Using Plugins With The X32 Mixers Part 2

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[Music] hi my name's steve christiano and i'm with gadget media today we're going to take a look at the x32 and how to send signals out to a daw and then back in so that you can use extra processing like waves or plug-in alliance or any plug-ins that you might have over there that you like all right so it's really two parts first part is the console and how do we get the signals to go out and back in again so let's look at that first the first thing we're going to do is come over here to the routing page like that and if we use our arrow keys and go over here to inputs these are the sources that are coming into each channel okay so we're just going to focus on a couple of channels today because it would be the same no matter how many you want to use so the first eight channels on this console right now are pulling from a digital snake on aes50a channel one through eight they're backstage they have a bunch of wireless units and stuff plugged into them on most people if you're not using a digital snake this will be set to local one through eight which are all of the plugs on the back of the unit okay so the first thing we have to do is um we need to know what channels we're going to be using so we can figure out where that source is coming from so if we look at the regular channels here today we're going to be using this channel 5 which is just a wireless mic here for testing so if we look on it right now this is channel 5 and it has a little a right there which on my console means it's coming from aes50a yours will probably not have that if you're getting your signals from the local inputs okay so now that we know where we're getting our signal from we have to send that source out to the computer okay so the easy way to do this because i may not want to do all of these okay i could come down here and just say take all of your inputs from the card but i don't want to do that because some of these i'll want to go out and some of those i don't so instead we're going to use the user ins and outs because that allows us to make one-to-one changes to whatever we want individually so if we use our arrow keys and go across our tabs to user out we can see that we've got a bunch of options there so one thing i forgot i'm sorry we'll go back over to our inputs and now our channel once right on the console instead of coming from here we're going to scroll down and have it come from not card card would be the usb's we're going to take user in one through eight okay so now when we go over to our user section right there and we see we're on inputs so uh we have one two three four five six seven eight these are now the first eight channels on the console number five is the one that i'm using right now i'll come down to n5 and instead of being aes 50 i'm gonna have it come from card five okay so when the computer is done and it sends it out over usb which is the card it'll now come directly in here now we need to send that signal out so uh still in user outs we're going to go to output by pressing that and then out number five is going to be aes55 okay so we can see that that's how it's selected right now so this is the sound source for that channel this is where that channel was getting its sound if you were plugging directly in the back that would say you'd go to local in and choose you know whatever hole you're plugged into there okay so now [Music] it's really easy to get lost doing this so take your time think it through so now we have uh the original source going out on on usb5 and then we have whatever's coming back from usb5 going into the channel five on the console so now let's look at what we have to do on the computer so what i'm using right here this is studio one version five and this one is really nice because not only is it a great dw really easy to use it has a new function called show and show allows you to do things in real time for when you're actually playing out live it allows you to use tracks and things that you've created or other tracks as backing tracks or you can process live inputs like we're going to do here you can also use it for virtual instruments so if you have a keyboard and you want some better sounds you can use to do that all at the same time in addition however you have it set up you can have it set up for multiple songs so as you go to the next song it'll change everything instantly for you but let's just look at one thing right now here so in the players column we're gonna click plus and it's asking me what kind of player do i want we're going to use uh this one says aux it says real instrument so this is a live input that's what that means and we can name it and i'll just call it vocal and we'll call it vocal five since it's five on the console i only need one of them i am going to turn off this preset on studio one there are a bunch of preset combinations of effects and eqs and all kinds of things already made for you that you could choose for that for us right now we're just going to go no preset so it's asking me where do i want to take the signal from i want it from usb5 because that's where i sent it on the x32 and i'm going to return it to sub5 now in the setup for studio one i told it sub5 goes out usb5 we can show you how that's configured a little later but this sets the whole thing up like this so there we go and now we're seeing this here we can see our inputs 5 and our output is sub five we wanna see more information we can come down to the bottom here where it says mix and it'll open a little bit more of a traditional mixer window now let's see if we're actually getting some signal in there a [Music] my voice uh i'm talking on the wireless mic and it's uh coming into the console it's coming out here we can see our input level and then it's returning back to the console and you can probably hear it coming through the pa now just to prove that that's happening if i mute this here it stops the signal from coming you're not going to get anything if i unmute it in the computer well there it is so now anything that i do to this here is going to come out live so there's a couple of ways to add effects in studio one you can insert it here so i can hit this little plus and then use whatever you want so if i wanted to put a like an ssl compressor i have one from waves and there's also a whole another channel there to find it wave so i have a bunch of things that i'm using from waves one of them by the way is this really cool um epic plug-in for um [Music] effects made by chris lord algae and it's called epic oddly enough so i want the mono one so now it's going to open that up and now it should be processing you can actually hear a little bit of slapback echo so now it's processing through this effect [Music] and you go ahead and set it up however you want [Music] now normally for a vocal i probably wouldn't do a reverb as an insert i would do it as a send effect just like in the console just like you guys are used to analog consoles so let me take this out come down here right click on it go to [Music] my glasses there's remove okay so it's no longer in the signal path so instead i want to send it to an effect and then return it okay so there are sends on here as well i'll click plus add an effects channel it built me in the channel and already sent a certain amount to it we'll put that effect in here [Music] okay so that is set into that effects button because it's on an effects bus i will make this 100 so one thing that we're not hearing is any effect this send is sending it to here we can see the input level and output level but the return of this you can see is set to main we don't want that we want to set it back to the same sub group here which will output it through the same usb channel and there it is so we have it now we have individual control over over that effect here just makes it a little easier to blend it the way you want it and so you could do this with as many channels as you like and whatever kind of effects you like and then you save that as a song and then you can move on and continue to change them up to be whatever you want as you move from song to song it will change for you and a good thing about the personas is that it preloads all the effects so that when you go from song to song you're not waiting for these plugins to spin up there they're going to be there and so could you real quick go to the uh sound card setup where you put channels in just so that they know that it's a one-to-one so if you have in this case we're only using 16 inputs and you've got 16 outputs and they're all mapped the same way whatever daw you're using that's what you're going to want to do i mean i don't know if we want to take a time to show them that but that's awesome i'll show you where it is here in studio one um it may be different probably will be different in your daw your daw but we'll give it a shot so here we're going to go back to our start page this is the page that you come up with when you first start up studio one where you can choose projects that you're working on etc down here is where you choose what audio interface you want to use i'm using x usb that's the name of the usb card that's in the x32 we pop that open you can see that my input and output device um are set to that and then the other thing while you're here is it look at the device block rate oh sorry yeah so you want to be able to mess around with that so that you're not to reduce latency is to play with that sample rate so that you're getting the effects process you want but you're not creating so much latency on it that uh it you're getting a lot of delay too much delay yeah yeah latency is just the amount of time it takes to process and return the signal there's always going to be a little bit uh the question is will you hear it or not because they can be in the millisecond range where you never actually hear it right and yeah so this is how many samples it takes for this thing to process something and you can change that so just like with anything uh you know tech related it's a balance the smaller the number of samples the lower the latency the less you hear it but the more horsepower it takes from your computer so if you've got a computer with a decent amount of horsepower you can lower this you know down to ridiculously slow rates now if it starts hanging up or making clicking or weird noises then you're going to need to increase it right this was just the standard amount that's on here i haven't had a chance to play with that's optimum for this laptop yet but yeah that's a really good point also i'm using the sample rate that the x32 is using so most of them are set to either 441 or 48 i'm using 48 which by the way is a better thing to use for digital video so if you were streaming this you'd want to be at 40. you might want to be a 48 especially if you're feeding the sound digitally into your streaming whatever streaming software so uh the setup that we're talking about come down here to um show setup and click it and now i have a set of inputs and outputs so what this is saying is for uh my inputs that are available to me in studio one which usb input do i want to take it from so by one to one we're meaning i'm using input one from usb one input two or track two from usb2 etc etc and then for the output part this is where the magic is i've created all these subgroups or subs they call them and each one of those is fed to a specific usb output so sub 1 leads to usb 1 sub 2 beats the usb 2 etc etc so that when we're in the software or in the mix portion we can tell it or in the show portion we can tell it come in on usb whatever and we know that that's going to be the same channel number and we can tell it go out sub whatever and then that's going to be the same usb number it just makes it a little easier to finish the routing on the console [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Dana Tucker
Views: 560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Podcasting with Reaper, Reaper DAW, Podcasting, Free Podcasting Course, Audio Books, ACX Training, ACX, Home Studio, Home Recording, Remote Recording
Id: 65p6aR4q40I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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