V-Ray | How to RANDOMIZE your models | UVWRandomizer, Triplanar, Stochastic Tiling, MultiSubTex

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so what's the easiest way to spot other pictures computer-generated in my opinion this is repeating texture tilings and the lack of randomization so in this tutorial I will show you how you can use simple techniques in v-ray to randomize the look of your model and eliminate repetition skim render tab so let's first compare two different pictures so one is this one and one is that one you can clearly see that this picture here looks much more realistic and the only reason for that is randomizations and surface variations so if we see the original picture here we can see for example that all the stones they look very very similar and they have this repetitive pattern for example this crack that's present on all of the stones so there's very little variation going on between the stones and this way it will make it look very computer-generated the same is true for the floor so we can see those kind of patterns which are always repeating and then this version here I try to eliminate all of those issues so now when three years max this one was the model that we gonna use we can see it's already fully collapsed we can't really access the individual bricks anymore and it would be very difficult now to change the individual UVs so luckily v-ray offers some ways to modify all of this kind of stuff to render time so that we don't really need to change anything about the model that we have here so I'm using v-ray in the version 5 of the latest version available at the moment for previous versions the workflow is a little bit different but you can get a similar or the same kind of result which are gonna show you at the end of this tutorial so now in our material editor we have those protections which are all piped into the correct slot in our shader and I have a diffuse map a normal map and a roughness map so the first step that I would recommend to do is to exchange all of those three is Max default bitmap nodes to the new v-ray bitmap node so v-ray bitmap you can find here and then earlier versions of v-ray they are called via HDRI but they changed the name because people were thinking it's only useful for HDI images but actually this one is the node that should be used now always in v-ray instead of the normal three is max Pittman or so you could either replace it by hand which is a little bit tedious or the easier way would be to just go on your viewport right-click and use this selection here bitmap to be a bitmap converter and it will open this menu and then if we go in here we see that those textures here they are not longer connected and instead we are now have the same kind of setup that we had before but the max bitmaps were replaced with the burette bitmaps if we want to see them if we want to see the preview updates we can also enable auto preview and then let's make this one bigger then I can see more clear and those once we get out of the way so this is not the same setup that what we had before just that we use v-ray bitmaps so now the first step that we can do is we can for example let me just replace this albedo map with a checker map because then we can see much more clear what's going on so if I now replace this texture I can see that every stone has a UV that's good but it's using exactly the same UV for every kind of stone that's why we always see this repetitive crack and you can see the same numbers appear in every stone maybe the the stone is rotated or mirrored and so on but basically everything is very very similar so now the first step that we can do is to play with these coordinates here right so for example I can I can increase the size of our map in one axis or decrease it but one thing that we will notice as a little bit annoying is that yeah I will change the values here but technically they I also want that they be updated in the same maps here right so that's actually not really possible so if I change these values here and then I up towards update the map I can see let's go back here again that we can see the change so this one is the original one and then we tile it a lot more and then we update all the maps again we can see only this one as changing which is about to be expected but the good thing is that with this v-ray bitmaps we have the way that we use one that we use one texture as a parent to to drive the the child right so basically I can just use this one here and connect this to the mapping source of the other we repeat maps in my scene and now that means that everything that I adjust in here will also be affected in those ones here accordingly so if I now go in here and I make a tiling of for inform and then I update on my previews you will see that all of them updated now even though I only changed this one so that's actually quite handy so this one is now our parent and those ones are our children so everything that's happening here will also be affected on those ones so now we only have to take care about this texture here that this texture is not so repetitive anymore let's just go back to everything here and what's also interesting to know is that those bluer values were set up in here they will also be transferred to the children so if I have a Blair Blair value of 1 for example my normal map would be blurred and if not then no of the maps would be blurred for example so now let's see what we can do in order to optimize the texture coordinates on our model because now it looks very uniform so there's a new node which is called v-ray randomize UV or UV randomizer and then this node is meant to be used with this v-ray bitmap node so you take it and then you drag it into our master node and then what's happening is that these kind of variances will be applied so at the moment we are offsetting between 0 and 1 in the U and V direction we are rotating between 0 and 360 and the scale will leave so the scale is set to between 100% and 100% so there's no variation of scaling happening so now we can see something happened so this stuff here rotated slightly but what we want is that it doesn't affect the whole model it affects the whole each stone individually so there is action option for that so you can you can choose how these random a randomizations are happening and by default they are just happening on the whole object but we then choose this by element and now you can see that each stone or each element of our model we get its own totally random UV applied to it or when the movie with the adjustments are happening based on the existing UV right so we're sliding a UV between 0 & 1 for each element and we're rotating it so the for the rotation you need to be careful because if you use normal Maps then those ones would also be rotated and that's not necessarily what you want because you need to be a bit careful about that the normal information is not being being distorted or not being wrong so if you have a normal map I would not use this UV rotation necessarily but like this you will see that each stone now has different color values applied to it and different numbers and that means we have now a much larger variation basically across our surface and now if we go check our normal map we can see that now every stone has its also own individual normalmap and this always repeating crack disappeared so that's much better already and then we have to check so this one the AUV randomizer it only works on existing movies so what will happen if for example let's totally destroy your vision here by just adding a planar mapping and now if we go back in our material editor so now the UVs basically are kind of destroyed so our UV randomizer only applies to the existing UVs that are on the model so if your model doesn't have some correct UVs or some some nicely UVs laid out and this UV randomizer is not necessarily the best stuff to do it so in this case I would recommend to use a very dry planar texture so let's first of all delete this one here and add a view a trap liner texture and then this one would also be paid piped into here and first it's very very small so you can see the very small tiles and you can choose how how big the projections that are happening on our object should be so for example let's choose it to 15 and then we get roughly the same size like before and what's happening now is that this view a triflin texture is projecting the texture from three different directions on our object so basically with a box projection but the cool thing is that it's trying to blend the edges so you can see if I there's a blend value that I can set up in here so by default set to 0.1 if you set it to zero then you can see there is some in this case actually the transition works can of good but for many models you will see that there is a very ugly transition happening here on on the projection borders so in with the blend value can you can try to try to blend over this transition so as you can see here this texture is blending over into this section this way you can totally try to avoid any kind of visible seeds that you might see on the model so that's great she quite nice so what you can also do in the view area planar texture is that now everything is basically projected from all sides but each stone is not projected separately so you will have a repetitive pattern that will transition from one stone to the next for example if a normal map here on the stone is like this then it would be repeating exactly here so this stone is not totally individual from this stone so in order to reach this you can use these random texture offsets so for example if you enable this one here then this node this this option down here appears you can then choose how you want to apply those random texture offsets so we also would choose element here and now we can see that no matter what our normal is molten map is per stone it's not being repeated exactly the same way or D on the other stone so if we also check in here we will see that each stone has a slightly different offset applied to it so what you then can even do is that you map your now existing UV because now the object has UV so the generated while render time with the stripes on our texture so now you can use this UV randomizer and even modify those UVs again if you want to for example you could then go in and what you cannot do with the vivid red planet texture is that you have different scaling for each element but with the UV randomizing you can do that so for example we can set the scaling here between 10 and 200 and now we can see some of the stones have a very very big scaling of a texture applied to it and some stones have a very very small texture applied to it and even everything then is still using the try planner texture and you can see this nice blending that's happening here and because everything is linked together with the master node all the transitions are also happening and in all our other channels so for example if we can see a normal map here in this stone is much bigger than it's on this stone for example but in our case we just want to have uniform scaling so we just put everything back to 100 in here and leave all the other values how they are and then also decrease the blur value because now this value is the one that's being used so in order to have a very sharp normal map this blur values should be easy to set to a very low value so afterwards we can then exchange our bitmap here again back to our actual texture we can see now that all the stones have their own unique normal map applied to it and they don't use exactly the same the same texture anymore so now each stone has its own unique normal map and its own offset of the our texture map so all the stones they look different now they're not exactly the same of the same copy of another stone but what they still share is that they still have the same color values everywhere so all the stones have exactly the same brightness and that's what we want to change now so for this I would use a composite map so let's add a composite map in here and then let's update those previews so that we not get confused anymore again and then in this composite map you can have you can add a new map which is called v-ray multi sub texture and this map is very very useful because you can easily sew it by default it creates those 20 to 20 different values and you can choose how those my values will be mapped at the moment they would look for face material IDs and then each ID were the one would get this color and each ID with the twenty would get this color and all the other ones would also get the according grey value in this case so because our whole object uses a material ID of one everything gets the map one but you can choose different different kind of elements here or different kind of categories so the one that we want in this case is random my element so then every element every part of our model that's one element so they which has connecting faces will get one of those grav gray values applied to it so in my case I prepared something already for the finished shader with different color values let me just bring that over here and connect this instead you can see that you can choose your own color values and then you can blend them together so I used those values and then you can choose to overlay for example where is it over lithium and then you can choose a different overlay strength so now you can see that all of the stones they have slightly different color and it immediately looks much more realistic much more interesting so now on the scene I created a ground plane and you can clearly see what is the issues already so I have this texture pattern or this texture tile that's repeating a lot here across the surface so let's just hide this one first and I'll show you we can switch this one to the diffuse and then I show you the setup it's the same like before so I use this via a bitmap node here which is driving another viewer bitmap node which is my normal map so let's now in order to see better what's going on we can change the texture through this texture here and now you can clearly see the different texture tiles that are happening so now what we want to do is to make those tiles not the same anymore and there's a very easy way we can do that is again using this array UV randomize on that node and then inside here that's first enable this mirroring here so that we remove those borders we can clearly see this repetitive pattern and then inside here we can use this too so hostak tiling and this one is doing just menteur each of the tiles based on whatever we set up in here so if we do that we can see each of the tile will get an own adjustment which is totally random our own rotation and their own offset and we can even change the scaling for example and so some of them would be smaller now and some of them will be bigger for example this one's smaller and this one's bigger but now what we still have the problem is that we have these these edges here and this one we will clearly see in our in arm in the end so there's this additional value here which is called Thailand and with that this one if you start to increase it you can see that it will blend the value between each tiles so for example if you choose the value of 0.2 then this transition will become bigger and almost unnoticeable anymore and like this way you can you can use this same texture apply across the surface but those repetitions are not so obvious anymore because each tile is scaled and rotated individually so we can then exchange the texture to the one I had before but enable the styling again and now we can see that this time we can't really see an obvious pattern going on so if we now get go back to our RGB color and then unhide our bricks and also this grass that made then we let it update for a second then we can see that now there's basically no repetitions visible anymore and the object looks much more realistic than we did before so now just as promised to show you how the setup works with older version of v-ray so unfortunately the stuff you saw just now with the floor that's not available because this UV randomizing oil is only possible or it's only available in the latest version of v-ray but what you can do is the trick with the Tri planet texture but you have to set up slightly different so back then you didn't have these v-ray bitmaps and that's why you have to apply this video try plan a texture behind it so you would do it the same way like what we did before and then unfortunately you would need to copy the same try plan texture to all different Maps because there it's not possible to have to set up with one Marcel that drives the the other slaves so yeah unfortunately you have to set up like this and then whatever value you change here you would then need to go through all the different maps and then also change it there so I'm very happy that they simplified this process in the latest version of the array and yeah it makes it much more easy okay so now let's double check the final result again and I think we can clearly see that the changes were very much worth it and they were very easily done so that basically concludes the end of our tutorial and yeah I would be very interested to hear what you think about those techniques what are your techniques to make models look more realistic you can leave that down in the comments and if you liked this tutorial leave a like and if you want to be updated for future content be sure to hit the subscribe button so take care and see you soon
Channel: Jonas Noell
Views: 50,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: V-Ray, VRay, 3ds Max, 3d max, max, Chaosgroup, Autodesk, UVWRandomizer, Stochastic, Tiling, TriplanarTex, Triplanar, MultiSubTex, NEXT, feature, tutorial, learning, randomize, offset, tiling, tile, texture
Id: 6FalgHWkhKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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