Can Windows 11 run on Pentium II Old PC 1998?

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hi guys today in this video we'll try to find out is it possible to install Windows 10 or Windows 11 on an old PC from 1998 with Pentium 2 inside let's go this is HP Vector vl8 a very expensive PC from 1998. his price was around 1500 bucks at the time and here is his specs the CPU Pentium 2 400 megahertz in slot 1 256 megabits of ram it's an upgraded version of that PC I have added some memory so he can handle and your operation system 256 megabytes is a Max supported size of ram the stock version has only 64 megabytes GPU this old machine has only 8 megabytes of video memory it's called matrox g200 the hard disk is upgraded too it has 40 gigabytes of capacity and the CD-ROM drive first of all I think maybe we can burn the iso image of Windows 11 to a DVD and then boot from it but this CD drive unable to read any DVD he can read only CD second thought was to boot from USB drive but we have a problem this PC has very old bias it's impossible for him to boot from any USB drive we can use only the CD drive to boot so how we can install Windows 11 on this PC yes the upgrade we can upgrade Windows 98 to Windows 2000 then to Windows XP then to Windows Vista then to Windows 7 8 10 and finally to 11. let's try the hard disk is empty so I have to install Windows 98 on it I was lucky I found Windows 98 CD let's try to boot oh Windows 98 installation do you remember it we need to choose start Windows 19 setup from cdrome continue next next next done [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's check my computer properties and to what we have here Pentium 2 and 256 megabits of ram I feel a lot of nostalgia I remember playing blood on Windows 98 when I was a kid [Music] thank you [Music] I didn't know there is a super secret in the first level you need to jump here foreign [Applause] also I was playing Commander Keen [Music] it has a super secret too you need to climb here [Music] foreign [Music] and of course I was playing half-life [Music] welcome to the HEV mark IV protective system for use in hazardous environment conditions [Music] I don't know open up the reactor complex so we can get down to safety I'm sorry but those doors will not open until we send the all clear so send it already such a good memories okay let's try to upgrade Windows 98 to Windows 2000 using a USB stick it's working nice welcome to Windows 2000 setup choose an upgrade next next next and what what the hell is this and dldr is missing oh I forgot how difficult it was to install old windows on an old PC so why this happened the reason why this message appears is that I choose upgrade instead of clean install it's somehow connected with changing HDD file system during upgrade in the last build of Windows 2000 this problem was solved and the setup begins next next next the installation was successful [Music] go to my computer properties all the same but the name of CPU was changed now we'll try to upgrade Windows 2000 to Windows XP to avoid file system problems during installation like it was in Windows 2000 setup I choose the new installation hope nothing happens and yes it's all good next next next two and a half hours have passed foreign do you remember Windows XP music fun fact Windows XP image doesn't have sound drivers for every sound card that's why so many users during installation have not heard this music at all I forgot how beautiful Windows XPS it looks great go to my computer properties Pentium 2 CPU and now it recognizes correctly go to device manager all GPU drivers for metrics g200 were already installed land drivers too nice go next Windows Vista and the error appears Windows detected that this computer has 256 megabits of ram but 512 required for installation installation cannot proceed the maximum size of ram we can install on this motherboard is 256 so that's all this is in of course not we can bypass the minimal requirements for this we need to open a CMD as administrator then change directory to Windows Vista image and start setup.x with argument no sys check which means disable minimal system requirements check more detailed guide you can check on my second Channel link will be in the description and yes we made it the setup begins next next next three and a half hours have passed foreign [Music] oh by the way look what I'm using it's a ball Mouse from 1999. go to my computer properties and the system didn't recognize CPU again in those Vista has a rating system let's check the rating of Phantom 2 and 256 megabytes of ram 1.0 the lowest score but Phantom 2 is not that bad he has 1.2 sub score okay let's go next windows 7. we have the same error besides we can't bypass it these commands will not work on Windows 7 setup is this the end of course not to bypass the minimal system requirements we need to download a hex editor called Ash XD then we need to find winsetup.dll and open it with hex editor we need to find the code and replace it with this code save the changes and try to run setup again more detailed guide you can check on my second Channel a link will be in the description we are lucky it works Windows 7 setup begins next next next next 5 hours have passed [Music] done success go to my computer properties and here is paint him 2 and 256 megabytes of ram look what happens if I open the task manager CPU usage is 100 but the only program we have open is the task manager as you can see Windows has installed drivers for internet let's try to use it Go to yes it's working what about Facebook no Internet Explorer cannot display the web page and no matter what browser you will install here to load Facebook or YouTube you need a CPU that has SS E2 instructions is it possible to run any game here let's try to load Half-Life uplink [Music] no problem nice okay let's go next and try to install Windows 8 and the same error appears I could not find any information about bypassing minimal requirements in Windows 8 setup and we don't need it that's why to install Windows 8 10 and 11 your CPU must support sse2 instruction and ending speed ssh2 and nxbit support starts from paint room 4 as much as we'd like to install Windows 8 10 and 11 on this PC it's impossible but there is a version of Windows 8 that not required SS E2 and next bit support it's called Windows 8 developer preview is it possible to run it on our PC let's try I try to start Windows 8 developer preview setup from Windows 7 desktop and this message appears it says you need one gigabyte of RAM and your CPU frequency must be more than one gigahertz there is no solution to bypass these minimal requirements I've tried to start installation on another PC again which passes the minimal requirements then I try to swap the hard disk to continue installation on Pentium to PC and that's what happens black screen error 600a did you ever seen a Windows black screen welcome unfortunately it's impossible to install Windows 8 10 and 11 on Pentium 2. if this video gets 5000 likes I will make another video where I try to install Windows 11 on pin tune 4. type in the comment section what is your favorite operation system if you like this video press the like button and don't forget to subscribe see you later bye
Channel: Ramtech ENG
Views: 1,671,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Can Windows 11 run on Pentium II Old PC 1998, windows 11 on an old PC, windows 11, windows 10, old pc, hp vectra vl8, PC 1998, 1998, Pentium ii, Pentium 2, matrox g200, blood, half-life uplink, commander keen 4, windows 98, windows, Microsoft, ramtecheng, cyberadvisor, ramtech eng, ramtech
Id: rLNSj-l17qU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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