FATE of the Enterprise A - Star Trek Explained

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right laws ladies and sovereigns let's get right into it we're covering a ship we've never touched before somehow we're gonna talk about the Enterprise none of that this one might actually make some members of the Old Guard very very happy yes you guessed it right no bloody b c d e f or G this is your only chance to hear me say that stop commenting it's not funny after a hundred times it's fonzy's favorite the USS Enterprise a did I do good there YouTube I hope so jack won't let me have any replicator rations if I don't the Enterprise a was of course the second Federation Starship to Bear the name Enterprise of course she succeeded the original Federation Starship Enterprise which had a lasting Legacy and easily became one of the most legendary Starships within Starfleet if not the entire galaxy but what was the legacy of the Enterprise a and where did it inevitably end up the ship was launched in 2286 but then seemed to be decommissioned in 2293 a mere seven years after her launch oh well at least she didn't blow up poor Star Drive I mean as Enterprises go these days seven years not too bad I mean yes I am looking at the Enterprise D and the Enterprise f Gone Too Soon anyway let's look at a history of the USS Enterprise a and why her Legacy might be more important than any other ship that carries the name Enterprise except for the original second star to the right straight after morning thank you to skillshare for sponsoring this video we're all about learning new skills here maybe video editing photography or even animation skillshare is the perfect place to start with hundreds of career-focused classes the new year is a perfect time to reinvent your goals and yourself and in this day and age traditional work and jobs are not one size fits all learn how to design a career to fit you for example as a voice actor I've recently been using skillshare and have found the personal projects to build your portfolio and get the gigs you want class very helpful you can learn 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more then make sure you tune into twitch.tv slash track Central and as always please let us know your thoughts in the comment section below because if you're talking about Star Trek we want to hear about it okay engage so in the year 2285 the original USS Enterprise was set to be decommissioned after the damage it suffered during a battle in the muttara nebula against Kirk's most persistent enemy Khan noonian Singh this battle was between the USS Reliant under the command of the augment Khan and the USS Enterprise under the command of Admiral James T Kirk and his glasses spark would die in this battle sacrificing himself to save the Enterprise from the detonation of the Genesis device a super weapon that would turn the mutara nebula into the Genesis planet Spock's Photon torpedo casing coffin would be shot onto the Genesis Planet during his funeral and the Enterprise would make its way back to Earth's space stock damaged and in need of repair however after discovering that Spock's Catra is Vulcan Soul was embedded into the body of Dr McCoy Kirk and his crew would steal the Enterprise from space dock sabotage their intercepting ship the USS Excelsior and bugger off to Genesis giggling as they went however Not only would the Enterprise head to the Genesis Planet but also a Klingon named Krug who wanted to seize this weapon that had created the Genesis Planet tagged along as well the Enterprise would be disabled by Krug and his bird of prey but on offering surrender Kirk would set the ship to self-destruct while the Klingons were boarding it Kirk and crew would commandeer the klingon's bird of prey and watch as the USS Enterprise was destroyed thank you my God bombs what have I done what you had to do after some temporal hijinks involving saving the planet by rescuing some whales Kirk would be demoted from Admiral to Captain and given command of a shiny new starship this ship turned out to be the USS Enterprise a similarly a constitution II class like the original Enterprise was before it the Shakedown Cruise for the Enterprise a did not go well it seems rushedly creating a Starship to thank a crew for saving Earth for the nth time it was not too good an idea the Enterprise had to limp back to space stock and would stay there for several additional weeks to help fix the issues half the doors on the ship malfunctioning control interface is not working transport and not functional and the last time the Enterprise was on a Shakedown Cruise and its Transporters had issues it's [Applause] [Music] my signal I'm losing their pattern oh no they're forming [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] thank you so then we skip to 2287 where the Enterprise was called into duty despite still needing repairs in order to intervene in a kidnapping situation on Nimbus 3. Nimbus 3 was the so-called planet of Galactic peace set in between the borders of the Klingon Romulan star and Federation Empires however this planet had quickly devolved into lawlessness and was generally where diplomats who had really passed their Prime were sent to die overseas sorry like Saint John Talbot a disillusioned Federation representative but you also had Klingon General cord who was disgraced and these representatives were seemingly kidnapped by the Galactic Army of light commanded by a rogue Vulcan however they were actually under the mental manipulation of this Vulcan and willingly joined his Galactic Army to create this fake kidnapping trap for the Federation Flagship it's all a bit weird the Enterprise was subsequent only commandeered by the Galactic Army of light and its leader revealed himself as the Rogue Vulcan cyberk Spock's half-brother cyborg had previously been interred at ankashtan katil Vulcan criminal Rehabilitation Center where many vitash Qatar or Vulcans without logic were rehabilitated by the Vulcan government however at ankashtan katil he was under the Alias of zavarius presumably to protect his father's reputation as Federation Ambassador because wouldn't that be embarrassing cyborg had previously tried to escape confinement in 2259 with the help of a band of pirates but this plan failed to work probably because they took a trip on the wrong rocket ship though it seems that somehow he was able to escape from the rehabilitation center anyway between 2259 and 2287. cyborg would order the Enterprise to the mythical planet of Shakari which was located at the center of the Milky Way galaxy there they meet an entity who seemingly is God but upon finding out that he needed a Starship to escape this planetoid and not knowing who Kirk is well it's pretty clear that sanity is not God but some being that is trapped at the center of the Galaxy and clearly just looking for a ride the Enterprise a along with the Klingon bird of prey managed to defeat the entity and return from Shakari in 2293 the Enterprise a was set for retirement but sent on one final mission of peace with the Klingon Empire the Klingons had recently suffered from the destruction of their Moon of Praxis and this forced the Klingon Chancellor at the time a secret John Talbot having taken plastic surgery and assumed the name of gorkhan to seek peace with one of the Empire's strongest enemies the Federation that is not his plastic surgeon although that would have been hilarious the Enterprise a was set to Rendezvous with Chancellor gorkhan's ship Kronos one and escorted to the planet of kittemer where it would sign the kittama records which ensured peace between the Klingon Empire and the Federation however while on route to Earth Kronos one was seemingly fired upon by the Enterprise a and two armed assailants beamed aboard the Klingon ship stabbed a bunch of Klingons in their path and assassinated the Klingon Chancellor getting Pepto-Bismol all over the place however this was a ployed by some high-ranking officers in both the Empire and the Federal operation who did not want peace and would frame Captain Kirk and Dr McCoy for the assassination of gorkon interestingly enough the Klingon lawyer that defends Kirk is Colonel Wharf and though it's not stated on screen it is said that this man is both the namesake and grandfather of our favorite company I mean who else would it be luckily the Enterprise a manages to slip past Klingon security and rescue kirka McCoy from the Klingon Prison Planet of ruapenthe alongside the USS Excelsior the Enterprise a manages to defeat a bird of prey carrying General Chang who did not want peace between the Klingon Empire and the Federation and used his Advanced new cloaking device which allowed the user to fire while still under cloak to frame the Enterprise a for firing on Kronos one this cloak was not perfect however and combining a photon torpedo with some nebula gas scanning equipment managed to make some homing Torpedoes which could destroy the cloak ship after this incident the Enterprise a was set to be decommissioned and it was the last time we saw this legendary ship until fairly recently after decommissioning the Enterprise a was repaired and placed on proud display at the fleet museum at Anthem Prime Avon Prime Athen Prime Athens Prime right in the middle of the Olympics Ah that's enough of that oh wow this one is my personal favor Kirk's Enterprise almost perfectly clean retro lines yep I'm definitely a constitution class man its birth was quite fittingly located between the USS Excelsior and the USS Voyager in 2401 seemingly only the USS Enterprise a d and nx01 were stationed at the fleet museum with the other vessels named Enterprise having been either destroyed or lost such as the Enterprise C the original Enterprise and apparently the Enterprise E the e may have been stationed at the fleet Museum but under the captaincy of Captain Wharf The Vessel would remain in a bad State up to 2401. and obviously we can't use the Enterprise E that was not my fault while we're here for completionist sake we should also mention that there is another USS Enterprise a and it is Canon and that is the Kelvin timeline USS Enterprise a after the NCC 1701 was destroyed over the planet of ultimate by disillusioned ex-mako officer Balthazar Edison and after Kirk and crew had managed to put a stop to Edison's plans of destroying Starbase Yorktown in order to bring the Galaxy back to the era of struggle and War he had grown up with during the Romulan and zindy wars in the 2150s Kirk had refused a promotion device Admiral Vice Admirals don't fly do they no they don't where's the fun in that I tend to agree Starfleet for their efforts of saving Yorktown and the numerous inhabitants from a biological weapon called the abranath and solving a mystery that goes all the way back to the Enterprise era of The Disappearance of Edison his crew and the USS Franklin nx326 would sign off on the construction of the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 a though this is a video on the fate of the Enterprise a we don't know what happens next and we'll seemingly have to keep waiting until Star Trek 4 comes out if it ever does however that was the Legacy and fate of the USS Enterprise A's as we know them but what do you think of this ship and its Legacy would you have liked to see the a get one last hurray like the Enterprise D and have helped face down the Borg threaten Picard season 3 as ludicrously outclassed as it may or may not have been or would a century-old ship taking on a mega bore Cube be just a little bit too much let us know in the comments below if you want to keep up to date on all the latest Star Trek news lore and more and you know what to do hit that subscribe button to never miss a video from the team here at Trek Central follow us on social media or join our community Discord server and don't forget to check out our twitch Channel too for now I've been Lieutenant Commander Adam thanks for watching and we'll see you next time live long and prosper my friends
Channel: Trek Central
Views: 191,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Trek, Trek Central, Captain Jack, Star Trek News, Star, Trek, Central
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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