Using Windows XP in 2024 Can You Still Use It?

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[Music] ah the sound of Windows XP it truly takes you back to a time in computer technology that is long since passed a time where anything more than one or two gigs of RAM was considered Overkill in a time where most people's cpu's clock speeds were still calculated in megahertz the internet was still pretty much the wild west and windows wasn't constantly spying on You by making you sign in to and running all sorts of weird stuff in the background that's definitely not spyware this was truly an interesting time and for Windows this was actually kind of a transition period see before Windows XP Microsoft actually kind of had two separate versions of Windows one that was made for personal home computers and one that was directed more towards Business and Professional use versions like 3.1 9598 and windows Mi were geared more towards your home computer while the different versions of Windows NT and Windows 2000 were geared more towards professional use these two are usually separated in two different terms the windows 9x lineup and Windows NT and if you didn't already know Windows 9x pretty much just means Windows 95 998 and Mi and Windows 98 second edition if you want to count that one too while yes these two different lineups of Windows do look very similar in reality they couldn't be more different what I mean by that is that Windows 9x is still running on top of Doss at this time which in all reality it kind of isn't its own operating system pretty much just gives dos its own user interface I know I'm probably going to anger a lot of people by saying that Windows NT which stands for new technology is Microsoft's own operating system it didn't run on top of Doss and it gave Microsoft a lot more opportunities to improve and add stuff to their operating system I mean heck deep down in a code base Windows is still pretty much the same operating system as it was 30 years ago when they were still developing the NT platform now Windows always planned on bringing the NT version to the Home Market but they weren't quite sure how and when Windows Mi was actually intended to be the first NT home version of Windows but for some reason in development they just decided to make it the final version of Windows 9x just with a crap ton of bugs and a bunch of features removed but about a year and a half later a project that Windows had been working on for a long time code named Whistler was released in mid2 2001 and renamed to Windows XP and for the first time the home and the professional versions of windows were under one operating system which made things aot L less confusing for people going out and buying a retail copy of Windows and not being sure on which copy they should get now in this video we're going to be using the professional version of Windows XP and that's mainly because that's just the copy I could get my hands on and it's probably the best version so without further Ado let's just get right into installing this but like always remember to go ahead and like And subscribe that's really helpful and if you would like to have Early Access to these videos and get your name put at the end of them become a super supporter of the channel That would be really helpful but let's just go ahead and get right right into the video and thank you guys for watching all right so this is VM workstation 17 I have everything set up here I've already got the Windows XP virtual machine thing set up um I've given it 4 gigs of RAM even though it is a 32-bit operating system and it'll only use like a three and a quar uh I've given it two cores 20 gigs and I have uh accelerated 3D graphics and I've given it a gig of video memory we will probably not use half that but that is there if we need it I think we have everything set up here um VMware I've noticed is better for gaming virtual machines maybe oracle's just as good and I'm just not really that good at it but uh yeah I'm just using VM workstation uh it's got a good graph or it's got a good driver set so yeah uh let me open it right up and let's get right into it all right so here we go we are starting up uh this is the original windows like setup or dis setup thing I know it's really small right now I might zoom in on the screen a little bit so you guys can see this better I'll unpin that so we don't have to have that up all the time uh and yeah this is the original Windows setup haven't seen this in a long time uh we'll just hit continue on this have it set up Windows I agree to whatever that is we need to um use that partition partition at the NTFS and there we go and it is now formatting um not sure yeah this doesn't take too long um especially since this is a virtual drive it doesn't take very long if it was if it was a real drive it would take much longer but yeah it is now checking our C drive now it's copy files to the virtual dis this shouldn't take too long I don't think all right so that did take a little bit longer than I expected now we're at 95% about to be done with this uh It'll ask us is it install U installs my configuration okay now it'll reboot we can hit enter to reboot we don't have to sit there and wait and here we go we are starting the Windows XP installation this shouldn't this should only take a few seconds there we go and here we go so already got this kind of set up a little bit um yeah I'm definitely probably going to have this zoomed in so you guys can see it it's just a little tiny Square on my screen right now all right so as it installs it's telling us about an exciting New Look um it's talking about Windows XP having the new Luna theme and all that um just a bunch of like stuff they would tell you like Hey try out this like the try out the easy Windows like thing or whatever just a bunch of crap from back then I guess telling you how to use basic stuff it says also supports integrated CD recording so now you can easily save a CD ROM or a CD uh uh rewritable Drive interesting all sorts of new stuff that we like it's pretty much obsolete today so pretty much kind of the goal for this video is to see what I can actually do with Windows XP here in 2024 I know there's not going to be a lot I did get like a list of programs that would work and I'm going to try a few games that I have sitting around here on the disc and see uh if they'll work or not but yeah let's just let this install um it says it might take like 34 minutes so uh I'm either going to cut or just do a time lapse of this installing and and whenever I can like interact with something I will I will be back all right so here we go um it's going to have us do our language options all that should be default we're just going to be just be nostalgic or company's YouTube I can't even see it I I can't even like tell what it says the screen so small okay there we go all right so we got to do my product key right right quick so I'm going to skip this because I can't share this all right so now we got the product key in uh it'll have our computer name which I care less about that we don't need a password keep going uh we will be on the Eastern Time Zone if I can find it and there it is all right so I don't know how long this will take this shouldn't take too long I don't think I keep saying saying that okay so just a typical installation it's not on a network as it keeps having us do this random stuff um now it says 27 minutes so it's slowly getting there you know it's been quite a while since I've done a Windows XP installation so I'm kind of remembering how to do this it's pretty simple and it's kind of like all the other ones but it it's still kind of like the windows 9x um installation but it's not too bad all right so now the installation's finished we're reboot from that it's telling us to please wait um this will automatically adjust my resolution there we go okay it didn't really help the resolution out very much but I don't know how much more it should be doing I think we're pretty much done with the installation at this point it might ask us to do a few more things here we go wow that nostalgic music yeah this is Extreme ex L like nostalgic uh anytime okay yeah pretty much that's the help thing we can keep going uh yeah automatic updates in 2024 uh I mean yeah technically we turn those on I don't know it's not going to do anything checking for internet it should be able to connect uh oh I can't remember it just connects directly to the internet I don't know no we are not registering with Microsoft put in our name and here we [Music] go beautiful slowly loading played the music music a little bit early there we go and here we are this is Windows XP let's see if we can get the uh resolution to come up a little bit all right here we go yeah we can actually that's good 1920 by 1080 there we go there we go all right good and there we go yeah I actually thought that was going to be a much harder thing I think we still need to install the driver the uh the VMware driver stuff but yeah there we go and yeah that's kind of what I just ended up doing I installed VMware tools which is just a bunch of drivers for Windows to use in VMware I'm not sure exactly how compatible all these will be in Windows XP but I guess we'll just have to see so installing it's pretty easy you just click through the installer prompt and it has you restart and of course it resets sets my resolution so I have to redo it again but yeah that's pretty painless now of course one of the first things you want to do with Windows is to be able to browse the internet and typically with these older versions of Windows you would go to Internet Explorer which is your number one tool to go download a different web browser but sadly since like 2021 or 2022 I forgot Internet Explorer is completely unusable so we can't use that and trust me I tried literally nothing works like works and you can do a search but good luck trying to get into any website because this version of Internet Explorer literally doesn't support any modern website and to be honest I don't think any of the newer versions of Internet Explorer do either and like I said earlier since 2021 or 2022 I forgot which one this is pretty much unusable anyway and you might ask well how do you actually get a web browser on here and that's actually a pretty good question what I ended up doing is just creating an ISO file and putting a bunch of stuff in it that I knew I would probably need and just mounted it to the Virtual Drive pretty much meaning that if you did this on actual Hardware you would have to bur like a CD or DVD or try to use a USB thumb drive and hope the drivers match up I don't know maybe there's some other trick that I'm missing but from my knowledge this is about the only way to do it so what I ended up finding was Firefox 43 which is the last version of Firefox supports Windows XP and just ended up installing that the setup was pretty smooth but what wasn't was actually browsing on it and that's because it was super slow but I think that has to do with the emulator I don't think you would have this problem on actual Hardware but it's a L more usable than Internet Explorer and you can actually kind of watch YouTube videos on it and this version of Firefox still utilizes the Luna theme very nicely which I would say if you did want to actually try using the internet which I don't recommend doing it very much on Windows XP these days I would go with Firefox 43 I also got to work on this I had to go get version 2.8 but it actually did kind of work nicely and I tried to make the thumbnail for this video on there but it was way different than what it is today and I couldn't figure it out that and trying to download images and stuff stuff on Windows XP it was like nah I'll just do it on my regular pc I did also try to install libery office but it just didn't work I even tried to use the version that was still compatible with Windows XP and it didn't work either so I guess you could probably still find an even older version but I was like nah I already made the iso and I wasn't going to make another one I did go ahead and decide to try to install a couple different games though starting with morwin I figured I would do this because I just got the halflife Anthology on eBay and I just had this disc sitting around and I figured hey this would be an XP game I could try TR out and believe it or not it installed just fine didn't give me any problems I was kind of thinking I might run into some problems because of the virtual machine not having the proper drivers but it launched just fine and played well the only problem that I had was the weird resolution problem that I have on my main PC and some lag I guess because of the virtual machine but other than that it was playable but I would much rather play it on actual hardware and not the virtual machine because this lag can get kind of annoying now this wouldn't be a nostalgic 980 video without a little bit of Lego Star Wars so I tried to install Lego Star Wars the video game on here I had no idea if the virtual machine would even let me play this or not but I went through the install process it pretty much went flawlessly and I went ahead and opened it and it worked just fine I didn't really get any lag or anything like that but I did try to plug in my Xbox 360 controller and it couldn't find any drivers for it but I'm not too surprised by that though there might be some XP drivers for it out there somewhere but it'd probably take me forever to try to find them and they might not even work to begin with I will say trying to play leg Star Wars or any other Lego game for that matter on a keyboard is nearly impossible to me I don't know how people do it the control scheme is so weird and I'm trying to figure out like how to attack and I'm just pressing random buttons and I just can't figure it out it's just weird I eventually did kind of find out the control scheme but it wasn't any better and I was still just as bad and I just decided to quit I did go ahead and try to play some of the built-in Windows games like 3D pinball I mean listen to those sound effects those never get old [Music] sadly though all the online games that they had on here have long since been shut down I think they also did that like in 2021 or 2022 which is unfortunate because those were really fun but hey solitire still works I also checked out this interesting little Windows XP intro video thing it's kind of like an interactable like intro tutorial thing that kind of tells you about like the business version and the home version and stuff like that and all the different features I don't really know of anybody that watched this I'm kind of surprised it didn't pop up on the first startup but hey it's here and they don't really tell you that it's here but yeah that was Windows XP in 2024 but I recommend using it absolutely not but if you want to pop it in a virtual machine or if you have an older computer sitting around and you just want to have that Windows XP experience again then yeah reinstall it or just use it and enjoy it but just don't make it your main operating system and try to avoid using the internet but yeah that's about all I have for this video I hope you guys enjoyed I really enjoyed making this video it was a lot of fun looking back at Windows XP and I hope this video does really good because I would love to look back at other versions of Windows 2o like Vista Mi 9598 and kind of see how usable they still are today but like always I want to say a special thanks to my super supporters on screen here and if you would like to have early access to my videos and have your name put here then hit that join button down below and become a super supporter but I hope you enjoyed the video and if you did please leave a like And subscribe and I will see you guys in the next one
Channel: Nostalgic9080
Views: 227,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iMhfR39ILB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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