Using RAINBOW FRIENDS Hacks To CHEAT in Roblox!

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about being kidnapped by the rainbow friend and my friends must find me for what they don't realize is that one of these rainbow friends is actually me I believe I hacked the game to be blood okay guys just a little farther here's where you take the law oh what's that what's going on over there I can't see the box I can't see anything no no no no no no it's blue oh hold still yeah but the color Blue's great hold on let me let me see about this it's not even moving look yes he's fine hi oh what a big adorable creep look at this little fella it's the game broke into something I don't hate moving yeah okay he's sitting there menacingly oh he's just oh yeah let me clean that up a little bit for you fella hey look oh I I think I made a new friend today guys yours don't get too close oh yeah the letters letters here oh you guys go I'll catch up okay [Music] okay big buddy all right so uh my name is Pierce whoa oh okay hi hi hi hi hello hello hi whoa you are quick oh my goodness you moved fast for a big guy okay uh hey uh but my friends and I were just looking for some like letter blocks uh you you wanna maybe come help me uh deal with that don't eat me if you want to help okay let's Go whoo all right uh let's see here where did they go maybe up here oh this is kind of spooky I don't know about this so yeah mine is Pierce uh the the one and green is Kim and the one in Orange is noise and they're all gonna be your best friends now because you are very nice and sweet and I love you very much guys oh okay so this is my friend blue and he said uh that where he's gonna help us find the letters huh half out [Music] don't worry we're gonna fight her um I'm not sure because we're friends how dare you assume that just because the rainbow friend that you're gonna hurt people we're best buddies we're gonna get tacos later I don't know I just I was Dyson they were nice back oh that's super sweet maybe you should team up with somebody to like find me please I don't need them yeah yeah yeah yeah of course let's go let's go together let's uh let's find out over here okay maybe she's over here I guess okay I don't lose coming with us yeah see everything's great oh there's a bunch of tools in here maybe we could use those hot blue wow I can't pick him any Tulsa oh hey blue uh yeah I'm still trying to find my friend in the lighters and stuff but I can't hey uh did you see where annoy went oh okay yeah no I can't stop like him uh I'm sure we'll find him later uh let's see here oh hey kid uh there you are have you seen doy we were just gonna look for an app out and then he disappeared that Rascal oh no I haven't seen him okay well uh you want to stick together [Music] blue is being very helpful but you are not check over here okay okay I'm gonna go over here uh let's see here here nah unless she's Locker I I don't think I see her over here hey uh wait where where did Kim go uh huh oh you said you said my name sort of in that we're friends we are friends aren't we so Pizza yeah no no friends love sharing Pizza no I wait once we get out of here we can definitely get some pizza together that's what you want the Blue Book they said friends and pizza which is hard too buy two favorite things is whoa whoa oh uh Hey blue where are you going oh how about I'm blue says there's a pizza party over here why not but I want pizza wait it's those this don't look like pizza I haven't seen where's the pizza got him guys wow but yeah pretty sure no oh that's green oh oh okay give so the big thing is green can't see you so as long as as we don't make it a lot of sound then we should be okay okay can you describe where you might be what does it look like um well it's all dark and I can't see anything uh maybe she said okay let's think like a box yeah try to open the box now what do you guys said oh be the Box it's gonna be okay Kim just be careful oh don't make noise see see green is fine guys as long as we're quiet it's gonna be okay are you sure about that I mean something weird was going on Blue was really sassing that last round absolutely yeah Pizza party and then I think there was some uh hey you know what I do like like pizza sometimes yeah but I don't want to be turned into sausage interesting I mean you guys should be very careful around green what what what why about greed I'm not sure but uh maybe you should be really careful oh no no no no no no no no no no no um that sounds terrible are you guys okay uh Pierce is kind of gone oh I'm fine gone gone I'm sure he's around here somewhere it's not being so dramatic noise well you guys may want to be careful you know Green may not be able to see you but I'm sure he could hear you ah careful is my middle name um no I don't know yes Easy A guitar you what the green is fine that doesn't sound fine uh Kim did you get too close to Green Green is definitely not fine oh and he coming are you guys gonna say it's just me now no no no no no no find food gotta find food well no you're my only hope oh no it is very hard to be quiet when the thing is scary as heck that green is very not okay [Music] okay um no way are you [Applause] that was great whoa whoa whoa what's that uh oh that's the orange alarm oh there he is guys I study this movements he's only gonna go chase us on a path oh okay [Music] okay about the Rocks surely the path is not on the Rocks uh I'm going back down okay hi epic move up here I have the height Advantage something anymore come on guys let's get out of here I'm working on it no no no no no no no no no no no no just always pull me down oh have you considered saving yourself I've tried okay I'm lazy and I want McDonald's [Music] is really cute now [Music] hey everyone's gone get the lights nice I'll get it once I survive huh oh good nice wow yeah yeah [Music] it fit me oh guys I think you've unleashed something horrible on the server what could be more horrible that we've already experienced that foul really um I hear something [Music] I think it's purple purple guys heck ain't Benton right now are you kidding me purple would probably only show up if like I don't know there was a hack on this one right I don't know I don't think anybody would do that that sounds dumb yeah I agree this is a very unique round guys I don't know what to do but all I know that if I leave we can't make more Roblox check out the theater [Music] okay so if purple can get out of the vent does that mean we can vent oh good idea let's go hide some vents yeah wait I can't I'm too big I know it'll be hard for you but you need to be suspierce how dang Asus as I can maybe purple won't get me if I'm in the Box wait Kim Kim ah that didn't sound okay nobody's home nobody's home you can't see me I am in here uh the windmill is closed for today sir you'll have to come back tomorrow wait no no um annoy please live I'm trying to come on box don't let me down now um unbox do me a solid do me a solid a metal solid what guys come on it's just purple it's like grape juice purple's like a snake a snake maybe maybe that'll be the end of the round I mean you've been advancing maybe I will get out of here and nothing bad will happen nice [Music] eaten by the monsters oh guys guys there's something really weird going on right now I'm gonna be any weirder than what happened the last four rounds guys it's really weird this time I don't know man what do you mean it's weird describe it here's who's your word uh well is that is that a good description yeah that sounded about right is it like a glitch blue wow it's actually really spot on how'd you know I [Applause] uh is the glitch blue the same thing as the disco ball blue that just walked by uh yes yes disco ball glitch blue stuff of nightmares yeah all this seems to click yeah thank you [Music] thankfully has not spotted me in my pod hiding spot yet everything is A-Okay oh oh yeah I've absolutely good ah nice exactly they'll never expect it you'll never see it coming maybe if you guys get caught by Blue you don't know oh he's coming oh oh hey oh what what big eyes do you have sir wait a minute Pierce I thought you said you were friends with blue I was friends with the other blue this one I'm not so sure about but thankfully my my infinite uh capsule of protection will not uh fail me I thought you live um yeah yeah I just feel it all uh whoa Wiggly I don't know uh are you a rainbow friend wait uh how did that happen I I feel kind of wacky and also like I want a wax lost maybe the person behind you can help you don't worry I'll help you find your word I'm back we came you're back yeah [Music] where are you I'm by the theater [Music] that disco look at the kitty oh he's such a cute kitty no no no no no no no um [Music] oh no oh no oh no [Music] the rainbow friends chasing me what happened did we win I don't know maybe you guys should follow blue around for a bit did they did me is there anything to eat I'm very hungry yeah where's my pizza party I think if you follow blue into the theater hey guys wait what's going on we're just hanging out the theater for a little bit bud you want to join us yep I think I can join my friends my rainbow friends guys I have amazing to talk to oh I um they keep it all the pizza to yourself you get your own I have to I'll tell the truth guys I have a rainbow friend server and I've been the rainbow friend this time huh [Music] I guess the split this blue actually made you guys rainbow friends too so uh fun fact we are indeed stuck like this what do you mean we're stuck like this I don't want to be stuck like this I'm out of here I like being a kitty yep time to go get some cake all right my doodly arms I'll see you guys later bye wait where are you going we gotta solve this no I'm leaving we'll be friends here forever I said please oh sleep
Channel: Aphmau Shuki
Views: 4,189,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, shuki, roblox, roblox funny, aphmau roblox, family friendly, no swearing, no cursing, clean roblox videos, aphmau plays roblox, aphmau shuki, best roblox pranks, rainbow friends, rainbow friends roblox, pranking my friends in roblox, aphmau best pranks, pranking my rainbow friends, playing as rainbow friends, aphmau is a rainbow friend, aphmau plays as blue, blue from rainbow friends, best rainbow friends video, rainbow friends gameplay, kim in roblox, noi in roblox
Id: r00LSA_lX8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2022
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