Using TINY CHEATS in Minecraft Hide And Seek!

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this is Minecraft hide and seek but what melon doesn't know is I'm cheating using the tiny mod okay guys I can't find Sunny anywhere can you guys in the comments tell me what he's up to this time make sure to spam melon emojis so I can see them and subscribe yo Sonny are you ready to play a game of Hide and Seek in this Village I was born in the hide and seek let's freaking go I will break that melon by the end of this video and by that I mean I'll break your spirit crush your soul cause you're never going to see me okay bucko so does that mean you want to hide or seek first I'm hiding first get in the Seekers Hideout and begin the two minute countdown goodbye all right let me count on this clock one two three four five Yo close the door Stop opening it this is how I count I have to like open and close back up back up okay chill okay guys for my hiding spot today I'm busting out some epic cheats I've got a chisel and I've got the personal shrinking device look at this small I'm going to be but before I get this small I need to go ahead and use this chisel check it out check it out this thing is freaking epic so I can go to any block and I could take little tiny bits and pieces out of it like look at that and then if I get small enough I can hide inside of it so what I'm gonna do to mess with melon is I'm gonna take little bits and pieces out of a lot of these blocks hopefully I don't like the game I'm gonna make these blocks look so weird and digged up so we gotta chisel some holes all over the place like it was a termite infection here termites everywhere oh my gosh and then I gotta do the same on this house your mites run but it's terrible and watch out for the stone mites they eat everything it's silverfish oh my gosh it kind of lags my game when I click it too much yeah I'm making these houses look really ugly but it's all for a reason trust me you'll see soon enough and then what I'm gonna actually do I am going to Chisel out a nice area for myself up here so let's grab ourselves a block and build up just a little bit so I can get a better View and then I need to Chisel out this block right here and dig a hole like this yes and wait maybe I could make this a little easier for myself let's open the Chisel menu and let's see cubes small oh that's way better I can carve this hole out beautiful dig it back a little bit more so I have some space to jump inside of it I think maybe even medium yeah that's perfect now I make it progress It's like Tetris back there oh I dug it too far whoops okay let's make it a little bigger here come on push these back I need some space so my tiny self can fit oh I also need to put some random buttons everywhere to make it really confusing so we'll be like this and like that perfect because we don't want melon to be suspicious of anything break those blocks come back over here throw some more Stone buttons up oh I can't put them if I've chiseled the block are you kidding me it's fine we'll do it like this and then this house over here same thing tons of buttons tons of buttons make this look really weird same thing here there's no chance melon Finds Me Sonny you got 30 seconds left okay 30 seconds that's lots of time I could do this I've just got to focus guys I need to get in that hole I need to get tiny let's shrink boom and now I gotta make the jump somehow I'll put the torch back later I gotta make this let me in okay that's not gonna work making some minor repairs this was very necessary I kind of messed this up and can we fit yes we're in we need to make this a little deeper though come on carve out the Cobble give me some space back here bro yes this is good and then guys check this out I'm gonna take these tiny little chisel bits and I'm gonna rebuild this I'm gonna cover myself up just a little bit I don't want to be too obvious come on frame this out this is good some of these are invisible though I can't see them but I'm gonna just trust that they're there and that melon won't see me this looks pretty cool this actually looks so sick let's see how I look yo I might be the goat and all these little pixels will keep me safe okay melon I'm ready all right Sonny that's good cause your time's out bro what is this stuff what why are there buttons on the house and why are there like weird pixels taken out of every block dude there was termites in here there was a termite it's sunny what the heck are you doing bro yo guys I just watched him go straight by me dude what have you done nothing at all bruh you ruined this Village it's so cursed now it wasn't my fault bro it was the termites of the silverfish is there termites in this mod pack like what the heck for my first question Sonny I guess I don't really know are you inside or are you outside guys comment down below hello am I inside or outside I'm not really sure either I'm gonna say I'm inside okay inside so you gotta be in one of these houses gosh I must be in one of those houses Mr melon I I'm actually in the most goaded Heidi Place of all time because I told you I was bored in the hide and seek I was bred for the hide and seek and I'm the ghost I was molded by the hide and seek that's correct I was molded by it or perhaps I molded the hide and seek wait do you think you're that goated Sonny yes so if I find you does that mean I'm the goat sauce with the baby possibly I've gotta find you then this is motivation what the heck have you done ghost blocks gotta look for these ghost blocks yo guys I'm carving this out a little bit so if melon comes in this house I'm gonna see him even on the inside now let me just grab some of these so I can become the goat sauce put these on now that I have my ghost glasses let me make sure Sony's not doing anything suspicious and in the accounting area no ghost blocks any ghost blocks around here yeah yeah make sure you look thoroughly for those ghost bugs bro Miss Vlogs good idea melon bro what the heck are you doing okay you're not there you've gotta have some ghost blocks in one of these two houses these are the only places I haven't checked yet I tell you what I'm doing bruh I'm winning are you winning son I'm winning I'm gonna start with this house gotta be in here somewhere guys he's coming inside he's literally inside of this place he's talking to the Villager are you this villager Sonny don't touch me please we can talk about this die no dang it you weren't the Villager bro of course I'm not bro that'd be too obvious what are you up to you've got to be in this church then this is the only place I haven't checked yet melon you still have questions I have one Quest wait no I have two okay sonny are you hiding in one of the houses I gotta make sure it's more specific yes um can you see me right now let me check uh nope uh I cannot see oh yeah I can see you bro you've got to be in this house I could still see you bro what the heck guys I gotta take cover I gotta just hide the quarter he's too close the heck is this bro there's like a hole all the way through right here bro what hold on let me grab a lot I could see his little melon head oh boy what is he doing oh my God these buttons what the heck is this dude I can see straight through to the other side bro what is this block guys I can see melon staring at this but he doesn't see me oh my gosh this is golden that's weird dude I don't know what the heck that is I don't understand man take cover take cover guys you're in here summer maybe I know what you're up to give me these dirt blocks quick I only have 30 seconds left you better hurry melon you better hurry Oh I thought there was a compartment in here no he just broke down the ceiling he's destroying the whole house he's dismantling everything bro you still have a question left and you go Sunny yes I'm in here where the heck are you ten nine eight seven six oh my gosh guys he's breaking everything beneath this furnace four I don't understand three okay sonny I give up I don't I don't know two one yeah melon you give up yeah bro I I don't know where you're at yo guys check this out melon come outside bro yo what nice try bro I was hiding in this house the whole time and you didn't see me where were you bro I checked everywhere melon you want to see my hiding spot yeah where were you dude I checked this entire house so when you were in here and you were checking everything out you looked through the little termite hole and then it was like boom bang Bing I'm just right here bro what are you with that such cap bro there was a brick here before what do you mean I don't know what you're talking about there was no bricks bro I was totally in the ground that whole time dude you're so sus just whatever just go to the next round melon you've got two minutes to hide let's see if you can recover that L yo chill you're not finding me this round Sonny I promise you the countdown starts now one two three okay guys I'm gonna make my very own secret base if Sonny wants to be hush like that so I'm gonna enter creative mode dig this out get some ghost blocks in here grab myself a secret trapdoor placement that under some normal grass cover up my Trails now you go here let me flip this please okay well that's not working I'm gonna have to get rid of this trapdoor we'll place it one more lower ID evidence go here and now this is gonna drop down into my secret base I just gotta dig it out a little bit this is gonna be golden bro I'm gonna make this place so stylish and nice melon chill chill oh my God no I only have a minute left what the heck am I ever gonna do bro that was sus and you know what else is gonna be sus what my golden ax smacking that melon yo chill Sunny chill you're being too aggressive right now sorry I'll tone the energy down I meant to say my harmonious golden ax will gently slice the top of your melon off of your skull that was way more creepy I'm gonna be honest with you either way okay guys with a little bit of command power I can do this give me Oakwood oh that was the wrong oh let me let me get rid of that I messed up I messed up still new to this okay I'm sorry no let's make it out of this this looks nice check out the outline of my secret base only the rich could ever enter so Sunny will never be allowed in here because he's a broke boy no it just add some picture frames melon this is getting ridiculous you've got 10 seconds left dude you're taking forever yo chill chill chill chill I would a little bit buddy boy nine eight seven six five four three two one all right everybody we have liftoff and I'm coming to lift that melon top off your head okay guys I'm gonna put two fake dirt blocks really quick so if Sonny finds these ghost Blocks he's gonna hit these two dirts and think that there's nothing down here wait maybe I should even put a stone as well yeah this will throw him off melon are you in the Village Church no Sunny I'm not I'm just trying to get to higher grounds so I can see if you did anything suspicious down here why would I do something suspicious because I did last round so I feel like you're gonna try and get revenge wait what is that back there also I got to admit the termite holes look really weird yeah they do don't they and what is what what are you why are you being sassy I ain't being sassy what is this oh it's an iron golem I thought this was you back here no no no no I would never be back anywhere let's see for my first question are you you what is going on over here with these hay bales melon yo what the heck Sonny are you wearing the goggles no but there's something up with these hay bales yo and over here what are you thinking bro chill Sonny chill okay guys I'm gonna put a mine so if Sonny makes it in here it'll explode here we go build myself a little fake wall and he'll never find me yo guys I just realized melon is super dumb I forgot that I made these tunnels when I was testing out the Chisel mod and he didn't even notice this last round I got holes in the hay bales I got a holes inside of the mountain I got holes inside of dirt and stone he didn't see any of this check it out next round I'm gonna run through them like this I'll have secret tunnels everywhere yes this is gonna be epic but for now I gotta track melon down so you said you're not using a village house to hide no why would I be doing that because you would you know I'm gonna be pretty smart and uh pretty cool but instead you chose to use hay bales because you got really cringe when I said I spotted a hay bale no what are you talking about dude you did something with these oh my God no way no way he finds a ghost block without even having goggles of true Vision on I might actually be the goat that was crazy how many more of these are ghost blocks melon I cannot tell you destroy whoa what is that Ellen what did you do a secret trap door huh wait that's just dirt and you fell for my bait Sonny how does it feel I'll just keep digging digging keep digging keep digging he's gotta be here so somewhere I'll find you melon that's it for my second question are you inside of this ghost block structure somewhere yeah I am where are you hiding I know you're tunneling down here you're like a mole the melon mole that's it guys I need some stuff from creative I am gonna get the goggles of true vision and I'm gonna get a sunny golden pickaxe let's freaking go any more ghost blocks there's no more ghost blocks what the heck melon yeah there's no more ghost blocks that's it yo what why what happened I dug straight down and I landed in a beautiful oh my God oh diamond block Paradise that's explosive that's not good these are real blocks of diamond though either way I'm rich right now all of your paintings got blown up melon no wait not all of them there's still more oh there's nothing behind them what the heck bro what's in here don't worry about it I will dismantle every block of diamond and I'm doing it like a Savage with a golden pickaxe meaning I'm just destroying these diamonds they'll never be seen again okay guys quickly I gotta make a bait trap yo I hear that bro you're in this what are you talking about why is there a corner one of these is fake come on chill chill open up melon yo I see it there's an opening open up I'm going in there's nothing here bro you're under it you're somewhere under this you don't see my ghost blocks I went through them there's nothing here are you sure yes my pickaxe bro that's it breaking these by hand that's gonna take a long time oh my God guys this is too scary good thing I've got nothing but time on my hands cause there's still two minutes for me to find you and I know you're right under this are you sure I'm pretty sure it's almost broken I'm about to reveal you melon this is gonna be so epic three two nothing seriously fine this stone for sure I hear you building no okay you don't hear anything Sonny yo more ghost bucks I heard that bro what the heck melon I can hear you right here that's it I need another pickaxe upgrades to Diamond melon melon what's this wood for just gotta break these ghost blocks quick and then chop and chop ha ha waste your time bro like like my hips and my waist like what kind of typing is this bro melon I see more ghost blocks dude I don't know what you're talking about Sonny hello melon you're a dead man hey yo what and now I make no I'm stuck I'm stuck still no getaways and now I eat your soul for breakfast lunch and dinner what is wrong with you sonny and now I eat you literally absorbed you bro you are now part of sunny and sunny is all powerful dude all right you're being really weird I want to seek so I can kill you and get my revenge breathing my soul yeah yeah yeah first you'll have to find me melon here what no chill take that account I got two minutes I'm out of here smacking melon are you kidding I'm throwing this out okay goats for this round I've got the ultimate game plan check this out I'm gonna shrink myself down then I'm gonna take my diamond chisel open that menu up go to the cubes select large then go to the grid snapped Cube and make it half size now everywhere I go I could carve out tunnels check this out melon's never gonna be able to catch me I'm gonna evade him at every turn by making tiny little sewer tunnels oh this is awesome this is so goaded like yo check this out check this out can I go through the water let's try it I could kind of go through the water swim and then break it out on the other side yo I can hide here it doesn't even fly blood through that is epic let's do another one right here boom drill it out and we can even turn right and we could go like this way and bust out the other side of this dirt oh my gosh melon is so done also I've got another idea that's really funny watch this I'm gonna take a melon block I'm gonna put it here at the marketplace like this then I'm gonna chisel a little piece of it like this now his melon is missing a slice but more importantly I can now right click on the melon bit open up this menu and I'm gonna make a spherical melon look at how confused this will make him look there's literally circles in Minecraft hold on hold on hold on I gotta put a bunch of these over here let's break this one first you know Smack That melon oh my gosh that's so weird I literally made a melon cap look at this yo guys I got my own melon hat on the go okay but now I want to go over here and make it so that melons grow on trees yo he is gonna be so confused I'm even confused right now hold on we need more melons on this tree yes it is my most ingenious plan ever melon is gonna be so weirded out have you guys ever seen sphere melons comment down below if you think this breaks Minecraft there should not be circles here Sunny are you ready yeah you only have 15 seconds left oh yeah yeah my bad I got a bit distracted sorry about that I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready melon you could come get me bro finally hey you salty or what dude dude you took so long bruh hey great things take time what are you up to Sonny for my first question there he is look at that goofy guy you can see me right now no no wait what the heck is this I'm gonna go spy on him why is there a chunk taken out of this melon bro what have you done yo look at him he found the melon cap in the marketplace there's hair Bales with missing pieces bro what is going on it's a mystery the termites they've infected The Village bro why is there a little tunnel it's like a quarter of a block bruh why are there so many little tunnels only time will tell Mr melon yo what the heck is this what is this this looks like a half of a melon cap bro what the heck is this what happens if I mine this I just got nothing what did you do you destroyed a melon I thought you vowed to never do that that's not even a melon dude that that's like I don't even know what I don't even know what that was bro bro just wait until you see what else is in this Village bro what else could there possibly be you'll know when you see it take cover wait I think I just heard you no yo what the there's melon trees what is going on you guys look at him look at this guy melons don't grow on trees but bro I love how they're perfectly spherical they're realistic melons that's so cool he almost saw me I heard something yo what do you want Sonny what the heck you're small oh my God where did you go I don't know what you're talking about where did you go look at this guy look at this guy look at this guy oh what the heck where are you nowhere Sunny you dirty cheat I can't believe you've been using these tunnels that's what all these holes were no these were termites these were clearly termites bruh where did you go you look at him up there guys hold on hold on give him another round Melody you think you can just do this to me sunny huh yo what is this personal shrinking device huh yo yo yo yo I don't know what you're doing but you need to chill I gotta block this out with a melon I'm gonna find you sonny I know you're in one of these holes no I'm not if I just cover these up with melons he won't be able to find me guys what did you do I should be fine the melons will protect me bro where have you gone it don't matter where I've gone you vowed to never destroy a melon so I am safe what does that even mean you will know when you see what it means I do not understand and sunny I'm so confused there's so many holes which hole are you in yo wait no you dirty cheat you broke the melon melon never I'm gonna whack you go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go tunnel faster ow what the heck did you do I don't know where I am anymore what the heck where did you go I don't know bro I'm so lost what have you done oh no that's a ravine that is not where I want to be what the heck did you do I made a very big mistake I gotta go back to the melon tree Sonny where did you go you literally just vanished no I didn't vanish I was trying to live my best life perfect you'll never know I saw you I saw you you dirty G you saw nothing melon where are you Sunny wait did you do parkour yeah I did parkour bro good idea guys I'm perfectly inside of this Leaf now I wonder if he can see me or maybe he will leave me alone you want to play these games Sonny melon I see you right now dude I can see you I'm looking at your face yo yo yo yo you're huge melon we can talk about this ow oh I'm out of here no I can't hit you I gotta shrink down I gotta disappear I'm small enough coming after you sonny no you're not you don't even know where I am you don't even know oh my God you wanted to say cuddle as me dig dig yo I can't see anything what is inventory yo where are you you can't hide forever Sonny oh but I can no no oh I clutched I clutched hey you better run no I can't see where'd you go just get away from the melon yo it needs to stop auto jumping cause Auto jump is so toxic I can't see anything hey yo what what are you doing die melon stop melon please stop die oh my God thank God these bits are making me lag so hard melon you won that round fair and square even though I was cheating with the tiny mod and making tunnels with the Chisel bro you are such a scumbag and now it's my turn to hide all right wait wait wait wait cool down I think instead of scumbag you mean genius like a true intellectual yeah you keep telling yourself that I'm gonna go hide okay melon you've got two minutes and then I'm gonna come find you and win and be the goat yeah we'll see about that okay guys I've got a genius strategy so I just gotta find my old Hideout oh right here Sonny dug it out for me oh my God it is so destroyed no well since Sunny wants to play these games huh by shrinking around I'm gonna play some of my own games so I'm gonna build my own little tunnel vanilla style let's go so now I dig this out but what Sonny doesn't realize is right about here let's say I'm gonna rig it with tons of TNT give me this what a bing where should this go to I think this will be pretty good A lot of Bing slash slash set air check it out this entire room is gonna be filled to the brim with TNT here and then here let's go now I just gotta find myself a secret pressure plate oh that is the wrong one there we go now when Sonny goes through this tunnel he's gonna step on this pressure plate and die a terrible death meanwhile I'm gonna dig this tunnel all the way to this mountain right here so I can get a good look at him exploding it's gonna be so epic oh no it's time to hide all right Sonny I'm ready it's about time dude I was about to bust down this door and come slap you up either way yeah you think you're gonna be doing the slapping this round that's cute I just want to go admire these juicy round watermelons again I love the sphericalness of them it defies every logical rule of Minecraft okay buddy okay now I got three questions to ask so I'm just gonna get it started are you inside or outside I would say I would argue that it's more of an inside that's fine but I gotta ask you a serious question yeah bro what's your question why did you kill all of these pigs there's just pork chops dead it's scattered everywhere in this Village what is wrong with you melon I you truffle pigs that's why Sunny you don't like that they could sniff you out bruh they could smell you from a thousand blocks away melon this house you said you're inside they can't smell me because I took an ax and put it in their head oh my gosh that is way too aggressive melon you need to relax wait did you go into my secret spot okay I just have to check that in case you went into my first hiding spot what about this house dude you said you were inside yeah I'm inside Sunny this is technically inside where I'm at what the heck I'm checking even you're not here what the heck bro I checked every house I think how many houses are left oh there's another one back here I didn't check bro keep checking bro for real bro yo for real No Cap bro I will check every home in the village bro and this village house has nothing bro yo melon I heard that bro you just farted no I oh my God bro you can't keep putting in sound effects like that and blaming me I'm sorry I didn't have to add a sound effect you probably ate a rotten melon and now you just are nasty with the gas you know what I've had it with you sonny when I see you even though you're seeking I'm gonna kill you I promise you well first I'm gonna have to find you and I have no clue where you're at I gotta ask another question now would you consider yourself close to the melon tree or far from the melon Tree closest to the melon Tree closest to the melon tree hold on just let me stop and break the smell in a little bit yeah I'm slicing it up yo it's just got a little bit left hold up let me punch this one oh this feels good I'm So Satisfied right now Madeline no don't break my balance what is is wrong with you you can't stop me this melon tree is getting pulverized I'm literally eating every last one oh that was good y'all I split it too you're a monster actually you're a monster melon because you know what's near the melon trees your old secret base this is so dumb are you really down here again that's my final question um hold on let me give you a second yes you are I see this tunnel yep I'm down there now yep I'm down there you know what I'm shrinking down small wait what is that noise what is that sound oh my God I'm alive how am I alive how did you survive that sometimes even amaze myself I gotta get the heck out of here quick to the termite holes where the heck did you go I'm looking for a little red melon I gotta get out I gotta get out I thought you would be dead honestly I don't know how I survived either wait is that melon saw a little something here I'm just gonna go back with my people here we go where I belong you only have a minute left Sonny that's plenty of time to track you down I did just need to figure out a get out of this stinking hole in the ground you don't Sonny I kinda have to there's no building blocks down here and I'm stuck that sounds like you prowling brother wait think I know what to do snap the grid grab the cube large and dig dig dig yes I have a lot of bits can I build with these get me up this is the slowest build ever oh my God this is not the way I'm trying to make a little bit ladder wait maybe it'll work 30 seconds left Sunny this is so bad this is so bad I need to get up like I'm jumping on block pimples come on dude let me up wait it's working it's working I can get up there on block pimples get me all the way up a little higher there's still time 15 seconds there's still time melon 15 seconds is more than enough just a little higher dig like the game if you must just dig ten nine eight seven six five four three two one let's go I see you I got you I got you no you didn't Sonny you didn't kill me which means you didn't get me oh let's go I didn't kill you you want to play these games melon Yo Joe wait they can't even detect me I'm too small yeah you sure about that chill Sonny chill look at this ain't gonna do nothing they're my people they wouldn't hurt me they wouldn't hurt one of their own yeah melon maybe these won't kill you but you know what will Claymores get up get him don't move don't move a muscle melon wait where'd he go sonny you think I would die from a mirror explosion a tiny little explosion what is this this bring it on I'm immune I actually think the smaller you are in Minecraft the less explosions hurt you this makes no sense that should have obliterated you I'm the goat that's why now if you guys are coded make sure you like And subscribe quickly for melon's sake no Jill Jill I'm out I'm out you got nowhere to run you can't hit me though I'm too tiny ow ow ow dang it melon and make sure you guys click the next video on screen
Channel: Sunny
Views: 1,031,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: A_UKoHnu8WQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 20sec (1760 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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