationship with food i recognize that me personally speaking only for myself i used to eat quite a lot for comfort and i feel like because of the availability of high sugar high fat foods and because of the gorgeous delightful pleasure in eating those foods if you have an addictive temperament or if you're trying to resolve emotional issues i can see there would be a connection and additionally i can see that having a strong cardiovascular system a good respiratory system access to good nutrition would obviously all be beneficial that to me doesn't seem like a political statement of course the messenger issue is significant this due to ceo of a salad company and obviously it seems that one of his priorities is selling a whole bunch of salads to people but to claim that what he's saying is untrue or fat shaming i think he's a little unfair neymar also said that covert is here to stay for the foreseeable future and the best bet is to focus on overall health instead of just preventing infection i don't want to walk into the fire storm that he's walked into but they seem like reasonable observations to me i would never shame someone on the basis of their appearance because it would contravene my strongly felt principle of kindness talking about different ways of handling this extraordinary political situation because let's face it it's a political as well as medical conversation that for me is a big part of the problem here is you are unable to have normal fact-based conversations do these treatment works is there a problem around this are there anomalies here should we be presenting this information is it safe and healthy to do these things for people in this age group should we be prioritizing this what are the other consequences of lockdown what is the nature of face there's so many conversations that are not being had because peculiarly this issue has become politicized now i don't think that's helpful or right it when it comes to something like finding a solution for an unusual situation it's necessary to reconsider emotion but not be governed by emotion when making calculated decisions otherwise it feels like we're in an agenda-led scenario no mask or vaccine will save us in full disclosure i am vaccinated and support others getting vaccinated well it's good isn't it that he said that in so much as what that suggests is he is fully open and doesn't have a particularly prejudicial position around that aspect of the conversation and yet still he has been met with the ire of people that have a somewhat fundamentalist approach to this i feel that something happened around you know a precursor to trump and brexit stuff that's kind of covered in that you know social dilemma documentary living in this sort of ongoing cyber maelstrom with people just flinging opinions and abusing each other if the criticism of our man neiman there is that he's fat shaming then surely the reason you think fat shaming is wrong is because it's not kind and if that's because you believe kindness is a good thing don't you think that you should be kind as well i really find that a peculiar aspect of modern cultural life people judge people for stuff while sort of simultaneously doing the thing that they're joking hey never make people feel that they're not good enough insecure or inadequate because what it looks like to me is some people just enjoy expressing rage and vent in venom and like living that kind of frequency expressing their dissatisfaction through the apparently consequence-free discourse that takes place online but it isn't consequence-free people are affected by it most importantly of all we're creating a kind of um a pervasive sense of disease among people whether it's regard to this issue or any other if we lose our geniality our conviviality if we start treating one another with contempt what are we trying to save what are we fighting for if we're all contemptuous of people because they've got different opinions to us well the argument's lost already what if we made the food that is making us sick illegal what if we taxed processed food and refined sugar to pay for the impact of the pandemic these are actually quite good ideas i like this bloke we've been quick to put in place mask and vaccine mandates but zero conversation on health mandates continued the ceo all the while we've printed unlimited money to soften the blow the shutdowns of course to our country he's really going for it anyway it's a bit like when jerry maguire wrote that memo he's sort of gone he's just woke up enough of this pandemic what about if we did that and shouldn't children no matter the color of their skin or their culture and what the hell's going on in afghanistan's woke up as me skeezer what if we focused on he goes still typing long it's 3am now what if we focused on the root cause and used this pandemic as a catalyst for creating a healthier future he continued we clearly have no problem with government overreach on how we live our lives all in the name of health however we are creating more problems than we're solving in response to a commentator calling the post-fat phobic neiman said that was not his intention he said the post was meant to start a conversation about how we should think about health differently and attack the root causes okay so let's acknowledge that we're in a contentious area and it's a subject where people seemingly are actively looking to find conflict find fault and create conflagration but let's look at some facts and statistics on the subject and then you decide what you feel and i'll decide what i feel and we'll get through life together a poll states that the majority of adults 61 experienced undesired weight changes since the pandemics died speaking personally i put on 10k i'm trying to lose the bloody thing 42 reported they gave more weight than they intended yep i'm in that of those they gave an average of 29 pounds yep um this is me this i'm the salad guy i'm the person in the statistics am i alone in the universe just doing this at myself such changes come with significant health risks including higher vulnerability to serious illness from the coronavirus adults also reported increased alcohol consumption nearly one in four adults reported drinking more alcohol to cope with their stress i suppose being objective being open conversing critically about these subjects means we need to include all of the consequences economical medical psychological uh addiction we need to look at all of the consequences of the pandemic and the way that the pandemic has been treated and handled we shouldn't be afraid of that why has everything become so intense the cdc says obesity may triple the risk of severe covid so there you go it's the cdc i mean old salad bar fella has jumped on it but it's just some stats there are other co-morbidities that can cause severe outcomes the main risk factors include hypertension diabetes hyperlipidemia and coronary artery disease all of those comorbidities are related to excess weight and you might assume generally speaking diet and a cynical person might say that the kind of food we eat is the kind of food that's promoted and the kind of food that's promoted is the kind of food that's profitable and the problems that we face in this world is that everything is a subset of you might call it advanced late capitalism so science is a subset of advanced late capitalism so that means you don't have objective science you have science divided by the advanced lake capitalist models you don't have true nutritional data available you have nutritional data and food industry divided by or multiplied by the requirements of advanced capitalism there is no objectivity when you live within the framework of a financially incentivized set of ideals so transparency at the level of public discourse is one of the earliest requirements meanwhile in my country where i live uk 650 000 people i aged between 1844 started smoking the old 32 of people aged 50 or 70 start drinking more the uk government is cooperating with major food delivery companies such as uber and deliveroo to offer discounted fast food for young people who get vaccinated against covid that's one of the stupidest things i've ever heard like when krispy kremes were giving out donuts with vaccinations if you strongly believe that the evidence suggests that vaccines is part of the solution to this problem then simply tell people the truth about it and let people make their own decisions transparently communicate information don't say a chocolate bar and when delivery and just eats and all them companies are delivering food i see something i tell you saying we deliver stuff for 99 p to your house how's that going to work out paying that driver what's going on is that this is not economically viable you're creating economic situations that this is a wasteland it's an unawakened it's foolish this is a time for a wake up so i suppose what this is an appeal to really is that this is not me supporting the salad bar owner dude this is me saying can we speak openly and honestly about this topic can we communicate clearly without fear without fear of reprisals is it possible to hear an opinion you don't agree with without hating that person what's happening to us the problem of coronavirus is small compared to the problem of the framework that we are discovering holds it a framework of disdain contempt and conflict as long as we forget fundamental basic values kindness open communication tolerance if we forget those things there is no society worth saving no matter what you believe if you enjoyed this video comment below if you didn't enjoy it i mean based on what i just said just don't bother go and watch something else please subscribe to my channel and look at my awakening channel as well where i talk about you know meditation and other stuff you can do for your well-being why are you talking about solutions i am on the awakening channel go over there there's solutions there on the awakening channel have a look at this video if you want have a look at this video if you want you can come and see me live this weekend there's a link in the description check that out and go on my website if you want to find out more and uh subscribe to my mailing list at cheers
Channel: Russell Brand
Views: 1,137,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Russell Brand, Brand Russell, BrandThe, Russell Brand video, Russell Brand news, Russell Brand politics, News, Brand, politics, Russell, USA, UK, Russel, Russel Brand, Sweetgreen, obesity, covid, coronavirus, vaccine, health, covid-19
Id: y0PYlLQn_YM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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