UX Design expectation vs reality

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so from the first round of user testing our users  suggested that they really liked the product   however they had one concern which  is they don't think it makes sense   to rent low cost dresses for casual occasion and  that's why i suggest to make the design change of long story short the investors got  back to us and say that our valuation   is not high enough we need to  make an extra million dollar   and let's just brainstorm on how to do  that if you folks don't have a better idea   we will have to take their idea to make this  entire thing a nft marketplace for the metaverse   aliena please help with the design and let's get  back together next monday to review the design   i brought us together today to ideate  on how to resolve the current product   issue and i'm thinking that we can do an  ideation session on figjam using the how might   we ... aliena what are you doing just use my  design system you built a design system   did you not read any of the email i sent  you last year can you send me the link again fine it's in the chat oh okay you're  welcome now copy the status bar in the   first page to your design alright  the tab bar is on the third page i agree and i'd like to propose one design  change on the home page you see guys if you   want to change the direction of our product and  making this digital then the current structure of   the homepage wouldn't make sense and then propose  that we're going to spend some time to reconsider   what is the information hierarchy i don't know  anything about nft you don't know anything   about the nft no one does okay you got what i'm  saying aliena can you share your screen again   we only got three engineers great uh can you see  my screen i'm not saying that we have to build   this out we just need some screens and then we  show them to the investors and then we'll hire   a group of mit engineers and then we're done okay  that's not how it works it's all about bringing   the right people together and we need funding  to do that we need funding to do that guys so from the design side for this quarter we'll  be focusing on redesigning the design system   to adapt it to the current change of the brand and  we'll also do another iteration of the prototype   together with two rounds of user testings to see  that whether the new direction is a right ... 26 participants
Channel: Aliena Cai
Views: 25,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ux design, user experience, ux designer, user experience design, ux designer career, product design, ux design career, user experience designer, ux ui, ui designer, what is user experience, expectation vs reality, design, user experience job, ui design, ux career, how to get ux design jobs
Id: 45NrAqOaGwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 8sec (248 seconds)
Published: Mon May 16 2022
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