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this minecraft server is in vr and this dollhouse has my friends inside which means i'm in control of their game as i can pick them up through them and even change their world in different ways they'll have to find a way to survive with the vr player controlling their game thanks for coming again at now i just really needed a second opinion on casey's gift i'm sure she's gonna love whatever you thought it perfect do you really think that you'll like it beautiful she's gonna love it i love it you know what here i'll actually let you be the first person to do this guys let's keep that away [Music] wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait this place have a hot tub though i just gotta hold on all right is it in there uh no no more peers don't mess with that you know what i don't think i tried this one on the roof [Applause] [Music] oh this is so cool we at the dollhouse it seems like that's what this is all right i got to check if there's a hot tub there i'm going to stop there for you i can't see there we go okay all right oh it's okay thank you thank you thank you i just opened the door uh okay i'm coming in hey guys that's it you're crushing it you don't want to do that this is the best game ever how can you not think he's gonna want this well look i can't help but maurice sometimes [Music] i don't want to be a doll in a dollhouse i want to get out of here no um let me see oh i got my inventory is different okay maybe if i did let me see big again um let's see wow [Applause] oh great now i'm even higher wait i want to try i want to try i want to try okay uh let's see um i don't know if this works let me see if i can grab you like okay actually this is [Music] there you go i think i'm opening up to this idea a bit more now speaking of opening up maybe i can do see what happens if i do this i'm putting at the house oh oh make it a bit easier for you yeah oh great we can't hide are you guys thirsty maybe i can get you some water let's see maybe if i push the button like that'll work wait what are you doing yeah it has been a minute i don't oh there you go that's pretty nice okay all right i got you some water um let's see how does this how does this work what's in this house [Music] to warm up the place hold on okay hang on i don't care that's a good idea don't be big enough for that water no no no no no no no but the water is over there the fire's over here [Music] [Music] uh okay hold on i'm coming in just hold still careful careful careful careful careful oh wait i think this is going to be great oh hello oh my god i'm getting out of here okay okay all right i know i hide let me let me get out of here really quick i'm sorry um i'm gonna clean this up i'm gonna i'm gonna see if i can go back to this okay hold on and uh [Music] oh hey wait did this take me to the dollhouse am i inside of it uh oh good news it looks hey can we stop with that for a second the point is is that it looks like i can still give this house to k.c my safety skin looks like it worked so it can fix any time i think so but i don't think we should risk anymore i'm talking to you and you what i'm sorry whoops sorry okay okay dollhouse family now using are going to be the uh let's see i don't know if this actually works [Music] [Music] [Applause] baby it does you're experimenting i don't think i can probably get more attractive but i stand corrected okay so uh let's see um now ian baby has a diaper you gotta change yeah what bobby i'm hungry i need a diaper changed kitty cats cats guys look kitty wait wait wait where did i get this from this is cool poor kitty cat that's a lot of cats that's a lot of them good kitty nice kitty family that's plenty of them but can we get it can we do something else besides okay well then somebody should touch the baby and put them somewhere else maybe hey maybe while he's getting dinner ready you put the baby in the bath yeah take care of our baby what are you talking about you're not a rat it's okay i'm sorry here here let me help you up uh what are you actually what are you doing here well i was working on stuff and then i got small so i figured it was probably zayn's fault i came over here to yell at him that's pretty much it when i did the remote okay so now okay so we're playing dollhouse you want to play sure oh that's great okay let me pick you up all right okay wait you found kim yeah i found kim give me a second let me pick her up oh there she is hi kim this is zane and mom hey zayn what it's what are you doing i forgot honey what are you doing to this family what are you talking about thank you i told you to call if you're gonna visit i'm sorry i just heard dinner and i got excited oh now i have to prepare another lead i i forgot oh uh you could be the ant actually right yeah no bedtime sugary treats and watching scary movies 24 7. no no we don't have to do that hey you can't leave a baby i'm overheating you can't leave your baby alone two inches of water [Music] that my parents are bad we're gonna watch explosion movies chicken all right guys i got you a bunch of food a chicken oh [Music] [Applause] okay i'm gonna go check your chest and see what else is in here give me a second all right okay let me see um all right what if i just stick my head in like this hey there's a a thing what is this oh there's a knife is that a knife okay so what does this stuff do what is this uh magnesium what other crazy inventions have you been making zayn wait be careful with that one afmal why do you mean be careful with this one what is it it's a magnifying glass but if you hold it at light a certain way [Applause] whoa i don't want to be on fire careful you're looking at that thing well mister looks like someone's gonna need a bath now hey can i come in for dinner and uh yeah let me get this let me get everything ready it's not going out the table oh let's see uh let me get this up on the baby don't [Applause] oh just in time for dinner have a seat oh thank you actually i'm not super hungry and plus i've got work to do oh you have work to do do you yeah i've been home all day slaving away in the kitchen so that you can have a hot meal to come home to doctor uh oh thank you now big strong man zane and what is fighting the baby all day is that not real enough for you yeah i don't think i don't think you're supposed to be fighting babies i am a real tough baby why don't you care about us anymore you know what i just i i just i just i can't do this anymore [Applause] [Music] you didn't make anything you bought this [Applause] i'm the baby and i'm on fire baby's your responsibility i can't believe it's my first day as a mom and i'm already having hot flushes yeah i'm leaving i can find myself a better man and a better house oh okay all right i gotta get used to that okay all right uh how's everything going now what are you guys updating i have i have a complaint i don't have uh enough dresses to change into i want something something nicer look at all this it's just boring armor in here oh more like purple yeah i know i'll give you some purple dinner okay all right stop it get what you get ian i got it i got it here we go where are you where are you playing hacky sack with him [Music] where's the baby hiding you can't find me you're hiding stop it i'm hiding you'll never find me i'm the best hider let's see where are you hiding what if i put wait a minute okay fine can't find me baby's not you you can't get me i've all spotted freeze baby destroyed the computer up here why what why didn't do it it was it was the giant it's the giant lady in the sky um oh no no no no no no no what are you letting pears do he did it himself what are you talking about dead bro pick me up where are you i need to teach zayn a lesson i'm over here on the carpet what could you possibly teach me you aren't teaching me anything it's time we had another chat yeah i'm not chatting with you with a knife in your hand i am not chatting with you with a knife with your right hand i understand hey hey hey let's talk come here come here come on hold on let me talk to you guys let me talk okay okay so we we gotta set this i don't want the baby to hear this okay so we gotta settle what all right so you got to be nice to ian and you got to be nice to zayn no knife the knife away and you know what we're going to solve this in a coliseum [Music] [Applause] hey um all right so everybody's here now i'm here yep all right so i want you to fight uh fight okay put me in coach i'm ready to fight you're already in but i oh you're you're a creeper right no i'm a danderman you're wait your husband is the creeper zane's a creeper yeah yeah wait what did that mean so i feel like i got a better situation i didn't know i had that kind of power your creeper zane i mean i didn't think it would get ah now you're on fire baby wipes it's on fire okay so we got this dragon amulet and put this down see what it does a dragon i i don't think we should have a pet dragon totally for once i'm in agreement with you i don't want any more damage done to this house you guys take this kim kim we do not need a dragon in the house okay all right hold on okay okay let me just put it down right here come on are you sure mom here we just flying away from the house okay yeah i mean it's stay away from the house it should be okay i just cleaned up the house oh baby you want a dragon yeah do not give him one give me a drink i hate saying this but i agree with you how could you let this happen to what do you mean me oh you guys are having an explosive argument and speaking of explosives that was unnecessary explode i'm i'm gonna be honest with you this is the best present you can get casey everybody look i just i said it before i don't know how many times we can keep doing this to the house before it's destroyed completely well maybe we can see if it goes back to normal and if not i'll help you rebuild it okay we gotta destroy it anyway and you won't do no such thing come on oh hey i put you back in the outfit okay um let's go and see what happens if i do this oh so it would seem oh that was fun though zayn i think casey is going to absolutely love this for sure i don't know it seems a little too crazy i don't know if she's even gonna like it look she's gonna love the dragons she's gonna love all the dolls she's gonna love everything right kim yeah totally definitely the dragons yeah i guess i'll just yeah finish building her up then yeah and look it's all back to normal it's not broken [Music] i thought we were done with this but clearly we have to we have to get rid of this because dolls are from babies ian don't you dare yeah it doesn't for me i'm a baby [Applause] [Music] [Music] is that's pretty rough yeah it's pretty rough say pierce there goes the baby yeah
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 7,526,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: m9TocnQ-Vfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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