Sunny Gets POSSESSED In Minecraft!

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today in Minecraft Sunny got possessed oo melon come my child Herobrine needs you what was supposed to be a fun night out camping soon turned into a real life nightmare melon we've gathered our friends here today to tell some spooky scary stories do you want to go first or should I start I'm starting Sunny oh I get it Mr tough guy you think you know the scariest stories do you in a dark Minecraft forest a girl named Emily found found an abandoned Village curious she entered the house with strange symbols etched on the walls as night fell she heard Eerie Whispers and saw shadowy figures moving outside the windows don't tell me it was 3:00 a.m. she tried to leave but the doors wouldn't open panicking she turned to see the symbols glowing trapping her The Whispers grew louder echoing a warning never disturb the Forgotten suddenly the floor gave way dropping Emily into a deep pit she responded outside inside the village vowing never to return and then she okay enough that was pretty scary I've heard worse okay then Mr tough guy I'll tell you a real spooky story deep in a Minecraft jungle Jake discovered an ancient Temple covered in Vines intrigued he ventured inside a torch in hand as he explored deeper he felt eyes watching him in the shadows not long after he found a hidden chamber with a gold golden idol and greedily he took it triggering a low Rumble and then the temple began to shake and tremble the exit sealed shut panicked Jake heard a deep growl echoing through the chambers of the temple behind him the vines red and twisted and withered into monstrous forms with Nowhere to Run Jake realized too late that the temple Guardians had awakened hey why'd you punch me and then melon the monsters began to I can feel Melanie and Alex shaking from here I know my story is pretty scary who's shaking not me you're all a bunch of Scaredy Cats just like melon stop punching me I'm not scared I'm just mad cuz you keep hitting me in the middle of your stories oh I've got one you do this is based on real life deep in the negative coordinates there's herob brain's Mansion it's said to be haunted by herob brain himself the ghostly figure with glowing white eyes wait did you say based on real life so this is a real story yes melon there were tons of emerald blocks in there making any player Rich overnight but Herobrine would possess them and make them do unimaginable things so players ended up returning the loot and wishing they never dared to enter that Mansion again wait a second Sunshine if this is real life does that mean those Emerald blocks are still there well yes but didn't you hear me what I just said sunny I know you are strong and brave but there's no way you are willing to go there heck yeah I am that's a madeup story to scare away kids but if the emeralds are in that Mansion we're going to be rich melon let's go Sunny are you crazy there's no way I'm going there just think about how many glistering melons you could buy wait a second you're making a really good point I'll come along but only so I can make Melanie happy let's go on an adventure to a spooky haunted mansion Sunny we should probably get some uh I don't know like pickaxes some food some basic stuff here this is all you need some carrots just one carrot no two carrots I'll grab the pickaxe check it out Sunshine wasn't lying we're deep in the negative coordinates and we found it Herobrine's mansion Sunny I'm starting to think this isn't a good idea nah bro we're going to be rich just think about those emeralds and those glistering shiny melons okay okay I'll do it but Sunny they said the emeralds were cursed and I really want to mind them here you go take this pickaxe oh don't mind if I do I'll take every emerald in the building and then maybe I'll give you a couple afterwards if I'm feeling nice yeah go for it all I care about is that if the curse is real I don't get affected whatever bro I'm not scared of no curses and it looks like there's a split in the road melon why don't you go to the left I'll check out the right we should split up and cover more ground yeah that sounds like a great idea no one ever dies in horror movies like that and I heard it's the best thing you can do okay goats let me take a quick look around here cuz I brought some secret supplies to prank melon I just need to find the right place to set them up uh maybe in this area this looks perfect yes this will work wonders Secret Creepers then I'll play the ominous music and disappear ah melon there's something in here sunny sunny what's going on dang it I knew we shouldn't have split up I was just joking Sunny where are you bro what's going on please tell me you're in here Sunny boo Sunny you can't be doing that you should have seen the look on your face bro gotcha did you play this stupid music too oh yeah I brought this from our house I thought it'd be a good prank oh my goodness oh you almost gave me a melon attack well anyways melon looks like there's nothing downstairs let's keep looking I want to find these emeralds here they are bro I'm rich it's a little bit sus that they're covered in blood though uh yeah Sunny don't you remember what the curse said whoever takes the treasure will be cursed for eternity and sunny no well at least I'll be rich in this curse besides melon I don't believe in those types of stories they're just designed to scare kids Herobrine's not even real Sunny you fool I'm out of here melon everything's going to be fine bro don't worry about it everything's not going to be fine Sunny's such an idiot he never listens to the curse melon wait up I'm heading back home with you no you're sleeping outside tonight good night melon I'm so glad I got all these emeralds I am going to take my bed sunny and go to a different room I'll be sleeping in the corner up here tonight emerals emeralds Herobrine the darkness consumes me too much light need more Darkness emeralds oh goats what was that I heard some weird stuff about emeralds and light and dark what's going on why is it so dark in the house turn off all the lights goats he's breaking All of the Lights I've got a really really bad feeling about all of this for my master I will bring him back yes yes uh what the heck why is he placing red lights everywhere why was he talking about his master herob bride I worship you master I'll bring you back don't worry the melon will be a noble sacrifice what is going on I've got to get out of here oh that's it I'm crashed melanies for the night I cannot be near Sunny he's got the Herobrine Emerald curse I told him not to mind those emeralds but he just couldn't darn listen to me for my Lord and Master I will sacrifice the melons and corrupt this world for herob bride yes yes I'll make him proud melon I know where you went melon Melody melan melan something's seriously wrong with sunny so pretty much we went to the negative coordinates went to Herobrine's mansion because I wanted to get you some glistening melons and then um pretty much what happened is sunny took the emeralds like he wasn't supposed to tried to warn him about the curse it didn't matter melon why the heck did you go there uh-oh we're doomed what are we going to do Melanie don't worry everything's going to be okay because I'm going to protect you and I have big muscles protect us why did you even come here in the first place I wasn't even attacked me uh ah oh no they're coming for me give me the sword give me the sword for my master melan it's okay I have big muscles right now I'll kill them hey that wasn't too bad melon this is for herob bride Melanie we got to get out of here now Sunny knows my location for Hero Brine you cannot Escape oh no there's more dip melodyy we got to go no I got to get to Steve's he's got food that could last us months it's the only safe place on the entire Village what the heck happened to my melons melon for my master for Herobrine what is wrong with you son melon melon what the heck he already respawned oh no get me to Steve Steve Steve Steve we've got to hunker down Sunny's lost his mind and he has the curse he even got Melanie Steve that's not good he also already got sunshine Alex Bob and quale are you kidding me grab the weapons here we're the last hope I'm on it Steve give me these weapons oh yeah nothing like an assault rifle to take down a curse I got to barricade this entrance no sunnies are allowed in all right Steve we're nice and secured he thinks I can't get in here uh what is that melon Herobrine calls your name too one of us one of us no way eat lead you must come to the mansion of emeralds he calls for you he calls melan help us oh what's going on here Melanie sunshine Bob Alex quandell oh you guys okay Master I've brought him to you ah Sunny you don't have to do this you don't have to listen to your oine Yes master now melon mine the block I I I uh I don't want to no no I won't bring back my brother and my friends [Music] please yes we got got him good work everybody wait what what's going on here oh yeah melon that was just a prank what do you mean that was just a prank you're telling me everything here was orchestrated by you guys yeah pretty much none of this was real and check it out behind you you see her obri yeah that was just Steve the whole time yeah that was just Steve H yeah melon why do you think those bullets didn't work in my store they were fake and as for all of those effects that was my doing get pranked bro Melonie even you sorry melon I was told this was going to be a harmless prank I didn't think it was going to get this far oh yeah everyone played their part in this little charade and we pranked you perfectly because you're always acting so tough when we tell campfire stories but not tonight you were a total chicken you should have seen your face bro you were about to start crying I wasn't acting tough this is so ridiculous quandell was the one that was acting tough that's it that's that's it it's time for me to play a little prank on you Sunny wait Mel what are you doing why are you flying what's going on are you possessed by herob Brian no I'm going to annoy you for all of eternity oh no not these guys goats please press the like And subscribe button to get me out of this place these guys are so cursed and annoying much much much later bro we've been mining for ages are we going to ever find some diamonds bro speak of the devil check it out we've got diamonds no way but uh melon I don't think we should be going down here bro what are you talking about dude it's free diamonds bro this looks pretty suspicious like the diamonds are trying to trap us what are you even talking about bro I've got diamonds right melon there's a warden what the heck hey guys what's up melon did that Warden just talk to us uh Sunny you must be imagining things we got to get out out of here buddy talk to me I must eat you I must eat you now melon he's trying to eat US ah melon he wants to eat us run Sunny there's parkour don't mess this up or you'll be trapped here forever he's trying to eat me ow I slipped no I'm sorry sunny but I've got to save myself no melan come back I'm sorry hey uh hey little buddy hi I just wanted to play some tag that was really fun wait a second so you can talk yeah I'm much more advanced than the other wardens and friendlier wait a second you weren't trying to eat me no I just wanted to play tag bro next time you're playing tag be a little more gentle you're still really strong oh I'm sorry about that I don't get many visitors down here well it's nice to meet you Warden my name is sunny oh it's nice to meet you Sunny do you want a train to become a warden like me I must want warn you though it's very very rough training but if you complete it you'll get some cool powerups no way I can train to become a strong Warden like you yeah but it's going to take about 1 year and the only thing that worries me is most people I train end up crazy so hopefully you're tough enough for this of course I'm tough enough for this there's no way I'll go crazy thousands of Tears later yes yes I feel the power it flows through me um Sunny are you okay yes yes I'm feeling great better than ever thank you that completes your training here's your Warden heart and also remember you can use new powers like blinding people and turning invisible and some other cool stuff you'll figure that out later thank you Warden I'll come visit you again real soon oh that melon oh that melon's going to get it now that I've unlocked my Warden heart and superpowers I'm going to goats It's been a whole year since Sunny's died and now it's time to pay him tribute rest in peace sunny but on the bright side I've got the whole house to myself and I've made some pretty good progress check this out I've even got my whole hidden base I just got to go down here look at it it's filled with loot I'm pretty much the richest player in all of Minecraft and you're probably wondering why it's yellow well that's because it was Sunny's secret base but then once I found it I decided to make it mine plus he dead so who cares it's been a long day anyways I'm going to go check up with Quan and see how he's doing he's my new best friend there it is guys the old house I wonder if melon's home and I wonder if he's touched my stuff I swear I swear if he's touched my items oh wait what is this a he at least built me a gravestone with sunflowers and gold but I swear if he touched my stuff he's going to die he's going to pay for it see let me see let me see let me see oh no that looks like he's founded my secret elevator it used to be covered what does that smell ew smells like watermelons gross what is he doing he finds my secret base and then he makes it filthy that's it I'm destroying all these chests the power of the warden I can I can melt them yes they're all gone and now I think I'll replace them with these oh yes yes we'll see who gets the final laugh now taking my secret base and putting watermelons in it absolutely disgraceful and with my my Warden Powers it's time for me to go invisible yes now I wait goats check out this new doohickey kwale gave me I can't wait to store it in my treasure room I I don't really know what this is I think it's like kind of like some kind of Sword Contraption but either way it's awesome life is so peaceful now all I've got to do is go downstairs and enter Sunny's I mean my hidden base and okay the chests look a little strange why are they like not on the correct block axis and looking at the wall you know what it doesn't matter I'm rich who cares ah what is happening why are the chests chasing me chill chill die die you to hickey ow yes yes that is what you get melon all right guys I need some gear and I need to take out these mimics give me this iron and it's time to craft up some armor that's it I'm ready to take these mimics down die die why is it TNT what's going on what's going on no don't tell me don't tell me my hidden base is gone with all my loot no oh today's been way too depressing I just want to go to sleep and forget that anything ever happened ah yes it looks like melon's finally gone to sleep and I'm going to wish him sweet s Sweet Dreams just going to casually break into the old house and let's see I'm going to hide a jukebox right above his head and it's going to play some of the most ominous Tunes in Minecraft music dis 11 what's that sound what's going on I don't guys I don't like this I don't like this I got to run I got to run I got to sleep in quadel tonight I can't I can't deal with this guys it spooked him so much that he left the house he's going to go a sleepover atwal's look at him run away wait a second that gives me an idea I'm going to move this jukebox over to quand Del's quand can I please sleep over this scary music and and sounds coming from my house it's okay melon you can sleep over for the night thank you quondal I'll just head to the basement I'll sleep nice and cozy with the command blocks okay it looks like melon is sleeping downstairs in wand's house time for me to use my Warden super strength to break through and I'm in and quale is none the wiser look at that melon sleeping with the command blocks that fool I'll hide the note block back here oh no oh no the sound the music whatever that is it's back I don't like this I don't like this yes guys I scared him again I'm r ruining his sleep quand quand do you not hear that I told you I wasn't going crazy I don't hear anything melon you're just going insane I don't like this I don't like this um um I'm I'm going to go see if I can sleep over at at Steve's in the Target guys I used my Warden powers to teleport to Target I beat melon here and I placed some signs for him Steve Steve can I sleep melon melon me can you melon you will pay melon what is going on what is going on chill melon what are you talking about Steve do you not see these creepy signs bro what signs are you talking about the signs right here wait where are they Ah that's it guys I can't I can't tonight the only way I'll be safe is if I dig a one block hole and cover myself tomorrow I think it's about morning time now oh it is finally I could be at peace oh wait what time is it oh no oh no I'm going to miss my date with Melanie Melanie I'm so sorry I'm late it's okay melan you're always late um I'm really sorry about that I didn't mean to it's just I was getting haunted tonight and I didn't really sleep I actually dug a hole and stood standing up all night it sounds like you had a terrible night I'm so sorry I hope something like that doesn't happen to you again guys there he is it looks like melon's on a date with his girlfriend time for me to ruin that watch this I am going to curse him and blind him and I'll blind Melanie as well why not just got to Splash and sneak up on them yes oh Melanie you're just so beautiful guys that is cringe well at least I won't have to listen to that for much longer blind them uh what's going on why can't I see anything and guys watch this once melon's Vision Returns the first thing he'll see is this sign and then I lay the trap check it out out the emerald block will be right here and little will he know I will be right behind it ready to summon in his worst nightmare I can see again sorry Melanie I don't know what that was I didn't see either also why is there a sign here what go outside to the emerald block it's the answer you uh Melanie I think I should probably do what he says I don't know some ghost's been haunting me and I don't want to make him anym mad who has been doing this hello hello oh guys it worked melons at the emerald block I just need to use my Warden powers and go invisible excellent and watch this uh why is there a skull floating what is that what is that guys check it out what is happening what is that thing oh no oh no what is that nightmare has this been the thing that's haunting me ah why no guys it destroyed him no Melanie I'll save you oh no oh no this nightmare thing it's so close to Melanie what's it's dying what could possibly be killing that Abomination yes it's all mine the Scythe of a thousand deaths what's happening the structure it's despawning m Sunny how are you alive you thought you could just abandon me in the warden skull now I'll turn you into mulch no guys what's wrong with sunny he's absolutely insane and how is he even alive you run you coward I'll Feast upon Melanie no no no no Sunny get back here get back here Melanie melan guys I've got to find a way to stop him maybe quandel could cure him quandel we've got really really bad news bro what's wrong sunny sunny didn't die a year ago I don't know what happened there was a warden that could speak and he was with him and now he's back and he's absolutely crazy shcks I should have known this would happen the warden trained him and now he's lost his mind go to the basement I have a potion that can make him no longer a psycho thank you quel okay quel said it should just be right here sanity serum potion with this I could fix sunny and save my girlfriend Melanie sunny sunny don't touch her no no don't kill Melanie I can't die Sunny you can't kill me that easily what is going on why can't why can't she die what is this what is wrong with your girlfriend Sunny stop this right now what is happen B name Sunny are you back what do you mean am I back go outside the emerald block it's the answer you melon you got emeralds Sunny you're not trying to kill me why would I try and kill you bro you don't remember the last thing I remember we were exploring a m shaft looking for diamonds and then wait a second you abandoned me with a warden oh wait give me a second and yep let me just grab this and oh hey melon hey Sunny so what's the last thing you remember well we were at home playing video games watching skimy toilet and it was the best day ever Melanie why are you here wait why am I here don't worry about it sunny all that matters is that the viewers like And subscribe okay goats I've been thinking a lot about life lately and how I need to be more positive and embrace the gift of giving so today I want to be really generous and give my best pal melon something awesome awesome it's a brand new sports car in melon colors but first before I become such a good person I want to prank the heck out of him I've got to make melon's day miserable so that I could surprise him with his dream car melon melon I got something to tell you no sunny I have something to show you bro what are you doing on top of that Silo get up and in here sunny okay what's going on melon what is this place sit down sunny I want to show you something I call this animation the jumping dot wow isn't it beautiful super impressive animation melon that kind of looked more like a wiggling worm um no Sunny that's clearly a jumping dot what are you talking about it's parkouring off the wall and then it goes down yeah maybe more like a squiggly line I don't know about a jumping dot though no not a squiggly line it's a jumping dot bro your animation is trash and you should feel like trash better yet like compost you know what Sunny get out of here I didn't want to be in your stupid Silo anyways yeah scram scram make like a tree and leaf ow you almost killed me bro relax it's not that deep it is that deep Sunny don't ever make fun of my animation whatever melon I'm going to go spend the next 2 days with Grandma I'm tired of you yeah yeah whatever Sunny okay guys this is perfect he thinks I'm going to go spend the next 2 days with my grandma and he probably expects to have the house all to himself but really I'm going over to quand Del's to ask for some advice hey quale got any ideas of how I could troll Melon No Sunny of course I don't but I bet dondale does so go and check there good idea bro let me go see what Dale's up to Dale's Tower hello okay dondale I'm coming up uh it's kind of eerie here dondale dondale where are you ni dondale must have gone on vacation I don't see him anywhere but what does this little button do W secret cave okay that was awesome maybe Dale's in here H what's the passcode dang it dondale why didn't you leave me a note or something this is so annoying what did I just is fine there's a secret ghost block entrance that's so cool okay if dondale is not here I'm still going to have to check out his laboratory and look for some secret experiments I can use to prank melon what is this okay guys I got to be quick if I'm going to make it ah well I hope dondale has good insurance ah Dale's laboratory W what is this stuff yo is this a cake making machine yo bake me a cake it actually works give me give me givee givee give me m yummy wa what's this skin change terminal sounds pretty fun yeah let's give this a try maybe I could change my skin and troll melon just got to press the button ah I think it worked I think it worked wo I'm a pumpkin wait a second I think I can use this new skin to disguise myself and pretend to be melon's long lost twin brother the pumpkin oh I have the whole house to myself this is awesome I get to take down Sunny's Banner delete his bed and remove his carpet oh yeah there's too much yellow for this red room now before I go back into town guys I've got to choose a new voice so that I have the perfect disguise I think this sounds like melon's long lost twin brother yes hello there Mr quandel dingleberry look at me when I'm talking to you I said look at me so I heard my twin brother melon lives here twin I didn't know melon had a twin brother I do see the resemblance though yes he lives here nearby there's a house with a little Garden in front of it that's where he resides oh that's great news quelle and yeah of course I'm his twin it's been a long time since he's seen me though takes me way back to when we were Wee Little stems and that watermelon was always pooping himself turning everything in compost and fertilizer and it was really embarrassing we used to call him little melon pooping ton he'd always poop his pants and it smelled really bad got to add to the studio a little bit and now it's done let me add a little bit of tinkering here yeah yeah maybe add a little flickering effect that might might look good yeah we'll experiment with that but that's good for today time to go talk with quandel maybe he's got some advice to help make my animation even more beautiful yo quandel well okay quandel I'll see you later what a beautiful day in Minecraft oh hey there melon I your long lost twin brother pumpkin I don't have a brother wait what do you mean you don't have a brother of course you have a brother I don't think I have a brother yeah uh his name is uh pumpkin and then you have another brother named Sunny oh yeah sunny I forgot about him yeah yeah yeah anyways uh nice to meet you brother you have a good day guys I have absolutely no idea who that is hang on his brother what a weirdo anyways quale what's up yo kwale I've got this cool animation I want to show you maybe you've got some advice hey poopy pants did you come here to buy new underwear we ran out of stock what and please don't poop yourself inside the store the janitor is on holiday and I don't want to clean up your smelly melon poop what are you talking about quale stop being annoying just come to the studio okay melon pooping ton I know all about your embarrassing history don't call me that my name is melon what is where is all of this coming from quale you're being so weird your twin brother told me a lot about your stinky incidents from the past actually everyone in the village and Beyond knows that you pooped your pants what are you talking about everybody even this guy hey aren't you Mr stinky poop pants who poops in his pants it's not true I don't even know that guy you guys got to believe me yeah whatever Mr Poopman what the heck I got to go home all the villagers think I'm weird think I pooped everywhere and I'm a poopy pants Guy this is the worst day ever what are you doing here oh hey brother yes so I made a few decorative changes to your room I think you'll appreciate the renovations dude get this is my house as not your place and what the heck did you do to my room what the heck pumpkins everywhere and you destroyed my bed I hate pumpkins what are you doing what's wrong with you first you spread that fake rumor about me and now you mess up my bedroom I don't know what you're talking about fake rumors I just got to town bro I haven't even seen anyone yet what are you talking about corale told me everything oh yeah quandel he and I had a great chat about your childhood anyways we're family so you don't mind if I just kick back here here for a couple of days while I come through town no I I I actually do I do all right whatever you know what I can't be bothered right now I'm just going to go to sleep the next day whatever bro just stay here don't talk to anybody I'm going to go get quand and he's going to look at my epic animation and he's going to be so happy and impressed and then he's going to give me tons of diamonds wait a second guys did melon just say he's going to show quand his Animation Studio this looks like a job for pumpkin yes it's time to sabotage his Studio I've just got to go inside here and go beneath in the control room yo quand I made this really cool animation I was trying to tell you about it yesterday can you please check it out with me okay sure let's go check that out then melon or should I say Mr Poopy Pants don't call me that whatever quand let's just go and now I could shut it down quand it's just up here follow me hello melon I was just admiring your beautiful Animation Studio it's really cool isn't it pumpkin yeah it's awesome melon it's awesome from now on don't go in there without me okay it's very delicate and anything could mess up that Machinery so please be more careful in here this is my pride and joy anyway see you ow quand check out this beautiful animation I call it the jumping dot with the Press of this button let's go why is nothing happening why isn't anything happening hold on a second qu I'll be right back trust me it's going to be worth your time you're going to want to buy this for millions of diamonds it's going to be awesome just give me a second let me fix it what is wrong with this thing what is wrong with it what where's the Turning shaft oh this should fix it okay okay quandel quadel it's ready quadel quadel where are you that's a great one that's scub bag pumpkin I know he was behind this that's it I'm confronting him hey pumpkin hey pumpkin why did you sabotage my animation I have no idea what you're talking about anyways quandel where were we oh yes the cake and remember that time melon pooped his pet you know what you did don't you dare ignore me you came out of the animation machine and then moments later it's broken right before I'm going to show quandell and you also spread that rumor about me what's going on pumpkin those are dangerous accusations big man melon why don't you just take a chill pill and back off for a second I'm hanging with my bro quand chill melon pumpkin's a cool dude have some accountability once in a while why are you hating on him just because he's a better friend than you are are you kidding me quandel you're taking his side too that's it that's it I can't deal with this I need to take a nap I need to take a stress nap quandel I'm sorry about that guy anyways where where we at so the compost that time melon was eating compost for breakfast yeah a classic oh man that's hilarious ha anyway I got to get back to my shop now customers probably waiting for me oh man what an awesome day and melan's actually taking a stress nap right now so while he sleeps I might as well get up to no good just got to remove a couple of these oh yeah this is going to trigger him replace all the melons with pumpkins maybe a couple of carved Jack lanterns and maybe even some pumpkin bombs he's going to have to be really careful not to mess with these it's getting a little late I got to kiss my melons good night uh uh melons melons come over here wait my melons where are my melons why are they all pumpkins let's come back I know he's look there's even some melon pieces no no that's it that's it I've had it with this guy I'm going to break them all melon you've got to relax what would the villagers think of this massacre you deserve it you started this war you started what is wrong with you what have you done what is that Let There Be pumpkins and Halloween candy yum that's it this SC bag thinks he can destroy all my melons that's it I'm breaking all of his pumpkins oh these candies will be the perfect gift for my date Melanie what did you say you're trying to steal my girl now too that's the last straw pumpkin it's over for you you're dead melon melon relax relax quandel quandel get over here you're you're a dead pumpkin you're a dead fruit you're a dead produce I'll kill you I'll kill you I'll kill you stop it melon before I do something to you you know why cuz he spread fake rumors about me he broke my animation machine he blew up my melons blew up my house changed my room and now he's trying to steal my girl Melanie okay that's it melon you crossed the line the whole village has had enough of your shenanigans pumpkin is our friend and a cool guy and the only thing you've been doing since he arrived is accusing him of bad things and trying to harm his reputation well no more you're about to face serious consequences melon yeah I'm a good guy no he's not oh it's over for you melon we will get rid of you tomorrow morning you deserve it no no oh where am I today brothers and sisters we're going to have delicious roasted watermelon like no guys don't do this pumpkin you scumbag pumpkin hey vill please you don't have to do this it was actually just an innocent prank I'm actually Sunny I'm not pumpkin please please don't kill my brother melon we don't believe you you obviously lost your mind or you're trying to lie to us besides why would Sunny tell everyone that his brother poops his pants H yeah why would Sunny do that it's obvious guys it's freaking hilarious I'm sorry though I didn't mean for it to go this far you're lying pumpkin's a legend and a hero you're just trying to lie to us so you can save this watermelon well we won't let you stop us no no I'll prove it I'll prove it just give me 1 hour melon I'll be back I got to change back into my sunny skin uh hurry up bro guys I made it to Dale's Tower but I have to hurry I've got 45 minutes left to save melon come on come on hurry I got to get to the skin machine I'll have to build using my pumpkins for melon for melon yes the laboratory entrance okay now if I just program my skin stand inside the terminal and press the button I should transform back into sunny I think it worked my hand is yellow and I'm back to normal now I just got to take some water and get back to melon quickly come on come on I've got to hurry I've got to hurry I'm running out of time I only have 5 minutes to get back to the Village melon please be alive I'm so dehydrated oh all this smoke all the mo just left my body melon I'm here don't worry see villagers it was me I wasn't lying to you it's too late time for roasted watermelon ah what the heck the villagers why are they so angry that's it it's time for Plan B melon I'll out the fires help me sunny I'm trying I'm trying these villagers are crazy and get out of there melon we got to go we got to go melon follow me I uh I have something to show you I I actually prepared a gift for you to make up for all these pranks dude it better be like an awesome melon car or something or else it's over for you wao how'd you know wait it actually is really sunny I forgive you for everything that you've done Sunny this is just a cliff no melon this is the price of forgiveness W it's so beautiful sunny hop in ow melon what are you doing in the wall sorry about that sun let me just open these doors and oh wo whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what do you think you're doing that's my car what are you talking about this is my car no no this is your car this is my car are you kidding me today in Minecraft we went to visit our friend in the hospital uh Sunny this Hospital's kind of suspicious uh melon Dr long bottoms turned all the patients in the mutants goats we're surrounded if all of you press the like button at the same time you can help us defeat the mutants that was close we're saved thanks to you goats Alex what is it is everything okay no sunny it's not okay I'm so worried about Steve he got sick and went to the hospital but he's been there for over 2 weeks and no one knows when he's coming back can you please check on him yeah don't worry Alex we got you melon do you know where the hospital is um Alex do you know where the hospital is it's just down the road please get there fast and tell me where Steve is I'm so worried okay don't you worry we'll bring him some of your freshly baked bread let's go Sunny there's no time I'm right behind you bro let's get to this hospital and find Steve Sunny we've made it to the hopal wait are you sure this is the right place this is not called the hospital I'm pretty sure it's just a typo hny Steve Steve where are you or maybe people come here when they're all out of hope they get a refill at the hital ah I see what you did there sunny but this Hospital doesn't look like it's filled with a lot of hope there's no one here it kind of feels abandoned yeah this is a bit strange maybe they all went on vacation who knows Sunny we've just got to find Steve and deliver him some of this freshly baked bread hello anybody Here Sunny what is happening what was that bro it was like an earthquake uh I don't know we should probably get out of here bro the worst place you can be is in melan there's no way out there's Bedrock what the heck okay okay Through the Windows maybe Sunny what oh no this hospital it was a trap bro we've got to find a way out looks like there's an elevator but wait there's barriers we can't get in sunny sunny do you see this though check it out there's Redstone lamps maybe if we activate them it'll disable the barriers you're right bro let's try and figure out how to turn on each of these redstone lamp generators I'll check out this area of the hospital um I'll also check it out cuz I'm very scared oh whatever fine we'll stick together ooh what's in this room absolutely nothing that's what bro there's crafting tables come on there's got to be a clue around here somewhere ooh maybe this button by the pooper or this lever wait Sunny there's levers in there yeah something happened go check the Redstone lamps uh it's very strange that there's oh wait that's the bathroom Sunny yeah I know but there was a lever there's a lever here too I thought you were saying these were levers bro these are trip wires that are set up to be coat hangers for your jacket you're right sunny but for some reason they're not in this room but they're almost identical rooms why are they missing I don't know dude let's just keep looking there's a lot more hospital rooms come on there's got to be something yo this room's got levers wait wait wait this this is different Sunny this is different did you hear that yeah sounded like a door open wait sunny sunny flick them back down I'll look for that I feel like I'm hearing the sound okay listen closely I think it's in this iron door room no wait it is sunny it is okay I'll flick them again yes bro you opened some kind of secret passage hold up melon let me see this where'd you go where'd you go hello oh in here yo Sunny how are we going to get down there though carefully jono yeah melon do that Sunny no Sunny hey melon I'm back turns out my respawn Point got set to the hospital so even death won't help us Escape what the heck we're trapped here forever no no no melon not forever there's clearly an exit down here we just have to figure out a way to break our fall maybe if we could find some water somewhere or a hay bale dude there's got to be something well there's Barrels in here Sunny uh there's an analog lever that that could be useful for later perhaps but we don't even know what that means and sunny in this Barrel there's a water bucket okay that's perfect now melon I need you to do a clutch jump okay well Sunny before we do that check this out bro there's literally CT slab polished diorite and let's go chill okay okay clut that was just sad melon give me the bucket I'll show you how it's done fine I could do this let's go I placed it and still splattered well Sunny you did it you made a safe passage for me let's go my turn yes we've arrived Sunny it looks like there's two parkour options you want to take the left and I take the right sounds like a plan except I can't go to the left bro are you kidding me there's more invisible barriers yeah bro we're stuck here there's only one path we've got to get all the way around this I got this sunny oh you got this all right just a little further one head bumper yes I'm through you did it sunny now it's my turn to shine no no here melon grab this too slow well Sunny that would have been nice a little bit earlier it's fine bro now I can go all the way around this way and then flick that lever and it should open up this iron door here we we go oh oh big jumps let's go you did it sunny thank you yeah no problem I'm the real goat I know uh Sunny this next level looks like a two-player parkour no way all right you activate those pressure plates I'll make these jumps I Believe In You Sunny do it yes yes first try hey Sunny you missed the lever that was right there oh no all right all right hold that pressure plate hold that do hold on I'll get both at the same time Sunny thank you and now I'll grab that lever perfect then you're just going to have to let me just stand on both bro yeah there you go sunny all right go for it sunny why I didn't do anything you're just trash you know what you did Sunny what what did I do I don't know but you did something give me this lever and let's go excellent now one of us should open this door and one of us should hold on to their lever H nope we're going to have to use it right here Sunny yeah that makes sense actually wo what is this wait melon it looks like the first switch to disable one of the barriers that's blocking out the elevator you're right Sunny Ena the disa it worked I think cuz there was a really cool particle effect well we're going to have to check it out Sunny yo it worked one of the lights is enabled that's awesome now we just need to figure out how to enable the next two Redstone lamps okay sunny I say we split up to cover more ground I thought you were scared like a chicken NOP I'm not a chicken bro I've grown some melons and now I'm ready to explore on my own all right you have fun with that bro and I'll explore on my own too and I'll find the next generator yeah we'll see about that I'm telling you there's going to be like a secret ghost block or secret door or secret painting check everywhere melon ah melon I found something wao I just got teleported when I press that button uh melon melon can you hear me what is this place and melon can't even hear me oh no melon can't hear me guys uh hello what is this place and why does this patient looks so messed up this isn't Steve this guy looks so sick though hello sir sir I'm here to help wake up I'll get you out of this Hospital sir is everything okay ah ah this is curs this is curse he's after me oh no oh no I'm got to get out of this place and find Melon No no no where is he there he is levers levers ah oh no I got to make the jumps ah he's still after me what is wrong with this hospital this patient's psychotic oh no oh no I got to get out of here I've got to get out of here boat clutch maybe I lost him no he's still here I got to get out of here I've got to get out of here I have to warn melon about this y he's still behind me slime jump let's go oh no oh no he's right behind behind me oh boy laser beams he's still right behind me please do something yes I got him trapped what is this do no way no way he's suffocating in the gravel let's go and this lever it should enable one of the Redstone lamps to deactivate the barrier yes it actually worked we've got two of the Redstone lamps enabled and it teleported me back to the main hospital floor so that was convenient melon hey melon are you here bro I just escaped a crazy guy and enabled one of the Redstone generators hello meanwhile there's something off about this room I don't know what it is maybe it's the bed or something ah what the heck oh guys what is this why is there skulls everywhere and what the heck is that why is there a nurse here or a patient and why is he so bloody don't worry I'll save you get up wait why can't I hit him uh hello sir uh guys I don't like this I don't like this I got to go uh is he no he's chasing me got to do this parkour I got to do this parkour is he behind me oh no oh no dropp her Dro her oh surely he can't do that no what is this what is this a got to go I got to go he's not oh no he's smart enough guys this is not good he's still chasing me why who is this patient what does he want from me what is happening why is he breaking the cactuses oh no oh no he's going to hit me with the cactus go oh guys is he coming wait a second I think we lost him oh no he's still chasing me what the heck oh no oh no it's a dead end please please what the heck what do these levers do what do these levers do oh no yo I trapped him what does this one do it's lowering lava burn burn you villain let him cook and guys with the flick of this lever I'll enable one of the Redstone lamps let's go melon melon where are you Sunny I'm here bro I'm right behind you bro where did you go um so I was looking at this bed then I fell into a ghost block then I got chased by this evil doctor thing it was kind of creepy wait that happened to you too I got chased by an evil patient hey what the heck that happened to you as well yeah dude that guy was trying to kill me I had to do this insane parkour dude I had the exact same story well that's weird and I was even able to get one of these Redstone lamps turned on melon did you get the last one I guess I did does that mean the barriers are gone yes the elevator it works it's time to go up and by that I meant down and by that I meant up wo Sunny we've made it to the second floor what's up there it's time for us to relax and we should probably find Steve you're right Sunny maybe he's here somewhere Steve Steve hello melon check every room there's got to be a room with some patience in it hello Steve Steve have you found anything yet didn't sunny I I maybe I missed something wait a second what about this hallway hello melon I found a patient sir is everything okay in here dang it it's not Steve is somebody there ah I am in such pain I can barely speak or see yeah yeah yeah that's great I'm glad you're in pain and suffering and all that but what the heck is this place and who are you just get me a healing potion and I'll tell you everything uh Sunny do you see any healing potions around here I only see this locked chest um well let's go look for something there's got to be a healing potion around here somewhere it's a hospital Sunny this is insane I can't find any kind of barrel or chest anywhere sunny I found a barrel yo it's got a lingering potion of regen that's perfect it should cure the patient of all of his pain and then he can tell us what the heck's Happening Here you go sir I feel much better now thank you so much listen I only know that some evil doctor brought me here and I have been stuck here ever since you need four special levers to go up I have one lever along with armor and tools password is 1712 the rest are inside this Hospital hurry and save us okay sir thank you for that information and you even have some items for us let's see Yo melon check this out fiery armor set stakes and our first analog lever melon didn't you find an analog lever earlier yeah I did and I found some teleport exe blocks but remember we said we don't want to mess with the them because we might mess up the quantum mechanics of the universe and the time Rift and we might destroy Minecraft as we know it no no no I didn't say anything about a time Rift or the quantum Universe all I said is we don't know what they do so don't touch them but now we know we need four analog levers okay well I know where one is you have one which means there's only two left to find let's do this yo melon I found another analog lever we just need the last one and I'm about to grab the one we had earlier bada bing bada boom give me that analog lever oh come on there's got to be one around here somewhere in this little cauldron no Sunny are you sure we need these levers I'm pretty sure I can just go up it's not working dang it of course it's not going to work bro we have to turn on each of these Redstone lamps well at least crank them on right now Sunny just one more okay search and scour every single room yeah bro I was in the middle of searching until you interrupted me melon a chest please yes the last lever yes now we can go and save Steve going up let's do it Steve Steve where are you Steve was that you Steve oh no that's just a hamburger does look tasty though I swear I heard Steve he's around here somewhere Steve no way we actually found him Steve we're so sorry and Alex is really worried about you Sunny melon is that you I knew you'd come you need to save us Dr long bottoms kidnapped all of the patients and turned them into mutants you got to stop him that's who's behind all this evil melon it makes perfect sense we should have known you need to find the teleport exe block and use it to go to the secret room where Dr long bottoms is hiding please save everyone melon please tell me you have the teleport exe blocks no sunny I didn't mess with those because I didn't want to destroy the quantum mechanics of the universe okay that's fine at least tell me they're still in that Barrel downstairs yep they are Sunny let's go grab them I'm right behind you you and Steve we'll come back for you once we defeat Dr long bottoms Sunny they should just be inside this Barrel perfect give me one of those teleporters I got you bro and now melon all that's left to do is teleport let's go wa it's working it's working Dr long bottoms you're not going to get away with this of course I am you fools can't stop me I own this hospital now with my ultra powerful mutant patients you won't believe how strong they really are prepare to die dang it he always seems to get away what do you think he was talking about though prepare to die I don't know maybe he has dice somewhere multiple dice oh like we're going to roll dice and play board game like Monopoly probably uh sunny I think I know what he meant by prepare to die yep it's not Monopoly mutant wardens bro how let take them out take them out gross gross they're so gross ow sunny sunny they're too strong bro we got to get out of here no no we can take them we can take them are you sure sunny I don't know well I'm not I'm not exactly positive but I'm hoping we can I got to eat this steak bro they're not doing a lot of damage to me they're mostly concentrated on you yeah bro they're obliterating me my health is tanking sunny sunny ow ow bro this is not cool why do they want me dead so badly you'd be a way better mutant melon they're so close to death I can feel it what kind of mutant wardens are these just keep slicing slice ow ow you know what melon you're on your own I'm out of here bro run hey they can't get us up here ow no melon we got to kill them they're too strong they can kill us even while we're up there bro they can get us anywhere B's dead Sunny y we did it we defeated the ultimate mutant mob now melon what was Dr Long bottom stashing up here he has a piece of Bedrock Sunny how did he even do that no melon I'm pretty sure this is the Bedrock that's protecting the hospital and locking us all in oh you're right with the flick of this lever we'll disable it did you feel that it was like another earthquake yeah bro it must have worked and now what's in this chest oh it's health potions we can save Steve and all the other patients with these let's go and melon do you mind scooching a little bit I'm pretty sure there's a Teleport button behind you oh oh yeah yeah let's go Steve Steve we've got the regen potion y Steve please get better I feel amazing thank you guys so much uh Steve looks like you lost a bit of weight while you were in the hospital it looks like they stretched you out Steve yeah Dr long bottoms put me through the big stretchy machine but I kind of like my new height now well as long as you're happy Steve now let's get out of here let's go we did it melon we saved all the patients from the hospital yes we're hereo sunny and we ruined Dr Long Bottom's plans let's go and if you want to be a hero too just press the like And subscribe buttons today in Minecraft something really weird happened to Sunny hello melon I think I will eat this plain bread with nothing on it for breakfast what the heck he's so boring and emotionless today I tried everything to cheer him up even a roller coaster couldn't make him excited we have to save Sunny goats make sure you're subscribed and stick around until the end because we had to fight some insane monsters to get the antidote guys tonight it's the night while melon is sound asleep I'm going to go on an adventure you are so gross I don't know what he's doing in his sleep but it sounds disgusting bro he's talking in his sleep and he's snoring so weirdly whatever I need to focus up my plan tonight was to go on an adventure without melon I'm going to bring my diamond armor with me my precious precious diamonds and do we have any more diamonds uh ah there it is is my diamond pickaxe cuz tonight I'm going spelunking which means cave exploring and I just need to go to our local M shaft and descend into the depths oh this is going to be so awesome I'm going to find the greatest treasures ever hey good evening Bob looks like you're hard at work as usual oh hello Sunny what are you doing up so late uh you know me rise and grind sunny it's 2: in the morning you should be asleep yeah I'm on that new rock schedule start my day at 2: a.m. and I finish it at midnight 2 hours of sleep is plenty ah yep time to grind oh Melanie I love her so much I haven't found any diamonds yet guys oh what is this place this is both scary but exciting at the same time it's beckoning me calling me in oh what is this the treasure room of Legends but what the heck there's no treasure in here there's no diamonds anywhere I don't even see any emeralds and where's the chest there should have been a chest here what the heck guys There's No Loot a come on how is there no treasure secret chest wait these don't look like normal diamonds dark Diamonds oh I've got to have them this is actually very ordinary pretty boring if I'm being honest well I guess that's all for tonight time for me to head home and get some sleep it's it's really not healthy to only sleep 2 hours per night oh no I got home and the sun's already up unfortunately I won't be able to get any more rest tonight good morning melon I hope you slept well yo what's up Sunny wait why do you have full diamond armor I took it from our basement and I went on an adventure last night so that I could find some really cool treasure okay did you get cool treasure also why are you talking so weirdly I don't think I'm talking weirdly at all I'm talking very normally but to answer your question yes I did find some really cool treasure take a look you can hold one for yourself here are the other four these are called Dark diamonds some of the rarest in Minecraft bro give me all of them right now melon you need to calm down these dark diamonds are really rare guys he's not even responding to the fact that I punched him usually he hits me back or something uh Sunny are you okay bro I'm fine last night when I went treasure hunting I found this really suspicious dungeon that contained these dark diamond blocks I had a hunch that maybe they were like dark matter and they could have some adverse effects but they were so rare and legendary I could not pass them up so I brought them home okay well do you want to do something fun then no not really what you always want to do something fun that's it guys I'm going to make him do something fun on second thought melon I am having a lot of fun watching this cozy campfire is exhilarating Sunny that is like the lamest thing ever this is too sad guys I'm going to take him and we're going to do bouncy balls Sunny always loves playing with bouncy balls yo Sunny come outside I got to show you something very important okay melon I'm right behind you I'm going to need you to take this and then check it out bouncy balls melon I don't think this is a very good idea it's totally immature and for kids what you no this isn't for kids Sunny this is like your favorite thing no melon I'm pretty sure I'm not a fan of big bouncing balls you always love big bouncing balls all over the place you love bouncing on them and you love it when I throw them in your face you love being bouncing balls well melon not anymore I'm not quite as childish as the old days okay well I have something else you'll like if you don't like big bouncing balls all over your face can you please stop saying big bouncing balls all over your face that's very imature and could be potentially construed as quite sus well you know what's not sus an air balloon ride wow that does sound intriguing melon melon where did you go where are the hot air balloons oh there you are melon yeah Sunny I've got two air balloons prepped so I'm just going to go into yours yes and then I'll ride yours no no no no no Sunny red is also a very nice color what you think Red's a nice color that's actually how you feel well it's not about feelings colors are all the same they're all quite nice this is so weird guys Sunny is kind of being nice in this weird emotionless state that he's in Sunny do you have some coal to fly that thing yes this hot air balloon is nicely powered up I have an excellent view up here so you like it would you say you're having fun no I wouldn't call this fun what the heck guys I can't do anything to make this dude have fun there's one thing I know for sure will work Sunny we're heading to the theme park okay melon what's the theme of this park oh man this is sad the park is sad that sounds interesting we should totally go there look at this place Sunny isn't it so incredibly awesome it seems okay I guess guy doesn't enjoy anything okay well we'll see how you feel once you're on the ride here's the ride Sunny isn't she beautiful she's okay but the wait time is 69 hours that sounds like a lot of fun dude get on the ride we don't have any wait time Sunny because I bought out the whole park melon you're jumping over the lines you have to follow the path according to its layout not if you have a bouncing ball just take the bouncing ball and bounce please I can't I can't and I made it all right Sunny I'll let you take the first ride now before I jump in this Minecart melon is this supposed to be fun yes you're going to have a lot of fun Sunny because I'm not sure you realize this entire theme park is designed by the corporation Mega Giants whose only goal is to squeeze every dollar out of you D just just go in the mine cart and I'll press the button please I can't deal with you talking and go we waa this is really fun isn't that what the kids would say I guess guess so cuz they don't realize all of their money is being taken by the soulless corporate Mega giants into the dragon's mouth Sunny wasn't that so much fun no what do you mean that wasn't fun okay you know what I know what I can do that will make you have fun do you want to prank me not really that seems pretty immature you love pranking me sunny uh well do you want to play hide-and seek then not really melon I kind of like to go home now and look at the campfire guys there's definitely some something wrong with sunny all of his favorite things he used to love doing he doesn't even care for anymore and he sounds so soulless Sunny we got to talk to quale why would I want to talk to quand okay quale there's something really wrong with sunny what's wrong with him melon just talk to him and you'll know what I mean greetings quale my friend Watermelon Man wanted me to have a conversation with you I'm not really sure about what uh Hey Sunny you sound pretty odd feeling under the weather or something yes the weather today is very okay how aute of you to notice Mr Dingle anything else melon or can I leave now quandel what is wrong with him uh I can't say nothing yet but head to the scanner and I'll tell you if the computer can confirm my suspicions uh Sunny you can't leave yet you're going to have to follow me into his back room interesting I'm curious what he keeps in his secret back rooms facility now Sunny I'm going to need you to walk into that yellow scanner room right there whoa curious this is quite the spectacle it says the scan has been completed perfect now quand should be able to give you a diagnosis a diagnosis but I'm perfectly healthy no Sunny there's definitely something wrong with you just as I thought his emotions have been completely wiped out I know a place where you two can go to get them back though it won't be easy I will give you the coordinates now thank you so much quand we need to cure you Sunny follow me it's not going to be easy but we can make it work okay later oh what the heck is this place big man melon it looks like another one of those elevator blocks oh thank you Sunny that's actually very useful W it looks like this is some kind of Obby follow me sunny you just got to make the jumps accurately and it's actually not that hard when you do it great work melon man this is pretty easy uh Sunny you're very good at ladder jumps I think you should do this parkour first yes all of these jumps were quite simple shall I continue without you you should continue without me sunny wait hold on maybe I can use one of my big red bouncing balls and melon if you just want to climb up this wall you just had to ask wait what you can use a pickaxe in here but of course can't you no what the heck sunny I can't break any blocks in here interesting is this supposed to be challenging it feels quite easy Sunny this is very difficult I don't know what you're talking about dang it shall I wait yes wait for me sunny wait for me and jump there jump there I'm going to do it don't worry Sunny I'll save you and I've made it um H appears we've reached a dead end very observant melon however contrary to your observations I believe these are elevator blocks wait what you actually might be right wao where are we wao that was crazy I don't know what this place is these levers they must have something to do with these dark blocks wait a second they all turned back to normal the diamond blocks they're no longer dark diamond blocks what does that mean Mel I am so sad I just want to get some sleep please I'm so tired what Sunny's crying what the heck Sunny did you gain back the emotion of sadness bro just let me sleep yes it's actually making progress I mean I'm sorry Sunny that you're super sad but this is progress we're one step closer to restoring all your emotions back well can we please just finish restoring them all I want happiness all right Sunny just follow me we got to go down get me out of here please this is the yellow room I wonder what emotion yellow represents I'm so tired I just want to go home dude this version of Sunny is so annoying I kind of preferred when he had no [Music] emotions dude stop moping about Sonny we got to do this if you want to be happy again I'm trying my best let me home let me home Sunny how are you doing this so effectively appears there's barrier blocks and then we've made it and these are elevators now when I flick this lever it should turn this dark gold into normal gold and revealing I don't know what kind of emotion this is we're going to find out Sunny how you feeling buddy I feel amazing 2 hours of sleep and I'm a goat I'm so good at this game bro I'm the best I'm awesome oh hey melon guys I think the gold represents energy he's so energetic right now let's go let's go let's go oh I feel so happy I feel so alive I haven't felt like this in decades in centuries in Millennia woo let's go okay this is a step in the right direction but he's a little too crazy we got to calm him down goat mode goat mode goat mode yo chill chill you're going real fast right now shny chill you can't slow me down you can't slow me down I won't be stopped let's go I feel so good right now jump jump jump how are you doing this sunny how see you melon I got better places to be woo big jump baby and final jump yeah this looks crazy oh Nails it crushes it absolutely goed the barriers and the door combo they thought they could slow me down they were mistaken sunny sunny chill how do you do this door jump there's a barrier on the bottom of it you fool oh I knew that I knew that and come on melon you can do it I believe at you let's go let's go and congratulations melon we're moving on on y relaxed you almost killed me sorry I'm just so hyped up right now you got to learn to take a chill pill sometimes Sunny not possible not when you're on this type of a hot streak let's freaking go next elevator melon the next elevator I wonder where it goes wa these blocks they're calling for me yes I need them these blocks be part of me I hear sunny I got to hurry up final jump made it and sunny chill chill bro yes these blocks one of us one of us honestly guys I don't know if I should flick this lever well hopefully everything goes right byak uh Sunny bro how you feeling jealous envious angry yo chill chill chill you're going to kill me I got to get out of here chill Sunny relax guys he only has three emotions he's not stable yet I'm going to kill these things show yourselves calm down Sunny calm down Sunny this is a task you must face alone yeah cuz I'm going to kill you ow no relax calm down give me this loot give me this treasure barrier's in the way why why are their barriers stopping me sunny this is the ghost of melon you must defeat them their hearts are cold like mine my heart feels cold right now uh ghost of melon what's the deal kill them I'm going to kill them all die die but be careful Sunny beware beware what beware what of myself cuz I'm all powerful these things they probably turned me into this I'm a monster I'm an absolute demon die yes now give me the treasure Beware of the alpha yti why is he guarding the chest put me down put me down big bro you don't want this heat ow ow ow ow this is crazy this is actually crazy I'm totally jealous of him look at his big muscles he's so thick this is the ghost of melon take this and slay the alpha Yeti oh this it's going to give me ultimate power let's go you think you're so cool I'm going to harvest your soul and eat it for breakfast lunch and dinner get over here you get over here you big Goofy Yeti you're all mine oh yeah you're stuck in that wall now it doesn't feel so good huh and now you're finished you're finished yes bow down to your king that's me and die what did he drop wait a second he stole the treasure from earlier this must be it emotion bottle ghost of melons past should I use this or should I stay goed sunny you must use it quickly or you're going to die and become like me a ghost what happened where am I oh melon what happened to you oh I just took an invisibility potion and pretended I was a ghost and why would you do that because you lost all your emotions killed me and then I had to manipulate you emotionally so you would kill this Alpha Yeti and drink this potion and get your emotions back seems fair enough to me high five no chill and if you all want a high five just press the like And subscribe button let's go today in Minecraft Sunny won't stop annoying me hey melon I replaced all the watermelons in your garden with poop ah Sunny that's it goats I'm going to leave the server wait no no no melon please don't goats please put crying emojis in the comments if you don't want melon to leave forever beautiful day to listen to some music let's see here Mello e why is that On the Sunny Side get that out of there or chirp yeah let's listen to some chirp beautiful so relaxing I could just sit back and enjoy today all by myself although I do kind of wonder what melons has been up to I haven't seen him in a few hours and I think one more melon right here maybe melon here melon there melon here and the final melon my new house is beautiful it's so nice to get away from sunny it's a little tiny but it does the trick I guess it's time to show it off to Sunny a little bit Sunny hey Sunny wait why am I hearing melon's voice he sounds so far away uh melon melon where are you get out here right now dy I want to show you my new house yo I see you on top of the mountain yo come up here sunny I want to show you something you're pretty far up there just give me a minute hurry up Sunny hurry up I want to show off my new cottage retreat AKA my new house wait what this is where you've been all day you've been building a new melon house yeah isn't it awesome bro look it got the melon path that goes inside and it's just big enough for one person bro what's your problem I thought you liked our house we used to hang out every day listen to music play video games wait a second you even have your own cake yeah sunny I had to move out because somebody hey hey hey what are you doing no it's my cake because somebody eats all the cake every single day I couldn't stand it anymore Sunny hey it's not my fault my stomach is so thick Sunny you're just fat bro that's not nice and you know what what else is not nice the fact that you think you could just have your own little vacation getaway place and not even invite me that's too bad sunny I was just trying to flex on you now get out of here yo What's your deal Mel why why leave leave you eat all the cake and play Bad music get out of here hey chill my music tastes is Flawless guys I don't understand why melon's being so mean it's not like I eat all the cake every day and break break watermelons oh wait I do kind of do that don't I anyways it's still not cool that he ditched me and made his own little vacation house so now I'm going to go visit quandell and see if he can help me prank melon just a little bit guale quandel dingleberry I've got an idea but I need your help yes what is it sunny so melon made this new vacation home so he could get away from me and it's not very nice so I want to set up a little treasure hunt that leads him to a booby trap that'll blow up his new home all right I'll help yeah you can help oh that's perfect I got a bunch of steaks right here I thought you were a vegetarian or a vegan or something but yeah you could enjoy those perfect quand Del I'll lead him on the trail and then he'll end up upstairs above your shop where he'll find the diamond TNT except it's just a normal TNT and it'll explode his house let's go now all I need to do is get melons attention melon melon melon melon melon what do you want sunny I knew that would get your attention uh so I feel really bad about you wanting to ditch our house and make your own place on the mountain side so I did something really nice for you I made a treasure hunt wait you did that's so awesome okay where do I start shny what do I start with just inside of our house I placed the first clue wait no no no no no I want it to be in a riddle tell me in a riddle okay the house is gray and inside there's a barrel that's not gray wo that is so ridly I know I know good luck figuring it out I think it's in a barrel that's not gray something tells me well good luck with that okay okay Barrel that's not gray no not in there not in there uh I don't see it anywhere in here Sunny oh uh yeah silly me it's uh hold on give me a second yeah it's it's right here just check the front door it's right there Sunny you just placed this barrel down this is not a very fun treasure hunt I don't know bro it seemed pretty challenging ooh a book I wonder where this came from search for a tree near the house where a hint of gold may catch your eye wait what there's a tree near the house with gold that doesn't make sense trees are brown and green yeah but this tree's got a lot of monies in it it's got that money that golden money is it this tree no I would have seen it is it this one wait there is gold in this tree I found it wait what is this the prize do I just get gold blocks that's kind of lame no no no that's only the first step of the treasure hunt where do you think the treasure would lie below uh below below I found something wo this is a weird looking chest yo I've got a map the heck bro x marks the spot where the heck is this though this is so far yeah but the reward will totally be worth it my long journey now commences travel the lands good luck Mr melon you must travel far and wide to get the treasure that you desire I don't know if I'm going the right way hey this actually really isn't even that far I'm almost there just right here I found it I got a red banner this is awesome Sonny this is the best gift I could have ever asked for that was a good treasure hunt Melon No treasure is always beneath the ground it's never just on top that was to help Mark the location so your small brain could find it oh I understand yo another chest a book and quill I see what does it say it says Ascend to the heights of quand Del's shop where your quest shall clate with the for discovery of the final chest I got to go to quand now you're on the last clue bro you're about to get rich yes I'm going to be so much money I'm going to be so much money and then I'm going to buy your house and make you homeless yes it's going to be great well then I'd have a lot of money if you bought it no you'd be homeless I'd buy it from quand hey hey hey melon hey melon say it again no Sunny what is wrong with you stop this right now or I'll kill you okay I've stopped now hurry up and find the last clue end to the heights of co wait is it on his shop on top of it or is it like right here it's on top of it spoiler oh it's it's on top okay okay I don't know what was in that chest that was weird okay just got to do some Parkour ow ow my ankles hey don't worry let me help you with that there you go and then it's like boom bada bing scosi oh is this the final hint is this the treasure chest wo Diamond TNT and a quill what does it say warning it must be inside your house to work I'm going to be so rich I'm going to have so many diamonds this is going to be awesome got to head to my house now yes yes out my ankles yes I made it home now all I've got to do is place my diamond TNT down and pressure plate and I'm going to become rich Yes Yes W what the heck what happened to my house yo Mel you fell for it look at your house look at your stupid vacation house now it's made of so many Diamonds oh look at his little bell oh look how rich he is now what is wrong with you Sunny I'm tired of your pranks that's it that's it I'm done with this stupid server I'm out of here see you never Sunny wait wait melon come back come back I'm sorry okay fine do you have like my house remade or something oh no I don't have anything nice for you I just wanted to tell you you know how you said I'd be homeless now the tables have turned let's go what that's it no I'm out I'm out I'm out for good you'll never see me again that's it sunny uh guys do you think he's serious did Melon really just leave the server I'm so tired of Sunny always pranking Me Maybe quandel has some way to help me get him back I mean he's the one that always helps Sunny prank me quale I'm tired of you helping Sunny this time you're going to help me I need to get revenge wait he actually blew up your house qu give me something to prank him oh oh we'll kill you okay okay go look in the chest and use those items wait this I looked at this earlier wa a more per her device quand I don't think you know how to spell this is supposed to say more potions of invisibility yes I'm going to find out everything about sunny and then I'm going to prank him in the worst way imaginable first I got to go invisible 3 days later it's been so boring without melon on the server I haven't seen him in days I really hope he comes back H whatever though at least I still have quand guys Sunny doesn't realize I can hear everything he's saying hey quale it's getting kind of boring on this game do you have anything fun I can do yeah I actually do in fact I have this crazy obstacle course that I need someone to test out for me oh that sounds so fun let's do it who needs Mel in anyways I got quand the real goat quand I just listened to your whole conversation and you're going to do me a favor you're going to stay right here and I'm going to morph into you H I have no idea it's going to be pretty good right quand yeah dude that's going to be so funny and it's time to morph it worked look now I have become guale this is perfect oh this obstacle course looks epic oh wait what qu what are you doing here oh you want to compete against me oh this is going to be awesome quand hey chill quondo you're going down just got to climb up this big old ladder and then I'm going to have the fastest speed run in Minecraft hey quondo you look kind of stupid right now by the way you're all red I think he's embarrassed cuz he knows he's going to lose me I'm not embarrassed I'm going to destroy you Sunny yeah we'll see about that let the games begin yo quel chill okay okay okay I can do this I can do this I just break through all the snow blocks do a little bit of Parkour I can easily win this challenge oh I'm the goat I'm the goat guys I'm popping off as quand dude quand Del's op he can one shot all of these blocks oh I'm so lost oh I'm so lost what is this maze quandel I just saw him I just saw him get back here what is this wa this place looks crazy a wo I'm on top of the world and now I can cheese the rest of the levels Let's Go goat mode wait no I went backwards okay I see the Finish Line it's right over there come on I could totally win this wait quandel how is quandel already up there guys I absolutely destroyed sunny and now his ego is demolished prank number one successful I don't understand how do he get through all these obstacles so much more quickly than me I was even cheating dang you quale okay kwale you think you're such a wise guy beating me in the obstacle course well how about let's see who's the fastest on this racetrack no problem Sunny I'll totally destroy you here like all the previous times cuz I'm the bigger goat yeah we'll see about that dib's on the red car over there yeah let the race begin in 3 2 1 go oh yeah I forgot to start my car see you no no just three laps to go and I'll be the goat guys I can do this I just got to cut the corners I had a bad start forgot you had to start the car to actually make it go yep almost one lap completed I'm zooming in my little box car oh Check It Out shortcut short cut oh yeah oh yeah oh wait no no no this is bad I just crashed I just crashed see you later loser wait how did quand pass me no no no get back here wait quandel is underground right now this is looking sus skirt oh oh see no he just stalled my car ha yes I use my car stalling device it's okay I can still catch him there's one lap left come on come on what the heck what did he do to me I activated my time stopping device guys I'm actually going to win final lap yes Sunny losing he won't know how to control himself come on there's got to be a way I could catch him doesn't this thing go any faster guys I'm going to wait till the last second to cross the finish line I see him there's quandell I can still win no far worse than me in every single way Sunny you can never compete with me fine quandel I'll admit it you're the goat you win okay guys Sunny has no idea it was me but he just called me the goat I'm out of here quandel you win the day is yours and I'm going to go cry myself to sleep over here somewhere uh see you later loser it's getting a bit dull around here without melon so it's time to spice up my life Jetpack engaged yes I'm doing jetpack mining this is the way of the future look at how cool this thing is now I just got to find myself some diamonds down here ooh gold let's grab this yes I'm literally living in the future now where are the diamonds even better than diamonds rainbow ore it's so precious and colorful and beautiful come to me I have it the rainbow God ore okay guys I used my rainbow God or to create this godsword and overpowered armor now it's time to take on this wretched Warden stronghold this dungeon looks epic I don't really know why there's little bats been following me around too oh but he's so cute oh look at this little guy oh come over here give me a little hug yeah so cute stupid Sunny he's trying to hit me and he thinks it's cute but it really hurts now let's see these wardens come out and play you cowards where are you oh I hear them I hear them that was so weird I'm just going to take these items in the meantime no regen ooh Swift sneak that sounds nice I got my favorite music disc cat oh so precious I don't think Sunny knows what he's messing with Warden are crazy strong oh that doesn't look good let's see there's got to be some more loot skis around here somewhere uh-oh that's a lot of noise is playing with something he doesn't quite understand guys my game just got really dark yo this place is so cool now where's the chest I want some loot another chest yes I need it guys there's a giant warden in here ew go away you don't want this you don't want this die oh I'm so strong I'm actually op let me eat an apple wait there's more what the heck where did these guys come from die die die there's so many what is this place it's so cursed it's so cursed I just wanted the chest loot H guys there's so many wardens what is happening this isn't some normal ancient city this is insane get me out no way I got obliterated look at Sunny he got destroyed I should probably get out of here though this is really scary uh guys I don't think I want to mess with those wardens anymore it cost me my life I want to do something more peaceful I'm thinking I build myself a classic something that melon and I used to love doing together a nice big water slide and I think I have just the spot for it right here it's perfect yes now all I got to do is go down the water slide and it's going to be so much fun guys look at this awesome water slide Sunny made for me it's time to become a fish Alakazam kazoo oh guys I'm a literal slamming right now this is so weird just to slamming doing slamming things and I'm almost at the top of the water slide I can't wait to ride this it's going to be just like the good old days it's perfect now I just got to grab a boat and go for the ride of my life life this is going to be so awesome wait why is there a salmon up here it just stole my boat what the heck get back here I have never seen something so cursed in all of Minecraft guys I just stole his boat as a salmon what is happening that's it I'm grabbing another boat this is so glitchy it's time to ride out W ah I'm losing control guys I barely survived that why is there a floating salmon am I imagining this I feel like I hit my head really hard on the way down or something I swear a salmon just flew past me it was probably nothing guys I actually really miss melon Minecraft just isn't the same without him quandell please I really need your help this is serious melon quit the server and he hasn't come back I need to do something special in order to make him relog well if he's so upset with you why don't you make him something special like a nice melon themed build you know pondale you're a genius there's just one problem I'm really bad at building wait you have a solution yeah it's called The Dream build TNT when you light it up it can create anything you want wandale you're my hero melon's going to be back in no time dream build TNT and a flint Ed steel for me if I'm going to win melon back I have to use this dreamu TNT at a place of significance a place that could show my sincerity to melon a place at which I once destroyed his melon house his Cottage on the Mountaintop I will now build the ultimate melon Shrine in his honor and then hopefully he'll come back to the server so let's just place it right here get the flint and steel and light it up it worked it's perfect there's no way melon will still be upset with me I've created the ultimate melon farm the view from up here is beautiful you can see our house you can see the flying salmon I really must have hit my head super hard when I fell off that water slide ah wait melon yeah hny I got to tell you something I never left I really appreciate this build you made for me I just wish uh there was one thing different about it you weren't on it ow chill melon you could have killed me I have one heart left it's time for you to leave the server wait what are you holding melon Get Wrecked now I haven't even even more awesome home yo I can't press respond what's going on my game crashed yes the servers all mine and that subscribe button should be all yours click it right now
Channel: Sunny
Views: 433,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: b7Aa97u7h5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 6sec (5766 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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